Facing the facade of the house: what is the best material? How to cheaply veneer a private house? Budget options for the facade.

Exterior wall cladding is an important part of the design of any building. After all, the facade of the house is the calling card of the owners. It reflects their preferences and forms the first impression of the home as a whole. Exterior finish, in addition to decorative, it also performs the function of a heater, and also plays the role of protection bearing walls from the effects of temperature fluctuations and natural rainfall. In this article, you will learn how to decorate the facade of a private house.

Nowadays, there is a huge amount of building materials that can be used for exterior finish building. Before starting work on the design of external walls, you need to carefully study the positive and negative qualities all finishing materials and decide what end result you plan to get.

The exterior decoration of a private house also depends on the design solution of the interiors - it is necessary that there be harmony between them. Only then the house will look not just a construction of stone and concrete, but a comfortable and cozy home in which you want, as they say, to live and live and make good.

In addition, the choice of finishing material is affected by:

  • the chosen style of facade design;
  • climate;
  • construction budget.

What are the materials for the exterior design of the house

The modern facade is usually finished with artificial or natural stone, brick, vinyl or metal siding, porcelain stoneware, plastic or wood panels, plaster.

wood paneling

Wood is considered an excellent thermal insulator, environmentally safe material. Most often for making wooden panels use oak, cedar, pine.

Note! Kitchen in a private house - 100 photos of design and layout ideas

The positive aspects of wood are strength and resistance to atmospheric precipitation. The disadvantages include the need for special care: wood needs to be processed every year special formulations to protect against pests.

Metal paneling

Metal panels are one of the most practical cladding materials for the exterior walls of buildings. They are usually made from steel or aluminum. Metal panels have a long service life and do not need any special care.

The design of the facade with such a cladding looks stylish and beautiful, especially if it includes wooden or stone trim elements.

Vinyl paneling

Facade vinyl coating does not require maintenance. The photographs of the facades of private houses show that it can be used for facing any buildings, regardless of their type. It is affordable.

Its other advantage is the variety of colors and styles (it can be stylized as stone, wood). Vinyl also has good thermal insulation, but impact resistance is less than that of wood and metal.

Brick cladding

Brick is a unique finishing material. It can be used to create different ornament and also gives the whole building a cozy look. In addition, its benefits include:

  • ease;
  • durability;
  • no need for special care;
  • ease of installation;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties.

The disadvantage is the high cost.

Finishing with natural or artificial stone

Like brick, stone is the most expensive facing material. In addition to significant financial investments, it requires serious efforts. Stone cladding is a rather difficult, time-consuming process. As a result, buildings are usually only partially finished with stone.

But such a design of the facades gives the private house a particularly chic and representative look. Such a building will have a higher value in the subsequent sale.

concrete finish

AT Western Europe With each passing day, the popularity of cladding exterior walls with concrete is only growing. It can be expected that this fashion trend comes to our country.

First, it must be said that the outer walls are finished with concrete if they need to be strengthened and strengthened. Such facades look very stylish. In addition, concrete has the ability to emphasize the beautiful appearance wood and other finishes.

Facade plaster

Finishing with plaster is within the power of anyone. A plastered facade can have a rather beautiful appearance, especially if textured plaster is applied. Speaking about the qualities of such a coating, it is durable and weather-resistant.

Finishing with other facade panels

In addition to panels made of wood, metal, vinyl, panels from:

  • Fiber cement. They are resistant to frost, have a light weight, and are durable. Another advantage is the variety of texture solutions. The downside is the high cost. Mounting is done on metal carcass.
  • Styrofoam. The peculiarity of such panels is the presence of a reinforced layer of plaster and the absence of the need to install a frame. The disadvantages include the impossibility of attaching them to the facades of wooden buildings - this can lead to decay of the tree.
  • Glass. Glass panels are made from special impact-resistant glass. They have good heat and sound insulation properties. The disadvantage is the high cost of the material and significant installation costs.

Exterior wall cladding with sandwich panels

A sandwich panel consists of two sheets of metal with a layer of insulation and a layer of vapor barrier between them. Pros - a light weight, easy installation, excellent thermal insulation, durability, moisture resistance, fire resistance.

If the top layer is damaged, the panel can be easily repaired without having to replace most of the façade. The disadvantage is that such material is not cheap.

