Blackcurrant with leaves can be transplanted. Tips gardeners subtleties of transplanting currants

The most valuable berry crops include currants. Its fruits contain a large amount of biologically active substances and vitamins. Decoctions are useful for anemia, cough, hypertension, and leaf infusions are taken as a diuretic and for bleeding. Often situations arise when a currant bush needs to be transplanted to a new place. This is usually due to a mistake during the first planting, soil depletion, or redevelopment of the site.

Reasons for transplanting culture

Usually gardeners try not to injure the plant unless absolutely necessary. Transplanting currants is not a prerequisite for growing. It can be triggered by certain circumstances:

  1. 1. In case of moving to another place.
  2. 2. For bush rejuvenation
  3. 3. In order to thin out the bush.
  4. 4. For propagation of the best varieties on the site.
  5. 5. If the soil under the currant is infected or depleted.
  6. 6. When external factors appear that negatively affect the development of culture.
  7. 7. If it is necessary to transplant rooted shoots or cuttings.

In all these cases, the landing order is the same. The main thing is to produce it correctly so as not to lose the plant.

Currant transplant procedure

The success of the transplant is guaranteed if you choose the right time and place, prepare the soil and shrubs, and decide on the method of planting. Successfully transplanted currant gives a good harvest for 10 years. And if all the requirements for the stages of the procedure are met, then the time of the reproductive period can increase from 15 to 20 years.

Timing for transplant

Planting a crop is directly dependent on the variety: it is black currant, red, white or green. There are different opinions of experienced gardeners about the time of its transplantation. It all depends on the weather in the region.

The time when the movement of juices in the shoots of the currant bush is slowed down, and the plant itself is in a state of sleep is less traumatic for transplantation.

Black currants are best planted in autumn at the end of September - October. Before the onset of frost, the roots will recover, and the plant will overwinter well. You can plant a crop in the spring, in early May. But this should be done only in those regions where snow accumulates poorly in winter and there is no likelihood of freezing of the root system.

By the time of planting colored currants, you need to be more careful. She takes root worse than black. The best month for this is the beginning of September. It gives the plant more time to take root well and take root. The spring procedure should be used in exceptional cases.

Landing place

For blackcurrant, a moderately moist, sunlit and wind-protected land is suitable. Often planted between trees or along a fence. distance requirements:

  • from the bush to the fence - 1 m;
  • from tree to bush - 2 m;
  • between sprawling bushes - 1.5 m:
  • between upright bushes - 1 m.

If the plants are planted in rows, then the aisles are made from 2 to 2.5 m wide. This will allow you to cultivate the soil, water, tie bushes, harvest, spray. It can be transplanted into the land where vegetables, berry and fruit bushes used to grow, except for gooseberries and currants.

Colored currant is demanding on the illumination of the site. If there is not enough light, the bush will develop poorly, the yield and quality of the berries will be reduced. Therefore, choose an area open to the sun, protected from the cold wind. The placement requirements are the same as for blackcurrant. Straight bushes should be planted after 1.25 m, and sprawling - after 1.5 m.

Soil preparation

To transplant the crop in the fall, the ground should begin to be prepared in the spring. In the selected area, all depressions and pits are filled up, they are dug up to the depth of the bayonet of a shovel with the application of fertilizers. For planting blackcurrant per 1 m² you will need:

  • 4 kg of organic matter;
  • 0.2 kg of complex mineral fertilizer.

Complex top dressing can be replaced with 30 g of potassium sulfate or 200 g of wood ash and 150 g of superphosphate. If the soil is highly acidic, 500 g / m³ of lime should be added for digging.

Under the colored currant, fertilizers are applied in the same proportions, only its more powerful root system is taken into account. The soil is dug up to a depth of 40 cm.

In the summer, at the end of August, they dig up the site and dig holes for future plantings. The depth should be 0.3-0.4 m, and the width 0.5-0.6 m. For remontant, tall and colored currants, the depth of the pit is made up to 0.7 m. add 8 kg of organic matter and 0.25 kg of any complex mineral fertilizer. The third part of the hole is filled with this substrate and poured in 20 liters of water. Thus, comfortable conditions are created for the adaptation of the root system after currant transplantation.

