Calculation of a house from foam blocks calculator. How to calculate the number of foam blocks per house: the main calculation methods and their features

Having decided to build a house from foam blocks, you need to decide on the amount of material required for this. In this case, it is much easier to make calculations than when building a building from another building material, be it brick or wood.

The foam blocks are large in size, they fit in one row, like children's cubes, therefore, knowing the dimensions of the house that they are going to build and the dimensions of these “cubes”, you can easily calculate with very high accuracy and order just as much as you need. This will allow you not to overpay money for extra materials and for their delivery.

An example of calculating the required number of foam concrete blocks

The length of the house is 6 meters, width - 6 m. Height - 3 m.

The perimeter of the house is 24 m (6x4). The total area of ​​the walls is 24 x 3 = 72 square meters.

Calculate the area of ​​windows and doorways. Let us (conditionally) have 5 windows (let's take standard, plastic ones). Two windows on the facade of the house with a size of 1770x1460mm, and 3 windows with a size of 1470x1460mm.

We multiply all these numbers, add them up and get that the total area of ​​\u200b\u200ball windows will be 11.6 square meters. m. Since we calculated the area of ​​​​the windows themselves, and the window openings should be somewhat larger, we can safely round this figure up to 12 square meters. meters.

We subtract the area of ​​​​windows and doors from the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls and get - 58 square meters. It remains to calculate the amount of necessary building material material. With a wall thickness of 300 mm and known dimensions of the foam block (according to GOST 300x600x200 mm), a house needs 58 x 0.3 = 17.4 cubic meters. m, and taking into account the possible battle (broken foam blocks) - 18 cubic meters. m (500 pcs.), because in 1 cu. m - 27, 7 foam blocks.

After the above task, you can independently calculate how many foam blocks you need for your future home or contact our highly classified specialists for help. The price of foam blocks in Perm or make an online calculation

Foam blocks and their advantages

Foam blocks are a building material that can be used both in the construction of residential premises and in the construction of outbuildings, such as garages and sheds. Based on the number of foam blocks that will be used when laying the walls, the construction budget is formed, therefore, initially, when starting to implement a project for a building, you need to know how to calculate how many foam blocks are needed.

It is quite easy to calculate the number of foam blocks for construction, although this amount of work should be performed by the estimator, which makes up the construction estimate, according to the previously created project. If you want to independently, without the services of a construction company, calculate the quantity, you need to know the parameters of one foam block, the height of the building under construction, as well as its perimeter.

If we take into account that the foam blocks have a size of 200x300x600, and the future building will have dimensions of 5-6 meters, then for one row of masonry you will need (5 + 6) x2 \u003d 22 / 0.6 \u003d 36.6, where 22 is the perimeter of the building, and 0.6 is the length of one foam block. Thus, in one row there will be 36.6 foam blocks. The height of the building is 3 m divided by the height - it is 30 cm. That is, it is necessary to put 10 rows of foam blocks. Now you need 10x36.6 (number of foam blocks in one row) = 366 units.

But in some cases, a different method of masonry is also used, in which, to count the number of foam blocks, it is not their height that is counted, but their width - it is 20 cm. required for laying walls in this way will be 15x36.6 = 549 foam block units.

When counting, doors and window openings should be taken into account. Therefore, from the above amount of material, it is necessary to subtract as many foam blocks as there will be in the size of windows and doors. For example, the building will have 5 windows (size 1.5x1.4) and one door (size 2.1x1.2). For one opening, you will need 1.5 / 0.6 = 2.5 foam blocks in length and 1.4 / 0.3 or 0.2 = 4.66 or 7 in height. Total, 2.5x4.66 or 7 = 11.65 or 17.5 foam blocks. Thus, 5 window openings will take 11.65 or 17.5 x 5 = 58.25 or 81.55 foam blocks. From the above amount of foam blocks, 58.25 or 81.55 foam blocks should be subtracted. As a result, it turns out 366-58.25 \u003d 307.75 foam balls, or 549 - 81.55 \u003d 467.45 units of masonry material. From these results should be subtracted in the same way and the number that is needed for the doorway.


How many foam blocks are needed per house

Every self-sufficient man comes up with the idea of ​​building a house according to his own project. The time when people were happy in seventh heaven, getting an apartment in the "Khrushchev".

Fortunately, times have changed, and with them the needs, desires and capabilities of modern man have also changed. More and more people are showing interest in living away from the noise of the city. City air has a bad effect on the health and general condition of residents.

Deciding to start building a country house, you should weigh all the nuances associated with choosing a project, material for building a house, and decide on financial capabilities.

As an affordable solution to the problem, one can consider building a house or cottage using foam concrete. Starting preparations for construction, it is necessary to determine how many foam blocks are needed per house.

Having a house project, it is easy to calculate the required number of blocks. You will need to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball the walls of the house, excluding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindow and doorways. Knowing the dimensions of the block, and they are standard, it is easy to calculate the required amount of building material.

Foam concrete blocks are a building material produced on the basis of concrete using a special technology. As a result, bubbles form in the concrete, the material becomes porous and acquires good thermal insulation qualities.

The blocks have a small specific weight, which makes it easier to work with masonry, and good strength characteristics.

