How can you combine wallpaper. Options for how to stick wallpaper of two types

Today, people are increasingly attaching special importance to the unusual design of the room. Thanks to a large number of finishing materials presented in building stores, everyone can create a unique interior. The most versatile way to decorate a room is wallpaper. Thanks to them, you can easily beat the space, zoning working areas and recreation areas, using visual effects to expand the space and, if necessary, reduce it. A variety of wallpapers, their colors and surfaces allows you to translate any ideas into reality.

Today, a common way is to stick wallpaper of two types. In this regard, at building stores, manufacturers present a large number of wallpapers that differ in structure and design. At the same time, manufacturers take into account the fact that the wallpaper must have a good combined ability. Therefore, buyers will be able to find those combinations that will suit their interior.

The combination of wallpaper with vertical stripes

This type of combination is the most common. It creates dynamics in the interior through the use of wallpaper with vertical stripes of different textures and colors. When choosing wallpaper, any color combination and stripe width is allowed. It can be monochrome or multi-color combinations. You should observe moderation and remember that you can work with three colors as much as possible.

When using wallpaper with vertical stripes, you create the visual effect of increasing the height of the ceiling. This should be taken into account if the ceilings in the room are initially high.

In this case, the right option would be to wallpaper with vertical lines up to the middle of the walls, the rest is best pasted with wallpaper in a neutral color or pattern. It is important that they are combined with the color of the ceiling.

The combination of wallpaper with horizontal stripes

With the help of wallpaper with horizontal stripes, you can divide the walls horizontally. This method is a great design decision. It allows you to combine a huge number of colors, patterns and textures of wallpaper.

Horizontal stripes create the effect of lengthening the walls. This can be a great option for this kind of wallpaper in small rooms. With this decision, you should choose wallpaper with fairly narrow stripes.

Combination of two types of wallpaper

The most common option for wallpapering is to choose wallpaper of the same color scheme, but in a different tone. If this combination method is chosen, the correct solution would be to use it when gluing several rooms at once.

The following shades will look most beautiful:

  • white and turquoise;
  • beige and gray;
  • pink and black.

Room zoning method

This design is aimed at creating a special interior atmosphere. It is based on the combination of plain wallpaper and wallpaper with a special texture or pattern.

It is important to remember that the most successful way to combine such wallpapers is to have a common range of colors. However, it is allowed to use a bright pattern when pasting several walls.

The combination of wallpaper with different patterns

This is a common way of wallpapering. You can use wallpapers with different patterns. Most often, one room is pasted over with wallpaper with a certain pattern, and the rest - using wallpaper that is completely different. With the right combination of different patterns, the room will look stylish and unusual.

It should be remembered that even wallpapers with different patterns should have something in common, for example, a color scheme. A good solution would be wallpapering with vertical and horizontal stripes, but similar color combinations.

The combination of contrasting wallpapers

If it is necessary to make a clear separation of zones, for example, work and recreation areas, this combination method is ideal.

In it, calm shades can be combined with bright shades:

  • yellow, light green and gray;
  • black, red and white;
  • purple, light green and beige.

Design options for wallpapering (video)

Interesting ideas and options for wallpapering

Wallpapering the walls can be done in different ways, or using several methods at the same time. The most original ideas are listed below.

Patchwork wall pasting

Patchwork ideas are a popular and common design method these days. It is suitable for people who are not afraid to experiment and want to create an original and unusual atmosphere.

Algorithm for gluing wallpaper in a patchwork way:

  • Choose wallpapers with different patterns, colors and textures.
  • Wallpaper cut into pieces of different lengths, the shape of a square or rectangle.
  • Sticking pieces of wallpaper should be done by joining each other, but in random order.

Wallpapering walls with different designs

This method is an excellent option for delimiting zones, for example, an office area and a relaxation area.

For gluing, wallpapers of different designs and sizes are taken. In order for the joint of the wallpaper to look elegant, it is decorated with a molding.

The method of dividing the walls into two parts

This method is considered one of the most stylish design solutions. The wall is conditionally divided into two parts. Then each part is pasted over with different types of wallpaper.

Algorithm for wallpapering by dividing into two parts:

  • The bottom of the walls is pasted over with wallpaper with various ornaments, horizontal or vertical lines.
  • The top of the walls can be covered with wallpaper of the same color or with a simple and elegant pattern.
  • A prerequisite is the aesthetic decoration of the joints between the wallpaper with a border.

