Cozy living room - we make out a cozy and stylish design of the living room (90 photos). Design of a small living room (60 photos) Soft shades of brown

A small living room is not a problem. Even the cramped, at first glance, room can easily be turned into cozy place for evening relaxation in front of the TV, communication with friends and family holidays. Our ideas and tips will help you to ensure comfort, as well as create a relaxed atmosphere!

Interior style for a small living room

The living room is the face of the house and its arrangement should be given Special attention. IN beautiful interior It's always nice to relax yourself, as well as invite friends. To visually increase the space of the room, it is advisable to opt for one of the styles described below. They are united by lightness, unloaded details and predominantly light colors in the finish.

Living room in modern style

This style combines functionality and neatness. Clean graphic lines, soothing monochrome colors, cutting-edge materials and the latest in electronics are the perfect environment for busy people. Modern style resembles an office one, but it can always be complemented with cute home decor, textiles, sofa cushions or houseplants.

Living room in classic style

The luxurious classic style is characterized by harmony and symmetry. The abundance of white, crystal chandeliers and sconces, mirrors in gilded frames will fill the room with a soft glow.

The main decoration of a small living room in a classic style is carved color furniture. Ivory or expensive wood polished to a shine.

Stucco molding, relief cornices, arches, columns are necessarily present. The windows are covered with heavy curtains with vertical drapery and jewelry-made tiebacks.

Provence style living room

Charming simplicity of southern France the best solution for a small romantic living room. Distinctive features Provence is lace, floral prints on wallpaper, as well as pastel beige, peach, blue and gray shades. It remains only to get a beautiful service, put a vase with homemade jam and have a tea party!

Loft style living room

The design of a small loft-style living room provides for bare walls, panoramic windows and a minimum amount of furniture. Abstract paintings can act as decor, black and white pictures, metal floor lamps.

Living room in the style of minimalism

The name of this direction speaks for itself - a minimum of things, no decorations, only the necessary compact furniture and modern technology.

Of the flowers, one is used, in last resort- two. Available in white, grey, beige, silver or blue. Accents can be saturated, but always in a calm range.

Living room in Scandinavian style

Scandinavian style interior is a snow-white background with a slight admixture of beige, bright accents as well as plenty of natural light. This design will create a feeling of freshness in a small living room.

Color is important!

To visually enlarge a small living room, it is necessary to keep the design in two or three light or neutral colors. Darker ones can be used in flooring, furniture, neat decor. The pattern should be on one thing - if the walls are decorated, then the textiles are plain, and vice versa. Restrained palette, conciseness, lack of flashy details - this is the secret of a room in which nothing will distract or annoy.

white living room

White color is ideal for the background (walls, ceiling), goes well with other colors - gives them contrast. Makes the living room more spacious and brighter.

Living room in gray tones

Neutral grays tones down overly bright objects. For vertical surfaces suitable bleached tone of dry asphalt, silver. Furniture and decor could be darker.

Living room in brown tones

Brown color looks great in autumn colors - from sand to chocolate. Interspersed with orange, red, burgundy or light green shades are possible.

Living room in blue

Blue color has a calming effect on the human psyche, it cools. white ceiling, blue walls And light furniture- a magical option for interior design of a small living room.

Living room in shades of green

Green color has a good effect on vision and improves well-being. Looks beautiful surrounded by natural elements in shades of wood, stones, water and flowers.

Living room in lilac color

Shades of sunset and lavender fields. small living room in lilac color set in a romantic mood and become a favorite vacation spot for all the inhabitants of the apartment.

Decorating a small living room

To make the living room look spectacular, you should choose high-quality finishes for its decoration, but not necessarily expensive materials. The main criterion in this case is aesthetics.


To cover the floor in a small living room, natural parquet, laminate and carpet are most often used.

An extravagant design can also be created using a self-leveling floor, artificial stone, tiles or porcelain stoneware. A glossy or polished surface will visually add height to the room.

If there are small children in the house, it is worth laying carpets - they will soften falls and warm the kids while playing on the floor, and protect expensive finishes from damage.


