How to glue liquid wallpaper correctly. How to glue liquid wallpaper on the wall to get a beautiful and original surface

Modern realities make an increasing number of people think that it is quite possible to carry out finishing work on their own. One of the most significant questions is how to glue liquid wallpaper on various materials. Indeed, this variety is significantly different from its paper or non-woven counterparts and requires a special approach.

First of all, you need to understand that working with liquid wallpaper is significantly different from sticking rolled options. The process is much more reminiscent of wall cladding with plaster or putty. There is a simple explanation for this: the material is a set of components, including crushed fibers of cellulose, cotton and silk. The binding elements are various environmentally friendly additives. Distinctive decorative effects are achieved through all sorts of inclusions.

Thus, a mixture of amazing properties is obtained, which makes it very popular. The only significant drawback is the high price, which is largely due to the complexity of production.

sticker or application

Currently, there is a lot of debate about whether it is worth doing the work completely on your own. Many masters insist that only professionals who are well acquainted with the application technique can perform this work qualitatively. This leads to the fact that for gluing liquid wallpaper, many turn to specialists.

In fact, there are no restrictions, you can stick such wallpapers yourself. Technological features of the product do not require special experience and the use of special tools. The main thing is to clearly follow the necessary order of work, which includes several interrelated stages.

The technology for applying liquid wallpaper is quite simple and, with proper skill, you can do the work yourself.

It is also worth mentioning that the term “glue” is more understandable for perception, but does not characterize this procedure at all, the concept of “application” or “laying” will be more accurate.

On a note! Such products are sold in the form of a dry mix, packed in plastic bags. Each of them contains instructions for use, which must be read in order to understand what conditions must be observed in the process of work.

The feasibility of high-quality wall preparation

Of course, this material can be glued to any surface, but it looks more advantageous on the walls. After spending a little time and making an effort, you can get an effect that will exceed all expectations, because there are many options for the manifestation of fantasy.

But sticking liquid wallpaper involves careful preparation, which depends on the base material. It will be a mistake to take into account the frequently encountered advice that the prepared solution will hide all existing defects.

It is best to apply decorative material on pre-prepared walls.

Working with old or plastered walls

This option occurs in most cases. The wall is a surface that has already been finished many times. Therefore, you should do the following:

  1. Completely remove the previous decorative coating. Particular attention should be paid to the painted areas, they cannot be left, so the only right solution is a complete cleaning.
  2. Check the quality of the plaster or putty. In view of the fact that defects and shedding are unacceptable, all defects are eliminated. If required, complete finishing is done.
  3. Obligatory impregnate the surface with a primer. It must have deep penetration.

GKL surfaces

Drywall is increasingly being used to level walls, so it's not surprising that it will serve as the basis for decorative cladding. But it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • Much attention is paid to the joints. This is the most problematic area. The fact is that liquid wallpaper creates a solid canvas, so cracks will immediately be reflected on the front side of the coating. To avoid such troubles, all seams must be reinforced with reinforced tape.
  • Difficulties may arise with an untreated cardboard surface. This will lead to two problems. First, the water will soak in too quickly, causing bumps and shrinkage. Secondly, if you need to remove the decorative layer, then the plate itself will suffer. Therefore, it is advisable to cover the plates with putty.
  • We must not forget about the use of a primer, this is a mandatory procedure.

A similar scenario of work with wooden surfaces that were previously lined with plywood or OSB.

The technology of applying liquid wallpaper

First of all, it is worth clarifying how to work with liquid wallpaper during the preparation of the mixture. This step can have a significant impact on the final result. It is important to remember the basic rule: stirring must be very careful, so it is carried out by hand, this will avoid damage to the base.

Hand kneading of silk plaster

Required tools:

  • A set of spatulas. This tool must have sufficient plasticity.
  • Trowel. It will be needed to distribute the mixture in a given area.
  • Grater. With its help, it is possible to form the necessary texture, so it is better to choose transparent options.

On a note! In view of the fact that some tool may have been previously used, it is advisable to make sure that its working surfaces are completely clean.

Although the work itself is not difficult, applying the composition will require concentration and care. This will help you avoid mistakes.

VIDEO: how to glue liquid wallpaper on the wall

Step-by-step instruction:

Summarizing the above, it becomes clear how to glue liquid wallpaper yourself and get the desired texture. The main thing is to practice a little to understand the basic principles. And then in the process of work there will be no unforeseen difficulties.