Stylish and original design wallpaper gluing

Often designers use original tricks that come to their mind right during the workflow. To determine what interesting decision to make, you can only be at the repair site, knowing the interior and layout of the room.

Receiving an accented insert:

  • First you need to decide in which part of the room the insert will be located.
  • The shape of the inserts can vary from classic, square and rectangular, to arbitrary. However, care should be taken that they do not violate the general style.
  • An interesting solution would be to use vinyl stickers that are popular today, which can be glued directly to the wallpaper.

An excellent design solution would be decorating ledges and niches. Designers know how to beautifully paste wallpaper on ledges and niches. They advise not to hide them, but to focus on them.

Technology for the correct use of the layout of the room:

  • Paste niches and ledges with bright colors that will contrast with the wallpaper in the main part of the room.
  • Decorate the ledge with a bright pattern. For example, if the wallpaper contains a small pattern, a stylish solution would be to issue a ledge with a larger pattern.

These tips will help the successful purchase of wallpaper, their correct design, combination, and decoration of rooms. Following simple instructions, making designer repairs yourself will be easy and interesting.

Important points when choosing and sticking wallpaper:

  • Buy wallpaper should be in one place. Then they will match in texture and shades. If this is not possible, it is necessary to carry samples of existing wallpaper with you so that you can attach them to new rolls and choose the right combination with other wallpapers.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that the width of the wallpaper matches. This will greatly simplify the task of combining, docking and finishing wallpaper.
  • The right combination will help not only create visual effects, but with the right design and use, hide the imperfections of the room.

Unusual options for wallpapering (video)

Today there are a lot of design options for wallpapering. Variations of various ways of combining wallpaper, combinations of textures and colors allow you to bring the design project into reality as closely as possible. A variety of manufacturers, wallpapers with a myriad of patterns, will embody the brightest ideas. Through the correct use of combination techniques, many design effects can be achieved: visually expand the room, increase the height of the ceilings, focus on ledges and niches, make the room brighter and warmer.

Wallpapering options (photo)

If you decide to stick wallpaper of different types in one room, then you should first consult with designers. Almost before every repair, when the question of wall decoration comes up, the option of combining wallpaper is considered. This option is especially often considered when it comes to repairs in the living room. I would like to highlight the main wall, make it accent, setting a certain tone for the entire renovation, adjusting the appearance of the main room in the apartment. But is this task so simple - combining wallpapers? How to do it beautifully and efficiently, what ideas and methods are currently relevant?

Combination rules: how to glue wallpaper of two types

Knowing the theory in this matter will not be superfluous at all. For example, there are moments from which you need to build on. One of them is the height of the ceiling. Based on this characteristic, you should choose a pattern, determine the color of the wallpaper and their texture. If the ceiling is low, not higher than 2.5 m, then you need wallpaper in light colors, with a medium-sized pattern, without a rough texture. And if the ceilings are even lower, then the main background of the wallpaper should be light with a faintly pronounced pattern, and vertical stripes can be located on one of the walls.

The wallpaper in the room should be harmoniously combined in texture and shade.

High ceilings - a reason to glue a completely different wallpaper. Here you already need a large drawing, which is stretched in width. You can also divide the walls horizontally, using different colors in the upper and lower half. Horizontal stripes will visually expand the room.

The next point is the size of the room:

  • In small rooms, it is correct to use only light colors, if the wallpaper has a texture, then it is weakly expressed, if there is a pattern, then it is not large;
  • The second point is the geometry of the room, if the room is narrow and long, you just need combined gluing, light wallpaper is glued on short walls, some of which, as it were, goes around the corner;
  • If the entrance to the room falls on one of the narrow long sides, then the middle of the opposite wall is highlighted in a different color, and the corners are pasted over with wallpaper for short walls.

There are many visual tricks that are fun to do and see how the geometry of a room changes. Look at examples of photos - a lot depends on what kind of accent wall you decide to make. By the way, do not forget about vinyl stickers that can make their own adjustments to the image of the room.

Vertical combination: two types of wallpapering options

Vertical stripes are known to visually increase the height of the ceiling. And it doesn't matter if the stripes are regular. The current design interpretation of such a "striped" solution suggests that one wall can have striped wallpaper, while the rest can be plain-colored or plain-patterned wallpaper.

An excellent solution for decorating a room is to use blue and white wallpapers.

