How to build a house from wood concrete with your own hands. Wood concrete house: the pros and cons of building wood concrete blocks

You can build a house or an extension to it not only from traditional building materials (brick, building blocks), but also with the help of a recently revived technology involving the use of wood concrete (sawdust concrete), a material where dry wood shavings are used as a filler. According to its characteristics, sawdust concrete is similar to aerated concrete, therefore, it is easy to select projects for houses made of wood concrete, which can be considered the corresponding samples of design documentation made for buildings from other types of lightweight concrete. The self-preparation of building materials and the construction of a house from wood concrete with your own hands will help to reduce the cost of the event as much as possible, which will be discussed in the article.

Properties of wood concrete as a building material

Arbolit is classified as lightweight concrete. The finished building material has a porous structure, where wood chips 5-10 cm long are used as the main component that gives strength, which should be at least 75-80%. The filler is traditionally bound with cement using various modifying additives (liquid glass, slaked lime, blowing additives).

Due to the porous structure and light filler, wood concrete has low thermal conductivity and the ability to conduct sounds. In terms of strength, the material is not inferior to other types of lightweight concrete, it has a very small coefficient of shrinkage deformation. This allows the use of wood concrete for the construction of private houses of various sizes and heights. Among the others positive characteristics wood concrete distinguish the following properties of the material:

  • high frost resistance (up to 70 freezing cycles in unprotected form);
  • resistance to fire, despite the initial flammability of the main component of the composition;
  • resistance to bacterial and fungal infections;
  • environmental friendliness of all components of the material;
  • the ability to pass steam, which is conducive to improving the microclimate in houses built from wood concrete;
  • the insignificant weight of the building material greatly facilitates the process of building houses from wood concrete with your own hands, and the low cost significantly reduces costs.

The disadvantage of wood concrete blocks, like all porous materials, is the ability to intensively absorb moisture. The minus is eliminated by waterproofing measures (facade decoration, a barrier between the wall and the foundation).

The method of self-preparation of wood concrete

Before you start building a house from wood concrete, you need to decide on two questions. The first of these is the choice of the method by which walls can be erected. There are two technologies:

  • laying of prefabricated wood concrete building blocks;
  • pouring a monolith into a pre-constructed formwork.

Each technology mentioned will be discussed in more detail later, but for now, you should decide on the second question: buy ready-made wood concrete blocks to build a house from wood concrete with your own hands or make them yourself? Now there are enough enterprises that make and sell wood concrete, so there will be no problems with the purchase of building materials. However, self-prepared blocks will cost much less, besides, the technology that allows you to make full-fledged building materials at home does not differ in complexity.

Independent production of wood concrete building blocks

Self-manufacturing building materials will make it much cheaper to build a house from wood concrete. To make the blocks yourself you will need the following materials:

  • dry wood shavings;
  • cement (preferably not lower than M-500);
  • pasty slaked lime;
  • liquid glass;
  • water.

The following tools and fixtures will be useful:

  • concrete mixer;
  • construction trough;
  • prefabricated forms for the formation of blocks;
  • improvised tools (buckets, shovels).

Forms are made from edged sanded boards, the width of the latter will determine the thickness of the finished building material. Forms are installed on a leveled surface covered with thick plastic wrap(can be replaced with old linoleum).

The mixture is prepared as follows.

  1. About a bucket of water is poured into a working concrete mixer, into which about a liter of lime paste and about 200 ml of liquid glass are added.
  2. After thorough mixing, about a bucket of cement and another bucket of water are added to the resulting solution.
  3. Now it is necessary to gradually pour chips into the tank of the concrete mixer until the resulting mixture looks semi-dry, while evenly mixed.

The necessary hydration of the components of the mixture is determined by a simple test. A handful of the resulting mass is compressed in the palm of your hand. With a normal amount of water, the mixture will stick together into a lump, but the liquid will not stand out from it (or we will suck a little).

Forms are filled with the prepared mixture, the mass is compacted. If you want to get blocks of increased strength, the form is not completely filled with wood concrete (leave about 2 cm to the top edge), after which a masonry (plaster) cement-sand mortar is added to the remaining volume.

In order for the arbolite blocks to better lag behind the mold, the walls of the latter are lubricated with lime paste before laying the mixture. It is possible to separate the contents of the form and leave for drying after 2-4 hours, depending on the air temperature, which affects the setting of the binder components. It is advisable to use wood concrete in masonry without waiting for it to dry completely. If this happens, you will have to moisten the surface so that dry and hygroscopic wood concrete does not take moisture away from the masonry mortar too quickly.

Works preceding the laying of walls from wood concrete

When building a house from wood concrete with your own hands, you need to take care of its durability, which directly depends on the creation of a solid foundation. Although wood concrete is not massive compared to classic concrete or even brick, during the construction of two-story cottages, the load on the base is significant, so it is advisable to pour reinforced concrete tape as a foundation. How much to deepen the base depends on the quality and structure of the soil on the site and the desire to have a basement or just a basement in the house.

