Ways to restore cleanliness and order and maintain. How to put things in order in the house: a fundamentally new method of cleaning

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It is difficult to find a person who would be truly indifferent to the mess. We like it when houses are clean, comfortable and every thing is easy to find. Only, as a rule, such an idyll happens only after a general cleaning. Hands drop, and sometimes it seems that he got into a real vicious circle of disorder. But we have little secrets, thanks to which things will always be in their places. It's quite real.

We are in website we really appreciate comfort and cleanliness and are always looking for solutions that can make life even more comfortable and easier. We are sure that these 13 tips will leave you with no questions about how to restore perfect order in the house.

1. Return all things to their place

Give each item a specific place in the house. This will save you from constant searches and from wasting precious time, and will also help you easily maintain order. After all, it largely depends on how much the space in the apartment is cluttered with all sorts of things scattered in different corners.

2. Cover the top surface of the kitchen cabinets with cling film

In the kitchen, grease constantly accumulates on all surfaces. Cabinets, shelves and kitchen aprons are especially affected. If you cover the upper surface of shelves and cabinets with cling film, then during cleaning it will be enough to wipe them on top with a damp cloth - and there will be no accumulation of grease and dirt on the surface of the furniture. Just change the film from time to time.

3. Take everything you need for cleaning with you

A small plastic box or basin is a great helper during cleaning. It will save you from having to go from room to room for detergents left there. Put them in a box and carry it with you.

4. Tidy up during small breaks

Many household chores can be done during the short breaks that occur between other chores you are doing. For example, if you went into the kitchen to boil a kettle, during these 3-5 minutes of waiting, it is quite possible to have time to wash several dishes or wipe the floor in one room.

5. Use an anti-static anti-dust

If you spray antistatic on the screens and back surfaces of household appliances, TVs and computers and then wipe them with a paper towel, then dust will settle on them 2 times less.

6. After applying the detergent to the surface, wait 15 minutes

This rule applies when cleaning surfaces such as tiles, ceramics and even plastic. Do not apply a cleaning agent and immediately begin to wash, for example, a toilet bowl or tiles in the bathroom. It is better to wait 10-15 minutes and only then start laundering: this way you will spend much less time and effort. And in between, you can again do other small things.

7. Distribute all major tasks by day of the week

All major household chores can be distributed by day of the week. For example, like this: on Monday - wash clothes, on Tuesday - clean the bathrooms, on Wednesday - buy food, on Thursday - wash the floors, on Friday - wipe the dust and vacuum. This will help to avoid emergency work and free up Saturday and Sunday for rest.

8. Find your mess point

"Point of Disorder" refers to the amount of things a person or family is able to keep in order. This limit is different for everyone. For example, you can control only a small number of things, and if you exceed this amount a little, a mess will inevitably form at home. If you have a low "point of confusion", then first reduce the number of things in the house, and then determine the place for each thing.

9. Get rid of at least 20-30 items every month

10. Give each family member their own container for things.

Allocate a convenient container for each family member, where he could put those things that he regularly uses, such as keys, phone, cards, etc. This will make it easier for him to keep order and not waste time looking for things lost in the house.

11. Declutter things separately by category.

Hello! I'm glad you)

Today I was going to write the second part about the lawn, as a result I got 15 rules for maintaining cleanliness in the house. Well ... it happens))).

What is the order, cleanliness and degree of clutter at home? All these concepts are relative. They relate exclusively to specific households and specific people. Each of us has completely individual ideas of these concepts. Someone sweeps the carpet with a vacuum cleaner so that the pile lies in one direction and every speck of dust on the shelf goes into a state of panic. And for some, such moments are not significant at all. I am not a supporter of absolute order and absolute purity. Home is a place where they live, live fully. Therefore, everything should be in moderation. Just enough to leave time for other aspects of life, and there should be more of it. What rules can be worked out to keep the house in an acceptable condition (and not to faint if someone decides to come visit).

  1. We always make the bed in the morning. Almost immediately. An unmade bed brings a fair amount of chaos.

  2. Clean plumbing. The sink, toilet bowl, kitchen sink, bathtub or shower must be clean.

  3. Every thing has its place. Everything that you have used should always go to its rightful place. It's a chore, yes... But this minute thing will save you from the accumulated mess.
  4. Wash dishes immediately(or put it in the dishwasher).

