Bathroom tile color. Bathroom tile colors

When you need renovate a small bathroom, most likely you will want it to result in a practical room that looks larger than it really is. There are many different factors that affect the perception of the size of a space, but in this article we will focus on the color of the walls. Is it possible to increase or decrease the perceived size of a bathroom with just one wall color? We decided to test this with a virtual space simulation program.

To do this, we contacted the company Santa Ceramics and asked her to make for us some interiors of a small bathroom with tiles of different sizes and colors. The results of the comparison are in front of you.

So, the initial data: a bathroom with a size of 1.6x1.7 meters and a height of 2.5 meters. As you can see, the bathroom is small, total meters is 2.72 square meters. For laying on the walls, tiles of 4 sizes were successively used: 10x10 cm, 20x20 cm, 20x50 cm and 40x85 cm of the same colors: white, green, brown and black. The laying seam was 1.5 mm. We decided to experiment with tiles of different sizes to eliminate the influence of size on color, and see what effect the shade of the tile has for all sizes - from small to large tiles. It is generally believed that a light color increases the space, and a dark one reduces it. Let's start checking.

1) 10x10 cm tiles in a small bathroom. What color to choose?

Let's say you want to lay a small tile, 10x10 cm. Let's compare white and green tiles (hereinafter, the view of the bathroom from the door)

Which bathroom looks better? Probably white, although the difference is not so fundamental. Let's compare with a darker color - for example, brown.

Here the difference is more obvious. A white bathroom looks more spacious than a brown one. Let's darken the color even more - let it be a black tile 10x10 cm.

Yes, the result is obvious. In black, the bathroom looks much smaller (and this is still white and gray furniture, imagine what it would be like without it). Now let's complicate the experiment. It is quite possible that you do not want to make a bathroom in one color. Let's try to make the floor in the bathroom a different color than the walls.

With a brown floor, the bathroom looks, of course, a little livelier. But visually, unfortunately, it is slightly reduced. Of course, it still looks bigger than the all-brown version.

So, if you like the dark color so much, but are not ready to sacrifice a lot of space, using a dark floor is some kind of compromise. Here is an interior for you for a green tile with a brown floor

Again, visually the size has decreased slightly. As for the lovers of white and black bathroomsat, let's see what happens,if the floor in our bathroom turns black instead of brown.

To be honest, the difference is quite strong. It turns out that after all, dark floor visually reduces space. We suggest you think a few times before laying a subfloor in a small bathroom. However, there is also good news. If you're a big fan of dark colors and still want to make your small bathroom look dark, there's a way to make it a little bigger. In exactly the same way that a dark floor reduces the area of ​​a bright bathroom, so light floor increases the area of ​​a dark bathroom. Here is an example for you

A room with a white floor looks bigger. If you really want to make dark walls, then if you use a light floor, the final size of the bathroom will seem a little larger. Of course, a reasonable question arises - what to choose in this case? Dark walls and light floors or light walls and dark floors? Let's get a look.

I don’t want to upset dark lovers, but still, light walls + a dark background give a little more space than dark walls + a light floor. How more contrast between the two colors, the more obvious it is. Control check - white-brown tile combination:

Again, light walls win (although the difference is slightly smaller).

So, for a small tile (in this case 10x10 cm), it turns out that light colors expand the space, and dark ones reduce it. This rule also applies in the case of partial use of light / dark colors: adding a dark color to a light interior makes it visually a little smaller, and adding a light color to a dark interior makes it a little larger. Let's see what happens with other tile sizes.

2) 20x20 tiles in a small bathroom. What tile color enhances the space?

Let's check the 20x20 cm tiles. Let's start with light shades: white and green.

As with the 10x10 cm tiles, the green version may look a little smaller, although the difference is not so fundamental. Let's check out the black tile.

The rule continues to work. A white bathroom also looks bigger than a black one for 20x20 cm tiles. Will a light floor expand our small bathroom?

Expanded. If the walls are darker, it will also expand:

That's lovely! Or maybe the use of a white floor is already so good in itself,does it matter what color the walls are? Maybe it is the floor that will determine what size our bathroom will look like, and the rest is not important?

The answer is a bit ambiguous. It all depends on the difference between the shades. If you remember, in the first part, where there was a 10x10 cm tile, we compared a completely brown bathroom and a brown bathroom with a white floor. The bathroom with the white floor certainly won in terms of size. In these two pictures, the green bathroom is on top. wins brown, but not that with a huge advantage. This is because the difference in brightness between green and brown bathrooms is not huge. If we change the brown color of the walls to black, the difference will increase. See:

The black bathroom in the picture looks smaller than the green one, even despite the same white floor. Therefore, if you are choosing between two colors that are similar in brightness, give preference to the shade that you like best and do not think about the visual effect. And if the choice is between distant shades (for example, light blue and deep brown), then the lighter of the two will make your bathroom more spacious.

