If the begonia stretched out. Proper pruning of begonias

Ampelnaya begonia is a very beautiful plant. We have at least two pots with her at home, and every day we rejoice at her appearance in the house. Our begonia blooms with beautiful red flowers, which looks very bright, for example, when the weather is bad outside. Begonia care is not difficult if you know the basic rules. First of all, you need to properly water the plant, and do this business conscientiously. Also, as we already know, begonias need to be watered in different seasons, at different times. For example, in the summer, when the weather is largely hot and dry, tuberous begonias should be watered early in the morning so that moisture does not evaporate under bright rays or dry air. Water should be at room temperature. Watering is prohibited cold water, which can plunge the begonia into temperature shock, in simple words - the begonia will get sick. The same cannot be done if you notice that the soil is very overheated under the sun. Again, a temperature drop is the worst thing you can think of for a begonia. We thus simply kill its root system.

As for the soil, if we continue this topic, then it should always be in proper condition. The earth must be constantly loosened so that water and air pass better and have access to the root system. If begonia grows in your garden, as far as I know, you need to remove weeds, that is, it is good to swim through the soil so that nothing prevents tuberous begonia from growing. If your begonia, like one of ours, belongs to those varieties that grow well and high, then you need to tie up such plants, otherwise, under the weight of the begonia itself, its stems will break, and the plant will slow down in growth and development. This is also important before the flowering period, which we can simply suspend or stop in such an imprudent way.

Tuberous begonia, unlike ampelous, does not need to be pinched before the flowering period. If you are in doubt, then we can answer with accuracy that tuberous begonia develops well and bushes itself. She does not need additional methods to develop her lush crown. For example, we didn’t pinch it at all and got the same result as our friends, whose begonia belongs to a different species. Ampel begonias, which often and mostly grow in containers before planting, need the formation of lateral shoots that are most suitable for propagation or flowering, so in her case, pinching is, of course, an important care process. If you pinch a plant, then do it only with sterile hands and in one easy movement, connect different buds on different stems with two fingers - that's the whole pinching method. Do not forget that care should then be carried out somewhat more carefully than before, because any interference with the work and life of a flower, especially before some important periods, is an acutely stressful condition and begonia needs additional care, which you can completely provide to it, it was would desire and knowledge of the technique of caring for tuberous begonias.

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Pruning begonias must be carried out for bush varieties. Those varieties that are thick-bodied are pruned only when the plant becomes old. Ampelous and tuberous varieties are not pruned.

What is pruning for?

To give the flower a beautiful magnificent shape, it is necessary to prune. Without this, the plant will not bloom well, the leaves are reborn and become smaller in size.

In what cases is pruning done:

  • to form the shape of a flower crown;
  • improve flowering;
  • maintain the natural proportion of the root system and the bush itself;
  • to stimulate plant growth and rejuvenation.
  • Trimming types

    Pruning room begonia can be done in several ways, depending on the type:

  • pruning lateral shoots and tops of bush begonias;
  • pruning before the dormant period of the tuberous variety;
  • pinching ampelous varieties
  • sanitary pruning to remove old leaves and shoots.
  • The type of pruning of a flower depends on its type and variety. Different varieties of pruned begonias require an individual approach.

    Pruning tools.

    Pruning is done for young plants, not higher than 7 cm. A special pruner or garden shears should be sharp, if the tool is blunt, the flower can be harmed. Before cutting the begonia, it is necessary to process the tools, they must be clean and dry.

    Important! Scissors household purpose cannot be categorically applied. This will harm the plant.

    Pruning room begonia

    Carefully cut off only the top of the shoots of the plant. Trimming is done in accordance with the desired shape.

    Pruning room begonia

    Begonias, whose sprouts have reached 10 cm, must also be cut off above the upper kidney. After a properly performed pruning, after two weeks they begin to appear side shoots. If the haircut of your favorite plant is done according to the rules, the bush will acquire a beautiful magnificent shape.

    Attention! A cropped plant should not be watered abundantly, you need to wait for the resumption of growth.

    After the begonia bush has been shaped, it is necessary to constantly monitor the emerging shoots. They also need to be cut as they grow, remove dried leaves and remove those shoots that grow inside the bush.

    If for some reason the flower was launched, and it lost its attractiveness, you can fix everything. The lower leaves must be removed, and the top cut off by 2 cm. This will stimulate the plant to rejuvenate and grow. New shoots will need to be pruned as expected and on time.

    In the fall, it is necessary to prepare tuberous begonias for the sleep period. To do this, reduce watering, when the leaves dry, remove the part that is above the ground, leaving a stump of 2 cm.

    The place for the pot should be dark and cool; in an apartment, a loggia or a niche under the bathroom is ideal. Occasionally you need to water the pot. Bush begonia should be pruned in October. This is the most suitable period. From February to March, the plant will begin to wake up and again delight its household with beautiful greenery and abundant flowering.

    If the begonia is not cut before the winter period, it will not gain strength for the new spring season. The plant will become emaciated and bloom will be poor. Some begonias will only be able to pick up a bud, but the flowering itself will not begin. The buds will fall off without opening.

    After flowering

    Begonia after flowering photo

    The flowering period of begonias lasts all summer and autumn. After the plant has faded, it must be placed in a shady place and watering should be limited. If we are talking about tuberous begonia, then pruning is done, leaving a small stump above the soil. This is done so that the tubers absorb the maximum nutrients, for next season.

    After the soil in the pot dries, you can remove it under the bath or dig up the tubers. The tubers are dried and stored until the next season in a cold place, a refrigerator will do. If the begonia is bushy, the stems of the flowers are removed from it after flowering and the shoots are pruned as usual.

    Ever flowering varieties

    This variety of begonia undergoes pruning and pinching as needed and the growth of the plant. To form an aesthetic appearance of the flower, shoots are cut that have reached 12 - 14 cm in length. On the main stem, a longer length is left, the side ones are cut shorter.

    When the plant adapts after pruning and begins active growth, you need to fix the desired height of each stem with garden clips. Then the bush will grow in accordance with the desired shape.

    How to do pinching

    Pinch plants to form a bush shape in autumn or spring. This should be done before the flower begins to pick up buds or after it fades. The shape of the begonia crown can be made pyramidal, spherical or bushy. Pinching is done by hand, the tops of the stems are the most tender and can be gently pinched off with your fingers.

    To properly pinch, you need to find the main stem and pinch off the top sprout by 2 cm. After 15 - 20 days, the flower will begin to grow actively, side shoots will appear, and the bush will become more magnificent. The formation of the bush should be dealt with from the first days of the appearance of begonias in the house, then the plant will delight the eye with lush flowering and a beautiful crown.

    What begonia is not pruned

    Begonias Rex, royal varieties, as well as their hybrids photo

    Rex begonias, royal varieties, as well as their hybrids, do not need pruning to form a shape. Their leaves grow from the root, and flowers are not a priority. These varieties of begonias are bred for their beautiful decorative leaves.

    For these plants, pruning is carried out only for sanitary purposes. Remove old or damaged leaves and faded flowers.

    How to feed begonia after pruning

    After pruning, the plant is fed when the growth of new shoots begins. Overfeeding is not worth it, this can change the acidity of the soil, and begonia is demanding on the soil.

    All tuberous varieties of these flowers love top dressing. Fertilizers prefer nitrogen-containing. The first time the plant is fed after the appearance of shoots, then before flowering and then, every two weeks.

    Features of pruning some types of begonias

    Bush varieties need pruning most of all, they grow quickly, and in order to give the plant an aesthetic appearance, it is pruned. Thick varieties are rarely pruned, more out of a desire to give nice shape green crown. All affected leaves and dried flowers are also removed by pruning. This helps to protect the plant from diseases.

    Ampelous flower species are not pruned, their tops are pinched to grow side shoots and form a beautiful plant. If the plant has stopped its growth, it can be resumed by pruning, for this you need to remove the bud at the very top and the lower leaves of the plant. Do not trim the bush and transplant into a new pot at the same time. This is double stress for the plant. It is better to transplant a flower in the spring before the period of active growth, and then prune.

    how to prune begonia after flowering

    Why should begonia be pruned for the winter or can it not be pruned?

    I don't cut, why?

    0-*NINEL*-0 Supreme Intelligence (1103555) 4 years ago

    Begonia care at home

    Lighting: beautifully flowering begonia species develop well on the western and eastern windows. Deciduous ornamental crops are shade-tolerant, however, lack of light can cause leaf color to fade.

    Temperature: for begonias, the optimum temperature is from 15 to 25 ° C. Tropical species (Begonia foliosa, Begonia masoniana, Begonia glabra) hibernate at a temperature of 18-20°C.

    Watering: during the flowering period of begonias, abundant watering is necessary, but care must be taken to ensure that the water does not stagnate. In winter, the plant is watered less often, after the earth dries. Watering tuberous species is stopped in the fall.

    Humidity: Begonias need high humidity. A pot with a plant should be placed in wet peat, moss, gravel. Do not spray begonias.

    Transplantation: young begonias should be transplanted annually, adults - after two years. The earth should be loose, with the addition of peat, sand and humus (about 1/5 of the volume). Bush begonias are pruned in spring.

    Reproduction: to preserve the beauty of plants, it is recommended to update them every 2 to 3 years. Decorative leafy forms of begonias are propagated by cuttings and individual leaves. Bush and flowering species cuttings are cut, rhizomes are divided. Tuberous varieties are propagated by daughter tubers.
    Problems when growing begonias

    Angel Enlightened (28772) 4 years ago

    Svetlana Oracle (73301) 4 years ago

    May not be cut.

    Romantic Evil ;-D Enlightened (37328) 4 years ago


    begonia elatior

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    How to prune begonia?

    Begonia is a wonderful plant that can be grown at home, on the balcony and in the garden. Many novice growers do not know how to do it right pruning begonias- a procedure without which it is impossible to grow a flower.

    • for the formation of the crown of a young plant;
    • improve the flowering of begonias;
    • rejuvenation and maintenance of the aesthetic appearance of the bush.
    • How to cut? How to prune begonia?

