Blue bedroom - romantic and cozy design in blue tones (59 photo ideas). The choice of blue wallpaper for the walls, photo in the interior Blue shades of wallpaper in a small bedroom

Blue color has a lot of shades. That is why it is often used to decorate rooms in apartments. Wallpaper blue for walls is a great way to fill the room with joy and peace. They can be used in any room from the kitchen to the nursery.

You can see the most successful examples of combining blue wallpapers with other interior details of various rooms in our gallery.

Blue wallpaper for different rooms

The use of blue is appropriate for most modern styles. Designers recommend choosing finishing materials of this shade for rooms and rooms facing south, as deep sunlight makes them play with bright colors. If you want to use blue wallpaper for rooms that are poorly lit by the sun, you should make sure that the artificial light is bright enough. Otherwise, the walls will look faded and inexpressive.

It is interesting: It is believed that the fashion for the use of blue in the interior came to us from the Empire era. Then the floor in the houses was made dark, and the walls were preferred to be painted in heavenly shades or decorated with a fabric of this color.

Picking up beautiful wallpapers in blue tones is not a problem today. However, before you buy them, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of use in certain premises.

Choice for the living room

Blue wallpaper in the interior of the living room will look elegant and make it bright. If you plan to purchase monochromatic materials, give preference to more saturated shades.

If your plans include using pale blue wallpapers, then it is better to choose products with a floral pattern. Walls finished in moderately bright colors with gold or silver monograms will look elegant and stylish.

Blue wallpaper in the living room, the photo shows plain wall materials

How best to use in the bedroom

Blue wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom should be used carefully. This rather cold shade can not only give people a feeling of peace, but also depress consciousness, and also increase irritability. We are talking about situations where it is used in excess.

So, for example, a room in which the walls are finished in bright blue, curtains of the same shade hang, a cornflower blue carpet lies on the floor, and a bedspread and bed linen to match everything else on the bed is unlikely to bring moral satisfaction to its owners. They will feel much more comfortable in a room decorated with light blue wallpapers and warm-colored accessories, such as mustard or lemon curtains or a light green bedspread.

Blue wallpaper in the bedroom, the photo shows the wall decoration with a pattern

Important: try not to overload the interior in the bedroom with details. For walls, it is better to choose plain or discreet blue wallpaper for the bedroom. If you want to make the room bright, decorate the head of the bed with a wide strip of wallpaper in brighter colors or with large ornaments. In this case, it is better to refuse blue striped wallpaper. This pattern is unlikely to let you relax.

A room with blue wallpaper, the photo shows the design of the head of the bed

Use in the nursery

A children's room with blue wallpaper is a great interior solution for a boy. Such a room can be decorated in a marine or pirate style. It is desirable to make the rest of the interior details bright.

For the nursery, you can choose both plain and decorated with patterns. The ceiling can be designed as a sky with clouds or stars.

Decorating a nursery with a sky ceiling

Blue wallpaper in the kitchen

It is advisable to decorate the kitchen in blue tones. Wallpaper for this room is better to choose practical vinyl or paper washable. If the facades of the kitchen set do not contain bright prints and other finishing details, then it is better to give preference to wall materials with a pattern. Otherwise, it is advisable to choose plain blue wallpaper for the walls of the kitchen, so as not to overload it with bright accents.

Blue wallpaper in the kitchen, the photo shows an example of the use of materials with a cheerful pattern

Application for hallway or hall

If you want your entrance hall or hall to look interesting, and at the same time not flashy, then wall decoration with plain blue wallpaper will be an excellent interior solution for this room. Against their background, paintings in the same style or photographs in the same frame, as well as wall panels, will look great in the hallway.

In a wide hall, it is advisable to use striped wallpaper. For a narrow hallway, this option is not suitable, because it can visually reduce it.

The wallpaper is blue in the interior, the photo shows the decoration of a narrow hallway

How does the blue color affect the overall perception of the room?

