Tomatoes without pinching for greenhouses. Varieties of low-growing tomatoes for open ground without pinching

Tomatoes are a welcome vegetable on any table. Because of this, many try to grow them for food and conservation. Experienced gardeners have already decided on their preferences, they know that low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground without pinching are the most compact, they all belong to the determinant type of plants, so they do not grow in height and are unpretentious in care. Yes, and they are less susceptible to common diseases, their fruits ripen faster than bushes are affected by phytophthora.

Growing low-growing varieties of tomatoes without pinching in open ground

Low-grade tomatoes, or as they are commonly called "cherry" tomatoes, require little or no maintenance. They do not respond to sudden changes in temperature and grow at any humidity. When planting them in the ground, it is necessary to choose the most adapted varieties that will bear fruit well in your climatic conditions.

Many varieties of undersized tomatoes are early ripening. The period of ripening of their fruits is from 80 to 100 days. It is noteworthy that the ripening of the crop occurs massively. Tomatoes can weigh from 80 grams to 1 kg. When buying seeds for cultivation, you need to look so that “determinant” is written on the package. And the smallest tomatoes, no more than 30 cm high, are characterized even more early ripening fruits, they are called "superdeterminant".


These are cherry tomatoes, the bushes grow no more than 55 cm. Its fruits are large in size. Their flesh is quite fleshy and juicy. One vegetable weighs approximately 300 to 500 grams.

Danko has a high yield, from one plant there can be 7 kg of vegetables. The variety is popular among gardeners due to its excellent taste. Used for cooking different dishes and salads.

How they look very large varieties, specified


Also belongs to the cherry type. But his bush grows up to 80 cm high. Up to 4.5 kg can be collected from each such plant. Moreover, the fruits are selected, they can be used for commercial purposes.

The mass of one vegetable of this variety is approximately 200-300 grams. Tomatoes are red in color, have a smooth dense skin, due to which the tomatoes do not crack and are well transported.

The best varieties of cucumbers for the Moscow region for planting in open ground are indicated

balcony miracle

Its name already hints that this variety can be planted in indoor pots, in winter garden or open ground. The bushes are compact, belong to the standard type.

They grow no more than 40 cm high. The fruits grow yellowish-orange in color and have a round shape. These tomatoes weigh just 20 grams. This variety is planted for seedlings in May.

And care, as well as the feeding procedure is indicated in the article.

Children's sweetness

This is an early ripe variety that matures in 80 days. Such tomatoes grow well only in areas with a warm climate.

For normal fruit ripening in other regions, it is necessary to provide them with relevant conditions. The height of the bush reaches 50 cm. The red fruits are enclosed in a thick skin, the weight of one vegetable is 120 grams. This variety is often used for conservation.

Slice of the Far East

The fruits of this variety are characterized by medium ripening, have an elongated oval shape and weigh up to 300 grams. tomatoes in ready-made have a raspberry hue. It is used fresh for salads and for preservation.

Hyperbole Early

The first fruits appear already on the 105th day after seedling germination. In open ground, this variety can reach a height of up to 130 cm, but this is rare, so it is classified as undersized.

Vegetables are egg-shaped. When ripe, it turns red and has an excellent taste. Their mass is approximately equal to 90 grams. This variety is preserved with whole fruits and is excellent for pickling.

golden stream

Refers to early ripe varieties. Their fruit has an orange color and is similar in shape to an ellipse. The weight of one vegetable is 100 grams. This miniature tomato is resistant to temperature extremes, has a high yield and immunity to various diseases.

El Dorado

This variety does not exceed 70 cm in height. The bushes are quite compact, they are perfectly located on the beds. One vegetable can reach 250 grams, it grows in the correct oval shape, has a pleasant lemon hue. These tomatoes have special flavor and taste.

early ripening

The fruits reach 180 grams in weight, they are compactly located on a bush 60 cm high. They are painted in classic red and have a round shape. This is unpretentious variety, which is often chosen by beginner gardeners. Tomatoes on it ripen early. The variety is universal and does not respond to climatic conditions.

Separately, I would like to highlight the varieties used for planting in Siberia. These tomatoes adapt well to extreme conditions north, show their high frost resistance.


Reliable and high productive variety. Its pepper-shaped fruits are covered with a dense skin, which protects them from cracking. Bushes reach a height of up to 40 cm.

They are compact, their crown does not need care, as they do not require pinching and are disease resistant.


