The dimensions of the kitchen in a one-room apartment. Tips for choosing the design of a one-room apartment

The first thing you need to do is separate the kitchen from the rest of the room. So it will be easier for you to distribute the remaining space, and the room will look neater.

How can I do that?

1. Plasterboard partition. The main advantage of this method is the minimum space occupied. In addition, their price is low.

The design looks beautiful, which descends from the ceiling and expands noticeably downwards. It can be supplemented with lighting or built into it small shelves for small items- so it will become a functional part of the interior.

The method is simple, but, in our opinion, lacks practicality - in small studio kitchens, every square decimeter is worth the price.

2.Better used as a room divider shelf structure. For example, a stylish closet at half the height of the wall will look good.

It will not only protect the room from the kitchen, but also serve as a storage for kitchen utensils, eliminating the need to install additional containers.

3. Another way - set up a bar. The solution is not quite familiar to our apartments, but stylish and comfortable. The cover of the rack can serve as an additional work surface, and hidden compartments for storing dishes and products are often mounted at its base. long term storage.

If you want to achieve the effect of a single room without partitions, separate the kitchen area from the rest of the room using stretch ceiling level transitions or the color of the floor.

Note: This method is more suitable for fairly spacious studio apartments, so analyze if you have enough space. Otherwise, the room may visually decrease.

The right choice of color palette, as well as the design thought out to the smallest detail, will help you visually enlarge your small studio room with a kitchen.

How can I do that? Remember a few rules:

  • Avoid using too bright colors on large surfaces: walls, ceiling, floor. Of course, if you are crazy about bright red or orange, then focus on the decor of these colors.
  • Old, but "reinforced concrete" rule: do not use dark tones - they make the room smaller.
  • Additional lighting adds space. The desired effects can be achieved by setting the light glossy ceiling with spotlights around the perimeter. Gloss will increase artificial lighting, which will undoubtedly add extra volume to the room.
  • vertical stripes make the room higher, and horizontal narrower. Therefore, choose the appropriate wallpaper, depending on your needs. It is better to choose a pattern in a thin strip of contrasting colors - this will give additional volume.
  • Try to do without drawings and prints. They also visually reduce the space. However, a small neat drawing on the ceiling or wall between the headset can look beautiful, neat and harmonious.

A bold technique - mirrors on the ceiling (you can read more about this in a separate article). Remember that such a decision requires careful attention to detail and compliance with perfect order in the kitchen.

An important nuance: The design of the kitchen should be in harmony with common style apartments. It doesn’t matter if your studio apartment is redesigned from Khrushchev, or it’s a new building - this recommendation will help you create a beautiful interior.

We select the perfect furniture

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of kitchen set. It not only acts as the main workspace, but is also a full-fledged part of the interior, largely influencing the style of the room.

Points to consider: In a studio apartment kitchen set will be visible from the recreation area. Therefore, you need to choose it so that it is combined with its design. If the living room is made in classical style, it is better to avoid high-tech elements.

Direct option for a small kitchen is not suitable- it requires a fairly long wall.

Better install L-shaped headset with the maximum number of shelves, compartments and other storage spaces. So you can effectively use usable area premises. Believe me, there is never a lot of space in the kitchen.

Try to optimize space: create special compartments for different types utensils, food storage and so on. You may have to make the headset to order, but the result is worth it.

Regarding the choice of color kitchen furniture, Then there is no need to be afraid of bright colors. On the contrary, they can divert attention from interior elements that constrain the space.

For example, order a stylish set with facades of such rich colors like light green, orange or blue. It will look especially good with pastel decoration of the walls and ceiling of the room.

An important nuance: The smaller the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the more carefully you need to follow the order - any negligence will be evident. Read our recommendations for simple cleaning methods in a separate article.

Choosing a comfortable table

It is very difficult to do without a dining table. What are the options?

For example:

  • you can put small table in the room. Its size depends on the number of family members, as well as the place you have allocated for it.
  • Use the bar counter in this role. This is a modern, but more youth move. Behind her it is convenient to have a snack, arrange gatherings, etc. Do not forget that you will also have to buy high bar stools.

If for some reason these options do not appeal to you, here are some worthy alternatives:

  • you are lucky and in the apartment wide window sills? Convert them to dinner table hic! So you do not need to allocate a separate place for it, and all the horizontal planes in the kitchen will be fully involved - agree, a rational solution for small rooms?
  • If you decide to abandon the clear zoning of the room, use a folding table. A beautifully designed decorative panel on the wall can turn into a comfortable table for several people with the help of a lever. When not needed, it again becomes an element of the interior (you read more about such tables).
  • By the way, the table can also act as a zoning partition. But in this case, you run the risk of constantly removing various things from it, as there will be a temptation to use it as an additional shelf.
  • If the kitchen is small and the room is spacious, it is better to move the dining area into it. You can highlight it with a rise, the color of the floor and ceiling ... A small round or square table, two or three chairs - and you are the owner of a real dining room in miniature.