But vertical stripes can also be distributed on different walls, in which case the repetition interval can be equal. The color and pattern of the stripes may be different, but then the texture should be the same. Usually, in this case, you have to paste over the room with wallpaper from the same collection in order to ensure a harmonious combination.

Horizontal division: how to paste over a room with two types of wallpaper, photo

And this option is considered a classic example of combination. It has been used for a long time, and today's rich selection of wallpapers will bring to life, probably, the most interesting ideas. This technique is usually used in rooms of a small area, but the ceilings should be high. And in order to remove this effect of the well, a horizontal division is carried out.

It can be an ordinary horizontal strip, as if encircling the room. Very often it is tied to the height of the window sill. Or the plane is divided into three parts, and the strip can be either in the upper or lower part.

Sometimes the strip is made at eye level. At the same level, some significant decorative elements are usually hung. This technique is usually used in the design of hallways, long corridors. The division zone passing from above, this means a light top and a darker bottom.

Zoning: wall pasting design with different wallpapers, photo

If you need to somehow emphasize zoning, then various types of wallpaper combinations are used. If you have, for example, a studio apartment, then such a technique with an accent pattern or pattern is sometimes simply necessary. And sometimes these are fundamentally different wallpapers.

Thanks to different wallpapers, you can easily perform zoning of any room.

In this case, zoning can be like this:

  • One or two adjacent walls are pasted over with wallpaper with a horizontal strip, which makes it possible to visually lower the ceiling and make the space wider;
  • A coating with a vertical stripe on one wall or two adjacent ones will also be relevant in rooms with a low ceiling, but at the same time with a large area;
  • A floral print in the recreation area is also a frequent technique, very clear and ordering space.

If, for example, you use a light floral print with too small a pattern, then the decorated part of the room will be light, airy, and seemingly weightless. But the dark floral pattern and large flowers, on the contrary, make the wall heavier. But at the same time, the wall is more noticeable, respectively, and it looks more significant.

Simple examples: how to paste wallpaper with different wallpapers, photos

When choosing wallpaper, it is important to prevent them from being externally mounted in any way. Before sticking, you try on, make a kind of estimate - whether the wallpaper will “make friends”. It is easier, of course, to choose companion wallpapers, but this is not always possible.

Consider the following points:

  • You can glue wallpapers of different sizes and designs, and a molding is glued to the joints between these wallpapers, thereby obtaining a panel effect - the room becomes more elegant;
  • In the living room, you can focus on the area where the fireplace or TV is located;
  • On the central wall, you can glue accent wallpaper that imitates panels;
  • Patchwork pasting is incredibly popular, but quite troublesome, but the patchwork wall effect is aesthetically very successful.

Often 3 walls are pasted over with some wallpaper, and 4 walls with others.

For vertical pasting, it is recommended to use the same type of wallpaper of approximately the same thickness so that the joints are not so obvious. To stick wallpaper with a large pattern, you need at least a “fitting in your mind”, it is better to somehow evaluate in advance how the wallpaper samples will look in a particular room. A large drawing always corrects the perception of the room.

Bright pasting of walls: how to paste over a room with different wallpapers

In the bedroom, the bedside area is usually highlighted with bright wallpaper. You can paste over the entire wall with such juicy wallpaper, the one to which the head of the bed adjoins, or only highlight the wall that is behind the head.

In this case, the following tips will be useful:

  • If the entire wall is pasted over with bright wallpaper, then there should not be a lot of furniture near it - for example, only a bed with bedside tables;
  • If only part of the wall is pasted over, then the joint line can be emphasized with moldings, slats or skirting boards;
  • If the wallpaper continues on the ceiling, then the ceiling can be visually made higher.

If the space of the room allows, then you can create a symmetrical pattern, while both the bed and a certain area will be highlighted, for example, the area near the mirror. In the bedroom, the combination is almost always advantageous, the size of the room is not so important. Look at the combination examples - all options are successful, the room looks organized, comfortable.

How to glue a room with different wallpapers: kitchen photo

The combination of wallpaper in the kitchen is not so common, but here you can also play interestingly. The kitchen needs wallpapers that are not afraid of active maintenance. Usually the choice falls on vinyl wallpaper, which can be easily washed - it's really very convenient.

If the kitchen is small, then you can visually enlarge it with the help of light-colored wallpapers.

Remember how important the psychology of color is. Experts recommend choosing such tones as peach, milky, gray as the main color, and combine it with fruit and berry wallpapers, red-strawberry, and bright green. The borders on the walls can be highlighted with a bright ribbon.

