Arrangement of a small studio apartment. Studio apartment design with examples and photos

Small apartments have always caused a feeling of discomfort, their owners felt left out. Since the emergence of new design approaches in the reorganization of space and compact smart apartments, the purchase of budget housing has become prestigious. You can live quite comfortably on a few square meters if you think through the details small studio apartment design Here you can combine desires and opportunities by arranging comfortable housing in the center of a big city.

A small standard apartment can turn into a very cozy studio apartment, the design of which will take into account all the needs of the family living in it.

A compact studio apartment is a special type of layout, where there are practically no partitions or walls. Small housing with competent zoning is common in the cities of Japan, Europe and America, where each square meter is very expensive. Good small studio apartment design also costs a lot of money. But you can use the recommendations of experts to make several of your "squares" of living space cozy.

A studio apartment is a space planning option that appeared in Russia not so long ago.

A small footage of the "studio" is an opportunity for one's creative self-expression, where it is easy to emphasize some kind of design concept or vision of aesthetics. This is the most functional and economical, especially in heating season as well as repair costs.

A few decades ago, few people thought about demolishing all the walls in their apartment and combining the rooms into one space.

Thoughtful design project of a small studio apartment considered ideal for some categories of citizens:

  • A young couple just separated from their parents;
  • Students whose wealthy parents prefer to move them away from negative impact hostels;
  • P entrepreneurs forced to work for two cities for years and often come on business (cheaper than paying for a hotel);
  • Creative individuals who use the studio as a creative workshop;
  • A lone resident of a metropolis who wants to have a compact apartment in the center of the capital or a large regional center;
  • Lovers of modern housing with an unusual layout;
  • A couple living in a guest marriage from different cities or countries, having adult children and forced to meet on neutral territory.

Now this option is used very often and apartment owners prefer the studio for many reasons.

Absence stationary partitions and interior walls - a great advantage in terms of functional changes. With the birth of a child, it is easy to transform interior design of a small studio apartment, adding children's Corner with play area. As you change your lifestyle, you can expand your workspace to perform additional tasks remotely from home. If there are often guests in the house, it is recommended to “build up” a soft corner with additional seats.

The studio apartment was popular in America and Europe: it was simultaneously used as housing for young people and as a creative workshop.

Arrangement of a studio apartment using zoning

At huge selection housing offered by real estate agencies today is not so easy to find best option. Spectacular small studio apartment design or smart apartments can more than compensate for all the shortcomings of the footage, if every corner is properly disposed of. This will help thoughtful zoning of functional areas.

You can talk about a studio apartment from the creative side - after all, this is, at a minimum, a platform for self-expression.

Studio-style housing is much more comfortable than traditional small-sized apartments, which remain cramped and dark due to a large number piers. They are absent in studio apartments, most often only the bathroom is separated, there is only a conditional separation between the hallway, living room and bedroom area, as in photo example.

The absence of walls is presented to a free artist (and to the common man too) as limitless possibilities for the manifestation of his imagination.

If there is a desire to make an additional delimitation of living space, they usually use different techniques.


1. Methods of visual zoning and organization of space on a functional basis Kitchen block, sleeping area, guest and work space
2. Glass partitions, mirrors, aquariums and bubble panels Walls made of glass blocks, up to the ceiling and low partitions, glass and plastic doors, sliding and stationary screens
3. Screens and textile curtains (ceiling cornice, Japanese) Light transparent (translucent) fabric, thread and rope curtains, decorative elements
4. Furniture zoning Multi-level shelves, whatnots and racks, cushioned furniture island, end computer desk, folding tabletops, bar counter, furniture modules
5. Bunk and multi-level furniture Sliding bed or loft bed, folding chairs and sleeping modules

These methods are quite enough for the conditional delimitation of space in order to fit into small studio apartment design Using modular furniture and all kinds of transformers (fold after use), it is easy to expand the possibilities of compact housing.

We will figure out how you can independently equip the studio in style with maximum comfort.

Attention ! The meaning of zoning is to have everything at hand, and each corner is equipped so that it is obvious where is which zone - for sleeping, working, cooking or receiving guests.

Apartments with small footage are considered for housing for several reasons: convenience, economy, practicality.

Do not forget that each functional area should have its own local lighting. Widely use:

Luminaires can be mounted not only to walls and ceilings, but also to the ends of cabinet furniture.

The convenience of a studio apartment is a comfortable space for one person or a couple.