In any case, you will have to refuse massive furniture with a lot of decor - visually it looks larger than it really is. It is better to opt for simple models with a concise design.

Choosing the Right Appliances

You can't do without modern household appliances in the kitchen, even the smallest one.

First of all, think about what you really need:

  • If you used the oven once every six months, perhaps it is better to abandon it and purchase a hob?
  • And do you need a food processor that comes out every six months?
  • Maybe a compact blender will completely replace it?

A small room is already practically devoid of space, and therefore you should not litter it with unnecessary equipment.

Nuance: About dishes. If you live alone or as a couple, do you need three dozen plates? Get rid of the excess and you yourself will not notice how much more space will become.

Analyze what you need and only then start planning the space.

Built-in appliances - it's your everything! Firstly, the kitchen will look monolithic and stylish. Secondly, the absence of protrusions makes the space visually wider and more comfortable. True, this idea will cost a lot, but you will be satisfied with the final picture.

The best solution would be devices that combine several functions. How about a microwave with grill and coffee maker? It will take place not much more than the usual model, and its functionality is much wider.

Lighting features

When designing studio kitchen lighting, you should follow a few recommendations:

  • The more light in the room, the more spacious it seems.
  • If you want to visually make the room taller, use backlighting. LED strips along the perimeter.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with side lighting: an illuminated range hood or kitchen cabinet shelves are not only comfortable, but also add a sense of spaciousness.
  • It is better to choose lamps of a cold color segment - it also plays in favor of increasing space.
  • Refuse massive figured chandeliers with an abundance of decorative elements - spotlights and modern high-tech lamps look better in small kitchens.

Please note that lighting in the kitchen should be in harmony with those in the room.

As you can see, the design of a small kitchen in a studio apartment is not like that. difficult problem as it might seem at first glance. It is enough just to learn how to work with space and you will decorate your apartment beautifully, functionally and comfortably.

One-room apartments at one time solved many problems that concerned the rapid resettlement of citizens from communal apartments. A lot of time has passed since then, and these little ones, still used today, no longer meet the standards of modern comfortable living.

But they are present in the housing stock, and, by the way, they occupy a fairly large percentage. There are many questions about the convenience of living for them, and one of them is the kitchen in one-room apartment, which will be discussed.

So, there is only one living room. And she is everything: bedroom, living room, study and nursery. There is one more room, which is not residential, but is often used as such. The conversation turned to the kitchen.

The attitude of our compatriots to the kitchen is "warm", "cordial". We are all used to considering this room something very close. And here the point is not that food is prepared and received in the kitchen.


  • News are discussed;
  • Decisions are made on some problems;
  • Moral teachings are given to children;
  • The children themselves very often prepare their lessons here;
  • We even watch TV here sometimes;
  • We meet guests;
  • We read newspapers and books;
  • We just talk about different topics.

That is why, starting a kitchen renovation in a one-room apartment, we develop a whole project, taking into account all the achievements of professional designers.

Everything is taken into account:

  • and styling premises in general;
  • and fitting furniture to the area and the overall interior design;
  • and a selection of household appliances;
  • and space illumination solution.

There are no trifles in this business if you really want to create coziness and comfort, without forgetting, of course, about functionality.

Arrangement of furniture and appliances

You will have to lay the correct arrangement of furniture. It may seem to many that this criterion does not greatly affect indoor comfort.
And this is a big mistake. The thing is that the main purpose of the kitchen is the preparation of dishes.

This means that comfort should be directed not only towards eating, but most likely towards its preparation. Therefore, convenience for the one who will cook should be directed in the first place.

There is a certain area that is considered to be working. And it is in this zone that it is necessary to correctly place only three objects: a hob and a refrigerator.

What are the options here.

  1. Set everything in one line(photo above) - an option that is convenient and functional. But it can only be installed in one-room apartments with a large kitchen.
  2. corner arrangement. And here you have to solve one problem - where to install a refrigerator or sink. There are many options, for example, a stove by the window, a sink in the corner near the next wall, a refrigerator is installed at the entrance.
    It turns out a kind of triangle, which is considered the optimal arrangement of furniture and appliances. There is an option with the location of the sink near the windowsill, then the stove is installed in the center of the wall, and the refrigerator is installed on the opposite wall, opposite the stove. Everything is the same, but the refrigerator is placed in line with the hob.
  3. Island variant. It is clear here without words, such placement can be applied if the kitchen has sufficiently large overall dimensions.
    On the island, you can place a stove and a sink, and a refrigerator can stand against any wall.

The optimal distance between the corners of this triangle should not be more than one and a half meters. But this is only the wishes of the designers.

United space

Increasingly, customers are asking designers to combine a room and a kitchen. There is nothing difficult in this.

The benefits of such a combination are many.