At the bottom of the hole prepared for transplanting colored currants, a drainage layer is formed from white brick or expanded clay in the amount of 15% of the total mass.

Planting a crop

Not only the land is prepared before transplanting, but the plant itself. Pruning is best done in the spring. All old branches must be cut off, and young ones shortened to 50 cm. In autumn, this cannot be done at the same time as transplanting. There should be at least 3 weeks between stages.

To get a bush out of the ground, it must be dug to a depth of 0.3 m, retreating from the trunk to a distance of 0.4 m. As soon as the plant is removed, its roots must be examined. If there are dry, diseased or rotten, then they should be cut out. For prevention and disinfection, the roots of the culture can be dipped in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes.

Having placed the bush in the planting hole, it is necessary to straighten its roots and gradually fill in the prepared filling mixture, compacting it. As soon as the hole at the level of the roots is covered, it must be watered abundantly. Then soil is poured into the pit, a hole is made around the bush and water is poured into it. To retain moisture longer, the plant should be mulched.

The culture is removed along with the earth and immediately transplanted to a prepared place.

Plant care after transplant

After planting, caring for currants consists in periodically loosening the soil between and around the bushes, regular watering, cleaning the area from weeds, pruning the bush and top dressing.

In the spring, after wintering, you need to cut off the old branches on the bushes. Carry out preventive treatment from possible pests or infections. Water abundantly during the flowering period of the plant, loosen the soil, remove weeds. If the kidneys are affected by a tick, they must be removed. It is worth feeding the bush with nitrogen fertilizers.

In summer, crop care consists in abundant watering, fertilizing with organic matter, hilling bushes and removing weeds. It is necessary to harvest on time, otherwise the berries may crumble or worsen the taste. Colored currants are cut off with tassels, and black currants are cut off with fruits.

Autumn watering is very important for the plant, especially in snowless frosty winters. The soil is moistened to a depth of 0.6 m, spending up to 50 liters per 1 m². Its loosening continues. The bush is pruned and fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers.

If the winter is frosty, then in the second half of November you can cover the currants. This is true for transplanted bushes and non-hardy varieties. Before shelter, the branches of shrubs are tied.

A currant transplant may be required for many reasons. The most banal reason is moving to new possessions. But a change in the place of growth of a currant bush within one site is included in the mandatory list of actions for caring for it. If you do this at the wrong time or incorrectly, then there is a risk of spoiling or losing your favorite fruit bush. We will tell in the article all the rules of transplantation, we will give advice to novice gardeners.

Why is it necessary to transplant blackcurrant to a new place

What are the reasons for relocating a shrub to a new place, in addition to moving to another personal plot:

  • for the purpose of breeding the variety you like;
  • with some diseases, if the fight against them on the spot was not successful;
  • when overgrown bushes clearly interfere with the full development of each other;
  • change in the level of groundwater in the direction of decreasing the depth of their location;
  • shading that has appeared due to an increase in the crown of a nearby tree, overgrown grapes or a built object;
  • scheduled renewal of the shrub after a certain age;
  • transplantation to fertile soil with depleted and accumulated toxic waste products of this plant species.

General requirements for a new location

The plant, with a properly organized transplant, in most cases takes root well.

The rules for choosing a place for transplanting a bush are the same as for the initial planting. What does the currant bush like:

  1. Sunny place. Shading is allowed only at lunchtime, when the sun's rays are very active.
  2. Flat ground surface. Moisture is less retained on a hill and there is usually a strong wind effect, which creates unfavorable conditions for the development of shrubs. Lowlands are afraid of too high groundwater levels, which can lead to rotting of the root system.
  3. Weed free land. This is especially true for grass with a superficial intertwining root system. Read also the article: → "".
  4. Remote neighborhood with other fruit and berry crops, as it is quite susceptible to many diseases.
  5. Soils with weak acidity or with a neutral pH level. Light loam is preferred. Otherwise, the desired composition and structure will have to be achieved with the help of fertilizers, drainage and mulching. (see → )

What season is better to choose for a transplant

Transplanting currants in autumn and watering around the soil

There is no categorical answer to the question about the most favorable time of the year for this season. Can win both autumn and spring transplant. The main criterion is the condition of the bush. Should it still be in a “dormant” state: in the spring before the buds appear and growth begins, in the fall after the leaves fall.

