Interiors and design of the kitchen with a soft sofa. Sofa expert - choose a sofa for the kitchen

For designers, a kitchen layout with a sofa is sometimes presented as a minimalist style with a limited set of light shades in the room. However, the modern direction of style for the interior of the dining area dictates the opposite option with many interesting models.

Interior and layout of the kitchen with a sofa

This makes it possible not only to decorate the dining room, but also to approach the issue of its arrangement from a rational point of view.

Kitchen design 10 sq m has its own characteristics. Thanks to the option of planning a kitchen with a sofa in the design of a comfortable interior of the dining area, even a small space of 10 m² can be furnished stylishly and economically. Since, by average standards, a Russian apartment cannot include an extra bedroom, upholstered furniture is usually placed in the dining area.

Variant of design and interior of the kitchen with a sofa

Kitchens with a berth are in demand in our country for the arrangement of the dining area, since the presence of this element of the interior allows you to spend time with maximum comfort. It happens that guests who have come home can sit up and not notice that it is already night, so the presence of a sofa allows you to comfortably solve many problems.

Layout of the kitchen with a sofa area of ​​10 meters

It is good if the sofa itself is folding, since such an interior item is an excellent sleeping place for guests who have arrived overnight. If suddenly the TV is busy with someone in the hall, and there is a desire to enjoy watching a TV show, then the sofa in the kitchen is an excellent way out. This type has a number of advantages, and not only provides an extra bed in a modern apartment.

What should be the kitchen sofa

Which upholstery to choose

Original upholstery of a semicircular kitchen sofa

If you need to choose a specific stylistic composition, shops offering custom-made furniture will help solve this problem by choosing the appropriate materials for the dining area.

When choosing a more suitable option, the models take into account the moment associated with the fact that the kitchen is a cooking place with a lot of different smells and high humidity.

In the air in the kitchen, a lot of oil and fat vapors are formed, including other liquid products. If it is planned to place a sofa in this room, then it should be remembered that it is most at risk of exposure to various types of furniture from spilled drinks: coffee, tea, juice, etc. Therefore, furniture must be purchased with practical upholstery that should not absorb odors accidentally get dirty with drinks spilled on it.

Folding kitchen sofa with leather upholstery

A more suitable material for upholstery of a sofa in the kitchen is leatherette or genuine leather. It can have not only light tones, but also dark ones. The upholstery of the leather model is not able to absorb a accidentally spilled drink, so this type of material is convenient to use in the kitchen due to its practicality.

3D kitchen layout with a semicircular sofa

If a corner sofa is placed in the kitchen, then the area near the battery will be more functional, as it will provide additional space. Kitchen accessories that are not used daily can be placed under the seat itself. This type of kitchen sofa is ideal for square and wide kitchens.

It should be noted that the placement of full-size sofas in the kitchen, suitable for living rooms, is quite rare. Most often in dining areas, functional and more compact designs are not too large.

Scheme and plan of the kitchen with an area of ​​​​9 meters

They have a less puffy appearance and are upholstered in dense material, with a shorter seat surface than living room sofas.

Their back is quite thin. In the kitchen with a bay window that looks like a semicircle, you can put a sofa of a similar shape of the corresponding radius, complementing this composition of the dining area with a round table, as in the photo.

Leather Corner Sofa Design

The result is a comfortable dining room. The idea of ​​​​installing a semicircular model in the kitchen area can be implemented in spacious kitchens, for example, 15 m. The sofa should be comfortable, it is deployed with its back to the kitchen.

For a small dining area, about 10 m, you can choose a less overweight model that does not have armrests and the upholstery color is light. If the design of the model is visually simple and light, then the kitchen will not seem cluttered. There are also classic sofas with armrests, which have a solid rectangular back. The design of the kitchen of 10 sq. m, as you can see, has its own distinctive features.

What is good about this method? It allows you to comfortably move between the dining and working area. In this case, all kitchen utensils will be at hand.

A sofa in the interior of the kitchen is a great way to create a cozy and comfortable environment.

When choosing this piece of furniture, it is important to take into account all of the above parameters, guided by personal preferences. This will allow you to create an original kitchen interior design in a certain style and enjoy coziness on a comfortable sofa from January to December.

The small area of ​​​​the apartment forces its owners to combine several functional areas in one room at once. Sometimes, due to lack of space, you have to organize an extra bed right in the kitchen. The sofa is perfect for this. A small soft sofa during the day allows you to comfortably spend time at dinner with the whole family, in the evening it turns into a full bed.

