What are the advantages of wood-burning boilers for heating a private house over gas boilers? Boilers of long burning on wood for heating the house.

Choosing technical solution heating system when building a home, you should pay attention to an efficient wood-fired boiler for the home. The constant rise in prices for heat transfer fluids such as gas and electricity makes us think about alternative ways home heating. In the case where, for example, the area is not gasified, the use of a wood-burning boiler for the house is the best way heating system devices. Such equipment will save 4 times more money on heating a house than when using gas.

Types of wood boilers

Boilers using wood raw materials are divided into:

  • combustion type: solid fuel boilers conventional combustion, pyrolysis type, boilers of the upper long burning;
  • by efficiency (from 70% to 95%);
  • if possible, the use of alternative solid raw materials (coal, briquettes, garbage);
  • by the volume of furnaces (industrial and household) and the heating area of ​​the house;
  • by the amount of time of work at full load.
  • single-circuit (only for heating systems) and double-circuit (for heating systems and hot water supply).

Solid fuel boilers burning in a common flame use firewood with a moisture content of 20 - 30% as raw material. Such wood burns better and does not emit much smoke.

The main parameters and features of a wood-fired boiler for heating a house are as follows:

  • The duration of burning in the boiler furnace with a full load of firewood is up to 12 hours, on average 8 hours, depends on the thermophysical properties of the building.
  • The method of conventional wood burning is used, which transfers the generated heat through the walls of the heat exchanger.
  • Automatic feed air.
  • Automatic maintenance of the set temperature regime(minimum 35 degrees, maximum up to 95).
  • Boiler efficiency 75%.
  • Steel heat exchanger with wall thickness from 6mm.
  • Possibility of manual temperature control.

Installation of equipment for heating a private house with a wood-burning boiler does not require approvals from various authorities, it is simply mounted and does not require special conditions. Economically, such a boiler is profitable, it complies optimal combination price/quality. The design of such equipment for heating, see the photo.

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Long-burning wood-burning boilers for private houses can use in the form of fuel, in addition to firewood, pellets, coal, briquettes, garbage.

The main parameters of such equipment for heating houses are:

  • Possibilities of burning 1 load of firewood up to 5 days.
  • Consumption of 10 times less firewood than in conventional boilers for heating a house.
  • Burning raw materials from the top layer of 10 -15 cm, drying the bottom layer of wood, which burns more efficiently.
  • Durability due to heating of the heat exchanger no higher than 550 degrees and less wear.
  • Efficiency up to 91%.
  • The presence of a turbofan on a computer control.
  • Functions complete automatic download solid fuel.

A wood-burning boiler for heating a house with an upper layered long-term burning of firewood with a power of 20 kW is effective for an area from 120 to 240 square meters. The design features of heating equipment can be studied in the photo.

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Pyrolysis wood heating boilers for the house differ in the principle of operation: in them, firewood is burned in an airless chamber. Firewood turns into charcoal and emits pyrolysis gas, which is a secondary processing product. The gas then mixes with air and burns slowly, releasing more energy and emitting three times less carbon dioxide.

This method is harmless to environment, after burning through the entire load of wood raw materials, soot is released many times less than in other solid fuel installations.

Features and parameters of a wood pyrolysis oven for heating are as follows:

  • Firewood with a moisture content of 20-30% is used, such raw materials are most effective. It is possible to use wood with a moisture content of up to 60%.
  • Material - heat-resistant steel 4mm with anti-corrosion coating, two-chamber oven with ceramic nozzle.
  • The price is 2 times more expensive than installations for heating with conventional combustion, but the efficiency is 4 times higher.
  • The efficiency reaches 95%.
  • Automatic control of the process of burning firewood, ventilation and air supply. The control panel is located on the top surface.
  • The heating device enters the operating mode 30 minutes after ignition.
  • Duration of burning of firewood 24 hours after one loading.