Your walls can be silk! Those who are now looking for ideas for a new renovation in their home and certainly want to get by with a do-it-yourself repair should pay attention to the relatively unhackneyed version of decorating walls and ceilings with liquid wallpaper. They also have a different name - silk decorative plaster, not to be confused with ordinary plaster, which always includes sand.

This unusual wall covering has a number of advantages both when used in new buildings and when decorating battered walls. Liquid wallpaper is not afraid of shrinkage and does not crack, they do not need perfectly smooth walls, since gluing liquid wallpaper is quite simple. There is always a lot of room for creativity. Depending on the constituent fibers, liquid wallpaper can be: cellulose, silk-cellulose, silk.

Advantages of liquid wallpaper

What can we hide, we love to start repairs with our own hands. Here you have both savings and free time to do. Liquid wallpaper for such a “hobby” is ideal. Their price is relatively democratic: for Russian coating you will have to pay from 80 to 500 rubles per square meter, in the case of imported material, one square will cost between 400-2000 rubles.

At the same time, Russian manufacturers prefer packaging per kilogram and suffice for 4-5 square meters, while imported liquid wallpaper is packed with less weight and their consumption is slightly higher. The wallpaper differs in the thickness of the layer. One is enough 2 millimeters to look perfect, others suggest a thickness of application up to 4.5 millimeters.

In addition to the already mentioned advantages of the material itself, we can mention the soundproofing function of liquid wallpaper. They are fireproof, have a variety of color and texture solutions, and due to the antistatic features of the components they repel dust.

In terms of design, the material can also look “rich” by adding gold threads, sparkles and other decorative elements. And you can make the wallpaper a neutral background, but due to the texture and color combinations, you can achieve extreme pretentiousness.

Cotton or silk?

It is also an environmentally friendly material, since it is based on cotton, cellulose or silk fibers. Most often, the coating is sold in dry form and consists of the already mentioned fibers, adhesive base and dyes.

All diluted with water, odorless, safe for humans and animals.

By and large, which fibers are used in wallpaper does not really matter. But if you are a meticulous lover of natural, then it is better to prefer cotton and cellulose, because the silk in this wall covering is, of course, artificial. But all three types are equally warm and pleasant to the touch, and in terms of consumer characteristics they are also not inferior to each other.

Liquid wallpaper containing silk is more durable and has better decorative properties than cellulose. What awaits us if we choose liquid wallpaper?


Having chosen the finish with liquid wallpaper, we will deal with a dry, environmentally friendly mixture placed by the manufacturer in a plastic bag. The mixture contains cellulose, silk fibers, special dyes, adhesive binder and decorative elements such as sequins. There is no smell.

Ease of wallpapering

Walls or ceilings before covering with liquid wallpaper do not have to be perfectly even, it is enough to apply primer in 2 layers - along and across.

As a primer, you can use matte white oil paint - one layer is enough. The mixture in bags is already ready for use. It should be shaken to mix the components, poured into a suitable container, mixed thoroughly with your hands (absolutely safe for the skin) and put back into the bag for 12 hours for “aging”. The amount of water is always indicated on the package with the mixture.

Repair without problems

The application process is easy even for a non-professional, you can work alone, you just need to adapt to working with a trowel (plastic grout is suitable) so that the wet mixture does not slip or fall off. If the mixture gets on the furniture or floor, it is easily removed. No dirt or foreign smells. You can stop at any time, the shelf life of the prepared mixture is 14 days. No need to worry about the joints, as with roll wallpaper. Wall roughness? Decorating with liquid wallpaper perfectly masks irregularities. At any stage, it is permissible to ventilate the room - this does not harm liquid wallpaper.


It is easy to fix any flaws during the initial application or in the future, even from an already dried wall, just sprinkle water on the place you want to fix, carefully remove the soaked material and reapply it. This is one of the main conveniences and properties of liquid wallpaper: repeatedly remove and apply the coating. The remaining wet mixture should not be thrown away, it must be dried at room temperature, it will not lose its properties and may be useful in the future.