Upholstered furniture expands the visual and functional possibilities of the kitchen

A similar kitchen design with a sofa is so harmonious that the installation of upholstered furniture in the kitchen area has become a new trend. Now it is put there not only because of the lack of free space. The interior takes on a special chic. It becomes much cozier, more comfortable. It cannot be called ordinary. Upholstered furniture allows you to give the room the features of a dining room, makes the process of eating much more pleasant. Let us consider in more detail how to properly organize an attractive kitchen interior with a sofa.

Interior design features

A sofa is an attribute of a comfortable room. In order for it to please the eyes of the owners for many years, it is necessary to choose it correctly, to find the ideal place for installation. This subject does not have to be central. The main emphasis can be placed on any design detail - it all depends on the personal preferences of the owners of the house, the chosen style direction. When arranging the interior, it is important to immediately determine the number and type of functional areas. Most often there are two zones: kitchen, living room. The sofa is usually placed as an extra bed in the kitchen in small apartments.

The sofa in the kitchen is comfortable, functional and cozy

Advice! Having a balcony at your disposal, you must definitely take the opportunity to increase the area. It is better to demolish the partition, the walls should be additionally insulated. On the territory of the loggia it will be possible to install a headset, freeing up space.

On the attached balcony will fit a dining area

You can install a sofa in a room in different ways:

  1. On the opposite wall from the headset.
  2. In the corner.
  3. Perpendicular to the headset.

The choice of installation site must be carried out taking into account the size of the room, the size of the headset, and the features of the style direction. By choosing the right place, you can make the design quite easy to understand. Using large items in the interior, it is better to reduce the number of small accessories. It is a trifle that will create the effect of cluttering the room.

It is important that the dimensions of the sofa correspond to the size of the room, and the upholstery fits the interior.

Choosing upholstery color

In the kitchen, a bed should not only be very comfortable. A huge role will be played by the harmony of its combination with the general style of the room. The color of the upholstery should be chosen based on the style of the room.

Manufacturers of modern upholstered furniture offer a huge range of models, among which everyone can choose the right option.

Consider the compatibility of colors with different directions in the table.

Style Character traits Suitable upholstery color
Technostyle One of the modern trends. Differs in the maximum functionality. Techno style characterized by light colors in the decoration, bright furniture, an abundance of household appliances. Intense blue, red
Minimalism Favorite style of young families. It does not require a lot of funds for arranging the premises. In minimalism, you do not need to apply decor. The interior is quite simple and practical. In minimalism, it is important to leave free space. White, grey, black
Classic It is difficult to find a person who does not love the classical direction. This is one of the most versatile styles. The classic design is distinguished by the severity of lines, multi-layered curtains, luxurious accessories. White, brown, golden, blue
Country Country is a pleasant, bright, comfortable style. This kitchen is very cozy and homey. From afar, it will begin to resemble a rural one. When finishing use wood, glass, textile wallpaper. The windows are decorated with heavy, thick curtains with floral print . Green, brown, beige

A high-tech kitchen is built on contrasting combinations; you can pick up a white sofa for gray walls

For a minimalist interior, a sofa with plain upholstery is suitable.

In a classic interior, the sofa plays a key role.

Colorful textiles are great for any "rustic" style.

Sofa in Scandinavian style kitchen

A large leather sofa fits perfectly into the industrial style

Requirements for a kitchen sofa

As you can see, there are practically no restrictions in the design of a kitchen with a sofa. The room can be arranged in any style. The main thing is to choose the right color, shape, size, location of the sofa. What should be the sofa used for the kitchen interior?

The choice of a sofa for the kitchen depends on many factors.

Consider the main requirements for it:

Choosing upholstered furniture

The requirements for a kitchen sofa are quite high. However, in modern stores it is easy to find a suitable model, given the following criteria:

  1. The size. This is the most basic. Decide on the future location of the item. Measure it. When determining the size, consider the number of family members.

    The traditional straight sofa is the most bulky and takes up a lot of space.

