Modern mini farm for cows and its device. Profit and financial component

If you decide to go into agriculture, namely the breeding of meat cattle, read my article, perhaps it will help you not to make the mistakes that I made at the beginning of my journey. I did not draw up any business plans, projects, did not draw diagrams, everything was built on its own in a free place as money appeared. To be honest, the work is very hard.

But, if you correctly build the process of fattening bulls, their maintenance, harvesting feed, you can manage the entire economy alone, and if you have a spouse, or able-bodied children, then even better. And do not listen to those who say that fattening bulls is not a profitable business, so say the lazy and sofa experts. Of course, you won’t get super profits from such a livestock, but it’s quite possible to provide yourself with butter and sausage, fresh fruits in winter, and a good car.

There are three pillars on which a successful mini-farm should be built: start-up capital and thoughtful business plan, effective and rational use available land and maximum mechanization of all processes. When you come from afar, everything seems simple, but the closer you get, things that seemed simple before become overgrown with a bunch of nuances that need to be taken into account.

So, first things first. You need to start, as always, with drawing up a business plan based on your financial capabilities. This will help you understand whether you can manage the desired production volumes on your own, whether you will have to take out a loan or whether it is worth waiting another year and saving up some money. I still recommend starting small, at least in order to get the initial data for drawing up a business plan. In particular, to calculate how much feed is spent on one bull, what weight gain it gives, feed prices, and of course, the final benefit from one head. To buy 50 bulls at once and feed for them, you need to be a millionaire. And you also need to build a cowshed, a hayloft, a grain warehouse, a summer paddock and other buildings, and this is not small money. The business plan and calculation of the profitability of a cattle farm is a separate article, read more here.

Now with regard to the direct selection of the site and the construction of buildings on it. It is best to organize a farm in the outskirts, not far from some kind of village, so that the neighbors sleep better and, in which case, there would be room to expand. However, there will also be difficulties with such a site, firstly, communications (gas, electricity, internet, water), and secondly, they can force them to issue a peasant farm, and these are taxes and excessive attention. You can organize a cattle farm on your own plot, 25 acres is enough for this. In many Russian villages, today you can buy a house with all communications, a large plot, developed rural infrastructure at a small distance from the city for quite sane money. Plots sometimes come across 50-90 acres, plus a residential building with gas heating, this option would be an ideal place for a home mini cattle farm.

After buying the land, you need to plan the site on paper, where which building will stand. You can also first draw a plan, and select a site according to it. On one bourgeois resource I found just such a diagram of a cattle farm:

In general, of course, everything is beautiful, a good, convenient, ergonomic plan, but you need to adapt it to the realities of farming in Russia. Here you can find abandoned Soviet farms, with silo pits and cowshed buildings still intact, but requiring full interior decoration. And the scale of those farms is also not for our livestock. Therefore, I propose to build a farm from scratch.

So, what can we fix in this regard:

  • We will remove the silo pits, they are useless for a small farm. Harvesting and preparing silage is a high-tech process, it requires appropriate equipment and experience, and a lot of time will be lost there.
  • As for the hayloft, it needs to be built high, and more likely it will be the largest building in terms of area on our farm. The hayloft must have good roof, and the walls need to be sheathed with at least corrugated board or slate. We widely use the practice of storing hay under open sky, as a result, water and snow fall on it. Upper layer hay rots and becomes unusable, which is not good. Also, pulling out hay in winter from under a layer of snow does not give much pleasure. Therefore, it would be foolish to argue about the need for a sennik on a cattle farm.
  • A granary and a feed preparation shop with a crusher and a feed mixer solve several tasks at once: forage storage and feed preparation. You need to build to such a height that the body of the dump truck under the roof can rise, because you don’t want to carry grain in bags and buckets in the quantities that we have to master, then you don’t want any farm.
  • It is not necessary to build a calf at the beginning, because it is just an additional barn. Of course, if you plan to get your own livestock in the future, then yes. In any case, you need to build a calf house according to the principle of the main barn.
  • The main cowshed - what to build it from, what sizes, how to equip it inside is also the topic of a full-fledged separate article, read in detail here. In general, today many construction firms offer turnkey solutions in the form of farms from frame and tent hangars, but all of them do not inspire confidence, and besides, they are a little expensive. I advise you to build according to your project, so that it is warm and comfortable.

Well, the last part is the maximum mechanization of work on the farm. This will help set up the work so that one person can handle everything. The most important issue on any livestock farm is manure removal. There are several ways to solve this problem: slatted floors and a self-alloying manure removal system, a manure removal system using conveyor belts, and the most straightforward - take more, throw further, rest while flying. AT Soviet time in cowsheds, it was the conveyor belt with scrapers that was most often used, which automatically raked cow manure into a pit on the edge of the barn, from which another conveyor belt loaded the manure either into a tractor cart or into a barrel.

