Flowers donors and vampires. How to recognize donor plants and vampire flowers

Having the ability to take and give energy, plants can negatively or positively affect your energy.

Neutralizing Plants

Tradescantia- does not develop in conditions of unpleasant energy. It is an indicator of vampire flowers and any other energy disturbances in the house. If it turns yellow, you need to check what could be causing it.
Violet- does not apply to either vampires or donors, since it is a space purifier. Can balance your inner state, does not tolerate excessive passions and scandals. It extinguishes children's aggression.

Donor Plants

Ficus lyre- necessary for people who tend to keep ideas in themselves for a long time, to think and think about the same thing from all sides. It helps to think broadly, to tie together several thoughts. Favorable for people of art or mental labor, as well as for scientists.

Geranium- refreshes the air in the room and relieves internal stress. It has the ability to create an invisible field against the evil eye and interference in the energy-information space of a person. It is a protective flower.
Cactus- can not only remove negative energy, but also process it, after which it returns it to people. Due to this, cacti are good when working with a computer and during daytime sleep. They can begin to draw energy from the house only if the earth in the pot is dry. Liana- this is an inexhaustible source of energy with which this plant will feed you. It always grows, even with adverse changes in the bioenergy component of your home. But she demands love.

vampire plants

Fern- takes a huge amount of energy, which means that to a certain extent it is contraindicated. But it can also take away negative energy, so place it in an unfavorable zone, thus improving its bioenergetics.
Rose- it can be bred to people who are donors. Caring for a rose, they will give part of the excess energy to her. With a lack of own strength, it is better to refuse roses.
Orchid- is also a vampire if it takes root in the house. Having fallen in love with the owners, she draws all the energy out of them. It is categorically contraindicated for people with underdeveloped will and indecisive personalities.
Monstera- one of the most common and beloved house flowers, but, nevertheless, is a vampire. It is very unfavorable for the home, as it takes a large amount of energy.
Vampire plants can be used to absorb negative energy, so they are not contraindicated in a certain amount. Cacti are the strongest donor plants. There is a myth that they absorb electromagnetic radiation from household appliances, but this is not entirely true. Continuous accumulation of energy is advisable in conditions of fierce competition, and cacti, as a rule, are the only plants in harsh deserts, so they have enough energy, but there are many who want to use their energy reserves. Cacti have spines that protect it from a hostile world, incl. creating its own energy protective "cocoon" around the plant, comfortable in which only those who are thirsty for protection. Therefore, to neutralize the energies, it is better to place vampire plants next to the devices. A cactus is needed by a person for other purposes. This is a friend and "interlocutor". And they put it in front of the computer for another: to concentrate thoughts, work out new ideas, recharge with the energy of creation. Cacti are good not only in offices and studies, but also in nurseries, in bedrooms, in creative living rooms and workshops. No other plant will give such an influx of beneficial energy. In a cozy, rich energy world of cacti, you can work better and relax more comfortably. Your defenders will create such conditions for the world of thoughts that it would be a sin not to use them. He is not just a prickly defender, he is an assistant and accomplice. If the cactus blooms, then the productive energy emanating from it is enhanced. Use this period to build long-term plans, evaluate and re-evaluate your abilities and capabilities, think about new ways to improve yourself and your talents. Feel free to tell the flowering cactus and your ideas, read your thoughts aloud: this will help you understand the right decisions faster.

The well-being and atmosphere in the house is largely determined by the colors that live with people. Having the ability to take and give energy, they can negatively or positively affect households.

Neutralizing Plants

Tradescantia- does not develop in conditions of unpleasant energy. It is an indicator of vampire flowers and any other energy disturbances in the house. If it turns yellow, you need to check what could be causing it.

Violet- does not apply to either vampires or donors, since it is a space purifier. Can balance your inner state, does not tolerate excessive passions and scandals. It extinguishes children's aggression.

Donor Plants

Ficus lyre- is necessary for people who tend to keep ideas in themselves for a long time, to think and think about the same thing from all sides. It helps to think broadly, to tie together several thoughts. Favorable for people of art or mental labor, as well as for scientists.