Now let's complicate the input data again. Which bathroom will seem wider: green with a green floor or brown with a white floor?

The answer is even more nebulous. It seems to us that the green bathroom looks wider, but, of course, the presence of a white floor helps a lot with the brown one. (Just in case, we repeat once again - it's not about green, but about its brightness. In our pictures, a rather light green tile is used, so it wins over brown. Instead of green, you could have used blue or pink with the same success). If we took an even lighter green, the left bathroom would win the competition, but if we took a darker green, the result would not be obvious at all.

Enough with 20x20 tiles, everything seems to be clear. Let's look at something rectangular. bigger in size.

3) 20x50 tiles in a small bathroom. What tile to choose to increase the space?

We continue the experiment with tiles 20x50 cm. Let's start with a standard combination - white and medium-light (in this case green) tiles

The white tile won by a narrow margin. In order not to torment you with repetitions, we’ll say right away that all the darker shades looked even smaller. Does the light floor expand the space?

Expands. The rest of the colors will be the same. Now let's do something new. Previously, we only changed the color of the floor, but you can also play with the color of the walls, right? Who said that the wall can only be one-ton? Let's run a light strip along the walls and see. what will happen:

The bathroom miraculously expanded a bit. So. And if we put a light floor?

What happens if a darker stripe is used in a bright bathroom?

Maybe. became a little prettier, but in size we lost a little. Smallness - because the band was still quite light. Let's make it darker.

The dark streak narrowed the light room more than the light one. And if you add a dark floor?

The bathroom seemed even smaller. Pay attention to this, this tile laying option is quite popular: light and dark colors on the wall, dark floor. Here, for clarity, see how a white bathroom and a bathroom with a black stripe and a black floor differ:

If you still want to combine light with dark, reduce the contrast of the second color and put a light floor. For example, a brown stripe instead of a black one will already do less damage to the dimensions:

And even lighter - even smaller

In any case, it is also important to consider the size of your band. If it is large and dark, it will likely narrow the space for a small bathroom. If it is large and bright, and even the bathroom is large - the result can be completely different.

Digression about the design of large and small bathrooms:

If you carefully read our article about vertical and horizontal tiling in the bathroom, you noticed that horizontal stripes visually expand the space, while vertical stripes stretch. There were many examples in the article when a light line along the perimeter of a room expanded the space. There was also an example in the article with a darker line running along the perimeter of the room. The result of applying the strip, in our opinion, was not clear: on the one hand, the dark color reduced, on the other hand, the strip expanded, and all together it came down to the fact that the bathroom practically did not change the visual volume. However, the picture showed a rather large bathroom - 2.5x2.5 meters. A strip drawn around the perimeter expands because your eye clings to it and travels the entire distance that it covers. Thus, it emphasizes the size and it seems to you that the room becomes larger. If we draw a dark line across a small bathroom, it will do much more harm than a similar line in the middle of a large room, since there is no size to emphasize. in fact, no. Plus, it is added that it is dark and reduces the space itself. Therefore, what is not evil for a large bathroom can become evil for a small bathroom. And the light strip will increase both, which is good (unless, of course, you suffer from the fact that your bathroom seems too big and deserted to you)

In any case, consider the total amount of light against the total amount of darker. Which, for example, is better: a darker bathroom with a light stripe, or a completely light bathroom with a darker stripe? It seems that in the first case, the light strip should expand, in the second, the dark strip should decrease?

That's true, but since the total amount of white we have is higher in the right picture, this small bathroom wins in size, it seems more spacious. The more light, the more chances that your bathroom will look bigger.

Now let's move on to the large tiles

4) Tile 40.5x80 cm in a small bathroom. What color to choose?

Many people are afraid to lay large tiles in small rooms. You can do this or not, and what the effect will be, we will consider in a separate article. For now, let's just look at the color.

The initial comparison is a classic one. Will the result be different from the tile format?

It doesn't seem like much. The white bathroom, as usual, looks a little bigger. Check out the brown one.

And again, as expected, the dark color of the walls visually reduced the space. Green or brown?

Lighter. Let's check the floor. Will a light floor expand the space?

It will be all right. Want to make more space? No problem: let the light streak

By the way, what happens if we increase the size of the strip even more?

The more light, the better. Visually, the room has grown a little more. Of course, our green color is quite bright, so the difference is not fundamental, if we compared it with black tiles, the difference would be much larger. Even if you compare completely green walls and green bottom - white top, the difference will be more noticeable.