What should be the studio kitchen and bathroom

Regarding the cuisine, there are also options, especially since modern citizens cook little when they come home for the night and rare weekends. Doesn't have to be big gas stove 4 burners with oven. If they cook often, a powerful hood is needed so that the fumes and smells do not fill the entire apartment. This is the only minus of the studio apartment.

One person does not need a full kitchen.

Everyone chooses from the list of kitchen equipment only the most necessary:

  • Small electric stove for 2 elements;
  • Electric kettle;
  • Oven (microwave oven);
  • electric grill;
  • Coffee maker;
  • Food processor;
  • Universal pressure cooker.

Several devices will fit in a small kitchen cabinet next to the sink or the only washbasin if a bathtub is not provided for in the design project of a small studio.

For a studio-type apartment, bulky cabinet furniture is not needed, there are enough open modular shelves that can be rearranged for equipment and stationery. Some pieces of furniture can be displayed end-to-end, using as a functional partition.

There is no full-fledged kitchen in the interior of a small studio, only a small catering unit.

Usually in a studio-type apartment there is a full-fledged toilet or bathroom, but it can also be isolated rather conditionally. The problem is odors and hygiene. Therefore, it is better to separate it, as expected - according to all standards. No bath - just a shower box with a tray where you can wash.

The area of ​​​​the bathroom in the studio apartment does not allow you to place a full-fledged bath bowl in it.

A compact washing machine can be located in a niche under the sink so as not to allocate a separate place for it. This technique is used in Khrushchev and modern small interior design one-room apartment. When the composition of the family changes, children are born, it is advisable to change the studio to a multi-room apartment.

A washing machine is built under the countertop, and there is also a small storage system.

As long as everything suits a small family, it is better to have one large room that meets all modern requirements than a small one-room Khrushchev, where even one is cramped. There is always a lot of light, air and free space in the aisles in the studio, if you do not clutter it up old furniture and unnecessary rubbish.

Having a small studio apartment, you can use the space to the maximum, keep everything at hand.

Choice finishing materials for design of studio baths and kitchens in small apartments the same as in the traditional layout. Given that everything is one here, the room should have good waterproofing.

Double-glazed windows of plastic windows will help to improve the sound insulation of a house standing along the road.

Design approaches for planning and arranging furniture in a small studio apartment

The footage of studio-type apartments ranges from 16 to 40 sq.m. There are square, rectangular and corner options, depending on whether it was the original layout or a transformation from the old fund. When buying someone, they got a fully comfortable housing with furniture, only personal belongings are missing, others - bare walls.

It is always a pleasure to independently participate in the development of the design of your apartment, and the studio makes it easy.

Attention ! If it is not possible to contact specialists for a planning project and small studio apartment interior design , you will have to deal with its arrangement yourself. The catch of the studio-type layout is that in a limited area without walls dinner table may be near the toilet, and the bed - at front door.

The owners can choose the best shades, favorite fittings and delimit the space in a way that is convenient.

AT new apartment even plumbing may be absent, only communication risers are connected:

  • Gas pipe;
  • Ventilation box;
  • Water pipes;
  • Sewerage.

These exit points determine the location of the bathroom and kitchen unit. They cannot be moved, but pipes can be built up to move along the wall.

Independent participation in the planning - especially the studio - is very important.

After the square meters for communications are distributed, it is important to purchase compact plumbing. It is recommended to purchase multifunctional and vertically elongated models. After resolving the issue with partitions and ventilation of the bathroom, you can proceed to the design of the kitchen block.

Savings are a significant indicator: studio apartments are much cheaper than multi-room options.

Advice . You can do without a dining table, in order to save space, by expanding the window sill in the form of a tabletop.

A large dining table is only needed for a family of 3-4 people. Be sure to provide a full-fledged work surface (top of the cabinet or folding tabletop) for cooking. Bar counter and wide coffee table near the sofa bed or in the center of the guest island is enough for 1-2 residents.

It is the savings in money and repair costs that are a significant advantage of a studio apartment over other housing options.

Keep in mind that there will be other horizontal surfaces - a computer desk (folding module for a laptop) and open hanging shelves in each functional area. equipping interior of a small one-room studio apartment , take into account lifestyle and daily needs, do not fill housing with unnecessary items.

It is better to store a wardrobe in one closet with a mirrored facade, then other mirrors are not needed. Use the closet itself to delimit functional areas or as a headboard for a sofa bed.

Open space allows you to feel more free and sets in a creative way.

