Aconite Eleanor planting and care. Useful properties and decorative effect of aconite

As soon as they do not call curly aconite - wolf root, skullcap, black potion, buttercup, wolf slayer, wrestler ... This plant is traditionally grown in Russian gardens - back in the 16th century, it was decorated with flower beds of noblemen's estates. But time passed, and curly aconite was forgotten. Only in last years our flower growers began to grow it again, because this plant is very decorative, and caring for it is not difficult. These flowers will become a real decoration of your garden. Growing a wrestler is an exciting and rewarding activity that will fill your leisure time.

plant description

This flower is distributed in nature throughout Europe. It can also be found in North America and in Asia. Wrestler grows in wet areas. Prefers soils rich in humus, mountain meadows.

Wrestler is perennial grass, and poisonous. root system aconite can be of two types - tuberous root or taproot. The leaves of the plant are rounded, and the inflorescences, which are of decorative value, are large brushes. The fruits of the plant are seed leaflets. Bred in floriculture various varieties and species of this plant. Some species of this plant bloom until late autumn. There are more than 300 species in the genus Curly Aconite. We grow these flowers in only a few varieties.

Aconite poisoning

In all its parts, the flower contains very poisonous alkaloids. The highest danger is aconitine, which is very poisonous.

Aconitine has a strong paralytic effect on the body, is quickly absorbed by the intestines and can even penetrate the body through the mucous membranes and skin. Ultimately, this plant can cause cardiac arrest.

There is no antidote for this poison. If you grow a wrestler in your garden in the open field, then follow the safety measures so as not to be poisoned by this flower.

Propagation by seed

The seeds of the plant are very small, retaining their germination capacity up to one and a half years. Moreover, the germination rate is reduced by 50% the next year after the collection of seed material. It is best to sow aconite seeds in the same autumn after harvesting them. So they will undergo stratification in natural conditions, and in the spring you will have young plants. Growing from seeds in the spring in open ground is a very troublesome task. It is best to sow the seeds before winter.

For sowing seeds of aconite, it is necessary to choose a shaded area in the garden, always with well-moistened soil. On light soils, seeds should be planted deeper. On heavy soils, loamy, it is necessary to sow seeds from above, only slightly sprinkling with earth.

In the spring, seedlings will appear together at the place of sowing of aconite. In the first year, the seedlings will grow very slowly, usually only a few leaves develop on the plants of the first year of life. Throughout the growth, young plants should be protected from direct sunlight. By autumn, the seedlings have several true leaves, and at this time they can begin to be transplanted to a permanent place. Planting aconite is not particularly difficult - just plant seedlings in a dug hole and sprinkle with earth.

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A plant grown from seeds blooms only in the second or third year of life. It is also worth considering when choosing seed method reproduction that plants do not retain their varietal characteristics. If you sow the seeds in the spring, then shoots will appear only next year. It is preferable to plant seeds in the first year in the fall.

Seed germination can be accelerated by stratification. To do this, for a month, moistened seeds are kept at a temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius. Then, for three months, the seeds are kept at a temperature of about 2 degrees Celsius. Only after this, the seeds can begin to germinate at room temperature.

Propagation of aconite vegetatively

This plant can be propagated vegetatively. For vegetative propagation, cuttings 10-12 cm long should be cut on the shoots that the plant drives out in the spring. Lignified shoots for propagation by cuttings are not suitable. Choose strong propagation shoots that have buds. Shoots of the first year of life are most suitable for this propagation method.

Cut cuttings should be placed in a special nursery or greenhouse in the substrate. As a substrate, you can use a mixture of peat and river sand as well as sawdust. While the cuttings take root, the substrate must be constantly kept moist, but at the same time, excessive waterlogging must not be allowed. From excess moisture, mold may appear, and then young plants will die.

Also curly aconite can be easily propagated by dividing the bushes. mother plant dig out in the spring, and with a sharp tool divide the rhizome into several parts. Dig up the bushes before the leaves appear. Note that root-tuberous species of aconite are dug up for division in the fall. Rhizome species should be divided in the spring.

For planting young plants, pits are dug up to a depth of 20 cm. At the bottom of the pit, fertile soil mixed with complex fertilizers. Delenki are planted one at a time, deepening the root neck by two centimeters when planting. A distance of about 20-25 cm should be left between plants.

Choosing a site for aconite

This grass does not like direct sunlight, which will appeal to many fans of the shady garden. Only two varieties - Carmihelya and Antorri prefer sun-drenched areas. Most types of aconite love partial shade and shaded areas. To ensure proper care for aconite, plant it in the northern part of your garden. Planting aconite is preferable in partial shade.

