Types of sofas triple addition. Types of sofas

Modern sofas do a good job of organizing a bed. Thanks to such an option as transformation, you can save space in the living room and provide comfortable conditions for sleeping.

Manufacturers offer many design options for upholstered furniture and various folding sofa mechanisms. Which one is better for every day? - this is the most important question with such a large assortment.

Which sofa mechanism is better for daily use (sleep), and which option to choose if the sofa is intended for the living room and will rarely be laid out? To make the right decision, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the features of existing transformational mechanisms.

Folding sofa models have gained well-deserved popularity. Monolithic options (without a transformation mechanism) exist and can also be installed in a living space, for example, in a kitchen or hallway, but they are less functional.

If you are focused specifically on a folding sofa, then which mechanism is better to choose will be the envy of several factors. What matters is how often you plan to use it for sleep, how many square meters in the room are available for this piece of furniture and what operating period you are targeting.

Classic sofa bed. To organize a surface for sleeping, you should raise the seat, while the back will take a horizontal position. Now you need to return the seat to its original position - the "book" has opened.


  • durable and simple mechanism, it is almost impossible to break it;
  • takes up little space and is suitable for small rooms;
  • there is a compartment for bed linen.
  • the body can be moved as close as possible to the wall, only if it will not be transformed daily into a sleeping place. The sofa can be moved apart only if there is free space behind it;
  • in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact between the back and the seat, a tubercle or depression may occur over time, this reduces the comfort of the bed;
  • a compact (perhaps cramped for some) sleeping surface.

Important! The “book” mechanism has an elementary device, but in order to expand the sofa, force is often required. Therefore, it will not be entirely comfortable with constant use for a woman or child.


A modernized and more comfortable variation of the "book" mechanism. Some manufacturers stick to the name "click-clack".

  • the backrest, in addition to the vertical and horizontal position, can be fixed at an angle and create conditions for comfortable rest (reclining);
  • the mechanism is simple and adapted for regular use;
  • there is a spacious box for storing bed linen.
  • it will not be possible to install the sofa close to the wall, free space is required to recline the back;
  • efforts must be made to transform.

The case can be moved as close as possible to the wall, the transformation is different than the standard "book". The seat extends (rolls out on rollers), creating an empty area that is equal to the height of the backrest. The backrest fits into the space that has arisen and a sleeping place is obtained.

  • the sofa is easily converted into a comfortable bed, the sleeping surface is spacious;
  • the system is durable and easily withstands regular use;
  • internal niches for storage of linen are provided.
  • a sufficiently deep seat, most often it is possible to lean on the back only by climbing onto the seat with legs or using additional sofa cushions;
  • if there are no rollers on the exit part, the floor may be scratched.

Interesting fact! Every year they become more and more popular. All models work using a single mechanism, but there are differences in design. You can purchase a sofa without armrests, with only one or with two on the sides. There are also differences in size. For example, you can choose:


This mechanism is arranged by analogy with the Eurobook. To prepare the area for sleeping, you need to pull the seat up. At this point, a mechanism is activated that will move the seat up and forward, and then extend the support elements. The back is placed in the resulting empty zone.

  • a wide monolithic and even surface for sleeping (the joints are not felt);
  • the mechanism provides ease of transformation, no additional effort is required;
  • the seat does not slide out along the floor, so the parquet or laminate will not suffer;
  • there is a compartment for storing linen.
  • a complicated mechanism increases the cost of the sofa;
  • deep seat: in order to lean on the back, it is often necessary to use additional pillows.


Comfortable to use mechanism that is activated with one movement. It is enough to pull (raise) the seat and it will automatically move forward, move to the desired area, and the part of the structure that is laid inside the body will take its place.

  • minimum effort for unfolding the sleeping space;
  • the movable element does not damage the flooring, since the main movement occurs on weight.
  • a compartment for storing bedding is provided only in corner models.


A very simple system to organize a sleeping surface, just lower the armrests. The frame is made of metal pipes, the base of the bed is made of wood.

A distinctive feature of the sofa is that the armrests are easily adjustable and you can create comfortable conditions for relaxing in a reclining position.

  • the body is compact and does not require additional space for organizing a bed;
  • sleeping surface with orthopedic effect;
  • There is ample storage space for linens.
  • the seat is also a sleeping surface;
  • the sofa is installed at a small distance from the wall, not close.

The process of unfolding the sofa takes place on the principle of the movement of accordion bellows. When assembled, the sofa is compact, but to expand it, you will need at least 1.5 m of free space in the room.

  • spacious and comfortable sleeping area;
  • compact body.
  • the transformation of the sofa into a sleeping place is accompanied by the movement of the supporting elements along the floor, scratches may remain on the surface of the floor covering;
  • you need to make an effort to unfold.

To bring the structure into the sleeping position, the seat must be rolled out and its top cushion folded onto the inner section.