Having concluded a contract for the construction of a house, the customer will not have to rack his brains with the question: how many foam blocks are needed for the house, as the builders will calculate the required amount of material, according to the project.

The large sizes of the blocks allow you to increase the speed and reduce the cost of installation of construction. Houses made of foam concrete are not subject to decay (like wood) and retain their strength in a fire (compared to brick).

Perhaps, it has foam concrete, nevertheless, one drawback: it is not very presentable. When building a house, you will have to take into account the need for exterior finishes (plaster, siding).

Before you think about building a house from foam blocks, you need to calculate the number of foam blocks that you need to bring your project to life and, accordingly, get a superficial idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat expenses you will have to purchase this building material. So, for example, let's calculate the number of foam blocks per house, the width of which is 5 meters, the length is 6 meters, and the height is 2.8 meters. The first step will be to make calculations regarding the number of foam blocks (calculation of the consumption of foam blocks) required for the construction of the first row. To do this, of course, it is necessary to calculate the perimeter of the planned building. So, we got the value of 22 meters or 22000 mm. Then this value must be divided by the length of the foam block (600 mm). We get that for the construction of the first row, 37 foam blocks are needed.

Now you need to find out how many foam blocks are needed to build walls of 2.8 meters. Depending on how it is planned to lay the foam blocks, what is the planned thickness of the walls of the foam blocks, it will be necessary to divide the height of the wall by the height of one foam block. As a result, we managed to establish that in total, from floor to ceiling, we need a row of 10 foam blocks high. Next, you need to multiply the foam blocks that fit in the perimeter and the foam blocks needed to build a pillar, 2.8 meters high. That's all. As a result, we get the actual number of foam blocks for the construction of a building with the parameters we set. Naturally, it is also necessary to take into account door and window openings so as not to purchase a batch more than we need.

To do this, we calculate the perimeter of the building 6000 mm * 2 + 5000 * 2 = 22000 mm, Divide by the length of the foam block 600 mm
We get 36.6 foam blocks in 1 row
2. Calculate the number of rows of foam blocks in height

To do this, we divide the value of the building height (2800 mm) by (depending on the masonry method and wall thickness):
Option 1: height (300 mm) of the foam block
Option 2: width (200 mm) foam block
We get
in the first case 2800 mm / 300 mm = 9.33 rows of foam blocks
in the second case 2800 mm / 200 mm = 14 rows of foam blocks
3. We multiply the total values ​​of paragraphs 1. and 2. among themselves

We get
1 case: 36.6 * 9.33 = 342 foam blocks (minus windows and doors)
Case 2: 36.6 * 14 = 513 foam blocks (minus windows and doors)
Windows and doors are calculated at the rate of 1 sq.m. = 5.56

Similarly to option 1, the number of foam blocks for wall partitions is calculated 100 * 300 * 600, or the wall area is calculated and calculated at the rate of 1 sq.m. = 5.56 foam blocks.

Reinforced foam block and its application

Appointment: for a laying of external, internal walls and partitions of buildings.
Structure: small closed pores determine the high performance of foam concrete: heat and noise protection properties; fire resistance; durability; good machinability and environmental safety.
Composition: Portland cement PC500D0, sand, water, foaming agent, fiberglass. All materials for the manufacture of blocks comply with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations in accordance with GOST 25485
Hardening type: non-autoclave.

The main advantages of a house made of foam blocks

Foam concrete is one of the most popular building materials, foam block houses are built quickly and they are relatively inexpensive. Foam concrete became popular in low-rise construction due to its high strength (compressive strength ranges from 2.0-5.0 MPa), low density (from 400 to 1200 kg / m3), close in its values ​​to the density of solid wood. Houses made of foam blocks retain heat well, since foam concrete has a low thermal conductivity, in this parameter foam concrete is practically not inferior to natural wood and is 3-4 times superior to another popular building material - brick.

One of the main advantages of a foam block house is its unique fire safety. Foam blocks correspond to the first degree of fire resistance, and can be used in fire-resistant structures. The 150 mm thick foam block is an effective flame protection: it resists fire without damage for 4 hours, and can be subjected to short-term heating up to 1200 0C. Unlike concrete, it does not split or explode when exposed to intense heat (such as a blowtorch). In case of a house fire, toxic substances are not released from the foam blocks; in fact, combustion occurs solely due to finishing materials.

What is especially important, houses made of foam blocks, even after prolonged exposure to high temperatures, are subject to restoration, since they do not lose their strength and bearing capacity. Soot and fumes are relatively easy to clean off the walls of a house made of foam blocks, which means that it is enough to re-finish the interior, and you can live again, of course, observing fire safety rules.

Houses from foam blocks - practical and inexpensive

Building houses from foam blocks is a profitable investment for their owners. Indeed, compared with the same brick, this material is cheaper, and the thickness of the walls of such a house is 30 cm or more. In terms of thermal insulation properties, corresponding to a meter-long brick wall, this material gives a lot of scope when creating an architectural project for a house - foam blocks are easy to cut and combine in various combinations. A lot of different products for the construction of cottages are made from cellular concrete - floor slabs, flights of stairs, blocks, lintels, and so on. Another advantage of houses made of foam concrete material is their ability to "breathe", so living in such a cottage is much more comfortable.