If you will plant climbing varieties, then choose a shady, cool place for planting. This unpretentious perennial absolutely can not stand the scorching sun and may die.

The wrestler grows especially well on substrates, but except for sandy ones, in which there is a lack of moisture and gravel. But more abundant flowering can be achieved by planting aconite on soil rich in organic matter and moisture.

When choosing a site for planting, give preference to a place where water does not stagnate in autumn - excess moisture in autumn period can lead to root rot and death of the plant. Correct fit- pledge successful cultivation wrestler.

plant care

Aconite is an unpretentious plant, and caring for it comes down to simple actions. It is very important to protect the plant from the northern, penetrating wind in winter, as well as to ensure timely weeding, loosening the soil near the bushes and regular watering, especially during flowering and active growth. Caring for aconite is also mulching the soil, which will help retain moisture at the roots. It is necessary to mulch the soil near the bushes with sawdust, peat, foliage, mowed lawn grass. Simple mulching done on time will help you reduce the amount of weeds in the flower bed and make it easier to care for the plant. When the planting of young plants is completed, they should be immediately mulched.

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Caring for aconite is not too different from caring for hostas, which are the recognized queens of the shady garden. Timely watering, weeding and mulching is the basis of caring for this perennial. Sick shoots and leaves must be removed in time, and diseased parts of the plant should be taken out of the area and burned so that the infection does not spread to the entire garden.

It is also necessary to prepare the plant for winter - cut off the ground part of the bushes and cover the rhizomes for the winter with discarded foliage or peat, which will warm them.

winter hardiness

We can say that the wrestler is a fairly winter-hardy plant. Caring for it in winter comes down to a small shelter of rhizomes with spruce branches. Aconite is a grass, and therefore it is necessary to cover the rhizomes. top Plants need to be cut down for the winter. You can also warm the wrestler for the winter with peat. But not all types of aconite endure the winter cold equally well. There are varieties that should be more carefully protected from frost. Usually tuberous varieties need more thorough shelter. If you leave them without shelter for the winter, they may simply freeze. AT middle lane aconite must be covered from frost in late autumn.

Plant transplant

This grass grows very quickly and aconite grows quite tall. Planting, transplanting and dividing bushes are required at least once every four years. Transplanting and dividing adult bushes help to achieve more lush flowering and give the bushes a neater, more decorative look. When dividing bushes, planting is carried out in the same way as when planting cuttings or when transplanting young plants grown from seeds.

Watering plants

This flower absolutely does not tolerate excess moisture in autumn. Plant this plant in areas where there is no stagnant water in the fall. In summer and spring, the plant should be watered regularly, but in compliance with the measure. Watering during drought and during flowering is especially important.

How to feed a flower?

The plant will gratefully accept top dressing with any mineral fertilizers, as well as organic matter. If you feed aconite at least once in spring, it will thank you with lush flowering. Fertilizers should be applied during the period of active growth, as well as during the budding period.

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Diseases and pests

Although the plant is poisonous, this does not save it from many pests and diseases. Care and cultivation of aconite in the open field is a must for pest and disease control.

This plant is very easily affected by leaf nematode, rapeseed beetle, slugs and aphids. Plant care comes down to spraying the upper part of the aconite with preparations in order not to allow insects to take a fancy to the flower.

Also, aconite is affected by powdery mildew - first, whitish spots appear in the form of plaque on the leaves, and then on the flowers of the plant. This plant is also afraid of the annular mosaic - spots and stripes of light green color appear on the leaves, turning brown with the development of the disease. Aconite also suffers from spotting, greening of flowers.

It happens that the plant simply cannot be cured of the disease. In this case, it is best to destroy the bushes to prevent the virus from spreading throughout the garden.

In the cold season, due to high humidity, the roots of the plant may rot, root rot appears. This can also happen due to poor drainage or low acidity of the soil.

Try to prevent the appearance of diseases and pests by spraying the bushes with special preparations in time. Coarse-grained substrates and biological products that should be added to the bushes will help prevent the appearance of root rot.

Application in garden design

Due to the openwork, cut leaves, the wrestler looks very decorative throughout the season. However, a luxurious, juicy, very bright bloom. This plant looks great in group plantings, but it can also be planted separately to create an interesting flower arrangement against the backdrop of a lawn or trees, shrubs. Aconite looks great on flower beds, in the form of borders, hedges, on mixborders.

