Narrow nursery for two children. Design of a children's long narrow room

Narrow rooms are a common phenomenon not only in old houses, but also in new buildings. Traditionally, the narrowest room in the house is given over to the nursery, as a room with the least requirements. Designers are advised to adhere to the classic methods of expanding space and carefully select furniture for a problematic room in order to create a room in a complex shape. cozy corner for your child.

nursery interior narrow room
children's room long and narrow photo
how to arrange furniture in a narrow children's room

Rational ideas for a narrow children's room

To solve the problem of narrow space in the children's room, designers recommend using the following techniques:

Style and color for the perfect look

The more problematic the shape of the room, the easier it should be to decorate. This also applies to the choice of style, and color combinations. Narrow rooms can look harmonious and attractive if suitable materials are used in the design of the room.

Styling tricks are best left to more spacious and large rooms, but a narrow nursery should be arranged in one of the simple, but functional styles. Ethno-styles enjoy well-deserved attention here: Scandinavian, Provence, modern English classics.

These directions allow deviations from the rules, welcome the use individual elements style, some mixing of details within the same room.

For example, a functional, but slightly dry Scandinavian direction can be revived with textiles in English style or wall decor in Provence style.

When choosing a color for a narrow children's room, you should focus on a soft range. pastel colors- milky, peach, lavender, blue, pistachio. Such tones will create a feeling of spaciousness and air in the room, expand the boundaries of the room.

To visually enlarge the nursery, you can use the reception of horizontal stripes on the floor or walls, but such stripes should be as light as possible. Dark accents may be present, but they should be pointy and barely noticeable, not overloading the picture.

We select furniture for a narrow room

The complexity of designing a narrow children's room is not only to choose the right quality and comfortable furniture, but also in search of the perfect place for every detail of the interior. Such limited conditions either L-shaped or linear arrangement of furniture is used.

The table should be allocated a place by the window: the study area needs a quality natural light. If the width of the room allows, then it is better to place the bed with the headboard to the window - for maximum comfort of the child.

The closet is one of the stumbling blocks in creating stylish design narrow children's room. Classic models clutter up the space and can interfere with the normal life of the baby.

Designers advise using every free centimeter of space, using the space above the windows, doorways, niches above sleeping places. For example, corner cabinets usually use empty and useless corners, and open shelves solve the problem of storing books and toys, but do not overload the room.

A bed in a narrow room should be functional. Models with drawers for linen are quite popular, as well as complex transformers and loft beds. Bedroom for two children practical solution there will be a bunk bed, problem solving placement of several beds.

Important details: textiles and light in the nursery

To make the room sparkle with fresh colors, designers advise to actively use textiles. Curtains, bed covers, decorative pillowcases for pillows - all this can create a special mood in the child's bedroom.

But with textile design, one should be extremely careful not to overload the already complex space due to the shape with details or colors. Choose harmoniously suitable fabrics: for example, in one color scheme or topic.

For a boy's bedroom, nautical or space motifs, a Scottish cage or harsh geometric abstractions are suitable. The girls will love floral ornaments, bright prints and calm combinations of trendy shades.

Light plays a key role in a children's room, and as a rule, it is not enough in a narrow room. One window, namely lonely small window on narrow wall found in such layouts most often, not enough to illuminate the entire space.

Even with the use of light curtains, namely these are recommended for children's bedrooms, natural light will not be enough.

Designers pay attention to the need to organize competent lighting of all areas in the nursery:

  • The workplace, which is most often located by the window, needs a movable table lamp.
  • Above the bed you can hang a sconce with a soft light for reading before bedtime.
  • The play area should be illuminated with diffused light that will not irritate children's eyes.

In a narrow room, it is better to abandon the ceiling chandelier as the only source of light: harsh shadows from a too bright lamp will visually reduce the space.

A narrow room for a child is a worthy option, because with the right choice of style, color and rational choice of furniture, the room can become a comfortable and attractive corner of the house. The complexity of the form can be corrected with light accents, using functional furniture performed according to custom order, as well as creating a unique atmosphere of love and harmony.