  • Firstly, a completely new volume is obtained, which can be given a unique and comfortable look. Studio apartments - this is what the combined premises are called today.
  • Secondly, the living space is increasing, which is important for small apartments.
  • Thirdly, there is the possibility of purely human contact, when a member of seven in the kitchen does not drop out of a general conversation or simple communication.
  • Fourthly, there is a great opportunity to beat the whole apartment in various style directions. You choose the design yourself, experts adjust the rest of the elements to it (see also).

It should be noted that this is a fairly large number of advantages. But it is necessary to say about the shortcomings of the united space. And the main one is the smell that is released during cooking and spreads throughout the apartment, soaking into furniture, clothes and other things.

The decision to ventilate the room more often will not be a 100% guarantee. Let's add here the fact that the studio apartment will have to be cleaned, cleaned and washed more often and thoroughly.

Furniture for the kitchen in a one-room apartment

In principle, kitchens in a one-room apartment (meaning a set) are selected according to the principle - convenient, beautiful, comfortable or not. There are simply no other criteria. If the kitchen room is large enough, then the options can be said to be unlimited.

Can install ready-made kits, and you can make a kitchen set to order.

The price of one or the other will depend on the number of furniture elements and the quality of the materials used. In such a kitchen, you can install a soft corner or a straight sofa, a large dining table, even a bar counter here will look out of place. And if the space is united, then the boundaries of the use of furniture elements are greatly expanded.

Furniture in a small kitchen

In the kitchen in a one-room apartment with small overall dimensions, you obviously can’t clear up. But even here you can pick up something original and functional. For example, a folding table and chairs, today the table that extends from the kitchen is very popular.

You can install a corner, but it takes up a lot of space, however, its drawers, which are located under the seats, can be used as storage space kitchen utensils. Manufacturers offer special podiums for refrigerators. These are original low curbstones with a sliding big and capacious drawer. But the most best option for a small kitchen wall cabinets the more of them, the better for the hostess.

Conclusion on the topic

As you can see, to take into account all the nuances kitchen space in a one-room apartment, you need to pay attention to a large number of different circumstances. And if you decide to do everything yourself, without resorting to the help of professional designers, then you will have to learn a lot in terms of the design approach. Therefore, we have prepared a video for you that will help you understand all the intricacies. Let this be your guide to action.

A one-room apartment has a limited area, so its repair requires a special approach. A small space should be used as wisely as possible. From this article you will learn how to design a one-room apartment. The distribution of space into zones, interior design methods, as well as the choice of furniture and other items - all this requires individual approach in a limited area.

Design project of a one-room apartment: how to expand the space

Every designer knows that the repair of a small apartment must begin with the definition of functional areas. The project must take into account the size of the room and correctly combine the individual segments. One of options in such a case is the union kitchen area with living room. This will require redevelopment, which includes the demolition of walls and a change in the location of communications.

The project of a one-room apartment is compiled individually, taking into account the characteristics of a particular dwelling. Each zone performs a specific function. For example, a segment for sleep or workplace. Before starting repairs, it is also recommended to inquire about whether it is possible to attach a loggia as additional meters.

Helpful information! Khrushchev has a storage room, which, if necessary, can be converted into a built-in wardrobe. This will lighten the interior and at the same time solve the problem of storing the wardrobe.

However, it is not always possible to add additional space or re-equip it. In such situations, you have to use another method, namely: visual extension space. There are several common techniques that will achieve this.

The simplest and most common option is to paint the walls, ceiling and floor in light colors. This solution allows you to visually expand the room, but it requires the right combination of colors. If all surfaces are painted in the same shade, then the room will seem shapeless. Consider the right combination colors, which is used in the design of a small one-room apartment:

  • the ceiling is the lightest;

  • walls - darker (by 1-2 tones);
  • the floor is the darkest.

Another way to move the boundaries of a small room is to use glossy, glass and mirror surfaces in the interior. As for furniture, it is best to use practical and most functional fixtures.

Also, designers strongly recommend reducing the number of decorative elements in the floor area. is the most suitable style for interior design of a one-room apartment. Photos of dwellings made in a similar concept will help you evaluate its advantages.

Lighting is also an important point. With the help of electric lighting, you can zoning an apartment, highlight a separate segment, etc. To divide a small dwelling into sections, others are also used. design tricks: flooring, furniture or podium.

Design of a 1-room apartment: how to choose the right colors

When choosing an interior for a small-sized dwelling, it is necessary to pay Special attention color range. In conditions of limited space, it plays a paramount role, as it allows you to make the room more free. Each of the colors has its own effect. Their correct combination will bring harmony and comfort, as well as help to divide the apartment into functional areas or place accents.

Designing a one-room apartment is not an easy task. The combination of certain colors affects not only the general appearance of the apartment, but also affects the mood of the residents. For example, to achieve a relaxing effect, shades of green should be present in the interior of an apartment. Brown and blue have the same effect.

Related article:

Advantages and disadvantages of combining premises. Features of zoning rooms. Studio design options in modern styles.

