Dutch interior designers. Dutch-style home decoration is natural materials

The kitchen is often referred to as the heart of the home, the stronghold family happiness, favorite place. And all this is true, because this is a room in an apartment (or in a house), where not only food is prepared. Here the whole family gathers at the table to eat or drink tea, as well as chat, sit side by side and get fed not only with food, but also with the warmth and participation of their loved ones. In our kitchen we feel protected by the warmth of our home. Therefore, it is so important to equip this space so that everyone at home feels comfortable and comfortable here. In this article I will tell you how you can equip the kitchen in This style implies restraint, calm tones in the interior, but at the same time it is modern and comfortable.

To create an interior dutch style worth starting with. To do this, you need to plaster walls and whiten them or paint them in one of the light colors. It can be light beige, pale blue, matte white, slightly grey colour or light yellow. Walls don't have to be perfectly flat. Some errors are allowed within reason, then the kitchen takes on a homely look. And irregularities do not give it negligence if the walls are carefully painted over. Everything is just the opposite, it seems that the owners tried very hard and made repairs on their own. Ceiling you can also just paint even lighter paint than the walls, but real Dutch cuisine requires ceiling beams. Their imitation is sold in any hardware store. them on the ceiling will not be difficult.

If there is no desire to close up the entire ceiling with beams, you can limit yourself to one or two. Thus, you emphasize the style and place accents.

Floor in Dutch cuisine is always dark and made of good wooden planks or lined with ceramic tiles.

If you want to achieve maximum effect while creating in the selection of construction and finishing materials choose as close to natural as possible. In European countries, in the decoration of residential premises, they mainly use natural materials: wood, stone, glass, ceramics and more.

It is not at all necessary to try to completely repeat the interior of the Dutch cuisine in your apartment or house. Our kitchens are stylizations of the Dutch (or whatever) style we like. You can use for arranging your kitchen only some of the essential details in the interior, which will clearly indicate a certain style. After all, we create our own interior and it should please and be comfortable, first of all, for our family.

Dutch cuisine has several features that distinguish it from other cuisines. One of these features is use in kitchen tiles a certain color. In the Netherlands, ceramic tiles were invented, with which they began to decorate fireplaces and stoves several centuries ago. Later, tiles began to decorate the walls in the kitchen. And to this day, ceramic tiles have not lost their popularity. Dutch tiles have dominant colors - blue, light blue and green and have a characteristic fine painting. Holland is one of the provinces of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. But the navigators who inhabited it glorified their homeland beyond its borders so much that everyone began to think that Holland is a separate state. In the Netherlands, in addition to navigation, floriculture has been successfully developing for several centuries. These two industries could not but affect the formation of interiors. Dutch houses.

Another feature of Dutch cuisine is stove or fireplace. Of course, it is impossible to build a stove in a modern city apartment, and it is not necessary. But a fireplace, if the area allows, can be done. There are many models on sale now. electric fireplaces that mimic natural fire. They look attractive, while maintaining style. And, in addition, there is an opportunity to emphasize one more feature of Dutch cuisine: red brick finish one of the kitchen walls.

If all the repair work on the walls, ceiling and floor has been completed, we proceed to the more pleasant: the selection kitchen furniture. The facades of modern kitchen furniture in the Dutch style can be wooden or imitate wood. Often they are painted in soothing colors. In Dutch cuisine, sometimes the lower cabinets are painted more dark color than the top ones. This also gives the discreet Dutch cuisine a special chic and respectability.

simple facades kitchen cabinets combined with floor and wall tiles emphasize the style of the kitchen from natural materials.

There is one more characteristic Dutch cuisine is a must. Sometimes they replace the upper cabinets.

On the open shelves exhibit beautiful ceramic or porcelain dishes or antique household appliances.

Open shelves can be built-in. For their implementation, you will need a niche that can be built specifically. It is a user-friendly design due to its affordability and versatility. Various kitchen utensils are placed on such shelves, as well as souvenirs, candlesticks, wickerwork and everything you see fit.