The blue color represents two elements at once - water and air. For most people, it really is associated with the sea and the sky. Psychologists believe that blue color can be present in the interior of the room, but only in moderation. In this case, pleasant shades of the whole gamut of this color, from pale to bright turquoise, will contribute to harmony, the development of healthy optimism and hormones of happiness.

The so-called "overdose" of blue in the interior is fraught with completely different feelings. A room in which it is used in excess, over time, can turn into the most unloved place of all households. Such a room will oppress and annoy. In especially impressionable people, it can cause outbursts of unmotivated aggression.

An example of an overabundance of color - the bedroom is decorated entirely in blue tones

What color wallpaper is best to combine blue

Since the blue color should be used carefully in the interior, combining it with wallpaper of other colors is an excellent solution. You can see interesting interior solutions of such a plan in our gallery.

Combination with white

Bright blue wallpaper goes well with any shade of white. When choosing such an interior solution, do not forget that it will be important to pay special attention to the floor covering. It should not be too bright or dark. It is ideal to use a laminate or linoleum in honey-wood warm shades for a white-blue interior.

A good example of a combination with white

Combination with gray

Gray-blue wallpaper for walls can be used in the bedroom or living room. Such an interior solution is a design classic. Dark and slightly gloomy gray in combination with celestial shades turns into an interesting and moderately bright.

Saturated combination of sky and gray colors

Gray plain wallpapers with a bright accent in the form of a wide strip of blue, decorated with monograms, flowers or ornaments look good.

Combination with green

The green-blue combination is ideal for lovers of natural natural shades. In this case, the emphasis can be made both with the help of blue wallpaper, highlighting part of the wall with their help, and with the help of green wall materials.

Bright green pattern on the wallpaper

combination with yellow

The yellow-blue combination of wallpaper can be used in any room. At the same time, it is important to remember that wallpapers of such bright colors require careful selection of other details that should be discreet.

A great example of a combination with a yellow tint

Combination with beige

This option can only be considered if your choice initially fell on pale blue wallpaper. Bright turquoise can steal an interesting look from an already faded beige color.

A successful combination of turquoise and beige

Blue wallpapers of different shades are increasingly being chosen for wall decoration, which can be reminiscent of sea waves and fresh wind. Blue wallpaper will suit any style of apartment, depending on the combination with other colors and textures.

Advantages and disadvantages

pros Minuses
  • A fresh color that is associated with purity, sea, snow and sky;
  • A room with blue wallpaper soothes, relieves fatigue after a working day;
  • Visually enlarges the space, adds light, suitable for small rooms and rooms without windows;
  • It is combined with bright interior items and textiles;
  • Refresh the room, the windows of which face the hot south side.
  • With an abundance of blue (if you combine wallpaper in blue tones with blue furniture and textiles), there is a feeling of tension, so color balance must be observed;
  • Wall paper in a blue hue is not suitable for rooms where windows face the north side (this will make the room gloomy and colder).

The photo shows a classic English interior with blue wallpaper in small flowers, which are combined in color with chandeliers and curtains.

Types of wallpaper

Along with the right choice of color is the right decision in choosing the structure of the wallpaper. The choice is huge, so understanding this variety is not the easiest thing to do.

Paper Environmentally friendly product, inexpensive. Walls with such wallpaper allow air to pass through. But joints are often visible, short-lived, eventually fade in the sun, are not moisture resistant material.

non-woven Dense structure, joints are not visible, also "breathing" wallpaper and do not fade in the sun. But the expensive ones are good "dust collectors" and are prone to mechanical damage.

Vinyl Two-layer: the first layer is paper, the second layer is vinyl. Long-term use, resistant to mechanical damage. But it emits a harmful substance - formaldehyde, they do not diffuse air well. Wallpaper design with silk-screen printing is suitable for classic styles.

Liquid Seamless (no joints are visible), have good sound insulation, allow for partial repairs. Long drying after gluing (about two days).

For painting Two-layer paper wallpaper. Waterproof, no need to level the walls. Can be repainted up to five times. But they are subject to mechanical damage.