Another point, the availability of equipment on the farm, our livestock will not need much. Be sure to have a tractor on the farm, MTZ-80 or T-40 is enough. The tractor must be equipped with a front loader with a replaceable bucket and forks. You also need a cart that will be used to transport manure. In addition, you can purchase a mower and a baler for a tractor in order to harvest at least part of the hay yourself. It is also worth thinking about the availability freight transport on the farm, ZIL or GAZ-53 is quite enough for a small farm.

Perhaps this is all that I would advise you to focus on when building a meat cattle farm. Since tethered, non-range keeping is planned, pasture rental and their improvement are not included here. However, having your own hayfields can significantly increase the profitability of fattening bulls.

Mini-farm for cows is a building complex that contains not a large number of cows. As a rule, it belongs to a family that makes money on it, runs a family business.

It is widespread to create a barn project for 50 cows, but if you are just planning to start your own business, and you have no experience in breeding animals before, you can organize the construction of a farm for 10 cows. Modern building materials allow you to equip a mini-farm in any city, regardless of the terrain and natural landscape. Minimum requirements:

  • free area for construction;
  • initial capital;
  • opportunities to create good conditions for animals: supplying electricity, organizing water supply, lighting and so on.

Below we will dwell on this point in more detail. Here we only briefly touched on the key factors.

How to build a farm: basic building requirements

Before the beginning construction works you should decide how many cows you plan to keep. For example, a barn project for 20 animals assumes a smaller area than a similar building for a hundred animals. Think carefully about this question., consult with experts in this field if you have additional questions. Let us dwell in more detail on the requirements that underlie the construction of a cattle farm:

Mini-farm project: a phased creation of an object with your own hands

Let's describe sequencing that need to be done on initial stage:

  1. collection required documents to build a farm. To obtain them, it is necessary to develop a business plan that will detail all the necessary information;
  2. select the site where you plan to build a mini-cattle farm. It must be dry, located on a small hill. Drafts are not allowed and strong wind. To avoid this, you can purchase land near the forest;
  3. at this stage, the necessary communications are carried out. Their location must be indicated in the truss design;
  4. construction of pens for animals and other buildings;
  5. purchase of feed. The food must be of good quality, consult your veterinarian regarding proper nutrition cows;
  6. buy necessary inventory and agree with the staff on the amount of wages. The second paragraph is provided in the event that if you plan to hire workers for household help;
  7. what are you planning to do? Selling milk or meat, you may decide to combine these two things. Based on the answer to the question above, required area for marking the site before construction.

Where to get money to organize your business?

There are several options, each with both pros and cons:

  1. a bank loan is not the best way out for novice businessmen. The interest in the bank is high, it can be very difficult to pay it;
  2. you can find an investor who will invest his money in your enterprise;
  3. You can save money on your own, but this is a rather lengthy process.

Let's move on to building a barn. What material is better to choose? Experts do not recommend the use of concrete for construction. This warning is due to the high degree of thermal conductivity of this material. It will be cold in the barn in winter and too hot in summer. Alternatively, you can use wood, but keep in mind that this is a short-lived material. the largest popular sandwich panels that match all necessary requirements for the maintenance of animals, and are collected for a short time. As a rule, the construction process takes only a few weeks.

Now let's talk about indoor climate control. Cows produce heat on their own, while they do not tolerate drafts at all. Make sure the room is well heated. Also need to install windows so that there is fresh air in the barn. The cow farm must meet all the requirements, otherwise the animals may get sick, respectively, the revenue will decrease.

Material and technical equipment has a direct impact on the profitability of the farm. The use of high-quality equipment, made in accordance with the achievements modern science and technology, greatly facilitates the work on the farm and ensures the most comfortable existence of cows on the farm.

It doesn't matter how many head of livestock you have on your property. In any case, the barn must have the following equipment:

Stall sections should be arranged in several rows. Between the blocks, allocate a place for passage. Building a mini-farm of cattle with your own hands is not so difficult, it is important to take a responsible approach to this and rationally organize your business.

Sale of milk and dairy products

To receive good profit, marketing needs to be organized finished products . What are the ways to implement:

  • rent to a dairy that is engaged in production on a large scale;
  • in the market, you can sell milk yourself. In this case, the price for it will increase significantly compared to using the first option;
  • sell milk to wholesalers.

In addition, milk can be used to make cottage cheese, homemade cheese, sour cream and others. dairy products. People love fresh products that are free from preservatives, which is why they are a big hit in the market.


Note that the content mini farms brings a high income, so the amount spent on construction will quickly pay off. But do not forget that caring for animals requires time and effort. This is hard work which is not for everyone. You should not start with large-scale production if you are not confident in your capabilities. Experts advise study this business in detail and only then start organizing it yourself.

Attention, only TODAY!

In the current difficult socio-economic conditions, many are interested in creating their own farm. Although everyone has different goals - business, hobbies or the meaning of life - nevertheless, everyone wants to have environmentally friendly products on the table and that the subsidiary farm also brings profit. There is nothing impossible in this. Today, there is such a variety of building materials that you can easily build and equip a barn on your own in any region of the country, regardless of difficult climatic conditions.