Walls painted in yellow tint, have a positive effect on nervous system person. Red color is recommended to be used carefully, as it contributes to the moral fatigue of the residents. Experts recommend studying photos of one-room apartments after repair. This will allow you to quickly determine the color scheme.

Note! Shades of pink also contribute to the relaxation of the household. However, this color can cause aggression, so it is not recommended to overdo it.

Designers do not advise making the apartment too light or, conversely, dark. Ideal colors for decorating a one-room dwelling in modern style- natural (beige, blue, etc.).

How to equip a one-room apartment: choice of furniture

The next step is to choose the right furniture. It is able to emphasize the colors of work surfaces. Moreover, not only the color of the furniture is important, but also its design, as well as the location. The limited area does not allow the use of bulky wardrobes and beds in a one-room apartment. In this case, the way out of the situation is to use compact, built-in furniture. It is smaller and foldable, making it more versatile than standard designs.

Folding furniture allows you to answer the question of how to furnish a one-room apartment. Modern market offers a variety of designs that differ in their functionality. Folding sofa can be transformed into a place to sleep, and also used in daytime for watching TV, relaxing, etc.

Any folding furniture most often provides additional niches in which you can store bed linen or things. In addition, designers recommend considering the option of installing a wardrobe into which a pull-out bed is integrated. In a one-room apartment, this idea saves a lot of space.

In a small hallway near the door is the so-called "dead" space. Within its limits it is impossible to have furniture that will clutter up the passage. However, to save the usable area of ​​​​the rooms, it is recommended to equip a small wardrobe on the side of the door.

There are other techniques that allow you to rationally determine the situation of a one-room apartment. For example, if you rarely eat at home, but prefer to eat in a cafe or restaurant, then you can buy a small one. This will free up a significant area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe area and use the structure if necessary.

Helpful information! For odnushki it is also not recommended to buy a desktop computer. It is better to purchase a compact laptop that does not need a separate desk.

Regular shelves are great for storing books, notebooks, and other items. They are fixed on the walls. Other surfaces (for example, a window sill) can be used as a shelf.

One-room designapartments: lighting and window decoration

As mentioned above, the correct location of the lamps allows you to visually increase the space of a small-sized dwelling. To make the room seem more spacious, you need a lot of light. In addition, devices can also perform an auxiliary function - to divide the room into segments.

Modern design projects of 1-room apartments are increasingly indenting from the traditional ceiling light. This is due to the fact that appliances located on the ceiling often act at the expense of comfort, and also look rather mediocre in the interior. Each functional segment of the apartment should be equipped with several devices for lighting. Moreover, as an addition to the classic chandelier, it is recommended to install a floor lamp on the floor. In the area that is intended for sleeping, you can hang a sconce on the wall.

Complex Neon lights, which is integrated into the ceiling or plasterboard boxes. It can be a soft light that gives the room a cosiness, or a brighter one. The second option is used to highlight one of the functional areas of the apartment.

In the decor of a one-room apartment there should not be bulky structures. This rule also applies to devices that are used for lighting. Designers categorically do not advise giving preference to overall chandeliers that reduce the height of the room.

As for the curtains for the windows, then for the odnushka the best choice there will be a simple, one-color fabric. In this case, it is recommended to avoid intricate patterns. And also you should not choose curtains equipped with additional elements(for example, brushes). Another option that allows you to correctly design a window opening is tulle.

One-room apartment design: use of sliding doors

When drawing up a design project for a small-sized odnushka, it is advisable to abandon standard doors. This is due to the fact that they take up quite a lot of usable space against the wall (when open). In this case, the solution is to install sliding doors.

The sliding structure that closes the doorway looks stylish and modern in the interior of a single room. Moreover, such doors can be mounted not only in the usual places, but also, for example, at the entrance to the bathroom. In this case, additional space is freed up, which can be used for a washing machine.

Note! For the living room, the best option would be to install guide beams. They securely hold the sashes and contribute to their smooth movement.

The choice made in favor of a sliding structure contributes to an increase in the functionality of the dwelling as a whole. The design of the sashes may be different. They can be made entirely of wood or include glass elements. The modern sliding door market offers many models, which contributes to the expansion of their operational scope.

Podium in the interior of a one-room apartment

A podium is a structure that rises above the floor, which is one of the most effective ways to delimit functional areas in a one-room dwelling. Most often, this solution is used in studio apartments. The podium can have one level or several. This design is used to save the usable area of ​​​​the apartment. For example, in the podium, you can place boxes for storing clothes or utensils. However, designers are advised to mount this structure only if the ceilings in the apartment are of sufficient height.

There are many ideas for a studio apartment that relate to the shape and size of the podium. In any case, such a design should fit into the interior of the home as much as possible. When installing it, you need to remember one important rule: the elevation should not interfere with moving around the apartment. Thus, it is necessary to abandon the installation of the podium at the passage points or in the center of the room.

The material for the manufacture of this platform may be different. The most durable is the podium made of concrete. But such a design can harm the floors due to its large weight. Therefore, it is recommended to mount it only on the first floor. The same applies to the overall podium, which is based on a wooden frame.