Textile Two-layer: the base is paper, the second layer is interlining. There are various additions: linen, cotton, polyester. Joints are not visible, excellent noise and heat insulation. Do not fade in the sun. Penetration of smells, high cost, "dust collector".



Wallpaper without a pattern and pattern can be pasted over the entire room or just one wall. They are combined with white or contrasting moldings. Wallpaper in blue tones does not look boring, as the emphasis is on the texture (waves, herringbone, speckled, polka dots, etc.) of vinyl or glass wallpaper. Neutral style is suitable for modern, Scandinavian and classic interiors.

Plain wallpaper does not need to be matched to the joint.

Wallpaper with a pattern

Suitable for the style of the room based on the theme of the picture and are divided into subspecies:

with ornament

The combination of identical figures and lines, where the sequence of alternation and change of sizes creates dynamics in the interior.

The geometry looks best in a large version.

The photo shows a bright blue wallpaper with a geometric pattern.

The photo shows a room in a classic style, decorated with stylish dirty blue textured wallpaper.

The polka dot pattern, the cage is combined with plain curtains or with curtains with the same ornament. Suitable for modern and classic style.

Imitation brick, stone, wood, fabric, plaster

Suitable for any type of loft, Scandinavian or country style rooms.

Patterns (damascus, monograms)

Suitable for art deco and classic style. Depending on the material of the wallpaper coating, it can be embossed or flat.


This pattern is characterized by interweaving of leaves, flowers, branches and grass.

When wallpapering you need to follow the continuation of the fragment.

Flowers can be large or small, white, pink or red. Suitable for classic, English style, country and Provence.

The photo shows a beautiful bedroom with wallpaper in a small floral pattern on a pale blue background, which echoes the print of classic long curtains.

Images of birds and animals

A print with birds or butterflies is well suited for Provence or Shabby chic style, and will also be a good idea for creating an accent wall in a modern interior.


Striped wallpapers can be vertical (which will visually raise the ceiling), horizontal (expand the space, but make the room lower), large (suitable for a large room) and small (for a small one). The stripe can alternate with a different pattern, with stripes of a different color, or be plain.

Suitable for minimalism and classic interiors.

The photo shows the interior of the bedroom with blue and white striped wallpaper.

Wall mural, 3d wallpaper

A great choice for any room, will help to visually enlarge a small room.

On the picture azure color with the image of a shark.

Combination with other colors

Wallpaper can be combined with one color that is close to blue (white, blue, aquamarine, turquoise, brown). In this case, blue will be the background for the companion color. Also, the wallpaper can be combined with vibrant contrasting colors of warm tones (orange, yellow, red) in moderation. It can be curtains, accessories, decor and textiles.

light blue

This version of the wallpaper in combination with a white pattern or pattern will create a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

In the photo in the bedroom, blue wallpaper with a white geometric pattern acts as an accent wall at the head of the bed and the central part of the ceiling, highlighting the seating area.

The combination with shades of beige, green and brown will be associated with nature.

dark blue

In combination with light gray stripes in a spacious hot room, wallpaper will create a cool effect, while wallpaper with gold patterns and white embossed skirting boards is suitable for a room in a classic style.

The combination of pale pink abstraction or flowers on a blue background is suitable for the Provence style. Such a tandem of colors can be diluted with white textiles and dark brown furniture.

Pale blue

Perfectly combined in any proportion with green wallpapers of light green and pistachio shades, and dark blue with olive.

Black and dark brown

It is allowed for the glossy surface of furniture, as patterns on upholstery and wallpaper.

Photo examples of color combinations on wallpaper


pink blue
Beige blue


blue blue



black and blue

golden blue
Silver and blue
Violet blue

orange blue

In the interior of the rooms

In the living room

The blue color of the wallpaper in the hall complements the minimalist, classic or country style well. They can paste over the area near the sofa or fireplace for relaxation. Combine with bright accents with stripes of yellow on pillows and curtains.

The photo shows a white and blue living room in a marine style, where the wallpaper serves as a backdrop for interior items.

To the bedroom

It is best to choose a plain wallpaper with a relief pattern in white or brown.