Sheathing the external walls of the house with siding

This is probably the most common and budget option for finishing the facade. Siding can be installed both on insulated walls and on walls without insulation. The facing material used to hide the defects of the facade. It is moisture resistant and is represented by a variety of textures and colors. Vinyl, metal, wood, cement can be used for its manufacture.

The ideal cladding is the one that best protects the supporting structures of the house from different kind precipitation. This is the most important point, which you should pay attention to when choosing a facade cladding.

Of all the finishing materials that meet this requirement, choose the easiest to install and use. further care, which has the best thermal insulation and moisture-repellent properties.

Photos of facades of private houses

From the point of view of professionals, the facade of a private house is its architectural attire, that is, the so-called outer shell, on which the first impression depends not only on the building, but also on its owner. It is an indisputable fact that the style chosen for finishing the exterior of a building often reflects not only the owner's favorite color palette, but also his taste preferences, and in some cases his lifestyle. However, at the stage of drawing up a design project for the facade of a house, it is important to decide on the choice of finishing materials, which should be not only attractive in appearance, but also as functional as possible. The materials used must be resistant to corrosion, moisture, sudden temperature changes and ultraviolet rays, and must also have high insulation characteristics and absolute non-toxicity. About how to choose the right style for developing the design of the facade of a private house, as well as how to choose the right finishing materials for a particular stylistic decision - read in this article.

Facade design of a private house: what should be considered?

In the process of choosing a stylistic solution for the facade, it is important to take into account the climatic features of the zone in which the building is located, as well as its territorial specifics. The features of the decoration of nearby buildings are no less important, since how you design your property will depend on whether you merge with the surrounding buildings or stand out as a bright spot. When choosing a design style, one should not forget that any specific canons are alien to modern design, and therefore, buildings decorated in recent years, successfully combine two or more stylistic directions.

The design of the facade of the building, as well as the human face, is subject to the generally accepted laws of "make-up", which state that with a casual decorative design any building can change almost beyond recognition. In this regard, in the process of facing the facade and developing a design project for its design, it is important to take into account any, even the most insignificant detail.

Basic rules for facade design:

  • The psychological perception of the building depends entirely on the chosen color, which sets the building a certain mood;
  • To deprive the walls of flat monotony, it is important to choose the right texture of the material for the design of the facade, which will give the building some structure;
  • As for the overall stylistic concept of the house, it depends on a well-thought-out combination of the previous two design components.

House facade design photo

Material selection: the practical basis of the issue

Knowledge of all the subtleties of design is of course important, however, the practical side of the issue, namely the choice of materials for finishing the facade, has an equally important role. So, for facing the facade of the building, the following materials can be selected:

  • Facade plaster, which can be mineral, acrylic, silicone and silicate;
  • Tile or stone;
  • Siding;
  • In addition, the facade can be decorated with brickwork.

Each of these options is characterized by its own characteristics, as well as advantages and disadvantages, which will be briefly discussed below.

Plaster: material features

The facade, lined with plaster, is called wet, since “wet” technologies are used in the process of its finishing. Modern construction market offers several varieties of plaster compositions used for facing the external wall.

mineral plaster, characterized by the minimum cost, but at the same time the lowest ductility and durability, which often forces one to refuse to use it. Although, according to many experts, this is not considered a significant disadvantage of such plaster, especially in combination with the low cost and environmental friendliness of the components used. The use of mineral plaster is relevant under the condition of finishing walls made of "breathing" materials and insulated mineral wool or basalt slabs. In addition, experts do not recommend the use of mineral plaster for finishing houses located near highways, since vibration, one way or another transmitted to the walls, will contribute to premature cracking;

Acrylic plaster, which is characterized by the highest plasticity and moisture resistance, however, the characteristics of the material cause the formation of a film on the treated surface, which prevents "breathing" and evaporation of moisture. However, in the case of finishing walls insulated with polystyrene foam and houses located near highways, this is more of an advantage than a disadvantage;

silicate plaster was able to become a material that has absorbed many advantages: high plasticity, breathability and antistatic properties, due to which it does not attract dust particles. Considering the long service life, given type plaster is one of the most expensive, both in terms of the cost of the material and the cost of installation work;

silicone plaster, combining all the advantages of the previous types, has become a hit among all the types of plaster offered. However, despite the fact that it has the most good combination properties of all the types of plaster presented, it is characterized by more than affordable cost.

Siding: characteristics of the main varieties

There are the following types of siding:

  • PVC siding;
  • wood siding;
  • Metal siding.

