We build a frame summer house with our own hands. How to build a garden house with your own hands: step by step instructions House in the garden with your own hands

A suburban area is not only land with a garden and plantings. Many city dwellers come there for a good rest, so you need to have a house on the site. Not all summer residents have the opportunity to build a comfortable house on six acres. Many people get out of this situation by choosing the option of building an economy class house.

Inexperienced and novice summer residents are faced with the question of choosing cheap materials for construction. Below are examples of inexpensive and cozy country houses with visual photos.

Where to start building

Any construction begins with a plan on paper. A house outside the city is not intended for year-round use, but for the sake of comfort it requires familiarization with a typical project.

Among the projects of country houses in the lead with an attic or attic. This option allows you to abandon the construction on the site of the outbuildings. All inventory and working tools are stored in the attic. In addition to such a house, you can attach a veranda or terrace that acts as a dining room.

Strip foundation requires more time and cost. The positive side of it is that it allows you to use the room under the floor as a basement.

The next stage of preparation is the material of the "box" of the future building. There are several types of inexpensive and reliable building materials:

Frame-panel structures

The frame is mounted with a beam and sheathed with wooden boards of fiberboard or chipboard. Expanded polystyrene, glass wool or polystyrene are used as insulation. The result is a house with minimal costs, which can be operated all year round.

The house from a bar differs in the durability. Construction work will cost more. When using cheap timber, there is a chance of encountering the problem of shrinkage of the building. As a result, cracks and gaps appear. The log house will also have to be insulated.

A clay house is the cheapest and easiest construction option. Building materials are right under your feet. The construction technique is similar to clay modeling.

The downside is the building process that is too long in time. It will take several seasons to build a clay dwelling.

The trailer is common among newcomers to summer residents. The best option for living in the summer or during the construction of a comfortable home.

Construction of a frame structure

Frame construction belongs to the category of low-budget. It is not difficult to build a country house with your own hands without the help of specialists. If all the necessary materials are ready, the period of work will last several weeks.

To build a house you will need:

  • bars for the frame;
  • self-tapping screws and corners;
  • wooden boards chipboard or fiberboard;
  • insulation;
  • piles for the foundation.

Stages of building a frame house

At the marked places, piles are driven in the corners. Mount concrete or brick supports under the joints of the walls. Then they cover them with waterproofing material and tie them with a channel.

A lattice of bars is laid around the entire perimeter. Wooden logs are placed on top of it at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. All parts are fixed with corners and self-tapping screws.

Next, vertical racks are mounted, firmly resting on the bar grate. The finished frame is tied and attic logs are placed on top of it. Next comes the work on sheathing the frame with wooden slabs. At this stage, holes are left for windows and doors.

Now you need to decide on the choice of roof for a country house. Most summer residents choose gable and shed roofs. As an economy, the second option deserves more attention. When building a roof, do not forget about the vapor barrier. The roof will be inexpensive sheets of corrugated board or ondulin.

Facing the outside is done using siding. Before this, the outer walls are insulated with special materials. Instead of plastic windows, ordinary wooden ones without double-glazed windows are installed. This approach will significantly reduce the cost of construction.

With the help of simple and simple tips, a country house will be ready for use in less than a month. Those who do not have enough time for construction can contact a construction company, where they will offer to build a house for a turnkey summer house at an affordable price.

A few words about the interior

No matter how the house looks from the outside, inside the country house must meet all the requirements of our time. Gone are the days when a cottage in the country was used for cooking and lodging for the night.

Rest in the country - first of all, comfort and organization inside the house. There are many budget ways to satisfy the most desirable interior solutions.

Country - rustic style in the interior. Here you can not do without cabinets and shelves, curtained with curtains with embroidery. Crocheted napkins, tablecloths and rugs from old clothes will look good.

In this article, we will look at how to build a frame garden house with our own hands on a suburban area. It will significantly increase the functionality of your cottage at a relatively small financial cost. You only need to perform a few assembly steps.

Construction works

Before starting construction work, you should draw up a project for the future house:

Step 1: project

A distinctive feature of the garden frame house is its small size, which is usually 4 by 4 or 6 by 6 meters. You can easily distribute such a small area for domestic needs yourself.

The following should be noted on the drawing:

  • The exact dimensions of load-bearing walls and internal partitions.
  • Hallway, kitchen, living room and bedroom. This is the minimum set of rooms that will allow you to use the building as a full-fledged housing.
  • The location of stationary heavy furniture, as reinforcement under it may be required.