  • comfortable sleeping surface;
  • takes up little space when assembled.
  • small bed height;
  • the movable element rolls out on the floor and can damage the parquet or laminate.

The berth is laid "accordion" under the seat. To transform a sofa into a bed, it is necessary to remove all decorative elements (most often pillows), pull out a cot and sequentially expand all three of its sections.

  • neat and compact body;
  • spacious sleeping area.
  • not very comfortable surface for sleeping, thin mattress;
  • there is no box for storing bed linen and accessories;
  • the mechanism is not distinguished by strength and reliability.

Important! "French cot" is not suitable for daily sleep, but it is a spacious extra bed, which will come in handy if you have guests over.


The folding part is made of metal (frame and grids). The sleeping surface is completed with an orthopedic mattress. Preparation of a bed is carried out in three movements.

  • stable system: the sofa can be safely laid out every day;
  • comfortable and spacious bed.
  • a folding bed occupies all the space in the sofa body and there are no niches for bed linen;
  • metal can deform under load.

american cot

The sofa can be laid out daily, it is more resistant to stress than the French version. The seat rises and the three sections open one after the other, standing on the supports.

  • spacious bed with a good mattress;
  • reliable and easy to use transformation system.
  • there is no compartment for linen and bedding;
  • seams are felt on the sleeping surface, which are located at the junctions of the folding sections.

Sofa with unfolding on the floor

The folding design, consisting of two parts, fits entirely inside the sofa body. There are no supports for the sleeping surface, it is put forward and laid directly on the floor.

  • compact body;
  • the most economical option among folding sofas.
  • sleep almost on the floor;
  • no drawers for laundry.


Three-section folding mechanism: to spread the sleeping surface, it is necessary to pull the lower seat support and roll out the sections one after the other. Conrad differs from standard roll-out mechanisms in the height of the sleeping area.

  • reliable mechanism suitable for daily use;
  • comfortable high bed;
  • The set includes large boxes for bedding.
  • heavy weight of the body and sliding system
  • The high sleeping area may not be to everyone's liking.

The mechanism is often installed on corner sofas. The lower part of the long side of the corner rolls out and a pillow is pulled up from it with the help of a special fabric or leather handle.

  • spacious comfortable sleeping surface;
  • easily transformed and can withstand heavy loads;
  • the presence of a capacious area for storing blankets, pillows, blankets.
  • with frequent use, the mechanism wears out quickly enough (will last 5-7 years);
  • used mainly on corner sofas.

Consider when choosing a sofa! also used in straight and modular designs. This sofa transformation method is quite simple, but pulling out the first section can be difficult due to the floor carpet.


It transforms by analogy with the "dolphin" mechanism, but has higher supports. Thus, the sofa, both assembled and unfolded, has a good height.

  • easily extends and unfolds the sleeping surface;
  • good bed height.
  • the service life is limited;
  • unreliable design.


The name of the mechanism is of English origin. It translates as "reclining".

The sofa is equipped with a complex system that adjusts the angle of the backrest and pushes a soft footrest from below. More advanced models suggest the presence of built-in massagers and the ability to control the system remotely using a remote control.

  • you can adjust the backrest and footrest to fit your parameters and create a comfortable seating area;
  • solid appearance.
  • the sofa does not transform into a full bed;
  • high price.

Manufacturers of upholstered furniture use a variety of layout mechanisms for sofas. There are no universal options. Depending on the method of operation, the size of the room and some other conditions, one or the other is selected.

In order not to make a mistake, you need to listen to the advice of experts. They will help you understand what factors you need to pay attention to in the first place. All groups of mechanisms are classified according to certain criteria. This makes it much easier to figure out which model is best suited.

studying, which mechanism for transforming sofas is better a number of recommendations should be taken into account. There is a generally accepted rule. All sofas are conditionally divided into guest types and designed for daily sleep. If the mechanism is chosen correctly, the furniture will last a long time. Its operation will be comfortable.

If the sofa will be laid out often (sleeping variety), you should not purchase products with a complex layout procedure. In this case, it would be useful to remember the golden rule: the simpler the better. Guest sofas, on the contrary, are not designed for the daily movements of the system. Therefore, their mechanism will not be as strong as that of sleeping varieties.

Attention should also be paid to such criteria as the maximum load of the bed, the orthopedic qualities of the model, its appearance, the layout procedure, the comfort of the bed, and also the convenience in the sitting position. So sofa transformation mechanism is an important factor influencing the choice.

Guest models

Guest type sofas have a design that does not take up much space. The appearance of such furniture is very unusual, interesting. Such mechanisms include "French folding bed", "Sedaflex", "Dionysus", etc. The main purpose of such furniture is to surprise guests, ensuring their maximum comfort during their stay in the hosts' house.

Comfort in a sitting position is important, but you won’t be able to kill two birds with one stone, you will have to sacrifice comfort when laying out. Mechanisms for transforming corner sofas require a significant investment of time and effort in order to transform furniture into a place to sleep. First you need to remove the seat cushions. After that, the mechanism is activated.