The manufacturing technology of foam blocks is extremely simple: liquid concrete foams, and, when solidified, forms foam or aerated concrete filled with many small bubbles. This is a lightweight and durable material that retains heat well and has excellent soundproofing properties. Basically, the technology for building cottages from foam blocks is similar to the technology for building brick houses. But there are also small nuances.

Foam concrete blocks are easy to give the desired shape with a hand saw, they are easy to drill, plan and mill. By cutting cellular concrete, during the construction of a cottage, it is possible to create geometrically complex elements - arches, semicircular and multifaceted bay windows, as well as flawlessly even gables suitable for any angle of roof slope. Therefore, any architectural projects are easily implemented when choosing this building material. But in order to increase the reliability of the structure when constructing a cottage - if the project of a foam concrete house includes more than one floor - it is necessary to install reinforced monolithic columns around the perimeter, on which the floor panels will rest. Foam concrete is a lightweight material, so your cottage will not need a particularly strong (and, accordingly, expensive) foundation.

When building a country house from foam blocks, you can use special glue to connect them. This technology allows you to narrow the gaps between the blocks to 2-3 mm, as well as eliminate the appearance of "cold bridges" - in such a cottage, 30% more heat will be stored. However, from the point of view of reliability, the usual cement-sand mortar is much more reliable. All the same, the walls of such a house need to be insulated - if you cover the facade with polystyrene foam plates, you can live in it all year round.

In addition, in areas where the temperature in winter falls below -20 ° C, during the construction of a country house from foam blocks, roof insulation may be necessary. Its type will depend on the shape of the roof and the materials you decide to use for its construction. As for interior decoration, there is also a trick here - if you invite professionals to work, they will make such a high-quality and even masonry that after that you only need to slightly level the walls. So, it will be possible to save on rough finishing materials.

Advantages of foam and aerated concrete

Building houses from foam blocks simplifies the supply of communications - it is easier to cut channels for electrical wiring, heating systems and water pipes in foam and aerated concrete. The speed and low cost of installing this material also speak for the construction of a country house from foam blocks - after all, they are usually produced in large sizes, which can significantly speed up the process. Unlike wood, gas and foam concrete does not rot, does not burn, and, unlike brick, does not lose mechanical strength in a fire. And it meets all sanitary and hygienic requirements for the construction of cottages.

minus material

Aerated concrete has an unpresentable appearance, therefore, when developing a project for a foam concrete house, it is necessary to provide for exterior finishes. In addition, when building a country house from foam blocks, it is desirable to protect the walls from getting wet. Therefore, they are either plastered (and then covered with a hydrophobic composition), or lined with brick or vinyl siding.

But still, the main advantage of houses made of foam concrete is that they can rightly be called stone. After all, cellular concrete is nothing more than an artificial stone. Therefore, such cottages - durable, geoseismically stable, strong, non-combustible - combine all the advantages of a stone house.

Today we will see how many cubes of foam block are needed to build a house 6 by 6 meters. Since the geometric dimensions of the blocks differ for each manufacturer, it is wrong to count the number of blocks that are required per house.

Let's make a reservation right away that we will give the numbers for a one-story house. If you need to calculate the volume and number of foam blocks per two-story house, then multiply all the numbers by 2.

Let's take the most used floor height - 280 centimeters. With this height, the rooms in the house will not be too low and not too high.

The height of the floor is considered from the draft floor to the draft ceiling, since each owner chooses the decorative finish himself. And the thickness of materials for decorative floor and ceiling finishes can vary greatly.

How many cubes of foam blocks are needed to build a 6 by 6 house

How will it end? That's right, it will end with the collapse of a thin 20-centimeter wall under the load from the roof or during a strong wind.

Building a house or repairing a house is often a laborious process, and special calculators can simplify it at least a little.

Such programs or even just websites will help you find out how much of certain materials, basic or finishing, you may need to work, taking into account important parameters. After all, no one wants problems with a shortage, for example, blocks or tiles. On the other hand, buying “in reserve” also has its drawbacks: what if there is nowhere to store the balance or it will not be possible to return it? To avoid unnecessary problems, you can use a calculator.

For example, on our website there are calculators for calculating the number of foam blocks, masonry mortar on walls, tongue-and-groove slabs GWP and others, but now we will consider the first one. This calculator will help you calculate the number of foam blocks needed to build walls in a house or partitions in an apartment.

The principle of calculation is absolutely simplified for you: you only need to enter a few parameters and click the "Calculate" button, the program will do everything itself.

The parameters you need to know are: the size of the block (its width, length and height), the total length of the walls in meters, the average height of the walls in meters and the total area of ​​window and door openings in square meters. After pressing the calculate button, the program will give you not one result, but a detailed answer, from where you will find out the number of blocks (in cubic meters and pieces), and the number of blocks, a multiple of a pallet (in the same units of measurement), and the number of blocks on a pallet , and the number of pallets themselves.

The calculator for calculating the number of foam blocks will help you save time on manual calculations and give accurate results, it will give you the opportunity to find out with great accuracy the amount of materials needed so that you do not have to buy more blocks, noticing a shortage, or not knowing where to attach the rest. The calculator is easy to use and at the same time quite useful, which makes it an indispensable tool when building a house or renovating an apartment.