Creative potential

For people who are inclined to their own design, working with liquid wallpaper is an opening for creativity. With the help of mixtures that differ in color or texture, it is possible to carry out a combined application of the material, to impose contrasting stripes, geometry or patterns. The ornament can be invented and applied to the surface even after finishing. From the small remnants of the mixture, you can easily make some crafts, which will make the children very happy. Products are dried, covered with additional decor with glue, varnished. Decor can be pebbles, pieces of amber, buttons.

economical repair

Dressing the walls in silk is quite an affordable pleasure, given both the cost of the material itself and the opportunity not to resort to the services of professionals. At the same time, you will get environmentally friendly, pleasant to the touch, surprisingly warm, beautiful and not “like everyone else” walls.

Minus one: Liquid wallpaper should not be applied in wet areas. But you will not cover the walls of the bathroom with them, will you?

Where will we paste

This coating is ideal for uneven walls with complex terrain: it hides imperfections and is easy to apply. In principle, it is possible to glue liquid wallpaper in residential, and in unheated, and in wet rooms. But in the bathroom or in the kitchen they will have to be covered with a protective varnish, which increases the cost of repairs and deprives the material of one of the main properties - a microporous structure that allows it to "breathe". It is more logical to use other wall coverings in such rooms.

As for surfaces, such wallpapers fit well on almost any of them: from brick to metal. But manufacturers recommend that you use special primers to avoid defects in work. Please note that for light wallpapers it is worth using light primers, and for dark ones - dark ones. Otherwise, the final appearance of the coating may be distorted.

The big advantage is the absence of seams, it is convenient to mask small wall defects with liquid wallpaper, they easily eliminate gaps around sockets, switches, and allow you to eliminate the loose fit of skirting boards and platbands.

How to care

In order for the color and texture of liquid wallpaper to be the same, on one wall you need to use a portion prepared at a time. Because the components are hand-blended, subtle distinctive nuances are possible. At the same time, they will not be noticeable on different walls.

Liquid wallpaper is easily "repaired". It is enough to remove the damaged or contaminated fragment and apply a new one in its place. But if the original coating was applied a long time ago, or cigarette smoke or kitchen soot got on it, then the color of a brand new patch may differ significantly. Think about it ahead of time.

By the way, divorced wallpaper can be stored in the freezer. Just in case. This type of wallpaper is removed from the wall in the same way as the most ordinary ones.

Do-it-yourself application master class

The services of third-party construction companies are now expensive, but you want to save money, and so that the result is pleasing to the eye, then you have no choice, learn the rules for applying liquid wallpaper. How to glue liquid wallpaper without skills, read the detailed step-by-step action plan.

So, let's start drawing. First you need to prepare the wall - remove dirt, old coating, if any. Next, the walls need to be treated with special primers. Liquid wallpaper has the ability to draw out excess moisture from the walls, old paintwork components, which may cause stains. The primer will prevent this.

Wallpaper is usually glued in the warm season, or in a heated room.
First you need to pour a sufficient amount of water into the container, the necessary information should be indicated on the package. Then dry sparkles are poured into the water, which further allows you to distribute them evenly. A dry mixture of fibers is also poured there. Let it absorb some water and stir. You can directly with your hands, as we remember, the mixture is harmless.

This can be done with an ordinary spatula or a professional gun, from where the mixture is sprayed under high pressure. Sometimes sellers of material give such pistols for rent. In any case, it is important that the mixture is applied evenly, without gaps.
As for the surface topography, as planned, it can be smooth, then the mixture is simply leveled with a spatula. After 1-2 hours, small defects can be easily eliminated with a spatula dipped in water.

For more complex terrain, special rollers are sold. They imitate the structure of matting, wood, stone. You can also achieve an interesting texture manually by applying chaotic or meaningful pressing movements with a spatula. If you do not understand some of the steps, watch the video on how to glue liquid wallpaper with your own hands using the classic method.

As a result, you will get beautiful walls, and you will feel like a real jack of all trades.

Video: glue yourself

Recently, a lot of new finishing materials have appeared, and our readers want to know how to glue liquid wallpaper. This modern finish coating for interior wall decoration has appealed to many due to its beauty and practicality, and we will tell you how to glue liquid wallpaper correctly.

Liquid wallpaper

Composition, characteristics and features

To understand how to stick liquid wallpaper, you should understand the features of this material. Let's start with the fact that this is not wallpaper at all: the material is more like decorative plaster, although it is not.