If you believe the reviews, rest in such a bed leaves much to be desired. These types of sofas are usually cheap. You can sleep on them, but not all the time.

Sleeping sofa

The second group includes furniture designed for daily sleep. When laying out, you do not need to spend a lot of time. Sleep will be comfortable. Devices of this type include the "book" and its main variations. The most famous of them are "click-clack" and "Eurobook".

This type includes angular varieties. The most popular in this group is recognized the transformation mechanism of the sofa "dolphin", well, or"puma". Also bright representatives of furniture for daily sleep are sofas "telescope" and "ribalto".

Such mechanisms are very easy to operate. Their transformation is quick and easy. The sleeping place has sufficient rigidity. It is flat and comfortable. Such mechanisms are designed for a large number of transformation cycles.

"Book" or "click-clack"

One of the simplest is sofa book. Transformation mechanism involves raising the seat. At this point, a click occurs. The sofa comes back down already unfolded.

Click-clack models are a slightly improved version of the book. Such devices have an intermediate position. At the same time, a person can be in a “relaxation” position. The back does not go all the way down. Therefore, a person is located on the sofa half-sitting.

The advantage of the presented models is reliability and durability even with daily transformation. This option is ideal for apartments with a small area. Floor covering can be anything.

The disadvantage is the limitation in design, simple appearance. The back and seat of such models must be identical in length. A variety of "click-clack" should not be placed close to the wall.


One of the most common models today is the Eurobook. The sofa transformation mechanism is considered one of the most reliable. When folding, the seat is pushed forward. Under it opens a space for storing bed linen. The back rests on the vacated space.

The advantage of such a system is the minimum number of mechanical elements. Therefore, there is practically nothing to break in such furniture. According to consumers, these are durable reliable products. The sleeping area is very spacious. In addition, there is a rather large box below. It is convenient to store bed linen and bedding here. The sofa can be installed near the wall.

As for the disadvantages of such products, people note that the seat slides on the floor. Therefore, special attention is paid to the coating. In general, the "Eurobook" is a solid reliable mechanism that will serve its owners for many years.


One of the analogues of the "Eurobook" today is the "pantograph". The sofa transformation mechanism is also quite simple. It is necessary to raise the seat at an inclination of about 45º. Then it is lowered and pulled down and towards itself. The back goes down. This is how the bed is made.

Below is a laundry compartment. Some models of the presented variety can be transformed from a direct to a corner version of upholstered furniture. And it doesn't matter if you want to turn it right or left.

The advantage of this mechanism, judging by the reviews, is that the seat does not roll out on the floor surface. It simply slides out without touching the flooring of the room. The improved design causes an increase in the cost of such sofas.


The "clamshell" type has several popular design options. The principle of transformation here is simple. The bed is located directly under the seat. For the front panel, which is located below, the seat moves forward. There is a French and an American folding bed. Their principle is very similar.

The French one is pulled out in the form of a scroll, which unfolds in 3 stages. This mechanism is compact in size, so it is built into even very sophisticated sofas. However, this model is not used on a daily basis.

The American clamshell is designed for heavy loads. This sofa is practical and durable. However, this feature significantly raises the price of this furniture. To transform the sofa, you need to lift it a little, and then pull it towards you. This type of mechanism does not harm the flooring, but it needs to be lubricated periodically to avoid squeaks.

Withdrawable mechanism

One of the best options for sleep is considered roll-out sofa. Transformation mechanism here is very simple. The berth is obtained by rolling out additional sections from under the base. Due to its simplicity, the presented mechanism is called one of the most reliable.

Another advantage of such products is the absence of requirements for the size of the room. It is installed even in small rooms. Moreover, in the unfolded state, the place to sleep will be long and even.

The disadvantage of such mechanisms is the exactingness of the type of flooring. It should be strong, not sag under the weight of the sofa. In the process of transformation, the base slides on the floor. Nothing should interfere with this movement. It is better if the selected model of the presented type has rubber wheels.

Buying a sofa is a very responsible process, because such furniture is bought for more than one year. The choice must be approached with special care so that the new sofa is comfortable for all family members, successfully harmonizes with the interior and pleases with its functionality for a long time.

First of all, the sofa is a comfortable relaxation area after a hard day, a place for friendly gatherings and watching movies. Often it is also used as a place to sleep. When buying, we usually pay attention to the appearance, but it will be much more important to make sure of the quality of the material and check the folding mechanisms of the sofas.

Before you go on a furniture shopping trip in search of a sofa, answer the following questions:

  1. How much space do you intend to allocate for the sofa when folded and unfolded?
  2. How often are you going to lay out the sofa?
  3. In what mode will the sofa sleeper function: daily or as a guest option?
  4. What load should the sofa withstand?
  5. Do you need a special place to store clothes?
  6. How much are you willing to spend on a purchase? Which model should you pay attention to: a budget option or a sofa with a more complex mechanism and reliable details?