Children grow and develop, and the complexity of decorating the interior of a children's room for two children is the need to change a lot in a few years. A well-thought-out interior will reflect the interests and tastes of a girl and a boy, their age features and personal wishes. The layout of urban apartments with a lack of a separate room for each family member encourages parents to equip a room for two children. Children get along differently, there are pronounced individualists and owners who claim a separate personal space, and it is important to reckon with this.

The design should be thought out based on the preferences of the child.

The design can be made the same or individual for each child.

Light colors are best for a child's room.

The modern design of a children's room for two children is thought out in detail. Agree, it’s not good to leave a growing baby in a crib if his legs stick out through the gaps in the back or hang down from children's sofa. The decor should correspond to the rapidly changing interests of the son and daughter - they are different for children of a preschooler and a teenager.

Students should have a convenient written or computer desk. For each child, their part of the table is separated, and his personal area is equipped with shelves and drawers at arm's length. Be sure to have good (but not very bright) local lighting where children study or sit at a computer. It is important to update the room for two children and its design by periods:

  • for a baby or baby;
  • preschooler's room;
  • playroom for children of elementary grades;
  • training zone for adolescence;
  • bedroom of maturing girls (boys).

Schoolchildren should have a comfortable desk or computer desk. For each child, their part of the table is separated, and his personal area is equipped with shelves and drawers at arm's length. Be sure to have good (but not very bright) local lighting where children study or sit at a computer.

The decor should correspond to the rapidly changing interests of the son and daughter - they are different for preschoolers and teenagers

The modern design of a children's room for two children is thought through in detail

Certain difficulties are caused by the children's room different ages with their needs and interests. Here it is necessary functional zoning, where it is supposed to highlight:

  • personal space;
  • sleep and rest area;
  • place to play;
  • free passage;
  • working (training) zone;
  • Everyone has their own place to store things.

Arrangement of a place for games is due to age characteristics and hobbies of children. All sorts of retractable planes, including beds, free up more space for play in the aisle. This is true for a narrow children's bedroom and a small room. For teenagers who have ceased to be interested in toys, this place will eventually be filled with equipment and simulators, as in the photo.

In a large space, it is easiest to plan a design project for a children's room for two children, especially if it is entrusted to a specialist. He will make the wildest dreams of children come true.

The arrangement of a place for games is due to the age characteristics and hobbies of children

You can entrust the design of a children's room to a specialist

Consider children's preferences when choosing a design

When the family is limited in funds, and the nursery is too small for creative ideas, use the decor with their own hands and compact furniture. Appropriate:

  • folding tables;
  • transformers;
  • folding sofas;
  • retractable beds;
  • many drawers in functional cabinets;
  • open racks, shelves and whatnots used as partitions for space zoning.

Preschoolers do not need an extended study area, but a comfortable table, wide window sill or a folding table top is sure to highlight. Here it will be convenient for them to look at their favorite books, make something or glue it out of paper.

Rest should be calm, in a secluded place, so that the attention of a falling asleep child is not distracted by foreign objects. The optimal arrangement of beds is head to head, but not back to back. An appropriate bunk bed, but in a hot room with low ceilings, the child upstairs will not be comfortable. It is better to take a separate corner with soft light away from the window, and it is desirable that the children's beds are not opposite each other.

If the room is small, you can use multifunctional furniture

The optimal arrangement of beds is head to head, but not back to back

The choice of furniture in children's rooms of different layouts

With the zoning of the children's room, everything is clear. But 2 questions remain open - how to select furniture, where to put it in a limited space? Aesthetics, color and design are, of course, important, but you should not clutter up the aisles with it and take away square meters from the playing area.

Cabinet furniture - a minimum, open shelves, cabinets and racks - a good replacement for partitions. toys and small items convenient to store in drawers, which can be equipped with beds and sofas. Multi-level built-in furniture up to the ceiling will help save free space to free up space in the aisles, give more light and air.