In the design of a small studio apartment modern style is most acceptable:

  • Ecostyle;
  • High tech;
  • Fusion;
  • Art Deco;
  • Minimalism;
  • Postmodernism.

With a minimum area of ​​​​studio apartments, you have to save every centimeter of space, but there is an opportunity visual expansion. Designers for these purposes use wide horizontal lines in decor and high narrow furniture. Various canisters, modules and multifunctional racks at the same time will serve for zoning and "absorption" of small items.

The arrangement of a studio apartment is a whole creative project that deserves a versatile approach.

Pay attention to the corner computer desk with shelving. For all its compactness, it is very roomy and comfortable. in the interior of a small studio . It can even be put end to end to the back of the sofa or fence off the corner where the bed stands.

Advice . To prevent the place to sleep from appearing close to the front door, move the bed or sofa bed as far as possible.

Décor should be kept to a minimum and planning approach should be meticulous.

Furniture should be placed so as not to lie facing the entrance. A high headboard or side of any furniture will help to fence off a sleeping person. You can use textiles and temporary partitions, a canopy or a curtain. See real examples for more practical tips small studio apartment with interior design in the photo.

VIDEO: Design of a small studio apartment.

50 interior design ideas for a small studio apartment:

Many people by own will or need to live in small spaces.

The delightful undertakings set out in the thirty projects below are definitely worth your attention.

Having a small amount square meters, I want to find a way to visually increase the space and at the same time maintain comfort and functionality. That is why we have prepared given material. All photos are linked to the original article. There you can find many images and information on each layout.

There is no specific order for the design of the room. When it comes to cutting edge interior design, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Do not be afraid of bright, saturated colors, use unconventional solutions, use built-in wardrobes, use multifunctional furniture, expand the room by removing unnecessary partitions.

These are just a few of the tricks you can use. Try adding painting, graphics, and flower arrangements.

And here are 30 of the most magnificent ideas. Enjoy and be inspired!

1. Red and white tones. Charming decor in Paris

2. Tiny home in Sofia with graphic details on the walls

3. Minor apartments in Gothenburg. Demonstration of an ingenious layout

4. 21 square meters. creative solution to increase space

5. Smart technology and Hi-Tech cause pleasant dizziness

6. Equipping a small Swedish apartment with everything you need

7. Second tier in bright, sunny light

8. Purity, freshness, uniqueness

9. Residence in Barcelona with an interesting design

10. Fairy tale dream in Tel-Aviv

11. Comfort with big window and parquet floors

12. 45 square meters. Design optimized by Maurício Karam

13. Inspirational All-In-One-Room apartment in Stockholm

14. Smart layout in Stockholm

15. Nothing more

16. Lovely, rainbow mood

17. Kopeck piece in Stockholm. Showcasing ingenious interior design

18. Delightful Swedish apartments, or how to create more space

19. Wonderful decor option

20. Ideal student housing: a truly lovely abode

21. Red Nest, incredible 23 sq. m in Paris

22. Extraordinary space maximization

23. Pleasant outlines. Not so hard

24. Tenderness and refinement of lines

25. Elegance and charm meet in a compact Gdansk apartment

26. Ideal location. Extraordinary 54 sq. m in the capital of Sweden

27. Color saturation pleases with its immediacy

28. Thought brought to life from one of our readers

29. Charming housing layout with stairs

30. An unusually large amount of light expresses love for small spaces.

Creating a design for a small studio apartment is not an easy task, because in this case it is necessary to enter many functionally important zones into a rather limited space: sleeping place, kitchen, work desk, living room and sometimes a children's corner.

The decision to redevelop an apartment into a studio is made for good reasons - the owners of small-sized apartments want to expand the space, increase the usable area. The kitchen is especially small, the living area is not enough, and the creation of a single room allows you to receive guests and move around with greater ease.

On a note! A small studio apartment is a form of planning, the interior design of which began to actively develop for the first time in America, from where it successfully migrated to Japan.

Studio apartment design

Over time, the fashion for the studio appeared in Russia, then they began to remodel not only small-sized housing, but also apartments of sufficient size, which did not always need such actions. But it is in cases with a small area that it is most difficult for designers to take into account all the functional needs of customers and their aesthetic wishes.

Stylish solution for a small studio apartment

The division of space into zones is one of the main goals of a designer who creates a project for a small studio. The easiest way to achieve proper zoning is in apartments with a free layout: in such apartments there are completely no interior walls, and there is more freedom for creative design.