      The first pruning is carried out during the period when the stems of the plant reach 7-8 cm, the bush can be given any shape (standard, bush, pyramidal, spherical), it depends on the preferences of the owner.

      Once the plant is pruned, reduce watering until active growth begins. When the side shoots grow to 12 cm, their tops are trimmed. This procedure will help awaken the lateral kidneys. This is how a bush of a young begonia is formed, in the future you need to carefully monitor the condition of the plant, remove knocked out or dried branches and leaves, shoots directed inside the begonia.

      If you still didn’t keep track, the plant has grown a lot and has become unattractive, then you can rejuvenate it by pinching off the lower shoots and top. This method does not always help to restore attractiveness to begonias, then it is easier to do re-rooting.

      Pruning is carried out only with a sharp knife, in no case should you use scissors, which can severely injure the begonia. To avoid decay and speed up the healing process, the cut points must be treated with wood ash or crushed coal.

      Features of the correct pruning of different varieties of begonias


      How to prune an orchid after flowering

      We all love the orchid for its beautiful, unique flowering. But the time comes - it fades. After reading this article, you will get an idea of ​​whether it is worth pruning an orchid after flowering and what care it needs after this procedure.

      Orchid pruning rules

      As soon as you notice that the orchid has faded, there are no flowers or buds left on its peduncle, you should know that the plant goes into sleep. And that means it's time for trimming. The best time for this procedure is October-November. If the flower is not cut off, new buds will begin to appear on the old stem (provided that it has not wilted). But do not rejoice, because you must not allow the orchid to begin to bloom again. Repeated flowering will weaken the flower and it may die.

      Keep in mind that there are types of orchids that tend to bloom several times a year (phalaenopsis). Therefore, if you are in doubt about when to start circumcision, it is better to carry out the procedure between October and November.

      Pay attention to the type of plant, because depending on the type, the orchid is characterized by certain features of development, growth, flowering. So, for example, phalaenopsis must be cut off immediately, as soon as its flowers begin to fade, and there are orchids that this procedure should be carried out only after the stems turn brown. Therefore, pay attention to what kind of orchid is in your home. When you purchase a new flower, be sure to check with the seller for the specific name of the plant. If the seller is experienced, he himself can advise when and how it will be necessary to cut your beauty.

      Required Tools

      For trimming, you will need special tools. Purchase for this procedure garden pruner. Thanks to it, you can carefully cut the stem without injuring the plant. Of course, you can also use regular scissors or a knife. But remember, they can damage the leaves, and this will adversely affect the well-being and development of the flower.


      When to transplant begonias

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      Begonia- This is one of the most common indoor plants. This flower is very loved by flower growers, it is a real decoration of any home. Now more than a thousand species of these beautiful plants are known. Begonia came to our homes from the hot tropics and subtropics, this plant grows in Africa, Asia, but there are especially many of them in Central America. Breeders worked with begonias for a long time and unusually fruitfully.

      A bit of botany

      Begonias are a genus of plants that is part of the family of the same name. These are herbaceous plants (annual or perennial), as well as shrubs and semi-shrubs. Plants have asymmetrical leaves, with a strongly indented leaf plate, a wide variety of colors and shades.

      The history of the distribution of the plant. To Europe this gorgeous flower hit at the end XVII century. An expedition to the Antilles led by the Frenchman Michel Begon discovered the most beautiful flowers there, which were brought to France. It was named after the organizer of the scientific expedition.

      After that, new discoveries rained down as if from a cornucopia: a little later, ever-flowering begonia was discovered in the New World, royal begonia was discovered, and in the jungle South America tuberous begonia was found. Begonias can be divided into plants with beautiful flowers and decorative foliage. Decorative leafy begonia usually has large leaves of a very beautiful shape.

      Growing features

      Begonia is one of the most common and affordable plants, they can be easily purchased at any specialized store or grown on your own.

      These flowers are very hardy. pets (for which flower growers love them), caring for them is very simple. In addition, these plants are quite resistant to diseases. However, there are certain nuances of growing begonias and caring for them.

      Landing methods

      Ground condition- this is a very important factor in the successful development of this plant. Begonias do not tolerate too wet soil. This factor must be taken into account when planting a flower.

      When planting, you should not choose too large a pot, it should be slightly larger than before.

      Take care of suitable drainage, choose the right soil. The pot must have a drainage hole. Suitable soil for begonias resembles soil for another indoor flower- azaleas. Pick up in equal proportions good garden soil, peat, organic fertilizer and sand. If you buy soil in a store, then it is better to choose a substrate based on peat.

      Before planting, thoroughly wet the soil and let it dry a little for several hours.

      Optimal landing time

      Planting a flower is best done in autumn or mid-spring. It usually takes about five weeks for the plant to adapt.

      First of all, you should pay attention to the importance of its placement in the room. Lighting and temperature depend on this, they are very important for the normal well-being of the flower.

      Begonia loves bright lighting but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Indoor begonia grows well on the east and west side, in winter it can be moved to the south side.

      Air humidity

      Begonias come from regions with high humidity. Owners of this beautiful flower it is important to remember this fact. The problem is that in winter in our apartments the air is usually overdried by batteries. central heating. Therefore, do not place a flower next to a central heating radiator - begonias will definitely not like dry and hot air. In addition, you should humidify the air with a humidifier or a simple sprayer.

      Temperature regime

      The optimal temperature for begonias are: in winter - 18-23 ° C, and in summer - 20-25 ° C. Home flower begonia does not tolerate temperatures as low as 15 ° C.

      Begonia should be watered when the soil has dried out a couple of centimeters deep. For watering, use soft and well-settled water. In the warm season, water the plant abundantly, but it is advisable to drain the water from the pan.

      In hot weather, begonias can be watered daily.

      Winter care. How does the plant overwinter?

      Winter care for home begonia is quite simple: the plant hibernates, it should not be disturbed often. Watering should be reduced to a minimum.

      If your begonia grows in the ground, you need to wait until the aerial part of the plant dies off, and then carefully remove the tuber. Clean it up and dry it. Then the tubers are placed in wooden boxes, covered with sand and left for the winter at a temperature of at least 10 ° C and high humidity(60%). Usually this is a basement or cellar. It is impossible to water the tubers, they should be periodically inspected for damage to fungal diseases. If a disease is detected, its focus must be removed.

      Flower nutrition and fertilizer

      The soil for the plant can be prepared independently. It is necessary to pour a little river sand into the pot, add humus to the top half and fill it with a mixture of black soil and peat (1: 1).

      Begonias need mineral supplements, especially for plants living in old soil. To do this, once a week, a solution of mineral fertilizer must be applied to the pot. In winter, begonias do not fertilize, with the exception of ever-flowering species. These members of the family need feeding. It is better to exclude nitrogenous fertilizers, which negatively affect the development of flowers, and replace them with phosphorus ones.

      In order for the begonia to retain its attractive appearance, it is necessary to prune the plant. If this is not done, then the flower stretches, the leaves become smaller, flowering stops.

      However, this procedure is not necessary for all types of plants. For example, domestic tuberous begonias do not need pruning. Bushy begonias are pruned quite seriously, as they grow extremely quickly, the top is plucked in ampelous varieties, and thick-stemmed plants are pruned only if the flower is very old.

      Trimming methods

      When the flower reaches a height of seven centimeters, it is necessary to cut off its top. So you can achieve the formation of a more lush bush. After the side shoots reach a length of 10-12 centimeters, it is also desirable to cut off their tops. After these manipulations, you will get a beautiful and lush begonia bush.

      Another purpose of pruning is to remove damaged leaves, they greatly spoil the appearance of the flower, and can become a "gateway" for infections.

      Transplantation is carried out around the middle of spring, even before the start of active growth. To determine that your flower needs a transplant, you can by the appearance of its roots. If they filled the pot completely, then it's time to arrange a housewarming party for your green pet. It is often not worth transplanting begonias: its root system is quite fragile, it is easy to damage it when transplanting. In addition, immediately after transplanting into a new pot, begonia will not bloom: the plant needs time to adapt.

      A flower should be transplanted into a container slightly larger than the one in which it grew. Drainage should be laid in the pot, then prepare the soil (see above), carefully move the plant.

      Plant propagation methods

      Begonia reproduces sexually and vegetative ways breeding. Vegetative way:

    • propagation by cuttings;
    • tuber reproduction.
    • Reproduction by cuttings

      Propagation by cuttings is the most convenient way, it is great for indoor flowers. The leaf cutting should be deepened into moist soil or pressed against it. You can just put it in water. The stalk along with the soil should be covered to create high humidity. If you put it in water, make sure that its temperature is slightly above room temperature. After the roots appear, the plant can be transplanted.

      Reproduction by tubers

      Reproduction by tubers is more suitable for garden begonias. In the spring, before planting, the tuber must be divided. Growth buds should be present on each part of the tuber. After planting, the tubers should be well watered.

      sexual reproduction

      Begonia can also be propagated by seeds, but it is difficult. Seed propagation is used by breeders to consolidate the traits of a variety.

      Bloom. When does begonia bloom?

      Begonia blooms very brightly, colorfully and very plentifully. Flowering usually begins in summer and continues until late autumn. There are plant species that can bloom in winter and even year-round. To prolong the flowering period, you should remove the female flowers at the very beginning. Sometimes flowers are removed to achieve more powerful tubers.

      The most popular types and varieties

      In nature there is a large number of types of begonias. A lot of them now live in our homes and delight us with their beautiful flowers. There are several particularly popular types of these flowers.