If a small one-story building (a barn, a bathhouse) is being built from wood concrete, you can not burden yourself with a powerful foundation. In this case, a columnar base is suitable, which will provide the necessary strength of the building, but will be much cheaper and faster.

Having made the foundation, it is imperative to take care of a reliable hydro-barrier between it and the wall of arbolite that does not tolerate excess moisture. To do this, the surface of the base (base) is treated with a layer of bituminous mastic, on which 2-3 sheets of roofing material or other rolled waterproofing are laid. Only after that you can start building a house from wood concrete.

Wood concrete masonry

Arbolite blocks, purchased or made independently, have correct geometry, so their masonry does not present great difficulties. As a masonry mortar, a conventional cement-sand mortar is used in a ratio of 1: 4 (cement m-400 and sand, respectively). The consistency of the solution is recommended to be made semi-liquid, since wood concrete actively absorbs moisture.

Laying is done in the usual way. First, the corners are raised with careful control of verticality, after which, according to the resulting seams, the threads are pulled, along which the ordinal masonry is made. If it is necessary to cut blocks, an angle grinder (grinder) with a concrete disc or, alternatively, an electric or chainsaw is used. The same tools will help to make blocks of irregular geometry, if necessary.

Upon completion of the laying of the last row, to strengthen the building, it is recommended to make an armored belt, which significantly increases the strength of the structure and prevents possible horizontal movements of the walls. Another purpose of the armored belt is the perception of the load of the roof or ceiling.

To make an armored belt, you need to install a low (up to 10-15 cm) vertical formwork along the perimeter of the walls built with wood concrete, tie it with reinforcement and fill it with ordinary concrete. After the armopoyas has matured (1-2 weeks), the surface is isolated from moisture (similar to waterproofing between the foundation and masonry), a mauerlat is laid around the perimeter, from which roofing work begins.

Construction of monolithic walls from wood concrete

To avoid the labor-intensive and time-consuming process of manufacturing building blocks, the method of monolithic construction from wood concrete will allow. The method has its own difficulties, however, it can significantly speed up the construction building structures, while avoiding the formation of cold bridges, which are masonry joints.

When building a house from a monolithic wood concrete, you will need the same materials and tools that are used in the independent production of blocks (except for the form). In addition, lumber will be needed for the construction of vertical removable formwork. You can find out the details of the workflow when watching a video from the series "we build houses from wood concrete with our own hands."

Knowing now how to build a house with wood concrete, you can choose suitable project, stock up necessary materials for the manufacture of wood concrete and proceed with the implementation of the plan. Happy building!

On the initial stage it is important to choose the right material, considering all possible options. The brick and concrete, wooden beams were replaced by wood concrete, which is a mixture of high-grade cement and wood chips. It is in no way inferior, and in some respects even superior to traditional options.

It is necessary to take into account all the characteristics of wood concrete. Any type of base can be accepted, since even with significant shrinkage, due to the high strength and ability of the blocks to endure bending loads, the walls of the building do not crack. It is possible to use the base, the construction of which will be the most profitable and expedient in specific conditions, the most suitable design is tape.

Arbolite has a high moisture permeability, therefore waterproofing is required according to the technology:

  • elevation of the foundation above ground level - not less than 0.5 m;
  • at the same height, a brick substrate is made that absorbs moisture into itself.

2. Wall laying.

The technology is practically no different from the scheme of working with brick or foam concrete, except that the blocks are capable of absorbing moisture from the solution. Therefore, the wood concrete in order to avoid "drying" of the seams is moistened in advance.

The laying of the rows starts from the corners, checking the level of possible deviations, the material is easily processed. The thickness of the seam is taken from 10 to 30 mm, depending on the geometry of the elements and the number of storeys of the building.

The solution is applied along the edges of the previous row. An air thermal break is created, which is compensated by the thermal conductivity of the cement-sand mixture. Often additional masonry insulation is used with wooden slats or polystyrene tape. Such a gasket creates a gap in the seam, excluding the occurrence of cold bridges.

The optimal thickness of the walls of the house is 30 cm. For a two-story dwelling - at least 40, since the load on the lower rows of wood concrete increases. Under the condition of brick cladding or internal or external additional insulation, it is allowed to take the thickness bearing walls ok 20 cm.

It is necessary to stiffen the walls by reinforcing them with a polymer mesh or steel bars treated with anti-corrosion compound. The corners of the building, door and window openings, junctions of external walls are subject to reinforcement. For houses built from wood concrete, it is not necessary to strengthen the masonry, but many, being safe, place the grid every 3-4 rows. You can read the reviews of developers.

The blocks are laid in a checkerboard pattern, which ensures high reliability of the adhesion of the elements to each other.

The guide for working with wood concrete indicates the need for simultaneous laying out of no more than three rows. Then take a daily break to dry the solution. It is for this reason that internal walls are often erected together with external ones. To speed up the curing of cement and reduce construction time, various additives are introduced into the composition.