Typical design device

First of all, remember one rule: cow comfort comes first. Only in this way you will get meat and dairy products good quality and recoup your costs. Regardless of the livestock, a convenient barn consists of the following sectors:

  • stalls with a feeder, drinker and waste disposal;
  • food storage room (kitchen);
  • maternity area for newborn calves;
  • area for walking animals;
  • storage room for inventory;
  • manure collection area;
  • a compartment for storing milk, as well as the content of milk containers;
  • boiler room for heating all rooms.

Stalls are arranged in rows depending on the number of heads. In an individual farm, there are mainly single-row premises, two-row or three-row.

There should be enough free space between stalls

The animals should not be crowded, so the passage between the rows is made moderately wide.

Types of barns

From right choice cowshed depends on how productive the farm will be. Many factors are taken into account here: separate keeping of heterosexual animals, the proportion of young animals, the number of heads, etc.

For small farms with a maximum of 50 heads, as a rule, mini-cowsheds are built - pre-fabricated frame hangars, well-lit and ventilated, which are warm and cold. The latter are more suitable for cattle, as cows, calves and bulls do best in cool buildings (outside temperature). In such conditions, they get sick less, develop better and give more milk yield.

It is more appropriate to build frame hangars in regions with year-round warm weather conditions

Unfortunately, in most regions of our country, severe weather do not allow animals to be kept in cold barns. It is necessary to build insulated stables with a large number of windows that are constantly kept open, which provides a suitable microclimate for animals. However, when keeping more than 30 cows, it is already necessary to take care of additional ventilation - install fans or polyurethane ventilation curtains, light-aeration skates or ventilation unit Frivent DRW (if finances allow).

Additional ventilation avoids excess moisture and regulates temperature regime

Although there are many varieties of cowsheds, any of them should be cool, light and cozy.

According to the materials used in the construction of cowsheds, there are:

  • in the form of buildings metal profiles, with the temperature in the rooms close to the street;
  • as buildings from heat-insulating building materials;
  • type of hangars from sandwich panels.

For basic design:

  • 2+2-row barn for free keeping of animals (loose) with a high trapezoidal roof made of metal profile with a minimum number of beams, which will ensure good air exchange;
  • 3 + 3-row for the joint keeping of dairy cows with calves and a separate milking parlor;
  • 3-row barn where the calf section and the milking area are in the same room;
  • A 4-row cowshed makes it possible to fully mechanize all work - milking, distribution of water and feed, manure removal.

Video: supply and exhaust ventilation of a barn for 200 heads in the Irkutsk region

Preparing to build a barn

On the preparatory stage building a barn, you need to solve a number of important tasks so that your efforts are crowned with success.

  1. Choose the direction of farming - you plan to deal only with milk or meat, you will process the resulting products yourself, or sell milk to dairies, and hand over the cows in live weight. Whether young animals will be purchased or produced locally. What is the size of the herd, how much labor will be automated.
  2. Decide on a place for construction - not only the terrain is important, but also the level groundwater. The prevailing direction of the winds, their intensity. Availability of convenient access roads and whether it is possible to organize a pasture nearby.
  3. Pick up suitable project barn. Or, based on the model, do it yourself, taking into account all your desires and capabilities.

Standard norms for keeping animals

Premises for keeping animals must meet certain standards:

Table: dimensions of stalls and stall equipment, depending on the weight and dimensions of the livestock

The size of the cows Stall dimensions Restraints height Height of the front wall of the feeder, cm
live weight, kg oblique body length, cm length cm width, cm front, cm side, cm
up to 450 139–143 140 105 118 75 16
451–500 142–147 145 105 122 75 18
501–550 146–152 150 110 125 80 20
551–600 152–160 155 110 127 85 22
601–650 157–163 160 120 130 90 24
651–700 160–168 165 120 133 90 26

Standard projects of cowsheds

A mini-farm involves keeping from 2 to 10 cows. For such a quantity, it is not difficult to draw up a barn plan on your own. The main thing is to adhere to the area standards for keeping animals.

The main principle of mini farming is to make the most efficient use of available resources.

An average farm provides for the presence of 20 to 50 heads of cattle. The scheme of the barn looks quite simple.

It is advisable to entrust the construction of a farm of 100 or more heads of cattle to professionals.

If you are just starting a cow farm, it is better to start with fewer cows.

Well, only a team can handle the construction of large farms experienced craftsmen. It is impossible to do this independently according to the rules and regulations.

Designing a project isn't everything. We now need to get approval from the relevant authorities. This procedure is troublesome. If possible, consult with a lawyer. Perhaps, after such a consultation, you will change the concept of your farm or choose a different site for construction.

The choice of materials for the construction of the barn

To build a farm with your own hands you will need:

  • crushed stone;
  • burnt brick or durable concrete for the foundation;
  • waterproofing material (roofing material is more often used);
  • wooden boards for flooring;
  • covering material for the roof - slate, for example, or tiles;
  • building material for building walls.

Walls and floors are great importance when building a cowshed, since the heating of the barn, as a rule, is not equipped even in harsh climatic regions. Well-insulated walls and floors will suffice.

