Design of a wooden attic interior photo gallery. Attic interior design in a private country house

special geometry attic space inspires many designers to create unusual interiors. Under the roof, you can equip almost any room, but the bedroom will look the most organic here. Making good use of space simple rules in furnishing and interior design, you can create a comfortable and cozy bedroom.

Advantages and disadvantages of the attic bedroom

In 1630, the architect Francois Mansart designed and built a house with a sloping roof, under which he arranged a bedroom. Since, attic space, converted into living rooms began to be called by the name of the author - attics.

Attics have a special relaxed atmosphere, so it is best to place a bedroom under a sloping roof. Such a reincarnation of the attic space has many advantages:

  • increase in the living area of ​​the house;
  • the size of the room can be independently changed, delimited functional areas - under a large roof, you can equip a bedroom with a bathroom or combine a room with an office;
  • attic with slanted windows will be the most romantic place in the house - in the evening you can watch the stars, and wake up in the morning with the first rays of the sun;
  • the bedroom under the roof can be made in different styles, and all kinds of finishing materials are used to decorate the room;
  • attic - warm room, so the bedroom will be comfortable and cozy.

Among the disadvantages of the location of the bedroom under the roof include:

  • the roof needs additional heat and waterproofing;
  • the choice of finishes and the layout of the room largely depend on the type of roof;
  • Furniture for the attic often has to be made to order in order to maximize the use of every centimeter of the bedroom area.

Layout and arrangement of furniture depending on the type of roof

The layout of the attic space, the choice and arrangement of furniture are determined by the needs of the owners of the house, the area of ​​​​the room and the design of the roof.

The roof of the house can be single-pitched, gable, multi-pitched, hipped or broken. Thus, the room may have no ceiling at all or be in unusual form, and the walls of the room can have the most different angle tilt. Such features of the structure "steal" usable area attic, so when arranging a bedroom, you need to act carefully and competently.

Spacious loft with pitched roof - a convenient option for placing a bedroom. In this case, the bed is placed under an inclined window, and a spacious closet can be placed along a straight wall.

A small bedroom can be beaten in a different way. With a partition, separate the space for the dressing room - from the side of the straight wall, and put the bed there. Additionally, at the head of the bed you can equip bookshelves. With this option, it becomes possible to make an exit to the balcony.

Under gable roof it is difficult to place a tall cabinet, but if the area allows, then you can slightly correct the space and “level” one of the walls with the help of a screen. A gable roof with symmetrical sloping windows is a great option for combining a bedroom and an office.

On the "gable" attics, bedrooms for two children are often equipped. Beds are placed along sloping walls. If desired, the room can be separated by a mobile partition - a curtain or decorative pendants. The disadvantage of such a room is that there is little space for storing children's clothes and toys.

Design features pitched roof should be turned into its virtues. You can focus on the curved lines of the ceiling. For the convenience of placing furniture, you will have to install plasterboard walls - such a measure is only permissible in spacious rooms. In small bedrooms, the partition will have to be abandoned and spacious wardrobes replaced with compact chests of drawers, trellises, hinged shelves, drawers and decorative baskets for storage.

Under hipped roof you can equip two full-fledged bedrooms by dividing the space in the center with a partition. In this case, a high wall appears, which will simplify the arrangement of furniture.

Features of finishing the attic bedroom

The choice of finishes for a room under the roof depends on the design attic bedroom. Can be used for walls regular paint, wallpaper, lining or putty.

Particular attention should be paid to the decoration of the ceiling. Some prefer to leave the wooden beams of the roof exposed, emphasizing the natural direction in the interior.

The ceiling can be leveled by “sheathing” with plasterboard, and the finish can be selected in accordance with the overall interior of the attic bedroom.

The room turns out to be organic if one material, such as wallpaper, is used to decorate the walls and ceiling. In this case, the ceiling becomes a continuation of the walls - this technique visually expands the space.

Textile ceiling trim allows you to soften the angular shape of the attic room.

Color in the interior of the room on the attic floor

When choosing a color palette for decoration cozy bedroom under the roof it is desirable to keep the following rules and recommendations:

Lighting and decoration of the attic bedroom

When organizing lighting in the bedroom, you need to think through many details: which side the windows face, the choice of main and local light, the design of the window opening.