  2. The form. Upholstered furniture can be standard, angular, oval, semicircular. You need to select the form based on the characteristics of the style direction. In the classics, it is better to use the familiar, standard form. Semicircular sofas fit perfectly into modern trends. The oval shape of the seat will help carve out some space, visually looks smaller. This is a great option for tiny kitchens.

    original round sofa

  3. Upholstery color scheme. Here you should be guided by compatibility with the general style of the room. However, sometimes you can deviate from the usual rules. On the sofa, you can make a non-standard accent. Bright upholstery, large patterns will help highlight the object, “knock it out” from the overall picture. This bold decision will give the interior an exclusivity. The main thing is that bright upholstery should be repeated somewhere else. It can match curtains, kitchen towels, chandelier design.

    In a room with a limited area, the sofa should not stand out

  4. Structural features. In the recreation area, folding furniture is needed. It will allow you to make a comfortable place to sleep in an instant. The design can be different: in the form of a book, retractable, clamshell, etc. It is important to evaluate the convenience of unfolding personally. Consider the size of the unfolded sofa.

    Folding sofa is useful as an extra bed

  5. Manufacturing material. There will always be grease, high humidity, and dirt in the kitchen. Poor-quality upholstery will instantly absorb all of the above, quickly deteriorate. The ideal upholstery material is genuine leather, more budget-quality leatherette. These are durable materials. They are easy to maintain. The frame can be made of wood, metal.

    Leather upholstery has no competitors in terms of practicality and ease of cleaning.

We decorate the recreation area

Just placing a beautiful sofa in the kitchen is not enough to create an inviting, cozy atmosphere. Additional decorations will help to make the interior original. You can qualitatively highlight the recreation area with unusual photo wallpapers. Wall murals are inexpensive, they are easy to stick on the wall yourself. The picture of the photo wallpaper can be different: abstract, landscape. The main thing is that it should set a person to relax, not have too small details. Small drawings distract, will interfere with rest. Wall murals will attract attention, hide the work area.

Realistic wall murals with large flowers look gorgeous

An artistic fresco looks great in a classic interior.

If you have enough square meters, you can decorate the room with unusual finishing materials. Often used decorative stone, wood panels, wallpaper, imitating various surfaces. Such a finish will be an extraordinary solution. It will surely attract the attention of guests, will be highly appreciated by them.

The main thing is that the color of the wallpaper is in harmony with the overall interior.

You can decorate a kitchen with a soft sofa with the help of small pillows of various shapes, colors, sizes. A huge number of pillows will add color to the atmosphere, make the furniture more comfortable. However, there is one drawback - pillows can often get dirty. They will need to be washed periodically.

In such an environment it is pleasant to eat and not ashamed to receive guests.

Family photos will be a great decoration. They need to be framed, hung on the wall. The wall should be at a sufficient distance from the kitchen unit. Otherwise, you will have to wipe the frames from oil traces, grease, and moisture almost daily.

Photos and paintings are great for decorating the wall above the sofa.

Instead of photographs, you can hang beautiful paintings on the wall. It can be a selection of paintings by your favorite artist. The paintings will perfectly decorate the interior, decorated in a strict classical direction.

Video: Sofa in the interior of the kitchen

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of kitchen space in any home. The owners of small apartments or spacious private houses - everyone is trying to create the most convenient, functional and at the same time cozy atmosphere in the kitchen. In the course there is a finish that is resistant to various types of impact, and spacious storage systems, and modern household appliances. And what about creating a truly comfortable room where you can not only cook food quickly and efficiently, but also taste it with pleasure, sitting on a soft sofa? As you already understood, in this publication we will consider options for installing a sofa within the kitchen space, whether it is a separate room or combined with a dining room and living room. In small-sized apartments built during the last century, our compatriots could not afford to install such a large-scale piece of furniture as a sofa. There was not even enough space for a full dining area. In modern dwellings, kitchen spaces can increasingly boast of impressive dimensions, allowing the owners to think over not only an ergonomic, but also a comfortable layout with the use of additional furniture. In addition, the popularity of studio apartments in which the kitchen area is connected to the dining and living areas is still high. So - the presence of a sofa in this combined room is inevitable. We invite you to consider the possibility, expediency and benefits of installing a sofa in a kitchen using examples of real design projects.

Advantages and disadvantages of having a sofa in the kitchen space

The advantages of having a sofa in the kitchen include the following:

  • the comfort level of the dining area increases significantly if instead of ordinary chairs you can sit on a soft sofa;
  • an extra bed for late guests, especially if the sofa model provides for folding into a bed;
  • many models of upholstered furniture have free space at the bottom, which can be used as storage systems;
  • if you install a TV opposite the sofa, then the kitchen space can also serve as a living room (relevant for one-room apartments with a spacious kitchen).