Wooden structures performed well in terms of thermal conductivity, only they are short-lived. Brick cowsheds are widespread, but in northwestern regions it is recommended to make a two-layer structure, laying a heater between the layers. And this is an increase in the cost of construction. Therefore, cowsheds made of foam blocks and sandwich panels deserve more and more attention - they are easy to assemble, durable and well maintain the required temperature in the room.

But adobe is considered the best building material. It keeps the cowshed warm, keeps the house fairly dry, and is relatively inexpensive. The adobe is laid in 1.5 bricks (hollow in one) on a good cement mortar, from below they are faced with ordinary bricks. Inside the walls are plastered, leveled and whitewashed.

The floor of the truss must be warm, dry, level and waterproof. For all these requirements, the fitted wood flooring. However, due to some properties of wood, it will have to be repaired every 3-4 years. Therefore, burnt is more often chosen for the device. hollow brick, laid on the edge on top of the roofing or slag. Such a floor in an aggressive environment will last at least 14 years without repair. True, it is not too warm, which is why in the winter the floor in the barn is covered with a thick layer of bedding or rubber mats are used.

The floor in the barn should help maintain the health of animals and increase their productivity; for this purpose, rubber flooring is used.

Video: cow stall equipment

Material calculation

The amount of material depends on the area of ​​the barn, which, in turn, is directly related to the number of animals kept. We will show the principle of calculation using the example of building walls from adobe, since this option is the most profitable. Moreover, adobe can be made independently from the straw of any cereals, clay and sand.

Adobe for a cowshed - convenient, cheap construction material which our ancestors used for centuries

Wall A calculation: wall length 6 m, height 2.2 m, one doorway dimensions 1x1.8 m, total area 13.2 m², area doorway 1.8 m², wall area without doorway 11.4 m².

Calculation of wall B: wall length 6 m, height 2.2 m, 5 window openings dimensions (0.8x0.6 m, 0.6x0.6 m, 0.6x0.6 m, 0.6x0.4 m, 0.6x0.4 m), total area 13.2 m², area of ​​all window openings 1 .68 m², wall area without window openings 11.52 m².

It will be more practical to install PVC windows in the barn, which will be lifting-sectional or hinged with filling in the form of colorless polycarbonate

Calculation of wall B: wall length 6 m, height 2.2 m, 4 window openings with dimensions (0.6x0.6 m, 0.8x0.6 m, 0.6x0.6 m, 0.6x0.6 m), total area 13.2 m², area of ​​all window openings 1.56 m², wall area without window openings 11.64 m².

Depending on the climatic features of the region, it is possible to install inflatable or roller blinds, as well as windows of lifting-sectional type

Calculation of wall G: wall length 6 m, height 2.2 m, blank wall (without door and window openings), total wall area 13.2 m².

A blind wall without windows will protect the cows from strong winds

Determine the amount of adobe for building a cowshed:

  1. Let's derive a single formula for calculation. The area of ​​any wall is - the total area of ​​the wall (height x length) minus the total area of ​​all openings (windows, doors). The area of ​​each opening is also equal to height x length. So: S common. \u003d (S A + S B + S C + S D) - (S openings A + S openings B + S openings C + S openings D) \u003d (13.2 + 13.2 + 13.2 + 13.2) - (1.8 + 1.68 + 1.56) = 47.76 m².
  2. Find out the area of ​​one adobe brick. S sk \u003d W sk x H sk (usually 0.08 m²). If you make adobe bricks yourself, then its area may be different, depending on the size of the mold for making.
  3. We determine the amount of adobe that will be needed to build a barn. K c \u003d S total. : S sk \u003d 47.76: 0.08 \u003d 597 pcs. Round up to 600 pcs.

Table: calculation of adobe blocks for the construction of a barn with dimensions (6x6x2.2) meters

Wall S walls, m² Doorway, m² Window opening, m² Manure removal doors, m² Walking doors, m² S calculated, m² Adobe brick, pcs.
BUT 13,2 1,8 - - - 11,4 142,5
B 13,2 - 0,72 0,48 0,48 11,52 144
AT 13,2 - 0,72 0,84 - 11,64 145,5
G 13,2 - - - - 13,2 165
Total 597

For the manufacture of 600 pieces of adobe blocks you will need:

  • clay ≈ 4600 kg (2.8 m³);
  • sand ≈ 1500 kg (1 m³);
  • straw ≈ 230 kg (4 m³).

Similarly, any material is calculated - brick, blocks of sawdust concrete, panels, wooden beams, flooring according to the floor area, roofing material roof dimensions, etc.

Set of tools

The necessary tools depend on the building materials used, but in any case, you will have to use:

  • crowbar and shovel;
  • building level;
  • trowel, spatula and self-tapping screws;
  • rope;
  • construction mixer or concrete mixer.