If the use of wooden siding, which inspires confidence not only in the house, but also in its owner, has more than one century, then vinyl siding, during its relatively short operation, could not fully convince developers of its environmental safety. And such distrust, by the way, is completely unfounded. Let's explain why.

  • Usage vinyl siding contributes to the formation of a protective, high-quality ventilated screen, which does not interfere with the “breathing” of the walls and helps to remove excess moisture;
  • Vinyl siding is a direct barrier to direct sunlight and is easy to clean and long time retains its original appearance;
  • Features of PVC allow the material not to support combustion, however, if a fire does happen, the release of siding harmful substances at the time of combustion, if it is outside, it does not affect the atmosphere inside the building.

wood siding

Although the durability of some types of wood leaves much to be desired, this does not affect the durability of the material in any way, since it is made from impregnated wood (treated with steam under pressure). Such material is characterized not only by durability, but also by resistance to adverse factors.

Finishing the facade with tiles: what to look for?

Despite the fact that this method of finishing the facade is very simple in design, it is far from cheap in execution and is characterized by the need for strict adherence to all technological installation rules.

  • It is important to know that masonry walls are characterized by initial shrinkage;
  • The existence of a large number of types of tiles determines the use various types glue suitable for a particular type;
  • Exist a large number of types of tiles imitating various materials, for example, chopped stone or brick. If you prefer these varieties, do not neglect the opportunity to choose color solution for the grout composition, which allows you to add additional splendor to the appearance of the facade.
  • You also get the opportunity to combine different textures, but it is important to consider their size. For example, to give the building massiveness, stability and monumentality, the largest elements are used for lining the basement, while the walls are lined with smaller details.

Brick facade decoration

Brick has long been the embodiment of good quality, and with the advent of clinker bricks - also respectability. Since brick cladding is carried out even at the stage of wall construction, the appearance of the architectural structure has already been calculated by the master. However, there are also moments when the building has already been built, but its unpresentable appearance makes it necessary to resort to the use of bricks. When it's possible?

This is advisable if you plan to equip a ventilated facade, namely to leave air vent and air gap. Otherwise, the destruction of wood will accelerate, since inner surface condensation will form.

Facade design of a country house: how to decide on styling?

Since the design of the facade is a creative process, during which each owner country house must effectively measure his capabilities with a flight of fancy, it is important to find golden mean, thanks to which you can create the facade of your dreams. There are several stylistic solutions for finishing the facade of the house:

  • Classic stylistic solutions;
  • Country style;
  • Styles in which English and Canadian motifs can be traced;
  • Art Nouveau and high-tech buildings;
  • And finally, the chalet style.

Classics in the design of the facade of a country house

The popularity of the classics when decorating the facade of a private house is still unusually high. Distinctive feature houses, the facades of which are decorated in classical style, are clear proportional shapes and symmetrical geometry of absolutely all elements of the facade. A distinctive feature of the design of windows and doors is rectangular shapes or the presence of decorative arches. Among other areas, the classic is distinguished by simplicity, sophistication and unpretentiousness. The absence of unnecessary details allows you not to distract your eyes from the exquisite simplicity of the facade of a private house. Despite the fact that in the classical style there is a clear desire for minimalism, elements that indicate the high status of the owner of the house, such as rich massive railings, columns and other decorative details, cannot be neglected.

Country style: varieties and their features

Country style is a whole trend, which includes many styles with certain features. Country style also includes national style Russian countryside, and French Provence, and the cowboy style of the Wild West, and the chalet style common in the Alps. That is, country is a multinational style in which the customs of a particular country are embodied. As part of the country style, natural materials are used - stone and wood. Although the stone may be artificial, the use modern technologies allows you to make it almost indistinguishable from natural. This style will be the most preferred for country houses located near forests or mountains.

French Provence, which is part of the country style, in contrast to the traditional country, which gravitates towards warm shades, is characterized by a desire for cold, restrained tones. The favorite color of this style is white. However, for economic reasons, finishing a building in the Provence style can become quite expensive, which often forces one to refuse to use it. Modern designers offer a more rational way to finish a building in the Provence style. Such a design for the facade of a house in the Provence style involves a mixture of modern finishing materials, for example, the building is clad with sandwich panels or siding, while leaving only the plinth, which will later be finished with expensive natural stone characteristic of the Provence style. Stone cladding, characterized by warm tones, will perfectly fit into the surroundings and the local landscape.