The side background of a small living room should be light, without noticeable color spots. Monochromatic painting, seamless wallpaper (with narrow vertical patterns), brick or stonework, polished stone, plastic panels are suitable.

An interesting addition can be panoramic wallpapers with a 3D effect, mirror and glass partitions, art painting.

In the walls of drywall, you can make interesting illuminated niches for placing equipment, an aquarium, a collection of souvenirs or books.


Best of all in a small living room will look stretch mirror ceiling, two-level plasterboard or combined.

In the economy version, it is enough just to align it and paint it in White color. From all sorts plastic panels it is worth refusing - squares and stripes will visually reduce the height of the room. The same goes for massive hanging chandeliers.

Decor and textiles

The choice of fabrics will largely depend on general style interior. So, for the classics, satin, silk, velvet textures are ideal; for the loft - translucent white, for Provence and country - in a small flower.

To visually enlarge the space of a small living room, it is recommended to use light and shiny textiles. Curtains should be in harmony with the rest of the finish, partially repeat the patterns on the wallpaper, emphasize the color of the walls or merge with it.

If you attach the cornice to the ceiling, and lower the curtains to the floor, the room will appear higher. good decision for a small-sized hall - curtains throughout the wall, always light and with vertical drapery.

For decoration, large paintings with perspective views, mirrors, modular images, family photos and interesting panels are suitable. Vases with flowers or branches, indoor plants will also be appropriate in the living room.

On the open shelves you can place collector's editions of books, figurines and interior candles. In order not to disturb the harmony small space, the decor is desirable to use very sparingly.

Placement of furniture and appliances

The location of the sofa, TV, coffee table, shelves and other important things in a small living room largely depends on its layout. So, in a studio apartment, you will have to combine a recreation area with a dining room, and perhaps also provide for a folding sleeping place; the walk-through living room should somehow be protected, made more comfortable; rectangular room will need to be balanced using geometric techniques.

Small square living room

The symmetrical harmony of the square allows you to beautifully arrange any furniture under the wall or in the center. Using corner structures, the situation can be made diamond-shaped.

Narrow (rectangular) small living room

In such rooms, the door is usually located opposite the window and the effect of the corridor is obtained. You can improve the situation as follows: curtain the window with white curtains with a smooth horizontal drapery, front door make it large and light - this will increase narrow walls. Free areas must be trimmed with elements like brickwork or arrange racks with elongated shelves.

The broad sides should be mirrored, glossy, with prominent vertical lines of contrasting color and clear form from floor to ceiling.

Plank flooring should be laid parallel to narrow walls.

It is desirable to choose furniture with high backs- squat will "smear" the room.

Small custom-shaped living room

If the living room turned out as a result of complex zoning or the owners decided to equip the attic for this purpose, the problem of non-standard planning arises.

In this case, it is worth ordering corner or semicircular furniture, walls with bevelled edges, unusual tables and taking care of the access of light to each part of the space.

Lighting in a small living room

Proper location and aesthetic appearance Light fixtures can make a big difference in any small space. The living room definitely needs at least one powerful lamp on the ceiling, but you should not hang a bulky chandelier if the actual height of the room is less than 4 meters.

Neat point diodes can be mounted around the perimeter, sconces can be attached to the wall near the sofa (so that, for example, it is convenient to read books), and decor or shelves with favorite things can be illuminated with flexible ribbons. In some design options, stylized lanterns, garlands and luminescent elements will look very nice.

To get rid of the feeling of a ceiling hanging over your head, the light coming from below, vertically from the floor, will help. Reflected in a glossy film, it will make the room look higher.

In Khrushchev, as a rule, one cannot do without redevelopment - in such cases the living room is often combined with the kitchen. This helps to increase the area and turn a familiar room into a modern studio.

Upholstered furniture is better to choose folding - so in case of overnight guests there will be an extra bed.

A free corner of a small living room in Khrushchev should be equipped under workplace: put a computer, a lamp there and attach hanging shelves for books.

Association with other premises

In cramped conditions in a good way increasing the area is to combine the living room with adjacent rooms.