Types of mechanisms, pros and cons

Types of sofas by folding mechanism:

  • retractable, or withdrawable (on rollers): withdrawable, dolphin, eurobook, conrad, pantograph;
  • folding: tango, book, elf;
  • deployable: accordion, French cot, American cot, Spartak.

Let's consider in more detail each of the options.


Having such a mechanism for transforming sofas, a piece of furniture is converted into 2 positions: a seated version and a sofa for sleeping. To turn the sofa into a sleeping place, its back is simply folded back. It will not have to be moved away from the wall during this process, since during installation it will be necessary to take into account that the design of the furniture requires a small gap between the wall and the back.

Parts of a sofa with a "book" mechanism are two metal or wooden frames with fixed or other soft filler. At the bottom, there is often a compartment for storing clothes.


  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • ease of use;
  • can be used frequently without the risk of breakage and wear.
  • has only two positions - lying and sitting;
  • the inability to move the sofa tightly against the wall.


"Tango" is the prototype of a sofa folding system called "click-clack". Many manufacturers seek to simply surprise the buyer with a beautiful new term. In general, this system is very much like a classic "book". There is only one difference - when unfolding, such a sofa can also take intermediate positions, and not just “sitting-lying”. The backrest can be adjusted to a comfortable level. These sofas are equipped with a bed storage box.

  • fixation of the back in several positions;
  • compact size;
  • when unfolded, the sofa creates a surface without bumps.

Minus - you can not attach the back tightly to the wall.


Such a mechanism for unfolding classic sofas, like the Eurobook, is easy to identify by pushing the seat forward on roll-out rollers. In this case, a niche is formed in which a part of the sofa, which previously served as the back, fits.

  • ease of converting the sofa into a bed;
  • reliability of the mechanism;
  • plenty of space to sleep;
  • large niches for storage.

Minus due to excessively large seats on the sofa, people with small stature and children will not feel comfortable, because they will not be able to lean on the back.


This is the most popular mechanism for transforming corner sofas. To unfold it, you need to pull the loops attached to the section under the seat. The movement should be up and towards you. The section will roll out and stand next to the seat, forming a large bed. The laundry box is located in the non-roll-out part of the seat.

Note: The dolphin mechanism exerts a heavy load on the sofa body, so you need to make sure that it is made of high-quality wood.

  • comfortable bed;
  • simplicity and ease of deployment.

Minus - not very long service life with the active use of the mechanism.


These types of folding sofas can often be found under the name "puma" or "tic-tac". This system arose as a variant of the Eurobook, only without roll-out rollers. Inside there is a spacious bed box.

To transform this sofa, you need to pull up the seat of the sofa, grabbing its edge in the middle. With this movement, you will activate the mechanism that pushes the seat up and forward and opens the legs of the support. In the resulting niche, lay the back-pillow.

  • comfortable place to sleep;
  • easy folding mechanism;
  • does not spoil the floor covering with rollers.


  • the mechanism is expensive;
  • very wide seat.

The sleeping surface of such a sofa is represented by three sections. To straighten them into a plane, you just need to pull the edge of the seat. For frequent use as a bed, such furniture is not recommended, since these types of sofa folding mechanisms wear out very quickly.

Tip: For unfolding, you need to take care of the presence of a fairly large space.

Plus - when assembled, this sofa is very compact.


  • the sleeping surface has irregularities;
  • short service life.

Roll-out sofa

The bed has two segments that are hidden in the sofa body. To unfold, you need to pull the bottom part so that it rolls forward. After that, the pillow leans back into the vacant space.

  • very durable and reliable mechanism;
  • comfortable place to sleep;
  • compact dimensions when assembled.


  • roll-out rollers can scratch the flooring when unfolding;
  • low bed.


"Accordion" got its name for some resemblance to the musical instrument of the same name. The sleeping space of the sofa stretches in a peculiar way, moving forward at the moment of unfolding, and then rests on the extended mobile legs. When folded, such a sofa has compact dimensions, but more space is required for transformation. The storage compartment is located in the back of the sofa.

  • reliable and stable mechanism;
  • long service life of the sofa;
  • ease of transformation.


  • there is no built-in place for linen;
  • draw-out type of mechanism can cause scratches on the flooring.


To transform such a sofa into a comfortable place to sleep, you need to pull the seat so that it decomposes in three steps and stands on extended legs. This type of folding sofas was jointly developed by Russian and Italian craftsmen. Such furniture is very well suited for sleeping. The design of the mechanism provides a long berth. In fact, this is a more durable French clamshell, complemented by a welded metal grill.

  • strength and durability of the mechanism;
  • ease of use;
  • as a bed can be used often;
  • comfortable sleeping place.


  • there is no place to store the bed;
  • before unfolding the sofa, you need to remove it from it.

Note: There is also a mechanism for laying out Ifagrid sofas, which is similar to Spartak, but also has some differences.