Maybe there is still some space left in your kitchen to accommodate a small cupboard for dishes? If yes, then look somewhere in the "flea" market old wardrobe for dishes. Tidy it up and you will see that it will become the center of your Dutch style kitchen. The facades of the main kitchen cabinets are usually either smooth or decorated with strict slats. A slide for dishes can be carved, even a different color than all other cabinets. But just she will be the decoration of the kitchen.

If there is no room for a floor-standing display cabinet, then hang a glass-doored cupboard on the wall.

In addition to the above cabinets and cabinets, Dutch cuisine does not exclude the presence of an island table, which is quite convenient to use. In addition to the table-island, the Dutch kitchen can be equipped with a bar counter.

We have already chosen tables, cabinets and lockers for our kitchen. It's time to choose chairs. Of course, the best option is wooden chairs with upholstered seats. For the bar counter, buy high stools.

The main accents of the "Dutch cuisine" are placed, but we must not forget that we live in an age of high technological progress and, of course, the kitchen must be equipped with all the appliances and appliances necessary for a normal life.

A modern Dutch kitchen is the most thoughtful and comfortable space. As in any kitchen, the cleanliness of all items in the kitchen plays a major role. And the light facades of Dutch-style kitchen cabinets especially require attention. Learn correctly and in a timely manner for your kitchen and it will certainly delight you and your entire family.

A few words should be said about lighting the kitchen. In addition to natural lighting, various types of lamps are necessarily used: ceiling, wall and lighting for hoods and furniture.

The Dutch style created in the interior of the kitchen creates a calm, stable and respectable atmosphere in the house. The main task: do not overload the interior unnecessary things. Be sure to have a lot of free space on the shelves, on the working surfaces of tables and kitchen cabinets. But a bouquet of tulips or daffodils in a vase and on a lace napkin will not be superfluous.

Love your home, decorate it from the doorstep to the nooks and crannies. May this activity bring you joy!

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(as, indeed, in other ethnic styles) this is not just a set of certain objects and things, but an atmosphere created by the hard work of the hostess. A Dutch home is a livable space furnished simply yet elegantly. At first glance, everything is ordinary, but sophistication and artistic taste are imperceptibly present in the external and internal appearance of the Dutch dwelling. How to develop the ability to sense style in yourself, how to create a subtle and refined interior Dutch home? Let's try to figure it out together. In this article you will find the answer to the question: how to decorate the interior in the Dutch style?

  • The Dutch are not only the descendants of great sailors and merchants, but also very hardworking people. They literally won pieces of land from the sea, which they perfectly equipped. Many houses in the Netherlands have their own mini marinas for boats and yachts. There are many old houses, but they are all well maintained, both facades and their interiors.
  • It's hard to believe, but the Netherlands was once ruled by Spain! But by the 17th century, this state gained independence and began to develop in its own way.
  • At this time, active construction in cities began in the Netherlands. Many architects worked on the creation of the Dutch style in the appearance of residential and public buildings. The peculiar appearance of the Dutch cities was formed from the original and innovative ideas of urban architects. Gothic, renaissance and classicism combined to reveal to the world what everyone now calls Dutch architecture. Many features in appearance houses, one of them is windows with several (often nine) partitions.

  • The proximity of the sea in the Netherlands predetermined the development of navigation and trade. Merchants on their ships went to distant East Asian countries and brought back rare and outlandish things from there: woolen carpets, silk, Chinese porcelain and bronze products. But not every European had the opportunity to buy these goods for his home, because they were very expensive due to the long overseas route from which they were brought. Therefore, craft workshops began to appear in Holland, which tried to reproduce fine Chinese porcelain. So in the interior appeared white and blue dishes, which not only became an alternative to Chinese products, but also firmly secured the right to be calling card this country.

The dishes were painted with blue paint and traditionally depicted ships, fish, windmills, everyday scenes from life, as well as floral ornaments.

