Zoning a room: how to properly distribute space. Ideas for zoning the living room and bedroom, photos of successful layouts

A problem that so many people face is the need distribute multiple zones in one area. Peculiarity square room is that this form allows you to use any of the possible ways. Designers believe square, the ideal basis for creating an interior. But how can a person without specialized education and zoning experience correctly divide the space? To do this, you can use curtains and decorative partitions, color combinations and even pieces of furniture. Each of these methods has its own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages.

Exist certain rules separation of the bedroom and living room, as well as zoning space in small apartments and studio apartments.

Methods for zoning a square room

There are a huge number of ways space zoning. This is due to the urgency of the problem and the numerous attempts of different designers to fit completely different zones on the same territory. As a result, formed two main directions which are different in nature. Irreversible methods include redevelopment of the apartment and wall transfer. Such a thorough approach guarantees the desired effect, but it will take time, money and effort. Demolishing and erecting walls is not only troublesome: you need to obtain special permission for such redevelopment. In addition, there are walls that cannot be demolished. The load-bearing structures are responsible for the stability of the building, so it will not be possible to move them with all the desire.

Reversible ways allow you to give the room desired view, delimit zones and even completely isolate a specific area. But this will not require any permits, and the structures themselves can be removed without any serious consequences for repair. Also popular are the methods of zoning space with the help of light, color and interior items.

Zoning with furniture

One of the easiest and most effective ways to share various zones - use of furniture. For example, a sofa placed in the center of the room will become excellent partition wall , which . If you attach a desk to the back of the sofa, it will immediately become clear where you need to relax and where to work.

One of the most popular items that allow you to delimit space is rack. The high structure rigidly separates the different zones, but its lightness and ability to transmit light still maintain the integrity of the room. Thus, you can select a study, a nursery or even a bedroom.

But it’s not worth it to “break” a room into several zones at once with the help of high structures. Designers recommend adhering to the following parameters:

  • height 1.2 meters - a rigid delimitation for isolating a separate zone,
  • height from 0.8 to 1.2 meters - zoning with maintaining communication,
  • a height of less than 0.8 meters is a space-weighting object that does not delimit a room.

Zoning with curtains

Fabric curtains allow you to instantly transform the interior, so they are very popular with owners of small apartments. More often curtains separate the sleeping area from the rest of the space. They are mounted on inconspicuous ceiling cornices, so that it seems that the fabric "partitions" are part of the room itself.

The undoubted advantage of curtains is their mobility: one movement of the hand and the room is divided for two separate zones . In addition, such structures do not require much effort during installation or dismantling. Another plus - the ability to change the style and color at any time"partitions". Curtains can be either massive and heavy, darkening the selected area (which is ideal for the bedroom), or light and translucent. You can match the fabric to the color of the wallpaper to increase the effect, or choose a contrasting material that will draw attention to yourself. This way of zoning space is ideal for any style of interior from to.

Decorative partitions

What tricks designers go to to create . And decorative partitions have become their favorite helpers. It is especially popular. The relatively low cost and ease of installation have made it one of the most popular and common materials for creating partitions. Drywall walls look solid but can be easily dismantled if necessary. Height, width, color - all these parameters depend solely on the wishes of the owner of the apartment and technical features premises. Drywall will help to highlight a separate area and even divide the room into several different zones if necessary.

Stylish demarcation option space without loss of integrity is glass. Partitions made of transparent material let in light and create the illusion of a single room. The difficulty lies in the fact that such a partition will require regular and thorough maintenance. In addition, the cost of glass construction is not budgetary.

But to place the rest of the zones correctly is within the power of any person. The bedroom should be located as far as possible from front door. The best thing put the bed in the corner of the room near the window. The center can accommodate a living room or dinner Zone, and away from it - a working or children's area.

Zoning a square room: photo

If you have a one-room apartment, and you want to have a separate bedroom and living room, then you should read this article Zoning the living room 40 photos of design ideas. It will describe a great way to bring your desire to life - this is the zoning of the living room. Do not despair and say that you do not know how to do this, but you don’t want to pay money to designers. After reading the article, you will be able to feel like a designer and create your own project for zoning your space.

Who needs living room zoning and why?