Tip: if you plan to use the building all year round, then you should immediately include the location of the stove in the project.
This will create a suitable microclimate for living even in winter.

  • All windows and doors.

Step 2: foundation

When building any house, three options for the foundation are considered:

Taking into account the fact that in our project there is no basement and second floors, and the opportunity to save money is always welcome, we opt for laying a columnar base.

Instructions for performing the necessary work:

  1. We apply markings for the location of nine or more, depending on the layout, piles.
  2. We dig holes in the ground with a depth of one and a half meters and a section of twenty centimeters.

Tip: A drill can be used to create suitable holes in the ground. This way you can get the job done faster and more accurately.

  1. We insert the asbestos pipe so that its edges rise at least 15 cm above the level of soil freezing.
  2. We fall asleep at the bottom of a twenty-centimeter layer of sand cushion.
  3. We lay roofing material inside the walls of the pipe to create waterproofing.
  4. We install fittings.
  5. Fill with concrete mortar, the composition of which is shown in the following table:
Ingredient Ratio
Cement 1
Sand 3
rubble 5
Water 4,5

After setting the cement, you can proceed to further work.

Step 3: frame

  1. We take a beam with a section of 150 by 100 mm and lay out the lower harness from it along the perimeter of the future building, as well as in the middle at the intersection of the rooms.

  1. We drill holes in the beam and concrete, after which we fix the strapping with self-tapping screws with dowels.
  2. Between ourselves, we knock down the wooden elements with nails, using the type of connection "in half a tree".
  3. Next, install the vertical beams.

  1. From above we connect all the racks together, thus forming the upper trim.
  2. We sheathe the resulting “skeleton” with a bar 100 by 100 mm.

Step 4: Roofing

For your project, a gable roof is best suited, which has an aesthetic appearance and excellent protection from atmospheric precipitation. To create rafters, we use beams with a section of 100 by 50 mm. From above, we cover the structure with boards 150 by 25 mm and sheets of roofing material.

Step 5: interior decoration

A do-it-yourself frame garden house will not be finished without interior work:

  1. Floor:

  1. We cover the ceiling and walls with clapboard. At the same time, additional insulation can also be made if you plan to come to the country house in winter.

The final stage is the supply of the necessary communications and. After that, you can safely invite guests to celebrate the completion of construction work.


The presence of a garden house on a country plot allows you to use it for temporary or even permanent residence, full-fledged reception of guests, storage of household supplies. It will also serve as a base building for builders in case of building a large cottage.

And most importantly, you can build it on your own without the involvement of specialists, the main thing is to be patient, attentive and follow the above recommendations. The video in this article will introduce you to additional information. Good luck with the installation work!

What can you build a residential house in the country? How and how to insulate a garden house with your own hands? What should be the foundation? The purpose of this article is to introduce the reader to several popular solutions and their key features.


On what foundation can a small summer or year-round house be erected?


  • ideal for dense non-rocky soils with a minimum weight of the building (frame houses, sip panels). It is a column of red brick or concrete blocks on a sand bed, connected with a grillage of timber with a section of 100x100 and above.

By the way: the cheapest type of columnar foundation is old car tires filled with concrete.

  • For materials that are heavier or sensitive to minor deformations (brick, foam blocks, aerated concrete), a strip monolithic foundation is preferable. It is poured into a trench dug to a depth of 30-50 cm with a backfill of compacted sand or gravel. The height of the above-ground part is 25 - 40 cm; reinforcement - two-layer, spaced from the lower and upper surfaces of the foundation by at least 3 centimeters.

  • Finally, for plastic clays and wetlands, the best solution is a screw foundation.. Screw piles are screwed to a depth of 1.5 - 3 meters and transfer the weight of the structure to the underlying, denser soil layers. Their heads are connected with a grillage made of timber, channel, I-beam or profile pipe.


The surface of the pillars and the strip foundation, before fixing the grillage or the bottom trim, is waterproofed with a pair of layers of roofing material. It prevents capillary suction of groundwater and dampening of the wall material.

By the way: for a wooden grillage or lower trim of wooden walls, it is better to use not spruce or pine, but larch resistant to decay.
The price per cubic meter of larch timber is only 25-30% higher than that of pine.

The surface of screw piles and steel grillage is protected from corrosion with bituminous mastic applied in two layers.


Let's find out what walls are most often built from.