The calculation of the required number of foam blocks for construction is very simple. The initial data for the calculation of foam blocks: the thickness of the walls and partitions, the perimeter and height of the masonry, the number and dimensions of windows and doors. Since wall foam blocks are easy to process, and when cutting a block, both parts can almost always be used in masonry, there is no need to buy blocks with a large margin.

There is another parameter that must be taken into account when calculating the number of foam blocks. This is the percentage of broken blocks after transportation. And although this percentage depends on many factors (up to the condition of the road and the car), the manufacturer usually has some average figures.

To calculate foam blocks, you need to break the walls into groups by thickness. For example, the first group - external walls, the second - internal load-bearing (the thickness may differ or be equal to the thickness of the external walls), the third - internal non-bearing.

Next, you need to calculate the total length of the walls in each group and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindows and doors, also broken down. At the third step, we calculate the volume of masonry in each group (we multiply the length, height and thickness of the walls) minus the volume of door and window openings (multiplying the area from the previous step by the wall thickness).

Splitting into separate groups to calculate the quantity is necessary because foam blocks of different sizes are used during the construction of the house. So, external walls are usually built from blocks of 200x300x600 mm in size with masonry on edge (300 mm in height) in 2 layers in thickness, internal load-bearing walls from the same block either in exactly the same way or flat (300 mm in thickness, 200 mm in height ), partitions - from blocks of 100x300x600 mm.

The volume of one wall foam block is 0.036 cubic meters. m, partition wall - 0.018 cubic meters.

m. In order to calculate the number of foam blocks, you need to divide the total volume in each group by the volume of one block of the appropriate thickness and add 3-5% to the resulting number in reserve. If you know the approximate percentage of the split during delivery, then add this percentage, otherwise take an approximate figure of 2-3% of the total.

Calculation of the number of foam blocks for the construction of a one-story house with external dimensions of 8x10 m, an internal load-bearing wall and light interior partitions. The composition of the premises: hall, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, hallway. Wall thickness: external - 40 cm, internal load-bearing - 30 cm, partitions - 10 cm.

I group. The perimeter of the walls is 34.4 m, the height is 3 m, the area of ​​the openings (6 windows and an external door) is 12.9 sq. m.

Masonry volume 36.12 cubic meters. m.II group. The length of the internal load-bearing wall is 7.2 m, 2 doorways with an area of ​​3.2 sq.

m. The volume of masonry is 5.52 cubic meters. m. III group.

Wall length 18 m, 3 doorways. Masonry volume 5.16 cubic meters. m.

Because for I and II groups, the same blocks will be used, we summarize the volumes: 41.64 cubic meters. In total, the calculated number of foam blocks will be: 1157 wall and 286 partition. We add 6% for trimming and fighting during transportation, we get 1227 foam concrete wall blocks and 304 partition blocks.

It is worth noting that partition foam concrete blocks are somewhat more expensive than wall blocks. This is due to the high cost of their production. This applies to both cutting and injection technology for the production of foam blocks.

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Which house to build: from foam block or timber

What material is better to choose for building a house: eco-friendly wood or the most modern options?

Before you start work, you need to decide on the design of the house. It should be borne in mind that if it is complex, then it will be difficult to work with a bar. Consider all the pros and cons of timber and foam block.

Energy-saving characteristic of the foam block

The increase in the popularity of foam concrete is due to many factors, among which the need for energy saving stands out. In the past few years, due to the increase in utility costs, this indicator has become especially popular.

Method for obtaining foam blocks

There are two popular ways of making foam concrete - classical and using barotechnology.

When using the second method, there is an increase in the use of a foaming agent, so foam concrete is not very strong, but it is light. With the classical method, on the contrary, a greater density and strength are obtained. But in any case, foam concrete is obtained, which is fed into molds with the help of a compressor unit.

The construction of a house from foam blocks is not complete without accurate calculations. It is easier to assess the required amount of material using the online calculator on the ISOBLOCK website. The calculator for calculating the number of foam blocks is a specialized program that does not require special skills and knowledge in construction, which will make it easier for foremen, architects and future homeowners.

To calculate on the calculator, you will need the following parameters of the building under construction: height, width, length. Using the online assistant, you will perform the following tasks: Calculate the number of blocks according to different drawings in advance - before starting construction and purchasing materials. Set the approximate number of foam blocks required to build a house .Calculate the cost of erecting a building, even the most complex one.Optimize the pledged funds, and in case of errors, change the drawing, house plan or estimate.Rules for using the calculatorNo special knowledge is required to perform calculations. The user independently enters data on the construction into the table and receives the result. The result of the calculation is presented in the form of 3 digits: the number of blocks in m³, in pieces, the approximate price. Step-by-step instruction: In the empty columns for calculation, enter the parameters of the building - its length, width and height.

The data is indicated in meters. Click on the "Calculate" button. The result will be received in a few seconds. You will see information about the number of foam blocks required for construction, and its price. Let's give a simple example.