Dividing space into zones is one of the main goals of a designer creating a small studio project.

The design of a small studio apartment (30-40 sq.m. - its usual area) should be aimed at the most economical distribution of space. Each meter should serve some purpose - if not used for work or sleep, then for storage (a small mess in a small apartment threatens to become a disaster, and in a large one it will be almost invisible).

As partitions that divide the room into zones, you can use shelves, racks and small racks with storage space, sofas

Here are a few design optimization ideas for a small residential studio:

  • As partitions that divide the room into zones, you can use shelves, racks and small racks with storage space, sofas. Visually, they will not clutter up the space, but they will visually divide the studio into parts and accommodate unnecessary things.
  • Curtains or blinds can become light partitions. Their main advantage is mobility. So, the curtain enclosing the bed can be moved aside during the day and closed at night.
  • The doors should be made sliding, not hinged, then it will not be necessary to leave room for them to open, but you need a lot of it in a small apartment.

The color scheme in the design of a small studio apartment should be concise and simple.

  • The design of a small kitchen in a studio apartment must be carefully considered - a powerful hood must be installed above the stove (fumes from cooking can scatter throughout the apartment), instead of a broken interior partition - a bar counter (there are many photo options). The countertop will visually separate the kitchen from the main part of the room, but will not interfere with communication with guests and reduce the area of ​​​​the room.

The design of a small kitchen in a studio apartment must be carefully considered

  • The color scheme in the design of a small studio apartment should be concise and simple, light in order to visually expand the space, and not narrow it. Colorful bright prints can add chaos to the interior, confuse, although they will please the eye. The same rule applies to textures, which can seriously affect the perception of the space around.

If the ceiling height allows, to increase usable area you can use tiered furniture

If the ceiling height allows, tiered furniture can also be used to increase the usable area - podiums, bunk beds, beds combined with a workplace located below.

Using furniture is a popular way of zoning space.

Furniture in the layout of the room

Using furniture is a popular way of zoning space. The reception area is usually delimited with a square - a sofa, two armchairs and a cabinet with a TV. This allows you to feel separated from other functional areas and maintain a single studio space.

Small shelves and cabinets in a small studio apartment are often built from drywall

Curtains and blinds are often used to separate the bedroom from the rest of the space. It will be difficult to achieve sound insulation in this way, but you can visually retire for sure. It is not at all difficult to realize this idea - the curtains are fastened very quickly.

An unusual solution for a small studio apartment

On a note! When planning the interior design of a small studio, you can use the traditional option for Russia - sliding transforming sofas, then the living room area can easily turn into a guest room or master bedroom.

Small shelves and cabinets in a small studio apartment are often built from drywall, interior design only benefits from this, because such details can take any interesting shape (photos of options for such a planning solution often become examples of a creative approach to design).

When creating the design of a small studio apartment (25-30 sq.m), do not neglect the property of various patterns and tones to visually change the space

Prints and colors for small spaces

When creating the design of a small studio apartment (25-30 sq.m), do not neglect the property of various patterns and tones to visually change the space. So, light curtains will increase the window opening, and dark ones will reduce it, make it too clear and intrusive.

Light curtains visually enlarge the space

Almost any large interior detail can have a similar effect, so you need to be careful in choosing the color of any element. Long and voluminous curtains should not be used - it is good to complement small studio apartments with roller blinds or blinds (a design of 24 m2 will be more concise in this case).

As base style it is better to prefer minimalism or Scandinavian style to others.

As a base style, it is better to prefer minimalism or Scandinavian style to others. The abundance of white, simplicity and practicality of furniture and a minimum of details are ideal for small studios.

Interior design ideas for a small studio apartment

You can zone a room by highlighting the desired parts of the walls with a different color from the main one. It is important not to make them too dark or bright, placing accents correctly. Ideally, the shade is only slightly different from the base.

Textiles (carpets) are often used to divide rooms into zones.

Textiles (carpets) are often used to divide rooms into zones. But it is almost impossible to distinguish a small studio with the help of carpets: such large elements will be lost in a cramped space, but for larger apartments this method is very relevant. In them, a thoughtful design of the floor (and ceiling) will divide the area into functional parts.

If you want to implement a project with your own hands in which everything will be perfect and there will not be a single flaw, we recommend reading this article. Using these tips and ready-made projects, you can make a similar interior. Based on the knowledge gained, you can experiment, play with colors and combine different styles.

You can also find and implement the best ideas for a studio apartment that are relevant and very popular this year.