The disadvantages of installing a soft sofa in the kitchen space are as follows:

  • a special microclimate and a complex functional component of the kitchen room dictate a more critical and careful approach to the choice of any piece of furniture, and especially those accompanied by upholstery that can absorb odors and get dirty from various types of pollution;
  • the need to install a sufficiently powerful hood stems from the initial features of the kitchen;
  • if the kitchen is small, then even a compact sofa model can clutter up the room, depriving it of a sense of spaciousness and freedom of movement.

Choosing the size, shape and model of the sofa for the kitchen

Not many Russian kitchens can boast of a large area. Even in apartments with an improved layout, a small room is allocated for the kitchen (in case it is not combined with the living room). In such conditions, compact sofas with a shallow depth become priority solutions. It is more effective to install such a sofa against the wall, and next to it already have a dining group.

Corner sofas are very popular with homeowners for both living room and kitchen space use. The advantage of such models is that in a small space you can install a sofa that will provide the maximum possible number of seats. Another advantage is the effective use of the corners of the room, as the most difficult in terms of selection of functional interior elements for installation.

Sofas in the form of a semicircle or arc are not often found in kitchen spaces due to the lack of free space in these same kitchens. The more valuable and original will be the use of such a model. If the area of ​​the room allows it and your dining table is in the shape of a circle or oval.

Built-in sofas with storage boxes are the best option for a small kitchen. Given that such a sofa is made to order, its dimensions and design will best match the possibilities and priorities of your kitchen. It is convenient and comfortable on such a sofa, it can be used as storage systems, and it looks attractive, decorating the kitchen interior. The disadvantage of built-in models is the lack of mobility and the rather high cost due to the execution of individual sizes and design (but a lot depends on the materials of the frame and upholstery).

A sofa with a folding mechanism is able to turn any one-room apartment into the so-called "Euro-deuce". An extra bed has never bothered anyone, especially if the family needs to organize a separate room (and the kitchens are most often allocated to a separate room) for the possibility of overnight stay. But the model in this case is not easy to choose. Folding sofas are rarely compact in size. And the upholstery of the sofa for sleeping should not be slippery (leather or leatherette), but at the same time have high hygroscopic properties.

If we talk about the design of the sofa in terms of the choice of upholstery material, then the most popular option for a long time remains the leather design of this piece of upholstered furniture. Practicality, aesthetics and richness of color solutions are the main criteria for choosing upholstery for many Russians. The ability to easily, quickly and without consequences clean the soiled surface of the upholstery becomes the main advantage of leather upholstery, overshadowing the disadvantage in the form of a fairly high cost.

The hardest thing to clean the upholstery of sofas made of natural fabrics is cotton. Linen, wool derivatives, silk modifications, all these fabrics are not suitable for use within the kitchen. The now popular flock will also not withstand constant cleaning from food and drink stains, the appearance of which, unfortunately, is inevitable within the kitchen space, especially if there are small children and pets in the house.

Using the sofa as an accent element of the interior is a popular way among designers and their customers to bring originality to the design of the room. This space design option is suitable not only for living rooms, but also for kitchens combined with a dining room or just large-scale studios. Bright upholstery or a colorful fabric print will become not only an accent spot of the interior, but also its highlight, the focal point around which the rest of the room design is built.

A sofa from a line of garden furniture made of wicker or rattan will look harmonious in a kitchen decorated in country style, Provence, shabby chic. The lightness of the design, its mobility and original appearance will certainly become the highlight of the kitchen design.

Where to install the sofa?

The choice of a place to install a sofa in the kitchen space depends on:

  • the size and shape of the room itself:
  • number and size of window and door openings:
  • choosing the layout of the kitchen set;
  • the number of functional segments of the room (kitchen, dining room, living room);
  • sizes and modifications of the sofa;
  • availability and variations of the dining group.

One of the most popular ways to use a sofa in a kitchen is to include this piece of furniture in a dining group. It is logical that many owners want to provide households with maximum comfort during meals. And what could be more comfortable than sitting on a soft sofa? In this case, there are two options for integrating a sofa into a dining ensemble - installing a piece of upholstered furniture against the wall (a variation for small rooms) and in the free space of the kitchen (a method for spacious rooms).