3. Exterior and interior decoration.

The surface is rough, thanks to which reliable adhesion of the material and the rough plaster mixture is ensured, additional processing of the walls is excluded. The facade of a house made of monolithic wood concrete or block can also be painted with acrylic urethane paint.

For exterior decoration, it is desirable to use products that have reliable adhesion to wood concrete. If the plane is not flat enough, a wooden crate is allowed. Decoration method internal walls with their own hands is chosen by anyone. The humidity level in the room during work should not exceed 75%

4. Roof.

It is important to correctly calculate the loads and distribute them to the walls, the thickness of which must be sufficient to ensure the reliability and stability of the roof. The easiest way is to arrange a reinforced cement mortar screed after laying the last row of blocks.

The nuances of construction

When building a house from wood concrete with your own hands, it is important to study the manual and follow a few simple tips. The thermotechnical properties of wood concrete are fully revealed in the absence of cold bridges, leading to significant heat losses. To eliminate them on their own, the technology of breaking the seams by laying wooden slats is used.

To prevent the absorption of moisture in the solution, moisten the surface of the blocks with water or place them on an incompletely dried material. This problem can be solved with a mixture of liquid consistency.

The use of wood concrete implies the obligatory execution of finishing. If it is necessary to use products of non-standard sizes, it is desirable to process them on site. This will reduce the cost and significantly reduce the time.

Some nuances:

  • due to the high hygroscopicity, it needs a waterproofing device;
  • construction of a plinth with a height of 500-600 mm;
  • to protect against water runoff, the removal of the roof from the walls by 300-500 mm is arranged;
  • for rooms with high humidity it is necessary to perform high-quality vapor barrier;
  • heat-insulating blocks with a low density are allowed to be selected only for one-story houses, with a higher number of storeys, the use of structural material, able to withstand the weight of floor slabs and upper floors;
  • wood concrete does not combine well with ordinary concrete, therefore, when joining, special ingredients are added to the solution that accelerate the setting of cement, or wooden planks are used as a gasket between surfaces;
  • when joining with metal, additional protection against corrosion is needed.

The building material is well cut, drilled, sawn, perfectly holds self-tapping screws and nails.

Possible mistakes

  • Attracting non-professionals to build a turnkey house is main reason dissatisfaction with the quality of work performed.
  • Wrong block selection. A product with a low density, the price of which is significantly lower, gives a significant shrinkage with a curvature in the vertical plane.
  • Lack of reinforcement above the ceiling. It entails an uneven distribution of the load on the walls and their curvature.
  • Deviations in geometric parameters. It leads to an increase in the consumption of masonry mortar and finishing plaster.
  • The construction of the plinth cellular concrete. Porous building material of low cost is not able to provide protection from moisture.

The cost of building turnkey houses in Moscow

The price of turnkey housing depends on whether a standard project is chosen or developed individually for each customer. The layout also has a significant effect. engineering networks on the site, the summing up of which to the house is a large part of the estimate, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building and the number of floors.

Ordering a house standard project, which can be easily adapted to wood concrete blocks, it will be possible to save on the development of the original scheme and plan of the dwelling.

The cost of 1 m3 of masonry of standard thickness is approximately 6,700 rubles, 1 m2 finished house on average, it will cost 4200. Prices for fully finished housing from wood concrete start at 800,000-900,000 for a modest and tidy house. Two-storey cottage with a garage and a swimming pool can be built for about 4-5 million.

Arbolit is a special kind of concrete - with wood chips. The walls of houses made of this material are durable, warm and light, the minimum load on the foundation allows you to carry out work in the shortest possible time (from 2 months, including surface plastering). Wood concrete blocks weigh little, no lifting equipment is needed, all stages of construction can be done on our own. The main requirements of the technology are: waterproofing the foundation and the need for protective plastering of the walls immediately after the construction of the house.

Regulatory guidance describing general specifications wood concrete products are GOST 19222-84. About 80-90% of the composition contains cellulose (wood chips, flax processing waste), it also includes high-strength cement, fungicating and strengthening additives. The material has a porous structure and has good sound insulation and thermal insulation properties, it is environmentally friendly and is not afraid of biological influences. The standard thickness of the walls of the house is 30 cm (corresponds to the thermal conductivity of 1.5 m of brickwork), the basic investment during construction relates to the arrangement of the foundation. Use a columnar, tape or shallow type.

Wood concrete belongs to plastic materials, as a result - it is suitable for building a building on any soil, including mobile, the walls do not crack even if the foundation is skewed. Recommended scope of application: residential and industrial building(fire resistance allows it), garages, baths. Due to the significant porosity, there is a restriction on height: building codes allow the construction of a house from wood concrete up to 2 floors (ideally, no more than 7 m), preference is given to attic buildings. The main advantage of the technology is the low cost of construction, the costs depend solely on the area and finishing materials.