The location of windows in the attic, their shape and size are usually not standard. Therefore, in such rooms there is often not enough natural light. Great importance attached to the play of shadows and artificial lighting

Planning a bedroom design attic floor, you can use the following techniques to improve the illumination of the room:

Choice decorative elements will depend on the style of the bedroom.

Advice. In order to visually smooth out sharp corners gable roof, the window opening can be framed with an arch, fill the room with "soft" accessories and furniture with smooth outlines

Choosing the style of the bedroom: photos of interiors

The interior concept of the attic is very often directed to the side. rustic styles: provence and country. The spirit of simplicity, comfort and elegance of the French style is great for creating a peaceful environment.

Painted wooden beams, carved furniture in light colors, light curtains and textiles with small floral patterns convey the atmosphere of Provence.

Country style conveys the flavor of rural life. Simple vintage furniture made of wood, bright textile filling and an abundance of accessories create the spirit of England of the 19th century.

The classic will look appropriate in a spacious attic with big windows, since this direction involves the use of massive furniture, heavy curtains and solid, respectable chandeliers.

Classic attic bedroom design: photo

The American loft style is reflected in the presence of free space in the interior, clear shapes and lines. Functional zones in this case are practically not delimited from each other.

The main features of minimalism are conciseness and clarity of design. The room contains only the most necessary furniture simple geometric shapes, the minimum number of decorative elements. Color solution- a combination of no more than 2-3 colors.

Roofed bedroom in scandinavian style- unpretentious decoration of walls and ceiling, restraint and orderliness of the interior. The design of the room is dominated by light natural tones, a pale wood bed, bright lighting, simplified design window openings or the complete absence of curtains.

Asian style. The presence of "cold" materials in the design of the headboard and textured textiles on the pillows give the interior an oriental touch.

The game of white and blue flowers in maritime theme gives the attic bedroom a feeling of freshness. Wide stripes symbolize warm, soft waves and calm water flow.

The main focus of the attic room is decoration. The style of the bedroom is dictated by massive wooden beams and clapboard, color contrasts - furniture and textiles with bright ornaments. The overall interior turned out to be organic and complete.

A two-level ceiling and complex lighting leveled the geometry of the attic space. This solution is only valid in a house with a high roof.

White trim and snow-white furniture make a room with small windows much brighter. A bright spot in the interior is a round-shaped carpet.

Many people are accustomed to considering the attic a kind of second-class room, or an auxiliary purpose, from which it is very difficult to make something worthwhile. Well, it’s nice to arrange the interior of the second floor attic type really difficult, since this room has non-standard dimensions, and usually suffers from a lack natural light. However, modern designers have proposed a lot interesting ideas and recommendations on how you can beautifully decorate the interior of the attic. If you want to know how stylish and functional can be modern attic, the photos in our article, of which there are more than two dozen, will clearly demonstrate this and inspire you to equip your own cozy corner under the roof.

The interior of the attic of a wooden house and cottages in the photo

Country houses and cottages from natural wood are distinguished by a special rural flavor, in addition, they are surprisingly harmonious and comfortable atmosphere so lovers wooden buildings does not get smaller with age. The interior of the attic in the country is usually equipped in such a way as to emphasize the provincial charm. wooden house. This can be done with the help of suitable furniture, souvenirs, paintings, textiles and other decor items. but cozy interior attic country house does not start with furniture and curtains, but with the right lighting.

Important Beautiful and cozy attic(the photo below proves this) is impossible without good natural lighting. Therefore, at the first stage of repair, take care to install additional skylights between the rafters if there is not enough light from the main window.

Usually interior country attic formatted using a large number natural materials. The floor and walls, and sometimes the ceiling, are sewn up wooden clapboard, block house or imitation of timber. Here you can learn more about the installation of sheathing in the attic. Furniture is also chosen from natural wood. Look great in country interiors rattan and bamboo items home furnishings: tables, wicker rocking chairs, baskets for storing clothes. Textiles for curtains and bedspreads are also preferably natural, such as cotton, linen or wool. Animal skins, blankets and other attributes of hunting life fit very organically into the interior of the attic, see the photo below.