Building a barn with your own hands: step by step instructions

Cowsheds are built using two technologies - wireframe and frameless. The frame method is considered more promising. Its main advantage is the speed of construction and the ease of laying communications - ventilation, water supply, manure removal, etc. The construction of a small utility block consists of several stages:

Cowsheds for a large number of livestock are built in the same way, equipping each stall with a feeder 1 m long and 0.65 m high.

barn ventilation

The most simple circuit ventilation system of the barn: an exhaust pipe made of boards is equipped on the roof of the building. One or more, depending on the length of the room, equipped with a fan and a damper in case of bad weather. Fresh air penetrates into the barn through window openings. If there are none, then for the entry of air at the bottom of the walls, almost at the very foundation, intake holes with dampers are created. The stale air is removed through the exhaust pipe.

Air exchange occurs by itself: warm air exits through the exhaust shafts on the roof of the building, and cold air enters the room through special openings in the walls of the barn

To reduce the penetration of infections from the street, a box of sawdust is placed in front of the entrance, which is periodically moistened with creolin. In barns with 200 or more animals, additional ventilation is provided in the form of a canopy on the roof.

Manure removal system

  • water flush or self-alloy;
  • delta scraper or belt conveyor.

More often, farmers use a self-alloying room cleaning system. To do this, pipes with plugs wrapped in slippery cloth are laid at an angle over the entire area of ​​the barn, when opened, manure flows into special tanks.

The self-alloying manure removal system is made of pvc pipesØ 250 mm

barn lighting

There are certain requirements for barn lighting that must be followed:

  • lighting standards - in the stalls 50 lux, in the place of feeding - 75, in the entire barn - 200 lux and no more, otherwise the output indicators will decrease;
  • must use LED bulbs, since luminescent ones emit non-intense light when the standard temperature drops to 20–25 ° C;
  • when arranging lighting in the barn, it is important to correctly calculate the length of daylight hours and smoothly change the lighting during this period - from 4.00–4.30 to 8.00–8.30, the illumination is increased, and from 16.00–16.30 to 20.00–20.30 gradually decrease.

For the normal development of animals in the barn, it is necessary to make high-quality lighting - in daylight, cows give more milk, and calves eat better and grow faster

Absolute darkness in the barn is unacceptable in order to avoid injury to animals. For night lighting, 10 W red spectrum lamps are used.

Video Compilation: Farm Life - Do-it-yourself barn building

Start of construction. Preparation and breakdown of the site under the cowshed. Welding of frame elements.

Video: building a barn - the beginning

Foundation laying and frame erection. The foundation is made tape, the formwork is mounted, into which the previously made frame elements are installed according to the level and fixed. The trench is then concreted.

Video: foundation and barn frame

Continuation of construction. Another video report in real time - what we did during the week.

Video: we continue to build a barn

Roof arrangement. The design of the barn determines the materials that will be used to cover the roof. Inexpensive Options- slate and tiles.

Video: barn roof

Plumbing. The water supply in the barn begins with a riser Ø 32 mm, to which the main ring main line of pipes Ø 25 mm is connected. In the room itself, automatic drinking bowls, watering and water taps are installed.

Video: plumbing for a barn

The final stage of setting up the plumbing and septic tank. Gotta stick to sanitary norms- with parallel laying of plumbing and sewer pipesØ up to 200 mm, the distance between them must be at least 1.5 m. It is advisable to lay water pipes in a protective case.

Today, this industry is developing at a rapid pace around the world. National economy like farming. In almost any city or village there is a person involved in this business. Until recently, farming has declined significantly, but in last years it is again actively prospering and brings huge profits to its owners.

It should be noted that farming allows you to sell on the market such valuable products as, for example, meat (pork, beef, poultry), milk and dairy products (sour cream, cottage cheese, cream), eggs, offal (liver, kidneys), animal hair, fluff Meat and milk are indispensable components of food, in connection with this they will always be in demand, and this, in turn, guarantees profit for private entrepreneurs.

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Required documents and permits

Before you start work, you need to decide for yourself what exactly you need to do and what is most profitable. Currently, there are several types of farms: livestock, poultry, dairy, crop farms, bee farms and others. Each of them is profitable in some way. So, the first step towards opening a farm is choosing a location. This may be a large farming settlement or small house with the allotted territory.

It is unprofitable to build a farm from scratch, as there are many abandoned lands that are not used by anyone. The easiest way would be to buy them with the land. It will cost much less.

Secondly, you need to decide on the type, that is, what or who you will contain. Thirdly, it is important to clearly define the scale of the economy. If this is crop production, here you need to correctly calculate the required area for planting. If this is animal husbandry, then the number of possible livestock is calculated, necessary equipment and room sizes. If it is planned in the future to sell products in various retail chains, then you need to collect a whole list important documents, such as a lease or purchase agreement for land, permission from Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection for farming. It is necessary, among other things, to register as an individual entrepreneur. All products must be issued quality and safety certificates, as well as a veterinary examination of meat products.

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Planning and procurement of equipment

One of the most expensive, along with the purchase of feed (if it is a livestock farm), will be the purchase of equipment. If this is a large farm, then the costs can reach up to 2-3 million rubles. Equipment can be found by asking nearby farmers for information. The fact that it can take several months in time is also very important, because after the purchase it must also be rationally arranged and installed. Next important point It's the layout of the room. As mentioned above, the areas can be very different. If this is livestock or poultry farming, then the organization of stalls for livestock or cages for poultry will be mandatory. Individual feeders and devices for cleaning manure and debris are also installed here.