Conrad or Telescope

To expand such a sofa, you need to pull on its lower part. The sections will roll out one after the other, like a telescope, and stand on the supports.

This type of furniture differs from classic roll-out sofas by the large height of the bed.

  • reliable mechanism;
  • can be used daily;
  • compact volume;
  • there is a box for linen;
  • sleep comfortably.

Minus - the sofa is very heavy due to the massive mechanism.

Sedaflex (American folding bed)

Such a sofa unfolds like a French folding bed, but unlike it, it has not a three-fold, but a two-fold system and a thicker mattress.

  • very strong mechanism;
  • compact;
  • has a quality .


  • no storage box.


This is a sofa with a swivel transformation mechanism. The armrests at the time of the transformation of the bed are bred to the sides, and a comfortable place to sleep is obtained. The armrests in this sofa can be adjusted in height and have several positions.

  • compact model;
  • comfortable bed;
  • due to the use of lamellas, an orthopedic effect is obtained;
  • Armrests can be adjusted to suit individual needs.


  • the sofa cannot be leaned close to the wall;
  • the bed is located in the same place as the seat.

The name of this type of mechanism comes from the English "recline" - to lean back. The transformation takes place thanks to complex mechanisms hiding in the depths of the sofa. With their help, you can adjust the inclination of the backrest and push the footrest to the desired position. In some models, there are also special pillows with vibration massage. The most expensive models are equipped with an electric motor that is controlled by a remote control.


  • ease of management;
  • you can adjust the sofa to the needs of your body;
  • comfort in any position.
  • very high cost;
  • you can only sit, because there is no position for sleeping.

Sofa with unfolding on the floor

The bed has two sections. When folded, they hide inside the sofa body. To convert such a sofa, you need to pull up on the inner edge of the seat. Then make a soft jerk forward and on yourself. The sleeping place does not provide for any supports and is laid out directly on the floor.

  • small dimensions when folded;
  • the cheapest type of folding sofas.
  • not a very comfortable bed;
  • there is no area for storing bedding.

What to choose?

As a result, you can determine which of the sofa folding mechanisms has become the best in its category:

  • eurobook - the most reliable mechanism;
  • tango is the most comfortable to sit on;
  • dolphin - the most spacious;
  • pantograph, accordion and roll-out - the most comfortable for sleeping;
  • tango, eurobook and roll-out - have special storage compartments;
  • roll-out and elf - the most compact;
  • The book is the most affordable.

When buying any sofa, be sure to inspect its folding mechanism, consult the seller about this, ask questions and demand answers to them. The service life of the sofa and the convenience of its use depend very much on the correct mechanism. If the sofa will rarely be laid out, then you should pay attention to compact models, but not intended for frequent transformation.


The sofa is an integral element of the interior of any apartment. At first glance, they are all the same. However, the mechanisms for folding sofas are fundamentally different from each other. This question can play a decisive role in choosing one particular model. Therefore, it is important to understand this topic in advance, and only then go shopping.

There are three main layout options. All of them are popular and are regularly found in the furniture market. There are the following ways of folding and unfolding:

  • Withdrawable;
  • deployable;
  • Folding.

Each of them has its own characteristics. Moreover, all of them are divided into many types, differing both in folding itself and in ease of use. All these varieties you need to know in order to choose the most suitable sofa for yourself.


This type is very easy to use. All you need to do is pull the loop on the front of the sofa, after which it will roll forward. The roll-out mechanism requires accuracy, but with proper operation it can last for many years. A simple classic sofa of this kind will give the owner comfort during sleep and coziness in the house, achieved due to its compactness.


The Eurobook type is very convenient to use. Unfolding is very easy: the front extends and the rear manually lowers.


  • Life time;
  • Convenient folding process;
  • Smooth surface;
  • Inner storage box.

The disadvantages include large dimensions, due to which some people may feel discomfort when sitting. In most cases, "Eurosophy" becomes a good choice.


"Pantograph", which is also called "Tik Tak", is still the same "Eurobook", but has some improvements. When pulled out, the front side of the sofa does not roll on the floor, but is pulled out in the form of a small semicircle.

This type of layout avoids the risk of scratching the flooring. A separate advantage is considered a flat surface for sleeping.

The third name for this unfolding is “butterfly”.


Such a mechanism unfolds very quickly: it is enough to pull the edge of the sofa, after which all its components will alternately stretch out in the same way as a telescope.

The telescopic sofa has its advantages:

  • Sleeping height;
  • Linen compartment;
  • Compactness.

The disadvantages include a very large weight.


The "konrad" mechanism is identical to the telescopic one. However, it is characterized by a higher bed height and increased convenience. When extending the elements, damage to the floor is excluded.

This is the most reliable mechanism, but its cost is completely unattractive.


In recent years, the "dolphin" has become popular. In the process of unfolding, the movements of the elements resemble a dolphin's dive. Often this type is used in corner sofas. You can also unfold it by pulling on the loop.