  5. Cook Carefully, try to immediately clean up the "battlefield".

  6. Ventilate the apartment many, often, regularly.
  7. Dust regularly on surfaces. To do this less often - use a polish with an antistatic agent, the dust will not settle so actively; to make it faster - free the surfaces from all that is superfluous, leave a minimum.

  8. Use a vacuum cleaner quite often (but then it will be possible to wash the floors less often). If the maintenance of the vacuum cleaner takes a lot of time (for example, you have a washing vacuum cleaner), then leave it for more fundamental cleaning. Get a light and simple upright vacuum cleaner for quick dust collection. I have a washing machine (I clean it once a week) and a vertical one: I plug the plug into the socket, five minutes and the apartment is cleaner.

  9. Do a wet mop floors at least once a week, at least with a mop.
  10. Regularly carry out general cleaning. Plan it ahead of time and make it a must in your schedule. How often? This is already individual. Someone once every two weeks, someone once a month, and someone once every six months is enough. But ... the less often it happens, the larger the process itself.
  11. Get rid of unnecessary things. The house is not a warehouse, but a reflection of your lifestyle, chaos in it leads to chaos in other aspects of life. About this and .
  12. Improve your home decor, think over storage of things. Buy baskets and containers. In a notebook or your favorite gadget, write down the dimensions of the shelves and drawers: length, height, width - this will allow you not to fly with the dimensions of the containers and rationally, up to a centimeter, use the space.

  13. Plan your shopping, make lists- spontaneity of shopping leads to clutter. A wonderful function of female nature “Oh, how I like this thing! Want!" - turn it off. But do not torture yourself with a categorical “no!”, Just postpone the purchase, take a time out. As practice shows, after reflection and delay in 80-90% of cases, you are unlikely to return for a thing. When buying interior items, pre-made photos of your rooms will help. For example, I have wallpaper samples and pieces of fabric from curtains in my notebook. Sometimes it is difficult to correlate a thing in a store with how it will look at home and choose shades. The purchase must be thoughtful.

  14. Keep the hallway in order. Organize the proper storage of shoes, take care of the “correct” door mat (it should hold the dirt that we bring from the street well). Remember, everyone who comes to the house, the first thing they see is the hallway, and you too))).

  15. And of course, create the right attitude. Don't think of all these routine things as a burden. You improve your life. Create a harmonious, comfortable space around you. But how! You deserve it!

That's all for today. I recently switched to a personal domain - this is good, but in the end I lost the very first and so dear comments of my few so far (I hope) subscribers - this is sadness. Subscribe, comment, add and supplement - it's nice to know that you came to me.
And most importantly: WHAT POINTS WOULD YOU ADD?

Although strict Soviet housewives assured their daughters that the mess in the house is solely the result of laziness and personal lack of concentration, psychologists have long debunked this myth: people are divided into several types, and different personality types organize the space around them differently.


There are those for whom structure and keeping order are easy, they are uncomfortable in a mess, and cleanliness is an important part of their character.

There are those who are more comfortable in order, but among the personality traits there is no ability to adhere to routine operations - it is more difficult for such people to maintain order, therefore, in their house, disorder most often gains a critical mass (each has its own mass), after which cleaning is carried out, but the result takes a long time does not hold, and the circle repeats.

There are also those who, in principle, are not able to maintain cleanliness in the space around them and do not worry about this at all.

However, if you still don’t like the mess, but you are not naturally clean, you can try to deceive your character and instill habits in yourself, say the activists of the Fly Lady movement. Only 10 habits will allow you to painlessly maintain order in the house.

Habit #1: Always make your bed

It was not in vain that my mother always demanded to put the bed in order before school - nothing adds to the feeling of a mess like crumpled linen on an unmade bed does. Making your bed is a matter of 10 seconds, it is the simplest and easiest habit of all!

Habit number 2: clean soap smudges from the walls of the shower or bathtub after each shower

Took a shower - rinse the walls with water to remove soap smudges, and wipe them with a special roller for showers. It takes 5 seconds and keeps the bathroom fresh - a very healthy habit that would be good to instill in all family members.