Let's add even more white and compare

Again, the more light, the better. The white bathroom wins.

Are you still with us? Time to take stock.

5) Conclusions. What color tiles should be placed in a small bathroom to visually increase its size?

So, when developing small bathroom design, the following factors should be taken into account:

Regardless of the tile size, tiles of a lighter color will increase the space, and a darker one will reduce. White color will maximize the visual size of the bathroom. Black color - minimize as much as possible.

If you want to combine two shades of color, then try to there was more light than dark. Also, if you are choosing between which tile to put on the floor- lighter or darker choose the lighter one.

The more light, the better. The combination of dark walls + light floor will look smaller than light walls + dark floor. which in turn will lose to the set of light walls + light floor.

If you in a small bathroom you want to combine several colors of tiles, try to choose light ones(for example, white - light blue, white - light green, two light beige, peach-vanilla, etc.). A combination of two light colors will look more spacious than light and dark (beige-dark brown, white-black, white-purple, etc.)

If you want to let strip (decor, border) around the perimeter of a small room, make a preference for a lighter shade. otherwise the strip will reduce the space.

I decided to write an article to help you with the question of how to choose floor tiles, so as not to go crazy. There are a lot of articles on the Internet in which it is unrealistic to understand something, I tried it myself - it did not work out. I do not want to load you with different terms, but I will tell you in a simple way.

Floor tiles are practical and beautiful. And I put practicality in the first place for good reason. Never sacrifice practicality to beauty, but vice versa.

Believe me, no matter how beautiful the tile is, over time the eye will “blur” and you will no longer notice its beauty. But if spots, scratches or other jambs are clearly visible on the surface, this infuriates and infuriates more and more every day.

  • do not take the cheapest tile - you will regret it later;
  • do not buy tiles from a collection that is being taken out of production (from leftovers) - if you ruin a couple of tiles during installation or delivery, then there will be nowhere to buy more;
  • it is better to give preference to dark tones;
  • I do not recommend using embossed tiles or tiles with high porosity for the kitchen - it gets very dirty and absorbs dirt;
  • do not take glossy tiles in the bathroom - they are slippery. In general, there are many problems with glossy. Scratches are visible on it, the gloss wears off over time, and bald spots appear;
  • large tiles are only suitable for large rooms. At the same time, too small should not be used either, because. there will be many seams;
  • a catchy pattern on the tile looks bad, the floor should not ripple;
  • you need to be more careful with the drawing, sometimes such jambs pop up that cannot be determined by eye (mismatch, incorrect geometry);
  • use decors only in open areas, otherwise all efforts are down the drain.

Types of floor tiles

It is conditionally possible to divide floor tiles into two camps:

  • ceramic;
  • stone.

What is seamless tile?

Both camps have seamless tiles. Its ends are made in such a way that it forms a monolithic surface. During installation, the tiles are laid end-to-end, without gaps (seams).

The choice of material is a purely personal matter. For myself, in the kitchen and in the bathroom, I would take porcelain stoneware - the best value for money. I would put clinker in the corridor. But at the same time, I would dream of marble or granite seamless tiles - but this is not just expensive, but very expensive.


Somehow it is customary to call only the cheapest tiles ceramic. And porcelain stoneware is already a different category of floor tiles. But if we proceed from the material used for production, then ceramic tiles are all that we see on the shelves of stores “for people”. Therefore, I classify all tiles that are made from minerals as ceramic.

It is so diverse that if you tell everything, you get a whole catalog - now we do not need it. The shape can be square, rectangular (and the aspect ratio also varies greatly), irregular, rounded, designer (here, in general, you won’t find anything).

Among the common ones I can distinguish:

Porcelain stoneware

It is made by pressing and single firing. The difference from simple-cheap ceramic tiles is that the firing temperature is higher, respectively, the tiles are stronger. Also, color is added to the powder from which the tiles are pressed. The cut shows that the main color seems to penetrate deep into the structure. Thanks to this, chips on the front surface are not so noticeable.

Porcelain stoneware can be unglazed (polished, semi-polished, unpolished) and glazed. Polishing gives shine, makes the surface smoother. Glazing allows you to create a variety of patterns on the surface and makes it more resistant to abrasion.


It is made by one of two methods: pressing or extrusion. Has a hardened base. It is fired once, but at a very high temperature. Covered with glaze, although not required. Very high degree of wear resistance.


Made from red clay by extrusion. It is not enameled and often not glazed. The color is close to the color of natural clay - shades of yellow, red and brown. After laying, you need to cover with moisture-repellent compounds. It can be wax mastic or some kind of hydrophobic agent.