A photo of the standard design of a pyrolysis device for heating is attached:

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Heat exchanger material

When choosing a wood-burning boiler for heating a private house, questions arise from what material it is better to buy a stove: cast iron or steel. The advantages of cast iron are durability (service life up to 50 years), corrosion resistance. The disadvantages of a cast iron heat exchanger are brittleness, high weight and high cost.

steel structure cheaper, lighter and smaller in size, but the main disadvantages are that the material is susceptible to corrosion and has a shorter service life (up to 20 years).

Cast iron boilers for wood heating are more often used in industrial heating installations.

When installing equipment for heating a house, a number of works are carried out to install additional appliances, stop valves, automation. Heating equipment piping can be purchased in kits, but this may lead to improper operation of the device. It is better to buy together with the oven ready-made kits strapping for quick installation. Such kits must be produced by world leaders or by an equipment manufacturer.

Heating a house with wood is not only economically profitable, but also harmless and efficient. On cold winter evenings, the warmth of your home will warm your soul and body.

For more than one millennium, firewood for a person has been the only way to heat a house. As a result of the development of progress, firewood moved into the background, gas, electricity, and oil products took the first place. However, even now there are places where it is advisable to use firewood for heating a private house.

Device and principle of operation

Despite the variety of wood-burning boilers, their device practically does not differ. Any unit consists of a fuel combustion chamber, a water heat exchanger, a chimney and an ash pan. According to the device, the simplest wood-burning boiler is a potbelly stove, where, when wood is burned, water is heated and enters the heating system. The efficiency indicator of such equipment is low, and fuel consumption is significant. So modern units are equipped with a long burning function and are more complex.

Firewood is loaded into the furnace, where, when burned, it gives off heat to the heat exchanger, which is built into the boiler. Pipes are connected to the heat exchanger, designed to supply hot water in common system home heating. It is equipped with radiators expansion tank and pipes. In addition to heating the coolant, the boiler and the chimney heat the room in which they are located.

As a result of the combustion of firewood, smoke is formed, which is carried out with the help of a chimney, and soot settles on the walls of this structure. It should be noted that a large accumulation of soot in the chimney reduces draft and the risk of its ignition.

Cleaning of chimney channels is carried out thanks to special openings - closed dampers. For this, brushes and ruffs are used. Due modern technologies added to fuel special formulations capable of cleaning the chimney channels from the inside during combustion.

Innings cold water and the removal of hot water from the heat exchanger is carried out at the expense of branch pipes. Modern equipment equipped with automation, which simplifies the maintenance of a wood-burning boiler as much as possible:

  • Temperature sensor. Gives a signal to the air supply fan;
  • Pressure meter. Signals when the normal indicator is exceeded;
  • Water pressure sensors.

The efficiency of wood-burning boilers is affected by the type and quality of the fuel. If firewood is intended for heating, peat briquettes and coal cannot be used. This greatly reduces the efficiency of the equipment. Also do not use poorly dried firewood for heating– during combustion, a lot of steam and soot are formed, as a result of which the boiler will need frequent cleaning.

Wood boiler application

Heating houses with wood is popular in rural areas, where there is no centralized gas main nearby, and heating with electricity is not economically feasible.

Heating a private house with wood is also popular among summer residents who stay in their territories for a short time. Also wood burning the boiler is widespread in Russian baths, where it performs two roles at once: heating and water heating.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of wood-fired units include:

  • No dependence on electricity. The homeowner may not be afraid of power surges or a complete power outage.
  • Receiving heat is completely environmentally friendly. Since wood is a clean ecological product, the combustion of which does not produce any waste harmful to humans. Of course, if you do not take into account carbon dioxide, poisoning with which is possible if safety measures are not followed.
  • Available raw materials. People living near forest areas have free and affordable raw materials for heating a private house. Moreover, the heating of such a boiler is possible with the help of solid household waste organic origin.
  • Low cost of the unit and fittings.
  • Easy installation and subsequent operation of the device.

