Garden garden flowering shrubs. The best ornamental shrubs for summer cottages

Buds of summer-flowering spirea. A photo

What is good: unpretentious, frost-resistant, blooms luxuriantly and for a long time, excellent honey plant, grows well.

How to use: for laying hedges; in group plantings and shrub compositions; compact species (for example, Japanese spirea) are suitable for and creating.

Where to plant: spirea is undemanding to soils, grows both in the sun and in partial shade (note that the requirements different types light and soil moisture may vary slightly).

How to care:

If you are interested in this plant, read also the publications: You can choose spirea seedlings in our catalog, which combines the offers of large garden online stores. .

Chubushnik in bloom. A photo

What is good: blooms profusely, very fragrant, frost-resistant, rarely affected by pests and diseases.

How to use: in single and group plantings, in shrub compositions.

Where to plant: preferably on sunny place, but it is possible in partial shade; desirable fertile soil with good hydration; mock orange does not tolerate stagnant water.

How to care: pruning (old branches are cut out every 4-5 years, thickening shoots - annually at the end of summer, dry ones - every spring); watering in dry weather, top dressing in spring and autumn.

You can find mock orange seedlings of various varieties in our catalog, which includes offers from many large online seed stores and planting material.

Oh, viburnum blooms ... Photo

In our gardens, it is the common viburnum that most often grows, the fruits of which serve as valuable medicinal raw materials. Its foliage, which changes color from bright green in spring to purple-red with green veins in autumn, makes the bush elegant at any time of the year. You can read more about viburnum, its cultivation and care for it.

Viburnum berries. A photo

What is good: frost-resistant, unpretentious, tolerates shading well, decorative throughout the season; the fruits of many species and varieties are edible and medicinal.

Where to plant: most species and varieties of viburnum are undemanding to growing conditions; prefer well-moistened soils without stagnant water.

How to care: common viburnum is often affected by pests, from which it must be protected by treating it with special preparations; otherwise, care consists of regular (removal of dry, old, thickening shoots), trunk circles, watering in dry weather and spring top dressing complex .

Depending on the species, the “appearance” of the rosehip varies, and for your garden it’s easy to choose a plant with the properties that are most valuable to you: someone wants to collect vitamin fruits in the fall (by the way, you can read about their use in a note), someone then you need a dense and prickly hedge, and to someone beautiful flowers… And in this, the terry forms of wild rose, in my opinion, are not inferior to roses

Terry rosehip. A photo

What is good: extremely unpretentious, easily tolerates transplanting and pruning, grows rapidly; many types of wild rose give useful fruits rich in vitamin C.

How to use: a wild rose hedge will very quickly become completely impenetrable; this shrub is also suitable for single landings and use in tree and shrub compositions.

Where to plant: Preferably in full sun, but can also grow in partial shade under tree canopy.

How to care: requires virtually no maintenance.

You can also read about this shrub in the publications: You can choose rosehip seedlings in our catalog, which includes offers from large online stores of seeds and planting material. .

What is good: blooms very early and profusely, extremely decorative during the flowering period, resistant to diseases.

How to use: looks good in a single planting - on a lawn or surrounded by early flowering bulbs; can be combined with other shrubs in group plantings and used for hedges.

Where to plant: on light fertile soil; a sunny area protected from cold winds is preferred; moisture stagnation should be excluded, since forsythia does not tolerate waterlogging.

How to care: for the winter, the plant is well mulched, and the shoots are bent to the ground so that they are under a layer of snow.

You can choose forsythia seedlings in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores.

Now there are many varieties and hybrids of lilac, but this shrub is still loved by gardeners and grows in many on suburban area. True, in small garden it can be difficult to find a place for such large plant, but selection came to the aid of flower lovers here too: rather compact varieties (up to 2-3 m in height) were bred. Well, he will tell you more about growing lilacs and caring for them.

white lilac. A photo

What is good: unpretentious, frost-resistant, has many varieties and hybrids and is surprisingly beautiful at the time of its flowering.

How to use: lilac bush looks best in a single planting; often this plant is planted near the house (in the front garden) or the fence, but the lilac will also be in place in the garden.

Where to plant: in well lit sunny area with cultivated soil; lilac is undemanding to the composition and fertility of the soil, but does not tolerate wetlands; be sure to leave a large space so that the grown bush is not cramped: most lilac varieties are tall and sprawling.