IN last years there is a trend that people rent or buy small apartments. It can be studios or one-room apartments. This option is great for single people or a small family. The big advantage is the low price compared to other types of housing.
But even such an apartment wants to be made cozy so that family evenings can be spent there and sleep soundly at night.

To do this, you need to make a living room and a bedroom from one room. It is worth noting that when zoning the living room, the room will be divided. But, it is necessary that everything be decorated in the same style.
Starting to prepare a project for zoning a living room photo, you should pay attention to the shape of the room itself. You need to take into account everything: doorways, the number of windows. For example, if the room has rectangular view, then it will be easier to divide it into zones than a square-shaped room, so the design of the zoning room needs to be thought out better.

Zoning options for the living room photo

There are several options for zoning the living room. Let's analyze them in more detail.
Stationary partitions in the room for photo zoning. This may also include sliding doors, arches, podiums, or zoning the room with shelves, as well as plasterboard partitions. The last option for zoning the living room should only be used if it has several windows.

Otherwise, the light will not reach the rest of the room. Of course, you can solve this problem with a combination of materials. Insert mirror inserts that will help solve the problem of light entering and visually increase the space. It is also worth noting that with this option for zoning the living room, it will be difficult to change the layout option.

Movable partitions in the room for photo zoning. This type of zoning is universal. With it, you can easily change the location of the zones in the room, as well as change the design. The mobile type of zoning includes: screens, shelving. If you get tired of dividing the room into zones, then you can easily remove the screen or shelving and the room will again take on a single look. So, we figured out how to properly do the zoning of the living room, and what difficulties it can be. But, most importantly, we were able to make sure that anyone can handle it. Zoning of the living room photo.

Zoning a small room - how to do it

Zoning the living room must be done so that it seems larger. In this case, it is worth abandoning drywall partitions, installing shelving and cabinets across the room. When choosing the style of the future living room and room, it is worth stopping at the option that does not require a large number of interior items for the design of the room by zoning.

How to choose the location and lighting of zones?
When dividing the room into a living room and a bedroom, you need to know the small nuances in this matter:

It is worth noting that lighting for the bedroom and living room needs to be done differently. For example, a living room needs more artificial light. Therefore, it is necessary to install chandeliers and candlesticks there. Partitions in the room for photo zoning.

Now the floor, wall and ceiling lighting is gaining popularity. Floor lamps can be installed in the bedroom. It will look very nice. In the recreation area, it is best to use subdued light. For these purposes, suitable LED chandeliers or wall sconces. In addition, you can use an aquarium, which will act as colored lighting or zoning the room with shelves.

How to save space - room design by zoning

By zoning the living room, you install more furniture there than usual. In order for the room not to look cluttered, you need to follow a few simple tips:

So, we have considered how to make a sleeping place and a living room out of a small apartment. And also dealt with the lighting in each of the zones and with furniture, which should not be much. But, it must be necessarily beautiful and fit into the interior.

In modern design, the option of a spacious apartment without division into zones: dining room, kitchen, bedroom or living room is a frequent occurrence. Therefore, it is important to be able to independently carry out the delimitation of the space of the room. The task is not easy, because the functionality, harmony and comfort of the living space depend on it. Zoning a room into a bedroom and living room requires patience and careful preparation of the space.

Zoning a room into a bedroom and living room: features of space division

Not every person has the opportunity to purchase spacious housing in several rooms, where each family member has personal space and place. Therefore, small-sized one- or require a competent layout, which will allow one room to realize several functions, for example, to serve as a living room combined with a bedroom.

Such a room has a number of disadvantages and advantages that affect the design of the room. The advantages of a combined bedroom and living room are the following characteristics:

  • the possibility of creating an original and unusual layout;
  • allocation of personal space even with a small square of the room;
  • room practicality.

The main disadvantage of such a room is the impossibility of soundproofing the bedroom area, as well as the lack of intimacy in this part of the room.

Connecting the private space of the bedroom with the public living room is not easy, but it is quite possible. In modern design, there are a huge number different options to harmoniously combine the bedroom and living room in one room. In addition, a clear layout and scrupulous execution of work will achieve the desired result. After all, in small room(usually the area of ​​such a room is not more than 18 sq. m.) it is necessary to place the entire important furniture and create comfort at the same time.