If your kitchen boasts a bay window, then the best option for using this bright space of the room is to organize a place for meals by the window. The most effective will be the use of a sofa model that clearly fits into the dimensions of the bay window, repeating its shape. It can be either straight sofas, corner, or consisting of three sectors. Semicircular models are less commonly used (it is not easy to choose a sofa with an exact coincidence of radiality for a semicircular bay window).

A sofa as a way of zoning a room is used very often in the so-called studio kitchens. If a spacious room combines the functions of a kitchen, dining room and living room, then the presence of a sofa in it is inevitable. In this case, the sofa belongs to the living room group, but in terms of the choice of its model, the quality of the upholstery and the color scheme, it will be necessary to take into account the criteria for kitchen furniture, given the special microclimate of this multifunctional segment.

In the kitchen room, the furniture layout of which provides for the presence of an island (or peninsula), it is logical to place the sofa with the end face to the facade of this separate furniture module. The best option would be to select a model that matches the size of the length of the kitchen island. But the corner modification of the sofa will be appropriate if there is a sufficient number of free square meters.

Sofa in the interior of the kitchen

Many people dream of putting a beautiful small sofa in the kitchen, but those who want to enjoy food in a comfortable and cozy atmosphere decide. However, most often a small sofa in the kitchen is a necessary measure associated with the small dimensions of the room or its difficult layout.


Features and Benefits

Just one piece of furniture - a small sofa - can turn a banal kitchen into a luxurious dining room, a charming mini-living room and even a comfortable bedroom, where all the inhabitants of the house and guests will be pleased to be. A wide choice of configurations and design of small kitchen sofas allows you to create the most ergonomic and practical interior.

Additional benefits of placing a small sofa in the kitchen:

  • convenience and compactness of the dining area;
  • functionality and practicality;
  • aesthetics and comfort;
  • large capacity (on seats and in boxes);
  • variety of models, forms and materials used;
  • the possibility of choosing the style of the room;
  • reliability and durability even with daily use;
  • ease of care and self-repair.


Modern kitchen mini sofas come in various types and configurations: monolithic, folding or modular, straight, corner, semicircular, massive square or small narrow. Made as a compact transformer with a French folding bed, a roll-out or folding bed design, either as a sofa bed or as an accordion sofa. Made without armrests and with them, in the form of a bench or with backs, as well as equipped with semicircular niches, corner shelves or built-in drawers for storing supplies, kitchen utensils and textiles.

The most comfortable and practical are sliding sofas with a folding bed and soft springy upholstery made of artificial fabrics impregnated with Teflon. They easily play the role of a comfortable seat, a full-fledged sleeping place, and a capacious storage system for cooking utensils and homemade food preparations. In addition, they do not absorb odors, fumes and pollution, are not afraid of high humidity in the kitchen area, do not require special care and are easily repaired.

The most common mechanisms of modern transforming mini sofas for the kitchen:

  • dolphin;
  • accordion;
  • eurobook,;
  • sedaflex;
  • click-clack,


Judging by the numerous reviews, the most acceptable and practical sofa folding mechanism is the "dolphin", when the bed, for the time being, hidden under the seat for the time being, if necessary, rolls out from under it without much effort, and in the unfolded version as compactly as possible. The Eurobook mechanism is quite durable, reliable and easy to use, besides, the sofa equipped with it is almost always additionally equipped with a spacious laundry box.

The beautiful sofa back of the "sedaflex" model transforms like an ordinary folding bed, but the accordion sofa, although it has a reliable folding mechanism, requires a couple of extra square meters to accommodate its sleeping place.



They make small sofas for the kitchen from various materials - solid wood, MDF boards, metal and durable plastic. Seats and backs are made hard, soft or combined.

The most durable, reliable and durable, but at the same time the most expensive and requiring special careful care - a kitchen sofa made of solid wood with a leather seat and back. Its leatherette upholstery or eco-leather stretched over the backs and seats will cost much less, but they are unlikely to last several decades without losing their appearance and without restoration.

If fabric upholstery is chosen for a small kitchen sofa, then it will depend on its quality whether it will become a favorite piece of furniture or a grandiose disappointment of the whole family.

Traditional classic sofa upholstery made of natural tapestry, jacquard, velor, woolen, linen and cotton fabrics are beautiful, but not very practical - they instantly absorb kitchen odors, grease and soot, are unable to withstand spilled liquids and high humidity in the room, quickly wipe off and tear easily .