Color meaning: options for pasting walls with different wallpapers, photos

Always refer to the color spectrum - this will not let you make a mistake in choosing colors, guess with a combination. Sometimes the colors are similar, closely standing, but with each other they look either frankly bad or inexpressive. The color combination should be impeccable, harmonious.

The combination of wallpaper in the living room implies not only a magnificent aesthetic appearance, but also has certain functions.

Properly choosing a color scheme and choosing a good combination of wallpaper, you can easily mask wall defects, visually increase or decrease the dimensions of the room, adjust the height, promote the play of light, or shade it with softer and more radiant colors.

As a result, the correct design of the walls of the room is the key to the maximum degree of coziness and comfort.

The main ways to combine wallpaper

Most of the inhabitants believe that the combination of wallpapers is a task beyond the control of many, and certain skills in this specialization are required to solve it.

But it is enough to know only certain techniques in order to implement even the most reckless ideas for combining wallpaper in a personal interior.

It is also worth noting one wonderful resource that will help you choose hallway wallpaper- Lots of real design photos and step by step instructions from the pros.

Take a closer look at the living room, focusing on the features and shortcomings, which will certainly lead to the choice of the most acceptable combination option.

Various wallpaper combinations

The horizontal version of the wallpaper combination apparently enlarges even the smallest room. Particularly suitable for the "classic" style.

The vertical combination option is acceptable for low ceilings in the living room, as it visually increases the height of the ceilings. It has the functional ability to divide the room into zones.

Wallpaper inserts with luxurious monograms or paintings will add variety to the interior. By framing this insert with a baguette, you will get the effect of a picture canvas.

The combination of overall surfaces is an option for combining docking wallpaper in the corner parts of the room.

Basically, manufacturing companies themselves offer design projects and already selected combinations of wallpapers that perfectly match each other.

Patchwork combinations - the so-called patchwork (patchwork).

For an individual who does not have special training and skills, the option is the most time-consuming. But such compositions look impressive.

Designation of niches and protruding parts, playing on the contrast of the wallpaper. Having successfully decorated a niche or protruding part of the room with beautiful patterned wallpaper, it is possible to create a feeling of even greater comfort in the living room.

When choosing wallpaper for various combinations, you need to consider some tips:

  • When planning a living room design, it is necessary to give preference to wallpapers from one manufacturing company, ideally - even from the same collection;
  • By attaching a piece of the selected color to another type of wallpaper, you will find the best combination option right on the spot;
  • When choosing wallpaper, do not forget about the defects of the room that need to be hidden;
  • By repeating the colors of the wallpaper on the items of the furniture set, you can add harmony and completeness to the interior.

The combination of flashy colors with each other is one of the main mistakes in choosing wallpaper for a combination.

Indeed, the contrast looks spectacular, especially in the form of longitudinal and transverse stripes. But practice shows that it is better to avoid this.

Bright or colorful wallpapers are best shaded with more muted tones with a simple pattern.

Let's take a look at these rules.

Vertical wallpaper combination

The most common way in terms of design, and in terms of wallpapering. The ideal combination is black and white, but not necessarily in its purest form.

So, light stripes can be creme brulee with a pattern of pastel tones, dark stripes can be either black or textured under velor in the color of “wet asphalt”.

The combination of contrasting wallpapers in the hall makes it possible to give the interior austerity and focus on a single style. The choice of stripe width is also important.

For bright shades and strict wall design, they should be the same, with successful combinations of loyal colors in a ratio of 2 to 1.

Horizontal wallpaper combination

The embodiment of ideas with horizontal stripes is more difficult and less popular.

But a competent approach to the implementation of the plan will favorably emphasize the classic style of the interior.

The main advantage of the horizontal combination is a stylish combination with all kinds of finishing materials.

Classic horizontal combination

Everything is extremely simple: light top - dark bottom. It is not easy to combine bright colors, as a result, the choice falls on the colors of twins or on a diverse palette of shades of the same color.

The joint is decorated with a special border. Gluing wallpaper horizontally is quite difficult, you need to have certain skills.

Before pasting the wallpaper, mark the joints with a pencil on the wall to facilitate the work.

Wallpaper inserts for decoration

The easiest option to implement, but no less spectacular. The combination of wallpaper with inserts in the interior of the living room unties the hands to implement the most outrageous ideas, and even any ridiculous combination will look like some kind of kitsch.

