Schoolchild's corner: design, color selection and location in the interior of the children's room (93 photos). Schoolchildren's corner: where to buy and how to properly install children's furniture How to make a school corner at home near the window

The design of the classroom is an integral part of the work of the teacher. Each teacher strives to give his corner individuality, to emphasize in it his creative potential and talent as a designer.

Given the meager budget and the monotony of templates, it is possible to realize your idea only creatively - by making cool corners with your own hands.

How to arrange a corner

First you need to remember the uniform requirements for the design of corners in the classroom. Also, one should not forget about the differences in the presentation of information, its distinctive features in primary school, middle and senior level.

Here are a few basic requirements for how to decorate a cool corner with your own hands. This:

  • aesthetics;
  • creativity;
  • reflection of the maximum number of areas of interest of students;
  • careful selection and preparation of information, taking into account its relevance and significance;
  • availability of educational information.

From the above, it is clear that not just some drawings and articles, but the necessary and useful information should contain a cool corner. Photos of do-it-yourself stands made are presented in this article below.

The purpose of the design of the corner

The classroom corner is designed to become an assistant for the teacher in the organization educational process. To do this, the information posted on it should contribute to the achievement of certain goals:

  • the maximum expansion of the horizons of students;
  • efficient and high quality;
  • improving the results of educational and extracurricular activities;
  • development of creative inclinations, realization of the creative potential of students;
  • unity of the class, education of collectivism;
  • the formation of the aesthetic taste of students.

How to make a cool corner with your own hands

The stand manufacturing process includes several successive stages:

  • choice of subject;
  • selection of the necessary sections, determination of their total number;
  • creation of a sample of the future stand on paper;
  • selection of materials for the manufacture of the stand;
  • work on the manufacture of the corner;
  • installation or assembly of the stand;
  • filling the classroom with information.

First you need to start creating a sample of the future stand on paper. You need to draw with colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints what a cool corner will look like. Do-it-yourself design makes it possible to involve children in this process. Joint creativity will only bring students together, help to reveal their creative inclinations and will contribute to the development of aesthetic taste and imagination.

Subject selection

The choice of topics should be taken with all responsibility. In this case, one should be guided by the age characteristics of children, their interests, wishes, the size of the area on which the classroom will be located. Do-it-yourself decoration allows you to choose all kinds of themes and styles of performance.

The theme of the corner for can be related to fairy tale characters, cartoon characters and more. The main condition is the brightness of colors and ease of execution.

So, for example, you can arrange a corner in the form of a sun with rays, a train with trailers, a tree, a flower meadow, a rainbow, and the like. It all depends on the imagination of the teacher and his creative abilities.

The theme for the booth of middle and senior students is more strict. Do-it-yourself cool corners can be designed in the form of a book, mathematical, language, literary, sports or artistic symbols.

Also, the students themselves can suggest a topic for the stand, based on their preferences and interests. Here the main thing for the teacher is to listen to the opinion of everyone and choose the topic that will be acceptable to the majority.

Selection of necessary materials

Having decided on the topic, it is necessary to calculate the total number of windows in which information will be placed, and also to title each section in accordance with the generally accepted requirements for what a classroom corner should be in a school. Do-it-yourself design of such a stand gives room for imagination and creativity.

The choice of raw materials for the manufacture of the stand depends on the condition financial aspect and potential of the teacher.

With a meager budget and a great creative potential of the teacher, you can make the perfect stand from simple improvised materials. Perfectly amenable to processing cardboard, plywood, fabric, thick paper.

Below is one of the examples of how you can decorate classroom corners with your own hands for elementary school.

Class corner theme: "Ant Family"

The cool corner consists of three stands and is a forest clearing where ants are hard at work. Grass, flowers and other necessary decorations can be made from fabric. The tree and the anthill with its inhabitants are made of thick paper or cardboard.

There is a large anthill on the central stand of the corner. Above it, you can fix a sheet with the inscription "Our friendly team" or "Our class."

The number of ants must match total number students in the class. You can put a photo of each student on the corner stand, and mark the ant girls and boys with pink and blue ribbon, respectively.

Also, students' photographs can be arranged in the form of a tree, the crown of which is formed by photographs with the addition of foliage. Leaves can also be made from paper or fabric. The composition is completed by a powerful trunk cut out of cardboard or made of paper using the appliqué or origami technique. Under the tree, you can put the schedule of lessons and calls.

On the second side stand, you can make a "flower of success" with small tips for students and berries with mushrooms, on which you can put the names of class attendants, children who do not have sick passes, etc.

