Combined houses made of foam blocks and wood chalets. What are the advantages of combined buildings

Original designs combined houses conquering every day large quantity fans. And this is natural. Combination various materials makes it possible to arrange in an individual style. The practice of such construction shows that the use of this technology significantly reduces.

original project combined house

The main feature that distinguishes the combined Vacation home from others, is that the first floor is made of more durable materials, and the following floors are made of lighter ones. So, for example, for the foundation of a building they successfully use:

  • blocks of various composition, including foam concrete, aerated concrete, wood concrete, poroterm and others;
  • house made of natural stone.

For the construction of the top of the building, as a rule, apply:

Another direction in the construction of houses combined type is the use of an alternative finishing of a building, completely built of a homogeneous material, with decorative details. It could be like individual elements, and a combined facade. In some cases, the use literally masks the original building material used during installation.

Benefits of combining materials

The construction of combined houses, based on the principle of combining different materials, has obvious benefits.

Origins of combined buildings

The combination of materials in construction residential buildings has been used for more than one century, both in European countries and in Russia. It is traditionally believed that this method of construction is based on the chalet style, which came into modernity from the Alpine mountains.

The massive stone foundation of residential buildings in those places was due to necessity, since a house on a mountain slope had to withstand snow and storm flows.

At the same time, living quarters built of wood were protected from the weather by wide roof awnings, and they are considered the main difference. In Russia, wood was also popular mainly among merchants and artisans.

The project of a combined cottage made of stone and timber

As a rule, the first floors were adapted for shops and workshops, and wooden second the floor was furnished for living. Despite the high cost of construction, this method of erecting buildings was justified, since it was remote from the ground wooden floor was protected from flooding and fire, and, therefore, had a longer service life.

In modern design combined houses, made in the style of a chalet, differ not only in the stone base and wide roof canopies, but also.

Respectable brick and wood houses

There are many people who want to realize the project of their own combined brick and wood house. Brickwork traditionally considered an indicator of the solvency and respectability of the owner.

Finished project respectable house of brick and wood

At combined construction houses and cottages, both silicate and ceramic bricks are successfully used for the arrangement of the first floor of a combined house. The superstructure of the brick base of the house can be made of any type of wood.

The classic option is combined house made of bricks and glued beams, because it has an attractive appearance, is easy to install and does not shrink, and also has high thermal insulation properties.

An alternative option, of course, is lined with decorative wood paneling, for example, a block house.

The project of a combined house made of wood and brick

It should be noted that the manufacture of a wooden superstructure significantly reduces the cost of construction, since the price of the wooden components of the second floor is significantly lower than the additional brick for customization. However, the technology for arranging such houses allows the construction of the entire building from the main material, and only the facade of the house is decorated with wood details.

In some cases, it applies combined finish when, together with the decoration of the facade, additional wooden elements, such as , .

Economic projects of houses from foam blocks and wood

For economical developers, projects of houses using block materials will be especially interesting. By virtue of its affordable price and thanks to the simple construction, combined houses made of foam blocks and wood are very popular. And also as a material for the construction of the first floor, blocks of other cellular concrete compositions are successfully used, in particular, which has characteristics similar to foam concrete.

A house built of blocks and wood has all the advantages of combined buildings, but there are additional advantages:

When carrying out work on the installation of the second floor on a block base, it must be taken into account that pouring a concrete reinforcing belt is a prerequisite for reliable fastening wooden structures. The frame, consisting of a timber structure, or the timber itself, is already connected to the armored belt with steel anchors. The wooden floor can be made of any type of wood, but the most budgetary solution would be wooden frame from good insulation and trimmed with decorative panels.

Construction of combined houses - promising direction in private housing construction. It allows you to combine the advantages of two types of materials and reduce the cost of building a house. One of the most common varieties are combined houses made of foam blocks and timber - this option will allow you to build a warm and durable building, while you can significantly reduce costs.

What are the advantages of such houses

A combined house made of heat block and timber is usually two-storey building or a house with an attic, in which traditional masonry is used to create the lower part, and the upper part is assembled from timber using the classic log house technology. A house made of timber and foam blocks will be relatively inexpensive, and this is one of the main reasons for its popularity. However, it also has other advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness is combined with durability: any concrete buildings do not contribute to normal air exchange, and life outside the city will not differ from living in an ordinary city apartment. However, the upper floor made of timber will make it possible to eliminate this drawback, and it will be pleasant to breathe and be comfortable in the building.
  • AND aerated concrete blocks, and timber are classified as light building materials, so the building will have a relatively small weight. This will give the owner the opportunity to save on the foundation, since a light base will be enough.
  • A combined house of blocks and timber is relatively quickly built. Both the material is very convenient to use: the foam block can be easily cut, and because of its large sizes you can finish laying much faster than using bricks. It does not shrink, so the first floor of the house will immediately be ready for finishing, in addition, it has high thermal insulation characteristics.
  • Wood is also a warm material, and the building will eventually cool down and warm up very slowly. It will be comfortable at any time of the year.