Quick and easy division one-room apartment movable partitions will help. This option has a number of advantages:

  • simplicity;
  • huge selection partitions;
  • universality;
  • mobility;
  • original and beautiful design.

In addition, such a partition is easy to create with your own hands, following step-by-step instructions. If necessary, the screen can be folded and hidden in a closet. Such structures are often called false partitions, since they divide the space, but do not separate the zones from each other. Most often, this design is inherent. For example, we bring to your attention a photo of the design of the living room bedroom using static partitions.

The most versatile and winning option for rooms with multiple windows on two walls is drywall. Thanks to this method, each zone will have natural lighting. This material is very light, which means that moving the screen will not be difficult. In addition, drywall is easy to cut to the desired size or to give it a desired shape, for example, round up.

Masters recommend complementing the design with mirror and glass inserts. This decision will bring lightness to the interior of the bedroom-living room, and will also not prevent getting deep into the room sunlight. A plasterboard product can be wallpapered or decorated to look like a brick. This will give the bedroom and living room a special charm.

A great option for zoning is to use a glass partition. Such a product will not change the perception of the free area of ​​​​the room. Constructions made of more durable materials allow you to create niches and shelves for storing books or accessories. BUT plastic screens able to complement any room design, as modern manufacturers provide wide choose products of various colors and shapes.

Useful advice! When choosing a partition for zoning a room, it is necessary to take into account the placement lighting fixtures. If the screen blocks the lamps, then it is recommended to consider the location additional sources Sveta. In some cases, craftsmen distribute fixtures within the structure.

Living room and bedroom in one room: height zoning

If the room has a high ceiling, then vertical zoning is best, that is, the bed should be placed under the ceiling on the mezzanine.

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Such unusual solution rarely used in modern bedroom and living room design in the same room, as it is the most costly and difficult to implement. But such zoning has recently become more and more popular. All this thanks to a number of advantages:

  • such an idea for the living room and bedroom does not require additional separation
  • partitions and screens;
  • the possibility of a good rest, even if other family members are awake in the living area;
  • there is an opportunity to retire at any time;
  • increase usable area rooms.

In addition, this way of dividing the functional space allows you to apply creativity and arrange each zone in different styles or flowers.

Useful advice! Using the mezzanine in delimiting the functional areas, it is necessary to think over the lighting in detail. The light should turn off at several points at once so that you can control the lighting from above and below.

In a room with low ceilings, designers came up with a similar method: during the day, the bed can be raised to the ceiling, and in the evening it can be lowered down with a special automatic mechanism. In place of the bed during the day, a working area is made out. The disadvantage of this zoning option is the high cost.

You can visually divide the functional zones with the help of a small elevation of 10-20 cm. A false partition or a canopy will be an excellent addition to the bed. Drawers can be built into the design of the podium, which are perfect for storing various things. And the mattress can be placed directly on the podium, without the use of a bed frame. This will reduce the bulkiness and occupancy of the room.

Color zoning: photo of the living room and bedroom in the same room

Creating a stylish design of the room, first of all, you need to pay attention to the chosen color scheme, because the shades should be in harmony with each other. In addition, the combination different colors and finish textures will help to effectively highlight zones of different functional purposes.

The essence of this approach is very simple: the living room and bedroom are decorated in different color schemes. But this lesson is quite difficult, since it is required to simultaneously achieve both the separation of zones and the harmony of shades of the entire room.

Most often, paint or wallpaper is used for this. Colors such as dark red, brown, blue and the like are very popular. saturated shades. To create an accent, it is recommended to paint one or two walls. Suitable for other walls light colors, namely: yellow, pink, blue, lavender, beige, light green and other shades of the pastel palette.

To ensure that each functional area of ​​​​the room is clearly separated, it is better to use colors from the same palette, but with varying degrees saturation, and you can also apply contrast options. Green and brown, blue and blue, white and red tones are well combined with each other.

Useful advice!To make color zoning better perceived, it can be supplemented with partitions, shelving or an aquarium on a rack.

Since the room is divided into zones, it is better not to use too much dark colors. Such shades will create the effect of visual reduction of space.

If the room is decorated with wallpaper, then both the bedroom and the living room must adhere to the same style. Classic ornaments do not go well with modern abstraction, but will be in perfect harmony with striped wallpaper. Designers do not recommend overloading the interior with patterned coatings, and it is better to leave one wall plain.