The combination of a small living room and kitchen

This is a very logical option - in the living room they receive friends, relax, and can not do without tea or festive feasts. It is enough just to visually separate the cooking area with a bar counter, and on the other hand put a sofa, TV, wall - and you get a comfortable multifunctional studio.

Every designer that creates chic interiors, aware of the fact that it is worth paying special attention to the design of the living room.

It is important to make the design of a cozy living room unique, because friendly gatherings, evening family gatherings are regularly organized in this room to relax after work and discuss how the day went.

That is why it is important to create comfort and coziness in the room. How to achieve what you want?


The classic is unlikely to ever go out of fashion. Classics are always admired by others, because its incredibly chic decoration.

The classic living room is created in light and gentle colors. Surfaces are made natural wood, as well as such material for window decoration and furniture upholstery as satin and velvet.

A wooden wall will fit into such an interior in the best possible way; caskets, family photographs, and stylish decor can be placed on its shelves.

In the living room, if possible, it is possible to install a fireplace. The classic is appropriate if beauty is to the liking of the owners of the house.

Comfort in a limited space

Not everyone can boast of a spacious apartment, luxurious, because many are forced to huddle in small housing in a high-rise building, but I want the living room to be cozy even despite its compact size.

Before you start decorating the hall, it is important to decide on the purpose of the room.

The room is divided into two zones - in which guests are received and the owners of the house have a rest, and therefore the question becomes acute about how to separate these zones from each other and how to make the living room cozy?

If there is enough space, then it is possible to use a screen as a partition, or a nice shelving unit with open shelves.

In addition, it is possible to create a podium with an angular soft sofa, where guests can receive guests in the evenings, and if one of the guests decides to spend the night, the sofa will become a sleeping place.

It is possible to combine two zones - a dining area with a seating area. If this option is chosen, then the sofa can be located opposite the table. In addition, the living room has a place for TV, which not only contributes to relaxation, but also allows you to escape from various thoughts, enjoy watching new movies.

There are very few solutions for decorating a small space, but thanks to the new mobile furniture produced today, it is possible to create an incredibly cozy living room interior.

Color spectrum

It makes no sense to tell you which color is better to choose in order to get a small cozy living room, because the choice directly depends on what tastes you have, what you prefer, it is important that harmony is observed.

Wall decoration

If the living room is very small, then it is better to decorate the ceiling light and dark walls. Thanks to this technique, the room will look a little higher.

If you are a lover of extravagance, something extraordinary, then you should choose light shades, and then dilute them with bright splashes.

Everyone interprets such a thing as a “cozy living room”, and the same applies to color. Someone places an aquarium in the hall in order to properly relax after a hard day, and someone chooses luxury, which emphasizes status.

No matter what choice you make, we believe that all the tips presented above will be useful to you and you will get the best out of them.

Browse through numerous photos of a cozy living room on the Internet to make the right choice.

Cozy living room design photo

Quiet family evenings and noisy friendly gatherings take place in the living room. But whatever happens in this room cozy atmosphere is required in it. It is not difficult to create an environment conducive to friendly communication. Even if the living area is more than modest. We share a selection of cozy interiors for a small living room that will make it the heart of the house.

1. Soft shades of brown

Brown is a win-win option for arranging a living room. But so that the interior does not seem boring, opt for non-standard shades. For example, on mustard.

2. Like in seventh heaven

The bluish-gray interior of a small living room does not look cold due to the abundance of contrasting decorative details. A narrow horizontal shelf, which serves as a stand for numerous paintings and photos, adds to the unusualness of the situation.

3. Urban jungle

Safari style in its purest form for a small space - not the best the best way. But why not introduce into the interior individual elements exotics, and in their ironic version? So the small living room will not look overloaded with details.

4. Extravagant Asian motifs

Despite the existing stereotype, a small room does not have to be decorated only in light colors. Unusual interior with oriental notes the best of that proof. Such an extravagant living room is sure to become a real magnet for guests.