But modern upholstery artificial fabrics are deprived of all these shortcomings - a pleasant soft and hypoallergenic chenille, or a flock with a stable Teflon coating, nicknamed "anti-claw", or microfiber impregnated with special solutions that make it resistant to dirt and the penetration of moisture and unwanted aromas, or colorful colorful and a particularly durable polyester blend fabric. However, the surest solution for fabric upholstery in the kitchen is the use of removable covers that are easily washed and replaced without violating the integrity of the sofa structure.

It is worth noting that artificial suede and leather are no less good as upholstery materials, which, in addition to all the properties listed above, have the ability to convey on their surface a variety of fashionable textures, textures and color design solutions.

However, when choosing soft sofas for the kitchen, you should pay special attention to the filler for their upholstery. For greater practicality, hypoallergenicity and better retention of a given shape, it is most often made from artificial materials - holofiber or polyurethane foam.

The color schemes of the kitchen sofa groups are as diverse as the options for their designs and upholstery materials. Surprisingly, even a white small sofa may well take root in the kitchen. And not only if it is made of wood or metal and simply painted white, but also when it is upholstered with modern smooth, textured or even fluffy trendy materials that perfectly repel dirt and moisture and are not at all afraid of soot, greasy splashes, chemical and abrasive cleaners and temperature fluctuations common to all kitchen areas.

However, the selection of a sofa for the kitchen requires caution when choosing its color embodiment. Since it is installed even in the most spacious and bright dining area, it will certainly attract attention, and placed in a small kitchenette, it will surely become its main focus, and therefore should be in harmony with the general style and other furnishings as much as possible. And here there is a little design secret - the upholstery of an ideal sofa for a tiny kitchen is best made in pastel colors and natural natural shades of matte colors (neutral gray, cold beige, warm brown, creamy "coffee with milk").

For a small kitchen area in black and white, you can choose both a black and white sofa, and for a spacious and well-lit one - with bright upholstery in a rich contrasting color (red, green, purple, blue, yellow, etc.), but in this case, its saturation will need to be supported by additional accents of the same color (in kitchen accessories, inventory or table textiles).

A classic kitchen will suit a rounded sofa with a plain beige upholstery or vice versa, with a printed one in pastel colors and a floral print, cheerful polka dots or a square.

In a Provence or country style kitchen, a compact sofa with openwork forged or carved wood details will look good.

The Art Nouveau kitchen will gladly accept a simple small sofa upholstered in natural or artificial leather in an active color and a carriage screed in the form of a decor.

On a minimalist kitchen area, a rectangular laconic sofa of classic pastel or fashionable variegated colors will safely take root.

A Scandinavian or Mediterranean style kitchen needs white, gray or unbleached linen woven upholstery on a small sofa.

The baroque kitchen area will make friends with a compact sofa with a carriage tie on velor or leather upholstery with natural shades or bright extravagant prints.

The kitchen, decorated in a sophisticated art deco style, will be decorated with a small sofa without handrails with a high back and a curved seat covered in bright luxurious velor.

How to choose

The selection of even a very small sofa group for an apartment should begin with a clear measurement of the kitchen and the dining area itself. Then it is important to think over exactly what size and shape of the new furniture is best suited for this room, as well as carefully calculate the ergonomics of the model you like and the possibility of unhindered use of all its additional functions.

Usually the smallest kitchen sofas are made in sizes that can fit into the space of even the smallest kitchen. But still, when choosing such a sofa, you should definitely consider:

  • reliability and strength of the structure;
  • practicality of upholstery material;
  • arrangement and shape of the seat, back and side parts;
  • equipment with a bed, shelves, drawers and their capacity;
  • the possibility and ease of transformation of seats, backs, armrests and built-in parts;
  • dimensions in assembled and disassembled form;
  • successful and ergonomic use of zoning;
  • matching the shape, material and color of the sofa to the design of the kitchen.


When buying a small transforming sofa for the kitchen, pay attention to whether its folding mechanism is equipped with spring closers, the presence of which often indicates a high class and excellent quality of the chosen model. When choosing a sofa with a roll-out berth, check the reliability of the rollers of the guide profiles and the strength of all fasteners.

To select a dining group in a small kitchenette, you should take a closer look at the modular sofas - their individual elements, which can be combined, moved, separated, pulled out, hidden or swapped at your discretion, allow you to independently change the shape, size and configuration of such models, significantly modernizing and significantly optimizing the usually insignificant space of the kitchen area.