Highly early variety, has high frost resistance, does not need pinching. Bushes belong to the semi-stem type, grow in three stems, need hilling. The fruit can weigh up to 150 grams.

Leningrad chill

Each bush of this variety forms about 20 tomatoes. It is not standard, compact and reaches a height of 35 cm. When planted in open ground, brushes are formed, each of them forms up to 8 fruits.

They are ovoid in shape. Ripe fruits of red color have dense pulp. If all conditions for care are met, then the bush can provide up to three kilograms.

Barnaul Cannery

Its seeds can be planted directly in open ground. The bush grows no more than 40 cm. Tomatoes have a bright red color. They have an elongated shape and dense flesh. They are consumed fresh and also used for canning.


The bush reaches 80 cm, and in greenhouse conditions it grows up to one meter. It grows in two or three thin stems, but since the fruits grow large, the bush must be tied up.

One of his tomato can weigh 500 grams. It is colored pink-red, has a fleshy sugar pulp. Used to get tomato juice and preparation of various sauces.

Low-growing, or determinant varieties will decorate any garden bed. They are unpretentious, do not require tying up and practically do not need pinching. With proper care, they can produce many fruits. Varieties with large tomatoes will delight you with delicious pulp, from which you can make excellent juice, and more small tomatoes can be preserved whole.

It is impossible to allow tomato bushes to grow, forming side shoots and leaves, since the plant will spend its energy not on the ripening of fruits, but on the process of building up the vegetative mass. You can fix this with pinching. However, there are undersized tomatoes that do not require pinching.

Pinching undersized tomatoes is not always necessary, and for many gardeners this is the best way out of the situation. The thing is that far from everyone is able to remove stepchildren correctly. Experienced gardener, of course, will cope with such an occupation without difficulty. However, if a beginner undertakes such a procedure, the result is not always expected. Sometimes the gardener cannot accurately detect stepchildren, so he removes the stems and leaves that have key value for agricultural growth. So you can destroy your tomato shoots.

Fortunately, there are tomatoes that do not require pinching at all. This is undersized varieties tomatoes. However, do not think that growing them is a process that is much less difficult. Cultivation of such a plant also requires certain knowledge and skills. Be sure to follow the following recommendations for caring for undersized tomatoes:

  • undersized non-stepping tomato must be grown from proven seeds. If you wish, prepare them yourself;
  • seedlings after planting in a special container should be covered with a film;
  • despite the fact that tomato bushes do not differ in particularly large sizes, with intensive growth it is advisable to tie them up;
  • provide one hundred percent protection of tomato shoots from pests and diseases - for this, seedlings must be sprayed in a timely manner.

Undersized tomatoes without pinching for open ground are a worthy choice for a novice gardener. When growing them, you will not need to master the technique of pinching.

The best varieties

Perhaps, many novice gardeners will want to buy undersized tomatoes for open ground without pinching. Their key advantage is the absence of the need for stepsoning. However, this is not all the advantages of varieties. They are often grown by domestic gardeners, since they do not require careful care, and you will harvest a full-fledged crop at the end of summer. You just need to figure out which varieties of undersized tomatoes you should give preference to.


This early ripe hybrid plant is most often grown in open ground conditions. Its fruits ripen unevenly, have a reddish tint and a rounded shape. The nose is slightly flat.


Such tomatoes for open ground without pinching form quite large fruits. The flesh of a ripe tomato is very juicy and fleshy. The weight of one fruit can be about 300-500 g.


A shrub with cherry tomatoes reaches a height of about 80 cm, so tie up a grown plant if necessary. The fruits are characterized by the presence of a soft peel and a rich red hue.

balcony miracle

Grow these miniature tomato bushes It is possible both in the greenhouse and in open ground conditions. The plant is standard and rarely reaches a height of more than 40 cm. The fruits are very small, have a yellowish-orange hue.

Children's sweetness

These low-growing tomatoes also do not require pinching. This variety is considered early ripening, but is cultivated mostly in regions with a mild climate. The fruits have a red tint, and their skin is thick.

Slice of the Far East

This variety of undersized tomatoes belongs to the mid-season. Ripe fruits are characterized by the presence of a crimson hue, and their shape is oval. The weight of one tomato is about 300 g.


This variety also belongs to non-stepping varieties of tomatoes suitable for open ground. It reaches a height of up to 130 cm, so it is recommended to tie up such a shrub in a timely manner.

golden stream

Seeds of golden fruits in the shape of an ellipse are often purchased by domestic gardeners for cultivation. For open ground, the variety is perfect, because it tolerates temperature changes well, and it is resistant to diseases.