  • Suitable for daily use;
  • Sleeping area;
  • Ease of operation.

There are no significant downsides to this design.


This transformation mechanism is almost identical to the previous one. The only difference is the increased height of the supports. Sofas with such unfolding allow you to get the most comfort from sleep.

The pros and cons come down to the increased height of the supports, which gives more convenience, but reduces the level of reliability.


Ankar operates on the same principle as the previous two. You need to pull the seat towards you and pull out the block by pulling it up. It is distinguished by increased reliability and spaciousness of the bed.

Animation of the transformation of sofa mechanisms - video:


The design of the puma pull-out sofa is very simple. You just need to pull up the seat, after which the base will stretch behind it. "Puma" has a high demand in the market, thanks to the safety of the floor and convenience.


  • Silent folding / unfolding process;
  • Ease of use.

Corner models are supplied with a special box for things, which is located on the back.


Sedalift is easy to use. It is ideal for sleeping, but many models suffer from low durability. The instruction manual calls for the lower part to be rolled out, the folded fabric section to be laid out over the extended base.

  • Large bed;
  • Ease of unfolding.

Of the minuses: the risk of scratching the floor, as well as low suitability for regular sleep.


All types of unfolding are comfortable, but this one causes a special feeling for many. The reason is the elegant appearance of the furniture when folded. This type is perfectly characterized by the word "clamshell". It is also often used in Russian names of subspecies.

In the unfolded state, the sofas resemble a folding bed familiar to many. The berth rests on supports and consists of a rather thin material. It is made up of three elements. It is only necessary to pull the edge of the seat so that the transformer sofa takes on a different look, and its two additional parts stand on supports.

What are the mechanisms of sofas - video:

This fastening does not allow you to use the sofa daily. It has reduced strength, and is also not very comfortable when lying for a long time. As a rule, they are used only in assembled form, and rarely laid out.

french book

This is the main representative of such a mechanism. The French book is unfolded by stretching the main part, which leads to the displacement of the other two on the supports.

  • Express unfolding.
  • unreliability;
  • Irregularities on the surface.

It is worth acquiring it only if you have to lie on it extremely rarely. In other cases, it is better to prefer a forward-folding mechanism.


This subspecies was developed by the joint efforts of designers from Russia and Italy. This is the best unfolding sleep mechanism. It is a more durable French clamshell, reinforced with a metal grill.

  • Strength;
  • Comfort and suitability for daily sleep.

Of the minuses, only that the lifting mechanism requires you to remove the pillows before unfolding.


This mechanism, also called "American book", is similar to the French version. You just need to pull the seat towards you, after which everything will decompose. It differs in that it consists of two blocks, not three. It also has a thicker surface.

  • High strength;
  • Compactness.

It has another name - "sedaflex". Of the minuses, only the absence of a linen box.

As the previous version, the sofa of such a plan consists of two parts. The difference is that the transformation requires not raising the seat, but moving the back forward, turning the structure over so that the sofa rests on the legs.

  • High reliability;
  • The presence of springs.
  • High price.

The spring mechanism allows you to extract maximum comfort from the furniture.


Another popular option resembles, in its principle of action, the musical instrument of the same name. The design stretches in the same way as accordion bellows. Gradually, the sleeping place is pulled out, leaning on the legs. It is similar in size to a large double bed.

  • Compactness;
  • Ease of lifting;
  • Reliability;
  • Department for things.
  • Risk of floor damage.

"Accordion" is very convenient to use and has an acceptable cost.


The mechanism is based on a metal frame. Unfolds by pulling the seat up. At the same time, two platforms are pulled out under the base. After unfolding, it is comparable in size to a large bed. You can assemble a folding sofa very quickly.

Pluses in durability and simplicity. The only downside is the lack of a linen box.


The popular ribalto folding option is distinguished by a well-thought-out design. It attracts attention with its simplicity and convenience. The process of folding such a sofa is simple: you need to lower the back to the seat, then turn them over, laying them on the floor. This is how the bed is formed. There are models with automatic folding.

  • Quick and easy folding;
  • Space.

There are no significant disadvantages of the mechanism. Also called "slider" in the angular version.

Folding sofas

Modern folding mechanisms include a third type - folding. It is familiar to anyone who has had an ordinary inexpensive sofa. The main plus is the presence of a large size linen box.


Such a sofa is very functional, because when unfolded it is able to take several positions. It looks like a book. You need to pull the lower part, after which the back will lower.

  • Intermediate folding options;
  • Flat sleeping surface.

Of the minuses, only the inability to put the sofa close to the wall. There is also a recliner option with a retractable footrest.


"Butterfly" combines retractable and folding mechanisms. Allows you to fold and assemble the sofa as quickly as possible. First, the lower part is pulled out, then the upper one leans back.

  • The speed of the mechanism;
  • Bed size.