How to care: if timely cut wilted inflorescences, in next year flowering will be more lush; it is recommended to cut out the root growth and excess (too old, dry, thickened, damaged) shoots every spring.

Lilac lovers may also be interested in publications: Lilacs of various varieties are widely represented in our catalog, which includes offers from various online stores. .

Hydrangea paniculata. A photo

And hydrangea paniculata frost-resistant enough; under the snow cover, they successfully endure the winter cold. Elegant inflorescences are suitable for cutting: they stand in a vase for a long time. And they can also be dried by hanging in a dry, ventilated room, and used for winter bouquets.

Large-leaved hydrangea. A photo

What is good: long flowering, unpretentiousness and the ability to grow on, unsuitable for most horticultural crops.

How to use: in a single landing or in combination with others shade-tolerant shrubs( or ); hydrangea looks good next to,; compact forms of large-leaved hydrangea can be planted in flower beds and flower beds.

Where to plant: in partial shade, on acidic, well-moistened fertile soil; hydrangea prefers wind-sheltered areas and will do well in north side at home.

How to care: the main care is to maintain constant soil moisture - hydrangea is very moisture-loving; wilted inflorescences are pruned; for the winter in cold regions, shelter is recommended with spruce branches.

To learn more about hydrangeas, publications will help you: You will find a wide range of hydrangeas in our catalog, where many large garden online stores present their products.

Hydrangea large-leaved Tivoli - Sapling 358 rub WATCH

magnificent blooming garden- a joy for the soul, every gardener tries to decorate his site, create harmony and colorfulness in it. This goal can be achieved using flowering shrubs perennials photo with names you can choose and find out and catalog below. So you can favorably emphasize the beauty of your garden and create comfort. Important: all the shrubs described in this article are frost-resistant.

shrub rose- looks impressive and smells very nice. Despite the fact that the plant looks very tender, it is not whimsical at all, resistant to diseases and low temperatures. It is better to plant it in a sunny area. The shrub rose can reach up to two meters in height, the graceful branches of the shrub often need support. This plant blooms at the end of June, the color range of shrubs is diverse. The main care of the plant includes the removal of weak or blind shoots, strong branches that grow in the center, as well as wilted flowers.

Chubushnikor "Jasmine"- one of the most famous and winter-hardy flowering perennial shrubs. Jasmine delights with beauty and aroma. This fragrant shrub blooms in June and July, the flowers are white or cream in color, the plant reaches one and a half to two meters in height. Another advantage of the shrub is that it is not capricious. It is best planted in early spring or autumn in a sunny location. Do not forget to cut off old shoots, water, fertilize, feed with humus and eliminate weeds, so it will delight you with lush flowering.

Lilac- very common, plentiful flowering plant with a pronounced, pleasant aroma. For planting this perennial shrub, choose a more lit part of the garden. Well suited moderately wet, sandy soil. Lilacs need to be fertilized, loosened, cut off flowering, as well as root growth, so you will help the plant develop properly and maintain an aesthetic appearance.
Forsythia - symbol of the arrival of spring. The branches of a perennial shrub are densely covered with bright yellow flowers. Forsythia grows well in a spacious, well-lit area. You should not get involved in watering so that the roots do not begin to rot. The soil around the shrub needs to be loosened and weeds removed. This plant should be fertilized with rotted manure. To make the shrub look neat, it is important to cut not only dried or broken shoots, but also shorten old shoots so that new ones can develop. side shoots and the bush was more magnificent.

Vegeila - deciduous perennial shrub. Interestingly, during flowering, the flowers change their color from a pale shade to a rich pink color. Another pleasant moment - the shrub pleases with its flowering 2 times a year. Vegeila is a heat-loving, light-loving plant that needs to be protected from strong winds. If the plant is frozen during the winter, abundant watering will help to bring the bush “to the senses”. In hot weather, it is also necessary to moisten the bush well.

The photo is beautiful, the name of the flowering perennial shrub is garden hydrangea, medium size, blooms with lush inflorescences, the period from mid-June to October.

Jasmine is a flowering perennial shrub, the name is beautiful, and the plant itself, in appearance, is very trivial.

Brugmansia is a medium-sized flowering shrub that is easily grown by our compatriots. Latin name Brugmansia.

Perennial the flowering shrub on the left is the broom, it is small and unpretentious to the climate.

perennial shrub euonymus- medium size, regular color - red.

deytion shrub, similar to jasmine, but the inflorescences are longer and narrower.

Barberry Thunberg - flowering perennial shrub a photo.