In addition, space should be left on the stand for placing educational information, birthday greetings, student achievements and recommendations for parents. An excellent incentive for the presence of the block "Our creativity" or "Creative success of students" will be.

In this case, you don’t have to waste your time and do absolutely everything with your own hands, it will be enough just to choose the right contractor, explain to him all the nuances of the order, then submit an application and pick up a completely finished product after a set period of time.

Installation or installation of the stand

If there is enough Money stand can be ordered in specialized firm, which is engaged in the manufacture of stands, both template and custom.

The installation of a finished classroom corner can be carried out independently, with the involvement of the parents of students, by the staff of the school or other organizations.

The main requirement for the installation of stands is the unconditional observance of safety regulations and the compliance of the corner with all the rules safe operation. Stands must be firmly attached to the wall, not have sharp corners, and contain materials that may cause injury to children or cause harm to their health.

Cool corner at school, decorated with your own hands

When filling the classroom with information, it is necessary to take into account all the requirements for data of this kind, as well as age features and the interests of the children.

It should also be remembered that the messages on the stands are subject to mandatory systematic updating. To implement this requirement, students can be involved by distributing responsibilities and assigning their section of the stand to them.

Responsibility for updating educational information, class schedules, and data for parents rests entirely with the teacher.

The stand can contain not only drawings and texts, but also thematic photographs, which will make a do-it-yourself classroom made at school quite original. Students themselves can also offer photos for the stand, which will significantly increase the coefficient of their participation in the overall work.

Timely and high-quality updating, competent presentation of the text help to maintain the interest of students and parents in the life of the class, and also greatly simplifies the work of the teacher, making it more efficient and fruitful.

Compliance with all the above requirements is a guarantee of successful and high-quality work. Made cool corners with your own hands will bring joy and satisfaction. There is no need to be afraid to create and fantasize, because the success of the work begun depends on the abilities and talent of the teacher.

School time is coming, schoolchildren are returning from summer camps and sanatoriums, parents prepare their children for school. Preparing for the new academic year consists not only in buying stationery and school uniforms, but also in a workplace for study (school corner), if it is not ready yet.

A place to study can be an ordinary desk, or maybe a corner specially assembled in the same style. The student's corner should be chosen by the student himself, because it is for him that this place is being prepared.

What criteria should a schoolchildren's children's corner have? Probably the furniture should be good quality so that if you buy it once, it will last for a long time.

Coming in furniture store with a child, let him choose. The child should check how comfortable it is for him to sit, whether he can reach books and textbooks without getting up. Any shortcomings can greatly interfere with the execution time homework. The drawers in the desk should be equipped with a comfortable handle and a pull-out system.

Photos of corners for a schoolboy with a bed

Furniture dimensions

The height of the table must correspond to the age of the child. There is a table that shows the correspondence between the height of the child and the height of the table and chair.


When purchasing a corner for a student, pay attention to the possibilities of lighting the desk. If it does not have built-in spotlights, immediately take care of a small table lamp or sconce, as in evening time it will be difficult for the child to work when the room is lit only by a chandelier. Lighting must be set up properly. If the student is right-handed, then the light should fall from the left, and vice versa.

Corner design options

Exist different variants corner decoration. The easiest option is a chair, bookshelf or a rack.

Since the choice is unlimited these days and you can buy whatever your heart desires, it may be better to buy more difficult option corner. It consists of a desk, a chair, a bookshelf or a built-in bed; the set can also include a separate wardrobe or a small chest of drawers.

There are many options, so there is plenty to choose from. On the furniture factory you can order your own version of such a corner for a student, which will be designed specifically for your child.

Actually workplace can be located not only in a corner, but also completely along the wall. Perhaps it will be more convenient for someone to arrange all the pieces of furniture according to different places in the room, so the corner can be easily disassembled.

Options for a bed or may also vary. For example, a bed can be a second tier, that is, it can be located above the table, and it will need to be climbed up a small ladder. Such a corner may have an unusual design solution. For example, be in nautical style, where the deck is the bed, and the hold is the workplace. Thus, it will be more interesting for the child to do homework - the imagination of children is stormy.

The usual option involves placing the bed on the side of the table. The bed can be built drawers or other things. All attention should be paid to the convenience of the table and shelves for books and notebooks, otherwise - to the convenience of the bed. You can also place a night lamp above the bed - so that your eyesight does not deteriorate when reading a book.