A feature of the Dutch style is that in the interior of the house there are interior elements that repeat the appearance of the facades of unusual Dutch houses. Here and on the dishes you can find such drawings.

But this does not mean at all that dishes of other colors were not produced in Holland. Pretty popular just white kitchenware, sometimes with a light blue or blue rim.

  • Plates, mugs, teapots and vases are beautifully displayed by Dutch housewives and this technique has been working flawlessly for centuries. Namely, it creates a cozy and unique atmosphere in the house. Remember that open shelves always attract attention and if you want them to really serve as an interior decoration, keep them clean and in perfect order.

  • Ceramic and porcelain plates can decorate a Dutch-style home not only on open shelves, but also attached to the walls.

  • Vases in interior decoration play an important role. And in the Dutch house this is no exception.

  • Not only do the Dutch decorate their blue and white dishes, but also polished copper pots and teapots. They are often flaunted as part of the interior, but they are also used for cooking.

  • Open shelves are elegantly decorated with lace and embossed napkins on the fabric. They use all the same floral motifs. Dutch housewives subtly feel the line between interior decoration and unnecessary excesses, which often play a completely opposite role.

When choosing napkins for your kitchen, you should give preference to products made from natural cotton or silk threads and preferably handmade.

Always remember that any well-equipped kitchen will not be cozy and warm without the smells of freshly prepared dishes and homemade pastries.

  • The Netherlands is known throughout the world as a country in which white and blue ceramic tiles. These are box-shaped pottery. Made in wooden molds-boxes. The main difference between tiles and ceramic tiles is that tiles with inside have a recess and points for mechanical attachment of this product to the surface.

Tiles were used for lining stoves, fireplaces, walls, building facades. The front side could be both smooth and embossed.

Just like for dishes, “Dutch” motifs were used for painting tiles: flowers, mills, ships. Often, a whole picture was assembled from tiles, laying out a plot from individual tiles.

  • Of course, in Holland (as the Netherlands is often called by the name of one of the provinces), production has long been established ceramic tiles. And it is widely used for home decoration.

Tiles decorate not only kitchen "aprons", but also lay out the floor and decorate the walls in the bathroom and toilet. A feature of the Dutch interior is the use of ceramic panels assembled from small tiles into one whole. The plots remain the same: the sea, ships, windmills or flowers.

  • But not only with tiles did the Dutch decorate their fireplaces, but also natural stone or strong, well-fired bricks.

After all fireplace- this is also a decoration of the Dutch house and its decoration should be approached especially carefully.

Of course, to make the room look like a Dutch house, you need more than just a fireplace. Wall decoration, a set of "Dutch" furniture, lighting, textiles and other smaller interior details are important. It is worth noting that the creation of an interior is not a matter of one day or even a month.

In order to understand how the interior and life in a Dutch house is arranged, you should look there and consider everything yourself.

A feature of European houses is that their owners carefully think through and equip literally every corner. At the same time, not somehow, but to make it both convenient and beautiful.

  • If you are the lucky owner country house and decided to decorate its interior in the Dutch style, you can use natural wood for interior decoration of the dwelling. And then wooden staircase will be a real decoration for him.

  • If possible, do windows to the floor trim one of the walls with stone, put porcelain stoneware or tiles on the floor. Don't forget built-in shelves.

  • And if you mount wooden (or false) beams at least in the kitchen, it will become a real decoration for her. This corresponds to the decoration of the home in the Dutch style.

When choosing furniture for your home, first of all, decide on the style that is closer to you. After all, the Dutch interior can be in a rustic (country) style, classic and modern version. Most likely, there are other ways. But just do not forget that the house should be beautiful, comfortable and functional. It is also spacious and airy.

And, of course, daylight necessarily!

  • Electric lamps in Dutch interior are used not only for intended purpose but also to create style and decoration of the home. In one room can easily "coexist" crystal ceiling chandelier and porcelain or metal sconces, table lamps, spotlights and other lighting fixtures. It is important that they all look appropriate in this room together.