Skumpia- flowering shrub of medium size, growing separately.
The shrub blooming on the left is familiar to everyone perennial lilac, can be planted in a row or as a separate plant.

Flowering shrub perennial with a photo on the left and names with the name mahonia - a medium-sized plant. It blooms in dense large inflorescences.

An important role in shaping the landscape personal plot plays a competent combination of plants: annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees with diverse foliage and beautiful inflorescences. A properly selected assortment of plants will please the eye from early spring to late autumn.

The topic of today's conversation will be flowering shrubs, with which you can not only diversify the landscape, divide the territory into zones, but also bring joy and celebration to it.

When planning to plant a shrub on a site, one should take into account the height and width of an adult plant so that it does not happen that undersized specimens will be in the “shadow” of taller ones, and their beauty will be almost invisible. Although, of course, you can form the crown of plants with the help of garden shears.

Flowering shrubs for summer cottages - spring

As soon as the snow melts, and the first spring rays begin to warm the earth, the time comes for flowering. forsythia (forsythia) , which, like a twinkle, dissolves its yellow flowers even before leaves appear on its branches. Forsythia was named after the Scottish botanist William Forsythe. Plant height from 1 m to 3 m.

Forsythia belongs to the olive family. As soon as flowering approaches the final stage, foliage and young shoots appear. A very popular plant in Europe, some types of forsythia are frost-resistant, so they are suitable for growing in middle lane Russia.

Forsythia will take the baton of flowering star magnolia - a low deciduous shrub, whose homeland is Japan, reaching a height of 2.5 m, with white flowers that exude a pleasant delicate aroma, which appear in the same way as in forsythia before foliage. The shrub feels great in the European part of Russia.

More frost-resistant Magnolia Siebold and Kobus - blooms in early June.

AT southern regions with warmer climates and mild winter there is a greater variety of magnolias in the form of ornamental shrubs or trees, with flowers from white to deep pink. Most popular in landscaping construction magnolia liliaceae - extraordinary beautiful tree during the flowering period.

Mid-May - flowering time spirea grefshein a small shrub up to 1.5 m high, with snow-white flowers collected in numerous inflorescences located along the entire stem. With hanging stems, the crown looks very openwork. The shrub is photophilous, drought-resistant, undemanding to the soil.

genomeles « Japanese quince» - a very beautiful, unpretentious shrub of the rose family, eye-catching. The flowering period is the end of April, the beginning of May. Colors - white, pink, orange, red.

You can plant an undersized specimen in an open space, or in a rock garden among stones. In the third year, the shrub begins to bear fruit, the fruits are yellow, similar to small apples, edible and very useful. Branches not covered with snow sometimes freeze slightly, they need to be cut.

Shrubs that bloom all summer

Chubushnik - better known as "jasmine" , belongs to the hydrangea family, a winter-hardy shrub common in central Russia. Mock orange with white-cream fragrant flowers reaches 3 m in height. Tolerates frosts down to -25 °C. The flowering period is the beginning, mid-June. Shrubs are used for group and single plantings, as well as as a hedge.

An extremely common plant in Russia - lilac , with beautiful inflorescences and delicate aroma, flowering time is June, belongs to the olive family. For abundant annual flowering, the bush must be formed, this requires regular pruning. The color palette of lilac flowers is very diverse (white, pink, bluish, pale purple, deep purple). Luxurious shrub, hardy, feels equally good in both southern and northern regions.

spray roses or rose hips of the rose family will certainly become a decoration of the garden, especially species that do not require shelter for the winter, which tolerate frost well. A shrub 1-2 meters high blooms in June-July, though not for very long, but their red or orange fruits, ripening in August-September, look spectacular against the background of green foliage, will delight the eye until late autumn.

park roses require more careful care, love sunlight. A bush planted in the shade of trees will not give abundant flowering. Many varieties are quite winter-hardy, some require shelter for winter period. They bloom in the first half of June and bloom for a long period - a month or more.

Extraordinarily beautiful bushes hydrangeas . The most unpretentious and winter-hardy species hydrangeas are considered tree-like and paniculate - shrubs from 1 to 3 m high. Large lush inflorescences, abundantly located throughout the bush, look very elegant. No wonder gardeners love it the most. It blooms for a long time - from June to September, loves moisture, acidic soil and partial shade.