The choice of materials for inserts is unlimited. Various scraps of fabrics, fragments of photo wallpaper and other materials are suitable as living room decor.

The combination of shreds is more difficult to implement. Creating panels, framing window and door openings, looking at any object in the interior is possible for a person who has excellent taste.

The main thing is not to break the unity of the composition and not to make the design of the patchwork walls an unacceptable stain.

The combination of large surfaces and accentuating niches

This design idea allows you to pay attention, highlighting the functional zoning of the living room. When implemented, this idea is simple and effective.

Wallpapers of the same type are glued to the wall up to the corner or joint, protruding parts or niches are pasted over with wallpaper of the same type.

It is possible to paste over the central wall with bright-colored wallpaper with a large-scale pattern or pattern, the rest of the walls - in calmer tones.

A niche, like a ledge, can be ennobled with wallpaper in contrasting colors, introducing a certain charm, and the atmosphere as a whole is airy and laid-back.

Photo options for how to combine wallpaper in the living room

A properly and tastefully decorated hall in an apartment or house will delight guests and hosts every time. After all, the first impression of your home depends on this room. Here you spend most of your time relaxing with your family, watching TV and meeting guests.

Creating the most comfortable, bright, stylish and bright interior of the hall is not an easy task, so if you don’t have the time and financial resources to choose a special design, try using some original ideas that will be discussed in this article.


It doesn’t matter what wallpaper you choose and how you will glue it, the main thing is that you need to do this very carefully. Mistakes are forgivable when wallpapering in the bedroom or corridor, but not in the "heart" of the apartment, where family evenings and meetings with friends take place. To avoid mistakes in the work, it is worth remembering some tips.

Wallpapering a room means that you will encounter various difficult areas in the form of radiators, switches, sockets. Corners are also not the most pleasant places to work with.

Choose wallpaper for sticking with a small pattern. If the canvases have a large pattern, or the distance between the patterns is decent, then the material consumption will be much higher, because it will go away when fitted.

Once you have laid out the wallpaper, measured the length, compared whether the pattern matches, be sure to number them to avoid mounting in the wrong sequence. Wallpapering should be started from the window, it does not matter - from the left or right side, as it suits you. In order to properly paste the wallpaper in the corner, it is necessary that the canvas go to the next wall by no more than 30 mm. If more, cut off the excess.

When it comes to sockets and switches, it will be necessary to unscrew them for convenience. When gluing the canvas on a socket or switch, make two small diagonal cuts in this place. Then carefully trim a small section of the wallpaper, leaving a small overlap. It can be neatly removed under the body of sockets or switches. Once you have dealt with this, you can safely fasten the fasteners.

Do not forget to turn off the electricity in the apartment for this time.

With batteries, things are a little more complicated. Although, if you use ingenuity and cunning, you can cope with wallpapering very easily, without errors. Starting from the top of the battery and to the bottom of the canvas, you need to make several cuts diagonally. This will allow you to manage the wallpaper the way you want. And the seams behind the battery will not be noticeable and will not spoil the appearance of the room.

If you have coped with pasting the hall, then you can safely move on to the next room or arrange furniture and enjoy the repair.

See below for a master class on proper wallpapering.

Which ones to choose?

Today, there are many options for wallpaper for the walls in the living room, and even the cheapest wallpaper samples can look beautiful and stylish. However, there are many points to consider when choosing this finishing material.

Vinyl, bamboo, metal, textile and others are considered durable and high-quality wallpapers. The main thing to remember is that there are no absolutely perfect roll sheets, they can all have their drawbacks. Thanks to their variety, you can choose those that will suit all your requirements:

  • Paper wallpaper belongs to the category of light and cheap materials. They are easy enough to cover the room. But they do not hide the flaws of the surfaces and quickly lose their "freshness".
  • non-woven wallpaper can also be bought at a reasonable price. They have good heat and sound insulation. Hides uneven walls.
  • Currently very popular photo wallpaper. The choice is quite diverse, they look good and modern and, importantly, they are sold at an affordable price.

  • Wallpaper for painting- a very convenient and practical option. They can freshen up your room. They can be covered with paint more than once.
  • Vinyl wallpapers are durable. They are moisture resistant and embossed. However, not everyone can afford such canvases. They include expensive materials, which is reflected in the total cost of the wallpaper.
  • Textile wallpaper is considered one of the most expensive. Natural materials are used for their production. Due to this, they do not have joints on the walls.