When creating an interior in the Dutch style, try to use natural materials. And choose lighting fixtures from glass, metal, porcelain and crystal. Do not use plastic lamps. They are too "cheaper" interior.

Perhaps you decide to make a lampshade for the lamp with your own hands. This is also an acceptable option.

As for furniture, country and classical style it should be made of natural materials: wood, leather, glass, metal.

Dutch furniture is sure to be of high quality and durable, as well as comfortable and stylish.

  • Of course, the Dutch style in the interior is original and original. Master furniture makers from the Netherlands came up with and brought to life such a masterpiece of furniture art as crockery slide.

When choosing a project for building a house, everything more customers prefer simplicity, functionality and comfort. The Dutch architectural style, which combines modest beauty, is ideal for such requirements. external decoration and traditional interiors.

The history of the emergence of the Dutch architectural style

The Dutch style, as an independent trend in architecture, began to take shape at the end of the 16th century. The reason for its occurrence was the liberation of the northern part of the Netherlands from Spanish rule. The new state began to be called the Dutch Republic and went its own way of development.
The absence of the influence of Catholicism and the constant control of the Spanish rulers freed the inhabitants of the young country from the need to build luxurious palaces, and local religious rules did not allow temples to be too magnificently decorated. As a result, at the beginning of the 17th century, architecture new country already markedly different from its European neighbors.

Features of Dutch architecture

A number of factors had a significant influence on the formation of the Dutch architectural trend. This is both the political situation within the country and complex climatic conditions and rapid technological progress.
As a result, strength, practicality and beauty became the main criteria in the construction of houses, and as hallmarks The architectural style showed the following elements:

  1. high, big windows, divided into rectangular fragments;
  2. bright brick walls with white stone trim;
  3. acute-angled gable roof;
  4. facade symmetry;
  5. stepped or bell-shaped tong, crowning upper part the buildings.

The facade of a building in the Dutch style, as a rule, is not very large. With a rather narrow front part, the houses are usually elongated in length.

Materials for building a Dutch-style house

Brick has traditionally been the main material for the construction of Dutch-style buildings. AT modern construction it also finds a fairly wide application, however, if desired, it can be replaced by any available material. In this case, compliance with the chosen direction is achieved by designing the facade. facing brick or its imitation.

An obligatory attribute of a Dutch house is a snow-white finish, which gives the buildings a special flavor and some elegant solemnity. Initially, such decorative elements were made of stone or specially treated wood, covered with a layer of gypsum and lime.
However, the current range building materials allows you to choose more available options, for example - platbands and slopes on the windows can be made of polyurethane or wood-polymer composite, and the corners of the building will be adequately decorated with imitation stone or decorative facade plaster.

Dutch style house colors

Traditional buildings in Dutch architectural style made of red brick. Modern rules allow you to use for the design of the facade of any saturated colors, focusing on the contrast with white decor elements.

Dutch style roof

The main requirement for the roof of a Dutch-style house is a height sufficient to accommodate living quarters under its arches. As a rule, this gable design, allowing the use of any roofing materials.

Facade of a building in the Dutch style

The first thing that attracts the eye in a Dutch-type building is unusual shape the upper part of the facade (tongue). This section of the wall can be stepped, resembling the outlines of a bell or a regular trapezoid.

A snow-white finish is required along the edges, repeating the contour or emphasizing it individual elements. Such decor is usually made of stone or wood, but recently plastic has also been used.
For maximum compliance with the Dutch architectural direction, a stylized console can be installed in the upper part of the facade. And a beautiful old lantern will serve as a worthy replacement for the traditional hook for lifting loads.

Windows in the Dutch architectural style

Another one distinguishing feature Dutch architecture - large, tall windows simple rectangular shape, divided by partitions into smaller fragments. Depending on the preferences of the owner, they can be supplemented wooden shutters, sometimes - in half of the glazed space.
Relative to the center of the facade, the windows are arranged symmetrically. For framing openings, they are used as industrial architraves strict form, without curly carvings and unnecessary decorations, and decorative trim stone, repeating the outlines of the window.