Shell rock, limestone

From these materials, a house for a garden with their own hands is often built by residents of the southern regions of the country, where open-pit mining of sedimentary rocks is carried out. A one-story building can be safely built with a thickness of half a stone (about 20 cm), followed by insulation or plastering of the walls.

An important point: a large-pore shell with such a thickness of the masonry will be blown through.
For winter operation of the building, it will have to be at least plastered on both sides.

For masonry, a conventional cement-sand mortar is used in a ratio of 1: 3; rows are placed with dressing of vertical seams and level control. The first row along the strip foundation is laid out on a 2-centimeter concrete pad.

Aerated concrete, foam blocks

A small garden house made of foam blocks with your own hands can be built without an armored frame and even an armored belt; the strength of the masonry is ensured only by the rigidity of the foundation and the dressing of the rows. For masonry, aerated concrete glue is used; seam thickness - no more than 3-4 millimeters. This ensures minimal heat loss through the seams and ideal wall geometry.


A thin-walled brick garden house with your own hands is the worst solution in three ways at once:

  1. The cost per square meter of masonry. Brick is noticeably more expensive than foam blocks or shell rock.
  2. Wall building speed. Large blocks are placed much faster.
  3. Degrees of insulation. In order not to be unfounded, let's compare brickwork with alternatives. In the table we present the values ​​of wall thickness for different materials, providing the same degree of thermal insulation.

Nevertheless, brick is popular due to its strength and presentable appearance of the walls built from it.

The wall material is brick.

In our case, it is better to use a porous building material: its lower mechanical strength with a small wall height is not decisive, but the lower cost and better thermal insulation qualities will be in place.

frame structure

It is a frame made of timber and boards, sheathed with OSB boards on one or both sides. If necessary, the cavities inside the wall are filled with insulation with vapor and waterproofing.

In most cases, a partial reconstruction of a garden house or an attic superstructure is carried out using frame technology: a frame made of timber can be easily combined with any other building materials.

Sip panels

They provide the maximum degree of insulation and the highest speed of construction. The panels, which are a sandwich of two sheets of OSB and a layer of expanded polystyrene, are connected by an insert from a bar. OSB is hemmed to the timber with self-tapping screws; before assembly, the seams are foamed.

In addition to low thermal conductivity, sip panels are interesting for their high rigidity with low weight. For example, a do-it-yourself garden hut can be built without a frame and a rafter system: panels and insert bars will provide sufficient strength.

Nuance: the dimensions of the panels are tied to the standard dimensions of the OSB sheet (1.2 x 2.5-2.8 m).
In turn, the size of the house to minimize the amount of waste is better to make a multiple of the size of the panel.
If so, you can’t build a 3x4 garden house with your own hands; its dimensions will be either 2.4 x 3.6 or 3.6 x 4.8 m.


How can a garden house be insulated with your own hands?

Styrofoam coat

  1. Styrofoam with a density of C-25 and above is used for external wall cladding. It is attached with cement glue; glue beacons compensate for uneven walls. For additional fixation of the plates, plastic dowel-umbrellas are used.

  1. The same cement glue is applied to the surface of the foam with a wide spatula; reinforcement is pressed into it - a fiberglass mesh with a mesh of 2x2 mm and a density of 160 g / m2. The mesh is glued with an overlap of strips of 50-100 mm.
  2. The fiberglass mesh is covered with a layer of glue in such a way as to hide its texture.

Further finishing is at the discretion of the owner; usually the walls are painted with facade paint or finished with decorative plaster.

Hint: Glued mineral wool boards can be used instead of Styrofoam. It is safer in terms of the possibility of fire, but is much more expensive.

Intra-wall insulation

Instructions for warming frame buildings are even simpler:

  1. The frame sheathed on the outside is laid with a waterproofing film.
  2. Mineral wool insulation boards are inserted inside the frame.
  3. They are covered with a vapor barrier.
  4. From the inside, the frame is sewn up with OSB boards or two layers of drywall.


Where the vapor permeability of the walls is important, the facade is made ventilated:

  1. The walls are covered with a crate (bar or galvanized profile).
  2. Mineral wool slabs are installed under the crate or between its elements, with additional fixation with dowel-umbrellas.
  3. closed with a windproof membrane.
  4. The facade is sewn up with siding along the crate.


Of course, we have described only a small part of the list of possible solutions. As always, in the video in this article, the reader can find additional information. Successes in construction!