Stone tiles are much more expensive than ceramic tiles, thicker (up to 3 cm) and more reliable. Not everyone can afford this. This flooring clearly indicates the high status of the homeowner. The tile looks very cool, it serves perfectly, there are no problems in operation at all. In total, there are four types (see below with a photo).




From slate

Manufacturers and collections

Which manufacturer to choose?

I will tell you this: "Do not bother with any particular company - it is enough to decide on the country of origin."
In Russia, they don’t know how to make tiles, so I don’t recommend Russian tiles.

I prefer the following producing countries:

  • Spain;
  • Italy;
  • Germany;
  • Portugal.

The price of a good tile will be $25-50/sq.m. For this money, you will get high-quality, beautiful tiles with the correct geometry, but do not start overpaying for brands and show-offs yet.

Each country of the manufacturer has brands that produce their own collections, where the tiles are combined in shape, size and color. When you see a stand with tiles in a store, this is the collection presented on one canvas.

The collection consists of five main elements:

  • light backgrounds;
  • dark backgrounds;
  • decors;
  • borders;
  • floor tiles.

At the same time, floor tiles are usually matte, and wall tiles are glossy. For one room, one light and dark background in combination with one type of decor is more than enough. I almost never use borders - they are out of place in small bathrooms, and large ones (really) are infrequent.

Important technical specifications

  • intensity of exploitation;
  • temperature and humidity of operating conditions;
  • presence/absence of exposure to chemicals.

Based on these requirements, choose a tile. Of all the parameters, I pay attention only to:

  • porosity;
  • wear resistance;
  • hardness - not less than seven points on a ten-point Mohs scale;
  • slip resistance.

Porosity is one of the main indicators, because it affects other characteristics as well. Porosity indicates the amount of water a tile can absorb. Expressed as a percentage, indicating the increase in weight of the tile after two hours of immersion in water.

The porosity depends on the firing temperature. The higher the temperature, the lower the porosity and the less the tile absorbs moisture. With a decrease in porosity, frost resistance and bending strength increase. And unglazed tiles are more resistant to wear and stains.

Wear resistance is evaluated on a five-point scale:

  • 1-2 degrees - for walls;
  • 3 degree - for a floor with low traffic;
  • 4-5 for any premises.

Slip resistance is measured by the coefficient of friction, the higher it is, the better. To increase the coefficient of friction, corundum coating is applied to tiles for dry rooms. For wet rooms, tiles with a ribbed structure are used.

Packaging marking

It is very important that the production date on the boxes of tiles match. This will ensure that all tiles are from the same batch. In different batches, tiles differ in size (2-3 mm), thickness (fractions of a millimeter, but still) and shade. Also on the box, all the technical information is indicated with icons (see photo below).

How to choose grout

  • for floor tiles, select grout “in color”, plus / minus a couple of tones;
  • for wall tiles - “in color” or lighter.

If several tones are used for one surface, then the grout should be selected to the lightest one.

floor tile layouts

You need to try so that the seams on the floor and wall do not match. Therefore, do not ask the master to combine the seams of the floor and wall tiles. You need to choose a tile based on the basic principles of its distribution over the floor. Below I have painted the main schemes for laying out floor tiles.


The layout of the tiles must be done so that there are no cores in the corners. Here I distinguish three types.


The master starts from the corner, laying the whole tile there. Then he continues to lay whole tiles, and cuts the last one (in the opposite corner) to size. This scheme is valid if the length of the undercut is more than half of the whole tile. But practice has shown that it is better not to use it at all.


The master counts the number of whole tiles in a row, and divides the cooled space into two trimmings, which he inserts in both corners. It is allowed when you need to beautifully beat the revision hatch on the wall, it is not applicable for the floor.


The master calculates how many whole tiles will fit in one row. Then he presses one tile and places everything that is left in the middle (so that the corners remain the same distance). The result is two trimmings at the corners, the width of which is more than half of the whole tile.

IMPORTANT!!! Floor tiles are distributed according to the classical pattern on the visible part of the floor.


The diagonal can be not only 45 degrees, but any other angle.


The use of two colors in the basic or diagonal layout.

Razbezhku or bricks

It looks better if not square, but rectangular tiles are used. Laying according to the basic or diagonal pattern with a seam offset - the offset does not have to be half the tile. I do not recommend using two colors, because. visually the floor will appear uneven (optical illusion).


Suitable for clinker tiles similar to parquet. Looks great when two colors are used.


double herringbone



Focusing on some part of the floor. That is, in addition to the background tiles, tiles of a different color, size, or stacked differently are used. It looks like a carpet on the floor.

From multi-format tiles

When a square of one tile is replaced by a set of tiles of a different size. The alternation of solid and stacked squares looks best in a basic or diagonal layout.