Beautiful shrubs of the autumn garden

Potentilla shrub will delight you with long flowering - from June to October. A low bush 1.5-2 m tall is medicinal plant, it is widely used in traditional medicine. Most species bloom with yellow flowers, but there are also varieties with white or pink flowers. The shrub looks great in rock gardens or group plantings, undemanding to the soil, winter-hardy.

Snowberry blooms all summer to September with white, pink or red flowers. But its decorative effect is not limited to this. In autumn, abundant white fruits appear in the form of berries, which adorn the bush all autumn and winter. The uniqueness of this bush is that in autumn you can contemplate flowers on it at the same time as berries. The height of the plant is 1-2 m, it can be used in ordinary plantings when creating a hedge or in group plantings.

Skumpia tannery - a shrub that is unusually beautiful not only in summer, during flowering, but also in autumn, thanks to its foliage. In summer, the bush is covered with small flowers collected in fluffy panicles, looking like smoke from a distance. In autumn, the foliage becomes crimson, first the edges and veins of the leaves turn red, and then the entire foliage, bluish and purple shades. Skumpia is very spectacular in autumn, good in single and group plantings, not winter-hardy enough, so it is suitable for a garden in the more southern regions of the country.

Barberry common no less spectacular bush for autumn garden. Flowering in June - yellow flowers collected in a brush. Plant height 1.5-3 m. In autumn, in September-October, oblong red fruits appear on the shrub, sour in taste. Almost all elements are used in medicinal purposes: and fruits, and leaves, and even roots and bark.

Extraordinarily handsome common heather evergreen shrub with small triangular leaves and pink-lilac flowers collected in brushes, which end each branch. Bush height from 25 cm to 1 m, very hardy plant, growing both in the European part of Russia and in Western and Eastern Siberia.

It blooms in July-August, but after flowering stops, the flowers dry up, remaining on the branches of the plant. It seems that the bush blooms until late autumn. Loves acidic soil, moisture with good permeability of the soil. It does not need top dressing, as in nature it grows on poor, stony soils. Looks great in the garden, surrounded by stones, in rockeries in combination with other plants.

The listing can be continued indefinitely flowering shrubs. But you need to select plants taking into account their adaptation in your region, and then various colors and shades will always rage in your garden, creating a festive atmosphere, delighting you and your guests.

Upgrading a summer cottage is a creative and exciting process, on initial stage planning a garden, summer residents determine which bushes and trees they will plant. If the site is completely empty, then fast-growing trees and shrubs for giving in a short time will create a beautiful landscape. If time suffers, then you can choose crops growing for a long time and enjoy their transformation from year to year.

Types of shrubs

When thinking about which shrubs to plant in the country, pay attention to their classification, this will greatly facilitate your choice. Whether you need only ornamental bushes or you want to receive various fruits from them, it depends on which type you should give your preference.

Appearance and agrotechnical characteristics make it possible to divide seedlings into three main types, which we will discuss in the following sections.

The price of seedlings for self-growing is much lower than the cost of an already grown shrub.

Beautiful flowering shrubs

Unconditional favorites in decorating garden plots are plants that are distinguished by their unique flowering. Most beautiful shrubs amaze the imagination with inflorescences of bizarre shapes and a wide range of shades.

Dropping them off different period flowering, which will replace each other, you can achieve the effect of an "ever-blooming" garden. Flowering shrubs are perfectly complemented by compositions of conifers, as well as any ornamental bushes.

The most spectacular flowering species:

  • Dogwood. Begins to please with its color in early spring. He is unpretentious to the soil, like many shade tolerant plants, feels good in unlit areas.
  • Rhododendron. It blooms in April and has pale lilac flowers. To reach the most lush flowering, plant the plant in partial shade and fertilize with humus.
  • Forsythia. It blooms even before the foliage appears. After the bush fades, it continues to delight the eye with its decorative effect.

  • Japanese quince. Pleasing to the eye orange flowers. It grows well in lighted areas, most often used to create do-it-yourself hedges.
  • Buddley. The branches of the plant are densely covered with pinkish flowers. One of individual features This shrub is considered its incredible aroma, which is able to attract a lot of butterflies. This bush is able to reach a height of three meters in just 2-3 years and has a long flowering period.
  • Chubushnik. The most beautiful of all shrubs. It has large snow-white flowers with an amazing aroma, with its help green hedges are easily created.

fruit bushes

This species is able to play the role of ornamental plants, but their undeniable advantage is that they are able to bring us fresh berries. Therefore, we can rightly say that these are the most useful shrubs in the country. However, it should be noted that more care is required for them.