      Here is their list:

    • Begonia coral. The upper part of the sheet platinum is silvery, with green streaks. The bottom of the leaf is red. The plant lives for about five years.
    • Collar begonia. This popular plant came to us from Mexico. Collared begonia has large, heavily cut leaves covered with a reddish fluff. The stem has the same coating. Flowers are pale Pink colour, form a beautiful brush. They usually bloom in winter.
    • A very beautiful and very unpretentious plant is Bauer's begonia. This plant has a very large and beautiful bush. This begonia is quite demanding on lighting.
    • Tiger begonia. This flower will easily decorate any interior. The plant has heart-shaped bright green leaves with dark spots on the veins.
    • Begonia Cleopatra. It has round leaves of dark green color, needs high humidity.
    • Begonia Lucerne. A typical representative of decorative leafy begonias. The leaves of the plant are very large, bright green, elongated, with a glossy sheen. The upper part of the platinum sheet is densely covered with silvery dots.
    • Begonia yellow. This flower belongs to the tuberous begonias and pleases its owners with beautiful inflorescences of various colors. There is a terry and non-terry form of yellow begonia inflorescences. There are a large number of varieties of this flower: begonia red, white, yellow with a pink border.
    • The following species are very attractive and very common: Mason's begonia, ampelous begonia, deciduous begonia and the most beautiful Black Queen begonia. It should also be added that a large number of excellent hybrids of these flowers have been bred (for example, begonia Elatior). There are begonias that are more suitable for open ground (for example, garden begonia).


      The most common diseases of these flowers are fungal diseases.

      powdery mildew occurs due to excessive soil moisture, with frequent moisture on the stem and leaves of the plant. It is easy to notice it: first, it forms on the leaves white coating, which very soon affects the entire plant.

      To heal a flower, it should be sprayed with a special solution: 20 grams tar soap and 2 grams blue vitriol dissolve in warm water. In addition, you should stop pouring begonias, they do not like this.

      Gray rot. Detecting this disease is also simple: on the top sheet plate a grayish coating appears. This fungus is also well treated with a soap-vitriol solution.

      • spider mite;
      • scab.

      Aphid leads to deformation of the shoots and twisting of the leaves. Sticky insect secretions appear on the leaf plate. To get rid of them, you should treat the plant with laundry soap.

      When infected spider mite on the bottom of the leaf you can see thin threads that look like cobwebs. Treat the flower with soapy water and wash it in the shower after a while.

      Shchitovka leads to the appearance of pale spots on the leaves, which are easily scraped off with a fingernail.

      In summer, it is better to water the plants in the morning, before the peak temperature. So you can protect the begonia leaves from burns.

      Do not place the flower near heaters or central heating radiators. Begonia does not like dry and hot air.

      Humidify the air regularly during the heating season.

      Do not splash water on the flowers of a flowering plant.

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      Most Frequently Asked Questions

      Why is the plant not blooming?

      The main reason for the lack of flowers is the too large pot in which the plant is transplanted. Also, the flower may not have enough light.

      Why do leaves dry and turn yellow?

      Drying of the leaves is most often the cause of too dry air or lack of light. Brown leaf edges may be the result of sunburn.

      Is begonia poisonous?

      Begonias contain salt oxalic acid, which can cause burns to the oral cavity and digestive organs. Especially a lot of these substances in tubers.

      We can say that begonia is really dangerous for children and cats.

      Begonia elatior home care: Reproduction, Pruning

      This decorative flowering begonia variety was bred in 1883 by an English gardener. Begonia Elatior is a hybrid of tuberous and Socotrans begonias, which is characterized by abundant flowering bright colors not only in summer, but also in winter.

      Description and varieties

      Begonia Elatior is a low shrub with a fleshy stem that grows up to 40-45 cm in height. The leaves have a dense structure and resemble the shape of a heart with carved edges. Outer side The leaves are dark green in color, the shade is lighter below and there is no glossy sheen.

      Flowering is abundant, with proper care it can last for 9 months, usually begonia begins to bloom in early summer and fades when winter ends. The flower can be of any color, from white to dark crimson. Quite large, up to 5-6 cm in diameter, resembles a rose. Several flowers form inflorescences on long stems.

      Begonia Elatior divided into varieties:

      Begonia Elatior varieties photo

    • Hybrid Elatior Borias - especially popular due to the beautiful two-color flowers, which are simple and double, pink and white. This variety of begonia blooms profusely for several months and does not require complex care.
    • Elatior Baladin - has flowers of a bright color, which can be white, pink or red. Peduncles are up to 30 cm long, there are always a large number of buds, it can exceed 70 pieces on one bush. It differs in that it does not tolerate touching with hands and reacts with dark spots on the flowers.
    • Annabelle is a begonia with yellow flowers, more often they are terry, suitable not only for indoor cultivation, can be planted in open ground.
    • Azotus - characterized by large double pink flowers, suitable only for indoor cultivation.
    • Bellona - this variety of begonia Elatior has bright flowers red color on hanging peduncles, not used for outdoor cultivation.
    • Kyoto - this variety blooms with double white flowers of large size, flowering can only be achieved in indoor growing conditions.
    • Renaissance - bushes grow up to 60 cm, usually planted in large outdoor flowerpots. The flowers are double, have a corrugated edge and a bright red saturated color.
    • Home care

      Begonia Elatior It is considered an unpretentious plant, but there are some nuances in the care. At home, lighting, air humidity and compliance with the irrigation regime are important for the well-being of the flower and abundant flowering.

      Begonia Elatior care photo

      Begonia is a light-loving flower, the best option is to place it on the windowsills of the eastern and western windows. But she needs bright diffused light. Direct sunlight will cause leaf and flower burns, which will begin to darken, dry, and the plant may become sick.

      If there is no choice and the begonia can only be placed on the south side, it must be shaded from the bright sun. Good lighting is required for a plant for long and abundant flowering. With a lack of light, the flowers will be small, pale in color, and flowering will be short and scarce.

      For reference! The peculiarity of Elatior begonia is that in winter period it does not require additional lighting, this plant has enough natural daylight hours.


      Begonia Elatior demanding on temperature conditions, for optimal growing conditions it is best suited room temperature. This will ensure abundant flowering and plant growth.

      Lower temperatures will contribute to stunting, dropping leaves and buds, as well as the development of various diseases. Root or stem rot affects the plant precisely because of low temperatures and waterlogging of the soil.

      Attention! Begonia does not tolerate drafts and sudden temperature changes. If the room is ventilated, the flower should be protected from the flow of cold air.

      Humidity and watering

      To begonia elatior felt comfortable, watering should be regular and moderate. Excess moisture has a detrimental effect on the condition of the plant; in the case of begonia, it is better to dry it out. Waterlogging of the soil in a pot should not be allowed, the root system will begin to rot, and the plant may die.

      The humidity of the air, on the contrary, should be maximum, in order to achieve this, it is recommended to place containers with water around, and put the begonia itself in a tray with wet pebbles. Water can only be sprayed indoors, moisture should not get on the plant, this can cause infection by pests or diseases.

      Top dressing is recommended to be carried out with mineral fertilizers no more than once a week. Fertilizers are applied in liquid form under the root of the plant after preliminary watering. You can buy them in a specialized store and apply according to the instructions.


      This type of begonia can be propagated in several ways:

      begonia Elatior propagation by cuttings photo

    1. Cuttings - for this, large-sized leaves are selected and planted in prepared moistened soil. The soil can be purchased at the store or prepared independently by mixing three parts of sand and one part of peat. Small containers with leaves should be placed in a dark place until young shoots appear. Usually it takes 1.5 - 2 months. For rooting, cuttings of at least 5 cm are suitable, it is also necessary to ensure that the planted leaf does not touch the ground. This will help prevent the seedling from rotting.
    2. The division of the stem is not much different from the first method of reproduction. The mother bush is divided into cuttings 7 cm long and immediately planted in the prepared substrate. Cuttings are best done in early spring, when the plant begins active growth. To get guaranteed rooting of the cutting, you can first put it in water until the roots appear, and then transplant it into a separate pot using begonia soil.
    3. seeds begonia Elatior can also be propagated, but this method takes a lot of time. It suits only one species - Charisma, the rest do not produce seeds that can be used for propagation.

    After young shoots appear, the plant is placed in a lighted place. Watering is carried out in the same way as for an adult plant.

    Rest period care

    In order for the plant not to become exhausted during the winter and not to grow old after the growing season, it needs to provide a dormant period. For this you need:

    • reduce watering, reducing its frequency to once a week;
    • top dressing is stopped three weeks before the dormant period;
    • air temperature should not exceed 18 0 С.
    • At the very beginning of spring, you need to prune begonias Elatior, cutting the stems so that the cuttings are no shorter than 7 cm. They can be used to propagate the plant by rooting in the substrate and putting it in a dark place.

      Important! This type of begonia has a short life cycle, only 2-3 years.

      How to trim and pinch

      Pruning is done to give the bush an aesthetic appearance and lush flowering. After pruning, the flower bush gives young shoots, thus forming a voluminous crown. Pruning is carried out as follows:

      Pruning and pinching begonia Elatior

    • all tools must be disinfected, scissors cannot be used, they can injure the stem of the plant, it is recommended to use a sharp knife;
    • cut off the elongated shoots by 7-8 cm;
    • apical shoots are also cut off, thus preserving the shape of the bush;
    • watering is reduced until young leaves appear;
    • if pruning is carried out before the winter period, the stems can be left no more than 2-3 cm;
    • when pruning a diseased plant, all damaged leaves and cuttings must be removed.
    • Pinching is carried out in spring and autumn. For the first time, the upper leaves must be pinched when the plant grows 7 cm to give the desired shape. Begonia will begin to bush, then, upon reaching 12 cm in length, its tops are again pinched both at the top and on the sides.

      If the pinching was not done in time, and the plant has grown into a shapeless bush, it is necessary to prune.

      begonia pruning

      Begonia is a wonderful plant that can be grown at home, on the balcony and in the garden. Many novice flower growers do not know how to properly prune begonias - a procedure without which it is impossible to grow a flower.

      Why prune begonias?

      As soon as begonias appear in your house, you need to start pinching and pruning. Why are these procedures performed?

    • conservation correct proportions between the root system and the crown;
    • How to cut?

      Begonias grow quickly, experienced flower growers know that the stems of the plant are rapidly stretching, and if they are not cut off in a timely manner, the leaves will become smaller, flowering will stop, and the lush attractive appearance will disappear.