A distinctive feature of French Provence is snow-white windows, divided into several sections, as well as the use of light shades to decorate balconies and gables of buildings.

Originally developed for shepherds' dwellings, the chalet style is also at its peak. However, the use of natural wood and stone does not allow us to say that this type of finish is in the middle price category. Being a kind of country style, it is a style with oriental roots, which, one way or another, can be traced in its appearance. Especially the presence of oriental roots gives out the simplicity of the roof and the overall simplicity of the finish.

Houses with features of minimalism and industrialism

Small houses located within the city are characterized by a distinct trend towards the industrialization of the exterior. Among designers and homeowners, minimalist styles are now at the peak of popularity, in which there is a clear gravitation towards stylistic decisions high-tech style. The main concept of buildings decorated in this style is the clarity and conciseness of the forms, as well as the simplicity of design.

Hi-tech, which has absorbed the trends of all modern trends, first of all, is characterized by convenience and functionality. When finishing the facade of the building, glass, metal and plastic are used. The severity and unpretentiousness of the design is complemented by the color scheme - there are more white, black and steel.

But it cannot be said about Art Nouveau that it is restrained. It does not gravitate towards symmetry and is characterized by the predominance of the most unexpected shades, contrasting combination which allows you to accurately imitate the natural riot of colors.

Design project of the facade of the house: how to do it yourself?

  • The first stage of drawing up a design project involves the development of a sketch, which, if you have the appropriate skills, you can do it yourself or seek help from a specialist to whom you can express your wildest wishes, whether it is decorating a house in a classic or modern style.
  • The second stage is the design of the facade. If your house has already been built, you need to measure it and visualize the chosen stylistic direction using computer programs, and then prepare an estimate, taking into account the selected materials and types of work. However, in the absence of specialized skills, we do not recommend that you do it yourself, since this stage of creating a design project requires a lot of knowledge regarding regulatory construction, as well as the features of the modern finishing materials market.

  • The next stage of the design project is decoration. At this stage, you can already confidently rely on your strengths and skills and perform it yourself. In the process of carrying out work, it is important to remember that the holistic design of the whole house should not contradict the design individual parts, since in the end everything should be harmoniously combined with each other and be decorated in a single stylistic direction.
  • The fourth and final stage of drawing up and developing a design project is design work, during which you will be able to realize all your wishes regarding the design of the facade of the building. It is important to remember that the development of a design project can be carried out not only for a new house, but also for an old one. Its only difference in the case of decorating an old house will be the need to remake the old facade, which will significantly complicate the process, but will not affect the final result.

Non-standard design solutions in the design of the facade of the building

If you want to stand out from the crowd of houses, we recommend that you take advantage of the following ideas that have arisen from those masters who, like you, do not want to merge with the crowd.

Undoubtedly, the house, the facade of which is decorated with natural flowers, wins. To do this, it is necessary to fix aluminum cassettes on the wall of the house and install pots with fresh flowers in them, which can give the house an attractive and unusual appearance, enlivening it;

You can stucco the walls of your house and then paint them in the color of the flag of your home country or the country where you live. Such a decision will make the house much brighter than the one that is painted in a monotonous color scheme;

A modern solution for finishing the facade of a building is its cladding with multi-colored caps from plastic bottles, which are stuffed to the base of the wall with nails or screws. If your house is wooden, it will be much easier to do this, but in any case, the main difficulty this method consists in the need to collect such a huge number of caps. If you collect multi-colored caps, you can lay out intricate drawings on the wall;

Another non-standard solution cladding of the facade of the building will be the use of glass jars, which are laid out like brickwork.

Thus, you can make your dream come true in the design of the facade of the building yourself, but if you are not confident in your abilities and skills, contact the help of specialists who will be able to realize your wishes.

The decoration of the facade of a private house is thought out by its owner and designer at the design stage. Since the building is the main element of the landscape, it is necessary to use the most modern materials, which are highly resistant to external factors. When creating a sketch of future housing, you need to think it over well color scheme. To do this, you can study the photo various buildings made in the yards of friends and acquaintances. This will allow you to choose the best option facade finishing. Facing the house is not only its original calling card, but also the primary protection against environmental influences.

Facade finishing requirements

The modern construction market offers a huge variety of materials for finishing exterior walls. It is quite easy to get lost in such a variety. But the choice of method of finishing the facade must be approached carefully and thoughtfully. Do not chase cheap products or materials that are easy to work with. It should be remembered that the decoration of the facade of a private house must fulfill its purpose for many years, while maintaining its beauty and presentability.