Dutch style doors

Particular attention in the design of the building in the Dutch architectural style deserve entrance doors. They are distinguished by an unusual design - their upper and lower parts can be opened both simultaneously and independently of each other. The first, as a rule, glass, consists of 9 vertical rectangles fastened with a frame. The latter can be made both from metal covered with matte paint, and from solid wood with the appropriate type of processing.
The entrance to the house, according to the Dutch tradition, is usually located on the side of the building, inside the courtyard.

The Dutch style in the interior will definitely be appreciated by those who prefer not to choose complex designs, but at the same time want to see their home cozy and warm enough. The Dutch style is created using predominantly natural materials, which gives the rooms a special charm of the Dutch provinces.

The northern and for many mysterious country has always been known for its history of navigation and luxurious tulips, and therefore the interior of a Dutch-style house must be filled with marine and floral elements and compositions.

Secrets of attractive style

Dutch design has one distinctive feature, which can already be determined from the photo of rooms decorated in a similar style. This is the decoration of the house both outside and inside with red brick. Use this environmentally friendly pure material can be for decoration separate zones in the kitchen, hallway, living room.

It is not recommended to use brick in the interior of a bedroom or children's room, as it muffles (and even neutralizes) the feeling of comfort. One more feature Dutch direction in the interior can be called the use of ceramic tiles of different sizes.

Dutch style can be used for interior decoration country house or cottages. There will be no particular problems with the use of this direction in the design and arrangement of a city apartment. You can often see Dutch design in high-end restaurants and cafes. When choosing this style, it is necessary to proceed from considerations of comfort and coziness, but do not forget about practicality.

Color palette

In the Dutch style must be present different shades brown, burgundy, beige, yellow and blue. A Dutch-style kitchen looks great if you use brown tones for its design.

The bedroom involves the use of lighter, beige shades. The living room looks cozy if you arrange it in yellow and use brickwork to decorate the space by the fireplace, windows, separate areas that need to be highlighted.

Dutch bathroom design is the use of tiles in beige shades with splashes of blue or pink of different shapes and sizes.

Basic materials

When choosing a Dutch style for your home, keep in mind that preference should be given to natural materials. For the floor, it is best to choose parquet made of natural dark wood. Laminate is considered cheaper options, but it should also imitate natural wood.

For the floor, you can choose high-quality ceramic tiles with a surface similar to natural stone. Be sure to consider the main rule - flooring should be as dark as possible, this will help create the necessary contrast with the furniture, ceiling and walls.

Compared to the floor, the walls are light when choosing a Dutch design. You can choose not only pure white, but also the lightest shades of beige, yellow or blue.

Wall plastering is widely used, which recreates the effect natural stone. Especially popular with designers brickwork using dark red brick. With its help, you can also divide the room into zones.

The Dutch interior will not be fully sustained if you do not pay attention to the ceiling. Preferably on the ceiling wooden beams that match the color of the floor. This approach to design will give the interior a certain charm. You can deviate from this rule if the ceiling in the house is low. In this case, it is better to use a pure white color, which will help expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

If possible, when choosing a Dutch style, use as many natural finishing materials as possible. Not only tiles and bricks are widely used, but also glass and wood of various species.

Furniture selection

Furnishing an apartment in style typical house Holland provides for the use of a little rough and extremely massive furniture quite simple geometric shapes. The severity of such furniture somewhat smoothes the use for it. external design leather and glass. The legs of the sofa, chairs and cabinets should be curved.

The main feature of the Dutch style is the obligatory presence in the room of a wooden cabinet for dishes, the shape of which was invented by the indigenous people of the country. Behind the glass doors in such a cabinet there must be plates and cups made of light blue porcelain.

An integral part of the interior in Holland is the presence of a fireplace in the living room, which is best finished with ceramics or bricks. A fireplace in winter will give an unusual feeling of family warmth. The Dutch style also includes the use of an aged wooden chest of drawers.