Also, color zoning can be arranged using furniture of different colors. For example, you should choose a wardrobe, a sofa and a table in natural brown tones, and you need to decorate the bed with a bed in a rich shade.

Options for placing furniture in the design of the living room-bedroom

First of all, it is necessary to decide what furniture will be present in the design of the bedroom living room. Most likely, it will be a standard set for the bedroom - a bed and bedside tables with lamps. The arrangement of the living room will not do without a sofa with armchairs, large-sized appliances, a wardrobe and a bookcase. Any of these pieces of furniture can be used as a partition between functional areas.

For visual zoning of a square room, you should use a bed with high back. It is the back that will play the role of a screen. A good idea for the living room is to put the sofa directly opposite the bed. This solution is perfect for rooms of any shape and size. In addition, it will make it possible to watch TV without getting out of bed.

You can also use a closet to create personal space in the sleeping area. large sizes. designers advise placing doors to the bed. It is recommended to turn the bookcases in the other direction or make niches without rear wall. This will allow you to get items while in both functional areas. Examples of this design are clearly shown in the photo of the living room bedroom.

Useful advice! Using a drywall partition with niches in a room is a stylish and cheap alternative to wooden cabinets.

For you can use the shelf as a partition

You can visually divide the hall-bedroom into zones using a small table, which is preferably placed in the center of the room. Most often, in combined rooms there is rarely enough space for such an interior item, but for the design of the living room bedroom 20 sq. m is a great idea.

Having installed in the room, an aquarium, a tall vase of flowers or a dimensional indoor plant, you can creatively divide the space.

It is realistic to prevent cluttering up the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe combined room, including only the necessary pieces of furniture or using transforming furniture. Ideal for the design of the living room bedroom 16 square meters. m fit the following items:

  • wardrobe bed;
  • mattress bed;
  • chair-bed.

The modern market provides a huge selection of furniture that will easily and harmoniously fit into the design of a living room of 16 square meters. m. For example, you can find an ottoman, coffee table. Such furniture with one movement of the hand will turn a cozy living room into comfortable bedroom. We should not forget that not a single sofa can fully replace a bed with an orthopedic mattress.

Curtains for zoning and design of the living room bedroom - room 17 sq. m

Dividing the space of a room with curtains is the simplest and most popular way. After all, you can use any, ranging from dense fabrics and ending with translucent ones. In addition, a combination of materials looks unusual and stylish, for example, heavy satin, complemented by airy organza.

To make it look original and harmonious, it is important to choose the right fabrics for curtains. It is necessary to pay attention to the combination of colors. In addition, other materials can be used to make curtains, such as beads, beads, glass beads, bamboo, threads or ribbons. Such products will not fit into every interior, so it is important to think over your choice to the smallest detail.

Useful advice! Curtains that are located at different levels look unusual.

Tips for designing a bedroom living room 18 sq. m

The standard size of the rooms that are used to separate the bedroom and living room is about 18 square meters. Photo of the design of the living room bedroom 18 sq. m is easy and simple to find, which means that picking up an idea to your liking is quite simple.

All of the above zoning options are suitable for rooms of any size, but some effort will be required to implement them. To avoid mistakes in design and create a truly comfortable place to relax, you must consider the following recommendations from experts:

  1. For the bedroom area, the far corner of the room is best suited. In this case, it will be possible to relax here, even if someone is in the living room, because the number of movements in this place will be reduced to a minimum.
  2. The only window in the room is best left for the bedroom. This area needs natural light the most.
  3. It is recommended that the furniture be chosen in the same style. If the design of the living room-bedroom is 18 sq. m, a single design is preserved, then it is much easier to choose the appropriate zoning option.
  4. Mirrors and glossy surfaces will help visually increase the space of individual zones.
  5. You should not use a huge number of accessories, otherwise the room will look cluttered and not quite comfortable.
  6. The room should be furnished to a minimum - only those interior items are used, without which it is impossible to do.
  7. It is necessary that each zone has its own lighting. If several people live in the apartment, then someone may be awake while others are sleeping.

By adhering to these tips, anyone can create a stylish and harmonious design of the living room bedroom 18 sq. m.