Facade cladding should have the following practical properties:

  1. Waterproof. This is the main quality that affects the life of the building and the comfort of living in it;
  2. Strength. Finishing materials for facades must be purchased such that they can withstand strong impacts produced by people or falling objects;
  3. Thermal insulation. Thoughtful decoration of the facade of a private house will protect the room from the cold in winter time and keep cool summer heat;
  4. Hygiene. Finishing materials must be resistant to fungus, mold and decay.

Some materials for the facade of a private house practically do not transmit sound. This factor must be taken into account if the house is located on a noisy street with heavy traffic. Peace and quiet in the rooms is necessary for both adults and children.

Exist various options finishes external walls residential buildings. The choice depends on the conditions of their operation, the environment and the financial capabilities of the property owners. Consider the features of the main materials that are used for cladding the facades of private houses.

Decorative plaster

Modern building mixtures based on gypsum and cement are the most common material for finishing a residential building built of brick and foam blocks. To improve the thermal insulation qualities, various fillers and plasticizers are added to the mixture. Facade plaster is smooth and textured. Based on this, the methods of applying it to the bearing surface differ. Adding various dyes to the solution allows you to give the walls any color and shade.

The main advantages of facade plaster for facing country houses are:

  • water resistance;
  • aesthetics;
  • resistance to low and high temperatures;
  • ease of application to the walls;
  • incombustibility.

Mineral, silicate and acrylic plaster is used for the facade of the house. Certain disadvantages of these materials are the complex technology of preparation of the bearing surface and low resistance to mechanical stress.

Clinker tiles

Clinker tiles are made from natural materials. It can be smooth or textured, imitating the surface. natural stone.

The main advantages of clinker bricks are:

  1. High strength. The clinker withstands the most extreme mechanical impacts without losing its aesthetic characteristics.
  2. Ease of maintenance. The surface of the tile can be washed with any detergents and solvents.
  3. Variety of colors and textures. For home decoration, clinker laying options can be selected the most unusual and original.
  4. Durability. If the laying technology is followed, clinker tiles can last several decades. In case of damage to individual fragments, they can be easily replaced with new ones.

The disadvantages of this material include its high cost and complexity in laying.

facade panels

Facade panels for exterior decoration of the house have a solid list of advantages. Today, the production of these products in the widest range has been established. In addition to purely decorative functions, facade panels for the exterior of the house perform the tasks of warming and waterproofing the building. As a rule, panels are installed in a system of ventilated facades. This allows you to create a durable and aesthetic surface without preliminary and costly repairs to the walls of the house. Mounting facade panels performed on a frame made of wooden beam or steel profile.

The most popular material for cladding buildings are sandwich panels. They are products consisting of a heater located between two sheets of metal or plastic.

The advantages of sandwich panels are as follows:

  • ease;
  • ease of use;
  • resistance to corrosion, mold and decay;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • long service life;
  • waterproof.

A damaged panel can be quickly and easily replaced. Despite the fact that the cost of products is quite high, this disadvantage is offset by the lack of the need to use solutions and dyes.

Porcelain stoneware

Porcelain stoneware is a modern finishing material created from polymer raw materials. The use of various dyes and fillers allows designers to create porcelain stoneware tiles and blocks with a wide variety of patterns and colors. Porcelain stoneware very reliably imitates materials such as natural stone(basalt, marble, granite) and natural wood. The physical properties of this material are quite high.

It is distinguished by such advantages:

  • high strength;
  • long service life;
  • water resistance;
  • resistance to solar radiation;
  • immunity to fungus and mold.

The main advantage of porcelain stoneware over tiles is its uniformity throughout. So, chips and scratches do not violate the integrity of its surface. They are easily sanded and polished, after which the surface acquires its original presentability.

Finishing the building with porcelain stoneware has its own characteristics. If it is attached directly to the wall, then a special synthetic adhesive must be used. Another way of facing the facade is to fix the tiles on a metal frame, equipped with special clips.


As a rule, decorative panels are used for arranging residential buildings. They are made of metal or polymer plastic. The most practical is siding made of PVC. Panels are mounted on a wooden or steel frame.