Narrow room with a door on the end side

Clear the passage as much as possible, cabinet furniture along one wall, a table by the window, bunk beds or head to head

Large room with two windows

The best layout option, 2 desks at each window or a large tabletop, there is a lot of space for zoning

small square room with one window

Recreation areas opposite each other, beds with a side are placed in parallel, a table by the window

Spacious room with bay windows

Place a play or study area near the window, replace window sills with countertops

walk-through long room

The worst option, it is important to fence off the sleeping and rest area as much as possible, the playing place is in the corner, and not on the aisle, cabinets are near 1 wall

Rectangular children's door in the side wall

Built-in cabinet furniture against a solid wall, perpendicular beds, 2 tables

L-shaped room of small footage

Worst option, bunk bed, minimum cabinet furniture, 1 table

Transformer beds can be used in small rooms

Cabinet furniture - at least, open shelves, cabinets and racks - a good replacement for partitions

Multi-level built-in furniture up to the ceiling will help save free space

Separation of space for different children

1. If the age differences are small, then children of the same age, even if they are a son and daughter, up to 10 years old do not have to delimit their personal space. The design of a room for children of different sexes can be neutral, without gender differences, only the place above the bed can be marked with your own color or your favorite dolls and cars on the shelf. The background of the walls is chosen in a calm neutral shade:

  • white;
  • beige;
  • cream;
  • grey-blue;
  • light green;
  • pale lemon;
  • washed out blue or turquoise;
  • delicate peach or apricot.

As children grow older, the desire for isolation and self-expression becomes more tangible. Back to top school year or the next birthday of a child, give them a gift - update the design of a nursery for two children by adding a partition and original zoning. DIY decor should reflect love for the cartoon character or other common interest.

It is not necessary to delimit zones.

The design of a room for children of different sexes can be neutral

2. If there are 2 girls in the room with different interests, even if they are twins or twins, you can’t teach them to have everything in common. On the contrary, instill a desire for healthy individualism - each has its own personal things:

  • towels;
  • linens;
  • clothing and footwear;
  • school supplies;
  • toys.

You can’t save on this, especially during seasonal epidemics. Each child is a unique person, and both girls must show their inclinations, abilities and desires in their own way, not subject to the influence of the authority of their parents or sister.

AT common room each daughter should have her own closet or separate places for clothes and shoes. Shelves with textbooks and toys, a rug, and a light zoning curtain can mark the boundaries of personal space where no one should enter without her consent. If girls like to dress up, decorate their room like a Parisian courtyard with a view of the Eiffel Tower using photo wallpaper.

3. Two boys should also have a separate space. A two-level bed, "loft" or "compartment", can cause litter over who gets to climb up. Offer them a lottery every month. Soon they will determine themselves, and there will be more free space in the room. The decor should reflect their preferences, but it is better to choose a loft-style interior - Spider-Man's hideout or a stylized captain's cabin.

In the common room, each child should have their own closet or separate places for clothes and shoes

If there are 2 girls in the room with different interests, even if they are twins or twins, you can’t teach them to have everything in common

Each child should have their own things and space

A well-thought-out interior for sons can have a common computer desk, but each should have its own rack or shelves. The common plane for games does not exclude the fact that they should do their lessons from their side of the tabletop or in a separate corner by the window. If there are 2 windows in the children's room - even better, let them have 2 desktops with a common computer area in the middle, as in the photo.

4. Option room for children with big difference age causes difficulties for parents. Separate the baby's sleeping place with a canopy. A teenager does not need such an accessory if he sleeps on the couch. Decorating choose neutral for the whole room, but age features should be reflected in personal space.

Even if the preschooler has a large place to play, set up a small table and comfortable chair. This is necessary so that she does not carry her books and plasticine on the table of her older sister when she is teaching lessons. With the rest of the furniture it is much easier - the baby will grow up and "move" to the table and to the bed of an adult sister.

Advice. Arrange a spacious room so that everyone can go about their business without being distracted by a sister or brother. In a cramped little room - only what is necessary, everyone has their own bed. A common play and study area is acceptable, but an older child can study, sit at a laptop or listen to music in another room.