5. Lighting, which has become the highlight of the interior

The discreet interior is transformed due to non-standard lighting design. Lighting located not only on the ceiling, but also in the shelves. A soft white-brown gamma creates a cozy atmosphere.

6. Inspiring Scandinavian style

Scandinavian style - democratic and comfortable. Such an interior is optimal for a living room, the owners of which are dynamic people who are not afraid of change.

7. Power is in the details

Many decorative details become a real decoration of a small living room. Due to the predominance of white in its interior, it does not seem cramped. A sofa saturated of blue color becomes the semantic center of the whole interior.

8. Reasonable luxury

The discreet black and white color scheme comes to life with metallic and plastic parts, faux fur and splashes of bright colors. The result is impressive. The interior looks democratic, but at the same time luxurious.

9. Color expression

Black and white are some of the most expressive colors in the palette. In addition to these two colors, the expressive trio includes orange-brown. The interior becomes noble due to the abundance of objects complex shape- from decor to skirting boards.

10. Expressive cherry details

Black and white interior may seem like a very ordinary solution for a small living room. But this will not happen if the contrasting environment is diluted with rich cherry color details. It will become a more noble replacement for red, which is so often diluted with black and white.

11. With a hint of a loft

Loft style - not the best choice for the interior of a small living room. But some of its elements Brick wall, metal lamps - are quite acceptable. After all, these complex textures make the interior deep.

12. Sunny mood

The optimistic interior, designed in white and yellow colors, improves mood. A warm communication good mood- what all guests need. In such a positive atmosphere, the owners of the house can only find a topic for conversation, and the evening will succeed.

13. A new take on a classic color combination

Interior with many prints.

accent wall, pasted over unusual wallpaper, perfectly harmonizes with curtains. This combination of prints removes the neutrality of the gray-brown interior, making it individual.

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Probably, there is not a single person who would not dream of sitting by the fireplace on a cold autumn or winter evening, admiring the burning flame, relaxing and warming up. But real fireplace- this is a serious construction that requires special specifications and often redevelopment of the premises, not to mention the solid area that it occupies. Therefore, for owners of small apartments, electric fireplaces are the best fit. Modern materials and technology allow manufacturers to achieve almost the maximum similarity of electric fireplaces with real wood-burning fireplaces. Our photo selection is proof of this.

White rooms in country houses and apartments became popular in Europe and America, and then in our countries. Classic white color is considered to be the basis scandinavian interior, however, this color is so versatile that it can be used to create absolutely any style. Initially, interior design in white was the prerogative of the elite and aristocrats. And in our time, this color is associated with luxury, grace, good taste and chic.

In Germany, England and Italy it is African tropical tree called wenge. Wenge is very popular due to its valuable wood. In other countries, this tree is better known as Congolese rosewood, African rosewood, bokong, avong. Due to its dark, very beautiful and very dense wood, wenge is widely used in the manufacture of overlays for guitar necks, knife handles, billiard cues. Wenge veneer is used as decorative coating furniture and doors. Not everyone can afford to use real wenge wood in the interior. More often they talk about the rich, dark brown color of wenge. We offer you to see a photo selection of interiors various rooms where wenge color is used - bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, home theaters, dressing rooms, etc.

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11 secrets of a cozy living room

The main purpose of living room design is to make it cozy. In the living room we receive guests, communicate with friends and relatives, celebrate holidays. Therefore, the atmosphere in the living room should be warm, comfortable and conducive to communication. We offer you to look at a photo selection that will tell you how to create coziness and comfort in the interior of the living room.

Secret 1. Decorative pillows
It is decorative sofa cushions are the touches that will give any interior a holistic, finished look. With their help, you can give the interior of the living room individuality. It is important that they are made in the same style as the interior of your living room, and complement it favorably.

Secret 2. Soft fluffy carpet
Any living room with such a carpet on the floor immediately becomes cozy, warm and fluffy. The carpet today is used only in this version - on the floor in the center of the living room. If several zones need to be allocated in the living room, then the use of several carpets is allowed. Small round or oval carpets are in fashion, which repeat the details of the interior of a round shape. An oval carpet can beautifully highlight a luxurious chair.