Since siding does not provide complete sealing, it is recommended to use a material that is resistant to moisture as a heater. In addition, PVC panels have a fairly high coefficient of thermal expansion. To prevent deformation or destruction of the siding surface during strong temperature changes, a sliding type of fastening of panels to the frame is used.

Advantages facing panels such:

  • high aesthetic qualities;
  • sufficient strength to withstand strong impacts and pressure;
  • affordable cost;
  • simplicity and high speed installation;
  • long service life.

The panels quite realistically imitate natural wood, natural stone, brick or decorative plaster.

Photo gallery

We bring to your attention a successful selection of 27 photo ideas for finishing the facade of a private house.

To understand the task and accurately determine the cost design work to create a facade design, you need to send us photos of the house by e-mail (preferably from all angles), indicate the overall dimensions of the house, if you have a BTI registration certificate, it is enough to send copies of floor plans, you can also attach your favorite examples of houses to the letter in order for us to understand Your style preferences. After that, we will be able to say the exact cost of creating a design project for the facades of your country house!

  • How to order a facade design service?

    You received a calculation of the cost of the design project of the facades of the house by mail and you are satisfied with it. What are the next steps and how to get started? Before the start of design work on the design of facades, it is necessary to sign. This can be done at a meeting, or remotely through Email. We work on an advance payment scheme. When ordering a full working project, the prepayment is 50% of the total cost of design work.

  • What will I get as a result, what is the composition of the project?

    As a rule, many order complete project design of facades of a country house. The current cost of this project is 290 rub. / sq.m. total area Houses. An example of such a facade project can be found below by clicking on the album image.

  • How can I get acquainted with the contract for the development of the design of the facades of a country house?

    In our architectural workshop, all design work is carried out on the basis of a contract. You can find the contract for the design project of the facades of the house below by clicking on the image of the document at the bottom of the text.

  • Good day! The facades of our house are located in Kamchatka =), is it possible to order a facade design service in your architectural workshop?

    Oh sure. We work both with Moscow and the region, and with other regions and cities of Russia. Distances and time zones are irrelevant for designing façade designs. In the case of remote design, you must provide an architectural / draft design of the house without fail, or in the absence of a project, accurate measurements of the facades of the house + photos from all angles. We do not visit the site and carry out measurements of the house, due to the large territorial remoteness - you get a discount on design in the amount of 5,000 - 9,000 rubles. Otherwise, the work on the design of facades is no different from working with objects in Moscow and the Moscow Region.

  • How is the cost of a house facade design project calculated and what does it depend on?

    The cost of developing a facade design project directly depends on its total area (the sum of floor areas). When calculating the cost of design work on finishing the facades of houses with a basement floor, the area of ​​this floor is not included in the calculation. For houses with a total area of ​​​​more than 800 square meters. m. a reduction factor is provided - 0.8 - 0.9. For classic style houses large quantity decorative elements- increasing coefficient - 1.1-1.2. If the total area of ​​the house is less than 150 sq.m., then the multiplying factor is 1.1-1.3.

  • There is an unfinished box brick house; like modern houses combining wood, plaster, or concrete finishes. Where can I see examples of beautiful facades?
  • Where can I see interesting wooden houses in the style of a Russian hut?
  • Is it possible to order a facade design without subsequent calculations of the amount of materials and drawings? How much is it?

    Yes, of course it's possible. The cost of developing a facade design concept in this case will be 190 rubles. / sq.m. total area of ​​the house.

  • We have a cottage, we want to build it on attic floor and redesign the façade. Do you do such work?

    Yes, we do. Unlike companies that deal only with facades, we are an architectural workshop specializing in building design, so we can solve this problem. All necessary specialists are available. You need a house renovation project. In the architectural section, we also develop facade design.

  • Can you remotely consult and give recommendations on the decoration and design of the facades of my house and how much does it cost?
  • Choosing high-quality clinker tiles for facing the facades of a private house? Top Producers
  • Decorative plaster for facades of your house. Which brands are the best?

    Facades can be trusted:

    - caparol
    - Ceresit
    - Weber Vetonite

  • We hope that in these answers, you can find a lot of useful things for yourself, and perhaps the answers to other people's questions will become answers to yours. If you have not found an answer to an exciting topic, you can ask it yourself.

    One of the synonyms for the word "facade" is the word "face". Indeed, the front part of the building plays the role of a kind of showcase and is considered business card the whole house. Along with the decorative, the facade also performs a practical function. Even at the design stage, it is necessary to consider the combination of finishing materials, coordinating them with the entire structure of the building. On the modern specialized market, a variety of finishing materials for the facades of houses are presented, which involve installation different levels difficulties.