El Dorado

Such varieties of tomatoes also do not stepchild. The height of a mature shrub can be about 70 cm, but in volume it is quite compact. Its fruits are oval in shape, have a pleasant yellowish tint.

early ripening

This variety should also be attributed to low-growing varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching at all. The fruits of Skorospelka ripen early. Among the advantages of this variety is resistance to various climatic factors.


This compact plant produces pepper-shaped fruits. What they are remarkable for is the presence of a dense skin.

Another important point: these tomatoes are characterized by increased resistance to ailments.


Pasynkovat such low-growing tomatoes is not required. The fruits ripen very early, and the shrub is considered semi-standard. As a rule, this plant is formed into three main stems.

Leningrad chill

This high yielding variety mostly grown on household plots and not in a greenhouse. The fruits are ovoid and red in color. They are characterized by the presence of dense pulp.


Alsou does not require pasynkovanie, however, you need to take care of the bush garter in advance. It reaches a height of about 80 cm. The fruits of this variety are large, the weight of one tomato is up to 500 g.


Very early variety, which is grown mainly in the open field. The fruits begin to ripen by the twentieth day after planting. Among key strengths of this variety of tomatoes - resistance to late blight and other fungal diseases that are dangerous for plants.

Video "Care for tomatoes"

From this video you will learn about all the moments of caring for tomatoes in the garden.

Conventionally, all varieties of tomatoes are divided into different groups, depending on the height of the bush, the size of the fruit, the timing of ripening and the need for. Varieties of tomatoes without pinching are perfect for novice gardeners. What are their advantages and which ones to choose, we will consider in this article.

Tomatoes undersized without pinching

To begin with, let's figure out what this very pinching is all about, why not every gardener really knows how to do it right. Tomato varieties that do not require pinching include those that do not need to cut off the lower side shoots. And these shoots are cut off so that the bush does not start its growth in breadth, as this directly affects the yield in the end.

The problem is that many gardeners cannot identify stepchildren and remove leaves instead. In order not to confuse leaves and stepchildren, it is important to remember the main rule: the stepson will never grow on the stem, but only from its bosom.

The advantage of low-growing tomatoes that do not require pinching is that they do not need to be cut off, the fruits are always large and have time to ripen due to the rare foliage of the bush. They often don't require a garter or any supports at all, so this option is ideal for beginner gardeners.

Which tomatoes do not require pinching?

Now let's take a closer look at the varieties that have become popular among summer residents. We will conditionally divide them into two groups.

1. Unpretentious and productive varieties of tomatoes without pinching.

  • watercolor (suitable for open ground, easy to grow, fruits are perfect for canning: they have an elongated shape and dense skin);
  • red fang (very early and productive variety, the fruits are very tasty and perfect for fresh consumption, canned as a whole);
  • a miracle of Siberia (a variety with large and fleshy fruits, belongs to the early ripe ones, pinching is not necessary, but if you want to increase the size of the fruit, you can use it);
  • duck (belongs to super-yielding varieties, its fruits have a bright Orange color, perfect for both fresh consumption and canning);
  • krakowiak (a variety with very early ripening, perfect for growing in open ground, the fruits are flat and round, salad type).

2. Varieties of undersized tomatoes without pinching with large fruits.

  • knight (refers to the most the best varieties, its main advantages are a very high yield and excellent taste of fruits, which have high rates of keeping quality and transportability);
  • lord (the variety is medium early and is well suited for beginners due to its unpretentiousness, the fruits have good taste and are suitable for both pickling and slicing salads);
  • tst (a variety with fleshy tasty fruits, medium ripening, suitable for open ground or film shelters);
  • raspberry viscounte (the bushes are very compact, ripening dates are early, the fruits have a raspberry color and are intended for fresh consumption).

Varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching - growing features

It is clear that undersized bushes are much easier to care for. They do not need to be constantly tied up, learn how to properly cut stepchildren, and many varieties are early maturing. But in fact, even undersized tomatoes that do not require pinching need decent attitude and leaving.

First of all, always try to grow seedlings on your own only from seeds of trusted companies. As practice shows, seedlings under the film are much stronger than room ones. It should also be remembered that almost all varieties are early and whatever one may say, but require a partial garter. In particular, this applies to super-yielding and large-fruited varieties. As with all other varieties, the prevention of pests and diseases is required. Otherwise, all your work comes down to the correct irrigation regime and the timely application of fertilizers.