Tip #1 The choice of season should also be chosen depending on geography. In the northern regions, where winters are very frosty, it is better to transplant in the spring.

It is even possible to prepare new plant cuttings from autumn for further spring planting. In temperate climates, autumn is preferred. In case of urgent need, it is possible to transfer currants to a new place in the summer. In this case, to reduce stress and trauma, the plant is dug up with a large clod of earth, which remains on the roots during further planting. In the future, it is necessary to carefully cast the bush with water.

What are the features of the autumn transplant

Early, when the weather could be predicted even by natural phenomena, it was considered better to plant and change the place of plant growth in the fall. This is still relevant, but with a careful study of the forecast. Let's take a look at a few special things about autumn time.

What is important to remember Why
Recommended transplant time end of September - beginning of October The active growth of the plant ends, the processes of movement of the juice slow down, the foliage falls, so the effect of stress will be minimal.
In winter, the bush needs shelter The weather is now unpredictable, even plants planted long before the expected frosts may not survive the winter. For example, frost can strike unexpectedly without the presence of a snow cover that protects the plant's roots from the cold. Shelter can be created by . You can also use covering material in the form of a film:,.
Currants planted in autumn can give a small harvest the next summer. A timely planted plant will take root before the first frost and survive the adaptation process. Therefore, with the onset of the first heat, it will begin active growth and development.
Watering in winter In the case of a dry autumn, the plant should be well watered before winter, this is done in October.

Tip #2 Do not use cut grass, branches or tops from vegetable plants as a covering material. There is a risk that rodents can take root here, which will destroy the roots of the bush.

What is the difference between spring currant transplant

Holding this event in the spring is considered rather forced. Although many gardeners believe that after winter, plants experience less stress from carrying out any manipulations with them, since there is no further exposure to low temperatures. Let's see what features a spring transplant of a shrub has.

Recommendations Addition
Landing should be carried out as soon as the soil warms up a little. The approximate temperature regime of the surface layer of the earth should be + 5. You need to have time before the start of budding and active growth. If you do not meet this period, then it is better to postpone the transplant until autumn or next spring. Or implement it with recommendations for the summer season.
It is best to replant in the spring the bushes formed by branches from last year or rooted cuttings that have been stored all winter in the cellar or greenhouse. In this case, less time will be spent on rooting and the plant will grow faster. You can reduce stress by transferring a seedling bush without freeing the root from a clod of earth.
Abundant watering If an autumn plant after transplantation is saturated with moisture all winter due to snow cover, then it is necessary to create the most acceptable conditions for survival with the help of irrigation. For the first time, transplanted shrubs are best watered with water at room temperature, or warmed up in the sun.

🎥 Video lesson "How to transplant a currant bush in autumn and spring"

Detailed tips and step-by-step instructions on how to transplant currant bushes in late autumn and early spring ⇓.

Preparing a new place for a shrub and transplanting itself

After choosing a place according to light parameters and indicators of humidity, preliminary soil preparation is necessary. If possible, it is necessary to start it 2-3 weeks before planting.

Preparing a new place for shrubs and digging the soil

What a full-fledged preparation of a new place should look like:

  • Dig and clear the ground of grass and weed roots. Level the topsoil.
  • Dig the required number of holes with a diameter of 40 * 40 cm for young bushes. To transplant an older plant, a hole is dug in order to place in it the entire clod of earth with which it will be dug. A certain depth of -30-50 cm is also observed, depending on the age of the plant. If you have to transplant several shrubs, you can dig one trench. But the distance between plants must be maintained at least 1-1.5 meters.

According to some new planting methods, a more dense location within 0.7 m is assumed. This is relevant if it is necessary to save space or during the subsequent formation of the bole.