The interior design of the attic floor does not have to be filled with rural pastoral motifs. Most modern owners will tell you that this technique, although very successful, is already boring. We offer you separately. Can be designed very modern, stylish and functional interior attic, the photo gallery above shows the most interesting options. Despite the fact that this room is rarely spacious, with the help of space zoning techniques, you can give it a completely different look. And for this it is not at all necessary to divide the interior into parts with the help of partitions or screens. It is much more efficient to use the original backlight.

Idea Emphasize individual areas of the attic interior with a different color finish, an insert of wallpaper with a pattern, a large picture or decorative lighting. So you can select a bed, a work area or a relaxation area.

Photo example of zoning wooden attic using a niche, finishing from natural stone and lights on the ceiling beams

The best interiors of attic rooms: bedroom, nursery, living room

The idea usually visits us if the family needs another separate bedroom. A small room under the roof of the house is the best suited for such purposes. Even a very modest interior can be made cozy and beautiful if you properly manage the space. The main element of any bedroom - the bed - must be placed so that you can get up from it freely without hitting your head on the ceiling. If there are attic between the rafters slanted windows, the bed can be placed under them to admire the clouds and stars.

Advice Place the bed with the head of the bed against the lowest part of the walls, and closer to the middle of the room. Then the room will not "press" on you, and the bed will be comfortable to get up.

Beautiful attic bedroom interior functional furniture and the good location of the bed headboard to the window

Lucky means not only correct location beds, but also the competent use of free space near the walls for organizing storage places. Ordinary cabinet furniture rarely fits into such a room due to the sloping ceiling. The only way out in this case is to independently manufacture or order built-in furniture according to your standards. Carefully thought-out interior of the bedroom with mansard roof will allow you to take away special lockers and shelves for storing clothes, bed linen, cosmetics, books, souvenirs and other attributes of sleeping life.

An example of how you can successfully arrange furniture in a small attic of a country house when arranging a bedroom

Under the roof of the house you can create cozy corner not only for themselves, but also for their children. To plan original interior children's room in the attic, you need to show imagination, abandon stereotypes and trust your instincts. After all, only you know how your child wants to see his bedroom. A lot depends on the age, gender and preferences of the future little owner or hostess. Apart from bed, most likely, you will need convenient boxes for toys and clothes, shelves for books, desk and a play area.

How to brightly and beautifully decorate the attic inside to get a full-fledged bedroom and game room for baby

If there are two children in the family, and especially if they are of different sexes, the task of planning the interior of the attic for them is much more complicated. Even kids have a need for personal space, and when there is very little of it, as in the case of a nursery in the attic, it can be very difficult to correctly delimit the interior.

Idea If you have two kids of different sexes, divide the attic in two exactly in the middle with a small drywall partition, and decorate the resulting halves of the room in accordance with the wishes of your children.

View of the attic from the inside, divided into separate zones for a boy and a girl with a plasterboard partition

The interior of the attic room for a teenager is usually designed taking into account the tastes and hobbies of the owner. In such a room, it is important to organize a comfortable workplace from good lighting where the child could perform homework. In addition, you will probably need special shelves or racks for storing books, CDs, sports equipment if the teenager leads an active lifestyle.

Cozy and stylish attic room in blue and purple tones for a teenage boy who is fond of hockey

Living rooms in the attic are relatively rarely equipped, because the interior of such a room should be representative, spacious and functional. However, if we are talking about an attic-type apartment, then there are simply no other options but to organize a guest room under the roof. The main thing here is to try not to clutter up the space with numerous details, and make the most efficient use of every corner. Limit yourself to installing a sofa, coffee table and a small built-in wardrobe, and it is better to choose a flat TV and hang it on the wall.

Classic living room with skylights, light wallpaper and a winning combination of dark wood and light upholstered furniture

Such pictures clearly confirm that a modest area is not an obstacle in creating beautiful interior attic, no matter what room you decide to equip there.

What does a modern attic look like: an unusual style

The interior of the attic room can be decorated in one of the popular styles so that every detail fits perfectly into the overall concept. This approach is a kind of "aerobatics", it is the most time-consuming and costly, but the result is worth it. Our material "" is specifically devoted to this issue. And here we invite you to take a look at the style in which the attic is most often designed, the photos below will show best examples interiors.