Light blue walls will help you relax and get ready for rest.

If plain wallpaper is chosen, then the emphasis can be placed on beige, brown or white curtains and a bedspread.

The photo shows a blue bedroom interior, which is diluted with a dark color of a wooden floor, a white headboard and a fluffy ivory carpet.

In the kitchen

In a small kitchen, light blue shades for wallpaper will look appropriate with a white or light brown set. In the blue kitchen, according to experts, a person eats less food, this should be taken into account when choosing wallpaper. In the dining area, you can use kitchen murals depicting the sea or sky.

The photo shows an example of a blue kitchen with a floral pattern, where all natural shades are combined. The design is made in the Scandinavian style.

In the nursery

Can be pasted over in bright or pale blue. Also, only the recreation area can be decorated in blue, combining with a pale orange work area. Traditionally, blue shades are found in the boys' room, but when combined with white and pink, then this option is also suitable for girls' bedrooms.

In the hall

To create a bright hallway, it is best to combine a white ceiling with blue wallpaper. Such a choice will visually expand the corridor, add space without windows.

Rules for choosing curtains

Curtains can be in the same colors as the wallpaper and repeat the pattern. By the color of the fabric or borders, they can overlap with the upholstery, the color of dishes, accessories, edging of pillows, bedspreads and other interior items.

The photo shows a sky blue bedroom design that looks fresh with a large window, white accents and a glossy ceiling that reflects daylight.

For visual correction of perception rooms are used in contrasting colors (bright purple or burgundy curtains reduce, and white translucent ones increase).

To decorate one window, you can combine turquoise and yellow, blue and green, brown and turquoise, brown and white without fail.

So that the interior does not look too bright, you need to choose pastel colors (pale yellow, lilac, light green). To accent the window in the bedroom or living room, you can make one of the curtains in a contrasting color.

The photo shows a greenish-blue liquid wallpaper.

In the kitchen, it is better to choose curtains made of non-combustible fiber and a simple cut.

The photo shows an example of a blue Victorian kitchen with a classic small solid color ornament that does not reduce the space of a small kitchen. Blue wallpapers are combined with Roman striped curtains in harmonious colors.

For the nursery, blue roll-ups, tulle and classic curtains with a pink or gold pattern are suitable.

Choice of colors for furniture, floors, ceilings and doors

Depending on the saturation of the wallpaper, a different color of the furniture will suit. You need to follow the rules: the darker the walls, the lighter the furniture, and vice versa.

For blue wallpaper with brown patterns, furniture to match the pattern is suitable.

It is better to make the ceiling and floor the same color, or it can be a dark laminate and a white ceiling. In a small room, it is not recommended to make the walls and ceiling the same color.

Interior doors are preferably white or light shades.

Style selection

When choosing wallpaper, it is important to observe the unity of style in the design of walls, curtains and furniture.


Recognizable by its characteristic print: white monograms and ornaments on a blue background, or gold patterns on a dark blue background. The size of the patterns depends on the dimensions of the room. Plain wallpaper will decorate embossed borders, moldings and decor items.


It is distinguished by restraint and practicality, so here you can see plain wallpapers, photo wallpapers, geometric patterns and straight lines.


Characterized by natural shades of blue in combination with white, green and brown.

The photo shows a combined country-style wallpaper, an excellent interior solution for a country house.


Wallpaper with a small pattern, stripes or photo wallpaper with a large thematic image on the entire wall is used. This option is ideal for a child's room.

Photo gallery

Below are photo examples of decorating walls with blue wallpaper.

When decorating the interior of the bedroom, the blue color is especially popular, and for good reason. The shade of a clear sky and the azure sea brings back pleasant memories, helps to relax, get rid of heavy thoughts and depressive mood, charges with positive energy and gives a charge of vivacity. Blue looks great in an interior designed in any style. It is harmoniously combined with furniture, accessories and decor of different colors and designs. Today we will talk about blue wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom.