The disadvantages include:

  • Can't be on long time leave the house unattended, as the equipment needs the constant presence and attention of a person.
  • The equipment is heavy because cast iron is used for its manufacture. This minus can be translated into a plus, since this material is durable.
  • Significant fuel consumption, since wood is a material that emits little energy.
  • There is no automatic mode for maintaining the required temperature.
  • Low efficiency - no more than 80 percent.
  • Wood-burning heating boilers are characterized by large dimensions, therefore, to obtain desired temperature coolant, it is necessary to burn a large amount of firewood at a time.

Installation Requirements

For efficient and safe operation of the wood burning boiler correct installation required.

1. Place of installation

Any wood-burning equipment is characterized by the consumption of quite a large number air, so small-capacity boilers are installed in common areas at home where supply and exhaust ventilation. If the boiler power is at least 50 kW, then it is necessary to equip a separate boiler room, where the usable volume of the room will be more than 8 cubic meters. Installation of units is carried out on a solid, even and fireproof base - tile, concrete, porcelain stoneware. There must also be non-combustible material on the walls of the boiler room. The boiler room is equipped with forced ventilation.

2. Chimney Requirements

For the manufacture of the chimney, stainless steel, ceramics or thick-walled metal pipes. The optimal choice is a stainless steel sandwich chimney, easily assembled from various elements, such as pipes fastened with clamps, roof passages, unloading platforms. When bending, bends are used at the required angle. It is possible to output the chimney not only through the roof, but also through the wall of the house. To create good draft, the height of the straight section of the chimney must be more than 6 meters, while the boiler power must be equal to 16 kW.

Wood boiler selection

First of all, it is necessary to calculate required power equipment, which is indicated in the passport for the unit and is measured in kilowatts. One kilowatt of power is needed to heat 10 square meters. For example, for heating a home with an area of ​​100 square meters, you should choose a wood-burning boiler with a capacity of 10 kW. Poorly insulated rooms need a power reserve of 20-30 percent.

When choosing equipment, it is worth looking not only at the rated power, but also at the entire operating range of the boiler - in autumn and spring time it is not advisable to use the unit at full capacity. If the boiler will also be used to produce hot water, then it is necessary to purchase an external boiler, as well as choose a boiler with an additional power reserve.

The choice of the boiler is influenced by its material. As a rule, they are made of steel or cast iron. Steel equipment is light in weight and simpler in comparison with cast iron units. Cleaning such a firebox is to remove the ash from the ash pan. The chimney of steel boilers is longer, as a result of which the coolant heats up more efficiently. Cast iron units have a shorter chimney, big square heat exchange is formed due to the ribbed surface on which combustion particles settle, therefore to clean these devices you need to use brushes, scrapers and pokers. However, the heat capacity of cast iron models is higher.

The use of modern technology makes it possible to separate everything wood boilers for the following types:

  • Pyrolysis - not only firewood is used to produce heat, but also the gas released during this.
  • Pellet - compressed granules are used as fuel, the raw materials for them are chips, sawdust, bark, etc. Also, agricultural waste can be used for the production of pellets.
  • Water heating unit

Popular models and their cost

The Logano G 211-26 D can be loaded various types solid fuels - coal, coke, wood, pellets. Such a model with a capacity of 32 kilowatts can be purchased for 70 thousand rubles, with a capacity of 15 kilowatts - 50 thousand rubles.

  • Zota Pellet

Models of this series not only heat, but are also used for hot water supply. They have a protection system. Indicator more than 85 percent efficiency. Equipped with electric ignition, automatic maintenance of the required temperature. The power of such a unit can reach 100 kilowatts. Weight ranges from 300 to 800 kilograms. The cost is 130-300 thousand rubles.

  • Domestic equipment KBp

Power - 15-40 kilowatts. For heating, firewood, briquettes, sawdust, the moisture content of which does not exceed 30 percent, can be used. This is a great option for a private home. Provided work within 12 hours. The price range is 50-65 thousand rubles.

  • "Geyser"

One bookmark is enough for 7-18 hours. Equipped with automatic traction control. The cost is 45-190 thousand rubles.