Habit #3: Wipe down the bathroom sink every night

I brushed my teeth - tidy up the sink so that soap smudges and traces of toothpaste do not freeze on it. It's easiest to keep the tile cleaner and sponge right in the bathroom so you can quickly apply it, rinse it off, and leave your bathroom looking its best. The whole procedure takes 30 seconds at most.

Habit number 4: leave the kitchen clean in the evening

Fly Lady community activists claim that cleanliness in an apartment starts with a clean kitchen. Like, the kitchen gets dirty in the first place, and you need to start a war on clutter right here. The procedure for Fly Lady is as follows:

  • wash the dishes or load them into the dishwasher (never leave dirty dishes overnight - the rule of cleanliness)
  • apply the cleaner on the sink in a thick layer, leave to act
  • wipe all surfaces with a damp sponge
  • Rinse the cleaning agent from the surface of the sink, wipe it dry
  • take out a fresh kitchen towel, send it to the laundry

With proper skill and consistency, the whole procedure takes from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the volume of dirty dishes.

Habit #5: Wash dishes while cooking

All people are divided into two groups - someone cooks and multiplies dirty utensils around him, someone washes everything in the process of cooking. Chistyuli - from the second. The rule "used - washed" allows you to choke the mess at the stage of inception.

Habit #6: "Evening rounds"

All the same Fly Lady activists advise you to make it a habit to spend every evening “five minutes of cleanliness” - before you go to bed, you need to go around the apartment and sort out the fresh rubble. Send scattered things to their place, fold magazines and CDs, park children's toys. Just 5 minutes every evening will help keep your house clean until the next general cleaning.

Habit number 7: do not produce clothes outside the closets

Dirty - in the wash, wearable - back in the closet. This rule allows you to wean yourself and loved ones to produce mountains of clothes on chairs and armchairs that fit so harmoniously into the overall atmosphere of the mess. This routine takes about 5 seconds of time - just in the process of exposing yourself, control yourself and send the things being filmed not to the chair, but to the right place.

Habit number 8: ventilate the room

One of the unpleasant properties of bardach apartments is a musty smell. The apartment can be relatively tidy, but this smell will betray the slut faster than scattered things. Make it a rule to ventilate the apartment every day for 10-15 minutes, this is good for health and to maintain an overall feeling of cleanliness.

Habit #9: Dusting extremely dusty surfaces every day

Every home has surfaces that attract dust faster than others - plasma panels, monitors, glass (including a mirror), etc. Special rag with antistatic impregnation + 2-3 minutes a day to get around all the "dusty" places and brushing off accumulated during the day will allow you to maintain the overall feeling of cleanliness for a long time.

Habit #10: Involve everyone in the household to keep things organized and invest in technology that makes life easier

No need to suddenly become clean, it's bad for the psyche, say Fly Lady. Sometimes you really just don’t have the strength to sort out a fresh blockage or brush off the dust - it’s not scary, it will wait until tomorrow. The main thing is to make the above steps your habit, for which it is enough to force yourself to follow the routine for three weeks.

After 21 days, making evening rounds and wiping down the bathroom sink will become second nature, activists say.

And one more thing: one should not try to repeat the feat of Hercules and clean the Augean stables alone, one should try to instill the habits of cleanliness in all households (although what exactly is the feat of Hercules - cleaning or instilling such habits in husband and children - this, of course, is a question).

Buying good appliances that cut down on the time and effort to keep clean is not a waste of money. For example, investing in a good steam cleaner (a device that cleans various surfaces with hot steam) will help you cut down on hours of time you would otherwise spend scrubbing tiles, plumbing, etc.

We do not live in the 19th century, and it is foolish not to use everything that is designed to make our lives easier.

And so that work on your habits does not stop, and laziness does not take over, FLY LADY advises you to make something like a cleaning schedule, where you list the main routine and the frequency of various manipulations for yourself. It is enough to stick to this schedule for a month to get used to the new routine.

Do you want to clean your house once and for all, so that the weekly weekend doesn't turn into a garbage and dust chase? We invite you to get acquainted with the cleaning methods of the Japanese organization and tidying guru Marie Kondo.

What is her secret? Get rid of everything that doesn't make you happy, organize everything that's left, and then just keep organized. It seems quite simple, but often parting with things that have accumulated over the years is not so easy.