If the width of the house is 80 m, the length is 100, and the height is 2.8 m, then 216 m³, or 5,983 foam blocks, will be required. The estimated cost will be 561,600 rubles. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the price and quantity of material are calculated based on the standard parameters of the foam block 600x300x200 mm. Our company produces blocks of other sizes, but the initial calculation is best done using these settings. The size of one block To calculate the volume of the foam block, specify the length, width and height of the structure being built. The calculation of the number of foam blocks for building a house is carried out according to certain parameters: Masonry in 1 row is taken into account. The presence of window and door openings is not implied, that is, you still have a supply of material. The wall thickness of the house is standardly set in the calculator - 300 mm. The calculation is made without taking into account cement, sand and spare blocks in case they are damaged during construction work or delivery. The program calculates approximate cost of building material.

Today, the construction of houses from foam concrete is gaining momentum. And this is not surprising, because this material has such parameters that cannot but attract buyers. There are several opinions on how to correctly calculate the cost of building a house from foam blocks.

We will focus on this issue in this article.

Why foam block

First of all, we recall: do not confuse foam concrete with aerated concrete. In one of the articles on our website, the fundamental differences between these two materials are discussed in detail. It should be noted that the price of foam concrete is more favorable.

What he really is

A foam block is a small "bar" made by mixing a concrete mixture with special foaming components. It is the foam that forms cavities in concrete, which reduce its weight and increase heat-insulating parameters.

Its standard size is 200*300*600 mm. For clarity, look at the photo below, and imagine how much time you can save on laying foam blocks.

Houses made of this material cost significantly less than houses of the same size made of brick or, for example, timber. And if you are not too lazy and build everything with your own hands, then the savings will exceed even the wildest expectations.

Having an attractive price, foam block houses or cottages are in no way inferior to stone or wooden ones in their parameters. An attractive feature of the material can also be called its environmental friendliness.

Material advantages

  1. In the production, additives that negatively affect human health are not used, which makes it possible to build children's or health complexes from it. With such a construction, considerable attention is paid to sound insulation - and foam concrete knows no equal in it.
  2. The very structure of the material is favorable for further processing. With the help of simple tools, you can give the block any desired shape.
  3. The porous structure does not interfere with gas exchange and the house "breathes" no worse than a wooden one.
  4. From the previous paragraph, it logically follows that such a house is not characterized by excessive humidity and dampness.. With foam concrete, you will forget about mold and drips.
  5. Not only the size, but also the laying principle will help save time and mortar. After all, the gap between the blocks should not exceed 3 mm.
  6. Both exterior and interior decoration will also not cause you any extra trouble, because the plaster layer does not have to be thick at all.
  7. Foam concrete has excellent fire resistance. At high temperatures, the material does not crumble or crack, it protects the fittings from heating. In the event of force majeure, such a house will not let you down.

Cons of the material

There are few of them, but they are still present:

  • Light weight with a large volume, of course, leads to a loss of strength. For this reason, the foam block has not received and will not be widely used in multi-storey construction. Although, after all, you are building a private house, and this is unlikely to be a problem, because cottages are rarely higher than 3 floors.
  • The need to monitor the correct laying. If the solution layer exceeds 3-4 mm, then you risk losing both heat and sound insulating properties.

Let's get to the main question.

So, our main task is to calculate the cost of building a house from foam blocks. It cannot be done separately from the clarification of the stages of construction. After all, only by disassembling the whole process in parts, you can take into account every detail.


The calculation of the foam block for building a house should be based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. Foam blocks are sold in cubic meters and to find out the quantity you need, simply multiply the thickness of the block by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls.

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The full calculation of the cost of building a house from foam blocks is as follows:

  • we will stipulate right away that our sample has a width of 8 m, a length of 10 m and a height of 3 m. Capital and external walls are taken into account.
  • the cost of the roof, foundation and other works can be calculated using separate calculators on our website.
  • so, we calculate the perimeter of the building: 10 * 2 + 7.4 * 2 \u003d 34.8 m (round up to 35). A reasonable question arises: how much is 7.4 meters, and not 8? The answer is simple: you folded 2 walls of 10 meters each, and from eight you need to subtract the width of the block, that is, 30 cm.
  • now we find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls: 35 * 3 \u003d 105 sq.m. Everything is clear here: the perimeter multiplied by the height.
  • From the resulting area subtract the area of ​​windows and doors. This is purely individual for each project, so for convenience, let's assume that they occupy 10 sq.m. Remains 95 sq.m.
  • We find out the area of ​​​​the foam block: 0.6 * 0.2 \u003d 0.12 sq.m. It turns out that for 1 sq.m. accounts for 1 / 0.12 \u003d 8.3 foam blocks.
  • So, we complete the calculation: 95 * 8.3 = 788.5 blocks are needed for the outer walls.
  • It would seem that the calculation of materials for building a house from foam blocks is over, but no! We did not take into account the main wall.
  • Its length in our sample will be 9.4 meters. We multiply by the height - we get an area of ​​\u200b\u200b28.2 sq.m. Again, let's say that windows and doors occupy 5 square meters. We get 23.2 sq.m. 23.2*8.3= 192.5 blocks.
  • We add up the numbers obtained: 788.5 + 192.5 = 981 blocks are needed for such a building.