In a cramped little room - only what is necessary, everyone has their own bed

Arrange a spacious room so that everyone can go about their business without being distracted by a sister or brother

5. Children of different sexes also have to be placed in the same room, but when they grow up, they will have to distinguish between places to sleep. But up to 10-11 years it will be common room, then the boy will be moved to another room, but the common study area remains. The interior for a boy and a girl should reflect their diverse interests, the background should be neutral.


The choice of style should take into account their desires, and you can always find something in common in the interests of the daughter and son. They read the same books, watch the same cartoons and series. Offer options that will suit both of them.

The choice of style should take into account their desires

For the girl, they allocate a more secluded place where she will feel protected.

Wardrobes for daughter and son clothes should be separate

For the girl, they allocate a more secluded place where she will feel protected. For example, offer the top level of a children's furniture complex. Wardrobes for daughter and son clothes should be separate, this is not even discussed. Vinyl stickers on the doors with your favorite characters, their belonging will be emphasized.

If they don't give special attention decor, reflecting the inclinations of children, you can diversify the situation according to the principle of seasonality. Children are happy to take part in the manufacture paper butterflies for wall decor or decorating a decorative tree - with its leaves, birds, flowers and fruits, snowflakes and raindrops.

Choose bright furniture sofa cushions as soft toys

All decor should play with an acquisition that will make children happy.

Pick up bright furniture, soft toy cushions, children's lamps, interior clocks, bed linen with a pattern from the world of children's fantasies or floor mats in the form of a road for cars. All this will help with minimal cost arrange a room for children with different interests.

Attention! Remember about safety, it is more important than the design of a room for two children with different interests. There should be insulated and hidden wires, sockets with plugs, electrical appliances in a place inaccessible to small children, wall decoration and sofa upholstery with non-combustible fabric.

This is general recommendations, it all depends on the furniture available and the one that they only plan to purchase. If these are planned expenses, it is better to choose with a bright, memorable design, for example, a car bed, a fox chair or a children's sofa steamer.

All decor should play with an acquisition that will make children happy. And do not forget about the local illumination of each zone, so as not to spoil the children's eyesight. More interesting ideas see photo examples.

Video: Design of a children's room for two children

Arrangement of premises with non-standard layout like a jigsaw puzzle with a thousand mismatched pieces. Rational design rules do not rule here, and comfort can be created only by resorting to skillful tricks. One of the most challenging tasks– develop cozy design narrow nursery. Children are very sensitive to their environment; therefore, the apparent disproportionality causes them a feeling of discomfort. Of course, this defect can be eliminated by following the effective recommendations of experienced designers.

Wall decoration in a narrow room

When decorating the walls of a children's room with unusual layout it is worth adhering to the basic rule: avoid sharp contrasts and too bright colors. Otherwise, the room will depress intimacy and oversaturation of colors. Zonal surface finishing will help expand the space in the room. To do this, you can use several methods.

Long, parallel to each other, walls should be rationally painted (or wallpapered) in white or cream color, and short end walls should be made more saturated. Another option is to accentuate one wall (for example, paste over wallpaper with a small pattern), and make other surfaces plain.

Striped walls are a classic of the genre for the design of a narrow nursery. The expansion effect is created by pasting long walls with wallpaper with vertical stripes, and short walls with horizontal stripes. As a result, the room looks more harmonious and lively.

Another effective technique for smoothing out planning defects is the use of photo wallpaper. They can be used for finishing both long and end surfaces. In the first case, the image on the wallpaper should have a perspective effect that visually expands the cramped space. One of the main advantages of this technique is the ability to “change the scenery” as soon as the picture on the wall gets bored with the child.

Options for finishing the floor and ceiling for the design of the nursery

For the floor in a narrow room, it is recommended to choose a floor with a rectangular pattern - for example, laminate, parquet board or linoleum. At the same time, it should be laid so that the pattern lies perpendicular to the long wall, visually expanding the room. The floor can be finished with a coating without a pattern, or you can put a plain carpet. In this case, it is worth giving preference to not too dark solutions that will be in harmony with the main palette.

As for the ceiling, for the design of children's rooms with a disproportionate layout, modern solutions in the form of suspended or tension structures. Plain snow-white ceilings will help to make the room more airy. You can dilute a certain severity of the children's room through bright ceiling inclusions (drawings or stretch installations).