Growing an excellent crop of vegetables in a short period is not easy. Undersized tomatoes for open ground without pinching and with a minimum of care measures will help to fulfill such a desire. They are able to please not only experienced summer resident, but also a beginner in gardening.

Experts called the removal of excess shoots on any garden crop the method of pinching. It is necessary to carry out this technique in order for the plant to develop more actively and have correct forms. In addition, pinching the bushes should be in order to increase the yield of the vegetable.

On nightshade crops, this process begins with the lower shoots. They are removed during the period when 7-8 leaves grow on young bushes. For beginners, it is important to know that it is not necessary to pick off adult leaves from tomatoes, but small shoots (see photo). They appear in the sinuses in the area between the trunk and the leaf. Uncircumcised stepchildren repeat as they grow mature plant, that is, they form a separate trunk.

Tomatoes that have undergone the pinching procedure have only 1 or 2 main stems; these parts of the plant body take all the nutrients necessary for the crop and do not spend them on the growth of individual stems.

Low-growing tomatoes for open ground (video)

Varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching

At present, the labors of breeders around the world have developed many tomato varieties that do not need to be stepsoned. For example, the non-stabling Pink tomato is endowed with various positive qualities, including ultra ripeness and good yield. The height of an adult plant reaches no more than 75 cm, the bushes do not need to get rid of extra shoots. Vegetables on culture grow up to 100 g, they are fleshy, rounded and in a ripe state have pink color.

The agrotechnics of this tomato variety is simple, in March the seeds are sown for seedlings, by the end of May or early June, young plants are transplanted into open ground. Up to 3-4 bushes of undersized nightshade culture can be grown per 1 m².

The Nevsky variety is early ripe, the first ripe tomatoes appear 60-65 days after seed germination. Vegetables are small, their mass does not exceed 55 g, very often they ripen on the bushes. Sowing of this variety is carried out directly in the ground, under the film. Tomato bushes are not prone to phytophthora disease, resistant to rot. This plant is not stepson, supports and strengthening of the trunks are not required.

It is worth remembering the Gnome tomato variety. unpretentious and undersized plant. Its bushes are able to reach only 45-50 cm in height. The culture is endowed with small fruits, they taste sour, suitable for culinary preparations. The plant is hybrid variety, tomatoes do not crack when excessive moisture, foliage and vegetables perfectly resist rot and other diseases typical of tomatoes.

The undersized Oak variety has excellent reviews; it does not require pinching. The culture is intended for lovers who grow tomatoes in the open field. Among undersized nightshade plants, it has excellent taste. Tomatoes have an excellent sweet taste and juicy flesh. Such tomatoes are called universal: they are suitable not only for fresh consumption - Dubok tomatoes make excellent juices, ketchups, lecho and other culinary masterpieces.

The Snowdrop Tomato can be offered to gardeners who grow tomatoes in northern regions our country, for example, residents of the Urals or Karelia. Many summer residents consider it a godsend, because in warm planting areas it can be sown in open beds. The fruits grow medium and large, they have a semicircular shape and are located on thick branches. The variety stands out for its cold resistance and excellent yield. The bushes of the plant are quite high, but if desired, their growth can be completed by pinching.

Among undersized and non-stepping tomatoes there are interesting variety Red Riding Hood. This miracle can decorate any garden. The tomato is endowed with powerful branches and large leaves, the fruits grow small, but very tasty. Remarkable yield is the most striking indicator of this variety. The cultivation of undersized tomatoes is similar, the plant is responsive to timely watering and easy, fertile soil.

Of tomato plants that do not require pinching and grow no more than 70 cm in height, the Moskvich variety can be distinguished. Its height is only 35-40 cm, but this does not prevent the culture from bearing fruit with dignity. Tomato is not afraid of certain changes temperature regime, adequately endures frosts under a film cover. Small fruits seem to stick around a small plant.

Seeds of low-growing tomatoes are leaders in personal plots. The reason is that they are much easier to care for than tall bushes. Tomatoes of small stature do not require tying, pinching, their ripening takes place in early dates and tomatoes do not have time to get late blight. Consider the shortest tomato tomatoes for open ground without pinching.

What is pinching tomatoes and why is it needed

Stabbing is the removal of side shoots growing from the axils of the leaves, especially in the lower part of the stem. This approach is especially relevant when we are talking about tall indeterminate tomatoes. Determinate low-growing varieties, as a rule, do without pinching.