The disadvantages of a sofa of this form include the risk of damaging the rollers used when rolling out. According to the method of unfolding, the mechanism is very similar to the Eurobook.


The classic mechanism for most people is a book. It is very easy to unfold and fold the sofa book. You need to fold the back back, after which it will lower, increasing the area for sleeping. This sofa consists of a metal or wooden frame.

The parameters allow you to fit inside a section for a large linen box. Other advantages include strength, simplicity and low cost.


The mechanism called "domino" combines rolling out, eurobook and dolphin dive. The lower part is extended, the back is folded and in the form of diving it goes down, forming a place to sleep. The characteristic of the sofa does not allow to include a department for things in the design, which makes the mechanism less attractive.

The main advantage of this triple design is the height of the bed.

Conclusion - the final choice

Reading 11 min. Views 1.2k.

Folding models of upholstered furniture have practically ousted other options from the market. Their versatility and practicality form a steady consumer demand. Responsible for these characteristics are the mechanisms for transforming sofas, which are being improved every year thanks to the innovative developments of specialists. Modern upholstered furniture has become more reliable and durable. And now a fragile woman and a child can turn it into a full-fledged sleeping place without any problems.


Folding sofas are necessary to save usable space in the room. They can be used as the main bed, and the universal model will help out if guests arrive. During the day, such furniture is usually in a folded position and performs its direct functions.

The design, dimensions and folding mechanism determine the function of the sofa in the interior. For example, "Click-clack" requires more space against the wall, and "Tango" will take over the functions of the main bed in the nursery.

You can count several dozen modern mechanisms for transforming sofas. Each of them has its own design features and advantages. At the same time, the basic device of any sofa is approximately the same. Upholstered furniture consists of several basic elements:

  • back;
  • seat;
  • armrests;
  • frame;
  • filler;
  • upholstery.

In addition, it can be additionally equipped with pillows or drawers for storing bed linen and other things. The transformation device is a set of parts that includes a articulated lever mechanism, guides and rollers. Its main task is to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bed. Usually the design is placed in the back and middle blocks of the sofa.

Overview of popular models

All types of sofas differ in several ways. By design, they can be angular, straight, modular. By the number of places - double, triple and more. Also, the furniture is equipped with a different mechanism for laying out sofas.

Depending on these criteria, products differ:

  • dimensions;
  • convenience;
  • bed size;
  • design.

Having studied the design features and clearly knowing your own needs, you can make a smart choice. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the regularity of operation - whether the furniture will be laid out daily or from time to time. In the first case, the most reliable mechanism is needed. And in the second, the main thing is that the furniture fits into the interior when folded.


The most common type of upholstered furniture. By design, products can vary significantly, but the basic principle remains the same - the design of the sofa allows you to fold and unfold it like a book. The furniture consists of two halves moving relative to each other, which provide for two or three positions. To fix the sofa in any of them, just pull one of the parts towards you.

There are several types of this mechanism:

  1. The usual "book" is the oldest of the existing models. Identical furniture options were still sold in Soviet stores. They have only two fixed positions and a simple transformation mechanism. This model is budget friendly. Inexpensive fabrics are used for upholstery, chipboards are used as a frame. The main drawback is the insufficiently even and spacious surface for sleeping. In addition, a similar mechanism for a sofa implies that the product will have to be constantly moved away from the wall. This is quite difficult, given that ordinary "books" are often equipped with storage boxes.
  2. "Eurobook" differs from the usual "book" in that it does not need to be moved away from the wall. The folding mechanism allows you to roll out the front part, then the back fits into the resulting opening. The furniture is characterized by more impressive dimensions, it can comfortably accommodate two people. The sofa with the Eurobook mechanism can be used as a comfortable bed for one person, even when folded. The cost of such furniture is much higher than that of the previous model.
  3. "Tango" ("click-clack") - options that are comfortable for sleeping, the main feature of which is the absence of a pronounced joint between the two halves of the "book". The furniture looks like a single whole, both folded and unfolded. The model is often equipped with armrests, which, when unfolded, can be lowered and raised at an angle in the form of a headrest. These types of sofas are often used as beds, that is, they are not folded in the morning.
  4. Pantographs are the most complex mechanisms of "book" type sofas. There are several varieties of them. You can unfold the "Puma" sofa in one motion, without using rollers (which means that it is impossible to spoil the floor). The seat is pushed forward, the backrest is lowered, at the same time the legs of the support are lowered. You can fold everything back with the help of special handles. The pendulum device underlying the "walking eurobook" allows furniture to be transformed by simply pulling on the loop. To unfold the model with the tick-tock mechanism, it is enough to pull the seat towards you and slightly up and gently lower the structure to the floor.

Among the advantages of models equipped with a "pantograph" is the smoothest movement of the mechanism among the "books".