Projects of houses made of foam blocks and timber are distinguished by great design diversity and rich planning possibilities: they allow you to implement almost any options. In addition, the house can have a variety of finishes: both timber and block walls will be smooth, so any decorative coatings can be used for them.

The lower part of the building can be tiled, natural stone, there are other materials. Timber walls can be left unfinished, but it is recommended to additionally protect them from decay with the help of paints and varnishes. In addition, antiseptic treatment will be required: special formulations protect the wood from decay.

Features of the construction of combined houses from timber and blocks

The project of a combined house made of foam blocks and timber can be standard and individual: traditional pattern on the lower floor there is a living room, a kitchen and other common areas, and the upper floor is reserved for bedrooms, children's rooms, and it can accommodate a room for work. The use of combined materials in this case becomes especially beneficial: the foam block is a durable non-combustible material that will become a reliable foundation for the house, provide good heat and sound insulation and become best solution for the bottom of the house.

It does not decompose from water, easily tolerates temperature changes. With the right finish, it will be additionally protected from the vagaries of the weather.

The top floor, reserved for bedrooms, will help create a special cozy atmosphere. Many people like the very appearance of timber walls, so they are left unfinished, you can varnish them on water based or paint.

At the same time, the atmosphere on the top floor will be especially light and pleasant, and it will be comfortable to stay in the bedrooms. This is the main advantage of the combination of materials with proper waterproofing, the timber will be protected from moisture, and it will retain its useful properties for a very long time.

Is there an economic benefit

Foam concrete itself is an inexpensive material, and yet the use of timber will further reduce costs. The economic benefit depends on which type of timber the owner chooses:

Using a combination of timber and foam blocks will make the building more durable without additional costs. This is a more democratic option, compared to a brick building, while it will be no less reliable.

The main advantage of combined projects is the combination of different wall materials from which they are taken. best performance and properties. Simply put, these houses are more comfortable to live in than completely stone houses, and more reliable than completely wooden houses.

The lower, stone floor usually has a garage, a boiler room, a swimming pool or sauna, a kitchen, a pantry and a laundry room. Thus, these rooms are not exposed to moisture and fire. However, concrete lacks a comfortable feeling of warmth and naturalness. This disadvantage is solved by building combined project, in which the second floor is designed from wooden wall material, giving comfort and a healthy atmosphere. The upper, wooden floor is a living area with bedrooms, a nursery, an office for work. As you know, the tree "breathes" because it has pores and allows air to pass through. Resting and sleeping in a tree is much more pleasant and easier than in concrete.

The basis of a combined house is usually made:

  • brick
  • building blocks (gas blocks, foam block, wood concrete, kerakam, expanded clay block)
  • monolith
  • a natural stone

The second and subsequent floors are designed from:

  • timber - ordinary, glued, profiled
  • log - planed or rounded
  • frame technology with wood-like cladding
  • from sip panels - also with wood grain finish

An excursion into the history of combined projects

The combination of stone and wood has been used in the construction of houses for a very long time, both in Russia and abroad. Initially the basis for this method construction served as a chalet style, common among the inhabitants of the mountainous Alps. A stone base was necessary for the house to sit firmly on the slopes of the mountains, and to withstand snow and wind. The residential top was built of wood, had wide roof overhangs to protect against rain, which is currently " calling card» of this architectural style.

In our country, stone and wood houses were quite popular with merchants, wealthy artisans and kulaks. The lower stone floors were used by merchants as warehouses and shops, and by artisans as workshops. The second wooden floor was used as residential. Such combined houses were cheaper than completely stone ones, and were more durable than completely wooden ones, due to the elevation of the wooden part above the ground, it was protected from flooding and less prone to fires. Solid benefit!

Design features of combined houses

As previously stated, main feature combined projects is a symbiosis of the strength of the stone of the ground floor and the lightness of the wood of the upper floors. Of course, one cannot do without a good foundation, but its load will be less in the case of designing and building two floors from stone at once. And since the foundation is usually 25% of the total price of the house, you can save quite a decent amount on it. Unlike blocks, the wood on the second floor will not require a global finish, except for priming and painting, so you can save even at this stage.