If a wood-fired boiler for heating a private house is a completely ordinary thing in a non-gasified locality, where residents have experience in acquiring solid fuel, then in the city such a device still causes some confusion and questions about what to throw into the furnace. Although there are a huge number of industries and enterprises that have wood as waste, which needs to be disposed of somehow and one of the most suitable ways- this is a wood-burning boiler, thanks to which it will be possible to get rid of wood and heat the room or water.

Anyone who decides to buy a wood-burning boiler for water heating should take into account that there is big variety design features such devices:

  • Body material:
    • Steel allows you to survive temperature changes; less susceptible to damage from mechanical influences (shocks); makes it possible to produce walls of smaller thickness, which leads to a decrease in the weight of the entire structure; makes the boiler repairable by welding.
    • Cast iron is more durable due to its high corrosion resistance; has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity (compared to other metals), which, together with thicker walls, reduces energy losses.
  • With a water circuit that allows heating water for household needs (double-circuit boiler).
  • The presence of automatic loading of firewood and (or) a thermostat allows you to partially automate the process of throwing logs into the furnace and increases the period between human interventions in the operating mode, and also allows you to keep the temperature in a more accurate range.
  • The presence of a lining is a function of combustion of furnace gases, which significantly saves fuel.
  • Forced air supply system (supercharging). Improves ventilation and combustion of firewood, but requires sealing of the combustion chamber.
  • External insulation reduces heat transfer to the furnace, increasing efficiency.
  • The presence of a water pump improves the quality of space heating, but its absence is compensated by installing a pump directly in the heating system, and also makes it possible to install a heating main with natural circulation of the coolant, which makes the boiler independent of the presence of electricity.

Depending on the presence or absence of the listed design features, the price of the device also changes. But in addition to a variety of devices, you can buy a wood-fired boiler in Moscow or St. Petersburg for heating a private house of different fundamental designs:

  1. Normal. It has two chambers: the upper one is for burning firewood, the lower one is for collecting ashes. The simplest design is the most cheap option. The biggest drawback is the short time interval between fuel loading (from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the quality of the firewood). You can increase it by using coal or automating the supply of logs.
  2. Long burning. The principle of operation is that firewood burns from top to bottom, and not vice versa, as in conventional ones. This method of combustion allows you to bookmark fuel every few days, and the burning time depends largely on the size of the chamber. The biggest disadvantages are: large dimensions and dependence on electrical energy supplying directional air.
  3. Pyrolysis or gas generating. The principle of their operation is that in one chamber, firewood is burned with a shortage of air (oxygen). In this case, gas is released, which is injected into another chamber, where it is completely burned. The main advantage of such devices is the minimum amount of soot and ash, as well as the burning time of one firewood bookmark (up to 10 - 12 hours). The main disadvantage is the complete dependence on electricity, which drives the air supply pump.

Wood-fired boilers are an excellent alternative and/or backup option for heating a building. But the main requirement of such devices is the presence of a separate furnace room, which has an individual exit.

Correspondence table of boiler power to the area of ​​​​the house

Here is an exemplary table of correspondence between the power of boilers in kW and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house in square meters for wood burning boilers.

Heating systems and equipment are quite expensive. Not every family can afford to purchase a new boiler for installation in the country. You will have to spend a significant amount on its purchase and subsequent installation. However, if you wish, you can always make a wood-fired boiler with your own hands, capable of heating the living area.

In my own way design homemade wood-burning boilers can be different. Heating efficiency and ease of operation depend on their device. Having decided to do everything with your own hands, you should first pay attention to the most simple design. Pyrolysis wood boilers require certain knowledge and skills. Although their efficiency is much higher.

ordinary boiler

First, let's look at how to make a simple wood-burning boiler with your own hands. The model consists of two cylinders placed inside each other. The first is used as a firebox. With a horizontal arrangement, it can be lined with refractory bricks from the inside.

The second acts as a convection carrier or is used to heat the coolant. Firewood is loaded directly into the firebox.

improvised materials

To reduce volume welding work you can use a thick-walled pipe or barrel. It is also possible to use other improvised materials.