The use of the platform requires an appropriate finish for it. One-room apartment with an elevation, which is lined with wood or tiles looks presentable and modern. If desired, a pull-out bed can be placed inside the podium. In this case, you need to pre-select a place for the platform. The podium should also be soundproofed to remove booming sounds when walking on it.

Kitchen design in a one-room apartment: recommendations for arrangement

In standard one-room apartments, the kitchen area does not exceed 6.5 square meters. m. This size of space significantly reduces the options for its arrangement. However, the kitchen should include all household appliances, as well as a set for storing dishes and other utensils. To the above, it is worth adding furniture for dining area.

Designing a kitchen in a one-room apartment is not an easy task. Quite often, designers resort to non-standard solutions. For example, an elongated countertop or even a window sill can be used as a place for meals.

Note! Furniture for the kitchen is recommended to be made to order.

A small space must be used to the maximum. The efficiency of the kitchen depends on rational distribution usable area. Most of it goes to kitchen furniture and storage devices, as well as food preparation. However, even in such small room you can find a free, unused place. A niche in the gas column area or the space under the windowsill - all this can be used to equip small cabinets or shelves.

The individual features of the kitchen largely determine its future design. Before repair, you can find finished design project apartments. In this case, most often there are problems with the arrangement of the kitchen. Therefore, it is best to independently design this room or use the services of qualified specialists.

The location of the kitchen set may be different. For narrow rooms it is best to choose a parallel layout. In this case, as a rule, there is no room for organizing a dining area.

Often the kitchen is part of the common room. In such a situation, a headset in the form of the letter "G" is most often used. If there is enough space for mounting kitchen furniture, then it is recommended to think about lengthening the countertop or installing a bar counter. But still, preference should be given to the linear arrangement of furniture and household appliances.

Thus, the layout of the kitchen in a one-room apartment is made. Photos of finished construction projects will help determine the choice of design. Concerning color solution, then a small kitchen is best done in light colors with contrasting accents.

Design of a bathroom and toilet in a one-room apartment

The project to be followed installation work, should include all rooms, including a bathroom with a toilet. The best option for a small one-room apartment is a combined bathroom. This solution allows you to achieve maximum functionality.

The renovation design of a one-room apartment, which includes a combined bathroom, most often involves the installation of compact plumbing. Experts recommend not using too many details in the interior of the room. The bathroom, decorated in a minimalist style, looks modern and more spacious.

When it comes to saving space, there are several popular ways. For example, a standard bath can be replaced corner design, made in the form of a drop. The usable area of ​​the room can also be saved by installing a compact shower cabin. Before drawing up a project for a combined bathroom, it is advisable to study the photo of one-room apartments with repairs.

Helpful information! To visually enlarge the room, designers advise using a large mirror.

Today, there are many small shells. And the toilet bowl can be hidden in the wall, which will free up additional space for other purposes. If there is no possibility of placing a washing machine in the bathroom, then it is best to install it in the kitchen.

Studio apartment design

Odnushki repair, taking into account the combination of the kitchen with the main room, is a common solution. The popularity of studio apartments around the world is explained by the fact that such a move allows you to achieve maximum functionality from the room. A dwelling with such a layout is suitable for 1-2 people.

When choosing a design for a one-room studio apartment, you need to focus on several important rules. First of all, you need to correctly distribute the available space into zones. The main area, of course, will be occupied by a place for rest and work. Moreover, the kitchen segment should be highlighted with flooring or lighting. Furniture also allows you to delimit functional areas in common room.

In turn, the segment for sleeping and relaxing can be distinguished using a regular carpet. For the kitchen area, experts recommend choosing LED lightening. The remaining area will be covered by a chandelier. As for the separation of zones for sleep and work, there are two main options for this. The first of them takes into account the design of the room in the form of a living room. In this case, a place to sleep will serve as folding sofa. The main advantage of this method lies in the most expedient use of the area of ​​​​the room.

Another common studio apartment project is the location of a full bed in a common room. The bed is more comfortable for sleeping, but takes up more space than the sofa. And you will also need to use the necessary upholstered furniture. In this case, the division into zones is carried out mainly with the help of furniture.

Thus, an open-plan dwelling is great solution for people living alone or couples without children. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the photos in one-room apartments, which combine recreation, sleep, work and cooking areas. This will allow you to visually evaluate the advantages of certain design solutions.

Design of a one-room apartment of 35 sq. m: photos and recommendations

When creating the design of a one-room apartment with an area of ​​35 sq. m it is necessary to take into account absolutely all the nuances. It is quite difficult to place in such a small space all the necessary pieces of furniture, as well as appliances, and at the same time maintain stylistic harmony.

A dwelling that has such a footage is best re-planned into a studio. Thus, it will turn out to win the maximum free space. As mentioned above, the further preparation of the design project takes into account the division of the common room into separate zones.