  • If the soil is heavy, it is necessary to organize drainage. This can be done by placing some crushed stone, sand or shards on the bottom of the hole.
  • Approximately 2/3 of the pit is filled with earth mixed with compost and humus. From fertilizers, currant loves phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen. The rate of introduced minerals is calculated based on the recommendations indicated on the packages. If you make any shifts from these norms, then only in a smaller direction. But it is worth considering that potassium should be without the admixture of chlorine. Read also the article: → "". With increased acidity of the soil, ash, chalk, slaked lime, dolomite are introduced. It should be remembered that the ash is also rich in mineral composition, so industrial fertilizers are applied in smaller quantities.
  • It is important to properly dig a bush from the old location. To do this, the plant is dug in a circle to a depth of 40-50 cm. The diameter of the digging is maintained according to the width of the ground part of the plant. Carefully, picking up with a shovel, the bush, together with a clod of earth, is pulled out of the pit. Do not pull on the upper part, it is better to dig with a shovel if it is difficult to pull out. Otherwise, you can damage the root system.
  • Before planting, 1-2 buckets of water are poured into the prepared hole.
  • It is recommended to lower the bush into the planting hole along with an earthen clod. But if the plant is sick, the roots should be soaked for subsequent cleaning from the ground, or gently shake off. Inspect them with the removal of diseased and damaged parts. For disinfection, it can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

For better rooting, the hole can be additionally watered with root before planting.
  • The bush descends into the very slurry and is covered with a dug-out layer of soil a few cm (about 5-7) above the root collar.
  • The ground part of the plant is processed with the cutting of dried and damaged shoots and shortening of the branches by about half.
  • The top layer is preferably mulch. It can be peat, fallen leaves or needles, special material, freshly cut grass.
  • 1-2 buckets of water are poured again.

Since the fertilizers have been applied to the soil itself, there is no need to water the bush after planting. Otherwise, you can burn the root system. In the future, it is recommended to carry out the following processing to improve fertility: cutting weeds with a sharp bayonet device at a depth of 2-3 cm. This will inhibit the root system of the grass, and the upper part, drying and rotting, will create additional nutrition for the soil and serve as mulch.

Gardeners who do not welcome the introduction of purchased mineral fertilizers can be advised to feed with ash. It is recruited from under the conflagration of dried weeds and trees. For each currant bush in diameter, maintaining a distance of about 15-20 cm from the shoots where the feeding roots are located, about half a liter jar is added.

The procedure is carried out in the spring, since the application of any mineral fertilizers in the autumn further goes deeper along with melt water, and becomes inaccessible to the root system. And in the winter season, the plant is in a dormant state and does not need additional nutrition.

Frequently asked questions about transplanting blackcurrant

Question number 1. Is it possible to transplant 3-5 year old currant bushes or is it better to cut them?

Can. You need to dig them out with a large clod of earth and drag them on a substrate to a new landing site. It is good to deepen and cut off the upper part. Organize abundant watering after transplantation.

Question number 2. Is it possible to transplant young seedlings in place of uprooted old currant bushes?

It is advisable to leave this place for other cultures that are not similar to it in classification. And for new seedlings, it is better to take a new place. This will help to avoid overworking the soil and infection with the diseases that exist in this place, which are characteristic of this crop.

Currant that needs transplanting

Question number 3. What plants will be favorable in the neighborhood for blackcurrant?

Around the bush or at a short distance, you can plant onions and garlic. They will protect the bushes from many pests and diseases. But gooseberries, raspberries, red currants are best placed away. It is also not recommended to plant it under fruit trees.

Question number 4. Is it necessary to spud bushes transplanted in autumn?

After planting, you can spud transplanted bushes for greater insulation. But in early spring it is necessary to level this embankment. Since the plant that has begun to grow will begin to take lateral roots into the ground sprinkled on the trunks. During the summer season, the upper raised layer of soil will dry out, which will lead to the death of surface roots or their further freezing in winter.

Question number 5. Is it possible not to cut off the ground part of the transplanted bush?

Mistakes that happen when transplanting blackcurrant

Mistake #1. Transplanting a bush to the same depth at which it was in its last place.

When planting a plant in a new place, it is necessary to deepen it 5-7 cm more than in the previous place.

Mistake #2. Little attention to watering the plant.