The layout of the design of the bedroom, combined with the living room, requires attention and careful study of all possible options. After all, it is necessary to take into account such parameters as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the size of the room, the height of the ceiling, the presence or absence of a balcony (or loggia), as well as personal preferences. The main thing is to remember that everyone can create their own cozy design living room 16 sq. m.

To make the stay of all family members comfortable, and the room divided into zones to become functional and cozy, first of all, you need to look at examples of photos of the room design. This will allow you to think over the look of the room to the smallest detail and make every meter practical and comfortable for living. The decision to zone an apartment is the best way to improve your living conditions.

Unfortunately, modern apartments do not allow you to equip some rooms separately. Therefore, the owners of such housing are forced to combine functional areas. One of these options is a living room combined with a bedroom. It is quite difficult to do this. But, if you follow some recommendations, then everyone can achieve the desired result.

Features of the bedroom-living room

Today, the combination of different rooms in the apartment is topical issue. Some owners are doing a complete remodel to update the interior. For others, this option is ideal solution problems associated with a lack of living space. It is necessary to perform such a combination of two zones very carefully, since the premises perform different functions.

Combining the living room and bedroom is a highly controversial and complex process. The bedroom is used for rest and sleep. A peaceful and calm atmosphere should reign here. The living room also serves to receive guests and gather all household members for a joint pastime. Therefore, redevelopment must be approached competently in order to create a harmonious atmosphere and not disrupt the functionality of the premises.

Connecting two rooms has advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of a combined living room with a bedroom are noted:

  • the presence of a large open space;
  • a wide range of zoning methods;
  • the possibility of creating an unusual and comfortable interior in the bedroom, combined with the living room.

As for the shortcomings, it is worth noting the complexity of redevelopment. Not every apartment has the possibility of combining a bedroom and a living room. Often, specialists are involved in solving the problem, which entails considerable financial costs.

Project development

Redevelopment of this type begins with the preparation of a project. Often, specialists are involved in the work. This is an ideal option, but it requires a significant investment. Therefore it is worth considering finished projects interiors and make changes to them.

Particular attention should be paid to the sketch of the interior. It displays:

  • Room furnishing. The sketch clearly indicates the places where this or that piece of furniture will stand. An important aspect is the installation location of the TV. It is better to place it away from the bed so as not to disturb the silence, which is necessary for a relaxing rest and sleep.

  • Placement of a zone of a dream and reception of guests. They are separated. For this use various ways zoning. And it doesn't have to be a blank wall.

  • Location of zones. The sleeping area is located away from the door and should not be passable. This will allow you to create all conditions for normal rest and sleep.

  • Lighting. The correct arrangement of lighting fixtures will visually increase the space.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to successfully combine such different functional areas as a bedroom combined with a living room.

On video: bedroom and living room in one bottle.

Space zoning

So, how to combine the living room and bedroom? For zoning space use various designs which have certain advantages and disadvantages.

Among the main methods are:

  • Complete barriers. Used in long rooms or rooms with two or more windows. The construction of the structure is carried out using drywall, translucent plastic, various glass and glass blocks. The main task is to create a separating screen, not a monolithic wall. When choosing a material, the style of the interior of the room is taken into account. For example, rustic style wicker partitions made of natural materials are inherent.

  • Sliding structures. To separate the bed from the common space, compartment doors are widely used. This option allows you to create two different functional areas in one room without disturbing the comfortable environment. It is better to give preference to designs with translucent glass. This will make zoning more harmonious.

  • Use of shelving. Installation of structures allows you to simultaneously divide the room into two separate zones and thereby create a place for storage various items. Lower shelves and drawers are best made closed. They will serve as bedside tables. Above it is recommended to use open shelves, which will allow daylight to easily enter the recreation area.

  • Decorative screen. It's over modern version dividing the room into different functional areas. There is a wide range of such structures on the market today. They are made from different materials. The peculiarity lies in the fact that they can have a different design, which will allow you to choose the right option for a particular interior.

  • Textile zoning. Is the most simple method room division and affordable option for . Usually a dense fabric is used, from which a screen is made, but structures such as blinds can also be used for this. With their help, you can safely hide the recreation area from prying eyes.

In fact, there are a lot of options for dividing space. A popular option today is the arrangement of the podium. Such bold decision suitable for those who prefer mainly relaxation. Therefore, before making a decision, you need to think very carefully and weigh all the pros and cons.