To its neighbors, aconite is completely undemanding. An excellent neighborhood for him is peonies and tree peonies, rudbeckia, bearded irises, juicy aquilegia, bright daylilies, graceful astilbes. If you create a flower garden only from this plant, then try to play with color contrasts and plant varieties that contrast in flower color with each other. Especially beautiful aconite saturated of blue color Against the background of pale pink or white flowers.

If you want to make your garden unusual, original and plant it rare plants, then be sure to plant aconite, and this tall and unpretentious perennial will decorate your backyard. Planting and growing a wrestler in the open field is not difficult even for beginner flower growers. This plant belongs to the category of garden flowers, which can be immediately forgotten after planting, carrying out only watering and weeding and occasionally treating diseases and pests along with other garden residents. But the most important thing when growing aconite is not to forget about precautions, because the plant is very poisonous. Aconite or wrestler, this low-maintenance perennial will be the highlight of your garden, and growing these flowers is not a hassle to care for.

The plant aconite wrestler, also called so, is familiar to many summer residents and gardeners. He was able to win love thanks to the bright and large flowers of an unusual shape resembling a helmet. That is why it is sometimes also called skullcap.

As for coloring, there are different variants shades of aconite flowers. Depending on the variety and location of the flower beds, its flowers are white, yellow, pink or purple hue. Planting aconite allows you to decorate any front garden. It looks especially advantageous on borders, along paths, in vertical compositions.

From the point of view of the systematic category, wrestler aconite belongs to the buttercup family. If you translate its name from Latin, then you get a "cliff" or "arrows". There are many varieties of wrestler in the world, the most famous species include aconite and curly aconite. In Central Asia, the Jungar variety often comes across. A wrestler grows in vast territories, its species are found in Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and even North America. Wherever aconite grows, it is distinguished by a long stem and a characteristic inflorescence shape. The stem reaches a length of 2-2.5 m, and the flowers have an unusual shape resembling a helmet.

It must be remembered that aconite is extremely poisonous. All its parts contain the strongest alkaloid, which has a detrimental effect on the human central nervous system, causing paralysis and convulsions.

What should be considered when growing aconite on your site?

Aconite flower does not require special care, even a novice grower can successfully handle it. However, in growing there are several nuances that are important to know.

The first feature is due to the fact that wrestler aconite, in other words, is very poisonous, so you should work with it with protective gloves. In the process of processing, you can not smell the flower, and especially touch your nose and eyes with your hands. Wash your hands with soap and water after gardening.

The degree of toxicity depends on the variety, conditions and flower beds of aconite. In some countries, it is almost non-toxic and is used for livestock feed.

The second feature is that if it is grown for many years in a garden, then the amount of poison gradually decreases. At the same time, aconite will not lose its decorative effect, and will continue to decorate flower beds and front gardens with bright, large flowers.

Aconite: planting and care

For landing, they are looking for places that are not under the scorching rays of the sun for a long time. For him, a light shade from trees and shrubs is preferable. It is also important that there is no stagnant water in the chosen landing site, because the root system may suffer from this.

In the open sun, aconite loses its bright color of flowers, and leaves and other parts of the plant get severe burns.

What should be the soil at the planting site?

The plant is unpretentious in terms of soil, takes root well and grows on all types of cultivated land. It is important that the soil has good throughput, that is, there was no stagnant water. If the earth is dense, then to increase air permeability, the soil is drained with peat, expanded clay. Aconite almost does not grow on hard and rocky, and sandy soil, since the root system does not develop in the sprout.

How often do you need to fertilize?

To obtain rapid growth and lush flowering, the ground under aconite must be periodically fertilized. As a top dressing, it is recommended to use organic and mineral fertilizers, compost and manure. The plant is “spoiled” with organic fertilizer when planting in the ground and after spring awakening. During the period when the plant is gaining color, complex mineral supplements are applied.

Aconite breeding methods

If you need to increase the number of plants or update the bushes, then they resort to reproduction. This can be done in two ways: planting seeds and dividing the bush.

Aconite: planting, care and cultivation in the open field

The easiest way to collect seeds is to build a gauze hood around the flower stalks. As they mature, they will crumble into a makeshift bag, which is then easy to remove. Stratification is used to germinate aconite seeds.

The division of the aconite bush and subsequent planting allows you to quickly grow a new plant. Depending on the variety, the plant may have a root or tuber. The root is divided with a sharp knife so that each share has at least two new buds and part of the old rhizome. Tubers are separated from the tuber and planted separately. Carry out the procedure for dividing and planting a bush better in autumn, and in the spring you will be able to admire the flowers of aconite.