IN modern houses There are many different apartment layouts. The apartment can be both small rooms and spacious halls. Most likely, a place to study will not take up much space, so the student's corner with a bed can be placed in small room . Thus, there will be enough furniture in the nursery, and all that remains is to choose the color of the walls, which will not be difficult, because the main part of the composition will be occupied by a corner decorated in the same style.

Photo of furniture for a student's corner

The design of the educational place can be completely different - it depends on the taste of the student himself. Maybe this place will become his favorite not only for studying, but also for creativity or the embodiment of his talents.

To decorate the corner, you can use small Stuffed Toys, various crafts from kindergarten, photo frames or indoor plants.

The student himself can decorate his place for study to his taste, because he will need to maintain order in his workplace all year long.

Most likely, a computer will also have to be installed in the nursery, then the desk can combine a computer desk. It will be enough to buy separately a stand for the monitor, a pull-out shelf for the keyboard and a small trolley on wheels for the system unit. All these items will not take up much space, which means they will not interfere with the child's homework. The main thing is that the student understands that "work is time, and fun is an hour."

If parents cannot afford large expenses for study place immediately, you can take the furniture in installments - if such a service is offered by a furniture store. In most stores there is such an addition, by the way, quite profitable, because not everyone can save enough money to buy furniture in a fairly short time.


Every person needs workspace where he could concentrate, distract from other worries and carry out current affairs. For a student, a school is still work, therefore, to complete the lessons, he also needs to organize a separate zone.

A sensitive parent will definitely take into account given fact and will try to provide his child with everything necessary. The main attribute of this zone in the children's room is a desk. However, it is not always possible to successfully fit it into the interior: it can be bulky and occupy a significant part of the room, which is not at all convenient. In this case compact furniturestudent corner, will become great solution. In addition to ergonomics, it also has high functionality; with its help, you can successfully organize the space.

Schoolchild's corner with bed and table: 3 in 1 option.

Determine the right place

Before proceeding with the selection of appropriate furniture options, you need to evaluate the room: its size, layout, window location.

The first thing to consider is the natural light source.

Tip: it is desirable that the light falls on the work surface from the window on the left side, if the child is right-handed, and vice versa.

The table may also be located. This option is good for families where two children share the nursery. So the surface of the table can be combined with the window sill, using its usable area.

Corner without a bed

Second important point- correct zoning.

Its location should also not be closed: a good solution would be to place the furniture in such a way that the child can see part of the room or a street panorama from behind the table. You should not limit your child's visibility in the hope of increasing his concentration of attention, so you will achieve the exact opposite effect.

Types of school corners

To date, the variations in performance are so extensive that it can be extremely difficult to decide and stop your choice on one particular option. Accept correct solution will help and options for organizing a training area with a photo.

1. Student corner with a bed.

This option includes several useful components at once: a desk, a bookcase for storing books, a small wardrobe-case for clothes, several shelves and a bed - all this makes the children's school corner multifunctional and practical.

2. Corner table- windowsill.

It is a countertop mounted in the window sill or located directly on it. This is a great option for decorating the workplace, and for optimizing the room in a limited space.

3. Corner with storage systems.

As a rule, these options are equipped with drawers, shelves and all kinds of compartments for storing school supplies and personal items. They are very useful, because they are able to accustom the child to the order in the organization of their activities.

Features of choice for a boy and a girl

Of course, when designing a child’s workspace, it is important to take into account not only his tastes and wishes, but also the gender of the child.

The corner of a schoolgirl can be made in light, pastel colors. The cream color looks nice. you can choose pink purple color. On the furniture product carvings, ornamentation, or floral designs are often present.

The school corner for the girl is equipped with many drawers for storing school supplies and personal gizmos - diaries, notepads with notes, etc. In other words, it combines elegance and convenience.

The school corner for the boy has a somewhat ascetic design. Traditional light blue and blue will always be a popular choice among parents of boys. Study area in brown gray color would also look good in a boy's room.

The choice of furniture color depends on general design room, its tone.

If two guys live in the room at once, it is recommended to consider multifunctional options: for example, a corner combined with a bunk bed.

The loft bed can be additionally equipped with a wardrobe, chest of drawers, shelves. However, this type of furniture will not be very comfortable, because the children will have to do their homework in turn.

It will also help to solve the problem of placing two students at the same time, but on condition that the layout of the room allows you to install this option in accordance with all the rules.

If for some reason you cannot afford to buy this type of furniture, you can make a table yourself. So you not only save some money, but also create an interesting and unique design. desired item furniture. The video below will introduce you to the stages of work and tell you about all the intricacies of self-production.

When designing a working corner, it is worth finding a comfortable middle and not overloading the children's corner with serious objects. But the workplace is separated from the gaming space. So that the room does not visually decrease, it is recommended to use.