Solving planning defects with lighting

The children's room is considered one of the brightest - literally and figuratively - rooms in the apartment. In small rooms, very often there is not enough sunlight, and therefore it is necessary to implement a well-thought-out lighting system here. In addition to the usual ceiling chandelier, the room should be equipped with lamps and floor lamps that will illuminate a specific area.

To level the tunnel effect, special cornices can be made on the walls along the end walls and recessed lamps can be hidden behind them. Thus, it will be possible to wash away the boundaries between the ceiling and walls. Also, in the design of a narrow nursery it is not rational to use dense dark curtains; it is better to give preference to light transparent curtains that perfectly let in daylight.

Arrangement of furniture in narrow spaces

Arrange furniture in small spaces long rooms necessary according to certain rules. Firstly, it is advisable to place all the furniture along the walls and in the corners, and leave the center of the room empty. It is better to place the desktop by the window, and the bed along the long wall. The end wall can be occupied by a compact wardrobe, which will hide the excess space along the length. Secondly, the children's room should not be overloaded with pieces of furniture, otherwise it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid a feeling of constraint.

How to share a room between two children, especially if they are of different ages and have different interests? And so as not to go broke? Do not forget that the room should be liked by children and be comfortable and functional, and for this it is worth working hard and taking into account a lot of little things.

Bright children's room for two children

Firstly, it is worth deciding in advance what functions the nursery will perform. If it is to be used only as a bedroom, you should not load the space with unnecessary items, and the wallpaper will look more advantageous if they are plain or have some kind of pastel shade. Thus, the body of children of any age will calmly rest and tune in to sleep.

A large room with sofa

Most best color for the children's bedroom - white. It is he who gives the space that lightness and freshness, where it becomes calm and comfortable. Furniture should be minimal. It is enough to put two beds, two bedside tables and a wardrobe for storage. For little fashionistas on the opposite wall, you can place dressing table with a mirror.

Children's room for two children
Bright room for two children

In the case when the nursery must perform more features, it is worth zoning the space intelligently. It is desirable to create two jobs, then each child will have own zone where you can write, draw and do homework. And it is convenient to make the play and sports part common for both kids.

It is more profitable to place beds and tables in a bright area, near windows. Place for games can be placed in a dimly lit corner of the room.

Large bright children's room with a bunk bed for two children

In small children's rooms, bunk beds will help save space. If children are not afraid of heights and can decide without argument who sleeps upstairs and who sleeps downstairs, then this option can be called the most successful.

Bright room for two children

What to look out for

First of all, it is worth considering the tastes of both kids. If they don't like the same fairy tale characters, you should not order photo wallpapers with their images. In this case, a neutral pattern would be more appropriate. If dimensions allow, the room can be divided by a partition, thereby providing each child with personal space.

Creative room for two children with colorful zoning
green room for two children

Before proceeding with the repair, it is necessary to draw up a clear plan of the room, taking into account its size, the number of windows and the location of the door.

It is worth immediately clearly defining the functions that the nursery should perform and, depending on this, divide it into several functional zones.

Important attention should be paid to the difference in the age of children. When the younger one goes to the garden, and the older one is a schoolboy, the surest option is to find a compromise solution for the layout. The older child is not interested in living surrounded only by children's toys, and the baby will be bored among books and notebooks. It is most logical to divide the room into two identical parts.

It is necessary to take into account the interests of children and fulfill at least one desire of each child. You can not reckon with the opinion of an only child.

Beautiful spacious room for two children

Zoning a children's room

Before talking about zoning rules, it is worth noting that it has not only aesthetic, but also educational purposes.

  • Comfort on psychological level. When everything is in order, the child has more opportunities for development and self-expression.
  • From childhood, the baby will be accustomed to order.
  • When two children live in a room at once, this gives them the right to feel personal freedom and learn to share the same space for two.

Bunk bed in a room for two children

For two children, if space permits, it is good to divide the space between the beds with a partition so that both have a personal space where they can go about their business. Shelves or mirrors can be placed on the partition when the room is set up for girls.