After transplantation, the shrub needs a large amount of water to restore the plant and improve the subsequent yield. It should not be in a puddle, but the ground should always be damp.

Mistake #3. Applying a large amount of fertilizer to achieve better plant growth and yield.

Excess fertilizers applied in excess of the norms indicated on the packages will not improve the survival of the plant and the yield. They can only harm the plant.

4132 09/18/2019 6 min.

The main reasons for transplanting currants are that the bush has grown strongly and does not allow neighbors to grow, it is shaded by trees nearby, the soil has depleted, it is necessary to rejuvenate or renew the shrub.

Also, the procedure will allow you to transplant the shoots that are near the bush, redevelop the territories, and move the plant to another site. Transplantation is carried out on drier areas if the old place is swampy, which creates obstacles for growing crops. Since the procedure creates enormous stress for an adult bush, it should be carried out only if absolutely necessary.

Transplant dates

Currants are transplanted immediately, as soon as the snow melts in early spring, or leaf fall ends in late autumn. The bush should be maximally at rest.

Currant does not tolerate movement well and can get sick for a long time. Therefore, be sure to take into account species botanical features, vegetation annual cycles.

The timing of the procedure depends on the climate of a particular region. It is undesirable to do transplants in the summer, but it is possible if there is an urgent need for it. Read about planting red currants.


At the end of autumn, when the bushes stop growing, the movement of the juice slows down, the leaves begin to fall off, and a transplant can be carried out. At this time, the stress from the procedure will be minimal.

It is important to choose the right time for the autumn transplant. The plant should have at least a few weeks before frost. If transplanted too early, the currants can mix up the seasons and bud before winter sets in, causing them to freeze and the bush to become weak and eventually die. Perform manipulations too late - frost will damage the root system, and the plant will not take root until the first frost. Find out about planting currant seedlings in the spring.

For the winter, the culture must be covered to protect it from frost.

In these conditions, if you cover the bush, the plant will not freeze. As a shelter, several buckets of compost with humus are used. If the autumn is dry and warm, water the newly created plantings regularly.

Branches, herbs, tops are not used for insulation - these materials are very fond of rodents.

In the regions of the middle lane, autumn transplantation is carried out in early November, in the northern regions a couple of weeks earlier.


Spring transplantation is done immediately after the end of the cold weather, when the earth settles and the constant temperature is at least zero. The kidneys must sleep. It is important to meet the deadlines, otherwise the culture will not take root. Read about the best varieties of currants for the Moscow region.

Flowering bushes are not transplanted, as they simply will not take root.

The procedure is best tolerated by young bushes obtained from layering, as well as rooted cuttings that were stored in a greenhouse or basement. Abundant immediately after transplantation improves rooting.

You need to dig currants with a clod of earth, trying not to damage the root system.

After planting, the culture is abundantly watered with water heated in the sun. Harvest will be only next season.


In summer, transplantation is carried out only in case of emergency - for example, it is not possible to cure a disease, or the site has been sold, but you don’t want to say goodbye to a varietal crop. Be sure to transfer the plant to a new place with a clod of earth, and preferably a large one. Watering needs plentiful, especially if the weather is hot and dry. Seedlings in individual containers are subject to transplantation during the entire growing season. Indoor crops, sold in individual containers, are planted during the growing season. After transplanting, be sure to water the soil abundantly and mulch with humus.

Transplant step by step guide

The basis for the successful rooting of an adult shrub in a new place is the correct choice of site, the appropriate preparation of the hole and the shrub itself.

Location selection

Currant is a thermophilic plant, so it should be planted on flat areas that face south or southwest. In these areas, the soil is well warmed by the sun, and the water does not stagnate and is well aerated. This is especially important for red and white varieties, such as and. and blackcurrant are less whimsical. It is planted on the northeastern and northern slopes. Slight shading is acceptable.

Best of all, the culture will grow after tilled plants, which clean the soil from rhizomatous weeds. The main ones are beans, buckwheat, corn, beets, potatoes. Lowlands, hollows of a closed type are not suitable for growing currants, because they have high humidity and cold.