Bedroom in the attic, decorated in the popular Provence style using light furniture, pale green textiles and wall frescoes

The Provence style is very much in demand as it is ideal for small cozy rooms under the roof of the house. French Provence is the twin brother of the well-known country style. However, to the shabby and bleached wooden furniture and natural stone trim are added carved and forged elements, bright and light floral ornaments, as if taking away to a sunny summer. Another variation on the theme of provincial romance - alpine chalet. This style is manifested in tapestries, plaids, hand embroidery, wooden beams on the ceiling and indispensable fireplace.

The interior of the attic living room of a wooden country house, decorated in the style of a chalet with a fireplace, leather furniture and cushions

It takes a lot of information and a lot of time and effort to make the atmosphere in the room to your taste and what would be cozy, comfortable, economical and functional.

If the space is small, everything becomes much more difficult to do, but still possible.

In our time, more and more people want to use absolutely all the space that is possible to the maximum.

In private houses, even attics are used, rooms are arranged there and they live safely. The best way according to the advice of designers, making a bedroom in the attic is better than a kitchen or, for example, a living room.

When creating a room in the attic, you need to remember that in such a place you can apply the most unusual design measures. For example, the ceiling is not dimensionless and in the attic it is fixed on beams, which can be very advantageously used in the design of the bedroom.

When creating a country-style attic bedroom, use lighter tones on the walls and ceiling. An excellent option would be wallpaper with a small pattern or pattern.

No need to purchase wallpaper or wall covering with large pattern, is not the best solution for the bedroom. Such a coating on the walls will put pressure on family members.

If you want the Provence style, then the beams in the attic do not need to be covered with anything, they will look harmonious in their real form. Over time, the tree will look a little old-fashioned and it will be beautiful and stylish. It is also necessary then to use industrial materials in this design, such as glass and metal.

Via natural beams and walls without plaster, the room will look more spacious.

Sometimes in country houses, the walls are upholstered with clapboard, this good option for country style.

Classic or minimalism are also perfect for a bedroom in the attic. In this case, there should not be bulky furniture and unnecessary decor items. Everything should be clear and tasteful.

Color spectrum

by the most best color for the attic bedroom is a light shade. If the walls are light, then it is better to equip the floor light colors. But in this style it is not recommended to use dark pieces of furniture.

But light colors in the attic are not a mandatory part. You just need to remember that if the walls are dark, then the furniture needs to be used larger and rougher. Solid wood furniture would be an excellent option.

If you paint the ceiling and floor in light colors, then you can apply the color of the walls at your discretion. Just do not forget that everything must be combined.

Bedroom furniture in the attic

Furniture must be chosen wisely. The attic room almost always has a small area and it will not be possible to put the furniture that you really really want. It is necessary to calculate possibilities with desires.

First you need to put the furniture that is needed in the first place, this is, of course, the same bed. It must be placed at the smallest and lowest wall. So - it's a good option to put the bed closer to the window.

There is not enough space in the attic, so it is better to refuse bulky cabinets. It's better to keep things in bed, now there is big choice beds with drawers underneath.

When creating a room in the attic, you need to remember that in such a place you can apply the most unusual design measures.

  • When creating a bedroom in the attic, you need to remember some tips.
  • No matter what style and design you want to create for yourself in this bedroom, everything should fit together and look like one.
  • The room should be cozy and comfortable, because the bedroom is designed for rest and sleep.
  • The room should be warm, because the attic is not intended for housing.

Windows should be insulated, but at a convenient time they should be opened to ventilate the room.

Photo of a bedroom in the attic

In conditions when the land for construction in the city and the nearest suburbs is very expensive, you need to use every meter of free space for life. A well-equipped attic room allows you to slightly expand the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, in which you can place an extra bedroom, a nursery or an office.

With a competent approach, a room located under the roof of a private house turns into a cozy space that is in no way inferior in comfort to other rooms. In this article, we will talk about simple rules designing a living space on the attic floor, its design options and methods of use.

An attic is a room equipped under a roof in a house, which is operated as a residential area on an ongoing basis. Its inventor is the French architect Francois Mansart, who gave the name to his invention.

In the 17th century in France, students and the poor often settled in attics under the roofs of houses, whose income was not enough to rent a room with windows. The novice architect Mansart also belonged to such low-income citizens.