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All varieties of tomatoes are divided into 2 groups: indeterminate and determinate. The former are capable of unlimited growth of the apex, while in the latter, when a certain size is reached, a fruit brush is formed instead of the apical bud.

Stepchildren have the greatest negative effect on tall late varieties. Additional stems pull back part nutrients, which are necessary for the ripening of tomatoes on the main stem. The flowers and ovaries formed on the stepson do not have time to grow and ripen. The advantage of low-growing determinate outdoor varieties is that most of them are early maturing and stepchildren can bring another harvest.

Benefits of undersized tomato varieties

  • Few leafy shrubs.
  • The fruits ripen at the same time.
  • Tomatoes are the same size.

Tomatoes that do not need to remove unnecessary shoots tolerate well low temperatures. The fact is that many tomatoes of low-growing varieties are grown on open ground without transplanting seedlings. You just need to plant the seeds in the ground. Tomatoes grown from seeds immediately in the open field are more resistant to natural disasters, various stresses and becomes highly hardened.

For beginner growers, undersized tomatoes are an excellent option in mastering this type of activity. Only beginners may have problems in the correct pinching. The fact is that it is very difficult to distinguish the leaves from the stepson. It must be remembered that the stepson grows in the axils, and not on the stem of the plant.

Varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching

At present, the labors of breeders around the world have developed many tomato varieties that do not need to be stepsoned.

  • For example, the non-stepping pink tomato is endowed with various positive qualities, including ultra ripeness and good yields. The height of an adult plant reaches no more than 75 cm, the bushes do not need to get rid of extra shoots. Vegetables on culture grow up to 100 g, they are fleshy, rounded and have a pink color when ripe. The agrotechnics of this tomato variety is simple, in March the seeds are sown for seedlings, by the end of May or early June, young plants are transplanted into open ground. Up to 3-4 bushes of undersized nightshade culture can be grown per 1 m²;

  • Vityaz (belongs to the best varieties, its main advantages are a very high yield and excellent taste of fruits, which have high rates of keeping quality and transportability);

  • Lord (the variety is medium early and is well suited for beginners due to its unpretentiousness, the fruits have good taste and are suitable for both pickling and slicing salads);
  • Gina TST (a variety with fleshy tasty fruits, medium ripening, suitable for open ground or film shelters);

  • Agatha. The fruits ripen 98-100 days after the appearance of the first shoots. The variety has a simultaneous return of the crop. It grows quite compact to a height of 45 cm. It has an average resistance to diseases. The berries are red, rounded and light in weight. The largest fruits reach only 110 gr. They have a sweet taste and fleshy flesh. Possess long term storage and well transported to the point of sale. They have the feature of simultaneous ripening of fruits in one brush;
  • Raspberry viscount - early ripe: from the moment of planting to the appearance of the first fruits, it takes from 90 to 105 days. It all depends on the time of landing in the ground, climatic conditions and health of the bush;

  • Bakhtemir. Undersized varieties tomatoes such as "Bakhtemir" bear fruit very well. Due to the fact that the stems grow inactively, and then completely stop growing, the bush turns out to be completely strewn with fruits weighing up to 80 grams. The variety belongs to medium early and ripens in 121 days. Taste qualities good, tomatoes can be stored for a long time and transported over long distances. Plant height is approximately 45-50 centimeters;
  • Aztec. This is an ultra-early tomato variety that can be grown in small containers on the balcony and window sills. The height is only 40 cm. Fruiting is continuous from July until the first frost. The fruits are small, 25 gr. yellow color. They have a good sweet taste. It is used both in salads and in preservation. Can be grown in containers - suitable for city dwellers;
  • Gigalo is undersized tomato medium ripeness, it does not need seedling method cultivation. From the moment the seeds are planted in the ground until the fruit is fully ripe, it will take a little more than 3 months. Zhigalo is a standard bush, so the plant reaches a height of 40 cm. This indicates that there is no need to stepson a tomato and tie it up. Inexperienced vegetable growers often mistake the Gigalo fruit for the Aurea variety. The fruits of these two varieties are similar in shape. Gigalo and Aurea have oblong and cylindrical fruits. Gigalo tomato weighs an average of 150 grams with a length of 10 cm. From each bush, the yield is about 3 kg. Gigalo is used in cooking for cooking canned salads, since the natural dryness of the fruit is rarely in demand for fresh consumption.