Note! In that case, the most rational decision will create the design of a one-room apartment of 35 sq. m in the style of minimalism. This option is the most modern and takes into account a small amount of detail in the interior. For a studio apartment with an area of ​​​​about 35 square meters. m, you can choose a different style (for example, loft or avant-garde).

If desired, you can add part of the corridor space to the living room and, thus, increase its area. Furniture for the main room is recommended to choose compact and functional. When buying it, the number of people living in the apartment, as well as their needs, is also taken into account.

Another option for adding additional space is an insulated loggia. In this case, you can completely remove the partition that separates it from the room, or re-plan it into a comfortable bar counter. In any case, there are many design options. One-room apartment 36 sq. m requires a special approach.

Consider a few common options that will increase the space of the apartment through decoration. redevelopment doorways in the arches allows you to visually expand the apartment. The same applies to the organization of rounded partition walls separating separate zones. In addition, this solution looks stylish and modern. Designers also recommend combining different lighting options in the room. Separate zones can be distinguished using wallpaper, textured tiles or patterns. When choosing a room design in a one-room apartment, you should not be afraid original ideas.

For a kitchen located separately, it is necessary to choose compact universal appliances. The best option in this case would be to order appliances built into the kitchen set, made according to an individual drawing. The cost of integrated appliances may be higher than conventional ones, but they are more presentable and look more modern.

Before proceeding with the drafting of the project, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the photo of one-room apartments. Interior design can be very different, however general rules still worth sticking with. Experts advise decorating an apartment in bright colors, which contributes to the visual expansion of the rooms, and also makes the home more comfortable.

Stylistic design of a one-room apartment: photo

In addition to minimalism, there are other styles, the use of which will allow you to competently design the interior of a 1-room apartment. As a rule, these include interior options characterized by simplicity and clarity of lines. Consider them:

  • high tech;
  • Japanese;

  • Scandinavian;
  • loft;
  • vanguard.

All of the above styles have one thing in common - conciseness. To furnish an apartment, you must use compact furniture. Furniture colors can be any, but designers advise using light-colored designs. This does not mean that the placement of dark interior elements is completely excluded, but they should not prevail over brighter ones.

Helpful information! Loft style is suitable for more spacious odnushek(40-45 sqm). Moreover, the apartment should be re-planned into a studio.

In the interior for one-room apartments, every detail is important. Looks stylish use decorative tiles on the walls. And one of them can be done in dark color. For example, the wall that includes a window opening.

When choosing the design of a small one-room apartment, you must also carefully consider the choice of flooring. It can be laminate or tile. Experts advise using wide boards or large tiles. You can lay a carpet on the floor that will help.

During the renovation of a one-room apartment, it is best to think about its redevelopment. In this case, you can win the maximum number of free meters.

Tips for repairing a one-room apartment: photo

Consider a few useful tips, which allow you to create a competent design inside a one-room dwelling. First of all, you should remember that the interior is best designed in a light, “airy” style. For this, it is necessary to use such elements as: partitions made of translucent fabric of light shades, mirrors, gloss and elongated decorative elements (vases, floor lamps, etc.).

Emphasis must be placed correctly. If desired, one of the walls or the floor can be made in dark color. For the ceiling, it is recommended to select only light colors. The use of small panels and paintings made in a contrasting color is encouraged. These recommendations will help you to correctly design a 1-room apartment. Photos of projects, as well as dwellings after repair, can be found on the Internet.

If your apartment has high enough ceilings, then you can place the bed above the floor. This rather non-standard move will significantly save usable space, since you can install a wardrobe in the base for the bed. However, in this case, it must be remembered that the structure must have high strength.

Windows can be closed not only with ordinary curtains. For these purposes, suitable and blinds. In this case, you get extra space in the room. You can put books on the windowsill or use it for traditional, decorative purposes by placing flower pots on it.

Don't forget to install your TV too. Certainly the most suitable option for odnushki are devices with liquid crystal and semiconductor (LED) monitors. It is recommended to mount such a device on swivel brackets. Acoustic elements can be placed on the sides or near the ceiling.

The hallway is best decorated in light colors, as there is too little space that requires visual expansion. In addition, you can install a full-length mirror in the corridor, which will also play into your hands.

Separately, it should be said about apartments with a niche. Its presence has several advantages that must be rationally used during repairs. Photos of 1-room apartments with a niche will help you decide on the choice of design solution.

Note! Experts do not recommend using materials that are difficult to dismantle as partitions for a niche.

When planning the space of a one-room apartment, not everyone can independently develop

The most common option is a bed located in a niche. However, this solution is not always suitable. It all depends on individual preferences. If 1 person lives in the apartment, then you can use the niche as a study. Often it is equipped with a children's room, which is also a good solution. When choosing the design of a one-room apartment with a niche, it is recommended to take into account the number of residents and their age.

The design of a one-room apartment depends on its layout, as well as its size. Housing of this type can be both very small and quite spacious. In any case, there are general recommendations that allow you to create a competent design project. You can do it yourself or use the services of a specialist.