A module is assembled from different tiles - a square of a certain size. Then the entire floor is laid out from such modules. Conditionally imagine that one huge tile (module) consists of many smaller tiles, and the layout is carried out according to the basic layout. The main condition is that the dimensions of the tiles used in the module are multiples. You also need to use a contrast grout, because. if you use grout to match, then the modules will be “lost”.

Combining tiles with other floor coverings

A threshold must be installed at the border of the tile and other material. Where there are no curved lines, I use regular butt profiles. They are convenient in that you can connect the floor of different levels and the difference will look neat. But most often the connection line is curved, and in these places I recommend using a flexible metal connection profile.

The principle of arrangement of shades of floor and wall tiles

A good arrangement of elements has already been invented. It remains only to choose the colors. Therefore, you do not need to invent a bicycle, but simply follow the existing rules. Then everything will turn out beautifully and harmoniously.

Preference for horizontal coloring

For example, a dark floor and the top of the wall, and a light trail in the middle. As a rule, vertical lines look beautiful only in the project. When we force a room with furniture and appliances, the integrity of the verticals is broken, and this beautiful effect is no longer there. Therefore, it is better to give preference to horizontal lines.

The floor must always be dark

The light floor quickly gets dirty and even the smallest stains or chips are visible on it. During operation, dirt is rubbed into the tile. Because of this, the light tile loses its appearance in the first few years, and the dark tile keeps invigorating for 10-15 years. In addition, you need to select a light grout for a light tile, which remains so for a very short time.

The bottom of the wall should be dark

A dark wall tile should adjoin a dark floor tile. It looks beautiful and harmonious, because. they are from the same collection and are designed to "work" in tandem. There will be less visible splash marks on the wall, which will undoubtedly appear when mopping. The section of the dark wall above the bathroom should be at least 7 cm.

In the toilet, the dark row should be combined with the light row between the toilet bowl and the water drain button built into the wall. In rare cases, it is allowed to raise a section of dark tiles above the level of the drain button.

The row of tiles under the ceiling should be dark

It is laid out from the same tile as the bottom row adjacent to the floor. In this case, the width of the top row should be 1-1.5 tiles, but not less. Maximum 2 rows - if the ceilings are high. This dark edging will be beautifully reflected in the white glossy stretch ceiling, complementing the reflection of the dark floor.

For bathrooms, white stretch ceilings with a glossy effect are best suited. The ceiling should be as glossy as the wall tiles.

The central part of the wall is filled with light (not white) tiles

In open spaces with uncut tiles, decor can be inserted - but only restrained, without fanaticism. In some collections, decors are not very beautiful, but there is a way out - to use backgrounds instead of decors.

If you use decor, then the wall with the doorway is not decorated. If a background tile is used as a decor, then it is quite acceptable to use it on a wall with a doorway.

These techniques can be combined.

On this, perhaps, we will end. I briefly told you the basics so that you have an understanding of the types of tiles, their characteristics, laying methods and can correctly compose the shades in the bathroom interior. I repeat: "Do not chase cheapness - this does not bode well."

Finishing a bathroom is a difficult and costly process, and the choice of finishing materials is one of the keys to good quality and longevity of the finish. Separate conversation is worthy of tiles in the bathroom. Her choice is not an easy task. It should be not only beautiful, but also reliable, durable, easy to maintain and install.

Why tile

Bathroom tiling is the most popular option. This is explained by the good operational and aesthetic properties of this material:

  • Durability. High-quality tiles on walls and floors do not change their appearance for years. It looks good even after 10-20 years, only the installation method or design becomes outdated and you want some changes. This, in most cases, explains the replacement. And usually they also lay tiles in the bathroom, but in a different format or color.
  • Not afraid of moisture. The bathroom is a high humidity area. There can be a lot of steam in the air after taking a shower or bath. In some areas (shower, bath, washbasin) there is a high probability of direct water ingress. The tile in the bathroom protects the walls from further penetration of moisture into the thickness of the walls or floor, and is not afraid of this moisture itself.

    Mosaic in the bathroom is one of the most popular options Photo printing on ceramic tiles - reliable image transmission makes the bathroom interior unusual

  • Ease of use. Any ceramic tile is well washed. And it withstands not only washing with a rag or sponge, but repeated care using brushes. Stains usually do not eat into the surface and are simply washed off.
  • Large selection in terms of shape and size, as well as in terms of colors. In addition to the usual square and rectangular shapes, there are polygonal (five, six and octagonal), rounded and complex shapes.
  • Variability in installation. The same tile can be laid in different ways, not only different colors can be combined, but also shapes and laying methods. This gives a practical innumerable number of finishes.