Where does the landscaping of a suburban area begin? We propose to consider the option of building a small house with amenities and a terrace, which, after the construction of a full-fledged housing, will become an excellent place to relax, store household equipment, or even a cozy guest house.

Inside the house there is a separate bathroom (4), a rest room with good natural light (3) and a small change house with an outside entrance (1) for storing any little things or setting up a mini-workshop. For a pleasant pastime in the fresh air, we will allocate a place in the plan for the attic (2), approximately 180x260 cm. The total dimensions of the house are 6x6 meters, just the standard length of the scaffolding.

Foundation tricks

Our building is based on 16 concrete pillars, arranged in a 4x4 square with a gap of 2 meters. The marking of the site is carried out with a grid stretched on stakes, from each of the 16 intersections a mark is transferred to the ground by a plumb line. Four internal wells are dug strictly at intersections, twelve external wells are dug with an inward displacement of 7 cm.

You can dig manually, drill with a power drill or use a crane drilling machine. We drill wells with a diameter of 350-400 mm to the depth of soil freezing plus an additional 50 cm. Pour a bucket of crushed stone or river pebbles onto the bottom of each well, then add two buckets (25 liters) of concrete grade 300 with filler fraction 5-8. We stick plastic 110 mm sewer pipes (gray PVC) into the solution that has not yet set. We orient them with sockets up; for long pillars, pipes can be made prefabricated. We align the pipes vertically, as well as at the intersections and the general level of lacing, pour 1-1.5 buckets of sand into the pits, and fill the rest with earth.

After the bases have set, we pour the same concrete into the pipes, it can be seated by vibration or pinning. The column is reinforced with a profile 14 mm rod in the full length of the pipe, an M12 stud 200 mm long is welded to the upper edge. Such a foundation does not react in any way to winter heaving of the soil: a smooth sleeve around the post does not allow the soil to freeze to concrete.

Grill and frame floor

A week is given for the drying of the pillars. On top you need to stretch a small (15 mm) chain-link mesh, painted or galvanized, two meters wide. We stretch it on the studs of the pillars, we sew the edges with wire.

Then, on the foundation, a grillage is assembled from a bar 150x150 mm:

  • at the intersections we make a half-tree hem;
  • we make holes for the studs with a brace of 20 mm;
  • fold the inner grillage of the grillage;
  • we horizontally start the outer bars, observing the dressing scheme;
  • tighten the nuts over wide washers until the beam crushes the mesh;
  • we finally derive the common horizontal plane with linings from roofing material;
  • cut off excess studs.

We draw the mesh to the grillage either with wire, or we knock it out from below with galvanized nails. We put a windproof membrane into the cells, tuck it high at the edges. After the space between the bars is filled with a mixture of wood chips and slaked lime 5: 1 and covered with plastic wrap, the edges are shot with staples.

A crate is mounted on top of the film: a 50x150 mm board is placed on an edge in both directions to form cells of approximately 580x580 mm. Eleven boards go to each side, twenty-two in total. At the edges and at the intersections with grillages, the boards are drilled 70 mm with a 10 mm drill, then they are attracted to the base with self-tapping screws. The intersections of the lathing must be carried out as on the grillage - with pruning half a tree, we wet all the cracks and junctions and seal them with summer foam.

The floor frame, with the exception of cells completely located under the terrace, is filled with mineral wool and covered with a semi-permeable (150 g/m) diffusion membrane. The floor is laid with an edged tongue-and-groove board over the entire plane. We make ventilation holes in the cells under the terrace in the frame boards.

Walls, corners, openings and junctions

Further work begins with two walls opposite the corner attic. First, on a flat base of the house, we lay out and assemble on self-tapping screws a frame of boards on an edge with external dimensions of 570x240 cm. We add 2.4 m of racks of 24x150 mm boards with an interaxal pitch of 60 cm to the assembled frame. 60 cm. We will use these short boards as horizontal beams in the frame for joining the skin.

We raise the wall vertically, temporarily fasten it to the base with cuttings from the boards. The bottom board of the wall frame is fastened with 120 mm pins to the ribs of the floor system every 40 cm. The second wall is assembled in the same way and set perpendicular to the first, temporarily tightened with scarves.

Please note that the outer corner is thus "empty". We cover it with foam, put a beam of 60x60 mm, and fasten the extreme boards of two walls to it, having previously made holes for 100 mm self-tapping screws.