Studio apartment design ideas start directly from the stage of space planning and furniture arrangement. To do this, first think about what you and your loved ones want to see in the apartment, and what areas will be relevant for each of you.

If necessary, use these tips and tricks:

  • Ideas for the interior of a studio apartment may be to combine several zones at once. This is especially true for small spaces. You can combine living room and bedroom. In order to divide the space without resorting to installing massive partitions, use small shelving. Highlight with their help the kitchen and dining room, bedroom and living room, work sector. To do this, the rack must be installed across the room. These racks usually have small size and low position. In addition, they are functional, as on numerous shelves, you can store various books, magazines and other accessories, figurines and stationery. If necessary, the rack can be removed or put in another place;
  • Any room should have a main, most clearly and clearly defined area. It can be either a colorful picture, a beautiful lamp, or a fireplace;
  • Depending on the size of the studio, the furniture is characterized by its own installation features. For large apartments, furniture sets are mainly located in the center of the room. For small rooms, the furniture, on the contrary, is pressed against the walls and installed along their perimeter (see);
  • Additionally, self-made pedestals will help to highlight this or that zone, which raise the necessary section of the floor, and visually distinguish it from the general background. This maneuver is only suitable for apartments with high ceilings.

Tip: when embodying ideas for a small studio apartment, you need to find a middle ground between domestic comfort, convenience and lightness, the spaciousness of the interior itself.

Kitchen arrangement

The kitchen in the studio apartments can be located:

  • The kitchen can be located near the front door. This is mainly typical for apartments located in houses with an old layout. In order for the kitchen to look the most advantageous and noticeable, place it on a small podium;
  • If the kitchen is located far enough from the main entrance, this is not very convenient. Firstly, various dirt from the kitchen quickly spreads to all apartments. Secondly, a fairly remote location is inconvenient in terms of using this area. To make dirt less visible on kitchen fronts and other surfaces, choose fairly calm, warm and intense shades.

The main principle of the right choice of furniture in the studio is the economical use of every centimeter. To do this, choose a small and most functional furniture.

The best option is the manufacture of furniture to order. Thus, its shape, size and style will fit perfectly into the space allotted and prepared for it.

For the kitchen, you can choose standard and simple furniture. To equip the living room, you can use all the most modern features decor and decor. To do this, use folding, transforming structures. It can be a folding table, a bed that becomes a closet in the daytime, and other furniture sets.

Features of installing partitions

Any unrestricted space requires a little separation. For this, various furniture, cabinets and racks, as well as a fireplace can be used.

Such an island fireplace installation can be located between the living room and dining room, and thus also decorate the interior. When choosing an electric or bio hearth, the fireplace will become a source of additional heating in the apartment.

Important: massive walls should not be installed as partitions. Partitions should have an exclusively decorative function of conditional separation. Massive partitions do not allow the implementation of the main idea used in the studios, the purpose of which is to achieve unlimitedness and integrity of the entire space.

Options for using lightweight partitions:

  • The use of light screens, on the surface of which any image, drawing or photo of the owners of the apartments can be printed;
  • Separation by shelves. Allows you to make partitions not only real and lightweight, but also functional. They can accommodate various books and accessories;
  • Fabric screens. They are the most common option for dividing the sleeping area. They look easy and fit into any interior, thanks to the right fabric and color scheme;
  • mobile glass partitions. They are not fixed to the wall, and can be rearranged from place to place if necessary. Due to its translucent structure, such a partition looks easy and does not visually reduce the space.

After watching the video in this article, you can take a closer look at the examples already finished projects and opportunities for their implementation.

Important: in order to achieve simultaneous comfort and convenience, it is imperative to equip the sleeping area in which the bed will be located. In order to hide this sector, pay attention to modular and folding furniture, which, if necessary, can be transformed and moved.

Decoration of studio apartments

A studio apartment, ideas and the possibility of implementation of which depend on many aspects (area, shape, preferences, hobbies, number of residents), can be made in any style. Next, you can get acquainted with the most common, popular and universal options arrangement of such premises.

Studio decoration in white shades

The most popular interior design ideas for a studio apartment are to use light, delicate and natural shades.