Scheme of the mechanism
"Walking Eurobook"

Roll-out structures

The roll-out mechanism means the presence of wheels. Part of the structure - two segments - in the folded state is inside the sofa. In order to spread out the furniture, it is necessary to roll out this half from the body, and then raise it flush with the seat. The quality of the videos is key.


The transformation of any "clamshell" occurs according to the principle of familiar furniture of the same name. The "French folding bed" in the unfolded state looks a bit like the Soviet model. You just need to stretch three sections forward, and it will stand on the metal supports hidden in the body. This is a lightweight, but quickly wearing mechanism, which can be mechanically damaged if the weight of the sleepers is too large.

Some of the problems were solved in the "American clamshell" model (sedaflex). It differs from the French one in that the transformer mechanism does not stretch out, namely, it unfolds according to the principle of a sandwich. First one section folds out, then another. Between them are supports. When installing sections on supports, a berth is obtained. This is one of the most convenient and reliable mechanisms for transforming sofas.

The main drawback of the "American clamshell" is the lack of a storage system. Inside the sofa is only a bed.

Scheme of the mechanism
"French cot"
"American cot"


In a way, this is also a clamshell. But if the latest types of transformation mechanisms hide additional sections at the bottom of a piece of furniture, then the “accordion” is in the back, which consists of two sections. For unfolding, it is necessary to push the lower part forward, and the back will decompose.

When folded, the "accordion" looks attractive and compact. And the absence of a mechanism at the bottom makes the sofa more reliable. Drawers for linen are not provided in the model, so it is often equipped with additional cabinets. The sleeping surface is flat, but its size is limited by the height of the back. Another significant drawback is the possibility of damage to the flooring during the transformation process.

Sofas equipped with a mechanism such as "accordion" are not very popular, so you won't be able to immediately find a model of a suitable color and size.

Folding sofas with metal frame

Models on a metal frame are more difficult to manufacture, more expensive. But if all the connecting nodes and mechanisms fit exactly, such sofas can last longer. The frame is based on shaped pipes, and cushions are placed on a metal mesh up to 0.5 cm thick. Due to the increased strength, such a frame is the most reliable for daily use.


"Spartak" is equipped with a mechanism that unfolds forward. The triple folding device is somewhat reminiscent of the "American clamshell", that is, it unfolds in three stages, standing on the supports inside the frame. An additional advantage is the presence of a polyurethane foam mattress and a metal mesh base, guaranteeing a comfortable sleep. Such elements are recommended by orthopedists for people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system.

In the Spartak models, not just a reliable transformation mechanism, such sofas are designed taking into account medical recommendations.


Sofas "Elf" with a metal frame have an orthopedic effect. An additional plus - models with a stepper mechanism increase the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bed due to the sections located at the bottom of the piece of furniture or in the back. And the "Elf" is laid out due to the armrests. They are bred on the sides - the design becomes longer. The frame is made of profiled pipes. The base for the pillows are curved wooden transverse slats.

The most complex and functional products

Sophisticated models of folding sofas are equipped with universal mechanisms and electronics that allow you to give the sleeping position the most comfortable position for a particular person. Among all types of folding furniture according to the type of transformation, the most multifunctional can be called the modification options "recliner". They are equipped with a control panel that allows you to fix the footrest at the desired angle, push it only a certain distance. The backrest angle is also adjustable. Recliners are supplied with vibration massagers. Smart models with electronics can remember settings. The disadvantages of recliners are obvious. They are expensive, in the event of a breakdown, repairs will also cost a round sum. In addition, this is more of a place to relax, not to sleep - there is no full-fledged sleeping surface.

Even a superficial acquaintance with what the sofa folding mechanisms are like leads to the conclusion that there are no universal tips for choosing. It all depends on many factors:

  • housing conditions;
  • frequency of use;
  • financial opportunities;
  • the required sleeping area.

It is definitely impossible to answer which sofa mechanism is better. Each has certain advantages and disadvantages. Simplicity of design can be a plus when it comes to constantly using an inexpensive mechanism. And a disadvantage if the main criterion is the comfort for sleep.

Expensive models equipped with an electric drive and a vibration massager will help you relax after a working day. But sleeping on them is hardly more comfortable than on a regular "book", which is much cheaper. In addition, the simple mechanism of the sofa is the most reliable, because there is nothing to break.

For regular sleep, it is better to choose a reliable and comfortable model of upholstered furniture. As a guest sofa, you can use a design that occupies a minimum of usable space.

In the store, you need to check the serviceability of the transformation mechanism. It should not make extraneous sounds or jam. To determine the quality of the assembly, you need to try to unfold and fold the furniture several times.

Before giving preference to a particular model, it is worth deciding how exactly it will be used, prioritizing. Only then will it be possible to make an informed and reasonable choice. A wide range will allow you to purchase a product that meets all requirements.

The choice of sofa depends on living conditions and the frequency of use of the product.
The serviceability of the transformation mechanism should be checked before buying furniture in the store
For regular sleep, it is better to purchase a reliable and comfortable model of upholstered furniture.