In fact, we are dealing with a plaster type, consisting of silk and / or cellulose fibers, dyes, fungicides, adhesive binders and all kinds of decorative elements - sequins, stone chips, mother of pearl, etc. This product is sold in the form of a dry mix, packed in plastic bags weighing 1 kilogram.

Most often, the product is ready for use and contains all the necessary elements, it remains only to add water and let the material brew. However, there are also white samples without dyes and decorative additives, which are used by interior designers and experienced finishers to prepare original compositions.

After preparation, the mixture resembles material for modeling or crafts and is easily applied to the wall with a spatula or a special gun. It is easy and convenient to work with such a coating; installation does not require special skills and experience. The result is a soft-touch, textured and seamless finish.

Due to the peculiarities of the composition and structure of the fibers, the material has a number of unique properties and advantages:

  • Forms a seamless continuous monolithic coating that looks great and adheres well to the surface. The absence of joints makes the finish more beautiful and more durable;
  • Allows you to easily cope with the abundance of corners, protrusions and bends, curved surfaces and complex sections of walls, as it is applied like paint or putty. This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to finish arches and columns;
  • Relatively easy to apply. The work does not require expensive tools, solid experience or special knowledge, just accuracy and a desire to succeed;
  • Has good soundproofing qualities due to the fibrous fragmentary structure, which increases the comfort of the room;
  • Has good hiding power and allows you to work on uneven walls. The main condition is a solid foundation and a thorough primer;
  • Has good thermal insulation performance due to the abundance of pores in the structure;
  • Controls indoor humidity well, absorbing its excess and releasing it back with a lack of moisture in the air;
  • Lets the walls breathe and maintain normal healthy gas exchange of building structures;
  • Pleasant to the touch, resemble soft and warm fabric;
  • Allows you to carry out partial repairs without much effort. It is enough to remove the damaged area, dissolve the material in hot water and apply it again in the same place. Since there are no seams, it is almost impossible to notice changes;
  • Can be used multiple times and move from place to place;
  • It is a natural and completely safe building material for humans., which under no circumstances releases toxins and other unwanted chemicals.

The disadvantages of the coating include their high hygroscopicity and the ability to pass moisture, which does not allow the use of the material in wet rooms. You can also note their relatively low strength and poor resistance to mechanical damage, however, in practice, wallpapers do an excellent job with standard wear and tear.

It should be noted that the coating can be opened with acrylic paint, scuba diving and other materials that increase its moisture resistance and strength.
There are cases of successful application of liquid wallpaper in the area of ​​​​the kitchen apron after varnishing.

On the modern market, you can even find moisture-resistant varieties for, but such a finish requires serious preparation of the walls and its price is much higher than competitive materials.


For those who are not afraid to work with their own hands, we have prepared an instruction:

  1. to the plaster base. The plaster should be repaired, in extreme cases - putty partially or completely;

  1. Next, we apply acrylic primer in two layers, the first horizontally, and the second vertically;

  1. Pour the contents of the package into a container with water. Usually enough 6 liters per 1 kilogram of dry mix. We carefully stir the solution with our hands and put it back into the bag, we do this with each bag, do not mix the contents with the material from another package, after preparation we put it aside for 12 hours;

  1. Pour the mixture into a basin or bucket and apply to the wall with a spatula. Smooth over the surface with a layer of 1 - 2 millimeters;

  1. When the wall is covered, turn on the side light and smooth out the flaws. To do this, lightly draw on them with a spatula or trowel moistened with water;

  1. We leave the room for 3 days until the finish is completely dry.

Do not mix the contents of different packages during preparation.
During the application of the solution, such mixing is recommended to even out the shade of the material.


Liquid wallpaper is a type of modern interior decoration for living spaces that is easy to apply using our instructions. The video in this article will also help you, where the process is shown in detail and clearly.

In modern building stores, such building material as liquid wallpaper is very popular. The use of this material can replace the hard work of gluing a paper web. Liquid wallpaper is environmentally friendly and can be easily applied to walls. Due to the fact that they have certain specific qualities, such wallpapers can create a variety of patterns, edit the surface and give the room a great, neat look. However, not everyone knows what exactly liquid wallpaper is and what properties they have.