Walkthrough for building a house

The main emphasis is on the selection and arrangement of a reliable and high foundation of the building. Standard step-by-step instruction building a house with your own hands includes:

  • Preparation of the site, laying the foundation with simultaneous laying of communications.
  • Filling armopoyas, waterproofing works.
  • Ground floor construction.
  • Laying load-bearing walls and internal partitions.
  • Arrangement of the ventilation duct.
  • Laying the floor and erecting the second or attic floor, during construction one-story house- roofing.
  • Facing: facades and interior walls.

1. Arrangement of the foundation and armored belt.

Significant bending strength of wood concrete allows you to choose any type of base, the use of shallow tiled is allowed. The main thing is to raise the foundation as high as possible. Held full complex waterproofing works: backfilling the pillow, spreading rolls of roofing material and coating the walls of the foundation. It is important to qualitatively compact the drainage layer of sand; for this purpose, a vibrotamper is used.

On the this stage pipes are laid and only after that the reinforcing tape is laid. For pouring the armored belt, high-strength concrete is used and metal grid with a cell size of not more than 150 × 150 mm, with a diameter of 10 mm. The recommended tape thickness is at least 30 cm.

2. Installation of blocks.

The process of building a house from wood concrete starts from the corner, the technology is similar brickwork. Blocks are placed with holes down, adjusted in level as work is carried out. As a masonry mixture, a cement-sand mortar is used in proportions of 1: 2, mounting foam (expensive, but effective method) or special glue. Structural reinforcement is a must. Ideal Schema: reinforcing mesh through 2 rows and installation of reinforced concrete cores through the vertical slots of the blocks.

At the stage of erection of internal partitions, a ventilation duct is installed from pre-filled elements from cement-sand mortar. Due to the high absorption properties of wood concrete, it is important to wet or use wet blocks, otherwise they will begin to absorb moisture, which will affect the quality of the masonry. As an overlap between floors or attic space it is recommended to choose concrete seamless slabs, it is allowed to lay a cement screed.

3. Roofing and finishing works.

At the end of the masonry, above the last row of blocks are placed wooden beams treated with antiseptic. For truss system normal fit edged boards. It is allowed to start facing the facade immediately after the walls are erected, but it is advisable to wait until the end roofing works. For exterior finish suitable: siding, brick, lining, wood, facade paint, plaster, important condition when choosing a material is its adhesion and resistance to moisture. For interior decoration, they buy any options with the only requirement - maintaining the humidity level inside the building within 75%.

The main reason for choosing this building material is its insulating properties, due to the porous structure. This is evidenced by the reviews of residents about houses built from wood concrete, in particular - there is a general decrease in energy consumption for heating. But porosity has a downside - significant water absorption. For this reason, it is impossible to use wood concrete in rooms with high humidity without reliable waterproofing, also the material is not suitable for use in an environment with aggressive gases.

To obtain a quality building and prevent destruction, it is recommended:

  • Build the foundation as high as possible above ground level.
  • Carry out block stacking outside armored belt as an additional reinforcement.
  • Provide a brick substrate - up to 50 cm thick.
  • Lay the blocks using the burst seam method (using wooden planks) to avoid cold bridges. It is advisable to use a special masonry mix or introduce expanded perlite into a cement-sand mortar.
  • Choose materials with high adhesion for wall decoration, decorative concrete is considered optimal.
  • Moisten the blocks before laying (to prevent absorption of moisture from the mortar by the wood concrete).

There is another way - building a house from a monolithic wood concrete (like a sliding or removable formwork), the thickness of the walls is selected taking into account climatic conditions region. In this case, the solution is made directly on the construction site, there are no cold bridges. Despite all the advantages of this option, it is not recommended to use it for building a house with your own hands due to the high requirements for the quality of the composition, kneading and tamping of the mixture (you cannot do without special equipment).

Possible mistakes

An improperly made masonry mortar is considered the grossest violation of technology; a house built of wood concrete will be warm only in the absence of cold bridges. When using a purchased adhesive for blocks, it is better to check the instructions: the composition must comply with the laying building codes and have heat-insulating additives.

It is strictly forbidden to lay wood concrete in the ground, the foundation is made of concrete not lower than M300. At the same time, the laying of communications is done simultaneously with the construction of the base, it is important to think over their layout in advance (make additional holes coated with waterproofing foundation slabs highly undesirable).

The cost of turnkey houses

When contacting construction companies, the costs depend on the choice of equipment and price class (economy, standard or premium). On average, 1 m2 during the construction of a conventional box costs 12,000 rubles, when it is transferred on a turnkey basis (laying communications, laying a roof, inserting double-glazed windows, plastering internal walls and facades, waterproofing and pouring the floor), the price of the basic kit increases by 7,000 rubles. The minimum cost of 1 m2 when choosing a standard class is 15,000–24,000 rubles.

When building a house from turnkey premium wood concrete blocks, the initial price for 1 m2 is 45,000 rubles. Costs are rising mainly due to the use of more expensive building materials and the implementation of unique design solutions. Many construction companies have flexible discount systems (starting from 100–120 m2).