Combined houses do not require a long time to shrink. These houses can be occupied immediately after the completion of the basic construction - having finished only the lower, stone floor. The wooden part, as in ordinary wooden houses, will shrink up to 1.5-2 years, so it is not recommended to do the finishing and immediately move in.

Savings on the construction of combined projects can also be obtained on thermal insulation, because, unlike a completely stone house, a combined one requires less thermal insulation. It is also not required to treat the entire house with an antiseptic, unlike a completely wooden house.

The tree is removed from the ground, and therefore from the effects of moisture. From stone building materials, you can safely build such premises as a boiler room, a bathroom - even with a sauna, even with a pool, a living room with a fireplace. As a result, the customer of the combined project for a small price will receive a competent, technologically advanced building, the materials of which are used exactly for their own purposes.

Pleasant and unusual appearance guaranteed if you choose a combined house project. A log or beam looks aesthetically pleasing and soundly, and the finishing of the first floor from artificial stone or plaster will give the appearance of respectability. The specialists of our company can decorate the facades either as a whole, or by preserving an unforgettable combination of wood and stone!

The desire to have their own country house forces many residents of the metropolis to invest fabulous sums in the construction. And the more intricate the project of the cottage is, the greater the financing of the construction should be. At the same time, the price finished house to a large extent depends on the material used for construction. And since stone is mainly used for the installation of houses in Russia, the cottage translates into a pretty penny. However, there is a very productive method of saving family money on building their own nest - cozy and durable houses made of stone and wood. So, as a result of a combination of materials, it will be possible to save on the installation of the entire structure.

Types of combined houses

The use of diverse building materials in the construction of houses has been known to history since the 15th century. And the main harmonious combination was a combination of stone and wood. Such a tandem allows you to make a powerful load-bearing plinth (or first floor) and mount an already lightweight version of the second floor or attic made of wood above it. The most popular examples of such combinations are:

  • Half-timbered houses. They originate from of Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. The construction of such buildings is based on a wooden frame, which is filled with a natural stone block. Or this same timber frame is mounted on a pre-arranged stone lower floor. The house acquires the outlines of reliability, massiveness and fortress.
  • Chalet houses. They are also known as hunter's houses. These buildings came to architecture from the mountainous Alps, where shepherds and hunters equipped their homes in order to hide from the changeable weather of the mountains. Snow or unexpected winds, rain or hot sun - all this could overtake the shepherd in the mountains at any moment. It was as a refuge that strong chalet cottages were built, which were based on a strong stone (basement) floor and wooden attic sheltered from snow and wind sloping roof. Such a house made of wood and stone today has become a special style of architectural direction.

Important: the main rule when combining materials in a building is the installation of a lighter floor over a heavier one. And even if the house will have three floors, the bearing capacity of building materials should decrease from bottom to top. For example, a concrete basement, then the first floor of blocks or bricks, the third floor is exclusively wooden.

Types of material combinations

The construction of combined buildings is similar to the work of a sculptor. Here you can interpret in such a way that the finished cottage turned out to be unlike any of the neighboring ones. In this case, most often the developer uses the following types of combinations:

  • Monolithic reinforced concrete and log rounded. Here, coarser hand-cut chopped round timber can be used. Note that a reliable reinforced concrete level acts as a basement semi-basement floor. It is subsequently sheathed on the outside with clinker tiles or simply plastered. The use of a reinforced concrete monolith in the form of a basement floor is relevant on non-porous soils with a low level of groundwater.
  • The combination of a brick ground floor with a lighter and more even beam. In this case, either a strip reinforced concrete foundation is mounted under the house, or monolithic slab. All depending on the type of soil on the site and the level ground water On him. It is worth noting that brick and timber, which have a perfectly even shape, create an original tandem for mounting a house in the style of half-timbered construction.
  • You can also mount a three-story house from combined materials. Here, combined houses made of foam blocks and wood on top of a monolithic basement level are relevant. At the same time, the final appearance of the house will acquire, thanks to the choice of the developer exterior finish stone floors. The tree will speak for itself.
  • And there is also a cheaper combination of materials from a bar or log on the first floor and a frame-shield structure on the second. But this technology is used for small cottages and, if desired, save a lot.

Important: in any of the cases of installing a stone first level, the fire safety of the finished house increases several times. Since it is in the basement (lower) level of the house that all utility and utility rooms are located, such as a kitchen, garage, boiler room, workshop, fireplace room, etc.