Alternative Methods

The delimitation of space is often carried out with the help of various finishes and properly organized lighting. Yes, in the bedroom. flooring can be presented in the form of carpet, and in the living room - in the form of parquet or laminate.

As for the walls, they are finished with different materials. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the materials have at least one common feature. It can be one color that combines two different textures of the coating. The transition must be smooth. To do this, use decorative stickers and stencils.

Designers consider the use of photo wallpaper a good option. With their help, visually increase the space and make it more voluminous.

The design of the ceiling must also be carried out carefully. If the room has a small area, then it is better to refuse any transitions. In a large room, you can easily install multi-level structures made of drywall and PVC film. Don't forget about lighting. In the living room it is better to install intense lighting, and in the bedroom - subdued light.

Near bed often organize directional lighting in the form of wall fixtures. A good option would be spotlights.

The right combination of lighting and decoration will allow you to effortlessly divide the room into two functional zones and at the same time create a unique design of the living room combined with a small bedroom. The main thing is to follow the rules and advice of professionals.

Planning features modern apartments often lead to the fact that one large room performs several functions at the same time, which often adversely affects the design and appearance its interior. To date, designers offer to say “No” to cluttered rooms, devoid of their individuality and original functionality, and pay attention to the new design technique, which allows you to transform any room - zoning the space in the room. By dividing the room into zones, you not only transform it aesthetically, but also gain many advantages from a practical point of view, since if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is not large, it is important to rationally use each freed up during the planning process square meter. And in the event that you are the owner of a multi-room apartment, the central element of which is a huge living room, it is important to make it as dynamic as possible, since it is she who is the face of the owner who receives guests there. Modern design is familiar with many ideas for zoning a room, which you can not only learn from magazines or the Internet, but also come up with your own. In this article, we will highlight the main methods of functional and decorative zoning of a room as much as possible, as well as consider their main advantages and disadvantages.

The main goals of zoning a room

In the process of zoning the premises, each owner tries to organize the premises for personal and joint pastime as efficiently as possible, having thought through the purpose of each individual zone as much as possible. At the same time, it is important to take into account not only the proportions and dimensions of the room, but also the taste preferences of the rest of the family members. As a rule, in the process of zoning a premises, homeowners pursue the following goals:

  • Allocation of several functional zones in the room, characterized by different purposes;
  • The allocation of indoor private zones and zones for joint pastime, that is, a public area. For example, the functionality of a room in small apartment can increase significantly if you select several functional areas in it, such as a children's play area, a sleeping area and a space for adults to relax;
  • Often the designer pursues the goal of optical correction of the room, for example, by correctly zoning the room, you can visually increase its space;
  • Also, the premises can be transformed from a functional point of view, depending on the time of day;

Photo room zoning

Room Zoning: Key Benefits

  • If you zoning the premises in accordance with all the rules, the space will visually increase due to the appearance of two zones with different functional purposes;
  • If in common room there is not enough certain atmosphere, then in case of competent zoning it may appear, for example, a zone for rest or work will appear in the room, designed in accordance with its purpose;
  • By dividing the room into several zones, you will allocate personal space for each family member;
  • It is often difficult to combine several design solutions in one room, especially if they are directly opposite. In the case of competent zoning of space, this becomes affordable and quite feasible.

Basic rules for zoning a room

So that after the implementation of zoning, the room acquires new, positive functional characteristics, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules for zoning the premises developed by designers. They are as follows:

  • If the room whose zoning you plan to carry out is characterized by a rectangular shape, it is not recommended to divide it along, which will lead to the appearance of two very narrow zones resembling a pencil case in shape;
  • If the room is characterized by a low height, it is necessary to prevent its transformation into a visually even lower room. To do this, it is necessary to abandon the zoning of the room with the help of solid partitions going from floor to ceiling;
  • It is not recommended to resort to dividing one window with a partition. This will not only not add coziness to the room, but will also make it visually "truncated";
  • It is important not to clutter up the room with unnecessary decorative elements, since the main rule of designers is that the room should be more concise, the smaller its area;
  • When re-planning and zoning a room, it is important not to forget about its original functional purpose. For example, in the bedroom there must be a bed that does not interfere with the movement of people and does not clutter up the room;
  • Designers argue that as few architectural elements as possible should be used in the room, and its functional zoning should be carried out with the help of modern decorating techniques.