Advantages and disadvantages of blue

Not every color looks perfect in the bedroom. This has nothing to do with blue. This deep, beautiful shade has a number of advantages over its neighbors in the color palette:

  1. Calming and relaxing effect on a person.
  2. Visual expansion of a small space. This light, airy shade makes the room brighter and more spacious.
  3. Blue color fills the room with air, cleanliness and freshness. This design option is ideal for rooms located on the sunny side. Even on the hottest day, they will feel the morning coolness.
  4. This color is perfect for a nursery or teenage room, for a young girl's bedroom. Does not cause irritation and feelings of rejection (unlike pink).

Its disadvantage is rather conditional: too many things aged in this cold color can make the room not very comfortable.


Blue is a very beautiful, versatile and versatile color. It includes many shades: from subtle heavenly to deep turquoise. Wallpaper can be presented in a variety of tones of this color.

Today, monochrome is considered one of the most popular trends in interior design. The bedroom can be finished with blue wallpaper, and furniture, textiles, decor elements will also be designed in different shades of the same color. This interior looks very unusual, stylish and beautiful.

The wallpaper itself can be plain or printed. Blue is ideally combined with gold or silver monograms, swirls, flowers, geometric ornaments and other patterns. Drawings on the wallpaper may have other shades, more contrasting and brighter (compared to heavenly). It can be green, red, white, black ornaments.

One of the most unusual print options for a bedroom is a marine theme. But it fits perfectly on the blue background. These are all kinds of shells, marine animals, algae, stars.

Ceiling, decor, accessories

In order to emphasize the expressiveness of this tone as much as possible, it is necessary to take very seriously the choice of floor and ceiling finishes, the selection of furniture and the decorative design of the room.

Curtains can be in the same range as the wallpaper, have a richer, brighter shade of the same color, or be contrasting. Blue, white, turquoise curtains go well with azure wallpapers. They can be plain or decorated with small prints (flowers, leaves, polka dots).

The ceiling in the bedroom with blue wallpaper can be snow-white or any shade from the same palette with the walls. Sharp contrast transitions and differences are undesirable. A multi-level ceiling can be made in several shades of heavenly color and decorated with clouds, stars, soft flower arrangements. Glossy coating will visually make the room more spacious.

Turquoise wallpaper and ceiling create a rather cold interior. To dilute it, adding coziness and home comfort, furniture made of natural wood or materials imitating it will help. The color scheme should look as natural as possible (dark brown, beige or even cream).

Beautiful interiors

The classic combination of white and blue tones refreshes any interior, makes it lighter and the room spacious. Furniture, decor elements, textiles are selected in the same design and in the same color scheme. Everything looks very harmonious and holistic.

There are a lot of flowers in one bedroom, but the interior does not look overloaded and heavy at all. Shades of blue and brown are matched in perfect proportion to each other. To decorate the walls, three types of companion wallpapers in blue tones were used at once.

Intense turquoise goes great with white. The spacious bedroom in a private house is designed in a rather strict, restrained style. A beautiful floral print bedspread and small decorative details serve as decorations.

And in the next video you can find out what criteria you need to follow when choosing wallpaper for the bedroom.

Wallpaper is an economical and convenient option for decorating the walls in the bedroom. A wide variety of patterns and textures allows you to use them in any interior style, create interesting combinations and unusual visual effects. How to choose the right wallpaper for the bedroom will be discussed in this article.

Types of wallpaper for the bedroom, their advantages and disadvantages

paper wallpaper

Wallpapers made of ordinary glossy or matte paper are divided into single-layer - simplex, as well as two-layer - duplex. The former are cheaper, the latter are more durable and tear less from mechanical stress.

The main disadvantage of paper wallpaper is fragility. They quickly lose their aesthetic appearance under the influence of moisture, dust, fade in the sun. However, given the low cost of such a finish, it is possible to completely update the interior every 2-3 years.

This is an easy and inexpensive option for redecorating temporary housing, dormitories, rented apartments, as well as in the presence of small children who sometimes love to draw on the walls. Photowall-paper also belongs to this type.

Vinyl wallpapers

PVC wallpapers consist of a paper or textile base and a plastic-containing front layer, which can be smooth, embossed (silk-screen printing), foamed, glossy, matte or a combination.