How to plant aconite in the ground?

When landing, observe standard scheme, not forgetting about drainage, such as expanded clay, peat, sand or fine gravel. At the bottom of the hole, first lay everything that will allow you to freely drain water from the roots. Next, fertilizer mixed with a small amount of soil is applied and a part of the divided rhizome is installed, which is covered with the remaining earth and rammed.

How else to care for flowers?

After planting aconite, one must not forget to loosen the ground and water it, especially if the weather is hot and dry. At the same time, do not forget to remove weeds and flowers that have faded. One option for weed control is mulching, which also helps keep the soil moist. As mulch, cut grass, small tree bark, needles, humus are used.

Various varieties of aconite are excellent participants garden compositions. At the same time, it is necessary to remember the toxicity and prevent children, animals from contact with parts or pollen of the skullcap.

The first thing you need to know about aconite is that it is poisonous. All parts of the plant are poisonous, even its pollen. Aconite is a perennial herbaceous plant. According to my observations, aconite is a fairly unpretentious plant, caring for it was not at all difficult for me, except for watering and loosening the soil under it; but maybe it's just me being so lucky. ☻ I have blue aconite growing, but flowers with a purple tint.

When working with aconite, be sure to use rubber gloves.

Although aconite and poisonous flower(due to its alkaloid content), florists are not averse to using it in bouquets. It is curious that the toxicity of aconite decreases if the plant is grown on the site for several years: the more it grows, the less toxicity. Interestingly, aconite is more poisonous in the southern regions, and this ability weakens to the north.

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How to plant and grow aquilegia from seeds | Unpretentious perennial flowers for summer cottages. Part 1

A perennial herbaceous plant with thick, succulent roots that annually form a new tuber, while last year's one dies off. The stem is erect, up to 150 cm in height with deeply incised 5-7-lobed leaves. The upper leaf has the appearance of a helmet covering 2 nectaries (modified petals).

Remember, the whole plant, from the roots to the pollen, is extremely poisonous, even the smell is poisonous. Children should be warned about this. Poisoning can occur even if the child has been carrying a tuber in a wet hand for quite some time. Aconite is one of the most poisonous European plants!

Helmet-shaped flowers on short pedicels are collected in a long, many-flowered terminal raceme. The flowers are yellow, blue, purple, rarely white, collected in an apical more or less dense brush. Blooms from June to September. The fruit is dry, consists of three multi-seeded leaflets.

Most species are very unpretentious and at the same time completely non-aggressive. It is undesirable to plant different types of aconite on the same site: they have different speed overgrowth and can oppress each other. It is better to plant in an open, sunny place, but protected from the winds. Some species grow in sparse shade, and Aconite Curly should be recognized as the most shade-tolerant.
Before landing, you can make organic fertilizers. Responsive aconite and top dressing, organic and mineral.
large bushes aconite resist weeds well, although young plantings are best cultivated regularly.

They are usually propagated by dividing the bush at the beginning of regrowth or in August.

Aconite: varieties, planting, care and reproduction in the open field

If you want to quickly propagate an interesting form, you can use green cuttings: cut them in May, until a cavity has formed inside the stems, and plant them under a film in a greenhouse protected from direct sunlight.
Aconite produces abundant seeds, which in a favorable season can give self-sowing, although vegetative reproduction more reliable.

Aconites are good in any garden. By planting different species, you can observe their flowering from the end of June until the snow. But even without flowers, the plant looks quite decorative.
Tall forms can serve as a wonderful backdrop in flower beds. Low-growing aconites are excellent plants for flower beds and rockeries. Curly species are used for vertical gardening.

Aconite (wrestler) large-leaved

(Aconite macrorhymchym)

A perennial plant 50-100 cm high with a straight, rarely slightly sinuous stem at the top, pubescent (especially in the upper part) with short sickle-shaped hairs. Leaves 5 - 7 - finger-dissected edges. The lower leaves are petiolate, the upper ones are almost sessile. The flowers are blue, in a loose, sometimes branched raceme. Through grass swamps and among bushes.

Altai aconite

(Aconite altaicum)

Perennial herbaceous plant up to 150 cm tall. The leaves are shiny, dark green, finger-dissected. The flowers are dark blue, collected in large inflorescences. Blossoms in June-July 18-20 days, sometimes there is a secondary flowering in August-September. Fruiting, seeds ripen in July-August.