Often consumers choose Alternative option: order a scheme and project documentation from specialists (the price of such a service rarely exceeds 200 rubles per 1 m2) and build a house from wood concrete with their own hands. The advantage of this method is not only cost savings, but also quick coordination and approval of the project.

A house made of wood concrete is built quite often - many prefer this particular material. However, such a building has both advantages and disadvantages.

The article tells how to build a house from wood concrete and reviews about it.

More about arbolite

That is why experts are trying to improve building materials as much as possible in order to strengthen the house and make it more reliable.

Now the majority prefers wood concrete, and only a few build buildings from brick and concrete.

This is explained by the fact that the last two materials transmit sounds very well and retain heat worse. This, of course, is corrected, but extra time and money will be spent on additional insulation.

That is why many people advise building from wood concrete. This material invented in the last century.

Arbolit consists of a base, which is made from wood chips, and cement is also included, which helps to hold it all together.

If you add some more substances to the material, the mixture will look like foam concrete or stone. Very often, mineral solutions are added to wood concrete, which strengthen it.

As a result, it turns out that due to a large number wood chips, the material does not let in third-party sounds, and this effect can be achieved even without additional finishing.

If plaster is still applied to the walls, then the sound insulation becomes better. In addition, the material retains heat very well and does not allow cold air to enter the room. In the warm season, the house will keep cool.

Wood concrete can last a very long time, which is another plus.

In addition, arbolite walls can withstand a very large load, so houses made of such material can be built with two or three floors.

The long service life of wood concrete is explained by the absence of substances in the composition that can provoke decay.

The building material is non-flammable. At the same time, wood concrete “breathes” well due to its porous texture and prevents the occurrence of moisture, so that the house will not be stuffy.

It should also be noted the low weight of the material, so you can not use expensive equipment and make a very strong foundation.

It should be noted that there is no possible subsidence of the structure. An example is a foam concrete wall, which weighs 3 times more than an arbolite structure of the same size. When compared with brick wall, then it is 8 times heavier than wood concrete.

In addition, almost anything can be done with the material - puttying, plastering, etc. This is possible due to the good adhesive qualities of the composition.

In addition, wood concrete is absolutely not capricious - it can be used to build houses on any soil. For example, in Antarctica, polar bases are built from this material.

However, arbolite also has its drawbacks. For example, block parameters cannot be measured exactly.

Because of this, it is necessary to significantly increase the thickness of the seams, which can lead to freezing of the masonry. There may be an overrun of materials, and the construction time is long.

Another disadvantage of wood concrete lies in the high cost of laying, because for it you need to take a perlite solution, which will cost much more.

In addition, another disadvantage is the price of the material itself. As a rule, it is higher than that of foam concrete.

This is explained by the fact that wood concrete is made mainly by hand - there is very little automation at enterprises. Because of this, production volumes are small, which affects the price.

Despite the fact that the material can be combined with almost anything, it is advisable to choose finishing solutions that let air through.

In general, wood concrete houses have their pros and cons. But, despite this, the feedback from home owners is mostly positive.

Construction from monolithic wood concrete

Arbolit can be of two types - monolithic and in the form of blocks. The first option has some advantages, due to which it is chosen especially often.

Firstly, a house made of monolithic wood concrete is more durable - it does not react to soil shifting and will stand even during a small earthquake.

In addition, the construction of this type of house does not involve the use of seams, which improves the quality of thermal insulation.

Another plus is that the construction can be carried out at almost any time of the year, this will not affect the material and masonry in any way.

Reviews say that the construction of houses from monolithic wood concrete takes very little time, while the costs are very small.

It should also be noted that the shrinkage of the structure will occur gradually, which will prevent damage to the walls.

At the same time, the foundation of the house can be made using absolutely any formwork. Thanks to this, the building can be completed very quickly, and the housing will be warm.

In addition, it is much easier and faster to build such a house from wood concrete with your own hands. This is due to the lightness of the material.

However, a monolithic house has its drawbacks. For example, for construction, you need to use special equipment for pouring formwork.

If the formwork is fixed, then additional ventilation will have to be done. So the construction of houses from monolithic wood concrete must be taken very seriously, otherwise all the positive qualities of the material will disappear.

Despite the disadvantages of the material, many build a monolithic wood concrete house. This is explained by the fact that the structure is strong and durable. In addition, it is environmentally friendly.

Before construction, it is necessary that projects of houses from wood concrete are ready. It is necessary to decide whether there will be a basement floor - it depends on what foundation should be made.

It is necessary to purchase formwork and scaffolding - this is necessary tools during construction. Both removable and fixed formwork can be used.

You also need to take into account that you will have to take additional equipment for pouring concrete into the foundation for a house made of wood concrete.

If you plan to build a basement, then it must be made 50 cm above the blind area so that water does not get on the wood concrete. Experts recommend choosing a brick for the construction of the basement.

You also need to remember that the arbolite mass must be poured 30 cm into the formwork, and then leveled. After 4-5 days, the form for the foundation can be removed, if the structure is fixed, then you can simply continue construction.