Secret 3. Light upholstered furniture with bright accessories
White or light upholstered furniture in combination with white walls will give the living room a special atmosphere of cleanliness and comfort, but you should definitely add bright decor and accessories to this interior.

Secret 4. Graceful coffee table
There are whole designer collections of exquisite coffee tables for living rooms. They are made in any interior styles and will serve as a great addition and accent to create a cozy atmosphere.

Secret 5. Natural materials - wooden, wicker or leather furniture
We experience the greatest state of comfort in nature, in the forest, in blooming garden. Therefore use in the living room natural materials- wood, leather, rattan will definitely bring comfort and peace to the interior.

Secret 6. Fireplace
The fireplace is a symbol of warmth and comfort. This is the most effective way create a cozy living room.

Secret 7. Red color of furniture, walls or textiles
Warm colors, red and its shades are often used by designers to create a living room interior. Red color goes well with white, pastel light shades, with natural wood and a fireplace.

We offer to consider photos of cozy living rooms, the interiors of which are ideal for decorating small apartments.

Great design choice small hall- to think over and carefully plan the composition in advance, where in one small room items will match perfectly. upholstered furniture, workplace and set for the reception of meals.

If the style is simple and concise, a cozy living room interior is guaranteed! After all, it will be much easier to furnish it in this case! For example, you can only submit interiors that are offered by IKEA.

They have a simple modern white furniture which can be combined with absolutely anything and as you like! It is these reasons that the ideas of this manufacturer are quite popular and often used in the design of small apartments.

It is a completely different matter when the owners prefer to decorate the hall with expensive furniture made from natural materials, such as wood.

And also, when their choice falls on a warm classic style. In this case, special attention should be paid to the issue of zoning the space of the room.

How to properly zone a living room?

Many people are very mistaken, thinking that the room cannot be divided at all, using only a screen, a rack, or a partition. The options can actually be simpler, based on - human features, as well as visual perception of everything that surrounds.

For example, if the accents of colors are placed absolutely correctly, you can draw the eye to certain parts of the room. Thus, other zones will move to another plane.

The wall in an alternative color, together with various floor coverings, serve as a visual divider. And if you approach this task seriously and with full responsibility, the question of how to make the living room cozy will disappear by itself!

We picked up a group of photos of cozy living rooms small size, which are in warm colors, ranging from coffee with milk to banal brown. There is a "resting" atmosphere in which you can tune in and relax.

The design has oriental cultural nuances. All this can be traced in a variety of figurines, figurines, vases, paintings, legs of small tables, or, for example, in cushions on orange sofas.

Comfort for a small living room

You can also focus attention in a small cozy living room in the sofa area. Everyone who enters the room will immediately cast their eyes on the orange details, for example, pillows, candles, a lamp, a vase.

To further divide the room into two parts, you should use differently textured carpets, along with your own light source, located directly above the dining table.

If we talk about the arrangement of the living room with working area, then such a room can be decorated simply and spaciously due to light colors in the design, such as white, cream, light green. As a decor, you can choose blue, pink or yellow.

This option is great to use to work professionally with colors. For example, here bright pillows with a plaid are able to draw attention to themselves.

In this case, the white table for work, located near the window, is able to dissolve, remaining in the background.

It can also be interesting to divert attention from TV if you do not want this subject to be accented. In such a situation, you can divert attention with a large lamp on the table, as well as paintings in the same color as it.

TV directly, you can "hide" visually between the vase and the protruding shelf.

In the modern rhythm of life, digital technologies are developing very quickly, and people are reading books less and less. Nevertheless, making out the design of a cozy living room, you should not give up shelves, cabinets for literary publications.

But for many it is even difficult to imagine how it is - a room without your favorite literature! And, despite the fact that before, in old days, many books were an indicator of good awareness, intelligence, now one or two bookcases for printed publications will not harm the interior at all.

The main task is not to be afraid to experiment! choose different colors, and only in this case the result will be justified!

Cozy living room design photo