      Features of pruning different varieties of begonias

      Begonias of all varieties need careful care, it is important to get rid of dry and damaged leaves in a timely manner, otherwise they can lead to plant disease. Pruning of begonias is carried out depending on the variety of the plant: the royal rex and all its hybrids can not be cut at all, thick-bodied adults are rarely shortened and only if necessary, the tops are regularly cut off in ampelous ones, this stimulates the awakening and growth of lateral shoots. Flower growers cut bush begonias strongly, choosing places above the outer bud, usually pruning is carried out often, this plant variety is drawn out very quickly.

      It is necessary to prune the begonia as the shoots grow, to prevent strong stretching of the branches and a decrease in the exchange of leaves. As soon as you have acquired a begonia, try to immediately form a beautiful crown, in the future it is enough just to remove excess branches and leaves.

      How to prune begonia?

      There are more than two thousand varieties of begonias in the world, some of which delight with bright, beautiful large flowers, while others fascinate with their unusually elegant leaves.

      Depending on the variety, the begonia will thrive indoors on the windowsill, or in the garden, adapting to weather conditions.

      Begonia is unpretentious, it does not need to create special conditions, it is resistant to diseases and pests, but it requires care.

      Despite the simplicity of the procedure, even experienced flower growers may not know how to prune begonias.

      First you need to decide on the desired shape of the plant, it can be spherical, bushy or pyramidal.

      The shape of the flower is given as soon as the stem is about 10 cm long. Then you need to wait for the shoots to grow on the sides of the begonia and also prun them.

      Begonia is very easy to injure, therefore, to trim the bush, you need to prepare a sharp knife in advance.

      To protect the cut stems from decay and speed up their healing, fresh cuts must be processed, for this you can use ash or coal.

      Not all begonias are the same, so you should know how to trim a begonia depending on its type.

      Some varieties of begonias do not need pruning. Thick varieties can not be touched at all, it is only necessary to occasionally shorten their top as the stem grows. Ampelous begonias need to be shortened to activate the growth of side shoots.

      Begonia care is not difficult even for a beginner grower. Give her quite a bit of attention and she will delight you with her beauty.

      Begonia. Species and varieties

      Begonia was discovered by the French botanist Charles Plumier, who took part in a scientific expedition organized by Michel Begon in 1687 in the Antilles. In honor of Begon, this plant got its name.

      Now there are more than 2000 types of begonias. All types of begonias are divided into 3 groups:

      - tuberous begonia (propagated by tubers);

      - leaf begonia (has a thickened root, which is used for reproduction);

      - bush begonia (propagated by apical shoots and seeds).

      Begonia is also divided into subshrubs, shrubs and herbaceous plants. For growing at home, hybrid varieties are most often used, which in turn are divided into decorative-flowering and decorative-deciduous.

      The most popular types of flower growers are tuberous, decorative flowering begonias. They have beautiful, large flowers. various shades: from white, pink to red. Most types of begonias bloom all summer, but when favorable conditions are created for them, they can please with their beautiful flowers in autumn and even in winter.

      Indoor begonia, home care

      Indoor begonia is the most unpretentious plant and resistant to various diseases of indoor plants. Caring for it at home will not cause much trouble, but still, it must be competent so that your indoor plant develops correctly and has a beautiful well-groomed appearance.

      Begonia flower is a heat-loving plant, and the temperature for it must be maintained within + 15 + 20 ° С, and in winter - not lower than + 15 ° С. But do not put it near the battery and electric heaters.

      The lighting should be bright, but without bright sunlight, so in the summer the flower should be shaded.

      Watering and spraying

      In spring and summer, begonias require abundant watering, but the plant should not be flooded, as it does not like stagnant water. In winter, water the flower should be moderate. When watering, it is necessary to avoid getting water on the begonia leaves, otherwise brown spots form on them. Soft, settled water should be used.

      High-humidity air is required for full-fledged care of begonia, but it is not recommended to spray the plant. Most the best option is to place pots of begonias on a tray of wet peat or moss.

      Begonia, reproduction at home

      Propagation of begonias at home, depending on the species, can be done by leaf or tuber cuttings.

      Reproduction of tuberous begonia must be done as follows. In autumn it is necessary to take out the tubers, clean them from the ground, cut off the stems and store in sand (peat), at a temperature of +8 +10 ° C. In February, the tubers are planted in moist soil.

      Watering should be moderate. It will take several weeks for the seedlings to germinate. As soon as shoots appear, the tubers should be cut into pieces, cut into sections charcoal and dry.

      Divided tubers are planted in small boxes, while deepening the tubers only by half. After 20-25 days, they can be planted in pots with a mixture of peat, leaf humus and put in a bright place. During active growth, young begonias should be fed with organic fertilizers.

      Leaf cuttings are best done in the spring. For propagation by a leaf cutting, it is necessary to cut a leaf at the very base of the begonia stem, at least 5 cm long. Bury the cutting in the prepared soil carefully so that the leaf does not come into contact with the soil, which must be well moistened after planting.

      If for planting you use not a leaf, but a stem cutting, then its length should be more than 7 cm. It is necessary to plant the cuttings as quickly as possible so that the cut does not have time to dry.

      Begonia transplant

      A begonia transplant is needed annually, it is better to do this in early spring. If transplanted less often, then the leaves of begonias, located in a cramped pot, begin to turn pale and lose their decorative effect.

      For transplanting, you must first pick up a pot. When using a plastic pot, it will be necessary to lay out a layer of expanded clay on the bottom, which absorbs excess moisture well. And pour shells or coarse sand over the expanded clay to make the pot more stable.

      You can also use a ceramic pot, which does not allow waterlogging and passes air well. But here it must be borne in mind that over time, the roots will occupy all the space inside the pot and begin to grow to its walls. When transplanting from such a pot, the roots will be severely damaged.

      The land during transplantation should not be either damp or excessively dry. The plant should be carefully removed from the pot, remove the earth and place it for 10-15 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then carefully inspect the roots, cutting off small tangled or large rotten roots and sprinkle the cut points with charcoal.

      The soil for begonias should be nutritious and slightly acidic. It is better to use a mixture of peat, leaf and sod land for begonias, while you can add a little coniferous land and coarse sand. It is advisable to cut the plant after transplantation so that it recovers faster and grows. The transplanted plant should be sprayed daily and watered as soon as the top layer of the earth begins to dry out. It is also recommended to hold the begonia for several days in the shade.

      Growing begonias from seeds

      It is best to start growing begonias from seeds in early January. To do this, you can use boxes with a sifted mixture of peat, leafy soil and sand. Moisten the soil for disinfection with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. Crops are best kept under glass and evenly moistened with heated water.

      Keep such boxes with plants should be on the windowsill so that the plants have enough sunlight. When shoots appear after 2 weeks, the glasses are removed. Plants should be dived at the stage of appearance of 2-3 leaves. A month later, conduct a second pick. In early May, young plants will need to be planted in separate pots. See video for details.

      Peculiarities home care behind the begonia

      From spring to mid-autumn, it is necessary to feed the begonia with liquid complex fertilizers for ornamental plants.

      After the plant has faded, without cutting off the roots and stems, it should be dried by placing it in a dark place. Within a month, all the nutrients in the stems and roots will go to the tuber. It is necessary to dig out the formed tuber about two weeks after the ground part of the plant has completely died off.

      In winter, the tubers are placed in boxes with sand. The temperature in the room where the tubers are stored should not exceed +15°C. So that the tubers do not dry out, they must be watered periodically.

      Indoor begonia and its diseases

      Why is the begonia not blooming?

      If the begonia does not bloom, then the reason for this may be that it was transplanted into a pot that is too spacious. Therefore, when transplanting, it is important to consider that the new pot in diameter should be no more than 2 cm wider than the old one. In order for the begonia to bloom more magnificently, wilted flowers should be carefully removed, as they interfere with the development of new buds. A flowering plant should be fed regularly.

      Why do begonia leaves dry?

      With insufficient soil or air moisture, the leaves of the begonia begin to dry, and the flowers and buds fall off. Irrigation system urgently needed. If the leaves become pale or turn yellow, then this indicates a lack of light for the flower. The appearance of brown edges on the leaves indicates dry air or sunlight on the begonia.

      Overwatering a plant can cause gray rot, in this case, a light mold appears on the leaves. The affected parts must be removed, the plant itself must be treated with a fungicide.

      In the presence of drafts, dry air or temperature changes, a white coating may form on the leaves - powdery mildew. In this case, the plant should be treated with ground sulfur or sprayed with a 1% solution of colloidal sulfur.

      Of the pests, begonias are most often attacked by spider mites or aphids. They should be dealt with by spraying the underside of the leaf with tobacco soap solutions. Or you can treat the begonia with preparations containing feverfew or an insecticide.

      What to look for when buying a begonia

      When buying a begonia, it should be carefully examined so as not to acquire a plant with a "bouquet" of diseases or pests. Pay attention to the healthy and bright color of the leaves, their normal turgor, lack of plaque and dry spots.

      look short video how to grow begonias from seeds.

      How to care for begonia at home

      A bit of botany

      Begonias are a genus of plants that is part of the family of the same name. These are herbaceous plants (annual or perennial), as well as shrubs and semi-shrubs. Plants have asymmetrical leaves, with a strongly indented leaf plate, a wide variety of colors and shades.

      The history of the distribution of the plant. This magnificent flower came to Europe at the end of the 17th century. An expedition to the Antilles led by the Frenchman Michel Begon discovered the most beautiful flowers there, which were brought to France. It was named after the organizer of the scientific expedition.

      After that, new discoveries rained down as if from a cornucopia: a little later, ever-flowering begonia was discovered in the New World, royal begonia was discovered, and tuberous begonia was found in the jungles of South America. Begonias can be divided into plants with beautiful flowers and decorative foliage. Decorative leafy begonia usually has large leaves of a very beautiful shape.

      Growing features

      These flowers are very hardy. pets (for which flower growers love them), caring for them is very simple. In addition, these plants are quite resistant to diseases. However, there are certain nuances of growing begonias and caring for them.

      Ground condition- this is a very important factor in the successful development of this plant. Begonias do not tolerate too wet soil. This factor must be taken into account when planting a flower.