Development of a zoning scheme for a room

Before proceeding to practical implementation zoning, it is necessary to draw up a preliminary drawing of it, which can be done independently or using modern computer programs. If your plans include redevelopment of the premises with the help of furniture, experts recommend contacting specialized salons that sell such items. If the staff of such stores provides for the position of a designer, he can advise you and help you solve this problem. Regardless of this, redevelopment and zoning must begin with drawing up a drawing, on which you need to indicate the location of windows and doors, note the location of large-sized furniture. If it is planned to install partitions or arches, it is necessary to designate their location.

Due to the current level of development innovative technologies, experts recommend using computer programs, using which you can look at the interior from a different angle and from a different angle. So you can appreciate the smallest nuances, the height of the elements, as well as the required level of illumination. Creating such a sketch will avoid possible technical errors and make your task easier, since it is easier to determine the location of a closet or sofa on paper than to move it around the room later.

Do-it-yourself room zoning: popular ideas

Basic techniques for zoning a room involve several basic methods:

  • Zoning with the help of additional structures and architectural elements;
  • Zoning with additional pieces of furniture;
  • And finally, zoning with finishing materials, that is, the so-called decorative zoning.

Zoning a room with additional structures

The indicated basic method for highlighting several functional areas in a room, which can be used to zone a room of 18 sq. meters, includes zoning methods, involving the installation of the following structures:

Arched openings and semi-arches are "lightweight" structures of a rectilinear or arcuate shape that do not occupy the floor space. The use of arches is a traditional way of zoning and is relevant in terms of zoning even small rooms. In addition to implementing a harmonious zoning of the room, designers recommend combining arches and partitions, which will allow you to choose the most harmonious zoning method, combined with the general stylistic direction interior. Using this method zoning, will either allow you to slightly outline the division into zones, or clearly delimit the room into several functional zones;

Partitions for zoning spaces are one of the most common ways of zoning a room. Despite the fact that they are solid structures, unlike blank walls, they take up significantly less floor space. The design of the partition can be developed in such a way that it will include additional shelves, a small aquarium, lighting and even a fireplace. By installing a plasterboard room partition in the room, you can add attractiveness to the interior of the room, decorated in the loft style. If the room is characterized small size, during the installation of the partition, designers recommend paying attention to the combination of drywall and glass blocks. Modern designers rely on the manufacture of false partitions made of glass painted to look like stained glass. Such a "lightweight" wall in modern style designers suggest using it in a small studio apartment for zoning the living room, in which it is necessary to distinguish between the living room and the kitchen;

Arrangement of podiums- a popular way of space zoning, the implementation of which will allow not only to allocate several functional zones in the room, but also to bring to life modern design ideas. For example, depending on the height of the ceilings in the room undergoing redevelopment, you can equip a podium with a height of several centimeters or a fairly large and high structure. Thus, using the podium, you can organize additional storage space, as well as original surface to accommodate upholstered furniture, interior items, or winter garden, and if it is supplemented with decorative lighting, you can implement an original design solution, characterized by high practicality and functionality. However, it is important to remember that in the process of designing a podium, it is important to take into account the convenience of moving and finding people in a given functional area;

Sliding doors- another popular way of zoning a living room, convenient in everyday use. Using this method of zoning, you can reliably distinguish between a private area and a common room, for which you need to install reliable opaque sliding doors. If there is no need to hide a private area from prying eyes, designers recommend betting on translucent sliding structures made of rice paper or frosted glass. Another relevant design technique is the arrangement of mirror sliding structures, by installing which you can visually enlarge the room;

Sliding screens, which are decorative mobile structures, are installed where there is no need to equip a permanent reliable partition. They can be installed and removed at any time. Sliding screens are structures that consist of several frame frames and are made from traditional wood or metal, or from materials that have become popular in recent times. These include rattan, bamboo or rice paper. The last two zoning techniques are traditionally used in rooms decorated in oriental style.