A rectangular firebox welded from a thick sheet can be easily placed inside a cylindrical container.

Design features

The wood-fired boiler is provided with a blower for inflow fresh air and a chimney for exhaust gases. The blower is located at the bottom of the pipe and allows the bottom row of firewood to smolder, generating additional heat. Firewood is loaded into home-made boilers through the top. For this, a special hatch is being prepared.

In order for each pile of firewood to burn as long as possible, a special load is often provided, made in the form of a disk with blades and a hole having a diameter of 20 mm. When the load is pressed, the burning fuel is compressed. At the same time, the volume of incoming air is significantly reduced, since it can only pass through the existing opening.

Connection method

Such a boiler can be connected to the heating system in two ways:

  • ramming pipes with water directly into the barrel. Circulating between the pipes, it will heat up, so that when it enters the heating system, it heats the radiators;
  • cutting the chimney into the tank with the coolant. Exhaust hot gases will enter the tank, gradually heating the coolant.

pyrolysis boiler

The principle of operation of solid fuel pyrolysis boilers operating on wood is based on the destruction of wood under the action of high temperature at a low oxygen content. They are used for long-term heating of premises for various purposes.

Such a boiler consists of two chambers. The first is used to load fuel. The second one receives exhaust gases and secondary air for long-term combustion. Making such a unit with your own hands is more difficult than a regular one, but it is possible.

Main elements of the device

The wood fired boiler is made from metal barrel. Preferably with a capacity of 200 liters. The lid of the barrel is cut off and a side is welded to it. A round piston is made from a massive billet or any other weighting agent. Its diameter should be slightly smaller inner diameter barrels.

A hole is cut in the cover for installing an air pipe with a diameter of 100 mm. In height, the pipe must be at least 20 cm higher than the barrel. A chimney pipe is welded into the barrel from the side. It also uses rolled products with a diameter of 100 mm.

The air pipe is welded to the piston. At the upper end of the pipe, a damper is provided that regulates the amount of incoming air. Ribs are welded to the bottom of the piston, used to compact the fuel mass.

During the operation of the boiler, firewood is loaded directly into the furnace and ignited. A piston cap is installed on top. As the fuel burns, the piston will move down, building up pressure in the lower chamber. Due to this and the minimum amount of oxygen, the firewood will slowly smolder.

The gas released during pyrolysis will enter the upper chamber, the temperature in which can reach 900C. Through the chimney, the residues of combustion products are removed into the atmosphere.

Such home-made boilers, made according to all the rules, are able to work on one tab for more than a day due to long burning.

We prepare material and tools

When starting to make a wood-fired boiler with your own hands and trying to complete everything in the shortest possible time, you should take care of the availability of:

  • schemes of the future boiler;
  • steel pipes of various lengths, diameters (400, 500, 100 and 150 mm);
  • steel sheet at least 4 mm thick;
  • rolled products for the manufacture of legs;
  • two hundred liter barrel;
  • heat-resistant mixture used when laying stoves and fireplaces;
  • welding machine;
  • electrodes of a suitable brand and size. As a rule, electrodes with a diameter of 3–4 mm are used for welding;
  • Bulgarians.

Assembly process

The process of creating a boiler includes several stages. In the manufacture of each element, it is worth considering the special operating conditions of the manufactured product.

We cut off a segment from a thick-walled pipe with a diameter of 100 mm, the length of which will be equal to the height of the furnace. Weld a bolt to the bottom. From the steel sheet we cut out a circle of the same diameter as the pipe or larger. We drill a hole in the circle, sufficient for the passage of a bolt welded to the pipe. We connect the circle and the air pipe by screwing the nut onto the bolt.

As a result, we will get an air supply pipe, the lower part of which can be closed with a freely moving metal circle. During operation, this will allow you to regulate the intensity of burning firewood and, consequently, the temperature in the room.

Using a grinder and a metal disk, we make vertical cuts in the pipe with a thickness of approximately 10 mm. Through them, air will flow into the combustion chamber.