Bright room with separated beds

Windows should face west or east. Then during the day the room will be evenly lit.

Bright bright room for two children

When zoning is performed for babies under 3 years old, then it is necessary to be guided by the needs of the mother during the repair. The crib, changing table and other necessary accessories should not be far from each other. Developing toys and soft rugs are placed separately in the far corner of the room.

Design of a room for two children
Children's room design for two children

Children under the age of 7 should be given the opportunity to enjoy their childhood as much as possible. You can divide the room into several zones:

  • creative;
  • sports;
  • game;
  • sleeping.

Thus, the kids will have maximum opportunities for self-expression, and in the case when their interests do not coincide, they will not distract each other.

Bright room for two children with a red tint

Children under 13 are already getting older and more reasonable, so zoning their space should be as useful as possible. The work and study area plays an important role for schoolchildren; you should not save on good desks and bedside tables for storing books and notebooks. Sleeping places can be made in the form bunk bed, which saves space and allows each child to have a personal area where no one will distract him.

Room for two children in the style of "Minimalism"

As a rule, zoning is carried out by arranging pieces of furniture in certain places in the room - this is the easiest and most fast option. Some parents turn on the fantasy to the maximum, and then everything comes into play: backlighting, different colors wallpaper, partitions and blinds, screens and curtains. Color zoning will greatly streamline the space. The play and sports part can be decorated in bright, flashy colors so that the kids can throw out maximum energy there, and the sleeping and working area issue in pastel colors. fashionable option is the division of the room with the help of furniture labyrinths. You can make floors in the room different heights. Thus, the sleeping places will be on a hill, and the working and play area- below.

Room for two children with playground

What furniture to choose

Furniture for children should not be massive and large. The more lightness, the more airy and comfortable the space of the room will be read. Light beds are suitable, and in the case when a dark color dominates, you can cover them with a white bedspread. Desk should be comfortable and roomy, but not bulky. Otherwise, it will steal a lot of extra space. Furniture cabinet it is better to choose a built-in one and make its doors mirrored. Even if it is large, mirrors will noticeably reduce the size and visually push the walls of the room apart.

Luxurious children's room for two children

For two children preschool age great solution will become combined option sleeping and sports area. Sports equipment is adjacent to the bunk bed: slides, ladders, horizontal bars. This option can be quite traumatic, so you should take care of soft carpeting in advance.

Children's room for two children in green

Accessories play a significant role - shelves, bedside tables, photo frames and paintings. All this adds comfort and lightness to the room. There are many interesting design options for chests of drawers that will fit perfectly into any interior.

Large room for two children

How the shape of the room affects the layout

The square and rectangular shapes of the room make it necessary to resort to zoning with the help of additional partitions and screens, and when the room has non-standard sizes, protrusions and recesses, this makes it possible to correctly divide its space without auxiliary materials.

Beautiful children's room for two children

The most inconvenient are layouts with cut corners. As a rule, little furniture can be put there, and in a room for two children, every meter is doubly valued.

Too much to get involved in frames and divisions is also not worth it. They significantly reduce the amount of free space in the room.

Room for two children with different colors

Children's room - important element family home plans. The interior design in this room should be approached responsibly.

Video: Children's room for two children. Minimalism and storage.

50 photos of children's room design ideas for two children:

The children's room is important both for the child himself and for his parents. The child in it should be comfortable and cozy, and the parents should be calm, that nothing interferes with the development of their baby. If you don’t have to limit yourself in fantasy for owners of a large space, then it’s not always easy to choose a design for a narrow children’s room.

The main accents of the "narrow" interior

Non-standard forms of rooms always present a certain difficulty for design. The problem is two long walls, especially if they have windows, and the end walls, which are excluded from arrangement variations, are narrow doorways. In order not to carry out redevelopment, there are several tricks that not only level the shortcomings, but also make the room comfortable - this is a nursery.

Key highlights to be highlighted:

  • choice of wall decor;
  • selection color solution;
  • door frame;
  • ceiling design;
  • zoning;
  • lighting;
  • flooring;
  • furniture.