The advantages of houses made of combined material

The construction of a combined house has a number of advantages in comparison with the installation of a homogeneous cottage. Especially if it was originally planned to mount the whole stone house. So, the main positive aspects of such a building are:

  • Significant savings in the construction budget. Moreover, funds are saved not only due to the cost of diverse materials - stone and wood. The estimate is melting before our eyes as a result of the fact that houses made of bricks or blocks and timber end up with a smaller mass than a completely stone building. As a result, a lightweight type of foundation can be mounted under such a house. But it is the basis that most often costs about 30-40% of the total construction budget. In addition, it will be possible to save money on hiring workers for the installation of the cottage. That is, the payment to masons will be less than if they built completely stone house. Yes, and renting special equipment for the installation of a combined house is cheaper.
  • Wide architectural possibilities. Most often for the device combined houses use non-standard projects combined brick and wood houses. Here, the extensions of the left or right wing of the house may predominate as a territory for the utility room. Wherein given zone the cottage is also reliably sheltered from rain by a sloping roof, like any other part of the house. You can also hide from prying eyes all the utility rooms in the basement, and leave only the cozy and comfort-breathing rooms of the first floor and the attic for the guests to see. Stained-glass windows, an attic balcony under the roof or a spacious terrace from the eastern part of the cottage are used as the entourage of the house.
  • It is also worth noting that you can move into a combined house immediately, but using only the first or basement floor. Since the stone is not subject to natural shrinkage, then interior decoration the lower level can be carried out immediately after construction is completed. The upper wooden level must be given time to shrink and only after that begin internal work.
  • The heat capacity of a combined house will be several times higher than that of a house made entirely of stone. After all, the tree perfectly holds heat, which means that the first floor can be heated qualitatively, and optimal temperature second level. Hence, by the way, and savings on the maintenance of the finished house.
  • In addition, the stone lower floor is more resistant to seasonal changes in the ground, which means that it will ensure a longer service life of the finished cottage.
  • In addition, exactly wooden part of the combined stone-wood house provides optimal microcirculation throughout the room. After all, the tree breathes constantly, regardless of temperature changes outside and inside the building.

However, the combined cottage has one significant disadvantage - this is the difference in the service life of building materials. So, a stone is able to provide a house with a life of 100 years or more. While the upper level of the cottage, made of timber or logs, will require repair in 30-40 years. However, such a nuance can also be interpreted as a positive moment - there is a chance to re-plan the attic level to meet the needs of a larger family. That is, both children and grandchildren can be provided with a separate spacious room in a cozy strong house.

The nuances of the construction of a combined structure

In order to correctly combine two types of building materials into a single and strong monolithic structure, several basic requirements must be observed:

  • So, you need to combine wood with stone using special steel pins built into the masonry. At the same time, the stone surface in front of the device wooden crowns must be waterproofed.
  • The tree, in turn, is necessarily treated with antiseptics and flame retardants before laying in order to increase its fire safety and resistance to decay.
  • The stone part of the house is finished with plaster or cladding. BUT decoration wooden level, if necessary, is performed using lining. Although wood is an independent and harmonious building material.

Design features of combined buildings

In order for a house made of aerated concrete (brick, foam concrete or reinforced concrete monolith) to become a real haven for the whole family, several nuances must be taken into account during its construction (at the design stage):

  • So, in the lower part of the cottage, all utility, household and public premises are usually located. If the house has only two levels, then rest rooms such as a billiard room, a fireplace room, and a living room are also arranged here. At the same level, but away from the "noisy" rooms, you can arrange an office. If the house is supposed to have a basement level, then it is here that all household rooms are arranged. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a dining room, a fireplace and an office. And already in the attic they design all the rooms for sleeping. Here you can also place a nursery.
  • An excellent solution is offered by such house projects, where on the ground floor they arrange a room for a family business. It can be a workshop or atelier, a small shop or office. Autumn is convenient to work with a family, without leaving home and without wasting time on the road to the workplace.

Tip: but in this case, you should make sure that all household members have a separate entrance to the house, hidden from prying eyes. It is better if it is a courtyard hidden by a fence. Such a combined house project is a great option for a large family.

As the name implies, in the article we will not only touch on the projects of combined brick and timber houses. Its subject is broader - combining different materials in private housing. So, on the way...

Combined materials

Let's start with those cases when two different materials are combined in one structural element.

I-beam from OSB

The form I-beam It is designed to provide maximum rigidity with respect to a bending load directed in a certain direction. With a much lower consumption of material, it practically does not differ in strength from a solid bar of the corresponding section.