Housing (furnace)

The case requires a cylinder with a sealed bottom with a diameter of 400 mm and a length of 1000 mm. The dimensions may be different, depending on the available free space, but sufficient for laying firewood. You can use a ready-made barrel or weld the bottom to a steel thick-walled cylinder.

Sometimes heating boilers are made from gas cylinders for a longer service life.


In the upper part of the body we form a hole for the removal of gases. Its diameter must be at least 100 mm. We weld a pipe to the hole through which exhaust gases will be removed.

The length of the pipe is selected depending on the design considerations.

We connect the case and the air supply device

In the bottom of the case, we cut a hole with a diameter equal to the diameter of the air supply pipe. We insert the pipe into the body so that the blower goes beyond the bottom.

The air supply pipe should end a few centimeters before the start of the chimney.

From sheet metal 10 mm thick, cut out a circle, the size of which is slightly smaller than the diameter of the case. We weld to it a handle made of reinforcement or steel wire.

This will greatly simplify the subsequent operation of the boiler.

convection hood

We make a cylinder from sheet steel or cut off a piece of pipe, the diameter of which is several centimeters larger than the outer diameter of the furnace (body). You can use a pipe with a diameter of 500 mm. We connect together the convection casing and the firebox.

This can be done using metal jumpers welded to the inner surface of the casing and outer surface furnace, if the gap is large enough. With a smaller gap, you can weld the casing to the furnace around the entire perimeter.

From a steel sheet we cut out a circle of the same diameter as the firebox or a little more. We weld handles to it using electrodes, wire or other improvised means.

Considering that during the operation of the boiler, the handles can become very hot, it is worth providing special protection from a material with low thermal conductivity.


To ensure long burning, we weld the legs to the bottom. Their height must be sufficient to raise the wood-burning boiler at least 25 cm above the floor. To do this, you can use a different rental (channel, corner).

Congratulations, you have made a wood-burning boiler with your own hands. You can start heating your home. To do this, it is enough to load firewood and set it on fire by opening the lid and the heat-dissipating disk.

Despite the possibility of installing gas heat supply, wood heating is still relevant. It is made in the absence of gas pipelines and in the presence of cheap wood energy. But how on professional level organize wood burning? Description of boilers, diagrams and reviews will help solve this problem.

How to do wood heating

Modern wood heating country house significantly different from the old schemes. For this, large brick ovens. They performed the function of a heat exchanger - heating up, their surface transferred heat to the air in the room. However, they were replaced by modern wood-burning heating in the country with the installation of boilers, piping, radiators and batteries.

A feature is the ability to use several types of structures for burning firewood - stoves, fireplaces or boilers. It all depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, the possibility of placing heating devices and the budget of the entire event. In order to make wood-burning heating of a private house with your own hands, you will need to consider the following factors:

  • Required heat output of the system. Depends on the degree of thermal insulation of the house, its volume and climatic features of the region;
  • The need to organize a separate boiler room. It is important to know that a wood-burning boiler for heating a house must be installed in a separate room, which has special requirements;
  • Place for storing firewood. According to safety regulations, it is forbidden to store solid fuel in the same room as the boiler.

What is the best choice - a wood-burning heating boiler for a summer residence, a fireplace or a stove? It all depends on the parameters of the building and financial capabilities. The best option- do water heating, in which the boiler will perform the function of heating water. For more detailed analysis you should weigh all the pros and cons for each type of heater.

Additionally, with heating, you can make a hot water system at home. To do this, you need to install a double-circuit wood-burning heating boiler.

Wood heating schemes at home

The key point in the design of wood heating is the choice of scheme. It depends on it - whether a wood-burning heating boiler will be installed with your own hands or whether a stove or a fireplace will perform its functions. To determine the optimal option, it is necessary to take into account all possible factors.

First of all, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building and the number of rooms are taken into account. Most often, wood-burning heating stoves for summer cottages are installed if there are a maximum of two rooms. In this case, it is not necessary to make a water heating system.