Aconite white-violet

(Aconite albo-violaceum)

Herbaceous semi-recumbent, semi-climbing plant. Stems up to 250 cm long, densely leafy. Basal leaves on long petioles, large, incised into 5 broad lobes; stem - smaller, on short petioles. The entire plant is covered with short, yellow hairs. Flowers 1.5-2 cm in diameter, white-violet, collected in small racemose inflorescences. Blossoms in August-September 50-60 days.

Aconite bearded

(Aconite barbatum)

The plant is perennial, rhizomatous, up to 120 cm tall. The flowers are sulfur-yellow, collected in racemose inflorescences up to 25 cm long. Blossoms in July 25-30 days.

wolf aconite

(Aconite lycoctonum)

A rhizomatous perennial herbaceous plant of pyramidal or columnar form, 50-70 cm tall, 30-40 cm across. Leaves on long petioles, deeply dissected. The flowers are yellow or whitish, collected in racemose inflorescences. Blossoms in July-August 40-45 days.

Oriental aconite

(Aconite orientale)

grassy perennial up to 150 cm and more in height. The flowers are white or yellowish, rarely pale purple, collected in large racemose inflorescences up to 50 cm long. Blooms in July.

Curly aconite

(Aconite volubile)

Perennial climbing herb with small, elongated tubers. Stems reach 100-300 cm in length. The leaves are shiny, palmately dissected. The flowers are quite large, dark blue, collected in very large inflorescences, reaching 100 cm in length. Blooms in late July - early August 45-50 days.

Aconite arcuate

(Aconite arcuatum)

A rhizomatous liana-like perennial up to 250 cm high. Among the numerous representatives of the genus, this plant is one of the few that grows well in the shade and is not poisonous. It is decorative from the beginning of the growing season (mid-April) to severe frosts. It blooms for a long time (from early August until frost) and abundantly.

Aconite cammarum

(Aconite cammarum)

Plant up to 120 cm tall. Inflorescences are blue. Blooms from June to August. In decorative floriculture, the variety ‘Bicolor’ (‘Bicolor’) is mainly used - with whitish-blue flowers.

Aconite Carmichel

(Aconite carmichaelii)

Plant up to 150 cm tall. The leaves are three-lobed. The flowers are light blue, collected in large inflorescences up to 60 cm long. Blooms in September-October.
It has varieties with blue (‘Barkers Bar’) and blue-violet flowers (‘Wilsoni’).
A variety var.wilsonii from Central China has beautiful inflorescences, reaches 120-180 cm in height.

Aconite Kirinsky

(Aconite kirinense)

Plant up to 120 cm tall. Basal leaves on long petioles, rounded, cut into narrow lobes, stem leaves on short petioles, dissected into 3-5 lobes. The flowers are medium in size, yellow or pale yellow, collected in a long racemose inflorescence. Blossoms in August-September 45-50 days. Fruiting, seeds ripen in September.

Aconite klobuchkovy

(Aconite napellus)

Plant up to 130 cm tall with straight stems forming a pyramidal bush up to 70 cm across. The leaves are shiny, five-seven-parted, dark green, dense. Flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, blue-violet or white-bluish, collected in a dense racemose inflorescence up to 10 cm long. Blooms from the end of June 30-35 days. The fruits ripen in September. Winters without shelter.

It has a number of varieties and garden forms:

Aconite Kuznetsova

(Aconite kusnezoffii)

Plant from 70 cm to 150 cm tall. The leaves are dissected into three segments, dark green, leathery, serrated along the edge, up to 14 cm long. The flowers are bright, purple-blue, collected in dense paniculate inflorescences. Blooms in August - September. Fruiting.

Hairy aconite

(Aconite villosum)

Perennial plant up to 150 cm tall. The flowers are purple, collected in racemose inflorescences up to 30 cm long. Blossoms in July - August, the seeds ripen in September.

Aconite variegated

(Aconite variegatum)

Perennial tuberous plant up to 150 cm high. The leaves are dense, deeply five-seven-dissected. Flowers on long stalks 1-2, blue or dark blue, up to 2 cm in diameter, collected in loose racemose inflorescences. Blooms from mid-July 25-30 days.

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Blueberries are a rare promising berry crop in gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins, have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, tonic properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. The taste of blueberries resembles a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

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Aconite is a delightful plant that strikes the imagination with unusually shaped inflorescences: the flowers look like a helmet from the armor of a brave knight. Under natural conditions, the plant grows in Central Europe. It settles in the mountains in wet meadows with soils saturated nutrients. In Russia it is grown as ornamental plant, sometimes he is met near roads, in abandoned villages and in wastelands.