However, if any shape can be cast from metal, then economic expediency production of an I-beam from solid timber is doubtful: yes, we will facilitate the construction, but most of the quality wood will go to waste.

One solution is a glued construction of a strip of oriented strand board and two small-section bars. OSB provides bending rigidity, and the bar provides ease of installation.

Please note: in addition, the bars do not allow the OSB strip to twist under load.

The basis of the overlap is a combined I-beam.

SIP panels

Another example of an extremely successful combination of dissimilar materials is sip panels. If in frame house Since the skin is devoid of load-bearing functions and rigidity is ensured, two layers of OSB glued together and a layer of extruded polystyrene foam are a rigid structure. Note - a design with excellent load-bearing capacity.

Advantages building material quite numerous:

  • Low price. The panel is somewhat more expensive than a set of two OSB boards and insulation; but we significantly save on the frame.
  • Easy do-it-yourself installation. The instructions for assembling the wall are ridiculously simple: just insert a beam into the grooves of the ends of adjacent panels and pull the OSB to it with self-tapping screws. Additional reliability and tightness of the connection are provided by preliminary foaming.
  • Structural strength. The practice of using houses in regions with frequent hurricane winds has shown that they endure the violence of the elements without fatal damage.
  • Unlike frame structures.
  • Excellent thermal insulation properties. Of course, the statement that a house made of sip panels can be heated with a couple of candles is a fiction. However, the consumption of thermal energy to maintain a constant temperature in the building actually decreases from the considered standard 100 to 35-40 watts per square meter area.

Combined timber

This material is in some way a development of the idea of ​​sip panels, adapted to the aesthetics of wooden architecture. Combined glued laminated timber consists of two lamellas made of high-quality low-moisture wood with a layer of extruded polystyrene glued between them.

Ordinary glued beams and combined beams differ markedly in properties in favor of the latter:

  • Combined much cheaper. The difference in price reaches a third: after all, the foamed polymer is much cheaper than wood high grades, especially considering the costs of its drying and processing.
  • He's lighter. The density of expanded polystyrene is much lower than the density of any wood, not excluding light spruce, pine and cedar. On the practical side, the lower weight of each crown means not only easier installation, but also less stress on the foundation. So, you can also save money on it.
  • Finally, the main thing: here we get much better thermal insulation, which allows us to do without additional wall insulation and significantly save on heating.

Combined buildings

Brick or wood? This question haunts far from the first generation of independent builders. There are many compelling arguments in favor of both decisions.

Advantages of a brick

  • The lining is exceptionally durable. IN brick house you can not be afraid of unauthorized penetration from the outside (at least through walls); he is not afraid of hurricanes, tornadoes and others natural disasters. Even a flood in a brick house will only make the walls dry, but a beam or a log will most likely lead.
  • The brick wall is a solid foundation for the massive upper floors. In this case, the builder does not need to worry about whether the mass of floors will become exorbitant for bearing walls load.

Advantages of a bar

In favor of the construction beam, no less arguments can be given:

  • It has much better thermal insulation qualities. With the same thermal resistance of the wall, you can make it 2.5 - 3 times thicker.

  • Construction will be much faster: after all, the structural element has much larger linear dimensions.

It is worth clarifying: we are talking about the construction of dry timber. The material of the so-called natural humidity requires at least six months of preservation for shrinkage.

  • The walls have excellent vapor and air permeability. IN wooden house it is not stuffy or damp.
  • Finally, the tree is simply very beautiful material. Glued or profiled timber due to high-quality surface treatment may well become independent element design.


The solution to the problem of choice can be quite simple: combined houses made of brick and timber are buildings in which the walls from the foundation to the interfloor ceiling are built of brick, and above the ceiling - wooden or reinforced concrete - rises completed.

In the photo - a combined house in the process of construction.

As a rule, there is a functional division of floors:

  • A garage, a dining room, a kitchen, a boiler room, a sauna and other premises of a purely functional and technical purpose remain in the brick part of the building.
  • Bedrooms and recreation area - living room, children's room, etc. - migrate inside the wooden part of the house.

What is the result?

  • A combined house made of timber and brick is not afraid of floods. In any case, the damage from them will be incomparable with the scale of damage in a solid wood house.
  • Brick walls can become a reliable foundation for a monolithic or slab reinforced concrete floor, which in a number of ways is more convenient than any flooring on wooden beams.
  • At the same time, the inhabitants of the house are provided with maximum comfort: they have all the advantages of a wooden structure.


As usual, the video in this article will demonstrate at least useful information. Successes in construction!