      Begonia loves abundant watering, especially during the hot season, but does not like it very much if the water remains in the pot for a long time.

      When planting, you should not choose too large a pot, it should be slightly larger than before.

      Before planting, thoroughly wet the soil and let it dry a little for several hours.

      Planting a flower is best done in autumn or mid-spring. It usually takes about five weeks for the plant to adapt.



      Air humidity

      Begonias come from regions with high humidity. It is important for the owners of this beautiful flower to remember this fact. The problem is that in winter the air in our apartments is usually overdried by central heating radiators. Therefore, do not place a flower next to a central heating radiator - begonias will definitely not like dry and hot air. In addition, you should humidify the air with a humidifier or a simple sprayer.


      Advice! In winter, the plant hibernates, so minimal watering is required. In the spring, you should gradually return to the normal watering pattern.

      Winter care. How does the plant overwinter?

      Winter care for home begonia is quite simple: the plant hibernates, it should not be disturbed often. Watering should be reduced to a minimum.

      If your begonia grows in the ground, you need to wait until the aerial part of the plant dies off, and then carefully remove the tuber. Clean it up and dry it. Then the tubers are placed in wooden boxes, covered with sand and left for the winter at a temperature of at least 10 ° C and high humidity (60%). Usually this is a basement or cellar. It is impossible to water the tubers, they should be periodically inspected for damage to fungal diseases. If a disease is detected, its focus must be removed.

      In early spring, tubers should be gradually prepared for planting - gradually increase the temperature and increase the abundance of watering. This is the right time to propagate the plant by dividing the tuber.

      Flower nutrition and fertilizer

      The soil for the plant can be prepared independently. It is necessary to pour a little river sand into the pot, add humus to the top half and fill it with a mixture of black soil and peat (1: 1).

      Trimming methods

      When the flower reaches a height of seven centimeters, it is necessary to cut off its top. So you can achieve the formation of a more lush bush. After the side shoots reach a length of 10-12 centimeters, it is also desirable to cut off their tops. After these manipulations, you will get a beautiful and lush begonia bush.

      Plant propagation methods

      Begonia reproduces sexually and vegetatively. Vegetative way:

    • tuber reproduction.
    • Propagation by cuttings is the most convenient way, it is great for indoor flowers. The leaf cutting should be deepened into moist soil or pressed against it. You can just put it in water. The stalk along with the soil should be covered to create high humidity. If you put it in water, make sure that its temperature is slightly above room temperature. After the roots appear, the plant can be transplanted.

      Reproduction by tubers

      sexual reproduction

      Begonia can also be propagated by seeds, but it is difficult. Seed propagation is used by breeders to consolidate the traits of a variety.

      The most popular types and varieties

      In nature, there are a large number of types of begonias. A lot of them now live in our homes and delight us with their beautiful flowers. There are several particularly popular types of these flowers.

    • A very beautiful and very unpretentious plant is Bauer's begonia. This plant has a very large and beautiful bush. This begonia is quite demanding on lighting.
    • Begonia Cleopatra. It has round leaves of dark green color, needs high humidity.
    • Begonia yellow. This flower belongs to the tuberous begonias and pleases its owners with beautiful inflorescences of various colors. There is a terry and non-terry form of yellow begonia inflorescences. There are a large number of varieties of this flower: begonia red, white, yellow with a pink border.
    • powdery mildew occurs due to excessive soil moisture, with frequent moisture on the stem and leaves of the plant. It is easy to notice: first, a white coating forms on the leaves, which very soon affects the entire plant.

      To heal a flower, it should be sprayed with a special solution: dissolve 20 grams of tar soap and 2 grams of copper sulfate in warm water. In addition, you should stop pouring begonias, they do not like this.

      Aphid leads to deformation of the shoots and twisting of the leaves. Sticky insect secretions appear on the leaf plate. To get rid of them, you should treat the plant with laundry soap.

      When infected spider mite on the bottom of the leaf you can see thin threads that look like cobwebs. Treat the flower with soapy water and wash it in the shower after a while.

      Shchitovka leads to the appearance of pale spots on the leaves, which are easily scraped off with a fingernail.

      Do not splash water on the flowers of a flowering plant.

      How to prune begonia?

      A well-groomed flower will bloom longer, and its crown will be lush. If the flower is not cut periodically, its stem will acquire the wrong position, and in some places it may become bare.

      Pruning is also necessary to strengthen the root system, rejuvenate the plant, improve flower quality and prolong flowering.

      The tops of the shoots should be cut, then the lateral buds will grow, and a beautiful and lush crown will form.

      The growth of the bush must be monitored: cut off the shoots growing inside the crown, remove dried leaves, trim the stems that have fallen out of the crown.

      After winter, begonias need to be rejuvenated, for this, all existing stems should be cut short so that their length after the procedure is no more than 7 cm.

      In spring, the flower will begin to grow actively and a fresh crown will form. The same pruning can be done if the plant, for some reason, is left without care and has grown greatly.

      If the plant that has lost its shape could not be made attractive, it should be rooted.

      The sharper the tool, the less stress the plant will experience. The most traumatic for a flower is pruning with scissors, which crush the stem, severely damaging it.

      Bush flower varieties need pruning the most. They need to be trimmed very often, otherwise the plant will quickly lose its aesthetic appearance.

      If you know how to prune begonia and delve into the intricacies and nuances of this process, you will get a healthy and lush bush that will delight you with its flowers almost all year round.

      After acquiring the plant, immediately give it a shape, and also do not allow the stems to grow too actively, and the begonia will thank you for this with large leaves and delicate flowers.

      Begonia- This is one of the most common indoor plants. This flower is very loved by flower growers, it is a real decoration of any home. Now more than a thousand species of these beautiful plants are known. Begonia came to our homes from the hot tropics and subtropics, this plant grows in Africa, Asia, but there are especially many of them in Central America. Breeders worked with begonias for a long time and unusually fruitfully.

      The flowers are bright, irregularly shaped, monoecious and same-sex. The fruit is a box. Many begonias have rhizomes or tubers.

      Begonia is one of the most common and affordable plants, they can be easily purchased at any specialized store or grown on your own.

      Landing methods

      Take care of suitable drainage, choose the right soil. The pot must have a drainage hole. Suitable soil for begonias resembles the soil for another indoor flower - azaleas. Pick up good garden soil, peat, organic fertilizer and sand in equal proportions. If you buy soil in a store, then it is better to choose a substrate based on peat.

      Optimal landing time

      First of all, you should pay attention to the importance of its placement in the room. Lighting and temperature depend on this, they are very important for the normal well-being of the flower.

      Begonia loves bright lighting.. but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Indoor begonia grows well on the east and west side, in winter it can be moved to the south side.

      Temperature regime

      The optimal temperature for begonias are: in winter - 18-23 ° C, and in summer - 20-25 ° C. Home flower begonia does not tolerate temperatures as low as 15 ° C.

      Begonia should be watered when the soil has dried out a couple of centimeters deep. For watering, use soft and well-settled water. In the warm season, water the plant abundantly, but it is advisable to drain the water from the pan.

      In hot weather, begonias can be watered daily.

      Begonias need mineral supplements. this is especially true for plants living in old soil. To do this, once a week, a solution of mineral fertilizer must be applied to the pot. In winter, begonias do not fertilize, with the exception of ever-flowering species. These members of the family need feeding. It is better to exclude nitrogenous fertilizers, which negatively affect the development of flowers, and replace them with phosphorus ones.


      In order for the begonia to retain its attractive appearance, it is necessary to prune the plant. If this is not done, then the flower stretches, the leaves become smaller, flowering stops.

      However, this procedure is not necessary for all types of plants. For example. domestic tuberous begonias do not need pruning. Bushy begonias are pruned quite seriously, as they grow extremely quickly, the top is plucked in ampelous varieties, and thick-stemmed plants are pruned only if the flower is very old.

      If the plant is already old and it is not possible to form its bush, you should pinch off the apical bud and remove the lower leaves. This is how you activate dormant kidneys.

      Another purpose of pruning is to remove damaged leaves, they greatly spoil the appearance of the flower, and can become a "gateway" for infections.

      Transplantation is carried out around the middle of spring, even before the start of active growth. To determine that your flower needs a transplant, you can by the appearance of its roots. If they filled the pot completely, then it's time to arrange a housewarming party for your green pet. It is often not worth transplanting begonias: its root system is quite fragile, it is easy to damage it when transplanting. In addition, immediately after transplanting into a new pot, begonia will not bloom: the plant needs time to adapt.

      A flower should be transplanted into a container slightly larger than the one in which it grew. Drainage should be laid in the pot, then prepare the soil (see above), carefully move the plant.

      • propagation by cuttings;
      • Reproduction by cuttings

        Reproduction by tubers is more suitable for garden begonias. In the spring, before planting, the tuber must be divided. Growth buds should be present on each part of the tuber. After planting, the tubers should be well watered.

        Bloom. When does begonia bloom?

        Begonia blooms very brightly, colorfully and very plentifully. Flowering usually begins in summer and continues until late autumn. There are plant species that can bloom in winter and even year-round. To prolong the flowering period, you should remove the female flowers at the very beginning. Sometimes flowers are removed to achieve more powerful tubers.

        Important! After flowering, all pedicels should be removed so as not to deplete the plant.

        Here is their list:

      • Begonia coral. The upper part of the sheet platinum is silvery, with green streaks. The bottom of the leaf is red. The plant lives for about five years.
      • Collar begonia. This popular plant came to us from Mexico. Collared begonia has large, heavily cut leaves covered with a reddish fluff. The stem has the same coating. The flowers are pale pink, form a beautiful brush. They usually bloom in winter.
      • Tiger begonia. This flower will easily decorate any interior. The plant has heart-shaped bright green leaves with dark spots on the veins.
      • Begonia Lucerne. A typical representative of decorative leafy begonias. The leaves of the plant are very large, bright green, elongated, with a glossy sheen. The upper part of the platinum sheet is densely covered with silvery dots.
      • The following species are very attractive and very common: Mason's begonia, ampelous begonia, deciduous begonia and the most beautiful Black Queen begonia. It should also be added that a large number of excellent hybrids of these flowers have been bred (for example, begonia Elatior). There are begonias that are more suitable for open ground (for example, garden begonia).