It is believed that the flower is named after the city of Akone, located on the territory Ancient Greece. In the vicinity of this settlement, a large amount of aconite grew. Among ancient Greek myths you can find a mention of aconite: its appearance is associated with the dog Cerberus, whom Hercules brought from the underworld to earth. According to the myth, aconite was born from the poisonous saliva of Cerberus.

The plant has another name "fighter". Its origin is explained in Scandinavian myths. According to them, aconite appeared at the place of death of the god Thor, who defeated a poisonous snake, but died from bites.

Attention! Wrestler contains aconitine, which is highly toxic. It quickly penetrates the intestines, enters the skin and mucous membranes, eventually causing cardiac arrest and respiratory paralysis.

General description of the plant and its photograph

Aconite is a perennial plant, reaching a height of fifty to one hundred and fifty centimeters (curly varieties up to four hundred). Rhizomes have an oblong ovoid shape, they grow up to five centimeters in length, and up to two in width. The roots make their way into the ground to a depth of five to thirty centimeters. The leaves are emerald green in color. They are different types: lobed, palmately divided or dissected.

The flowers have irregular shape. They are purple shades of blue, the flowers of some varieties are painted in variegated, white or yellow shades. The calyx, resembling a corolla, is assembled from five sepals. The upper sepal is like a helmet, it covers the petals that secrete nectar. Branched or simple racemose inflorescences reach fifty centimeters in length. Flowering continues from mid-summer to the end of the first autumn month.

The fruit is a leaflet with many seeds, having peculiar teeth of a straight or arcuate shape. Seeds dyed brown, black or gray retain the ability to germinate for a year and a half.

Attention! The wrestler is an extremely poisonous plant.

Varieties and varieties of aconite

Aconite klobuchkovy - the most popular species, considered extremely complex and variable. It is divided into local species: in the Carpathians they talk about hard aconite and low aconite, in the Alps they distinguish dense aconite. Gardeners cultivate this species because of the wide variety of forms to choose from, resulting from the variable properties of the plant. This characteristic also has a downside, a negative one: due to the constant change of forms, there was a serious confusion with the names.

Violet or white-blue flowers form lush racemose inflorescences. The fruits ripen in September.

Important! Aconite klobuchkovy is able to survive the winter without shelter.

- a branched variety common in southern Europe. Sufficiently long splayed pedicels bear flowers that make up a loose racemose inflorescence. The seeds have one wing.

A photo. Aconite paniculata

- a plant found in Central Europe and Russia. It grows up to one hundred and fifty centimeters in height, has dense leaves and blue, as well as dark blue flowers, reaching two centimeters in diameter.

A photo. Aconite variegated

- a variety that is a hybrid of blue and variegated aconite. This species has the qualities of both parents, but is distinguished by an unusual two-tone coloration. This feature predetermined its strong justification in garden plots.

A photo. Aconite cammarum

- a plant found in Far East. It can be found among deciduous and mixed forests located near the coasts, in clearings, sometimes in birch or alder forests. It happens that they choose grassy slopes as their place of residence. Bright blue, and sometimes snow-white flowers, make up the racemose inflorescences.

A photo. Fisher's aconite

How is aconite planted in open ground

Before deciding to plant aconite, you need to think carefully, because the plant is poisonous. It is not recommended to plant it where children and pets have access.

plant seeds in open ground sown in autumn, then next spring shoots can be expected. If you plant grass in the spring, then the first plants will sprout only after a year.

Before sowing, the seeds are stratified: at home, they are first kept at a temperature of twenty degrees for a month, placed in a container with earth, then for the same time period they are sent to a cold place, for example, in a cellar, refrigerator or balcony. As a result of this procedure, all seeds will germinate at the same time. Under natural conditions, to achieve the same effect, seeds are sown before winter.

Remember that aconite is a poisonous plant, and this must be taken into account when planting.

At home, in April, the seeds are returned to warm place. When the first true leaves appear, the seedlings are seated in individual containers.

Choosing a place for a plant

Wrestler refers to pretty undemanding plants, he feels comfortable in the sun and in the shade. However, climbing varieties are recommended to be placed next to trees, because the mercilessly scorching direct rays of the sun can burn the plant. It is not advised to plant aconite in the lowlands, because it does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Soil preparation before planting

Aconite grows well on all types of soil, except sandy and rocky. Grass requires nutritious soil, moistened in a timely manner, with good aeration and drainage. Oversaturation with moisture negatively affects the plant and can lead to death, which is why high-quality drainage is extremely important. Before landing in heavy clay soil add sand for loosening and humus for nutrition.