Below are a few plants of this species:

  • Currant . There are white, red and black currant fruits. Some of its varieties can bear fruit up to 18 years in a row. Do not forget that it is necessary to protect the bushes from drafts and excessive moisture.
  • Gooseberry. It bears fruit up to 25 years, but is not too frost-resistant, so it needs to be warmed for the winter.

  • Raspberry . It grows well in the sun, is resistant to cold, but requires fertilized soil and moisture.
  • Blackberry. Similar in characteristics to raspberries, but more sensitive to frost.

If you decide to plant fruit bushes on your site, it is better to do this in the fall, then in the summer you can get the first small harvest.

Ornamental garden shrubs

Ornamental plants give elegance to the design of the site, and it doesn’t matter which ones need to be decorated. country houses- from block containers they will either be built of brick or wood. The wide color palette and texture of these bushes can create bright accents, decorate individual elements your garden, divide the site into zones.

Unpretentious in care, they are quite easy to grow if you follow a few rules when planting them:

  • Do not plant this type of plant too close to each other.

There is a simple instruction for calculating the distance between shrubs - the distance is equal to twice the height of an adult bush.

  • Plant at a sufficient distance from the fence and buildings.
  • Plants with burgundy leaves need sunlight, in the shade they become faded.
  • When transplanting, in order not to damage the roots, dig a hole wider and deeper.
  • Fertilize the soil.
  • Hydrangea. Its inflorescences are large balls of pink, lilac, milky or blue flowers. All varieties of hydrangeas are shade-loving and prefer moist soil.

  • Weigela. Can be planted in any soil, both shade and sunny area will do. mature plant reaches a height of 2 meters, blooms from the second year. It has bright pink flowers.
  • Barberry. Excellent as a hedge, the color of the foliage depends on the abundance of the sun and can vary from red to purple. Regular pruning gives the shrub neatness and a noble appearance.
  • Boxwood. Ideal for those who like to create figures from plants various forms. It has undersized varieties shrubs. Heat-loving, but feels good in the shade. Differs in speed of growth and an unusual smell.

  • Deren. Very unpretentious shrub, easily takes root on any soil. Tolerates both shade and sun. It has purple-colored foliage and blooms twice a year.
  • Action. In a sunny area, it reaches a height of two meters, has beautiful white or pink flowers. To the soil is picky.
  • Spirea. Used as a hedge. Has inflorescences of red, white or pink flowers. Particularly attracts attention in autumn period when its leaves paint the bush in different colors.
  • Forsythia. One of the early shrubs that bloom in spring. Requires regular fertilization and watering, like other moisture-loving trees and bushes.

When the site may need special garden equipment, such as an electric lawn mower.
The lack of electricity on the site makes it impossible to use it, but there is perfect solution- short-term rental of a diesel generator for a summer residence.


The choice of plants for your summer cottage can be limited only by your own fantasies and desires, you can always find some democratic analogue of an expensive shrub. And do not forget about the little trick of unscrupulous sellers - when buying seedlings, you do not receive any guarantee that you are purchasing exactly the desired plant.

In the presented video in this article you will find Additional information on this topic.

Ornamental shrubs are one of the most powerful tools in the hands of a landscape designer. In the country, they are often used as a picturesque emerald green hedge. Low bushes can also serve as a kind of transition from powerful trees to herbaceous plants. Them main function in this case, make the design of the summer cottage harmonious, and the strokes of the design drawing smoother.

Shrubs in landscape design

Perhaps, on each hacienda you can see growing shrubs. They usually cause a lot of problems to negligent summer residents, but in skillful and caring hands they turn into real masterpieces of landscape design.

It's amazing how noticeable the difference is between a neglected wild rose or a barberry that has scattered its branches in different directions and a neatly trimmed boxwood. AT last years topiary art acquires special popularity. And in this design direction, shrubs for the garden are simply irreplaceable.

If you carefully look after them, you can get not only a bright decoration of the site, a slender living fence, but also a natural sculpture. amazing beauty. Like any other plant, the bush pleases a person with its lush flowering, in gratitude for tireless care.

Types of shrubs and rules for their choice

On a summer cottage of any size and style direction flowering shrubs would be appropriate. This is exactly the unique case when there is not much. After all, green mini-trees, standing in a slender wall along the garden alley, or covered with a bright dome of flowers, fit perfectly into all design styles without exception.