We assemble the rest of the walls in the same way, the inner corner is processed in the same way as the outer one. From the outside, we sheathe the house with 12 mm OSB sheets 2400 long, so the vertical seams fall exactly on the centers of the racks. Release the sheets 200 mm above the wall frame, below the sheathing falls at least to the middle of the grillage. At the corners, the edges are displayed along the frame of the adjacent wall.

When one side is sewn up, we scroll a 40x40 mm bar along the vertical edge from the inside and fill the remaining space with foam. From the same angle, we begin the sheathing of the next wall, fasten the edges of the sheets to the connecting bar.

To form doorways, choose a board 50x150 mm and knock down an installation box from it with internal dimensions of 100x210 cm for the front door and 80x210 for internal ones (with a canvas width of 70 cm). Before installation, the vertical rack of the wall is cut out completely (it can be divided into 4 crossbars), after installing the box, 35 cm of liners from the boards are added on top of its vertical racks.

Window blocks with an opening width of less than 60 cm are formed by adding horizontal bars. A block for a wide window is assembled from a 150x50 mm board and inserted into the frame in the same way as a door block, but in this case, fragments from at least two racks must be cut out under it, and T-shaped junctions should be strengthened with scarves.

Everything you need to know about roofing and attics

To save from cold and heat, the ceiling must have a layer of mineral wool insulation with a thickness of at least 200 mm. In this case, it is better to make the roof single-pitched ventilated. There may be an attic, but only as a room for storing materials with a useful height of 40-60 cm.

From a board of 150x50 mm we knock down trapezoidal single-pitched rafters with a height of 60 cm in the back and 110 cm in the front. Two six-meter trusses are being installed above the "full" part of the house and five more will be installed with a removal above the attic.

To obtain a sufficient width of the rib, a counter-lattice from a beam of 50x50 mm is screwed onto the lower boards of the rafters with self-tapping screws. The top board of the truss is longer than six meters due to overhangs of 40 cm at the front and back of the house. Therefore, you will either have to splice the existing forest with overlays, or import a longer one. One and a half meters from the low edge of the trusses, vertical jumpers are installed. The rafters are also strengthened in the front part with similar racks, but they are placed exactly above the walls under the direct lining of the terrace from the floor to the roof. The entrance to the attic is located in its widest part - in the inner corner of the terrace.

Fasten the rafters to the wall frame, adjusting the solution of the latter at the top. Then add intermediate floor beams between the rafters from a 150x50 mm board with a 50 mm counter-lattice. Hem the OSB ceiling with a thickness of 9 mm and screw the outer skin of the house to the ends of the ceiling. Fill all the gaps at the junctions with summer foam, then lay a vapor barrier and mineral wool in the ceiling, nail a windproof vapor-permeable membrane on top. Cover the attic floor with 12 mm OSB sheets with cutting grooves for the rafters. On the vertical beams in the rafters, sew up the vertical walls of the attic with OSB boards, insulate them as desired. Cover the rafters with plastic wrap and lay a cold roof made of metal tiles or corrugated board.

Interior and exterior decoration

In conclusion, we will give recommendations for finishing work. Outside, you have a flat plane with hidden racks every 60 cm. Therefore, both plastic siding and the block house will fit perfectly.

For interior decoration, drywall suggests itself, but fastening directly to the racks will be a mistake: the wooden frame walks a lot, cracks will appear. The walls can be sheathed with OSB, followed by ennobling MDF panels or clapboard. If you still intend to use drywall - prepare the profile frame in accordance with all the rules.

Nowadays, most people in the warm season want to live in nature. Breathing clean air, temporarily getting rid of the atmosphere of a noisy smoky metropolis and constant stress is the dream of many citizens. Some have been collecting the required amount for the construction of a capital house in the country for years. But in order to move to nature, it is not at all necessary to wait until you have the right amount of money. A garden house can turn out to be a comfortable temporary housing, it will not take much time to build it, it will cost inexpensively and it will be very pleasant to live in it in the summer. It’s realistic to build a garden house with your own hands, you need to choose the right project, material, and decide on the price.

A budget version of a garden house can be built from timber or using Finnish frame-panel technology. These are buildings of the same type, only during the construction of a timber house it is sheathed with timber (profiled or simple), and the frame house is sheathed with chipboard, plywood or fiberboard.

Finnish technology garden houses are a good solution for a summer cottage. For a lightweight structure, a massive foundation is not required; the frame is quickly sheathed with a finishing material.