When designing a school corner in one-room apartment, it is separated from the adult zone.

As the child grows up, new needs arise, and there is not enough space. Parents have to deal with accommodation problems so as not to infringe on the comfort of the child.

If the following options for delimiting space and using the area with maximum benefit:

  1. The cardinal decision is the demolition of partitions and the unification of the corridor, kitchen and main room. It turns out a spacious room, which is zoned into separate sectors. kitchen space given under the school corner. A bar counter or a low one will help separate the space. drywall partition. The nursery is separated by a curtain or shelving.
  2. Instead of a kitchen, a nursery is equipped. This option is suitable if there is a pantry where the kitchen is transferred.
  3. If the room has two windows, then a partition wall is used. The school area should be well lit.
  4. Mobile partitions are used: racks, screens or curtains. In this case, the lower part of the rack is made closed, and the upper part is made in the form open shelves.
  5. You can allocate a place for a child with the help of a furniture corner. This set includes a wardrobe, sleeping place and a table. The corner will be covered with a curtain. good decision is a loft bed. Folding furniture is recommended.

Before proceeding with the arrangement of the room, it is worth sketching out a preliminary plan and considering layout ideas.

When zoning, the color of the walls is important. In the children's area, the color scheme is different from the main room. When decorating walls for a student, elements can be used geographical maps, Images fairytale heroes and animals.

How to choose furniture?

Purchasing furniture is considered an important step. Children's furniture in a one-room apartment is compact. When placing it, the rules of choice are observed. Design should be functional and comfortable.

When choosing furniture, you need to make sure it is.

  1. The table is selected with the ability to adjust the inclination of the working surface. This is necessary for correct location spine.
  2. As an option, transformer furniture is used, which allows you to change the height of the legs and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe working surface.
  3. When deciding how to place a table, you can choose corner option. It has a narrow surface. Such a table is convenient for placing a computer and separating the gaming and working areas.
  4. Selectable for seating comfortable chair or an orthopedic chair.
  5. Picked up in a limited area simple furniture.
  6. If the school corner is located near the door, then swing structure replaced with a sliding one, which will save space.

For increased comfort working area apply additional systems storage:

  1. Apply modern options for storage: hanging modules, baskets and containers. These products are mounted to vertical surface and are suitable for storing stationery.
  2. There is various ideas textbook storage. As an option, a separate shelf stands out, which is attached above the table. As a stand for books, a rack is used to divide the room into zones. IN last resort, a bedside table or a special drawer will do.
  3. The surface of the wall near which the table is located is used to good use. On it you can fix a design of pockets for storing small items or a special board for storing notes.
  4. It is better to purchase small storage boxes so that it is easier for the child to clean up.
  5. It is recommended to equip .

Lighting in the nursery and safety requirements

Lighting is the most important issue when designing a working corner for a student. Light can tire or help in work.

It is worth adhering to the following rules when installing lighting points:

  1. The table is best placed on the side of the window. Then the light is scattered and does not fall directly on books and notebooks.
  2. Be sure to install a table lamp on the left side, if the child is left-handed, then on the right. Shade table lamp should be monophonic, and preferably white.
  3. To save space, choose lighting fixture on the bracket.
  4. As an option, instead of a table lamp, lamps mounted in furniture are used.

The children's area should be equipped with safety for the child. Children's Corner should be light and there are no sharp corners and wires.

The interior is created subject to the following conditions:

  1. Possibility of ventilation.
  2. No drafts.
  3. You can not place a children's area near the doors.
  4. The corner should be well lit.
  5. Nearby there should be no exit to the balcony.
  6. The zone is not located next to heating radiators.

Do not forget that the student child loves to play, so you should consider warm flooring which is easy to clean.

To date school program is such that even the youngest students have to sit at home at the table, doing homework for several hours in a row. We cannot change the education system, but we can help our child, equip his work area so that his studies at the table are convenient, comfortable and interesting.

Working area by the window in the nursery: photo of design options

Very often, parents are enthusiastically engaged in arranging a children's room, while resorting to the implementation of a wide variety of options. These options are not always correct in relation to the health of the baby, for example, if the choice of the working area for the child falls on some dark place.

The working area by the window in the nursery, the photo and video of which you will see below, very often attracts parents. They are guided by the fact that natural light is much safer for the eyes.

Not a single light bulb will give such high-quality lighting as natural sunlight. At the same time, one must also take into account the fact that daylight It is useful not only for vision, but also has a beneficial effect on the whole organism as a whole. And the lack of daylight is especially acute for children.