Bright saturated colors - in a small amount. Red tile in the bathroom is a bright mood, but when there is too much of it, it causes anxiety

It is these reasons that determine the high popularity of such finishes as tiles in the bathroom. This finishing method also has disadvantages:

  • Complicated fitting process. It is possible, but in this case it takes a lot of time and a preliminary study of the technology.
  • High price. Good quality ceramic tile itself costs a lot, in addition, it requires either a floor, and also pay for installation. In general, a solid amount is accumulated.

Most often, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and, during the repair, tiles are again laid in the bathroom. To change the situation, change the shape and / or color.

Nuances of choice

The choice in color, size and shape is very wide and here they are based only on their own “I want” and “like”, but at the same time, technical parameters and quality indicators must also be monitored:

  • In the bathroom, changes in temperature and humidity are commonplace, so you need to choose moisture-resistant tiles. The characteristics describe mainly water absorption. This is the amount of moisture that the tile can absorb. It is indicated as a percentage. For floor tiles, this figure cannot be higher than 3%, for wall tiles it can be higher, but the lower the better. Moisture-resistant tile is distinguished by its dense, low-porous base. In addition, such material has a reduced electrical conductivity, which is not at all superfluous in a room where there is both water and electrical appliances.
  • Since the walls and floor will have to be washed periodically with detergents, and they are chemically active, it makes sense to buy material resistant to chemicals. Especially often this procedure is carried out in shared bathrooms - to maintain hygiene at the proper level. In this case, we choose the most chemically resistant finishing material. This characteristic is usually displayed on the label with a pictogram in the form of a flask and Latin letters standing next to it. For a bathroom, you can take B or A, and for a combined bathroom - AA (the highest level of resistance).

  • The front surface of the tile has a different resistance to abrasion. This parameter is denoted by the letters PE and a number. The higher the number, the stronger the surface. Bathroom tiles on the walls are subjected to light loads, so the abrasion resistance may be small, but it is worth taking on the floor with PE 2 or 3.

  • In ceramic tiles, the front surface can be glossy and matte. On gloss, water marks are more visible (especially on dark ones). So if the water is hard, it makes sense to choose matte.
  • When choosing a floor tile for a bathroom, pay attention to how slippery it will be when wet. This characteristic is also displayed on the label as a pictogram and a number. The numbers are the wet friction coefficient. The higher the number, the less slippery the floor will be. On this basis, it is customary to divide it into four categories:

Properly selected tiles in the bathroom will last for years. To do so, pay attention to its technical characteristics. Usually they are displayed as icons on the box. If you know the decoding of all the icons, the choice will be simple. Those pictograms that are relevant for the selection of tiles in the bathroom are shown in the table.

wallUsually has less abrasion resistance
floorMore dense and resistant to abrasion
The tiles in the bathroom are exposed to hot chlorinated water, so this item will not be superfluous
ThicknessThick ceramic tiles (from 5 mm to 9 mm) are placed on the floor, thinner ones on the walls
Bathroom tiles are not subjected to heavy loads, therefore their durability can be PE1.
Wet friction coefficientImportant when choosing floor tiles in the bathroom. The higher the coefficient, the less slippery the floor will be.
Tiles in the box may vary in color.The production technology is such that the tiles may have different colors.
Number of tiles in a boxConvenient for calculation
Square tiles in a boxConvenient for calculation
Weight of one box with tilesMay be needed for shipping

What color, shape and size

In a stunning variety, even in a relatively small store it is easy to get lost. Here are a few tips to help you make your choice easier. First of all, you should decide on the size. It will be rectangular or square - you choose, and only according to the principle “like it or not”, but it makes sense to calculate the dimensions.

Size selection

The size of the tiles can be selected based on the dimensions of the bathroom. This is especially true in small rooms, where with one glance we look at everything as a whole. Everyone knows two immutable rules - in small rooms it is not worth using a very large tile (it will seem even smaller), and a rectangular tile laid vertically visually “raises” the ceilings. The same effect, by the way, is given by columns of a different color. But the specific dimensions are selected according to the dimensions of the room itself.

When choosing the width of the tile, the wall opposite the entrance is taken as a guide - it immediately catches the eye. You measure it accurately, select the tile so that it fits without trimming or this trimming is minimal (do not forget about the width of the seam - it must also be taken into account).

When choosing the height of the tile, you can focus on the height of the bathroom, shower tray or washbasin. The washbasin, if desired, can be slightly raised / lowered, but with a bathroom such a trick does not work well. Therefore, they try to fit an integer number of tiles to the side.

Since there are so many sizes of tiles, the chance of finding the perfect fit is great. But not everyone is so meticulous in the details, so you can omit this stage, and focus only on preferences.