  • What to look for when choosing materials for the facade?

    The need for exterior decoration of the facade is determined not only by aesthetics, but also by the ability to significantly improve the performance of the building. Thinking about what material to finish the facade of the house, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

      Resistance to atmospheric precipitation and climatic manifestations;

      Resistance to moisture and frost;

      The level of thermal insulation;

      Environmental Safety;

      Possibilities of material as a design element.

    Do not forget to insulate the walls before finishing the facade

    If there is a use of imitation material, then you should pay attention to the level of its similarity with the original. The soundproofing characteristics of finishing raw materials and the level of wind protection are also taken into account. High-quality cladding of the facade of the house is a guarantee of strength, durability and aesthetics of the facade. By choosing the best materials for the facades of the building, you can increase its service life and add originality to the overall design. When selecting facing materials, one should also take into account the complexity of installation and cost.

    Types of facade decoration

    Modern decoration of the facades of private houses is most often carried out using the following types of finishing materials for the facade:

      Facade plaster- the material is the most "ancient" and popular way of cladding, it requires good preparation of the walls. There are many types of plaster - silicone, silicate, acrylic, etc.

      - inexpensive facade cladding material. Vinyl look usually installed on houses located in temperate climate, as it heats up quickly from high temperatures.

      Brick facing- a classic type of finish, made of cement and shell rock. Possesses high operational and esthetic characteristics.

      Clinker tiles– durable material for finishing facades, resistant to abrasion, therefore, it is most often installed in places with high traffic so that the facade does not lose its appearance due to many numerical touches.

      Panels– optimally suited for facade decoration and can be different types: metal, wood, glass, polyurethane foam, etc.

    Choose the right material

    Facade plaster

    Such facade finishing material as plaster is used very often and is easy to apply. Its main purpose is to create an attractive appearance for your home decoration and protection from climatic influences.

    Advantages of the modern finishing method decorative facade stucco:

      Wide decorative possibilities - the creation of different textures and colors.

      Ease of application;

      Resistance to temperature fluctuations;


      Small cost.

    However, if the technology for applying the finish has been violated, then cracks, swelling, spotting, peeling of the finish layer may occur. Plastering the facade of a private house is a simple process that can be done on your own, with minimal skills in this area.

    The decision to finish the facade with siding will allow the owner of the house to get a good result and a beautiful appearance of the building. The most popular is vinyl and metal siding.

    Pros of vinyl:

    The disadvantages of vinyl siding include:

    Metal siding for facade cladding is most often made of aluminum.

    Facing brick

    The use of brick facing options gives the house respectability and solidity. Professionals should carry out the installation of this material, since the process requires certain skills.

    Advantages of facing bricks:

      It does not require special care;


      Environmentally friendly;

      The facade gains strength and stability;

      Brick protects the house from precipitation and other climatic manifestations;

      Adds service life to load-bearing structures;

      A wide range of textures and colors.

    The disadvantages of facing the facades of houses with bricks include:

      Education over time white plaque(efflorescence), which spoils the appearance of the building;

      The high price of the material.

    A special method of processing clay allows the clinker tiles to achieve high performance. The result is an optimal facing material that is suitable for outdoor use in all respects.

    Advantages of clinker tiles:

      Strength and resistance to mechanical stress;

      UV resistant;

      Frost resistance;

      Low water absorption;


    The lining, familiar to us all, is the very first type of facade panels. After it, various variations of this cladding began to be used, making it from metal, porcelain stoneware, stone, and polyvinyl chloride.

    What are the advantages of cladding a house with panels:

      Installation of cladding does not require long preparatory work, can be carried out at any weather conditions, the installation process is fast;

      The facade is reliably protected from temperature changes and other adverse influences;

      The material is not combustible;

      Does not require special care;

      Light weight.

    What material should be chosen for finishing facades?

    picking up best material for the facade, you should consider what the house itself is built from. After all, wooden and timber houses, for example, require the construction of a ventilated facade, and siding or panels are best suited for such needs. Whereas brick and stone buildings "love" plaster and brick. You should also focus on your financial capabilities, because the market for modern facade finishing materials is so large that it will satisfy the needs of any category of citizens. Facing should be ideally combined with the overall design of the building and act as a single ensemble with it.

    Read about the previous stages of construction:

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