So, the calculation of building a house from foam blocks showed that we need 981 blocks. There are 27.7 blocks in one cubic meter. With a simple calculation, we find out that we need 35 cubic meters.

The cost of 1 cubic meter is about 3000 rubles. As you can see, a house of a given size will cost a very modest amount. Of course, this is just the frame of the building, but you must admit that the same brick would cost 2-3 times more.

It is worth noting that this instruction is approximate and an accurate calculation is possible only with a thorough knowledge of the project.

Construction progress

  • the first step is to build a foundation for a house of foam blocks. Since the foam block is lightweight, there is no need to spend money on an expensive monolithic foundation. An excellent replacement for it can serve as a tape, which spends much less rubble, sand, concrete, and even takes smaller diameter reinforcement.

  • after the base gains the desired strength, it is time for laying. They start it by laying roofing material between the base and the first row as a waterproofing.
  • corner blocks are laid first. Moreover, special attention is paid to the corner, which, according to the plan, will become the highest. The corner is leveled and proceed to the next.
  • then a cord is pulled over the corners and the space between them is filled. If a whole block does not fit in one of the rows, then the excess part is cut off from it and the resulting piece is placed in the gap.
  • each next row is installed according to the same principle: from the corners. Verticals and horizontals are checked by level and cord.

Remove possible irregularities immediately with a planer.

  • To prevent the walls from cracking during shrinkage, the masonry must be reinforced. Reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm is laid in pre-cut grooves measuring 4 by 4 cm, which, after laying, are filled with glue or mortar.
  • Electrical wiring is also laid in strobes according to the same principle, however, the laying scheme depends on the specific project.

  • Particular attention is paid to door and window openings. All cut grooves are lined with a metal corner flush.

Another little tip: to cut blocks, you need to use a special hacksaw for foam concrete with large teeth.
With proper cutting, you will avoid crumbling of the material.

  • For interior decoration, drywall, board and textured plaster will be an excellent option. From the outside, it’s even easier - use siding or finishing bricks.

Summing up

As you can see, the calculation of building a house from foam blocks cannot be called a very complicated process. But this in no way detracts from its importance in planning work.

To delve even more into the process of erecting a foam block building, pay attention to the video in this article. Until we meet again on the pages of our site.

Here we decide, for the construction of a house 8 by 8 meters. About how much material is needed for a house of 6x6 meters and all calculations - see the previous page.

House 8 by 8 - it will turn out a little more on each side, but in terms of area it is almost 2 times larger than 6 by 6.

How many cubes of foam blocks are needed to build an 8 by 8 house

Again, we calculate the number and volume of the foam block for a one-story house. A wall of 8 meters is approximately 150 foam blocks in 1 row and, accordingly, 300 blocks in 2 rows, which will be 40 cm and will be a wall width of 2/3 blocks.

For the terminology associated with this, see the material where we counted the number of foam blocks per house 6 by 6 meters.

So, we counted the wall, there are four of them in the house. So for all 4 walls, excluding door and window openings, we need about 1200 blocks. And this, with a block volume of 0.03 cubic meters, will be about 36 cubic meters per floor.

If we make a house with 2 floors

To build a house from a foam block on 2 floors, you will need, respectively, a little more than 72 cubes of blocks.

Why "a little more"? Because you will be lining the armored belt between floors with a foam block, and it will also take you part of the height of the block to the thickness of the floor.

The thickness of the floor between floors will depend on the material and design of the floor.

If we make a wall 60 centimeters wide

If you decide in Siberia or the Urals, then in order to meet the requirements of modern SNiP, it is better to make the wall thickness 60 cm.

Then the wall will meet the thermal resistance requirements for these regions.

And it will be just the same “wall thickness of 1 block” - 60 centimeters.

How much will it be in cubes? For a one-story house, this will be 54 cubic meters of foam block, for a two-story house - about 110 cubic meters of foam block.

Decided to build a house from a foam block, but do not know how much you need to purchase it? What factors to rely on when choosing, and what to be guided by?

So this article is for you. Let's figure out how much a foam block is needed for a house, taking into account the characteristics of the material, the region in which construction is underway and the type of product.

What you should pay attention to

First of all, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of a certain material size and the required wall thickness, since without these data it is not possible to find out how many foam blocks are needed per house.

Product size

Using the table, we will consider some, depending on their purpose, and find out their standard sizes.

Table 1. How much foam block is needed to build a house: choose the dimensions:

Block type Its size and brief description

It is used, as the name implies, in the construction of walls of buildings.

The standard is a length of 60 or 62.5 cm, a width can be 40, 30 or 50 cm, and a height of 20, 25 or 30 cm.

It is used for . Its length is the same as that of the wall, but the width and height are different. The first value can be 25 or 30 cm, and the second - 8, 9, 10, 12, 15 cm.

Its application is as follows: it can be a stationary formwork, partition or other structure.

The size range is indicated in the photo.

In order to save yourself from the need to clad the building from the outside, you can use products with a cladding side when erecting a building. Their dimensions are the same as those of the wall block.

On a note! The dimensions indicated in the table are the most common among manufacturers and popular among developers. But this does not mean that other sizes cannot be used. In accordance with the state standard, manufacturers can produce products of other parameters by agreement with the buyer.