The room should be warm both in winter and in summer. Temperature in cold period should not be below 17 degrees. For this purpose, a gas heating system is used, other options are possible. In addition, the humidity must be maintained at a constant level. The presence of drafts reduces the productivity of animals, especially egg production. But, nevertheless, the room must be constantly ventilated. Lighting should be uniform.

Let's take a closer look at how to organize some types of farms.

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pig farm

Pig farming is one of the most widespread and profitable farming areas. An interesting fact is that pork is the second most popular meat after poultry, as it is cheaper than beef, and has good palatability. Its consumption is 30% of all meat products. Pig-breeding farms are divided into 3 groups according to their size. The first of them is large pig-breeding complexes, where the number of livestock is more than 12,000. The second is from 100 to 12,000 and the third is private land, where there are less than 100 animals.

The advantage of raising pigs is that they grow very fast, about 10 times faster than cattle. This makes them irreplaceable and very valuable in the market. In addition, they also gain their mass quickly. By 6 months of age, well-fed pigs can weigh 100 kg and are ready for slaughter. Another advantage is that these animals in in full use and absorb all nutrients from feed. Pigs are unpretentious in food and maintenance. They breed well. If there are 300-350 heads of sows, there should be 15-10 boars, the rest are fattened for slaughter.

Equipment for this kind of premises should be special. In most cases, pigs are fed dry food, so you need to purchase machines for feeding it. The equipment includes: a bunker, feed lines, dispensers. If there is a place to be individual nutrition, then feeders are provided. It is very important to purchase drinkers for pigs and feeders, machine tools.

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Purchase of animals and necessary feed

You can buy piglets or pigs at the nearest livestock market. It is worth starting with 300-350 individuals, and the queens and boars should be purchased from different buyers in order to avoid inbreeding and reduce the productivity of livestock. Such a number of pigs will require a huge amount of feed. Up to 35 tons of feed will be required per year, as well as approximately 300 kg of special additives. The latter is mandatory, since top dressing contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the body of pigs. minerals, which may be few in the daily diet. Proper balanced nutrition will contribute to the rapid growth and proper development of young and adult individuals. Seriously, it is worth considering the points of purchase of feed. It is important that the supplier sells quality products, otherwise the profit may be zero.

As for the cost, the purchase of equipment will take about 2-3 million rubles. Each month, the payment of wages to the staff will require: 10-15 thousand pigs and 20-25 veterinarians. But the most expensive will, of course, be food. Indeed, for the purchase, for example, 15 kg of compound feed, you need to spend 120 rubles. The profitability of the project will be about 25%. Payback periods are very different, on average 2-3 years.

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poultry farm

Poultry has been the main product of the meat industry in recent years. The reasons for this are the low cost of meat on the market, the high demand, and the ease of breeding poultry. Poultry, and mainly chicken, ranks first in terms of consumption, leaving pork and beef behind. Consider how to open a poultry farm from scratch. Unlike pig farming, such a business does not require expensive equipment and large areas for the premises. A business from scratch for growing chickens is considered very profitable, while the profitability is 100%. Chickens are the main supplier of eggs and meat. The conditions of detention for them are especially simple: they require permanent care and observation, which takes from 2 to 4 hours per day.

The bird is kept in chicken coops with individual or collective feeders, while a certain rule must be observed: all birds are fed at about the same time. Dry coma, chopped grass, cereal crops, bread and so on. Chickens should be fed well. Finely chopped shells or gravel must be poured into the feeders so that the birds can make up for the calcium deficiency. It is very important that the room where the animals are kept is well heated and ventilated, but without drafts. You can buy chickens on the market, they are inexpensive. To make a deal, you will need documents on vaccinations, information about age, previous diseases, the name of the breed, that is, the so-called passport.

The business of breeding farm animals in most cases becomes a very profitable business. Quite a tangible income today can bring family farms of almost any specialization. But, of course, making a profit from breeding animals or poultry is possible only with the right approach of the entrepreneur to business.

First stage

The specialization of the future farm is, of course, what, first of all, a novice farmer must decide. Family livestock farms are usually organized in Russia for the purpose of raising traditional cattle, pigs or chickens. All these types of agricultural animals are kept according to rather simple technologies developed over decades, and sometimes even centuries.

Standard family farms specialized in breeding traditional types farm animals, of course, usually bring a good income. However, the owners of such a farm in the course of their activities, most likely, will have to face, including strong competition. After all, there are already quite a lot of farms of such specialization in our country. Therefore, perhaps, entrepreneurs should think about breeding some other, rarer agricultural animals.

Some ideas for a beginner farmer

Recently, in our country there has been an increased demand for such a type of meat as lamb. Previously, such a product in Russia was not particularly popular. Many consumers simply did not like its smell. Recently, however, breeders have bred many breeds of sheep, the meat of which is completely devoid of such a drawback. So the organization of a farm for breeding MPC today can also become quite profitable.