However, having settled under the roof, the young designer did not fall into despair, but came up with a way to make a comfortable living space out of a cramped, dark attic, chosen by rodents of all kinds and pigeons.

He created several standard projects houses with mansard-type roofs, convenient for arranging a living room in the under-roof space, which have become very popular. Now the attic space is used as an additional area for equipping a children's room, study, guest bedroom or wardrobe.

Note! Experienced designers believe that even now the equipment of the attic floor is the most cheap way increase the useful area of ​​​​the house without large-scale reconstruction, strengthening the foundation and serious financial costs.

Design features

The layout and interior of the attic room - important points on which the comfort and convenience of using this room depends. Consider many aspects: the device of the truss frame, the angle of inclination of the roof slopes, ventilation and lighting of the room. There are several main features of the attic:

  1. Roof structure. The roof under which the living room will be equipped must be of the attic type. Its peculiarity is in the changed angle of inclination of the slopes, which has a smaller slope in the upper part and a steeper one in the lower part. The variety of roof shapes suitable for attic equipment is not so great. Most best option- a broken two-slope design.
  2. Ceiling height. The ceiling in the room, if it is used as a living room, must have a height of at least 2.2 meters. In places with a lower height, it is advisable to organize storage places.
  3. Lighting. Getting to the design of the room under the roof, be sure to take care of natural light. To do this, it is necessary to install dormers or ordinary gable windows, which allow the maximum use of natural light.
  4. Heating and thermal insulation. So that it is not cold on the attic floor, it is necessary to reduce heat losses that occur through the large surface of the slopes. To do this, the roof slopes are insulated, and heating is organized inside the room.
  5. Ventilation. To ensure the flow fresh air, reducing excess humidity and creating a comfortable microclimate in the attic, it is necessary to equip forced ventilation.

Remember! In order for a room on the attic floor to be considered residential, three conditions must be met: it must have at least one window, that is, a source of natural light, the ceiling height in this room must exceed 2.2 meters, in winter period the heating system must work.

Use cases

The attic is a small space, which, however, can be effectively used to increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. However, it does not have to be used exclusively for summer period, because if you install heating devices in this room required power, as well as organize the insulation of slopes, even in winter it will be warm and comfortable there. If you correctly plan and come up with suitable design, the attic floor can be used for the following purposes:

Interesting! Many homeowners come up with more original variants finishes and ways to use the under-roof space. Some manage to place a large home theater in the attic, avid athletes equip a small gym, bookworms can get their own library. The attic is a room that we always lack to make our dreams come true. The main thing is to correctly formulate your desires.

Lighting and color solutions

The attic floor is a small room, as a rule, the ceilings in it are slightly lower than standard, and the lighting is always insufficient. All these factors lead to the fact that the space seems darker and smaller than it really is. The color in the interior of the attic has key value, it can level all negative factors, smooth out corners. Experienced Designers When designing this room, it is recommended to adhere to the following basic rules:

  1. A variety of colors are used to decorate the attic, but light, pastel shades, pure colors are better suited. Use of light colors helps to make the space visually more spacious.
  2. If you want to use dark or bright colors, one wall can be reserved for this. The rest of the surfaces should be lighter, but matching in tone shades.
  3. To get a more voluminous interesting space, you can decorate the room with 2-3 several pastel colors, only slightly different from each other. This technique gives the effect of a single space, visually making the room larger.
  4. It is recommended not to cover light sources with curtains, blinds or heavy curtains. This will lead to the fact that the room will always be dark, cramped, gloomy. On the one hand, light tulle will hide what is happening from prying eyes, and on the other hand, it will make the space light, bright, and airy.
  5. Furniture, especially if it occupies large area, should be light shades, otherwise it will also visually reduce the attic room.

Keep in mind that light and color in the interior always go hand in hand. There is a simple rule that must be observed to make the room look visually lighter and more spacious: the darker the room and the smaller its area, the lighter the color scheme of decoration and furniture should be.

Finish options

When choosing interior styles, colors and finishes, you must always take into account the ideas of your designer, who will offer the best option. rational use attic floor.