How to choose for the dining table

A cozy dining area does not make sense without a comfortable table and a sofa that fits it in shape and dimensions. By the way, he is quite capable of replacing all the side stools and chairs with himself, or supplementing them with an increase in the size of the company and the availability of free space.

A square or rectangular table goes well with small sofas of almost any shape, but is especially good with straight or corner ones.

A round or oval table is more in line with a semicircular sofa or a corner-shaped one.

And irregularly shaped designer tables require the same irregular sofas, which are usually made to order, are often expensive and are the highlight of the kitchen interior.


Regardless of the chosen shape and materials of the frame and upholstery of a small sofa for the kitchen, in any case, it requires at least minimal maintenance:

  • you should not install a sofa, especially a soft one, near the stove, radiators and in the open access to sunlight - this is necessary both according to fire safety rules and for better preservation of non-metallic structural parts;
  • even with moisture-resistant upholstery, you should not constantly douse it with water and fill it with soup or juice - some stains may not come out;
  • internal parts accessible for cleaning should be cleaned regularly with a vacuum cleaner or steam generator;
  • external parts and upholstery can only be cleaned with products specially designed for this, in no case containing bleach, for application and removal of which it is worth using a rag, foam rubber sponge or a very soft brush;
  • if it is necessary to use a stain remover, then it is better to apply it first on a cloth, and only then on the sofa upholstery;
  • removable covers are easier and better washed in dry cleaning;
  • sofa upholstery made of genuine leather can be kept in its original form for as long as possible in a room with moderate humidity and with the help of systematic fattening of the leather covering;
  • a thorough check, regular cleaning, systematic lubrication of the parts of the folding mechanism of the sofa bed and the load corresponding to the instructions will help keep it in working order all the time of operation.

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The sofa will turn the kitchen into a place of cozy gatherings. And, if you have a small apartment, then some models can be transformed into an extra bed.

Choose designs that have storage space and practical upholstery, and we'll go into more detail below.

Kitchen 12 sq.m. with a sofa with cushions.


If you assume that someone will sleep in the kitchen, then it is better to choose the option with a transformer. See that it fits into the kitchen when unfolded. There are many varieties, but it is better to dwell on the most common in furniture stores.

"Dolphin" is the best option for the kitchen. A seat slides out from under the sofa, extending the small sofa. Check that everything is of high quality and reliable.

The "book" of the European standard is convenient, and anyone can decompose it. It is the European variety that is suitable for storing infrequently used things.

"French cot" - beautiful and elegant, but only suitable for guests, that is, if it is not used every day. It unfolds like a normal folding bed.

All these options are only suitable if you plan to put someone to sleep in the kitchen, if this is not necessary, then choose a regular model that is suitable in size.

It is better if the lifting mechanism is located on the side. And then the table will interfere every time you get things.
Interesting benches are suitable for a beautiful design. You can’t put anything in them, but they are indispensable for country style.

The sofa can be built into a niche if it is available in the kitchen. Then, most likely, the sofa will have to be ordered from the masters.
The main principle is space saving. In small standard kitchens, there is not much of it, so you need to take this into account.


It is best to give preference to natural wood. You need a durable variety that is not afraid of moisture. Of the good, but not budget options: beech and oak. From cheap - chipboard with lamination and impregnation. Although there is a risk that such a sofa in the kitchen will not last more than five years.

Of the upholstery, preference should be given to leather, this is not only because of its aesthetic qualities, but also practical ones. Just wipe it down if it gets dirty.

Kitchen with an area of ​​13 sq.m.

A substitute works well, but only if it is durable.
If the fabric is still closer to you in design, then choose wear-resistant options with moisture protection. The kitchen must have a range hood.

Removable covers will help not only to maintain cleanliness, but also to change the interior the way you want.
Fillers should be hypoallergenic and shape-recovering: polyurethane foam or holofiber is better.

A place to place it

With the help of a sofa, you can make zoning of the kitchen and living room, especially if it is a studio apartment. Then it is enough to turn it back to the kitchen set, parallel to it.

A good example of separating the working area from the living room.

Straight gray sofa in the kitchen 10 sq.m.

If the room is very small, then a corner sofa on the opposite side of the door will suit you.

Bright colors raise the appetite, so the bright green sofa fits well into the kitchen of 9 sq.m.

High armrests also create a zoning effect.

Try to match the tone with the kitchen. Below is an example where the tones are different.

The black model looks good in a white kitchen.

The white leatherette material is very practical to use.