Finished project idea:

  1. As floor covering, laminate, parquet or linoleum is used. Any coating should have a light sandy or light brown tint. The surface of the flooring repeats the pattern of a tree in a section;
  2. The ceiling is plastered according to the standard scheme;
  3. Wall covering is plain wallpaper, paint or decorative plaster white shade;
  4. Furniture facades have a beige or white tint. The surface of the furniture is smooth and glossy;
  5. The sleeping area and the living room with the kitchen are separated by a large sliding, translucent partition;
  6. Accents are placed due to bright and contrasting textiles (decorative pillows, bedspreads, blankets);
  7. In order to give freshness to such an interior, use live plants in large pots, which can be placed directly on the floor in the living room;
  8. The kitchen and living room are separated along the room by a partition made in white.

This and other studio apartment interiors, a video about which you can watch in this article, are distinguished by their simple execution. Such a room, despite the division, will look quite spacious and bright.

You can also view photos of this and many other finished projects in this article:

Loft studio design

Studio apartment, the video design of which will help you in more detail and in detail decide on the choice of the most suitable project and make it a reality, it will look modern and strictly in the loft style.

Project implementation instructions:

  1. Loft style in a classic design, implies the presence of large panoramic windows and a second tier. However, even without these conditions, it is possible to implement such a project in any apartment in terms of area;
  2. Walls you can decorate with plaster, and then manually give it additional roughness and unevenness;
  3. Protruding wall sections, you can lay out a brick or use fake diamond repeating in its own way appearance and the structure of this material:
  4. Ceiling it is possible to both plaster and leave the concrete coating intact, having previously cleaned it well of various contaminants and eliminated all possible defects;
  5. Flooring- this is a laminate, parquet board or linoleum in light gray shades. In appearance, such a coating should look well-groomed and neat. This allows you to create characteristic contrasts between rough and rough wall materials and expensive, well-maintained flooring;
  6. Furniture for such an interior it is necessary to choose refined and solid. It can have additional design with metal and forged elements: legs and handles;
  7. Separation of space and zoning, produced by small open racks with shelves for storing various accessories;
  8. Window should not have massive curtains. Small blinds or short curtains are perfect for this design project. Furniture is mainly selected wooden or leather. Textiles are used to a minimum.

Studios decorated in this style can be complemented by various furniture groups. Such as comfortable chairs, a small table with a glass top, large and massive sconces.

Important: the price for the implementation of such a project primarily depends on the selected materials. If these are natural and environmentally friendly materials, the cost will be several times higher than for the purchase of similar in appearance, less expensive counterparts.

Pop art design for small apartments

This video, a studio apartment in which is presented in various styles, also includes a performance in the style of pop art.

First of all, this direction is typical for young people, as it characterizes a certain relaxation, contradictions and hooliganism in each of its elements. In order to make such a performance more acceptable and harmonious, it is necessary to adhere to minimalism in everything. Thus, you can achieve maximum harmony and uniqueness at the same time.

Pop art design can be done in quite bright, catchy and cold colors. Surfaces and furniture facades are recommended to be slightly diluted with calmer shades of white, beige, light gray.

Various bright posters can be used as accessories, vinyl stickers on walls and posters. Even brighter contrasts in this style design can be placed at the expense of catchy, patterned textiles.

Provencal motifs for the studio

Design 1 apartment room studio, can be made in such a style as Provence. These motifs allow you to combine some elements of country performance, along with French elements. This style is characterized by the following features.

Implementation instructions:

  • Furniture and various accessories must contain and be complemented by various forged elements. It can be textured legs, coasters, trays, candlesticks, handles;
  • Lots of patterned textiles. It can be thin floor coverings, blankets, bedspreads, tablecloths, decorative pillows;
  • An abundance of flowers in pots. They can be placed both on the windowsill and on the floor, countertops, tables, cabinets;
  • Standard wallpaper can be replaced with other, more original and non-standard coatings, such as decorative plaster and paint. By applying plaster, you can give the surface any structure and pattern;
  • As a floor covering, give preference to natural, durable and environmentally friendly materials. Ideally, it's natural. wood flooring. However, the price for it today is quite high. That is why you can replace it with laminate, linoleum, parquet board or any other flooring that imitates the color, texture and relief of wood;
  • Basic color palette- These are quite soft, natural and calm shades. If desired, you can arrange brighter contrasts using various accessories, textiles and furniture.

Studio apartment: how to equip it in this style, so that it is distinguished by its grace and sophistication, you already know. Such an interior always looks very stylish and expensive.