Aconite plant care in the open field

Aconite is an unpretentious plant.

Aconite is considered an unpretentious grass that can winter without shelter. The gardener does not have to put a lot of effort into maintaining the plant in a decorative state.

The plant does not tolerate drought well, so regular watering is required, especially on hot days. During the summer time, weeds are weeded and the soil is loosened. Mineral and organic fertilizers are applied during flowering. AT summer months once or twice the soil is mulched using humus, peat or grass. This procedure helps to retain moisture in the soil. Faded inflorescences are removed in a timely manner, thereby helping the plant to maintain a decorative appearance and stimulating a new wave of flowering.


The wrestler reproduces in several ways: by seeds, tubers, cuttings and by dividing the bush.

It is not easy to propagate a plant with seeds; certain skills will be required for a successful result. By dividing the bush, aconite is propagated once every four years in spring time. With a sharp tool, a part with roots is separated and planted in a new place, cutting off the plant and leaving three buds on young shoots. root collar covered with earth for two to three centimeters. Transplanted plants are well watered.

In autumn, aconite is planted using tubers. Two or three pieces are added dropwise in each hole. Cuttings are cut in May. They are planted in an impromptu greenhouse created using a film or agrofibre.

Diseases and pests

The wrestler is often attacked by nematodes, aphids, slugs and other pests. Also poses a hazard to grass powdery mildew. If nearby fruit trees, then together with the plant by special means they are also processed. If a large area of ​​the plant is infected with the disease, the diseased specimen is advised to be removed.

Bright and unusual flowers contribute to the fact that aconite is actively used in landscape design. The wrestler is planted as a single plant or grouped with other flowers. It harmonizes perfectly with delphiniums, astilbes, irises, aquilegias, peonies, daylilies.

Aconite is great for decorating porches and gazebos.

With the help of curly aconite, verandas and arbors are decorated. They are suitable for placement on lawns and in flower beds. Spectacular design solution is the idea of ​​planting aconite in the vicinity of plants that bloom flowers in a contrasting shade. The bright blue “lights” are beautifully shaded by delicate white or pink “droplets”.

Aconite is a poisonous perennial herb from the Ranunculaceae family. Due to the similarity of flowers with a knight's helmet, its second name appeared - "wrestler". The first mentions of unusual plant, which has become a symbol of cold and crime, can be found in ancient Greek and Scandinavian myths.

This is a tall plant with erect (up to 1.5 m), sometimes curly (up to 4 m) shoots, which are covered with alternately arranged leaf plates of a palmately divided or dissected form. The root system is represented by two types - tuberous or rod. When flowering, which is observed for a long time from the beginning of summer to October, flowers of various colors bloom, collected in racemose inflorescences. In the people, the plant is often called "wolf aconite" because of its poisonousness.

The genus includes more than 300 species, of which the most spectacular are grown in culture:

  • Aconite klobuchkovy. A popular species, the height of which can vary from 30 to 130 cm. A plant with glossy seven-part dark green leaves blooms in summer, when blue or blue inflorescence brushes bloom, consisting of flowers with a diameter of 4 cm. The average duration of flowering is a month. In culture, the flower has been grown since the 16th century and is known to many as pharmacy aconite, from which the alkaloid aconitine is obtained, which is used in the treatment of rheumatic and neuralgic disorders. The hooded species is winter-hardy and does not need shelter. Popular varieties: Bressineham Spire, Newry Blue, Carneum, Eleonora.
  • Aconite northern - herbaceous plants of this species are distinguished by a height of up to 2 m and long racemose inflorescences up to half a meter long. Flowering occurs in the second half of summer, when they bloom purple flowers with a grayish tint. Upright fleecy shoots are covered with palmate-separated leafy plates of green color.
  • Curly aconite. A species with a thin twisted stem, the length of which can reach 4 m. The shoot is covered with petiole leaves of a dissected form, with the help of which the plant relies on neighboring crops. Blue flowers are collected in inflorescences up to 1 m tall. The flowering phase is observed in late summer - early autumn.

Important! Despite the poisonousness of the plant, it has found its use in medicine due to the alkaloids it contains. For example, according to the famous physician Shtork, aconite is a potential antitumor agent.

Planting a plant in open ground

Unpretentious aconite for full development, accompanied by abundant and long flowering, needs a competent planting.