        The most common diseases of these flowers are fungal diseases .

        Gray rot. Detecting this disease is also simple: a grayish coating appears on the upper part of the leaf plate. This fungus is also well treated with a soap-vitriol solution.

        In summer, it is better to water the plants in the morning, before the peak temperature. So you can protect the begonia leaves from burns.

        Do not place the flower near heaters or central heating radiators. Begonia does not like dry and hot air.

        Humidify the air regularly during the heating season.

        Charming bushes with carved bright leaves and delicate buds adorn front gardens, flower beds and balconies from late spring to mild autumn. These are mainly tuberous representatives of the species with voluminous conspicuous flowers. Indoor begonia can delight the heart of a plant lover all year round. A variety of species are planted in pots.

        What are the varieties?

        Among the plants there are also miniature bushes with a height of no more than 5 cm, and large specimens up to 3 m. They are classified in different ways.

      1. beautifully flowering - stand out with graceful flowers of very different colors, fullness and shapes;
      2. shrub and semi-shrub;
      3. tuberous;
      4. decorative leafy - have carved characteristically colored leaves.
      5. There are a lot of varieties of blooming beauty, more than 1000. Having spread from the shores of Asia and Africa, as well as South America, it has become popular all over the world.

        Rules for caring for begonia at home

        Having visited the thematic exhibition in botanical garden or a greenhouse, you will undoubtedly want to place this miracle in your apartment. But how to care for begonia at home so that it does not disappear after a short flowering? Will your conditions suit her?

      6. First, choose a spot where the plant will not be directly exposed to direct sunlight. But at the same time there should be a lot of light, the appearance and growth rate depend on it. Deciduous species can be placed at some distance from the windows, they can also tolerate partial shade. Experts recommend placing flowerpots on the windowsills of the northern and eastern windows.
      7. Secondly, it should be remembered that the flower feels comfortable being in one place. The constant change in lighting conditions and temperature can ruin it.
      8. Thirdly, it is necessary to provide periods of rest between active growth phases, during which a supply of energy and strength is accumulated for a new flowering.
      9. Fourth, try to create optimal temperature conditions in the region of 18-22 ° C throughout the year, avoiding hypothermia in winter and drying out in summer.

      Watering and humidity

      The main care for begonias in the hot summer consists in abundant and frequent watering with soft, settled water. You will be able to understand that another moisture is needed if the top earthen layer has dried out by 1 cm. Since the native climate for a flower is tropical and subtropical, dry air is unacceptable for it. But you can’t spray the leaves, because ugly brown spots may appear on them. How to proceed? Place the pot on a cushion of expanded clay, into which, as it dries, add water. Evaporating, it will well saturate the air with moisture.

      To ensure quality care for begonias in room winter, you need to reduce watering. You can also insulate the pot a little so that the root system is not affected by coolness. In the midst of cold weather, the plant freezes in growth. During this period, do not fertilize, replant, rotate or fill it. It is important to provide him with the necessary rest.

      How and when should begonias be transplanted?

      Do not transplant a newly purchased flowering bush. Having experienced stress after changing growing conditions, the plant may for a long time get sick, the flowering period will noticeably decrease. The time to change the shipping container to a more beautiful and original pot has come if there is not enough space for the roots to grow, and they begin to peek out in the drainage holes. Choose a flowerpot a couple of centimeters larger than before.

      Landing pattern is standard:

    • a layer of small pebbles is laid on the bottom;
    • expanded clay sprinkled suitable soil at 1.5-2 cm;
    • having kneaded the pot from all sides, a bush is carefully removed from it, trying not to damage the roots;
    • if necessary wooden stick unravel the root ball, straightening it;
    • placing the plant in a new pot, the roots are gradually sprinkled with new soil, lightly tamping it down;
    • then watered with soft water.
    • The soil is better to buy ready-made. After all, special requirements are imposed on it: it must have a certain acidity, be light and loose, and have nutritional properties.

      Top dressing of indoor flowers begonia

      For the colorful color of the stems, the long phase of flowering, large buds, the plant needs fertilizer. Indoor begonia flowers, which are cared for without regular feeding, look weak and depleted. It is recommended to introduce complex mineral mixtures in the spring-summer period, when active growth is observed and buds are laid. There are specialized formulations designed specifically for flowering types of begonias. They are used as directed - once or twice a week. Supplements should be used wisely, their excessive amount will not bring benefits. If you are the owner of a decorative leafy begonia, then in the fall you need to stop fertilizing. If your plant blooms for a long time in winter, feed it until the end of flowering.

      Do not be afraid to start a charming begonia. If you can provide her with a good environment, she will thank you with her beauty and long flowering.

      Video: room begonia care

      Planting tuberous begonias

      How to plant a begonia tuber?

      Planting homemade tuberous begonias and caring for them. All tuberous begonias can be grown from tubers planted in spring (January to May) in boxes of moist peat. The rounded side should be immersed in the soil - roots will go from here; the concave, flattened side faces up. The tuber goes halfway into the ground, its upper part remains above the ground: it is easier for young shoots to rise. If your tuber does not want to wake up in any way, think about it - maybe it was planted “upside down”?

      Growing conditions and care for tuberous begonia

      In order for the plant to be healthy and delight us with chic flowering, it needs careful care. Begonia tubers can be planted from February to May in a fresh nutrient mixture, and the upper part of the tuber cannot be covered with earth (see planting). Exposed to a bright place, the plant begins to be watered sparingly, as the shoots grow, gradually increasing the amount of water.

      - Lighting for begonias.

      Tuberous begonias love warm sunny places without access to direct sunlight or bright diffused light. It grows well and blooms in lightly shaded places with a constant inflow fresh air. Be sure to make a "light" mark and do not change the position of the pots in relation to the light, otherwise the buds will fall off. In the garden, begonias will do well in the shade under trees or taller plants.

      For begonias, sudden changes in light are harmful. For example, if you germinated it on the western window, and then the plant was transferred to the southern balcony, then burns will definitely appear on the leaves. On the dark northern windowsills, begonia blooms rarely and poorly, but on northern balconies blooms beautifully, the main thing is not to pour the plant.

      How to properly water tuberous begonias

      In summer, tuberous begonias are watered abundantly, especially during the flowering period (preferably with warm settled water), and also fed with mineral fertilizers. The roots of begonias are superficial, tender and very small, so when watering, waterlogging should be avoided and water should not fall on the leaves. Two to three times a week, you need to spray the air around the plant, direct water on the leaves and flowers is undesirable, this can cause flower rot, spots on the leaves, powdery mildew. The ties must be cut in a timely manner.

      It is necessary to lightly dry the earthy coma between waterings. Particular attention should be paid to watering during the active growing season. After the end of the flowering period, watering is gradually reduced, the ground part of the plant is cut off and the pot with tubers is placed in a dry, cool place with a temperature of about 10 degrees and stored until spring.

      On very hot days, flower pots should be cooled: placed in moist peat, sawdust or a tray with wet pebbles (peat or pebbles must be constantly wet). Plants will thank you if you spray the air around them regularly.

      - Soil and top dressing.

      She needs regular comprehensive mineral supplements from May to October (every two weeks), which alternate with organic top dressing. Begonia successfully grows and blooms only in fertile, non-calcareous soil rich in organic matter. The soil for begonias can be bought in specialized stores. For planting, ordinary flower soil can be mixed with sand. The pot for planting should be taken wide, but not necessarily deep, since the root system of the plant is rather superficial.

      Reproduction of tuberous begonia

      In the case when it is necessary to preserve varietal characteristics, tuberous begonias have to be propagated by seeds, although this is a more troublesome business. Usually, tuberous begonias are propagated by tubers with small sprouts, but it is better to purchase new ones. Begonia tuber can live 5-6 years. Before planting, a dense round tuber (two to three years old) is divided into parts so that each part has 1-2 developed buds. The slices are sprinkled with coal or ash, and the "cuts" are planted in the soil. Strongly water the plants during this period is not worth it.

      Can be propagated by cuttings. In April-May, a strong shoot up to 10 cm long is cut off, placed in a mixture of sand and peat, and occasionally watered. Often the cuttings rot from excessive moisture, rooting poorly. It is easier to buy tubers in a specialized store, especially since the range of begonias on sale is very large.

      Potted begonias are usually bought with flowers, although some can be grown from seed. In the spring, you can buy non-flowering tuberous plants in pots. They are planted outdoors when danger of frost has passed. Tuberous begonia - plant height 20-25 cm - when planting, the distance between plants is 30 cm. Multiflorous begonia - plant height is 25 cm - distance between plants is 25 cm. Tuberous drooping begonia - stem length is 25-50 cm - distance between plants is 25 cm.

      How to save a begonia tuber in winter

      In their homeland, tuberous begonias tolerate seasonal climate changes well. But in our conditions they need a period of rest. Therefore, after the first frost, the plant is dug up and, together with a clod of earth or in pots, is transferred to the house. Watering almost stops. Somewhere in a month, the aerial part of the plant dies off, after which the tubers are taken out of the ground and laid out in boxes, sprinkled with sawdust. In this form, begonias are stored in the basement (or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator at t + 1-10 ° C) until spring. The substrate is moistened from time to time.

      How to prune an orchid after flowering

      Proper care of an orchid at home

      It is important to correctly determine the time when it is necessary to shorten the peduncle. Even at the flowering stage towards the end, it may become waxy. This is one of the signs that it is ending.

      The flowering time of an orchid depends on the species, but usually it lasts from 2 months to six months. There are varieties that bloom several times a year. Phalaenopsis can be attributed to them. When there is doubt about the exact timing of pruning, it is safest to choose the period October-November.