A massive table and sturdy wicker chairs fit perfectly into the interior of the kitchen. And for the bedroom, designers advise choosing more elegant furniture sets.

Accessories in the interior

Since Holland is considered and was considered a country of sailors, it is desirable to include in the interior under the style of the country geographic Maps, globes, objects related to the sea. The Dutch are recognized connoisseurs of flowers, and therefore you can safely use vases with bouquets, jugs in the design. Look good in the living room and metal candlesticks.

AT last years there is an increased interest in Dutch design around the world. At various international exhibitions, the Dutch become the undisputed leaders, attracting the attention of the public and specialists with their progressive ideas and projects called "smart simplicity".

A striking appearance of Dutch design occurred in the early 1990s - designers created cabinets from waste wood and chairs from rags. No furniture brand dared to take these experimental items into production, but the designers did not care at all. They made revolutionary furniture in their own workshops. To this day, there is no furniture industry in Holland, and this has become the main advantage - the product is produced solely at the designer's own discretion. This way of thinking has received strong support from the government. The state supports the presentation of Dutch design abroad, and young designers can count on start-up subsidies.

In addition, the Netherlands has excellent opportunities for affordable education in the arts. At the Design Academy Eindhoven, students do not learn how to design chairs, but open method thinking that takes nothing for granted and questions everything. Over the past years, thanks to the Design Academy, a whole generation of designers has appeared whose projects are invariably in the spotlight - Maarten Baas, Marcel Wanders, Jurgen Bey, Studio Job designers, Frank Willems, Finnish designer Tuomas Markupoik Tolvanen, inspired by the Dutch school and others.

Today, Dutch design has become a kind of quality mark. For all its difference creative ways and ways of implementing ideas, it is distinguished by the purity of forms, the depth of content, resourceful simplicity and a look at the subject from a completely new point of view. Dutch designers say that in the future the value of an object will not directly depend on the extravagance of materials - the main luxury will be the unique individuality of the object, a non-standard ideological approach, inspiration, something unexpected that breaks the routine and makes it so attractive.

Undoubtedly, the historical past of this country has a significant influence on the formation of design in Holland. Very small in size and population, Holland occupies a significant place in world history. A line of respect for one's country, natural resources and people can be traced in the work of all Dutch designers.

For example, Frank Willems produces a collection of Madam Rubens chairs, in the production of which he uses old mattresses, because their disposal negatively affects environment. Another well-known designer, Jürgen Bey, became famous for his "bench tree" project, which he made for the park, using a tree that fell during the windy season, thereby giving the tree new life. Dirk Van Der Koy has reprogrammed a decommissioned factory robot and makes furniture out of recycled plastic from old refrigerators. The environmental focus can be traced to all designers in the Netherlands, thus, old, discarded things, gain new life and a new purpose.

In the minds of every Dutch designer there is an increased social responsibility and interest in creating a comfortable, cozy and functional public space as part of the urban environment. The unification of people and collectivism are the most important guidelines in the country, where as early as the beginning of the 20th century there was pillarization in society, based on a different worldview in religious and political views. Many of the works of Dutch designers are aimed at solving social problems and, above all, at strengthening a tolerant society in all respects.

Most of the designers' projects can be attributed to the concept of "art design", because the conceptual direction can be traced in the work of the Dutch in the last two decades. The process of creating furniture requires significant cash costs, and it is produced in limited series. Thus, designers emphasize that their projects are also a struggle against the culture of consumption. Cheap items are easily thrown away, while expensive items that have become investments remain forever and can even be inherited.

Dutch design occupies a special niche in world design: it is bright, thoughtful, and intellectual. In a period of crisis, who else but the Dutch with their justified and functional design become the right guide. Thinking about the problems of society, carefully preserving and developing what their ancestors once started, the Dutch carry the idea of ​​creation, respect and understanding of their own country.