Scandinavian style: maximum light and functionality

The Scandinavian style in the interior of the studio apartment is characterized by the presence of the following details:

  1. Lightness, airiness and a large amount of light are achieved through the use of natural and light shades. These are: gray, milky, flesh-colored, light blue, pearl gray, light green, beige;
  2. Studio apartment in scandinavian style decorated with natural and natural materials, which makes this design as similar to boho as possible;
  3. Large windows and good natural light. The windows are curtained light curtains and translucent tulle;
  4. The decor is rather limited and calm. Few accessories are used;
  5. The main emphasis is on a large amount of free space;
  6. Furniture sets and other decor have light and pastel colors;
  7. Floor coverings are natural and eco-friendly – ​​wood, cork, laminated board, parquet.

Tip: if the room has insufficient natural light, or is located with north side, take care of the presence of good artificial light. It can be like large hanging ceiling lamps, and spot lights, sconces.

Royal and luxury art deco

Studio apartments in art deco style are distinguished by their sophistication, visually expensive appearance. Each element of such a space is unique, and at the same time blends and harmonizes perfectly with the overall decor.

The main features of this version include the presence of the following features:

  1. This style design has a lot in common with high-tech, empire and modern styles. However, it also has its own unique features;
  2. The presence of a geometric pattern is the main business card such a performance. Textiles and furniture sets can be decorated with various zigzags and straight lines;
  3. The ceiling and floor can be proportionally reflected, exactly repeating each other's shapes;
  4. The use of rare and original materials, such as: Ivory, platinum and crocodile skin. The floor can be additionally covered with zebra or leopard skin;
  5. Preference is given to the most stylish and juicy shades. This allows the interior to look quite catchy and expensive at the same time. The following shades are well combined with each other: gold and red, white and brown, gold and black, black and white;
  6. The use of a large number of luxurious accessories and decor elements, with a complete rejection of minimalism. This style not only looks expensive, it is actually quite expensive and not everyone can afford to implement it.

Tip: you can additionally decorate apartments in the Art Deco style with various crystal and ceramic vases, large and elegant chandeliers, and mirror surfaces. The selected color scheme should emphasize all the luxury, radiance and magnificence of such a design, and at the same time it is beneficial to harmonize and combine with other elements, furniture and coatings.

Hi-tech modernity

This style belongs to modern trends and is universal. It is suitable for arranging both large and spacious studios, up to 80 square meters, and for small rooms.

Hi-tech is the presence of right angles and sharp outlines, due to which it is possible to profitably increase and expand free space. If all rooms are interconnected, it is recommended to use transparent glass and plastic fences.

You can place the necessary accents characteristic of this style by putting into practice the following recommendations and tips:

  1. The necessary accents can be placed through the use of various furniture and accessories with a pronounced metallic sheen;
  2. The floor can be modeled and changed at your discretion. For this, tiles, laminate and linoleum are suitable, having a characteristic gloss and reflections;
  3. Vinyl wallpaper for painting is suitable for decorating walls. The coating will give the walls a matte or glossy sheen.

Important: when arranging a studio in this style, you should not use exclusively metal and glossy surfaces. This will make the room too congested and gaudy.

Mediterranean motifs

This style has the following features:

  • The presence of materials, furniture and textures that have a surface that imitates the effect of wear and aging;
  • Calm background diluted thematic design. Ease of execution should be felt in every element and detail;
  • The characteristic features of the style are the presence of a large number of chairs, poufs and armchairs for comfortable accommodation, an abundance of free space and maximum light;
  • Textiles must be chosen airy and light. Curtains are represented by light translucent tulle;
  • The ceiling and wall covering can be additionally decorated with beams that do not need to be varnished. They can have a rather rough structure, which allows them to contrast against the background of brighter textiles and modern furniture;
  • To place brighter accents, you can use textiles, decorative pillows and low-hanging lamps. In its appearance, such a studio, to some extent, resembles a hold.
  • Using a minimum of various furniture for storage. Such furniture sets should not be large and massive. A small dressing room can be made independently, for example, by placing a loft bed in the bedroom under which you can equip a storage area;
  • If the apartment has an oblong rectangular shape, you can make a dressing room by creating a small hidden niche from drywall;
  • The kitchen sector is the place where you can make full use of all the most relevant and modern trends. Give preference to exclusively built-in appliances;
  • For large kitchens and dining rooms, you can hide all unused appliances, and thus make the room part of the entire apartment. To do this, give up decorating furniture facades with handles, preferring blind doors;
  • Another commonly used technique is the presence of a bar counter. Using this technique, you can conditionally separate the kitchen and living areas, and at the same time get a small dining or cutting table;
  • For small apartments, the bar counter can be installed near the sofa, so that the transition is not too noticeable, and the kitchen flows smoothly into the living room;
  • Use eco-friendly and natural materials to complete the decor, such as: wood, stone, glass. It is possible to use paper (in various crafts, wall expositions, collages), natural textiles (cotton, linen). The disadvantages of such materials include their relatively high cost;
  • The parquet board can be replaced with a laminate or linoleum. A budget solution for walls will be paper wallpaper or paint. Data facing materials have a more affordable cost, and at the same time have enough good quality and varied performance.