How to glue liquid wallpaper: basic principles of work

It would not be correct to say that these wallpapers are glued, because this is a liquid composition and in this case the material is fluid, so it is applied like paint. Only after the material hardens does it look like a vinyl coating. What kind of texture your coating will have depends on your own desire, the main thing is to choose the right tool.

Basically, the material is represented by dry powder in plastic bags. In order to prepare the wallpaper for application, it does not take much time. It is enough to follow the instructions and mix the dry mixture with water according to the proportions indicated by the manufacturer.

In order for the mixture to turn out to be of high quality, experts recommend using warm water and letting the consistency brew.

If you want to get an additional design effect, then simply add to the coloring pigment and stir the composition again so that it acquires a uniform color. The entire cooking process takes approximately 10 minutes.

Very often, liquid wallpaper becomes a facing material if you have a fireplace, which is based on drywall. Sticking such material to the surface is not difficult. At the moment, many people prefer to glue this particular finishing material than to glue an artificial stone. Therefore, if you still have a dry mixture after repair, do not rush to throw it away. The main thing to remember is that in order to store such material at home, there should be a transparent plastic box.

If you are not sure that you can mix the wallpaper correctly, but you really want this particular material, do not despair, experts offer ready-to-use consistency. But you should know that they can not be stored for as long as a dry mix.

In order to stick wallpaper on a material such as putty with your own hands, you can turn to the Internet, there is not only a photo instruction on how to install our substance on an OSB plate, but also recommendations for the use of all materials.

Is it possible and how to glue wallpaper on liquid wallpaper

If we talk about the structure of liquid wallpaper, then they can be compared with plaster, which is based on cellulose and dye with glue. If the composition was diluted, that's right, then such a surface will become an ideal basis for subsequent wallpapering. Why is that? All this can be explained by the fact that liquid wallpaper is applied in a thin layer of a few millimeters and at the same time perfectly aligns the wall. After this material is applied, the wall becomes seamless and perfectly smooth. And the cellulose, which is part of their composition, absorbs liquid well, which is an excellent guarantee for new wallpapers to hold well.

When sticking new wallpaper on liquid, you need to consider the following:

  1. If the old layer of liquid wallpaper has been damaged, for example by children or animals, then this part must be restored. To do this, the damaged area is moistened with water, peeled off with a spatula and a new layer of material is applied.
  2. Check the coating for bubbles. To do this, it is enough to run your hand over the surface and determine whether the material fits snugly. If there is such a problem, then it is better to eliminate it. Bubbles are opened, dry and only then glued with glue.
  3. Often, using liquid wallpaper, create drawings. If a thin type of wallpaper is glued to such a surface, then the pattern will shine through.
  4. In order to ensure a good result, it is better to treat the surface with a primer, ordinary wallpaper paste will do. After the surface has dried, you can proceed to further work.
  5. If you follow all the rules that were indicated, then the work will go smoothly. The result will surely please you.

How long do liquid wallpapers dry: check the drying process

Even before starting work, many are interested in how long liquid wallpaper dries. Basically, more moisture evaporates for the first time in a day. How much water will evaporate depends on the level of humidity in the room. The drier the air, the faster you will get results. If the air temperature is from 25 to 27 degrees, then in a short time the top layer will not stick to the palm.

Dryness should not be checked frequently, therefore, because if the material has special fillers or glitters, then after complete drying, traces may remain. They will be very clearly visible in those places where the owners often checked the drying process.

Theoretically, liquid wallpaper does not belong to those materials that are sensitive to temperature changes. But still, in order to provide favorable conditions for drying the wallpaper, you need to take care of the normal functioning of the supply and exhaust ventilation. Such work is quite enough for the top layer of material to dry evenly. If you want to create an artificial volume of air, then you should not do this. Experts say that this approach will not only not shorten the drying time, but will also add a number of problems, such as warping of the dried area.

Depending on how the wallpaper dries, they can be divided into the following types:

  • Wallpaper with the presence of cellulose and cotton will dry faster, but they are themselves sensitive to draft;
  • Wallpaper with polymer filler will dry longer, but they are resistant to cold air;
  • Wallpaper, which includes metallic and mineral fillers, will dry longer than all of the above, and also require a warm environment for drying.

It is very important to remember that it is impossible to dry liquid wallpaper in cold air or in complete isolation. In the first option, a large number of cracks may appear, and in the second, drying will be reduced to a period of several weeks, while the usual takes about 3 days.