Light help!

You should immediately come to terms with the fact that a narrow nursery will be limited to the use of a certain color scheme.

From a specialist! Saturated and dark colors the same throughout the room is strictly prohibited. They are used only as decoration.

Only light, neutral colors should be used:

  • light green;
  • milky beige;
  • baked milk;
  • pearl;
  • light pink;
  • sky blue.

Such colors expand the space, fill it with light.

Correctly decorate the walls, ceiling, floor

Visually reduce the length of the room will help accents on short walls. They are painted or pasted over with wallpaper of a darker tone than the main one, drawings are applied and decorated with bright details. Ideally, it is necessary to select decors that contrast in color. A well-chosen long children's photo wallpaper or 3D wallpaper will also divert attention from long walls.

Wallpaper with vertical stripes will help visually shorten long walls. It is appropriate to use such wallpapers only in one area or zone, for example, near a bed or a working part.

The ceiling is best painted in light tone or paste over with wallpaper that is simple in texture. Stretch ceiling and suspended drywall structures will only make the space heavier.

On a note! The color for the ceiling is chosen a tone lighter than the main one near the walls. Such a trick will visually make the room wider and more spacious.

The exception is rooms with very high walls, or the design to match the general will become the main detail of the interior.

The flooring also plays an important role in the design of a narrow long children's room: it must be warm, environmentally friendly and at the same time hide the imperfections of the room. The most acceptable options are carpet,.

When laying a laminate, it is necessary to adhere to the main principle: the laminates themselves are located in a narrow part parallel to the wide walls.

Parquet is selected with a rectangular pattern and the narrow side is laid perpendicular to the end walls.

Designer advice!
It is more correct to choose a rectangular-shaped carpet and place it so that the narrow part rests against a wide wall.

Pay attention to the shape and size of the doors. If possible, they should be expanded. Great for increasing space swing doors. The color of the doors should be matched to the tone of the flooring.

Space zoning

But everything repair work are carried out only after determining the main areas in the nursery. First you need to carefully measure the space, and not only the area, but also the possibility of locating the second tier and, if any, all niches and recesses.

This will help to make a sketch on which the following zones will be distributed:

  • bedroom;
  • working;
  • recreation;
  • storage;
  • wardrobe.

Such a number of zones is difficult to strictly distinguish in narrow space. Designers offer to combine the bedroom with a place to relax, and design the workroom so that it can easily be transformed into a place of rest and communication.

Zoning can be organized in the following ways:

  • distribution of furniture;
  • lighting design;
  • various wall colors;
  • separation using screens, shelving.

For a narrow room, a rack is often used to divide into. They turn out small size, but you can decorate them in completely different ways. As a rack, a high stand with fresh flowers looks interesting.

Expert advice! If a partition is used, it is very firmly attached. Pots with flowers are also properly strengthened to the shelves of the bookcase.

Attention: lighting!

It is important to know!

If all lighting placed along a long wall - they will not give an effect, but will further narrow the space. It is necessary for the installation of lighting to use narrow walls as much as possible.

For a rectangular room, the traditional location of the chandelier in the center will be inconvenient. It is more correct to organize autonomous lighting of each zone and several lamps on the ceiling.

Luminaires are selected with such power that for one square meter accounted for at least 12 MW of light energy.

For creating unusual design children's room. Patterns, unusual paintings, original landscapes are created from it on the walls.

How to arrange furniture

An important part of any interior is furniture. The choice of furniture for decorating the design of a rectangular children's room must be approached very thoughtfully. For narrow rooms, multifunctional or transforming furniture is suitable. In such options, beds and tables are often made folding. This saves space.

Important! In a narrow room, try not to place all the furniture along one wall continuously. It is better if there are gaps between the individual parts in which decorative elements are located, a mirror.

Organization bed very important for a child. If possible, better bed placed across the room at the end wall. It is very convenient to purchase a loft bed, and place under it workplace. Well, the option with a reclining bed should not be discarded.

For the workplace, experts traditionally advise choosing the part of the nursery next to the window. If this does not work, you can get acquainted with the design of the girl's room.