Ideas for a studio apartment can be very diverse. In order to realize and implement a specific idea, there is no need to adhere to a certain style or color combination. All you need is not to be afraid to experiment with colors, materials, their textures and furniture ensembles.

A studio apartment, like no other, opens up wide possibilities for decoration and design. The presence of free space allows you to implement any style - from to. What are the pros and cons of a studio apartment, how best to decorate the interior of the room - we will reveal in our article.

Features of a studio apartment: the pros and cons of combining rooms

The design of the studio apartment implies the absence of interior partitions and the combination of all rooms into one, with the exception of the bathroom and the bathroom. The owners of such apartments note a lot of advantages of a studio layout:

  • a lot of free space, much more than it would be in two separate rooms;
  • quick cleaning - 15 minutes is enough to put things in order in a studio apartment, because even the time that we usually spend to move the vacuum cleaner from room to room, etc. is excluded;
  • convenience - this is especially noted by housewives who have to cook food, set the table, meet guests, etc .;
  • functionality and practicality proper organization environment).

Of the minuses, one can note the possibility of a rapid spread of odors during cooking and the lack of a separate bedroom. However, they are all successfully resolved. A powerful hood is installed in the kitchen, and as low as possible above the stove, and a resting place can also appear thanks to modern design solutions.

The nuances of competent arrangement of a studio apartment

In order to minimize the inconvenience of living in a studio apartment, designers give the following tips:

  • the door to the bathroom and toilet should be as airtight and soundproof as possible;
  • when buying and installing the hood, pay attention to such parameters as: silent operation and high power;

  • lighting should be arranged in such a way that it is possible to adjust the direction and intensity of light in different parts of the room;
  • selection of multifunctional, transformable furniture that performs several functions at once - an indispensable solution for studio apartments;
  • interior items, Appliances, which can be freely moved around the apartment (for example, a table or a TV), is also a great option for optimizing space and your comfort.

How to successfully decorate the interior in a studio apartment

With the right approach, a studio apartment is a modern, functional, spacious home that is cozy and comfortable for two or even three family members. In order for everyone to be comfortable, when decorating the interior, you need to follow a few recommendations.

  1. First, in interior decoration stick to light colors. The same applies to furniture and textile design of the room.
  2. If partitions, countertops and other surfaces in the room are made of glass, this will not clutter up the room, but, on the contrary, will give it the necessary lightness and airiness, visually push the walls apart and expand the space.
  3. Transforming furniture in various designs (examples can be found) will help save space without losing functional content rooms.
  4. In whatever style you decorate the room, in a studio apartment you need to avoid the predominance of dark shades, massive furniture, heavy curtains on the windows.

High ceilings allow you to equip the second floor in a small studio apartment

Try to keep the room clean and tidy, avoid excessive decor and decorations. The clutter of the room, including excessive decor, will lead to the fact that the room will seem sloppy and lose its original “face” and style.

When separating different zones - bedroom, kitchen, living room - stick to the same style in interior design. In the correct designation of functional areas will help such techniques as:

  • usage various materials according to texture or color scheme;
  • delimitation of space with the help of furniture;
  • decorative partitions;
  • bar counter.

How to combine several zones in a small studio apartment, see:

Of the styles most suitable for a studio apartment will be:

  • Scandinavian.

A good technique for arranging a small studio apartment is a window sill that combines the functions of a bar or table.

Functional Design small studio apartment

In the kitchen, it is desirable to use built-in appliances, and equip any centimeter of free space with additional accessories. An example of kitchens ideal for small spaces, luxurious and inspiring, can be or.

A studio apartment is a real gift where you can realize any fantasies. The main thing is not to forget about the advice and recommendations of specialists, and then everything will work out!

With the right approach, even the smallest studio apartment looks spacious

The use of glossy surfaces, light shades of furniture allows you to visually expand the space in a small studio apartment.

Several zoning techniques in a small studio apartment: wardrobe, wallpaper, carpet, lighting