Consider the main factors influencing the choice of type of heating:

  • Water. It consists of a boiler (stove, fireplace) connected to the pipeline. Heat energy is transferred through installed radiators. The best option for a house with an area of ​​80 m²;
  • oven. Wood burning stoves are used to heat the air in the room. They are characterized by low efficiency, small heating area. However, their arrangement requires the least effort. The exception is the structures fireclay bricks. This type is used to heat houses with an area of ​​​​less than 60 m²;
  • Fireplace. Analogue to furnace heat supply. The difference will be pumped in the size of the combustion chamber - it is much larger near the fireplace. In addition, the boiler sometimes implies the presence of a hob in the design.

As you can see, the choice of option directly depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. It should be borne in mind that the wood heating scheme can be upgraded. It is enough to install a heat exchanger in the furnace to make it possible to make a full-fledged water heat supply.

But the most common option is to install a wood-burning boiler for home heating. It is much more practical and easier to operate than a fireplace or stove.

For the normal operation of wood-burning heating of a country house, it is necessary to think over the chimney system in advance. taken into account optimum diameter pipes and their height.

Overview of solid fuel boilers

The defining component for water wood heat supply is the boiler. It is from its characteristics that the parameters of all wood-burning heating in a country house or house will largely depend.

Before compiling heating scheme it is necessary to determine the operational and design characteristics boiler:

  1. Construction type– classic or long burning. The cost of the latter is 50-60% more, but at the same time fuel consumption is significantly reduced, and the level of autonomy in work also increases.
  2. Rated power. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the heat losses in the house, which should be compensated by wood heating for the dacha.
  3. Design features- thickness of the metal, its composition, shape and volume of the heat exchanger.

An important factor is the cost of heating equipment. That is why, in frequent cases, home-made wood-burning heating boilers are made, adapted for a particular system.

To build a full-fledged wood-burning heating stove for a summer residence, you will need to fill in a separate foundation that is not connected with the main one. This applies only to cases where the mass of the future structure exceeds 600 kg.

Classic wood boilers

Often, reviews of a wood-burning heating boiler indicate their low efficiency in operation. Often this is due to the wrong choice of model and non-compliance with the rules of installation and operation. This is especially true for classic wood-fired heating boilers for summer cottages.

The principle of its operation is based on the transfer of thermal energy from burning wood to water in a heat exchanger. To do this, the following elements are provided in the design:

  • Firebox. Firewood is laid in it for further combustion. Its volume determines the power of a do-it-yourself wood-burning heating boiler. The same applies to factory models;
  • Ash pan. Performs two functions. The most important of these is the supply of air to support the combustion process. It is she who creates the thrust necessary for the normal operation of a home-made wood-burning heating boiler. The second task is to collect the ashes. Otherwise, it will clog the capacity of the furnace;
  • Chimney. It is necessary for the removal of carbon monoxide, with its help air draft is formed. It is important to choose the right diameter of the chimney, because without this, the efficiency and efficiency of the wood-burning heating of a private house will decrease;
  • heat exchanger. In classic models, it is an area located between the inner and outer casing of the boiler. It is filled with water from the system. To connect to the heat supply of the house, branch pipes are provided in the design.

The main problem in heating a private house with a wood-burning boiler is the inability to influence the power of the equipment. To do this, you can only limit the flow of air through the ash pan, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen surrounded. At the same time, the level of combustion of firewood will affect the power to a greater extent.
Before purchasing a boiler, you need to find out the maximum length of firewood that can be loaded into the combustion chamber.

Long burning wood boilers

An alternative to classic boilers are pyrolysis models. They also have the name of long-burning boilers. Their principle of operation differs from those described above and is based on the release of a mass of heat not from the combustion of firewood, but from the gas formed during their smoldering.

There is no ash pan in the design. Its function is performed by a special air channel, which in most cases has a fan. After loading firewood into the primary chamber, they are ignited. Due to the low oxygen content in this area, the firewood does not burn, but smolders, resulting in the formation of wood gas. It moves to the afterburning zone, where it ignites. In the same part of the double-circuit wood-burning heating boiler, there is a heat exchanger.