The choice of varieties and seedlings of aconite

The preparatory stage, during which the florist:

  • Selects a variety depending on the future planting site. It is important to take into account the area that is planned to be allocated to the flower, as well as present the composition itself, which will help determine the color.
  • Examines planting material at a specialized point of sale for availability visible damage and signs of diseases, insects.

Site and soil preparation

When choosing a location, preference should be given to shaded areas located on hills, where groundwater lies deep enough.

Aconite can grow on almost any soil, except for rocky and heavy ones. But to create a plant comfortable conditions, it is better to choose fertile soils with a loose structure.

If the proposed site does not have such parameters, then it is worth preparing the beds in advance: add compost with a small amount of sand and mineral fertilizers for digging.

Landing technology

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Holes are dug in the loosened area with dimensions slightly exceeding the size of the root system of seedlings.
  2. A bag of sand is added to each recess.
  3. Next, planting material is lowered into it. If necessary, a support is installed. After that, everything is covered with the extracted earth.
  4. The seedling is being watered.
  5. The trunk circle is mulched with sawdust.

How to care for aconite?

Every grower wants to grow healthy plants that will bloom luxuriantly. In moving towards this goal, one should not forget about the need to fulfill the main agrotechnical measures care.

Watering aconite

Despite the drought tolerance of the culture, it is not necessary to test its limits. During hot periods, watering should be regular and plentiful.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Representatives of the genus do not need frequent feeding.

For good growth and beautiful flowering, it is enough to fertilize twice a season:

  • in early spring, the soil is enriched with humus, which contains a large amount of nitrogen and acts as a ripper;
  • before flowering, the bushes are fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Loosening and weeding the soil

So that after watering an airtight crust does not form, the earth should be systematically loosened while removing weeds. Saving time on these procedures will allow mulching the near-stem circle, which will also retain moisture.

How to deal with diseases and pests?

Poisonous aconite is quite resistant to damage by harmful organisms. But sometimes during the examination can be noted:

  • Powdery mildew. fungal disease, the cause of which is waterlogging of the soil or high occurrence ground water leading to permanent dampness. At the first manifestations of the disease, to stop its development, the affected shoots are removed, and the plantings are sprayed with a fungicide.
  • Aphid, spider mite. Dangerous insects, which, in addition to causing direct harm to the plant, can be peddlers viral diseases. Dealing with pest attacks is quite simple if you resort to chemical method protection - insecticidal treatments.

Reproduction methods

Among the methods of reproduction, both seed and vegetative stand out.

seed way

The most time-consuming method, which is most often used by breeders to develop new forms and varieties.

However, if the grower decided to grow aconite from seeds, then he should adhere to the following scheme:

  1. For stratification, seeds are sown in open ground before winter.
  2. After the emergence of seedlings, in the spring the seedlings are covered with a film.
  3. Covering material is periodically removed for humidification and ventilation.
  4. With a very dense sowing, after the formation of 3 leaves, the seedlings dive.
  5. Plants are planted in a permanent place by autumn.
  6. The first flowering with this method of reproduction is noted no earlier than after 2 years.


The procedure is carried out in May, according to the following algorithm:

  1. Cuttings are cut from the shoots with a heel of 10 cm in length.
  2. Planting material is aged in a growth stimulator, after which it is planted in the ground and covered with banks.
  3. After rooting, new plants are planted in permanent places of growth.

The division of the bush

Aconite is a plant that requires rejuvenation every 4 years.

For this:

  1. The extracted root is divided into parts with a sharp instrument, each of which must have at least 2 buds and part of the root system.
  2. Delenki are immediately planted in prepared holes with a deepening of the root collar by 2 cm.

The combination of aconite with other plants

To create beautiful flower arrangements in combination with aconite, it is recommended to plant the following crops:

  • bushy peony with large inflorescences;
  • tall delphinium and iris;
  • blooming astilba.

Application in landscape design

When designing a personal plot, landscape designers do not forget about this spectacular culture, using it, depending on the variety, as follows:

  • In group plantings, tall varieties of aconite are an excellent background crop for undersized plants.
  • Varieties with climbing shoots resembling climbing vines, are used to decorate gazebos, outbuildings and various fences.
  • Also, aconites are often found in mixborders and flower beds.

Thus, growing healthy aconite, which comes in many shapes, sizes and colors, is quite simple. But when choosing this poisonous plant as a decoration personal plot we should not forget about the harm that it can cause when in contact with children or pets.