The disadvantage of using polyvinyl is that this material consists of synthetic resins and does not allow the walls to breathe (does not let water vapor and air through). The first time after gluing - such wallpapers can exude the smell of plastic. In the bedroom, this is a significant problem, because the sleeping area must be well ventilated.

The positive aspects of PVC wallpaper are their high aesthetics, strength, long service life (10-15 years), the possibility of repainting, wet cleaning from dust and good soundproofing properties.

Non-woven wallpaper

This is a flexible two-layer web of interwoven cellulose fibers. Due to the microporous texture, these wallpapers are environmentally friendly and adhere well to any surface. The repair process is facilitated by the fact that the adhesive is applied directly to the wall. Textured non-woven wallpaper without vinyl coating suitable for painting.

Textile wallpapers

Fabric upholstery is an interesting solution for a bedroom, but keep in mind that every month or two the walls will have to be vacuumed. Dust accumulates especially quickly on fleecy synthetics (velvet, felt, velor). Modern textile wallpapers, as a rule, have a dense base, which makes sticking easier, but working with them is still quite difficult. Excessive amount of glue, soaking into the fabric, can permanently leave ugly stains on it. The advantage of this finishing option can be considered a luxurious appearance and good sound insulation (in the case of using wallpaper on a foam lining).

Glass fiber

Translucent, very thin but tough, glass fiber wallpaper is easy to attach to walls and can last up to 30 years. You can color them up to 10 times, which allows you to quickly update a boring design. A huge advantage of this finish is the environmental friendliness of fiberglass, because only natural raw materials are used for its production - quartz sand, clay, soda and silicates.

Wallpaper for the bedroom depending on the style

To create a harmonious interior, the design of the walls must correspond to the chosen direction in design. It is best to choose wallpapers that match in texture and color with furniture, textiles, windows, doors.

Modern style

For a bedroom in modern style, smooth plain wallpaper is suitable. Light and glossy will make the room visually more spacious, and matte will give comfort. The modern style also allows neat monochrome drawings, graphics, abstractions - but not with a continuous coating, but only in the form of an accent.

Classic style

This style combines the monumentality of ancient times with the refined luxury of the Renaissance. A real royal bedroom can be framed with wallpaper in warm shades of white (cream, cream, ivory, light beige) with golden or silver floral ornaments, plaster molding relief or soft leather.


The romantic atmosphere of the south of France is pastel colors (light gray, pink, mint, lilac, milky) and small floral prints against their background. So that the room does not seem monotonous, sections of wallpaper with drawings must be alternated with monochrome ones, and balance must be maintained when choosing textiles.

Scandinavian style

Natural winter tones will help to recreate the icy freshness of northern Europe - snow-white, shimmering silver, transparent blue, light gray, light green. To make the bedroom more comfortable, you can use wallpaper, the texture of which resembles sun-bleached linen or light, untreated cold-colored boards.

Japanese style

The interior of the bedroom, reminiscent of the land of the rising sun, can be decorated using bamboo wallpapers, wallpapers with hieroglyphs, cherry blossoms, bamboo leaves, fans, and photo wallpapers. The palette of shades for the Japanese style is quite wide - from black and white, gray, woody, straw tones to golden, hot pink and red.

art deco

For this style, wallpapers with abstract and floral patterns in fairly saturated, but at the same time calm colors are perfect. Often used gray with an admixture of other shades, black, white, burgundy, beige and blue. To visually increase the space in Art Deco, you can use holographic pictures and optical illusions.

Wallpaper color for the bedroom - which one to choose?

When choosing wallpaper for the bedroom, it is very important to take into account the influence of certain colors on the human psyche. Active colors like orange and red are best reserved for the kitchen or dining room. Yellow, light green, peach - can make the north side warmer. And in order to “cool” the southern bedroom a little, it is worth decorating the walls in green and blue shades. Monochromes (white, gray, beige) can be used without restrictions, but black, dark purple and chocolate should be handled with care - they absorb light, reduce space and can sometimes turn a room into a kind of dungeon.

white wallpaper

White wallpaper in the bedroom is a proven classic. On a light background, any furniture, bright or pastel patterns will always look appropriate, it will emphasize the beauty of paintings, photographs and other decor.