Geranium- refreshes the air in the room and relieves internal stress. It has the ability to create an invisible field against the evil eye and interference in the energy-information space of a person. It is a protective flower.

Cactus- knows how not only to remove negative energy, but also to process it, after which it returns it to people. Due to this, cacti are good when working with a computer and during daytime sleep. They can begin to draw energy from the house only if the earth in the pot is dry.

Liana- this is inexhaustible, with which this plant will feed you. It always grows, even with adverse changes in the bioenergy component of your home. But she demands love.

vampire plants

Fern- takes a huge amount of energy, which means that to a certain extent it is contraindicated. But it can also take away negative energy, so place it in an unfavorable zone, thus improving its bioenergetics

Rose- it can be bred to people who are donors. Caring for a rose, they will give part of the excess energy to her. With a lack of own strength, it is better to refuse roses.

Orchid- is also a vampire if it takes root in the house. Having fallen in love with the owners, she draws all the energy out of them. It is categorically contraindicated for people with underdeveloped will and indecisive personalities.

Monstera- one of the most common and beloved house flowers, but, nevertheless, is a vampire. It is very unfavorable for the home, as it takes a large amount of energy.

Vampire plants can be used to absorb negative energy, so they are not contraindicated in a certain amount. Set up your home comfortably, all the best to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.03.2016 00:50

Our ancestors attached great importance to herbs. The centuries-old experience of using the gifts of nature will help in the modern ...

Did you know that each plant has its own energy? It turns out that at the beginning of the 20th century ...

Next to the same indoor flower, one person feels great, while the other experiences discomfort. For some, even with careful care, the plants wither and dry up ... Bioenergy therapists say that among flowers, as well as among people, there are energy donors and vampires: the former give you energy, the latter take it away. "Green friends" are advised to choose according to their zodiac sign and character.

Geranium releases essential oils with many beneficial properties. They are able to relieve stress, treat neuroses, insomnia, improve metabolism, and prevent diseases of the respiratory organs. In the old days, crushed geranium leaves were used as a remedy for migraines and otitis media.

fat girl called the "money tree". It attracts material energy into the house.

well-being. If the leaves on it are small, then a trifle will ring in the pockets. Large - to big money.

Aloe(this plant is also called agave), in addition to its medicinal properties, it also protects against unkind people and accidents.

ficus harmonizes the relationship between the inhabitants of the house. If you want the house to always be a full bowl, put it in the kitchen. Dreaming of restoring peace of mind - place a ficus in the bedroom.

Violet- a truly magical flower. It is believed that it protects against diseases and all sorts of misfortunes. Violet makes children more calm and obedient. So it is better to keep this plant in the nursery.

Golden mustache (another name is "home ginseng") is now a very popular houseplant. Its leaves disinfect and heal wounds. In addition, the golden mustache is powerful energy donor.

cacti They are also capable of absorbing bad energy. The longer the needles of the cactus, the better it absorbs the negative.

Ivy popularly called "husband". It is believed that he survives from the house of men. If you are married or want to find a mate, then do not start it - your half will not stay in the house. But if you dream of getting rid, for example, of an ex-husband with whom you can’t part, or of annoying neighbors in a communal apartment, then it’s better not to find money for ivy.

orchids became famous as "energy thieves". These plants are recommended to be grown in greenhouses, and not at home. In no case should they be placed in the bedroom, as they absorb energy very intensively. Contact with orchids is strongly contraindicated for people in the period of neurosis and depression.

How to determine how successful your relationship with your “green friend” will be? First of all, when buying a houseplant, listen to yourself. Intuition will tell you if this is your flower. And if she is silent, then use the information below.

Flowers according to the signs of the zodiac

Aries tulips, azaleas, begonias, pomegranate, spurge, garden geranium are suitable.

Taurus it is best to grow irises, hydrangeas, violets, kalanchoe, cyclamens, begonias, primrose.

Gemini- geranium, asparagus, fern, ivy, tradescantia.

Cancers- roses, gloxinia, aloe, kalanchoe.

Flowers Lviv- these are carnations, begonias, amaranth, callas, camellias, gardenias, balsam, mimosas, pelargoniums, Chinese rose.