How to breed liquid wallpaper

In order to prepare the base for work, it will take a lot of time. While you are doing this, you can prepare liquid wallpaper. This is done in this way: 12 hours before work, the material is diluted. Depending on what components will be included in your mixture (or they will already be in it), they need to be added. If they are not included in the composition, they are added first of all, and the mixture is simply diluted to the desired consistency. In the second option, you can immediately dilute the composition in water.

In the process of diluting the dry mixture, you need to remember the following:

  • On the exact observance of the amount of materials and their proportion;
  • It is necessary to add only dry mix to water;
  • It is best to mix the consistency with hands with protected gloves, even though the composition of the material is safe.

After your dry mix is ​​completely saturated with water, it must be left alone for the amount of time indicated by the manufacturer on the package. For finishing work, prepare a spatula, a grater, you may also need a trowel and a roller. Despite the fact that the application process is elementary, accuracy does not hurt. They pick up wallpaper with their hands and apply it to the wall, the layer is leveled with a spatula, to a thickness of 2-3 mm. The application should take place in small heels, if necessary, they increase.


Liquid wallpaper quickly broke into the market of finishing materials and also quickly won the hearts of millions of housewives around the world. They are amazingly beautiful, practical and environmentally friendly. They are easy to glue, if, of course, this word can be applied to the method of applying liquid wallpaper to the walls, they are easy to care for. In general, this material deserves a huge amount of praise in its address. However, many are afraid to mess with liquid wallpaper. And all why? Because little is known about them, and even more so they don’t know how to glue liquid wallpaper. But everything is much simpler than it might seem.

  1. What is liquid wallpaper?
  2. Advantages of liquid wallpaper
  3. Disadvantages of liquid wallpaper
  4. Wall preparation
  5. Preparing the mixture

What is liquid wallpaper?

Before you learn how to properly glue liquid wallpaper, you should take a closer look at their composition, properties, advantages and disadvantages.

Liquid wallpaper is a plastic material in its structure very similar to flakes or sawdust. It is sold in transparent plastic bags weighing from 1 kilogram. The composition of such a finishing material includes natural cellulose or cotton fibers, acrylic components, adhesive composition and dyes. In addition, other “ingredients” can be found in the package: sequins, mica, silk fibers, quartz chips, gold and silver threads.

After drying, the composition turns into something resembling a hard foam in its texture: the surface of the walls is just as rough, soft and warm.

There are several types of liquid wallpaper, and they do not have any special differences, except that by the thickness of the finished layer, one can conclude what type of material was used in the repair. Some are thin and smooth, having a dense, but not too textured surface, others are voluminous with clearly visible "dents" - more like fabric.

Advantages of liquid wallpaper

  1. Since liquid wallpaper contains only natural components that have a neutral electrical charge, they have excellent antistatic properties. What does it mean? And this means that such wallpapers will not turn into a dust collector and will create a favorable atmosphere in the room.
  2. Liquid wallpaper is universal. They can be used to decorate the living room, bedroom, children's room, kitchen, hallway and even the bathroom.
  3. Such a finishing material perfectly hides minor wall defects, cracks, gaps in the places where skirting boards, platbands, frames, switches and sockets fit. In addition, they do not have seams, which means that the surface of the walls will always look perfectly even in any weather.
  4. Liquid wallpaper can decorate the walls of new apartments and not be afraid of shrinkage. They do not deform, which allows you not to wait 3-4 years until the house “settles down”, but immediately proceed to a full-fledged repair.
  5. Liquid wallpaper can be glued on almost all surfaces: concrete, drywall, wood, putty, plaster, fiberboard, plywood, MDF, paint and even metal.
  6. Such wallpapers are easily redecorated: they do not need to be completely torn off the wall, it is enough to soak the damaged or contaminated area with water and remove the mixture with a spatula. In place of the old coating, apply a new one, level it and the wall will again delight you with beauty and impeccability.
  7. Liquid wallpapers breathe, they provide heat and sound insulation properties to your walls, in general, this material is ideal from all points of view.

Disadvantages of liquid wallpaper

Unfortunately, such a wonderful coating also has disadvantages, however, there are only two of them, and even those can be classified as insignificant.