Pastel wallpaper

Wallpaper in a soft palette of pinks, blues, greens, yellows, beiges and lavenders is the perfect solution for a romantic bedroom. This design will appeal to all admirers of light, airy interiors.

gray wallpaper

Neutral gray wallpaper is the best solution for a high-tech, modern, minimalist, loft style bedroom. In combination with black or dark blue furniture and strict lines, you get a functional masculine interior; white gloss and silver curls - an option for an elegant lady; bright yellow, pink, green accents on a gray background - for a married couple.

blue wallpaper

Shades of the sky and water have a calming effect on a person, so they are perfect for the bedroom. Blue wallpapers can be combined with white, gray, beige, purple, dark brown, and also complemented with photo wallpapers.

The combination of wallpaper in the bedroom

The combination of patterned and plain wallpaper close in color will allow you to diversify your interior and achieve certain visual effects. Properly selected wall decoration will make the bedroom interesting and cozy. There are several ways to combine - vertical, horizontal, geometric, as well as inserts and niches.


It can be an alternation of stripes from floor to ceiling - light and dark, matte and glossy, printed and one-color. Sometimes there is a different design of individual walls or partial partitions. Vertical accents visually make the room appear taller.


With this combination of wallpaper, you can create beautiful borders, as well as visually expand the walls. Contrasting and horizontal lines are best used to enlarge narrow areas.


Wallpapering the bedroom at broken angles is an unusual way to create an exclusive interior. You can also use the appliqué technique by attaching your favorite paper fragments to the main finish.


An insert is a contrasting fragment of any shape, usually separated by an impromptu frame - plaster, polyurethane, metal, wood or simply painted.


The difference between a wall and a recess in it is easy to emphasize if their colors and textures differ from each other. In a niche, you can glue photo wallpapers, imitation brickwork, a patterned glossy or plain matte insert.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom / bedroom in Khrushchev

The problem characteristic of most Soviet apartments is their small size. However, the small size of the bedroom is more of a plus than a minus: it saves finishing materials, simplifies repairs, and the atmosphere is more romantic. The main rule is not to overload the interior with large elements and rich colors.

Wallpaper for a bedroom in Khrushchev is better to choose light, pastel, with a small, soft pattern and reflective details. A fully glossy canvas will reveal all the irregularities of the walls, but the combination of a matte background and mirror patterns, on the contrary, will hide them.

Bedroom wallpaper - photo

Our photo gallery contains illustrative examples of what different types of wallpaper can look like in a bedroom interior. Here are monophonic options, striped, with a geometric pattern, floral ornaments, photo wallpapers and all kinds of other combinations. Get inspired!

Blue color is the prototype of the sky, which evokes in the interior of the apartment the most pleasant emotions associated with the endless expanses of the sea or clouds in the sky. Being in a room decorated in just such a color scheme, a person feels a desire to think, reflect, remember something.

The color of the sky is a feeling of peace and quiet, purity and well-being. Many of those people who design their homes themselves agree to various experiments, and maybe even to cardinal decisions. An interesting solution would be curtains in blue or blue tones in combination with the color of other interior items.

Here it is necessary to take into account the characteristics and design of the room, in this regard, each case must be considered individually.

Let's talk about the interior in blue color in more detail, because it is these wallpapers that will give a pleasant feeling of calmness, spaciousness, peace.

Blue wallpaper in the interior: heavenly decoration

Blue is special. All shades of this color have a special energy, thanks to which the room becomes very cozy, and its inhabitants get a calm, peaceful mood. The blue color of the wallpaper is present in the interiors of houses very often, because it is suitable for different interior styles. It looks equally good in classic and retro styles, as well as in modern or high-tech style.

A strict interior in a blue color scheme will be brighter and warmer if you add a little yellow or orange accents to it.