The layout of most one-room apartments involves the presence of a kitchen small size, in which you want to place a sink, stove, furniture with a countertop, household appliances and a table with chairs. The design of the room, in this case, should be reasonable, the place for cooking should be comfortable, and the interior should be attractive. Such tasks cause certain difficulties even for professionals. And although there are already quite a lot of standard developments, the housewives are trying to decorate the kitchen in such a way that it acquires individuality and looks more spacious. In fact, the design small kitchen has its own secrets, knowing which, you can significantly improve its visual perception and convenience.

About color

Start with a choice colors. The volume of the kitchen in a one-room apartment will visually increase and gain space if the decoration, furniture facades and flooring are done in light colors.

If the windows of the apartment are oriented towards south side, you should choose cold colors, and if to the north - warm and sunny.

The white ceiling will never "press" from above, and pastel-colored furniture will not limit the space. To prevent the effect of a hospital ward from appearing in the room, it is recommended to refresh its overall design with contrasting accessories or elements, stripes, small patterns on the walls or floor. When decorating walls, do not forget that a vertically placed print on wallpaper or curtains can visually raise the ceiling, but narrow the room, and placed horizontally will expand the walls, but make the room lower.

As a contrast for a kitchen designed in the style of minimalism, black or grey colour, for modern - green or blue. brown shades fit into the design of most style decisions, and bright colors will look interesting in eclecticism. But any accents must be harmoniously combined with the environment, otherwise you will get a heap and, as a result, a visual reduction in space.

Lighting and textiles

In a small kitchen there should not be massive chandeliers or sconces. The best option would be backlights and spotlights installed for each zone separately. Worktop design combined with kitchen apron will only benefit from an LED strip placed under hanging cabinets or shelves.

Lamps are recommended to be placed above the table and stove, and if the layout allows - in wall niches. In addition, a small-sized single lamp for general lighting should be hung on the kitchen ceiling in a one-room apartment, and in the case of ceiling sheathing with plastic or when installing a suspended or tension structure, built-in lighting fixtures.

It is important to know that no matter how spacious the layout of the kitchen is, to make hanging or stretch ceiling should not be if its height is less than 2.5 meters. They will reduce the volume of the room no longer visually, but actually.

To natural light should be approached responsibly. The kitchen should be light, so dark curtains on the windows will look out of place, even if the layout of the apartment is oriented to the sunny side. Curtains should be chosen in delicate colors, and in summer you can protect yourself from direct bright rays with a reflective fabric.

An interesting option for a small kitchen will be roller blinds or Roman blinds that cover only the window opening, as well as blinds in a vertical or horizontal design. The print on the fabric should not be large, and towels, napkins and other kitchen textiles must be selected taking into account the interior style.


Easy-to-clean and moisture-resistant coatings should be laid on the floor in a small kitchen. The best options are:

Materials should be plain or with a small unobtrusive pattern.

Linoleum is cheaper and warmer, but it melts on contact with hot surfaces and wears out over time. PVC tiles are easier to install and more durable to use. It does not split or swell, and an element that has become unusable is easily and quickly changed to another.

Ceramic tiles are natural materials. It is more practical and durable than linoleum and PVC, but it can break if a heavy frying pan or pot is accidentally dropped on the floor. This problem completely solvable by substitution broken tiles to a new one. A significant disadvantage of ceramics is the high cost of material and installation work.

Rational kitchen design

Expediency and validity should be a priority when designing a kitchen. The layout of a one-room apartment does not allow you to hide extra utensils and small household appliances in pantries or built-in wardrobes located in the corridor. Often they are simply missing or used to store clothes and shoes. Therefore, when considering the design of the kitchen, it is necessary to provide for the maximum placement of appliances and utensils in a limited space.

For small kitchens, it is recommended to purchase only the most necessary household appliances and compact furniture with sliding rather than swinging cabinet doors. In the open state, they will not take up extra space and will not cause inconvenience to the hostess. The desktop can be made a little smaller in width, hanging kitchen rails or ordinary shelves above it. For a one-room apartment, such solutions are quite acceptable.

Don't forget that open shelves will require the cleanliness of the dishes displayed on them and the perfect order. They are limited in area, so extra items that could clutter up the kitchen will not appear on them.

There is one important point that you should pay attention to when choosing kitchen furniture. It refers to the volume of floor and wall cabinets, as well as to the shelves located in it. correct interior layout it will help to hide pots, various jars of cereals, small appliances and all small things behind the facades. The distance between the cabinet shelves should not be too large, otherwise unused space will appear, which will ultimately affect the functionality of the furniture module.

A pencil case that occupies space from floor to ceiling and wall cabinets located to the very top make it possible to place the maximum number of kitchen utensils in them. They should be laid out according to the principle of necessity. Everyday utensils, salt, sugar, cereals and spices should be on the shelves located in the outstretched arm area. And household appliances used from time to time, festive glasses, flowerpots and sets can be placed on the upper tiers.