Liquid wallpaper is quickly washed off with water, so if you decide to decorate the bathroom with them or want to periodically wipe them with a damp cloth (to maintain cleanliness), then you will have to protect the surface of the walls with a colorless varnish. The beauty of the finish will be preserved, however, the effect of "breathing" walls will disappear forever.

And the second drawback is the high price, but globally speaking, beauty costs much more than 200 rubles per kilogram, so you can safely cross out the cost of liquid wallpaper from the list of vices.

How to glue liquid wallpaper?

Wall preparation

Naturally, you need to start with the preparation of the walls. To do this, remove the remnants of old wallpaper and paint, and if there are metal objects on the surface of the walls (nail heads, bolts, etc.), paint over them with white enamel or water-based emulsion.

If the walls have an intense color, then it is better to get rid of it with the help of special primers, enamel, oil paint or white water-based paint. In old houses, such as stalinok or Khrushchev, the walls do not differ in perfect evenness and it is generally not clear what they are made of, so they will need to be impregnated with FG solution or ordinary impregnation. After that, the surface of the walls must be painted over with water-based paint in two layers - this will protect against the appearance of yellow spots - insidious companions of old apartments.

Drywall will have to be putty completely, and not just the joints. What for? Just after the liquid wallpaper dries, white stripes of putty will become noticeable. In addition, it will be necessary to additionally cover the walls with a water-based emulsion, since the fillers are not waterproof and can get wet during the application of liquid wallpaper. If you use gypsum putty, then PVA glue can be added to the paint in a ratio of 3: 1 - this will strengthen the surface of the wall and prevent it from absorbing moisture.

Wooden surfaces can also absorb moisture, so before applying liquid wallpaper to them, make sure that they are not too thin (the thinner the sheet, the more it deforms). To protect such surfaces, either oil paint or FG in 2-3 layers is used, followed by painting with a water-based emulsion.

Preparing the mixture

Pour warm water into a suitable container and gradually (in small portions) add the dry composition to the vessel, while stirring the solution with a mixer drill. As a result, you should get a mixture in its consistency similar to thick, thick sour cream. It is better to remove all large unmixed particles - when applied to walls, these lumps will create difficulties for you.

After kneading, the solution should be left alone for 15-20 minutes, and then mixed again with the same construction mixer. To achieve a uniform shade, prepare a mixture of several packages and mix the required amount of material in advance, since the entire prepared surface will need to be covered in one go. Not in two days, but in one!

Application of liquid wallpaper on the walls

If you do not know how to glue liquid wallpaper, a video story about this process will help you understand all its intricacies. And after viewing, be sure to read our instructions.

So, for work you will need:

  • large container for diluting dry mix
  • spatula or roller for leveling wallpaper
  • sprayer - if possible
  • knurled roller with textured relief - if you want to give the surface a certain texture
  • colorless top coat

Take some mixture and spread it over the wall surface with a spatula or roller. The wallpaper should cover the base tightly, there should not be any bald spots, voids or bulges. Having finished with the first section and the first portion of the mixture, proceed to the second, just make sure that there are no special boundaries between adjacent already rolled sections - they should flow smoothly into each other.

If you didn’t like something (a lump, unevenness, bald spot formed), then you can wet the wallpaper a little and remove the defective area, and then fill it again with the mixture and level it. Just do not get too carried away with adjustments - you can wet the wallpaper already applied to the walls no more than 3 times.

If you have a special hopper gun for applying liquid wallpaper, then the speed of applying the composition will increase several times, but such a device is quite expensive. It can be rented if you have limited time for repairs. The rental price is about 300-400 rubles, but you will also have to take a compressor to the gun, which will create pressure inside the device. In this case, the rental price will increase to 600-700 rubles per day.

In general, applying liquid wallpaper to the walls is not a difficult process, but it requires accuracy and care. Such a coating dries from 12 hours to 3 days, depending on the level of humidity and temperature in the room. It is only necessary to cover the wallpaper with a colorless varnish when they are completely dry, otherwise the coating may be deformed.

Liquid wallpaper is a universal finishing material with which you can create interesting interior solutions. They are perfectly combined with each other, allowing you to embody the most daring fantasies into reality: stripes and flowers, geometric shapes and ornaments. It is not a problem to create and show your creative abilities with them.

And if you are still afraid to use a new modern type of finishing materials, then in vain, because creating comfort in an apartment with liquid wallpaper is easy and simple.