Shrubs can be classified according to several principles. For example, frost resistance. When choosing seedlings, pay attention to this property. Hard frost withstand:

These species tolerate winter well, they can be planted in the northern part of the site. But spireas, mock oranges and wild roses love warmth and will be grateful if you take care of warming before the start of the cold season.

Another sign of classification is in relation to lighting. Plant lilacs and fieldfares in those places in your garden where at any time of the year there is enough sunlight. For shaded areas, these types of shrubs are suitable:

I would like to draw the attention of gardeners to the fact that seedlings for landscaping should be chosen taking into account the type of soil. Japanese quince loves warmth, but is quite unpretentious to the ground. Its decoration is not only small flowers and leaves, but also fruits. Thus, this modest bush will delight you with its flowering in spring, greenery in summer, and decorative berries in autumn.Dogwood grows well in moist soil. Its inflorescences are pleasantly fragrant, and the unusual color of the shoots gives a simple bush some kind of exoticism.

Depending on the variety, the color of the leaves may vary: from rich green with a light border to dark bronze. The beautiful forsythia blooms in early spring, when most of the trees have not yet woken up after winter. How fabulous this bush looks, covered with bright yellow flowers! And the requirements of this royal person are also high: fertile soil and moderate watering.For southern regions with sandy soil, the ideal inhabitant is tamarisk. And during the flowering period, you just can’t take your eyes off it!

Variety of colors in the area

Relatively speaking, according to the decorative value, shrubs can be divided into deciduous and flowering ones. Which type to choose - the solution to this issue depends on the desired effect.

For creating landscape composition you need to know everything about the texture and color of leaves or needles. Let evergreen or ornamental bushes not seem boring to you. In beauty, they are in no way inferior to their flowering relatives. Well, how can someone not like the tart smell of juniper?

it coniferous plant is actively used both in topiary art and in the planning of park and country alleys. Beautiful evergreen shrubs for the garden - mahonia with dark-colored foliage and multi-colored panicles, or boxwood, which is simply made for curly haircuts.

The change of seasons can be observed by the color of some bushes. For example, vesicles change the color of the leaves: the Aurea variety throws out reddish leaves from the buds, at the beginning of summer they become almost orange, then slightly fade, and in autumn they explode in the color of bright gold. By the way, if you plant a vesicle in a shaded area, we get a stable green tint. Barberry also gives a wide palette of colors.

Depending on the type, the crown of the bush can be purple or golden, emerald or crimson. They look especially elegant along the low fences that separate the boundaries of the site.

A real fairy tale is blooming ornamental shrubs. The owners will be pleased with the riot of colors, the bees - with a wide scope for work. In early spring Lupus and forsythia are the first to bloom, then lush hats of viburnum and modest miniature bouquets of white turf bloom. Then we are intoxicated with aromas of jasmine bells and curly bunches of the queen of the Russian lilac garden. Broom and rhododendron, cinquefoil and spirea add beauty to our dachas.

Planting shrubs: general rules

Like any ornamental plants, plant and transplant garden bushes follows in the fall. The main thing is to make sure that the shrub has time to take root well before the onset of frost. First of all, you should choose a place to land.

Consider the type of shrub, as we have already discussed above. Need to remove weeds and carefully remove upper layer soil (especially if planting is done on a lawn). Next, we dig a hole. Its dimensions should significantly exceed the width of the root system. Try a seedling. The longest root should not be cramped in it.

The bottom of the pit and the walls must be loosened with a pitchfork to saturate the soil with oxygen. It is recommended to make compost or peat when planting, as well as add a slow-acting fertilizer.

Then put the seedling next to the peg, straighten all the roots, cover with earth. Firm the soil gently with your foot. Make a roller around the pit from the soil so that the water does not spread during irrigation, but goes right under the root. Water the seedling generously from above.

The planted shrub must be tied to a peg. This is done so that the root does not move, and in the future the plant stretches straight up. Bandage from soft material at a height of about 30 cm from the ground.

Basic Care Tips

Contrary to popular belief, garden ornamental shrubs do not require careful maintenance. Forget the stereotype of the gardener, imposed by soap opera directors: in the park near the luxurious mansion, he spends days on end, cutting green shoots and relentlessly shaping the crowns of lush bushes.

In fact, plants need only periodic hilling and proper watering. Of course, it is necessary to cut off excess branches to give a well-groomed shape, and remove old shoots. Frost-resistant viburnum and lilac do not require preparation for the cold season. And roses, hydrangeas and rhododendrons need only be covered with reeds or spruce branches.

Photo selection