For an arbolite house, it is better to make walls at least 60 cm thick. If the formwork is made of boards, then their thickness should be about 5 cm.

In general, building an arbolite house is not so difficult, you just need accuracy and care.

Block house from wood concrete

Building a house from wood concrete blocks can be carried out on absolutely any terrain.

This is explained by the fact that the blocks are very plastic, so if the base of the building begins to settle, the walls will not crack.

The foundation for a house made of wood concrete of this type may be the simplest. However, at the same time, the building should not have more than 2 floors.

Usually, wood concrete blocks are used for the construction of garages, baths, etc. The thickness of the walls of the blocks should be about 40 cm.

Usually, waterproofing material is folded between the walls and the base of the house.

Another advantage is that the blocks are quite cheap. However, the cost of construction will be influenced by the parameters of the house and the material for decoration.

The construction technology of this building material is not very complicated. First you need to remember that for the construction you should use a stone-cutting saw to adjust the parameters of the blocks.

As with any home, construction begins with laying the foundation. Experts advise to make a tape, slab or monolithic base for a block structure.

However, in some cases, the construction of a mixed foundation is permissible. Since arbolite blocks are light, it is possible to build a shallow type base.

Most often, a slab foundation is chosen for construction, since it can save a lot on it. It needs less cement, because most of the trenches are occupied by blocks. If such a base is chosen, then it must be made as high as possible.

Before construction, you should decide where the communication wires will pass. This should be reflected in the projects of houses from wood concrete blocks.

After the owner has decided on the wiring, you should proceed to the creation of the base. Most often, brick or concrete is chosen for it. In addition, you need to think about ventilation.

Above the final row of blocks, floor beams are laid.

Since wood concrete has some features, the structure hardly shrinks, so after construction is completed, it is possible to finish the house from wood concrete. For this, you can use any materials.

Usually, in the calculation program, you need to enter the parameters of the walls, the dimensions of the window and door openings.

As a result, you can get the required number of blocks that are needed for construction.

Block-type arbolite have their own characteristics. For example, laying should start from the corner of the structure. In addition, you need to make sure that the side with the hole at the block is located towards the bottom.

In general, the process of laying wood concrete blocks is similar to brickwork.

Most often, laying occurs using a solution of sand and cement. The ratio of cement to sand should be 1 to 2.

In some cases they take construction foam or special glue for aerated concrete blocks.

As a rule, the first option is more expensive, but also of higher quality - the grip will be stronger, you can save a lot of time.

Before laying out the blocks, a concrete core is installed, which passes through the voids of the material. Some also reinforce the masonry with mesh every two rows.

Building a house from wood concrete is not as difficult as it seems, you just need to make the right calculations.

Comparison of wood concrete with other materials

Some doubt whether it is worth building a house from wood concrete with their own hands. Currently, the choice of building materials is very rich - you can find something cheaper or more expensive.

But many people still try to consider all possible options before starting to build a house from wood concrete with their own hands.

For most, not only the strength of the material is important, but also its safety, composition and thermal insulation properties. In addition, it is necessary that the construction takes as little time as possible.

Most often, people choose between wood concrete and gas silicate blocks. When choosing, it should be borne in mind that concrete is included in the gas silicate blocks.

In addition, it is difficult to work with the material, it is necessary to strictly follow the laying technology. It must also be remembered that the construction of gas silicate blocks differs from the construction of a house from wood concrete in that in the first case it is necessary to make a brick lining.

This increases the weight of the entire structure, so you need to build a strong foundation, and this, in turn, leads to additional costs.

Many more choose between wood concrete and wood. The tree is known and understood by many, so it is often used.

In addition, it is environmentally friendly, creates a good indoor climate. However, wooden materials has its downsides.

Firstly, the construction time is significantly increased, and the structure is also easily ignited.

In addition, after the completion of the construction, you need to wait about a year until the built house sits down. We must not forget that wooden housing must be covered with antiseptics.

Before you say: “We are building a house from this material,” you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons, study the construction technology.

It is necessary that the selected material suits all residents, suits the type of soil and climate.

Building a house is a very responsible step, since everything must be done efficiently and reliably, because the future building should serve for many years. It is important to think over the details and first of all decide what material the dwelling will be made of. Popular materials such as brick or wood are the first to come to mind, but one more option should be noted that will give odds to both - this is wood concrete. The material has a lot of advantages and in this article this will be discussed in more detail. In order to save money, many people build a house from wood concrete with their own hands, in which case it is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists.

What is arbolite

Perhaps for the first time some of you will learn about the existence of such a building material. But today more and more buildings are made from it. And this should not be surprising, because it has many positive aspects.

Arbolite is a type of lightweight concrete. It has a coarse-grained structure, and 80% of the entire base is made up of wood chips. The composition of the arbolite includes three main components:

  • organic filler (chips, sawdust, shavings);
  • Portland cement;
  • modifying additives.

Modifying additives in the composition improve specifications wood concrete. Thanks to them, the material can have the following properties:

  • improved bactericidal qualities;
  • acceleration of the setting process;
  • regulation of arbolite porosity.