Wall thickness calculation

So, since we are going to figure out how much foam block is needed to build a house, we need a future building. To do this, we need to know exactly some indicators, or rather, their values.

Worth finding out:

  1. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the base material used in masonry;
  2. Its specific gravity;
  3. Heat transfer resistance coefficient;
  4. What material will be used as a heater;
  5. Its coefficient of thermal conductivity will also be needed.

Let's pretend that:

  1. Our product will have a specific gravity of 500 kg/m3;
  2. Its thermal conductivity will be about 0.15 W * mS;
  3. When choosing a heater, we will give preference to mineral wool, the thermal conductivity of which will be about 0.05 W * mS;

  1. Heat transfer resistance can have a different value - it is individual for each individual region. Values ​​are specified in SNiP;
  2. We will take as a basis the average indicator - 3.3.

Let's move on to the calculations:

  • From the value of resistance to heat transfer, we subtract the same value of mineral wool, which we will use when insulating the structure: 3.3-0.05 \u003d 3.25;
  • We multiply the thermal conductivity of the blocks and the heat transfer resistance index: 3.25 * 0.15 \u003d 0.4875. Taking into account rounding - 0.49;
  • That is, when erecting a building using a block with a density of D500 and a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.15, the minimum wall thickness will be 49 cm.

Note! If we use a product of higher density, the result may change significantly. After all, with an increase in this indicator, the thermal efficiency decreases. If, however, more intensive insulation is made, then the thickness of the wall can be reduced to 40 cm. In this case, you can build a wall in one block with a width of 400 mm.

Before you calculate how many foam blocks you need per house, you need to decide on the type of masonry. The material can be laid in one, two, one and a half or half blocks. Take a look at the photo below, which shows some of the options.

Choosing the right block

Now we need to select a product depending on its scope of use. Foam concrete has many classifications, but at the moment we are interested in several.

Classification based on scope

Let's use a table.

Scope of use Suitable material

If you are interested in these areas of application, then pay attention to the material called thermal insulation. It is available in both liquid and product form.

The specific gravity is low, as is the thermal conductivity. It was these factors that predetermined the appointment.

In this case, purchase a structural and thermal insulation material. Its specific gravity will be enough for the construction of a building of 1-2 floors, while the heat preservation is at the proper level.

Above, we considered an example of calculation, assuming that this particular type of product will be used.

If you want to build a building with more than 2 floors, or heavy floors will be used (you can still give a lot of examples), then pay attention to the most durable blocks.

At the same time, keep in mind that their thermal efficiency is much less. This means that you will have to heavily insulate the building in order to maintain the walls' ability to hold temperature.

This is interesting! In addition to the types described above, there are even more durable blocks. They are called structurally porous. The demand for them is extremely small, which is why mass production has not been established. However, they can be purchased by making an individual order. The specific gravity of such material reaches 2000 kg/m3.

Product geometry

Now it will be relevant when choosing products to pay attention to their possible geometry. In this case, we will rely on this GOST for cellular concrete.

Category number Comments

It has an almost perfect geometry. In accordance with the requirements, they should not exceed 1-1.5 mm.

Such blocks should be used in the construction of a residential building. Their advantage lies in the fact that during laying it is possible to observe the minimum thickness of the masonry joint, which will significantly reduce the number of cold bridges and, as a result, increase the level of heat preservation of the walls.

As a result, the developer will save not only on the purchase and installation of insulation, but also on heating the finished building during the cold season.

Deviations for such products are somewhat larger. They can reach 2-3 mm.

Laying can be done both on glue and mortar. Here it is already necessary to realistically assess the situation and carefully examine the products. If there are too many chips, and size differences are visible to the naked eye, then you should still choose a solution, since the glue consumption will be too large, which will incur unjustified costs.

Deviations can reach 1 cm. Such blocks for housing construction are not recommended at all. But or another outbuilding is quite possible. Laying is carried out exclusively with the use of cement-sand mortar.

The price of such products is much lower.

We consider the required number of blocks

Existing calculation methods

  1. On the Internet, you can find quite a few options for various calculators located on specialized sites about construction or sites of manufacturing companies. To get the result, you will need to enter certain data and the more of them, the more accurate, as a rule, the calculation will be. Usually these are: wall area, masonry height, wall thickness, thermal conductivity of products, and so on.

Minus - The data may differ when using different calculators.

  1. Applications are analogues of calculators. They can be installed on mobile devices or PCs. The calculation is carried out according to the above principle using the data you specified.

Minus - often such applications are not finalized, so the data may partially or completely not correspond to reality.

  1. The most reliable method is to use the services of specialized companies or private specialists. The calculation will be as accurate as possible.

The downside is the cost of the service. Additional costs will be required.

  1. Moderately reliable, and, most importantly, free way - self-calculation. If you do everything right, the result will be correct. The main thing is to accurately find out the source data and not make mistakes in the calculations.

Method for self-determination of the number of products

Now we proceed directly to the calculations on the example of a building, 10 * 10 meters in size.

Table 4. How many foam blocks are needed per house 10x10:

As we have already said, the size of our future building will be 10 * 10 meters. From this we will build on. Using the example of the steps below, you can easily repeat them for any building size.