      Many can bloom and re-buds often appear on the bud of an old peduncle. Therefore, when the plant has faded, it is most reasonable give him some time to stand. If the arrow dries completely, you can safely cut it off. So, when flowering is over, there may be several scenarios:

    • The peduncle is completely dried up, turned brown, then it is advised to cut it off;
    • When the arrow is not completely dry, it is better to wait with pruning. It can supply the plant with various nutrients. If you remove it too early, then the flower will need more time to recover and such an orchid will bloom at least six months later;
    • Buds remained on the arrow of the peduncle. If its tip is still green, then it is better to wait a little with pruning. Perhaps the next flowering of the orchid.
    • Another option is when the arrow of the peduncle fades a little, but the dormant buds of the plant are swollen. How to prune an orchid in this case? You can shorten the peduncle just above the bud or to the green part. But there is, of course, no guarantee that buds will bloom on it.

      Most often, repeated flowering is observed in the Phalaenopsis orchid. However, in other species, until the peduncle has dried up, it is likely that the plant will bloom again. But many experienced flower growers believe that this weakens the orchid, because it need time to rest .

      However, it is also important to take into account the specific type plants. There are varieties that can only be pruned when their stems turn brown. And other types of orchids that bloom several times a year should be cut off immediately after the flowers wither.

      When purchasing an orchid, it is better to check with the seller about its appearance. Perhaps he will even advise when and how to prune an orchid of this particular variety. It would be useful to watch a video on how to properly trim.

      Trimming procedure

      It is important to remove only wilted parts so that all the forces of the orchid are directed to new shoots. Also, in no case should it be disturbed or cut until it has faded to the end, this can destroy the plant.

      When forming a peduncle, the main thing is not to damage the plant. There are two ways to crop:

    • The peduncle is shortened partially above the sleeping bud, about 1.5 cm above it;
    • Cut off at the base, leaving a stump about 2.5-3 cm high.
    • But there is one caveat: cutting off the peduncle above the sleeping bud, you can slow down the growth of new stems. Because the orchid will spend energy on the development of the formed buds.

      What is needed for trimming an orchid at home? Better in advance buy garden pruner. It injures the plant least of all, does not touch the leaves, does not leave burrs. And microbes can get into them, which will lead to plant diseases. It is undesirable to use ordinary scissors or a knife; it is easy to damage the orchid with them.

      Immediately before the procedure, the secateurs must be disinfected. For this, a solution of bleach is quite suitable. You can also wipe it with alcohol or dip the blades in boiling water and hold for a while. They do this so as not to introduce an infection into the plant. You can always watch the video on how to prune an orchid.

      After the procedure, the cut site is treated with crushed activated carbon, iodine, brilliant green or cinnamon. In some orchids, the stem is hollow inside. When watering, water will get into it, and it can rot. And then the disease will spread to the whole flower. So it is better to close the cut on such a stem with beeswax.

      How to care after pruning

      Since shortening the peduncle is stressful for the plant, it is better not to disturb it for some time. And later, the orchid needs almost the same care as before flowering. It should be watered moderately.. so that the substrate has time to dry, spray leaves and soil from the spray gun. But fertilizer is better to reduce.

      At this time, many orchids have a dormant time. She needs it for recovery, replenishment of energy reserves before a new growing season. The rest time of the plant depends on the species, but it usually lasts about 2 months, sometimes a little more or less. During this period it is important:

    • Maintain the correct temperature. Optimal daytime t is not more than 24° C, night t is about 16° C;
    • Reduce watering the plant;
    • Do not fertilize the orchid;
    • It is advisable to keep it away from any heating devices;
    • The plant needs to provide diffused lighting.
    • If the procedure was carried out in the summer, the orchid must be shaded from the direct sun. You can block it with curtains or use matte film. The main thing is that she does not get leaf burns. But do not completely deprive her of sunlight. After all, it is a tropical plant.

      When it blooms again after pruning, it depends primarily on its variety. This may be in a few months, and in other cases, it takes a year to wait for flowering.


      Often, after pruning, it may be necessary to transplant the orchid into a fresh substrate. It is better to choose a new container for her bigger size. When the plant is removed from the pot, the roots should be rinsed well with warm water. Then inspect them and all dry, brittle parts Brown color shorten to healthy tissue. And cuts to process antiseptic. This measure will improve the root system.

      The substrate can be used ready-made specifically for orchids by purchasing it in a store. It is possible to make it yourself. For this, a mixture of bark, moss, peat and coarse sand is suitable. Expanded clay or polystyrene is placed at the bottom of the pot as a drainage layer. The bark in the pot is laid in layers from below large, then medium, and small from above. It is important not to sprinkle the leaves or growing points, so as not to provoke their decay.

      The right choice of soil is a very crucial moment. Therefore, if there is little experience in breeding orchids, it is best to use a special ready-made substrate from the store. Because when the soil is not suitable for an orchid, it can simply wither away.

      Watering after transplantation is necessary after a few days. This is the time the plant needs to adapt to new soil. And to maintain the desired level of humidity, you can spray the leaves or purchase a humidifier.

      After flowering, new sprouts (kids) often form on the orchid. This happens, as a rule, in the summer, that is, at a sufficiently high air temperature. In this case, you need to wait until they take root, and then carefully cut them off with part of the peduncle. Then the children are transplanted into separate pots.

      Do not neglect plant transplantation. In the absence of proper care, the orchid can rot the entire root system. Such a plant can recover within a few years.

      How to prune phalaenopsis? This is one of the most common species that is grown at home. It is also considered the least whimsical. But what if the orchid has faded, but the peduncle is still alive? Phalaenopsis may bloom several times in a row and the peduncle does not dry out, that is, the orchid may well continue to bloom again and again.

      Should it be allowed? Often this weakens the plant, its branches become thin, stretched. In this case, you need to guess the moment when it faded again and shorten it by 2/3, leaving about 6 mm above the developed bud so that it does not dry out. This technique will help form new shoots in the plant.

      It is better not to spare time and effort to care for the orchid. Pruning, like other procedures, is necessary for its full development, and a well-groomed plant will surely thank you with beautiful flowering.

      In the hustle and bustle of fast-flying working days filled with stressful situations and numerous problems, it is so important to have an island of peace, beauty and harmony where the soul rests. An activity that will bring the desired relaxation and peace can be growing begonias at home.

      There are many varieties of this ornamental plant, and each of them is good in its own way. Some captivate the eye with carved leaves unusual shape and color, others - huge double flowers. The appearance of tuberous begonia is very effective, ampelous varieties are luxurious. Possessing a catchy sensual beauty, these flowers do not require special attention. Planting and caring for them is quite within the power of even those who are just starting to get acquainted with the intricacies of breeding indoor plants.

      Lighting and temperature

      It is best to place a pot of begonia by a window facing east or west side. A flowering plant needs a lot of bright light to grow quickly and maintain a rich leaf color. But being in the sun will not do him any good: exposure to direct sunlight can lead to burns. Therefore, in spring and summer daytime he needs to provide a slight shading.

      You can do this using the following materials:

      • floral film;
      • paper;
      • tracing paper;
      • gauze;
      • sunscreen;
      • roller blinds.

      Caring for decorative leafy varieties of begonias in relation to choosing the optimal place for a pot is slightly different. They do not need bright lighting, at home it is preferable to place them in partial shade, even at a small distance from the window.

      A flowerpot with a flower cannot be often moved from place to place. The plant gets used to certain lighting and temperature, and constant changes in these factors will adversely affect its development and flowering.

      Although begonia originates from the shores of southern countries, it does not like extreme heat. In the summer, at home, the most comfortable temperature for a flower is between 21-23 ° C. In winter, it should be at least 15-18°C. The plant is very negative about hypothermia: its growth slows down greatly.

      Watering rules

      Proper care of begonias involves following the rules for watering a flower.

      • In spring and summer, especially during extreme heat, indoor begonias are watered often and plentifully, making sure that water does not get on the leaves. Doing so better in the morning when the air is still warm. Water must be defended, it must be soft and warm (at least 20 ° C). After intensive moistening, the earth should be slightly loosened. The next watering is carried out if the soil has dried out from above to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. It is impossible to allow the soil to dry out, but moisture should not stagnate in a pan or in a pot so that the roots of the plant do not rot.
      • With the onset of winter, watering becomes rare and moderate. At this time, care for begonias at home will be better if the pot with plants is slightly insulated. It is impossible that the root system of the flower is supercooled, otherwise it may die.

      The homeland of begonias is the tropics and subtropics with a humid climate, so dry indoor air adversely affects them. When water gets on the leaves of the flower, they become covered with ugly dark brown spots, so spraying the plant is not recommended. There is another effective way to humidify the air at home. Expanded clay is poured into a shallow container and water is poured, adding fresh water as it dries. A pot of begonias is placed on top of the pellets. Evaporation will provide her with the necessary humidity, which should be at least 50-60%. Instead of expanded clay, you can use peat or moss.

      Trimming and pinching

      Caring for begonias at home includes mandatory pruning. It allows you to rejuvenate the bush, form a luxurious crown and improve flowering. The first pruning is carried out when the plant reaches 6-7 cm in height, removing the top with a sharp knife. Thanks to this procedure, dormant buds are activated in bush begonias, and side shoots begin to develop intensively in the lower part of the stem.

      After pruning, the flower is placed in a shaded place and sprayed with water several times a day. Reduce the frequency of watering at this time. You can return to the previous mode of soil moisture after the active growth of the seedling is outlined.

      The next pruning is done when the length of the side shoots is 10 cm. When choosing a place for the cut, you need to focus on the direction of the buds. The top one remaining on the branch should face outward. Further care for a young bush consists in periodically shortening overgrown shoots and removing dried or damaged stems and leaves.

      Another way to give the plant a decorative and well-groomed appearance, and its crown the desired shape, is to pinch the shoots. They do it either before flowering begins, or after it is completed, pinching off the top growth point of the main stem by 1-2 cm.


      Growing healthy and strong plant at home is impossible without top dressing. Until the end growing season when the rest time comes for the begonia, it is carried out regularly, every 1.5-2 weeks.

      The nutritional composition is chosen depending on the variety of the flower.