Magic cleaning by Marie Kondo

The book "The Magic of Cleaning" became a global bestseller and topped the sales list in 2017. Since childhood, Marie has been interested in various cleaning methods, and with pleasure organized her family's wardrobes. She managed to turn this thirst for order into her work, today she is engaged in consulting and helping to restore order for her clients. “Organization begins with decluttering” - this phrase is Marie's motto.

House cleaning: all on the shelves

Step 1: Get rid of everything you don't need

The KonMari method is based on getting rid of things that have been gathering dust in the closet for years. Most people complain that they don't have enough storage cabinets, but the real problem is that they have too much storage. Marie suggests decluttering not by room, but by category. For example, clothes, shoes, books, etc. In this way, cleaning is more efficient. If you decide to start with clothes, you need to get all the clothes from the closets and hangers. This will help you really appreciate the whole amount of things, see if you have “forgotten” sweaters, jeans, etc.

If it's too bad

It's easiest to discard clothes, so it's best to take them apart first. In this way, you will be strengthened in decision making, and it will be much easier to move to the next category. After clothes, move on to papers and books, then to various other items that do not fit into any of the categories, and then to things of sentimental value.

If it is very difficult to get rid of something, put everything in a box, writing only the date of packaging on it, then leave the box alone, having previously set a period of a month or half a year. If during this time you have never taken out the contents, then, without looking inside, send the box to the scrap.

Another way to get rid of unnecessary things is to change the vector of thoughts. Consider holding on to things that someone else might have used. For some, they may be necessary.

Where can you take things

Clothes that you have already grown out of can be given to relatives / to a shelter / handed over to secondhand. There is enough information on the various organizations in need on the Internet.

Books can be donated to the library. Take papers to waste paper collection points.


It is better to start the revision in the morning when you are full of energy and enthusiasm.

With whom?

Cleaning must be done consciously, so it is best to do it alone. Plus, your decisions will not be subject to criticism. You can turn on your favorite music, but it is important that it does not distract or tire.

Step 2: Smart Organization

After the first point is over, proceed to the organization. It consists in finding a storage place for each item that you will return to its place after use. In her experience, Marie says it's important to organize the whole house at once in order for the mentality change to be more effective.

Step 3: Find a suitable location

This is a key tip from Marie - keep a certain type of stuff in only one place. For example, T-shirts in one particular drawer, underwear in another. As you decrease the amount of your items, you will feel a click that will tell you the right amount of items for you. You yourself determine the moment when order is reached. And then the feeling of happiness will fill the house. Many followers of the KonMari methods (and we are happy to include the GD-Home team in their number) claim that they have put things in order not only in the house, but also in their heads, changed jobs and relationships with their families. The “art” of decluttering improves your decision making skills and keeps your life in order.

It is better to remove seasonal things from your eyes in order to get bored with them over time.

Clothes will take up less space if stored upright. How to fold things correctly is clearly visible in the photo.

Keeping socks in one ball is still a pleasure. Putting them in pairs, you will greatly simplify your life. Do the same with tights.

You can store bags one in one, the main thing is not to overdo it, and store no more than 2 - 3 bags at a time.

Review your documents, warranties, and instruction manuals. Often after the revision, a third of everything stored for years remains.

Perfect cleanliness in the apartment is the dream of any diligent hostess. Cleanliness is not only pleasant to live in. It is noticed that when the house is tidied up, the whole life becomes more organized. And cleanliness is the key to health. And both physical and emotional. If you're suffering from mood swings and depression, a total housecleaning might be what you're looking for. So, we clean up the house quickly and with pleasure!

Getting Started: The Basics of Tidying Up

The most difficult thing in any business is its beginning. To step over the inner “I can’t”, it is enough to take one step towards purity. But where to start cleaning when there is an immense amount of work ahead?

The simplest advice is to declutter. Surely unnecessary stickers, checks, tea bags and other garbage have accumulated on the desktop. Prepare a trash bag and collect everything that is definitely no longer needed. Extra things, household items, including furniture, collect dust and take up space. Urgently get rid of this rubbish, and it will become easier to breathe in the apartment.

After the garbage has left the room, you can proceed to cleaning surfaces and cabinets. Then everything you need (check again) neatly folds into place. Last but not least, you need to vacuum the carpets and mop the floor. This is an approximate general cleaning plan that is convenient to follow.