What colour

Regarding color - red, blue, green, etc. No one can give you exact advice. Again, rely on your own preferences. But when choosing shades, there are certain recommendations:

Otherwise, the choice is unlimited. The tiles in the bathroom can be of the color and combination that you like. But the most advantageous are the options for combining a brighter and more saturated color with neutral ones. Neutrals are white and its shades, gray, beige. Of these, beige is the most commonly used. For example, a combination of dark red or burgundy and beige is often found, brown (chocolate) is also combined with it. The tile in the bathroom looks just as good with a combination of green and beige, pink and gray (or also beige).

Tiles for a small bathroom should be light and preferably small

The most difficult thing is to choose a companion color to yellow and orange. The most win-win option is white, but not snow white, but creamy or with a very slight pinkish tint. You can try to find a shade of gray, but you need to select a specific color. In any case, try to choose from "warm" shades.

How to define quality

Decide on the technical parameters and color - that's not all. Still need to check the quality. To avoid problems during installation and operation, the tiles in the bathroom must be of high quality, and the quality can even be determined visually:

All these operations must be carried out not with one tile, but with several, preferably from several boxes. If after the inspection you are satisfied with everything, you can move to the checkout.

In 2016-2017, all shades of turquoise are in fashion. Also relevant are saturated blue, yellow, red, pastel blue and pink tones, white tiles as a color companion.

In the photo: bright turquoise tiles from Peronda at Cersaie 2016.

New bright tiles Cersaie 2016

There were very few tiles in bright, saturated colors at Cersaie 2016 held in September. "Cement" and "clay" collections are still the most popular, and colored ceramic tiles look even more attractive against their background.

Colored tiles "under the brick"

One of the main trends of last season in the world of ceramic tiles is.

In the photo: Imola Ceramica Pop glossy wall tiles.

In the photo: Imola Ceramica Shades collection of ceramic tiles with unusually shaped decors.

In the photo: tiles of a "brick" format with a relief decor.

Tile "boar"

Traditionally, boar tiles with a beveled edge (also called Biselado or Metro) are made in bright colors. A large selection of such tiles is offered by Absolut keramika factory.

In the photo: tiles with relief decor Imola Ceramica Cento Per Cento.

Monocolor collections

Collections of plain ceramic tiles, including 5-20 shades, are called "". Monocolor tiles are used both for monotonous cladding and for creating contrasting combinations.

In the photo: monocolor wall tiles in small format by Marazzi Architettura.

Collections of different styles

Among the collections of ceramic tiles in bright colors, there are many interesting, original series that do not fit into the framework of any particular style. If you are looking for unusual, original tiles that will become the main accents in your interior, pay attention to the following collections.

In the photo: ceramic tiles in shades of sea water Cerasadra Sardinia.

In the photo: Imola Ceramica Kiko bright textured tile.

In the photo: ceramic tiles with a playful design Pamesa Agatha.

In the photo: inexpensive bright tiles for the bathroom and kitchen Marazzi ceramiche Fresh.

In the photo: deep, rich tones in the Iris Slide tile collection.

In the photo: Peronda Granny watercolor effect tiles.

Tiles of bright colors in the salon "ART REAL"

Looking for vibrant color tiles for your bathroom or kitchen? The specialists of the ART REAL salon will select collections in the desired style for you. In our catalog - more than 2000 collections in stock and on order.

If you have already chosen ceramic tiles on our website, come to the ART REAL salon to see samples from the collections you like! We work daily.

Waiting for you!

Tags: Fap , Peronda , Mainzu , Vives , Tiles , Ceramic tile, For bathroom , For kitchen , Glossy , Matte , Glazed , Imola Ceramica , Marine style , Vanguard , Iris , Petracers , Brick effect , Hexagonal , Fruit-vegetable , Absolut keramika , Cevica , Cifre , Flowers , Modern , Hi-Tech , Monocolor , Pamesa , Eco Ceramica , Marazzi ceramiche , Equipe , Cerasarda , Marazzi , Boar , Architettura , Metro , Sardinia , Opal , Manhattan , Relief , Cento per Cento , Biselado , Agatha , Fresh , Slide , Granny , Pop , Monocolor , Kiko , Shades , Herbs

structures. If you have not yet decided on the final decision, be sure to read the information and recommendations provided there for the device.

You should also consider the style in advance. It can be hi-tech, art deco, modern, provence, country.

After that, you can proceed to the selection of the color scheme of the room. If the room will be decorated in country or Provence styles, then you should choose light tiles, whitewash and wooden furniture for decoration.

If your choice falls on the hi-tech style, then a tile of any shade will do, since the basis of the style is formed by modern high-tech materials and the presence of sophisticated household appliances.