Pit preparation

Currant transplantation begins with the preparation of holes:


The garden soil that you removed from the holes will need to be mixed with ash, humus and complex fertilizers. If you use ready-made preparations, follow the instructions on the package. The hole is filled with soil mixture no more than two-thirds. In no case do not exceed the dosage of nutrients - their excess is just as bad as a lack. In the year of transplantation, additional feeding is not required - the substances that you added to the wells are enough.

Shrub preparation

During transplantation, the root volume of the shrub decreases, which creates certain difficulties in terms of nutrition of the vegetative mass. 2-3 weeks before the upcoming event, cut the bushes, leaving only areas important for development and fruiting on them. If the transplant is planned for autumn, pruning can be done in the spring until the buds swell.

At the base of the shrub there is a branching zone from which lateral strong shoots grow. At a height of 40 cm from the ground there is a fruiting zone, branching in which is very weak. The shoots here are short, but the flower buds are different - a significant part of the crop ripens on them. Fruit buds are also formed at the top of the branches, but they are weak and the berries give very small ones. Therefore, the main shoots will need to be shortened by a third, this is enough and not harmful for future crops. What can be planted next to the currant will tell.

After pruning, the average height of the bush should be 50 cm.

The productivity of the currant fruit is 5 years old, you should not leave outdated branches on the bush. The development of currants is complicated by shoots, tops, dry branches, which should also be removed. But combining pruning a shrub and transplanting it is a bad idea, since a double load is created on the plant. Read about pruning red and white currants in Exotics, and they are unpretentious to the place of cultivation, and red ones need bright warm areas.

Red currants need to be watered abundantly, but rarely, black ones often, but little by little, making sure to make soil. During heat, drought, ripening of berries, the frequency of watering is increased. The shrub does not tolerate neighborhood weeds well, so regularly remove excess grass. Shrubs should be fertilized strictly during watering and not immediately after planting.

Top dressing is applied starting from the third year after transplantation.


Video about transplanting currants.


  1. Transplantation of adult currant bushes is a complex and traumatic procedure. Do it only in case of emergency and in compliance with all requirements so that the bush does not die.
  2. The optimal transplant time is autumn and spring. In summer, the procedure is carried out only in extreme cases. When making an autumn transplant, you need to choose the right time - so that the buds do not bloom before winter, or the frosts do not destroy the bush that has not yet had time to take root.
  3. It is important to properly prepare the hole, arrange drainage in it and make it. The diameter and depth of the hole depends on the size of the root system.
  4. You need to dig a bush carefully so as not to damage the roots, always with a clod of earth.
  5. It is impossible to combine pruning and transplanting, but it will not be superfluous to perform pruning in advance in order to simplify the survival of the bush.

Today, perhaps, it is impossible to find a summer cottage where currants would not grow. Black, red and beauty won the love of gardeners with delicious fragrant and healthy berries. In order to get a good harvest every year, the bushes in the berry bush need proper care and timely reproduction of the varieties you like.

In some cases, it becomes necessary to transplant currants:

  • if neighboring overgrown trees or shrubs begin to interfere with the bushes;
  • if the bush is outdated and requires rejuvenation;
  • if you need to transplant rooted cuttings or shoots;
  • if the land under the adult bush is depleted and the plant is sick from a lack of nutrients.

In each of the above cases, the rules for transplanting currants and the order of work are the same.

Currant transplant rules

A currant transplant is preceded by the choice of a place for a future bush or berry. Currant loves lighted warm areas and does not tolerate darkening, so the bushes should be located away from trees, fences and outbuildings. The site for the future berry plant is dug up to remove weeds and roots of old plants.