Modern Construction Materials for wall and floor cladding make it possible to realize even the most daring ideas, including the reconstruction of a private country house with your own hands. The decoration of the attic room is carried out in two stages: first, the rough sheathing of the frame, and then the fine finish.

  • When choosing a style in decoration, you should choose the most natural, rustic, rustic design directions. They allow you to fully beat the charm of the attic, make it truly cozy.
  • During finishing works it is recommended to use the most natural building materials, which will emphasize closeness with nature, and I will also “breathe”, creating a comfortable microclimate in the room.
  • Storage areas should be built in to make use of areas with a lower ceiling level, where a person is not comfortable.

Remember that wallpaper in the interior of a wood-lined attic room is not always coup. If the chosen style allows, it is better to leave the walls unclad to bring out the natural beauty of the wood.

Work progress

If you are going to convert the attic into a living space with your own hands, then step-by-step instruction won't hurt you. The good news is that it is possible to equip a room under the roof for living both during the construction of the house and with the help of partial reconstruction.

To do this, you must perform the following work:

  1. First you need to insulate the roof slopes. Since the roof has already been covered by this moment, it has to be done from the inside.
  2. With the help of backfill material, the attic floor is insulated to avoid heat loss.
  3. Window openings on the gables of the house are enlarged or cut to improve natural light.
  4. Mounted ladder required to climb to the attic floor.
  5. Equipped with ventilation, heating and electrical wiring.

Important! Sometimes, in order to equip a living room under a roof, it is necessary to transfer the elements of the truss frame. It is better to entrust this work to professionals so as not to violate the integrity of the system.

Video instruction

Many people are accustomed to considering the attic a kind of second-class room, or an auxiliary purpose, from which it is very difficult to make something worthwhile. Well, it is really difficult to beautifully equip the interior of the second floor of the attic type, since this room has non-standard dimensions, and usually suffers from a lack of natural light. However, modern designers have proposed a lot of interesting ideas and recommendations on how to decorate the attic interior beautifully. If you want to know how stylish and functional a modern attic can be, the photos in our article, of which there are more than two dozen, will clearly demonstrate this and inspire you to arrange your own cozy corner under the roof.

The interior of the attic of a wooden house and cottages in the photo

Country houses and cottages made of natural wood are distinguished by a special rural flavor, in addition, they have a surprisingly harmonious and comfortable atmosphere, so over the years there are no less lovers of wooden buildings. The interior of the attic in the country is usually arranged in such a way as to emphasize the provincial charm of a wooden house. This can be done with the help of suitable furniture, souvenirs, paintings, textiles and other decor items. However, the cozy interior of the attic of a country house does not begin with furniture and curtains, but with the right lighting.

Important A beautiful and cozy attic (the photo below proves this) is impossible without good natural light. Therefore, at the first stage of repair, take care to install additional skylights between the rafters if there is not enough light from the main window.

Usually, the interior of a country attic is decorated using a large number of natural materials. The floor and walls, and sometimes the ceiling, are sewn up with wooden clapboard, block house or imitation timber. Here you can learn more about the installation of sheathing in the attic. Furniture is also chosen from natural wood. Rattan and bamboo home furnishings look great in country interiors: tables, wicker rocking chairs, baskets for storing clothes. Textiles for curtains and bedspreads are also preferably natural, such as cotton, linen or wool. Animal skins, blankets and other attributes of hunting life fit very organically into the interior of the attic, see the photo below.

The interior design of the attic floor does not have to be filled with rural pastoral motifs. Most modern owners will tell you that this technique, although very successful, is already boring. We suggest you read about the design of the attic separately. You can develop a very modern, stylish and functional attic interior, the photo gallery above shows the most interesting options. Despite the fact that this room is rarely spacious, with the help of space zoning techniques, you can give it a completely different look. And for this it is not at all necessary to divide the interior into parts with the help of partitions or screens. It is much more efficient to use attic wall decoration and original lighting.

Idea Emphasize individual areas of the attic interior with a different color finish, an insert of wallpaper with a pattern, a large picture or decorative lighting. So you can select a bed, a work area or a relaxation area.