      • Caring for decorative leafy begonias involves the use of fertilizers containing a lot of nitrogen. It is necessary for rapid growth and intensive formation of new leaves. Well proven means such as "Kemira", "Uniflor-growth",. Bred and apply them strictly according to the instructions.
      • Flowering plants are cared for using complex compounds with a high content of potassium and phosphorus and a minimum of nitrogen. Thanks to these elements, indoor begonia will give a lot of buds, and flowering will be long. Mixtures "Bud", "Ovary", "Healthy" are in demand. They begin to make them from the moment the bush blooms.

      If the plant is not fed, its appearance deteriorates. The color of the stems and leaves becomes pale, the buds become smaller, their number decreases, they may not appear at all, the flowers fade quickly. The bush itself looks stunted and emaciated. But you should not overdo it with the introduction of nutrients, their excess is harmful to plants.

      Decorative leafy varieties of begonias stop fertilizing with the advent of autumn. For flowering forms, the end time of top dressing is determined by the duration of flowering. If the plant is covered with buds in late autumn or even winter, it is continued to be fed until they wither.

      Winter period in the life of begonias

      Tuberous begonias for the winter require mandatory pruning. With the advent of autumn, the plant is watered less often. When the leaves on the bush dry up, its aerial part is removed with a sharp knife at a height of 1-2 cm from the surface. October is considered the ideal time for the procedure.

      Then the flowerpot with tuberous begonia is placed in a dark place. It can be a basement, a cellar, a glazed loggia. In an apartment for storing a plant, the space under the bathroom is suitable. For wintering to be successful, the air should not heat up above 15°C. Occasionally, the soil in the pot is moistened so that it does not dry out completely.

      Winter for begonias is a dormant period. At this time, the plant accumulates energy and strength in order to please with abundant flowering in the new phase of active growth. It's not worth worrying about. It is not recommended to transplant plants, move them to another place, turn them. With a cold snap, their growth slows down, they no longer need fertilizer.

      Landing features

      At home, planting begonias, depending on the variety, is carried out in one of two ways:

      1. seeds;
      2. tubers.

      Planting by seeds is acceptable only for two varieties of the plant: ever-flowering and decorative-flowering. Sow them in February using convenient containers. They are filled with leafy soil, peat and sand (2:1:1). Soak the seeds hard nutrient soil no need, just roll them a little. Then the container with seedlings is covered with glass or film.

      For germination and uniform development of seedlings, it is necessary special care: temperature in the region of 20-22 ° C and periodic moistening of the soil with a spray gun. After 2-3 weeks after sowing, the seedlings dive. Do this very carefully so as not to damage the delicate stems. In a month, young shoots can be planted in a permanent pot.

      Growing tuberous begonias will require more attention. To get a strong flower, the care of which will not bring much trouble, it is better to plant tubers that have already sprouted. This is not difficult to achieve, it is enough to lay them out on a damp cloth in a warm place with good lighting. When the roots are formed - and you won’t have to wait long for their appearance - the tubers are planted in pots. They should not be deeply deepened, it is enough to dig in 1-2 cm. auspicious time for the procedure - March.


      For all types of begonias, including tuberous, acidified soils are preferred. Plants are undemanding to the composition of the soil, it can be easily prepared at home. A guarantee of health and active flower growth is good drainage. It will be provided by a layer of medium-sized gravel, peat moss or ordinary sand placed at the bottom of the pot. Sheet earth is poured on top, it should fill the container halfway. The remaining space is occupied by peat and black soil, mixed in equal proportions. Then it remains only to plant the plant in the ground.

      If the begonias become crowded in a pot, you need to change it to a more spacious one. It is best to do this in early spring. The flower is carefully removed, its roots are carefully cleaned of old soil and briefly dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After disinfection, carefully examine the root system of the plant. If there are areas with signs of rot, they are removed.

      The flower will take root faster if, during transplantation, its roots are not immediately completely covered with earth. Leave some room for the top of the pot. When the roots are dry, you can add fresh soil and cover them.

      After transplanting, which is stressful for plants, begonias will need more attention and care. They need to be watered more often and thoroughly. Do not immediately put the flowerpot on a brightly lit window sill, it is better for the flowers to stay in the shade for some time. They usually take root in a new pot within 1 month.

      Begonia is one of those plants that can safely be called universal. Its cultivation is possible under open sky in the garden as well as at home. It will decorate any window, balcony, veranda, front garden, steps in front of the house. The forms and varieties of the plant are so diverse that even the most capricious grower will find a variety that will suit his taste. A special place in women's hearts belongs to tuberous begonia.

      It is difficult to find another flower that combines bizarre sophistication and amazing unpretentiousness. Worth a gift indoor begonias just a little time and care, and they will surely thank you with lush fragrant flowers or dense carved foliage, the beauty of which will not leave anyone indifferent.

      Astrakhan tomatoes ripen remarkably lying on the ground, but you should not repeat this experience in the Moscow region. Our tomatoes need support, support, a garter. My neighbors use all sorts of pegs, garters, loops, ready-made plant supports, and mesh fences. Each method of fixing the plant in an upright position has its own advantages and " side effects". I'll tell you how I place tomato bushes on trellises, and what comes of it.

      Flies are a sign of unsanitary conditions and carriers of infectious diseases that are dangerous for both humans and animals. People are constantly looking for ways to get rid of nasty insects. In this article, we will talk about the Zlobny TED brand, which specializes in fly protection products and knows a lot about them. The manufacturer has developed a specialized line of drugs to get rid of flying insects anywhere quickly, safely and without extra costs.

      summer months- flowering time of hydrangeas. This beautiful deciduous shrub is luxuriously fragrant with flowers from June to September. Florists willingly use large inflorescences for wedding decors and bouquets. To admire the beauty flowering bush hydrangeas in your garden, you should take care of the proper conditions for it. Unfortunately, some hydrangeas do not bloom year after year, despite the care and efforts of gardeners. Why this happens, we will tell in the article.

      Every summer resident knows that plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for full development. These are the three main macronutrients, the deficiency of which significantly affects appearance and yield of plants, and in advanced cases can lead to their death. But at the same time, not everyone understands the importance of other macro- and microelements for plant health. And they are important not only in themselves, but also for the effective absorption of the same nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

      Garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, are one of the early fragrant berries that summer generously endows us with. How we rejoice in this harvest! In order for the "berry boom" to repeat every year, we need to take care of the care of the berry bushes in the summer (after the end of fruiting). The laying of flower buds, from which ovaries will form in spring, and berries in summer, begins approximately 30 days after the end of fruiting.

      Spicy pickled watermelon is a savory snack for fatty meat. Watermelons and watermelon rinds have been pickled since time immemorial, but the process is laborious and time consuming. According to my recipe, it’s easy to cook pickled watermelon in 10 minutes, and a spicy snack will be ready by the evening. The watermelon marinated with spices and chili is stored in the refrigerator for several days. Be sure to keep the jar in the refrigerator, not only for the sake of preservation - chilled, this snack is just licking your fingers!

      Among the variety of species and hybrids of philodendrons, there are many plants, both gigantic and compact. But not a single species competes in unpretentiousness with the main modest - blushing philodendron. True, his modesty does not concern the appearance of the plant. Reddening stems and cuttings, huge leaves, long shoots, forming, although very large, but also strikingly elegant silhouette, look very elegant. Philodendron blushing requires only one thing - at least minimal care.

      Thick Chickpea Soup with Vegetables and Egg is an easy recipe for a hearty first course inspired by Oriental cuisine. Similar thick soups prepared in India, Morocco, countries of Southeast Asia. The tone is set by spices and seasonings - garlic, chili, ginger and a bouquet of spicy spices, which can be assembled to your liking. It is better to fry vegetables and spices in melted butter (ghee) or mix olive oil and butter, it's certainly not the same, but similar in taste.

      Plum - well, who does not know her ?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, surprises with excellent harvests, pleases with its diversity in terms of ripening and huge selection color, shape and taste of fruits. Yes, somewhere she feels better, somewhere worse, but almost no summer resident refuses to grow her on her plot. Today it can be found not only in the south, in the middle lane, but also in the Urals, in Siberia.

      Many decorative and fruit crops, except for drought-resistant ones, suffer from the scorching sun, and conifers in the winter-spring period - from sunlight, enhanced by reflection from snow. In this article we will talk about a unique preparation for protecting plants from sunburn and droughts - Sunshet Agrosuccess. The problem is relevant for most regions of Russia. In February and early March, the sun's rays become more active, and the plants are not yet ready for new conditions.

      “Each vegetable has its own time”, and each plant has its own optimal time for planting. Anyone who has experienced planting is well aware that the hot season for planting is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in spring, the plants have not yet started to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat, and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop in such a way that landings have to be carried out at the very height of summer.

      Chili con carne in Spanish means chili with meat. This is a Texan and Mexican dish whose main ingredients are chili peppers and minced beef. In addition to the main products, there are onions, carrots, tomatoes, and beans. This red lentil chili recipe is delicious! The dish is fiery, burning, very satisfying and amazingly tasty! You can cook a large pot, arrange in containers and freeze - a whole week will be a delicious dinner.

      Cucumber is one of the most beloved garden crops of our summer residents. However, not all and not always gardeners manage to get really good harvest. And although growing cucumbers requires regular attention and care, there is a little secret that will significantly increase their yield. It's about about pinching cucumbers. Why, how and when to pinch cucumbers, we will tell in the article. An important point in the cultivation of cucumbers is their formation, or type of growth.

      Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow absolutely organic, healthy fruits and vegetables in his own garden. The microbiological fertilizer Atlant will help in this. It contains helper bacteria that settle in the zone of the root system and begin to work for the benefit of the plant, allowing it to actively grow, stay healthy and give high yields. Usually, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

      Summer is associated with beautiful flowers. Both in the garden and in the rooms you want to admire the luxurious inflorescences and touching flowers. And for this it is not at all necessary to use cut bouquets. In the assortment of the best indoor plants there are many beautifully flowering species. In the summer, when they receive the brightest lighting and the optimal duration of daylight hours, they are able to outshine any bouquet. Like living bouquets, short-lived or just annual crops also look.