As a result, the room will take shape with a rather bold design, which is more suitable for finding creative personalities in it.

Combination options:

  1. The colors blue and red together look very noble.
  2. The combination of blue and the color of natural wood will be appropriate even in the interiors of cabinets.
  3. The expressive combination of blue and black style is associated with wildflowers, relaxation and summer.
  4. Calm and strict people will like darker combinations of blue with their own shades, a collage with gray and even black is especially interesting.

It is easy to experiment with blue wallpapers, it will not be difficult for designers to choose the shade, size and shape of the wallpaper that is necessary for the room. Interesting patterns on the wallpaper will also complement the interior with a special look. Wallpaper with a pattern will turn an ordinary surface into a noble composition.

Gray-blue or white-blue color has a positive effect on the mental state of a person.

Blue wallpaper for walls: reasons for choosing

Decorating the walls with blue wallpaper is a great solution. It is blue wallpapers that visually increase the space of the room, cheer up and give special cheerfulness. If the landlord is a romantic, then this solution is for him.

The choice of blue wallpaper is a good interior solution. For a bright room, this cold-colored wallpaper will become a special highlight that fills the room with calmness and comfort. It is important to consider the compatibility of blue wallpaper with the placement of furniture in the room.

You need to combine blue wallpaper with curtains, interior items and flooring.

Design rules

The complete design of the room in blue is the right decision. Preferential for the blue interior will be light and calm color shades. A darker or, conversely, a lighter color can be used to decorate individual decorative items, such as cornices, frames for photographs and paintings, all kinds of lamps and others. A room with blue wallpaper will be bright and elegant, it will not bother its owner for quite a long time.

Particular attention should be paid to the combination of curtains or tulle: they should be light, which will contribute to a greater visual expansion of the room.

What color goes with blue wallpaper

Blue is usually combined with several colors. This color is cold, it is very popular with people who love freedom and lightness, and promotes relaxation and pleasant rest. People often use blue backgrounds in their bedrooms.

It will be very pleasant to be here for irritable, nervous people, or those who often get tired at work.

In general, this is a fairly versatile color background, so the wallpaper of blue shades will suit almost any room.

The blue color of the wallpaper is combined with a large number of other colors in the interior of the premises:

  1. Blue color is often combined with white, especially when decorating a bathroom. White-blue color will create an atmosphere of airiness, looks appropriate and noble.
  2. Pastel shades will be appropriate in the bedroom: beige, vanilla, caramel. In order for the pleasant effect of the combination of colors not to be lost, you do not need to add bright spots and some kind of accents to the existing range.
  3. The gray-blue color of the wallpaper in combination with gold is well suited to the interior of the living room. Light gray color shades are neutral, and therefore look quite soft. If you use gray and combine it with white, you will get the impression of the presence of snow in the living room.
  4. Creative designers use yellow and orange colors in interior decoration. I must say that this is an unusual decision. Given the coolness that blue brings with it, this is done in order to soften the atmosphere a little, filling it with solar warmth. At the same time, this combination of colors will not at all take away from the room a special freshness and visually expanded space, which is obtained when using blue shades. Nobody cancels experiments, therefore, why not?

How to create a harmonious interior

The most successful way to give your apartment interior cool tones are blue wallpapers and matching curtains, which will be an additional decor to this. After the renovation, the room will acquire a modest cozy atmosphere.

Often, experts complement the interior of the premises with a decorative element, which can be a picture, a vase or a photo frame in blue or gray. Be sure to pay attention to the upholstery of upholstered furniture in the room. It should be in harmony with the overall color of the room.

Blue wallpaper goes well with a blue or gray carpet. It is better that the color of the carpet is a little brighter than the shade of the wallpaper, then a lighter environment will take shape. Here, small kitchen utensils, for example, various vases, salad bowls and other decorative trifles, will become a special addition.

Blue wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom (video)

Do not be afraid to experiment, no matter what the shades of your room are, they will give you special pleasure and embellish your interior as well as possible!

Blue wallpaper in the interior (photo)