Quick cleaning

One of the popular reasons for postponing house cleaning is the enormous amount of time it takes to clean up. It is not necessary to spend the whole day with a mop. Getting it right quickly is real.

Here are the best quick cleaning tips:

  1. Adhere to the ancient folk wisdom: sweep every day, wash once a week. The less rubbish on the floor, the easier it is to clean.
  2. For all detergents, prepare one container - a large box or basin. So you do not have to go from room to room in search of a rag and washing gel.
  3. To avoid scrubbing stains, use microfiber and special surface cleaners. In general, do not neglect industrial tools: they make life easier by coping with difficult dirt in a few minutes.
  4. To easily get to hard-to-reach places, purchase a telescopic mop. You should also stock up on a stable ladder.
  5. It is much easier to clean up with a vacuum cleaner with a wet cleaning function.
  6. To avoid blockages in the sink, before washing the dishes, remove all food debris, and put an additional mesh on the drain grate, which are inexpensive, but perfectly trap debris.
  7. Do two or three things in parallel: while the dishes are soaking from burnt fat, wipe the windows and send the curtains to the wash. Or sweep the floor while the machine spins the laundry tab.
  8. It is necessary to organize the storage of property. All seasonal items must be packed and put away in distant drawers. So they won't get in the way.
  9. The most time-consuming part of cleaning is window cleaning. Effective stain removers, long-handled mops, clean paper napkins, and a household steam cleaner will help save your nerves.

To avoid leaving a spot on glass and mirror surfaces, avoid circular movements, rub in a straight line. Wash the frame first, then the glass.

Comfort rules

Some places in the house can simply be forgotten to be cleaned. We remind you of what you need to pay attention to maintain perfect cleanliness and comfort:

  1. Wipe the leaves of house plants.
  2. Make the beds neatly and fold the pillows.
  3. Arrange shoes out of season in a special closet.
  4. Fix the curtains.
  5. Wipe down the window sill, tables, chairs and TV - they are the main focus of guests' attention.
  6. Dust off the wallpaper.
  7. Place fresh towels in the bathroom.
  8. Don't forget the ventilation holes.
  9. The upper corners are where dust accumulates and cobwebs appear. You don't need to forget about them.

Prevention of cleanliness: rules for maintaining order

Order is easier to maintain than to restore - a well-known truth. But in the modern rhythm of life, it is difficult for a person to track even the amount of dust in the corners.

Tips to help control pollution at home:

  1. You need to force yourself every day or at least every other day to carry out a small cleaning of a certain area in the apartment: a desktop, a wardrobe with clothes, a refrigerator. 15-20 minutes spent on putting things in order will significantly save time during the general cleaning of the home.
  2. Organization of order: for each thing there should be a place. Buy a handy clothes rack so it doesn't fall off your chair. A good purchase is wardrobe trunks for storing various things, baskets for dirty laundry.
  3. Make a rule: wash dishes after eating. So you don’t have to spend time rubbing dried food particles, and the mountain will not accumulate. And don't build batteries out of dirty cups and mugs - wash them immediately after use.
  4. Take out the trash as often as possible to avoid spreading bad odors. Leave one wastebasket: so the garbage will not accumulate in several rooms at once.
  5. In order not to provoke the development of mold in the bathroom, leave the door open after water procedures. A very useful device is a fan on the ventilation grille. It drives out steam and rotten air.
  6. A minimum of things - a minimum of dirt. Leave in the house only what you really need, and distribute the rest or throw it in the trash.
  7. If a child lives in the house, arrange an area for him to play and store toys, drawings, etc. And do not forget to teach the baby to put the toys back in the box in the form of a game.

A few tricks to help bring the apartment in order and reduce the amount of dirt in the room:

  1. Refuse bulky carpets - these are real dust collectors.
  2. Hang short curtains in the kitchen that are easy to wash and hang. Equip this room with a good hood, this significantly reduces the buildup of grease and soot around.
  3. Brush your pets as often as possible.
  4. Treat TVs and monitors with antistatic.

Maintaining order in an apartment is not as difficult as it seems. Try to put things in order in the house at least 2-3 times a week, then you won’t have to spend the whole weekend cleaning up the “creative” mess.