To make it easier for you to understand which wallpaper samples are suitable specifically for your living room, There are a few easy rules to follow:

  • it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the hall, such as the height of the ceiling, the width of the walls and even lighting, layout features, the style of the room, and your own character traits;
  • when choosing wallpaper for the hall, it is worth considering both your wishes and the position of the room relative to the cardinal points. Warm and bright colors are suitable for northern and eastern rooms, if the room is located on the south and west side, then it is better to choose colors of cold shades;
  • the main thing is to decide what style of interior you like, and then select the pattern and type of wallpaper, taking into account the idea, design and decoration.

Remember that the lighting and the location of the windows in the room can also affect how a particular color will be perceived in the interior.

When choosing a wallpaper do not forget about the style and color of the furniture. If you have dark-colored furniture, experts advise pasting one or more walls with light-colored canvases, and others with dark ones. Contrast is a great technique that will always be in fashion.

Colors and prints

The color scheme that will become the main one in the room is almost completely determined by what the wall decor will be like. It is worth remembering that it is better if the wallpaper colors are repeated in the interior, be it furniture, doors, floors, ceilings or decor items.

Warm is the dominance of red, yellow and orange tones, cold - the predominance of blue, cyan and lilac. Most often it is advised not to combine warm and cold colors. It looks inharmonious, it is unlikely that you will be comfortable in this room.

It is better to try to combine cold and warm tones with neutral ones. In extreme cases, the room should be decorated in only one color scheme.

Decorating the walls with two different types of wallpaper in rich colors is also not worth it. It is better to combine a bright and juicy color with a neutral one. The same situation with canvases on which there is a drawing. Here it is advised to combine wallpaper with a calm and concise design.

A small step away from the color you have in mind can change the overall picture for the worse. If you decide to decorate the room with two types of wallpaper, then if possible, purchase them in one store so that you can immediately and accurately choose harmoniously combined textures and colors. The easiest way is to choose the wallpaper of the same type. Coloring at your discretion.

Wallpaper in light colors or with a vertical stripe will help expand a small room with a low ceiling. To avoid crowding and oppressive atmosphere in the room, you should not use wallpaper with large contrasting patterns. No need to worry that the room will look boring. Remember, the classic will never go out of style.

Large rooms can be decorated with both light and dark wallpaper. Light colors will emphasize free space, dark shades will provide an opportunity to visually reduce the room to a more comfortable size.

The hall is the room where you relax, meet guests and spend most of your time. Therefore, you should not decorate the room with shades that contradict each other. For example, combine bright red and blue or pink and yellow. Combinations of beige and brown, red and white, gray and blue are well suited for the living room. These colors will create maximum comfort in the interior.

Remember that the choice of wallpaper should be approached as seriously as possible. It is worth considering both your preferences and the advice of experts:

  • a small living room is best decorated in pastel colors. For example, mint, lavender or pink;
  • for a cool living room, an apricot, strawberry, peach tone of wallpaper is well suited. These colors will help create a cozy and warm atmosphere.

Just remember that warm colors can visually reduce the space.

  • if the living room is distinguished by its high temperature, then aquamarine, pale blue, mint or lilac colors of the paintings will be appropriate here;
  • southern, eastern, southwestern and southeastern rooms look good in classic shades of gray, blue and blue;
  • mother-of-pearl, silver, gold colors look expensive and stylish;
  • green, burgundy, cherry colors will look good in the hall. They will give a special atmosphere, add brightness.

Prints, printing on wallpaper will help to decorate the living room, make it special. Now you can print on any surface, including wallpaper. And there are so many options that you don’t have to invent it yourself. Today, the most popular wallpaper designs are animal, floral and newspaper prints. However, it is better to decorate only one wall with a bright floral print, otherwise it will merge into one large pattern and will not become the highlight of your room.

You can decorate your room the way you want. You can stick pictures in any style or posters with celebrities on the walls. Lately stickers and vinyl decals have become popular.


The popularity of this method of pasting walls, as a combination, is becoming more and more popular:

  • First, now it is fashionable.
  • Secondly, you can cover one room with different types of wallpaper in case you do not decide on one color.
  • Thirdly, you can divide the space into several zones.

Now many people connect the living room with the dining area. The zoning of the room is very important here. By combining different wallpapers, you can separate the kitchen from the living room or the living room from the bedroom if one room is used both as a bedroom and as a place for meeting guests.