  • On the selected site, pits are prepared in 2-3 weeks at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other. Fertile soil, humus (compost), potash, phosphate fertilizers or wood ash are poured into the pits. The prepared soil should be loose and nutritious. For red currants, it is advisable to add sand to the nutrient mixture, and lay a small layer of rubble for drainage at the bottom of the pit.
  • It is desirable to maintain the size of the holes at least 50-60 cm wide and 30-40 cm deep, but it is more advisable to focus on the size of the roots of currant bushes.
  • A transplanted bush requires careful preparation. Young shoots are cut in half and old branches are cut to the ground. Currants are dug carefully and taken out of the hole. You do not need to pull the plant by the shoots - you can damage the roots or branches. If it is not possible to extract the currant the first time, it is dug in a circle again 1.5-2 bayonets of a shovel in depth.
  • If the bush is healthy, then it can be dug up with a clod of earth and transplanted. If the bush is sick, you need to carefully examine all the roots, remove damaged or dry ones, remove the larvae of pests and insects living in the root system of plants. Treat the roots of plants with a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).
  • Pour enough water into the pit so that the fertile mixture turns into a liquid substance. It is necessary to immerse the bush in the slurry and, holding it in weight, sprinkle it with dry soil 5-8 cm above the root neck of the bush.
  • Water the bush again so that the earth is compacted around the roots.

Transplant in autumn

All gardeners are tormented by the question: when is it better to transplant currants in order to get a full harvest as early as possible?
In the northern regions, it is advisable to transplant currants in the spring, when the snow melts and the temperature is above zero. But if the bushes have already begun to grow, then transplanting to a new place should be postponed until autumn.

Autumn transplantation requires patience, as the bush must shed its leaves, and the sap flow will already stop in the shoots.

For central Russia, the most favorable period is mid-late October.
In the northern regions, the deadlines are shifted by 2-3 weeks. If the bushes are transferred too early, the currant can “mix up” the seasons and grow, throwing out buds that freeze in winter, weakening the bush. With a warm and dry autumn, transplanted bushes require regular watering.

Winter shelter in this case is mandatory. You can pour 2-3 buckets of old humus mixed with leaves of ornamental trees into the base of the bush. Then, by spring, a fertile layer of loose soil forms around the bush, in which you can build a watering bowl.

Currant bushes, planted in autumn, adapt to a new place during the winter and take root in order to give a harvest in the summer.

Currant bushes transplanted in the spring take root for a long time, adapt and produce a crop only after a year. Around the bush in the fall, you can plant garlic cloves. When it rises in the spring, cut the feathers by 0.5-1 cm every 3-4 days, then the smell of garlic will repel pests.

Transplant in the spring

In the spring, rooted cuttings are usually transplanted, that is, they are transferred from the nursery trench to a permanent place in the berry. If the cuttings were planted in the fall, then in the spring they will be twigs with 2-3 leaves from the buds left above the ground.

How to plant currants (video)

Gardeners relatively often need to transplant currant bushes to another place. This procedure is not in vain, since this ensures abundant flowering, high berry set and a steady annual harvest. But how to do it correctly and rationally so that the plant does not weaken, but on the contrary, feels comfortable, you will learn below.

The reasons for transplanting currants are varied. As a rule, a shrub is transplanted in the following cases:

  • The soil was depleted, the bush was not enough food.
  • The bush stopped developing, the growth of young shoots is minimal.
  • Fruiting has noticeably decreased, the berries have become very small.
  • The plant has grown too much, it began to take up too much space.
  • You planted a fruit tree nearby (for example, cherry plum), it quickly grew, and the bush was in deep shade, because of which it stopped bearing fruit.
  • You started a redevelopment of the site.
  • You want to propagate a shrub.

Whatever the reason or purpose, renewal and rejuvenation will obviously only benefit the bush, because the currant bush in one place should grow no more than 10-15 years.

However, only bushes that are about 3-5 years old can transfer well. For older plants, this is a gigantic stress, respectively, they take root for a very long time and poorly, get very sick, rarely bear fruit. Nevertheless, according to many gardeners, it is quite difficult to “ruin” currants, so in the end it will start to grow.

Features of transplanting black, red and white currants

There are no differences between transplantation and propagation methods of black, red and white varieties of shrubs.

When is it better to transplant currants: in autumn or spring, is it possible in summer

As a rule, shrubs, including currants, are transplanted in autumn, but this procedure can be carried out in spring and even in summer (but with a number of restrictions). There is no particular difference between transplanting in autumn or spring, and when it is better to do this, each gardener decides on his own.

The specific timing of transplantation directly depends on the climatic features of the region and the current weather conditions of this year.