How do wood-burning stoves for a house with water heating differ from the design described above? The main advantage is long time fuel combustion. In factory models, one load is enough for 4-6 hours of boiler operation. In addition to this, the following advantages can be distinguished:

  • Possibility of power regulation. In wood-burning stoves, this happens by opening (closing) the ash pan door. In pyrolysis models, the degree of water heating is controlled by the air supply rate;
  • Implementation of low-temperature heating operation. The level of water heating in classic models can reach +95°C. This mode is currently considered ineffective. With normal thermal insulation of the house optimal mode should be 65/50. This will reduce energy consumption;
  • Practical complete fuel burnup. Unlike wood-burning stoves for a house with water heating, the intensity of chimney pollution in pyrolysis boilers is much lower.

The main disadvantage of long-burning boilers is the high cost. However, if operating costs are calculated, fuel consumption is economic efficiency their mounting will be explicit.

For the normal operation of wood-burning heat supply of a country house with pyrolysis boilers, a complete set is required automatic regulator fan speed. It can be connected to external temperature sensors.

Rules for organizing a boiler room for wood-burning heat supply

The professional organization of wood-burning heating of a private house independently implies the arrangement of a boiler room. This should be a separate room in which the boiler and the means of regulating its operation are located.

If wood-fired heat supply to the cottage is done according to the gravity scheme, the boiler should be located at the lowest point in the system. There are no such requirements for forced heat supply. You should also prepare the room in which it will be mounted heating equipment. It must meet the following requirements:

  • Ceiling height - at least 2.5 m;
  • Usable area - from 6 m². At the same time, its minimum volume should be 15 m³;
  • Forced ventilation. The air exchange rate is three times the volume during the operation of a wood-burning boiler for heating the house;
  • Chimney parameters. Minimum Height– 4 m. The diameter depends on the connected boiler pipe, but not less than 100 mm;
  • For preventive and repair work it is necessary to provide free access to all sides of the wood-burning heating boiler for a summer residence;
  • Lighting should be combined - natural and artificial.

An important point is to ensure fire safety. For this, it is necessary to use only non-combustible materials for finishing the room. If electric elements are used in heating a private house with a wood-burning boiler, a power line should be provided. Installation of the ground loop is carried out only at the request of the manufacturer.

One of the problems in the operation of a wood heating stove is the likelihood of back draft. To minimize this effect, it is recommended to install a special design on the chimney.

Making a wood-burning boiler with your own hands

Is it difficult to make a wood-burning boiler for the house with your own hands? The main condition for this design is the thickness and grade of steel used. In factory models, the outer case is made of heat-resistant steel with a thickness of 1.5 mm. For a heat exchanger, these parameters should be greater - from 2 mm.

The best option is to create a welded structure, which will be similar in shape to factory models. However, if we calculate the labor intensity of work and the cost of materials, the difference between purchase and self-manufacturing will be low. Therefore, as an alternative wood stoves for a house with water heating, simple steel barrels are often used. The main condition is the thickness of their wall - from 1.5 mm.

For manufacturing, a capacity of about 200 liters is required. It is cut lengthwise and a partition is installed inside. Its length should be less than the length of the barrel. This is necessary for the installation of grates.

Then holes are cut on the front side for mounting doors. They should be selected in advance so as not to be mistaken with the sizes. To remove carbon monoxide, a chimney is cut into the back of the structure. Its diameter can be from 50 to 100mm.

However, judging by the reviews of such a wood-burning heating boiler, the following disadvantages can be noted:

  • Low efficiency;
  • Heating of the body, which can cause burns when touched;
  • Short service life.

Similar designs are used for heating small utility rooms - a garage, a warehouse, etc. For the home, it is best to purchase a factory-made quality model. She will fit modern schemes wood heating.

Before making a homemade wood-burning boiler for a heating system, it is necessary to calculate optimal dimensions furnaces.