Agriculture in Russia after all sorts of economic shocks, in fact, is still developing. Some niches in this area of ​​the country's economy are still practically not occupied. Therefore, the breeding business and some very unusual living creatures can become quite profitable. For example, an entrepreneur might want to think about organizing a farm:

  • trout;
  • rabbit;
  • nutria.

Business plan

Of course, first of all, future entrepreneurs should develop a detailed project for a family farm. The organization of a livestock farm of any specialization is always quite expensive. The family's own funds in order to start such a business from scratch, most likely, simply will not be enough.

The best way out in this situation can be, of course, a bank loan. In Russia, in our time, programs are periodically implemented aimed at maintaining and developing just such a branch of the national economy as animal husbandry. A family farm can be organized, including with money taken from the bank at very low interest. But, of course, in order to convince a potential creditor of the prospects of a newly organized economy, he needs to provide detailed business plan. If necessary, you can draw up such a document yourself.

Whatever specialization family farms are created, their business plan should include:

  • Description of the final product. In this paragraph, you need to indicate the type of product that will be supplied to the market from the farm and its estimated volume. You should also provide the bank with information on exactly how meat, milk, eggs, etc. will be sold.
  • Production plan. This item should include information about where exactly the money received on credit will be directed (for the construction of premises, the purchase of young animals, feed, etc.).
  • Financial plan. This includes all the expected costs of the farm in the course of its operation and development - the salary of workers, public utilities, prevention of animal or poultry diseases, transportation of feed and carcasses.
  • Variable expenses. At this point, farm owners usually indicate the estimated cost of feed (for one animal per year and for the entire herd).
  • Income. Here the expected profit is indicated with the provision of the necessary calculations.

Farm for breeding cattle: features of the organization

Most often, recently in Russia such family farms are registered. Cattle in our country are traditionally bred for milk production. Farm owners rarely keep such animals for meat. This product in relation to milk is most often considered secondary. Therefore, the profitability of almost any such farm depends on the number of milk yields. Therefore, entrepreneurs first of all need to take care of choosing a high-milk breed of cattle. It can be, for example, a red steppe cow, black-and-white, Holstein, Kholmogory or Yaroslavl. In addition to productivity, when choosing a breed, it is worth paying attention to such an indicator as whimsical care. For example, the Holstein cow gives the most milk. However, a not too experienced farmer should still choose a red steppe or black-and-white for a start. Such cows are much more unpretentious, and there will most likely be no losses in the herd during their breeding, even in the event of a violation of any technology.

The construction of family farms for breeding cows is usually carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

  • ceiling height in the room should not be less than 2.5 m;
  • the farm should have good natural light;
  • windows in the premises are located at a height inaccessible to cows;
  • ventilation should be provided in the barn.

The most convenient are cowsheds with stalls on the sides and a passage in the middle. In addition to the barn itself, the farm will need to build facilities for staff and outbuildings(for storage of feed, equipment, medicines and overalls).

Of course, entrepreneurs will also have to organize the supply of feed to the farm. The better the diet of animals, the more milk you can get from them. Cows must be given all three types of feed intended for agricultural animals:

  • juicy (root crops);
  • coarse (grass, hay);
  • concentrated (grain, bran, compound feed).

Also, animals will have to receive mineral and vitamin supplements. In summer, cattle are usually driven out to pasture for the whole day.

Pig breeding: features

Such family farm- business is also usually quite profitable. When organizing a farm specializing in breeding piglets, it is important to choose the right place to build a barn. The smell from a pig farm can be very strong, even when good care for the animals. According to the regulations, it is allowed to build premises intended for rearing piglets only outside locality, no closer than 50-500 m from its border (depending on the number of heads in the herd).

In this case, the choice of animal breed must also be approached as responsibly as possible. All varieties of pigs that exist today can be divided into three large groups: meat, tallow and meat-tallow. Breeding the first type of piglets is more difficult than the last two. But at the same time, such pork, as leaner, is more expensive. A novice farmer for breeding should still choose a greasy or meat-greasy breed of piglets. It will be much easier to raise such pigs.

The piglet housing should be built of sufficiently durable materials (these animals love to gnaw on walls and floors). Most often, pigsties are built from foam blocks. Indoor floors should be level, waterproof, non-slip and easy to maintain. Most often in pigsties they are poured from concrete. For insulation, such a floor is covered with boards. In the middle of the passage in the pigsty, a drain gutter is sure to be arranged. The floors themselves are poured with a slight slope towards it. Next to the piglet farm, it is worth, among other things, to install several septic tanks.

There are different technologies for fattening pigs. The choice of a particular one depends, first of all, on the breed of piglets. Greasy and meat-greasy pigs are usually fed foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates. It can be, for example, potatoes, corn, beets, barley. Of course, give such piglets and food waste.