It takes less time to build such a house than a log house, because. large sheets of plywood, which are used for sheathing, are attached to the frame much faster than beams. Such a house can be built even in a week, and it will look presentable, especially if you use a lining made of wood for cladding.

Beautiful plywood garden house - decorative chimney trim, brightly painted walls, an openwork porch and a bituminous tile roof. A house can look aesthetically pleasing without wood paneling.

Construction stages:

  • Installation of foundation supports.
  • Erection of the frame: work on the upper and lower skin, erection of vertical supports and rafters. For the installation of doors and windows, contours are formed using additional bars.
  • To create a draft version of the floor, thick boards are used - 20 cm thick or more.
  • The outer skin of the frame is plywood, self-tapping screws are used for fastening. For interior cladding, drywall, plywood, fiberboard or chipboard are used. Nights in spring and even summer are sometimes quite cool, so it is advisable to warm the house. To do this, a layer of mineral-cotton insulation can be laid between the layers of the skin.
  • Installation of a clean floor - floorboard or linoleum.
  • Sheathing with plywood rafters. The plywood is then covered with a layer of drying oil and ruberoid.

In order for your house to be beautiful, it needs exterior cladding made of solid material. For example, siding or wooden lining. Windows in a country house can be installed both plastic and wooden, this is a matter of taste. But plastic is easier to maintain, and such windows will last longer.

You can also build a garden house with your own hands from a bar. This is the most commonly used material for country houses. The beam looks aesthetically pleasing, and the construction of this material can last a long time. In construction, you can use a simple and profiled timber. In the latter case, the assembly of the house resembles a designer, because. the connection of the elements is due to the tongue-and-groove system. Country houses from profiled timber today are offered by many companies, all the elements of such a house are already ready, they only need to be assembled.

Construction of a garden house from a bar

First of all, as usual, we make the foundation. It can be both columnar and tape. A columnar foundation is suitable if the size of the house is small. For the foundation, you can also use concrete slabs, they are laid on a well-compacted layer of sand, deepening into the ground by about 15 centimeters. After the foundation has been erected, a waterproofing layer should be laid on it, roofing material will do.

After the foundation is made, the frame is installed. The crown and logs (lower trim made of timber) are laid on the foundation supports, then vertical supports of the same material are installed.

The frame of a garden house made of timber is built in a short time, while the building is quite strong and durable.

If you like a garden house with a veranda, the lower logs are extended to its intended length, mounted on additional supports. Thick boards are used to create the floor, as in the version described above.

After installing the floor, we assemble the walls from the timber. Pins are used to fasten the joints; after a layer of sealant, a new crown is laid out on the finished row. A sealant is needed for each layer; jute or tow can be used.

Then we equip the roof. Installation of braces and rafters from a bar. The next stage is sheathing with timber and laying a layer of roofing material. After that - the final work on the floor. The plank floor is covered with thermal insulation (mineral wool layer). Glassine can be used as a hydro- and vapor barrier. As a floor covering in a country house, a thick linoleum or floorboard is suitable.

The house will look very attractive if the bars are outside or a wooden clapboard. Now you can move on to installing windows and doors and think about how you want to see the interior of your country house.

Interior design of a garden building

The interior of a garden house made of timber is good in itself - the walls and floors sheathed with wood look great, so the design of the garden house inside can be done in a minimalist style - the necessary furniture, a minimum of accessories, the general background is wood paneling.

The interior of the garden house in a minimalist style. Walls, floor and ceiling - wooden paneling, a minimum of furniture and decor in the form of green plants and a couple of paintings

Wood goes well with natural stone, so you can make a tabletop out of sandstone, lay out part of the wall. On the veranda, in combination with wood, forging elements will look harmonious.

The veranda of a garden house made of timber, where wood, forged lamps and natural stone are perfectly combined, with which the wall, table and brazier are lined

Rustic style is also suitable for designing a garden house inside - use patchwork, checkered fabrics and curtains, earthenware, rough wooden furniture, dry bouquets if you like country style.

Material about country style in the country will also be useful:

If the house is sheathed with plywood or drywall from the inside, the dwelling can be given an urban look - paste over the walls with wallpaper or paint, cover the floor with a carpet.

Urban style garden house interior, 2 in 1, bedroom and office

Examples of planning garden houses

The plan of a garden house should be simple - it is a building of a small area, usually with one, maximum two living rooms, a kitchen, a small bathroom, an entrance hall / pantry and a veranda, if it is provided for by the layout.