Photo example of zoning a wooden attic using a niche, natural stone trim and lighting on the ceiling beams

The best interiors of attic rooms: bedroom, nursery, living room

The idea to arrange a living room in the attic usually visits us if the family needs another separate bedroom. A small room under the roof of the house is the best suited for such purposes. Even a very modest interior can be made cozy and beautiful if you properly manage the space. The main element of any bedroom - the bed - must be placed so that you can get up from it freely without hitting your head on the ceiling. If there are slanted windows between the attic rafters, the bed can be placed under them to admire the clouds and stars.

Advice Place the bed with the head of the bed against the lowest part of the walls, and closer to the middle of the room. Then the room will not "press" on you, and the bed will be comfortable to get up.

Beautiful interior of the attic bedroom with functional furniture and a good location of the bed headboard to the window

The successful interior of the attic bedroom implies not only the correct location of the bed, but also the competent use of free space near the walls for organizing storage spaces. Ordinary cabinet furniture rarely fits into such a room due to the sloping ceiling. The only way out in this case is to independently manufacture or order built-in furniture according to your standards. A carefully thought-out interior of a bedroom with a mansard roof will allow you to take away special lockers and shelves for storing clothes, bed linen, cosmetics, books, souvenirs and other attributes of sleeping life.

An example of how you can successfully arrange furniture in a small attic of a country house when arranging a bedroom

Under the roof of the house, you can create a cozy corner not only for yourself, but also for your children. To plan the original interior of a children's room in the attic, you need to show imagination, abandon stereotypes and trust your instincts. After all, only you know how your child wants to see his bedroom. A lot depends on the age, gender and preferences of the future little owner or hostess. In addition to a bed, most likely, you will need convenient boxes for toys and clothes, shelves for books, a desk and a corner for games.

How to brightly and beautifully decorate the attic inside to get a full-fledged bedroom and a playroom for a baby

If there are two children in the family, and especially if they are of different sexes, the task of planning the interior of the attic for them is much more complicated. Even kids have a need for personal space, and when there is very little of it, as in the case of a nursery in the attic, it can be very difficult to correctly delimit the interior.

Idea If you have two kids of different sexes, divide the attic in two exactly in the middle with a small plasterboard partition, and decorate the resulting halves of the room in accordance with the wishes of your children.

View of the attic from the inside, divided into separate zones for a boy and a girl with a plasterboard partition

The interior of the attic room for a teenager is usually designed taking into account the tastes and hobbies of the owner. In such a room, it is important to organize a comfortable workplace with good lighting, where the child could do homework. In addition, special shelves or racks for storing books, CDs, sports equipment will probably be required if a teenager leads an active lifestyle.

Cozy and stylish attic room in blue and purple tones for a teenage boy who is fond of hockey

Living rooms in the attic are relatively rarely equipped, because the interior of such a room should be representative, spacious and functional. However, if we are talking about an attic-type apartment, then there are simply no other options but to organize a guest room under the roof. The main thing here is to try not to clutter up the space with numerous details, and make the most efficient use of every corner. Limit yourself to installing a sofa, a coffee table and a small built-in wardrobe, and it is better to choose a flat TV and hang it on the wall.

Classic living room with skylights, light wallpaper and a winning combination of dark wood and light upholstered furniture

Such pictures clearly confirm that a modest area is not an obstacle in creating a beautiful attic interior, no matter what room you decide to equip there.

What does a modern attic look like: an unusual style

The interior of the attic room can be decorated in one of the popular styles so that every detail fits perfectly into the overall concept. This approach is a kind of "aerobatics", it is the most time-consuming and costly, but the result is worth it. Our material " Design and style of the attic"Specially devoted to this issue. And here we invite you to take a look at the style in which the attic is most often designed, the photo below will show the best examples of interiors.

Bedroom in the attic, decorated in the popular Provence style using light furniture, pale green textiles and wall frescoes

Provence-style loft interior design is in high demand, as it is ideal for small cozy rooms under the roof of the house. French Provence is the twin brother of the well-known country style. However, carved and forged elements, bright and light floral ornaments, as if taking away into a sunny summer, are added to shabby and whitewashed wooden furniture and natural stone trim. Another variation on the theme of provincial romance is an Alpine chalet. This style manifests itself in tapestries, plaids, hand embroidery, wooden beams on the ceiling and an indispensable fireplace.

The interior of the attic living room of a wooden country house, decorated in the style of a chalet with a fireplace, leather furniture and cushions