Furniture facades should not be chosen in bright colors. In the interior of a small kitchen, it is recommended to purchase headsets with glossy or glass doors. Closets with a lot of small items should be avoided, they will create the effect of disorder and clutter.

Often in a one-room apartment it is in the kitchens that washing machines, as its layout does not allow the installation of large household appliances in the bathroom. Choosing the model of the machine you like, you should think about its dimensions. The more compact it is, the less space required to install the equipment.

A folding dining table and chairs will harmoniously fit into a small kitchen, and the refrigerator should be moved from it to the corridor or even the hallway. All this will free up space and increase the usable area.

A stationary dining table for a small kitchen is better to choose a round or oval shape. This will visually reduce its size. The presence of drawers in the design will allow you to store any kitchen or table items in them.

Large decorative elements should be discarded, as well as a large number small details. Kitchen design should be simple and moderately strict. In this case, it will visually look more spacious.

Cardinal options

The most radical way to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room for cooking and eating is to buy a new two- or three-room apartment, the layout of which includes a large kitchen. But, unfortunately, not everyone can use it.

Most often, the owners of one-room apartments solve the problem of increasing the kitchen area in a different way. They break walls or partitions between the kitchen and the room. But this is allowed only if the structures are not load-bearing, and also with the permission of the relevant services.

Designers offer numerous design options for the openings formed as a result of redevelopment. They install:

  • tables;
  • bar counters;
  • open shelves in the form of racks;
  • sofas;
  • screens;
  • sliding doors;
  • cornices with curtains.

If a one-room apartment has a large corridor or a loggia, then the kitchen is sometimes transferred to them. It turns out to be tiny and cramped, but the owners, in this case, have one more room. The main problem of such a redevelopment is the relocation of communications and the ventilation device above the stove.

A new design can transform a kitchen beyond recognition, so before you start decorating it, you need to carefully consider all the nuances that may affect it. appearance and ease of use. This will save, in the future, from any disappointments.

Everyone living in a one-room apartment understands that a small space must be filled wisely and to the maximum. Therefore, before finishing, it is important to clearly think over the interior of a one-room apartment, to allocate space for children, and for rest, and for work. Not everyone can do it themselves, and this article will tell you what the interior design of a one-room apartment is like, what methods of zoning and decoration are in fashion today.

1. Design of a one-room apartment in the style of minimalism

The minimum amount of furniture and decor, as well as the overall restraint of finishes, is the best way to make one-room interior look spacious and elegant. For greater effect use mirror surfaces that visually enlarge the room.

Tip: to reduce the number of pieces of furniture, use "transformers". For example, a wardrobe or a sofa bed, folding or sliding tables, a sofa with a built-in tabletop and shelves, etc. You can consider interesting options for such furniture in our article.

2. Zoning of the interior of a one-room apartment without partitions

To divide the interior of a one-room apartment into functional areas, it is not necessary to use walls or plasterboard partitions. The above-mentioned transforming furniture will allow the living room to simultaneously act as a bedroom.

The kitchen can be combined with the living room, but at the same time separated from it by a bar counter, which at the same time can act as a dining area and an “island”.

Floor shelves and cabinets can come in handy when you need to separate a children's area, home office or sleeping area. However, room curtains will also do an excellent job with this role.

In a one-room studio apartment for visual zoning of space, you can use various Decoration Materials. For example:

  • Tiling the kitchen;
  • Guest area - laminate / linoleum;
  • Bedroom - carpet.

To further emphasize the transition will help different wallpapers for walls and ceiling coverings.

To find out how you can turn a one-room apartment into a "kopeck piece", read our article Interior design options for an apartment of 40 sq. m.

3. Color design of a one-room apartment in 2017

It is believed that bright or strong colors are not suitable for the design of a small apartment. dark colors. There is a tradition that a one-room interior almost always has light walls and a ceiling. However, in modern apartment studio or with a minimalist design, when the room is not littered with unnecessary things and decor, it is quite possible to experiment with more saturated colors. The main thing to remember is that in a small space it is better to avoid small patterns and a large number details.

Using the color combination table below, you can create harmony in your one-room apartment.

4. Modern interior design of a one-room apartment - ideas with 13 photos

A few more tips that will come in handy when you are planning to do repairs and interior design of a one-room apartment:

  1. Do not clutter up the space with various unnecessary things. Buy wardrobes, sofas, beds, ottomans and other furniture with built-in compartments for storing bedding and other items.

3. There are few doors in a one-room apartment and this is its plus. However, in such an interior it is important to pay attention to the arrangement of furniture. Get more ideas for this in the article.

4. By combining the kitchen with the living room, you can allocate space for a separate bedroom or children's room. The easiest way to do this is to cut the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen and dining area. So, you can use a corner kitchen set, and replace window sill with countertop.

5. If building codes allow, then it is better to make a bathroom in a one-room apartment combined and install a shower stall instead of a bathtub.