Transplant in autumn

The optimal time for an autumn transplant will come when the plant's vegetation is over and it has shed its leaves. This means that the currant has already formed buds for the winter and fell asleep. At the same time, 20-30 days should remain until stable autumn frosts, this time is just enough for the rooting of the bushes.

Thus, the approximate dates for transplanting currants in the fall in the South of Russia are October-November, in the middle lane (Moscow region) - the second half of September-first half of October, in the Urals and Siberia - September (although in the northern regions it is better to transplant in the spring).

Transplant in the spring

Replanting currants in the spring is optimal after all the snow has melted and the ground has thawed. At this time, the bush is sleeping, its buds have not yet swollen, which means that if everything is done correctly, then the transplant will be successful.

There is not much time, therefore, if you did not have time within the recommended time frame and the currant has already begun to bloom, then you should not replant such bushes. The plant can drop all flowers and start to get sick. It is better to postpone the procedure for the fall or do it in the summer (if you really need it).

Approximate dates for spring transplantation of currants in different regions: in the south - the month of March, in the Middle lane (Moscow region) - April, in the Urals and Siberia - May.

Summer transplant

Of course, summer is the most unfortunate time for transplanting not only currants, but almost all plants (except seedlings with a closed root system). Therefore, as a rule, this procedure becomes a necessary measure. For example, if you urgently need a place where bushes grow, or you have completely sold your summer cottage and want to take the bush with you to a new place.

The main thing is that after transplanting the currants to a new place, do not forget to carry out regular abundant watering, especially if it is hot and the air is dry. And before that, be sure to carefully trim the shrub!

Video: summer currant transplant

How to transplant currants to a new place: site preparation rules

In order for the transplant to go for the benefit of the plant, it is necessary to responsibly choose a place and suitable soil.

Planting site and soil

The requirements for a place to grow currants are as follows:

Planting hole and nutrient soil

The optimal dimensions of the planting pit for currants are: depth - 30-40 centimeters, diameter, depending on the size of the bush, as a rule, within 40-50 centimeters.

Currant loves loose fertile soil. The nutrient substrate for filling the planting pit can be prepared as follows: mix humus, compost, wood ash (or potassium sulfate - 30-40 grams), add superphosphate (80-100 grams).

Methods for transplanting (reproducing) currants

In total, there are 3 ways to propagate a currant bush:

  • dividing the bush (spring and autumn);
  • layering (spring and autumn);
  • cuttings - green (in late spring-early summer) and lignified (in early spring).

Transplantation of a young and old bush with and without division

Recommendation! Some gardeners advise a year before transplanting to pour a couple of buckets of earth directly onto the bush, and in spring or autumn, dig it up and divide it. The bush should produce many annual shoots from the root, of course, if you water it enough.

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting currants to a new place:

Important! Transplantation of a young currant bush is carried out in a similar way, including with mandatory pruning.

Video: transplanting a currant bush to a new place

Note! Many gardeners recommend not replanting or planting, but throwing away a 10-15 year old bush, before propagating it with layering or cuttings. But if you are satisfied with its fruiting, and the reason for the transplant is simply the need to change the place, then it's up to you. In addition, propagation by layering is the fastest and best way to transplant (propagate) for an old bush.

Transplantation by propagation by layering

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting currants by propagating them by layering:

Important! If you cut the branches and see that the middle of the trunk is black, then the bush is sick with a "glass case". Alternatively, you need to cut branches even lower so that the trunk is clean.

Video: propagating currants by layering is the best way to transplant an old bush

You can also propagate currant bushes cuttings, but it’s worth saying right away that this method requires quite serious care when growing, because. cuttings take root with great difficulty. Therefore, if you need to transplant (seed) currants in the coming year, it is not very suitable. But if you are interested in this particular method, then watch the following video.

Video: propagating currant cuttings in autumn

Care after transplanting currants to a new place

Further care for currant bushes will consist of regular watering (especially in the summer season). Feeding this and next season will not be required (for 1 year), since all the necessary fertilizers have already been applied to the planting pit.

If you transplanted currants in spring or autumn, then you have created all the necessary conditions for its normal growth and further stable fruiting. So, high yields!

Video: how to transplant currants

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