Let's talk today about choosing the color of ceramic tiles for wall decoration, about combinations of different colors, and also see examples of bathroom interiors.

Popular colors

Usually, in order to choose a visual design, they do not hire professional designers, but acquire tiles to their taste, choosing calm, not easily soiled shades that are familiar to everyone, more often than others used in the decoration of sanitary facilities.

The most common decoration of the walls with tiles of white, gray, turquoise, green, red, blue, colors. Somewhat less often you can find light green, purple, yellow and red finishes.

Tile color for a small bathroom

Bathrooms in apartment buildings are not large, so the choice of any finishing elements has to be approached especially carefully so as not to make the room even smaller, including visually.

To visually increase the volume of a small room, it is recommended to choose light-colored tiles - blue, azure, light green, as well as use mirror inserts, mirror cabinets and hanging mirrors. In combination with the right lighting, this design will look very beautiful.

It is believed that colder tones add volume to the room, while warmer tones slightly reduce it. Therefore, light tiles of various shades of blue will look more advantageous with a small room size.

In addition to coloring the tile, pay attention to its surface - it can be glossy or matte. The glossy surface reflects more light, visually enlarging the room.

Also, do not place panels on the walls in a small bathroom. Despite the fact that modern photo panels look very beautiful, they visually bring the wall with the image closer, thereby making the room smaller.

Instead of a large image, it is better to choose a few beautiful inserts the size of the main tile or decorate the walls with small vinyl stickers.

In addition to the tone of the tiles for a small room, you should also pay attention to the direction of the layout. The vertical orientation of the tile looks more advantageous, visually stretching the room up.

Bathroom tiles with flowers

If you are decorating a room in Provence or country style, then buying tiles with flowers can be a good choice. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to create excessive variegation. Light lilac flowers of a small size will look neat enough and will complement the rustic style well. Bright large buds will only irritate the eye. Therefore, when choosing a floral pattern, certain measures should be followed.

The tiles with a neutral abstract pattern or even plain ones look better than the rest.

Black tiles

Black tiles should be chosen with care. Despite the fact that it gives the room a special rigor and elegance, it can completely deprive it of space. To prevent this from happening, you need to decide in advance on the finish of the floor and ceiling, as well as consider the lighting and arrangement of furniture and plumbing fixtures.

If everything is done correctly, then black can become a real decoration of your home:

White bathroom tiles

As mentioned above, a light shade visually "pulls the walls apart", allowing you to visually enlarge a small room. Therefore, white tiles are so often the best choice for finishing small bathrooms and bathrooms.

Small decorative inserts, the use of slatted ceilings, the choice of lighting and the right choice of interior style can make a small bathroom very pretty and elegant.

It is believed that light shades are well suited to people born under the signs of the elements of Air - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

The interior in red shades is best suited for people with strong energy. Such a color scheme is unlikely to suit the melancholic, whom he will annoy or the phlegmatic, whom he will suppress. But for a choleric or a cheerful sanguine person, a red bathroom can be a good choice, stimulating vitality before a new working day.

The red interior is well suited for the energetic representatives of the Fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

A bathroom in shades of blue is best for people of a calm, balanced warehouse. The blue color allows melancholic people to relax after the daily bustle, and it has a stabilizing effect on phlegmatic people.

If you like a calm, measured rhythm of life, then shades of blue will be an excellent choice.

A blue interior is well suited for balanced representatives of the Earth signs - Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus.

Green color balances energetic people and creates a peaceful mood. This is a shade of spring greenery, symbolizing the onset of the warm period of the year.

Greenish tones go well with yellow, as well as with various inserts of orange.

The green interior is suitable for people born under the water signs of the zodiac - Crayfish, Scorpio and Pisces.

Yellow tone is not to everyone's taste. As a rule, people who are phlegmatic and prone to melancholy avoid such shades. But for choleric and sanguine people, yellow can be an excellent choice.

orange bathroom

Orange will also be a great choice for strong energetic people who love movement and live in a fast modern rhythm. This is the color of real life lovers. See how great orange tiles look in the interior:

Bathroom tiles in two colors

Quite often, in modern interiors, a combination of two colors is used, which noticeably enliven the interior, making it more interesting and allowing you to visually highlight certain areas, separate one part of the room from another.

The most common example of using tiles in two different shades is wall decoration with highlighting the basement.

Colored inserts of different colors look no less interesting.

When choosing tiles of different shades, it should be borne in mind that some colors are better than others combined with each other. This physiological feature of our vision is well studied and successfully used in modern interior solutions.

Orange and green go well together:

The most versatile shade is white, which looks great in combination with any other tone:

Spring mood can be created using salad and yellow, as well as their various shades.