You can buy material in specialized stores. It is sold both in blocks and in monolithic panels. It is noteworthy that, in order to save money, wood concrete can be made independently, for example, in garage conditions. All you need is to prepare all the components.

Advantages and disadvantages

By making wood concrete, you are actually utilizing the waste of wood processing organizations. Due to its composition, wood concrete is a fairly light material, so the future building will not be very heavy. Besides:

  1. The complexity of the entire process of laying walls will decrease.
  2. The cost of using special equipment will be reduced.
  3. Installation work will be easy to do.
  4. It is not necessary to make the foundation strong.

A wall made of wood concrete is less subject to deformation processes during shrinkage of the house. Thanks to this, you can not be afraid that cracks and other damage will appear later.

It should be noted that positive qualities wood concrete mass:

  1. Low thermal conductivity, due to which the material retains warm air well in the room and prevents the penetration of both cold air in winter and warm air in summer.
  2. Increased frost resistance, which makes it possible to build buildings in regions with a harsh climate.
  3. Fire resistance, due to which the material will not burn, despite the content of wood in the composition.
  4. Good adhesion. This property helps to combine wood concrete with any building materials which perfectly adhere to its surface.
  5. Strength and durability. This indicator is one of the main ones, since during the construction of any building everyone wants to achieve exactly this goal. Arbolite blocks are quite durable, so you can safely build a house with 2-3 floors. By the way, wood concrete will not rot and fungi and various microorganisms do not appear in it.
  6. Porous structure providing excellent sound insulation.
  7. Light weight.
  8. Absolute environmental friendliness.
  9. Small price.

The material has its own small minus - low moisture resistance. Wood concrete is hygroscopic and easily absorbs moisture from environment, therefore, during work, it must be isolated from moisture.

All this makes wood concrete an ideal option for building your home.

If you want to build an arbolite house, you need to decide right away how to do it - build it from blocks or fill it monolithic house from wood concrete . Then there is another choice - to buy the material or make it yourself. If you have the funds and decide to buy blocks, just prepare a place for them under a canopy for storage. Independent production of wood concrete is also welcome, all you need is to prepare the material in advance.

Wood chips are the basis for wood concrete, but they should not be too small - at least 4 × 5 × 0.5 cm. This is due to the fact that the tree absorbs moisture very quickly. If the chips are small, when mixed with cement, they will simply lose their properties.

The preparation of raw materials should take place in the following sequence:

  1. Purchased waste from the sawmill should lie in the open air for 3-4 months.
  2. After that, they must be treated with a solution of limestone (2.5 kg per 150 liters of water).
  3. 3 days the chips must be mixed.
  4. Wait until the limestone mortar dries.

Additives for wood-concrete mix can be:

  • aluminum sulfide;
  • slaked lime;
  • calcium or aluminum chloride.

After all the steps, it's time to start mixing the arbolite solution.

Preparing the mixture

To prepare 1 m 3 of wood concrete solution, you will need the following components:

  • 300 kg of wood chips;
  • 300 kg of Portland cement;
  • 15–35 kg of chemical additives;
  • 350-400 liters of water.

Mixing is best done in a container with low sides, a large trough would be ideal. Otherwise, you can use a concrete mixer. To make wood concrete blocks, you will need molds. They can be made from wooden planks sheathed with plywood or metal sheets. To make a bottom for them, use linoleum. For comfort further work make pens.

Forms must be wetted with water or lime before pouring. And the bottom, which is made of linoleum, will need to be changed periodically, as it will wear out.

Now you can mix the solution. For this:

  1. Pour sawdust and additive into a trough or concrete mixer.
  2. Cover everything with water and mix well. If you do this by hand, use a hoe instead of a shovel to mix.
  3. Then add Portland cement and water.
  4. After that, everything must be thoroughly mixed again.
  5. Process the made forms with lime.
  6. Pour the mixture into the molds and tamp it well.

It is not necessary to pour the solution flush into the mold. Leave 2-3 cm of space from the edge of the form. From above, the wood concrete must be covered with a plaster mixture and leveled with a spatula. It is necessary to withstand the block in the form for a day so that it grabs and gets stronger. The next day, the blocks must be removed and placed under a canopy. There they will wait in the wings for 2-3 weeks, only after that they can be used for construction work.

If it is planned to make the walls monolithic, gradually pouring them, the mixing of the mortar should take place immediately after the foundation is made and everything is ready for pouring the walls. The technology of mixing the solution is the same.

So, the material for building a house has been prepared, then we will look at how to build a house. If you already have a house plan and drawings, then the first step is to make a foundation - the basis for the future home.

Foundation arrangement

The main advantage when working with wood concrete is its light weight. Therefore, the foundation for your building can be anything:

  • pile foundation;
  • strip shallow foundation;
  • tiled foundation;
  • column foundation.