Key benefits of natural light:

  • Beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • Provides the production of vitamin D in the body;
  • Maintains visual acuity;
  • Activates the body's internal, natural clock;
  • Charges with positive energy.

The location of the child's desk by the window also has a number of disadvantages that will have to be overcome. For example, the presence of batteries near the window, possible drafts, and just the hustle and bustle of street life outside the window will distract your child from doing their homework.

Desk by the window in the nursery for two children

If not one, but two schoolchildren are growing up in your house, this task is somewhat more difficult. Firstly, the question is how to arrange two desks in one room so that they look harmonious. Secondly, if it will be one table, then what size should it be so that the two children can do their homework without interfering with each other.

A desk by the window in the children's room can be placed even with two schoolchildren in the family. Observing the rules, make it at least 1.2 meters long.

In order to equip a workplace for two children by the window, you will have to do necessary calculations and seek help from a furniture company that will help bring the right idea to life. Do not forget that along with the table, the children will need places to store school supplies. Consider immediately the presence of drawers, shelves or bedside tables at the table.

Rules to consider when creating a student work area near a window:

  1. In sunny weather, you will have to use curtains or blinds to adjust the intensity of lighting;
  2. It is better to replace an ordinary window sill with a countertop, which will become a continuation of the table and expand the working area;
  3. The battery should not interfere with moving the table to the windowsill; this nuance should be taken into account when making calculations;
  4. If the table is wide enough, it will be difficult to open a window to ventilate the room.

If your children are too active and temperamental, then it is better to organize separate work areas for them. This will avoid conflicts and improve learning productivity.

When choosing a table, chair and other accessories, in addition to the quality of these goods, it is simply necessary to take into account the age, gender, character and preferences of your child. Don't lose sight of the influence colors surrounding space on the child's psyche.

Children's desktop is completed taking into account the age of the student. A corner for preschoolers, as a rule, is a short-lived phenomenon. But the design of the school zone on the contrary requires a careful approach.

First of all, when choosing furniture, consider the gender of the teenager. The school zone for a girl and for a boy will be strikingly different from the very first school years. Over time, with the intensive growth of the child, it may be necessary to replace school furniture, so choose it in primary school from the middle price range.

Tips for organizing a student's work area:

  1. Green color awakens the child's interest in learning. Therefore, when designing a work area, focus on soft shades exactly this color.
  2. Experts advise placing a desk in the northeast region of the room. It is here that the sector of wisdom and knowledge is located.
  3. During the lessons, the child's face should not be against the wall. This will be the personification of a deaf obstacle. It is better to put the table along the window.
  4. You can move away from template rectangular tables and purchase a desk original form, designs and colors.
  5. The corner school table by the window is the most good option. This will help save space and rationally place shelves and all necessary accessories, including computer ones, next to the table.

A design approach to the design of the school work area will help stimulate the desire to acquire new knowledge.

A convenient workplace for a schoolchild: a photo of the arrangement of a nursery

The task of parents is to competently and correctly equip the workspace of the student. Worth paying Special attention quality and environmental friendliness of selected furniture for children's office. This will help keep your child healthy.

The student's workplace, the photo of which you will see below, is designed taking into account some rules. This approach to the layout of the nursery will help not to disturb the posture and preserve the child's vision.

When purchasing furniture for a child, give preference natural materials. Pay attention to the fact that she does not publish unpleasant odors. If, nevertheless, you decide to buy a table made of plastic, it will not be superfluous to ask the seller for a certificate for this product to make sure it is safe for children.

When choosing a table for a student, pay attention to the correspondence of the height of the desk to the height of the child:

  • Up to 130 cm height of the child, the height of the countertop is 52 cm;
  • From 130 to 145 cm countertop, 58 cm high will be correct;
  • With the growth of the child in the range of 145-165 cm, the height of the countertop should be 64 cm;
  • Ros 165-175 cm assumes a tabletop height of 70 cm.

When buying a table for a child of primary school age, during a period of intensive growth, a big plus It will be possible to adjust the height of the tabletop. The chair can be picked up separately, but its height should also be able to change. When the child is sitting, his feet should be free to stand on the floor.

Arrangement of a working area for a student by the window (video)

When a child becomes a schoolboy, childhood does not end. When designing a student's work area and following strict rules, do not overdo it. Give him the opportunity to choose the design himself, the wallpaper of the work area, the mischievous pattern of the chair and small pleasant things for general educational work. All this will help the baby to painlessly engage in routine school duties and make the learning process bright and exciting.