How to organize a rabbit breeding farm

Breeds of such animals exist, both meat and skin or fur. Most often today in Russia, aspiring entrepreneurs organize a mini-farm for rabbits of the first variety. The best meat breeds of these animals are rizen, white and gray giants, flanders. Also, very often, novice farmers are breeding the unpretentious "Soviet" chinchilla.

Fur animals, including rabbits, in most cases are not at all afraid low temperatures. Therefore, on farms they are sometimes kept in sheds. This is the name of special structures, which are a single-sided or double-sided long canopy, inside of which cages are installed in several tiers. Keeping animals on outdoors in winter allows the owner of the farm to get better skins. But, if a mini-farm for rabbits is organized to sell only meat, the premises, of course, should be made closed. In this case, the animals will feel more comfortable (and, therefore, will begin to gain weight faster).

Rabbit cages today can be purchased ready-made. Farmers will have to buy three varieties of them - designed for queens with offspring, for young animals and for producers. Cages are installed in sheds or sheds, usually in 2-3 tiers. Feeders in large farms of this specialization are more often used individually, fixed on the door. Drinkers are installed at the top of the last tier. From them to each cage are hoses.

The diet of rabbits, like cattle, usually consists of three types of feed. The main emphasis in this case, as well as when keeping cows, is on roughage. Rabbits should receive dried grass or hay in a very large quantities. Of the concentrates in the menu of these animals, only barley is usually included. Also, farmers sometimes use oats. Of the root crops, rabbits are most often given only carrots and beets (in limited quantities).

Nutria farms: how to create

The organization of the economy of such specialization also has a number of its own characteristics. Manufacturers, like young nutria, are better for novice farmers to purchase in special nurseries. You can also, of course, buy animals from private traders. However, in this case, entrepreneurs should first visit the seller's farm and make sure that the animals are kept in compliance with all the required technologies.

Farmers who decide to start breeding nutria will have, among other things, to drill several wells on the site. Therefore, a place for such a farm should be chosen, including taking into account the depth of water under the ground. On the shores of natural ponds and lakes, family farms for breeding nutria are almost never equipped. The fact is that in such reservoirs usually lives a lot different kind pathogenic bacteria.

They contain nutria, like rabbits, most often in cages. However, the design of such dwellings for animals is slightly different. In this case, one male and several females are planted in each cage. A distinctive feature of nutria is that they do not have a hunting period. The mating of these animals, and consequently, the appearance of offspring in them, can occur at absolutely any time.

The basis of the diet of nutria is green fodder. At the same time, farmers should give preference to those plants that can be mowed on the banks of rivers and lakes. Of course, nutria should also receive succulent feed. It can be carrots, beets, zucchini and almost any other vegetables and root crops. Give nutria and concentrates, but only in limited quantities.

Trout breeding

Such farms in our country, unfortunately, are still extremely few in number. Therefore, family farms specializing in trout breeding are usually profitable. However, organizing such an economy is, of course, a little more difficult than any other.

Most often, rainbow trout is grown on farms. Its main advantages are unpretentiousness in relation to water parameters and high productivity. Also sometimes farmers breed motley brook trout. This species is not particularly productive, but its meat is also much tastier than that of the rainbow fish.

A trout breeding farm is organized, usually on the shore of an artificial reservoir. The difficulty in keeping this fish lies, first of all, in the fact that in captivity it does not naturally reproduce. Young trout simply eat the eggs laid by adults in a short time. Therefore, a farmer who decides to organize such a farm will have to include in a separate expense item the periodic purchase of fry.

The diet for trout is developed in such a way that exactly 3 kg of feed per day per 100 kg of fish. You can't give more or less. Trout are usually fed with beef giblets - liver, spleen, stomachs, etc. The purchased products are pre-washed, boiled and ground.

Registering a Family Farm: Key Steps

Of course, an entrepreneur who decides to start breeding agricultural animals, poultry or fish will definitely need to formalize his farm. To do this, you will have to go to the tax office and hand over the following documents to its employees:

  • agreement on the organization of peasant farms;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • a notarized application for the registration of the farm.

You will also need to write an application for the transition to special taxation. Most often, owners of family farms choose the form of payment according to the simplified tax system or unified agricultural tax. The usual system of taxation in this case is very disadvantageous.

Governmental support

As already mentioned, many laws have been adopted in our country aimed at developing Agriculture. Small and medium farmers, among other things, can also receive assistance from the state. For example, in the employment service, subsidies in the amount of 50-60 thousand rubles are issued to start-up entrepreneurs who decide to organize such a business as a family farm. Also, in some cases, owners of peasant farms are provided with a loan from a bank for favorable conditions under the agro-industrial complex development program.


Of course, raising farm animals, fish or poultry is only half the battle. Entrepreneurs who have organized a farm will also need to sell their products. Owners of family mini-farms often sell their products on the market or rent them to small shops. The owners of the trout and rabbit breeding business can cooperate, including with restaurants. Entrepreneurs of medium-sized farms usually open their own businesses in cities. outlets. Large farmers also supply products to enterprises. Food Industry, in workshops for the manufacture of semi-finished products.