The masonry height will be standard 3.0 meters.

Their location and number is indicated in the plan that is attached to the project of the house.

  • R=10*2+10*2=40 meters.
  • Area: 40*3=120 m3.

This is the area of ​​all the walls.

Their total area must be subtracted.

Let's say that we will have 5 windows, and 2 doors. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bone window will be 1.5 m2, and the door will be 2.1 m2.

  • 1.5*5=7.5 m2;
  • 2,1*2=4,2;
  • 4.2+7.5=11.7 m2;
  • 120-11.7=108.3 m2.

For the construction of such an area, we need a block.

Suppose we have purchased a product with a size of 625 * 500 * 300, accuracy category - 1, specific gravity - 600 kg m3.

If we lay the product at 500, then this wall thickness will be sufficient if we are building in the middle region (the heat transfer resistance coefficient is 3.4). You can easily verify this by calculating it by analogy (discussed above).

  • Area: 0.625*0.5=0.1875 m2.
  • 108.3/0.1875=577.6 pieces

  • Volume: 0.625*0.5*0.3=0.09375 m3.
  • 1\0.09375=10.6 pcs.
  • 577.6/10.6=54.49 m3.

Taking into account rounding - 55 m3.

Note! When buying material, keep in mind that some of it may be damaged during transportation or directly during the construction of the building. Therefore, blocks should be purchased with a margin of approximately 5%.

What else will you need to purchase before laying begins and what will be the total cost of the building?

At the same time, many are concerned about the question of how much it will cost to build a house from foam blocks?

Of course, we will not be able to make exact calculations in relation to the entire structure. There is just too much information to be aware of. But it is quite possible to find out the estimated cost of building a box. This is what we will do now.

Adhesive composition and tools

In addition to the block itself, to start work, you will need to purchase an adhesive composition or raw materials for mixing the solution. It depends on what material you have chosen for the masonry.

To do the work yourself, you will need the following tools:

  1. Construction level;

  1. Rubber mallet;

  1. Construction thread;

  1. Shtroborez (manual or electric);

  1. Hacksaw for foam block;

  1. Notched trowel or ladle for applying the mixture;

  1. To prepare the solution - a concrete mixer;

  1. When mixing glue - a container for it;

  1. Mixer.

Approximate calculation of the cost of a box at home

Brief instruction:

  1. Suppose that we need to purchase 55 m3 of blocks, which corresponds to our above calculations.
  2. The average market price of a cube is 3400 rubles.
  3. 55*3400=187000 rubles.
  4. The consumption of glue, according to the manufacturers, with the ideal geometry of the block will be 1 bag of 25 kg per 1 m3 of masonry. We will realistically assess the situation and assume that 1 m3 of masonry will require 35 kg of glue.
  5. 55*35=1925 kg dry mix.
  6. If you buy bags of 25 kg, then: 1925/25=77 bags.
  7. Tools will cost about 20 thousand rubles.
  8. 1 bag of glue costs an average of 170 rubles.
  9. 77*170=13090.
  10. 13090+20000+187000=220090.
  11. If you do the work yourself, then no other costs are foreseen.

And the video in this article will tell briefly about the stages of the work. This information will be useful for any developer whose choice fell on the foam block.

Is it worth giving preference to this material at all?

Are you sure that this material is what you need? Let's take a look at the main set of advantages and disadvantages.


  • High thermal efficiency will make the building really warm. The coefficient is 0.08-0.33 W * mS. The material under consideration is among the top three in this respect among the representatives of lightweight concrete.

  • High rate of durability and frost resistance. In practice, this has not yet been verified. However, there are no reasons not to trust the manufacturers either.

  • Strength and density allow the material to be used in many areas of construction. In the article, we considered the corresponding classification and were completely convinced of this.

  • Environmental friendliness is due to the composition of components that are not capable of causing harm. The foam block contains: water, cement, sand, lime and a foaming agent. There are also additives, individual for each manufacturer.

  • Fire resistance is argued by GOST.

  • Ease of processing. The product can be easily split, sawn, sanded and so on.

  • Large dimensions will speed up the construction process.

  • Low weight - reduced load on the foundation of the structure.

  • budget cost.

  • Soundproofing ability and ability to vapor permeability. The latter quality will contribute to the establishment of the most comfortable climate in the building.

  • A large assortment.

  • biological stability. Fungus and mold are not terrible.

  • Possibility of self-production.

  • Simplicity of laying technology.


  • Fragility. Be careful and careful during transportation and work.
  • Weak tear resistance.
  • The need to purchase special hardware for fixing.
  • The presence of handicraft industries. This fact increases the likelihood of buying products of inadequate quality.
  • Hygroscopicity. Moisture absorption reaches 15%. And, despite the pore structure, which is closed, the value is relatively large.

This means that the developer must approach the cladding of the building as responsibly as possible. It must be technically correct. If the products are not protected from moisture, they will eventually be destroyed under its influence.

  • Shrinkage. Walls may crack.


We figured out how to calculate how many foam blocks you need for a house. As it turns out, this is not at all difficult to do. The main thing in the calculations is to take into account the necessary factors that affect the final result. In this case, the result will be as accurate as possible.