Zoning a room with additional furniture

Right installed furniture- another way to correctly highlight several functional areas in the room. For this purpose, eminent designers recommend “arming themselves” with large-sized pieces of furniture: bookcases, sofas and cabinets. But these are all traditional ways of zoning, which can soon get boring. To prevent this from happening, designers recommend stocking up fresh ideas, some of which are shown below:

Zoning the room can be done by installing modern shelving and flower stands. According to designers, the most spectacular option will be the placement of climbing plants;

Equally impressive are the modules of the original configuration, designed to accommodate photographs and souvenirs dear to the heart;

Zoning carried out by installation dressing table with a large mirror, it will allow not only to highlight several functional zones in the room, but also to visually expand the room, so the opposite wall will be reflected in the mirror;

And finally, the installation of a cabinet designed to accommodate a TV or home theater. Curbstones equipped with brackets will help to carry out the most convenient organization of the recreation area, both for the bedroom and for the living room, located in the same room. This is due to the fact that you get the unique ability to rotate the screen in both directions, depending on your location. In the living area opposite the bed, you can place a sofa or deep armchairs, which will visually compensate for the lack of space.

Decorative zoning or zoning with finishing materials

Decorative techniques also allow you to effectively deal with the zoning of the room. Let's figure out how to implement zoning of a room with the help of finishing materials.

Zoning a room with wallpaper allows you to highlight several functional areas in the room by sticking wallpaper of various colors or shades on the walls, as well as painting the walls. At the same time, according to the designers, in the bedroom it is important to decorate the walls in a muted pastel colors, the color scheme of which closely echoes each other or with shades of textiles in the room;

For effective zoning of the room, you can use combination of finishing materials for decorating floors and walls. For example, consider the following options:

For zoning a room, you can use a combination pattern and color of tiles, or various ways of laying parquet and laminate. In addition, floor zoning can be carried out using a combination of various finishing materials - parquet and tiles, laminate and linoleum. Another popular way to delimit space into functional areas is to place a carpet or carpet in one of the zones;

Zoning space can be done using decorative plaster, panels, siding and even painting - an actual way to delimit a room into zones. An equally win-win option is a combination of wallpapers characterized by different color tone, texture or even pattern. Using these methods of zoning, it is not difficult to achieve the most effective and at the same time attractive space zoning. For example, contrasting combinations or smooth transitions in the locations of niches and arches will allow the most effective division of the room into zones. Using wallpaper combinations, you can highlight a small functional area that you need to focus on. It could also be a zone. dining table, and the bed area, and the fireplace area.

Does not lose its popularity room zoning with curtains, curtains and Japanese curtains-panels, with the help of which it is possible to separate the sleeping and working areas from the common space. Designers who plan to visually mask the shelves or part of the room prefer this particular way of zoning the room. Effective division of space, depending on its purpose, can be carried out with curtains made of dense or translucent fabrics, as well as canvases made from rice paper, plastic or bamboo;

A fashionable technique for delimiting space is zoning with lights with separate switches. At the same time, designers recommend creating a holistic composition, in which the central ceiling chandelier will be the soloist, uniting the composition, and to highlight individual functional areas, use a lot of wall and floor lamps performing a secondary function. No less popular is the organization of a multi-level floor and ceiling system for the purpose of space zoning, as well as lighting with LED and halogen lamps. working area in the kitchen, shelving or podium.

Zoning a children's room: basic techniques

If you have several children, especially those of different sexes, and at the same time they live in the same room, you need to carry out a competent zoning of the living space and allocate several functional zones in it in accordance with the individual preferences of each child. If one child lives in the room, this is not a reason to refuse zoning the space, since in this case it is possible to allocate a recreation area and a work space area, which will help not only to effectively equip the room, but also to correctly organize the child’s daily routine. To do this, the following functional areas must be distinguished in the room:

Sleep and rest area, involving the delimitation of the bed with the help of screens, shelving or partitions, as well as a combination of wallpaper;

Working area, in which it is necessary to carefully consider the lighting, as well as structure the placement of things for the convenience of the child. Using modern furniture or plasterboard partitions, you can make a kind of study;

play area, in which it is necessary to release as much as possible more space for active games, as well as install shelves or a chest of drawers for toys, and, if possible, a sports corner;

Wardrobe area- an additional "option", which is often necessary where there is no possibility or desire to install a large cabinet or wall.

After reviewing the materials of this article, you have already understood that the harmonious division of a room into several functional zones is the prerogative of not only large rooms, and therefore, it can be implemented even in a small room without compromising its functionality.