Libra- dahlias, cyclamen, azaleas, capsicum, chrysanthemums, heliotrope, large-leaved hydrangea, lilies.

donor plant- this is such a plant, after communicating with which, a person feels an improvement in well-being, a surge of strength, vivacity.

There are two groups of donor plants that directly affect a person - trees and indoor flowers.

How to identify a donor tree

There are several signs by which one can easily determine the presence of a large positive charge in a tree.

  • The tree is quite thick in girth, has a strong base and is firmly connected to the ground.
  • Grows apart. There is not a single large plant within a radius of several meters from it. The larger the radius of isolation, the more energy such a giant has accumulated.
  • With physical contact with a tree (touch, hug), calmness, warmth, improvement of mood are felt.

Traditionally, donor trees include oak, maple, pine, birch.

Even in ancient times, people were worried about the influence of trees on humans, their magic. Some peoples had the concept of a tree spirit (druid) that lives in a tree.

The teachings of the Druids created a classification of trees, highlighting the patrons of a person born in a certain period of time (two weeks). It was believed that a person who is under the protection of a particular tree also has a certain temperament that makes him related to this patron.

Where did this reverence for the powers of plants come from? Perhaps this is intuition - knowledge that is stored outside of our consciousness.

Many plants, according to the evolution of the universe, appeared much earlier than animals, and, of course, before man. These creatures are older than all life on our planet. Therefore, worshiping them is similar to worshiping adults by children.

Such a holiday as Ivanov's Day is known to most of us. Until now, there are people who want to find a fern flower - a plant comparable in age to the era of dinosaurs.

How to determine the donation of an indoor flower

A home flower can share not only oxygen, but also energy with the owner. There are several criteria for determining donation.

  • The flower should have small dimensions, not obscure daylight. Large sprawling plants require space for life, and with a small room size, such a plant, on the contrary, will take some of the energy from a person
  • Pet leaves should not be thin and sharp. On the contrary, rounded leaves perfectly smooth out emotional conflicts, make the atmosphere softer.
  • Climbing and creeping plants are also undesirable in a residential building. Bushy flowers in pots, on the contrary, make the atmosphere harmonious, exuding aromas and essential oils. A perfect example of a donor flower is a rose.

  • Recommendation from experts - bioenergetics: hold a small strip of foil near the flower and track the reaction. The vampire plant will be attracted to your hand, taking energy from the resulting magnetic field. Other flowers do not give such a reaction.

Donor home plants include geranium, begonia, spathiphyllum, ficus, violet, kalanchoe.

Just as in the cases with trees, there is some reverence for houseplants on the part of man. The Germanic peoples have a belief that domestic gnomes - the guardians of life - live in pots of flowers.

Dried flowers and dried herbariums

Dried flowers and dried leaves, and flowers cannot give a living energy to a person. They can be called dead flowers, skeletons, it is not recommended to store them in a living room.

On the other hand, in one of the directions of phytodesign - ikebana - compositions are made up of dried flowers too. But here, flowers already act as a decorative element of the decor, like, for example, a picture.

Wood Element in Feng Shui

The Eastern teaching of Feng Shui also treats plants with respect, referring them to the element "Wood". There are five natural elements in Feng Shui: Metal, Wood, Fire, Earth and Water. Each element patronizes one of the cardinal points and influences a person, interacting with him and with each other.

The Wood element is responsible for the family and health sector, the energy of this area is associated with vitality, which strengthens the will and helps in undertakings.

The second sector, which is patronized by this element, is the zone of prosperity and wealth. The active energy of life bears fruit, growth continues, prosperity arises.

The element of the Tree in Feng Shui is indicated by green - the color of vegetation and life. Because changes in nature, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, are only a reflection of energy changes, then the green element of the Tree symbolizes the beginning and growth of new projects. Associated with the hope and trust that comes after poverty and deprivation, with the transition from winter to spring.

As you might guess, the Tree in Feng Shui has a high, straight, or columnar shape, as well as the shape of a “standing” rectangle.

Plants feed us with their fruits, delight us with flowers, decorate our homes and serve in everyday life. A person should learn to respect these ancient and mysterious creatures, and they will definitely reciprocate.


  • Ordinary Feng Shui Miracle, article on