The important fact is that even if the building sags (which cannot be avoided), the walls of your house will not crack. This is possible due to the unique properties of wood concrete wall blocks: they have high fracture strength. Thanks to this, you can choose any type of foundation in order to save money and ease in the arrangement. Most often, preference is given to bored piles and strip shallow foundations.

Briefly about how to make a strip foundation:

  1. Prepare the base, mark the site according to the plan of the house.
  2. Dig a trench for the foundation.
  3. Seal the bottom by making a 5 cm high cushion of crushed stone or sand and tamping it down.
  4. If desired, install a reinforced mesh.
  5. Then make formwork. Make sure there are no gaps.
  6. Now you can pour the concrete, compact it and expel the air.
  7. Everything is leveled with a trowel and left to dry completely, which will take 1 month.

Since the wood concrete from which the walls will be built has low moisture resistance, the foundation necessarily needs waterproofing. Firstly, the plinth must be raised 40–50 cm above ground level or a brick substrate of half a meter should be made. Secondly, the foundation must be lubricated with bitumen and 2-3 layers of waterproofing (for example, roofing material) should be laid.

Briefly about how to make a bored pile foundation:

  1. Calculate the future foundation (depth, height above the soil, frequency of piles).
  2. Mark the site based on the calculations.
  3. Make wells for piles.
  4. Make formwork and make a pillow.
  5. Reinforce the future foundation.
  6. Install piles and carry out waterproofing work.
  7. Pour concrete into the wells.

When the selected foundation is ready, you can start building walls. If you have already made brickwork, it will be easy for you to work with wood concrete, since the principle of operation is the same. The order of work is as follows:

  1. Masonry starts from the corners. It is necessary to set the corner blocks perfectly evenly, since the evenness and quality of the future wall depends on this. For these purposes, use the building level.
  2. Further, a cord or fishing line is pulled between the corners. It should run along the edge and be well stretched. The following blocks will be aligned on it.
  3. After that, the laying of blocks takes place directly. They need to be adjusted to the level of the fishing line and make the same seam, no more than 1 cm.
  4. Having finished the first row, the second is done in exactly the same way, only with the bundle of your choice.
  5. If the blocks need to be cut to size, they can be cut with a stone saw.

In order for the masonry to turn out to be reliable and of high quality, some points should be taken into account:

  1. In order for a house made of wood concrete to show its thermal properties by 100%, the formation of cold bridges should not be allowed. They will contribute to a large loss of heat. To remove them, when laying, use the method of breaking the seam with a wooden plank. It should be a section of 12 × 12 mm.
  2. Since wood concrete strongly absorbs moisture, they must be moistened with water before installing the blocks. Otherwise, it will absorb water from the cement mortar. Another option is to make a more liquid solution.
  3. If you need to build a house with custom design, blocks are processed immediately on site using a stone-cutting saw. If there is no desire to spend a lot of time, curly blocks can be ordered from specialized firms but it will cost more.

Monolithic walls

If you plan to make monolithic walls, you need to make a mortar before starting work. The technology is similar to conventional concreting. Formwork is installed on the foundation. Its height should be 60 cm maximum. It is important to provide it with sufficient reliability and strength to withstand the load of heavy wood concrete, so it must be well connected and strengthened.

As reinforcement for the rigidity of the wall, you can use plank frames, which are installed vertically in increments of 120–150 cm. Thanks to the frames, a deformation seam is created that contributes to an even distribution of the load. Boards must be treated with an antiseptic.

Pouring concrete better with a layer 50 cm and no more, so that the structure does not fall apart under weight. The solution should not be filled to the brim. After that, everything is tightly packed and waiting for drying (usually it is 2-3 days). As soon as the mortar has set, the formwork is dismantled and lifted higher to pour the next layer of wood concrete. Formwork should be removed carefully. All work is carried out until the desired height of the building is reached.

Finishing wood concrete walls

Due to the rough surface, arbolite walls have good adhesion (adhesion to any surface). And this means that you can plaster the walls immediately, without additional preparation of the walls.

as outdoor facing material any material can be used

  • siding;
  • lining;
  • brick;
  • tree (block house);
  • facade paint.

Inside the walls of the house, you can decorate with whatever your heart desires. There is only one rule - indoor humidity should not be more than 75%.

When the box of the future building is made, you should take care of the roof over your head. The main task is to correctly distribute the load throughout the structure. To solve it, you can resort to one of two options:

  1. Make a concrete screed, which is reinforced over a layer of wood concrete.
  2. Install wooden beam on blocks (Mauerlat).

Most often, the second option is used. The beams must be treated with an antiseptic and installed in increments of 60 cm. The cross section of the beams is 10 × 20 cm. To make rafters, boards with a cross section of 20 × 5 cm are used. The rafters are covered with waterproofing material.

The skate is made from a beam measuring 5 × 5 cm. It must be attached to the rafters. For the crate, take a board 15 × 3.5 cm and fix it in increments of 25–30 cm. It remains only to put roofing material. It can be slate, metal tile or corrugated board.

So, it is quite possible to independently make your own home from wood concrete. Moreover, such a house will be warm and durable.


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