In what month do gardens bloom? How many cherry blossoms and when does flowering begin

It's amazing - in winter a person rejoices in the white robe of the earth, fluffy snowflakes falling from the sky, hard frost, but as soon as the first month of spring comes, we suddenly feel how tired of the black and white winter picture! The body craves warmth and light, eyes - bright colors, and every spring the soul seems to get out of the shell towards the renewed world, which is reborn to a new life.

The first flowers of spring in the forest and meadows

The first thawed patches have just appeared in the forest, and life invisible to the eye is already boiling on them - various larvae, insects have awakened in the earth, the earth itself is ready to take into its bosom every living creature, every smallest blade of grass. And now, among the islands of porous snow, the most daring flowers - snowdrops - begin to appear. It is customary for us to call snowdrops all spring primroses, although the true snowdrop - galanthus - is only one of the many types of spring primroses. This is the very first flower in spring, and it does not grow in all regions. The flower looks like a small white flashlight on a thin stem. It can withstand temperatures down to -10 degrees. Only in such a cold it becomes brittle, like thin glass. But as soon as the sun comes out, the galanthus comes to life.

Delicate snowdrops - the awakening of nature

The legend of the Slavs says how once Winter the old woman decided not to let Spring come to the earth. The flowers drooped with fear, one snowdrop was not afraid, opened its petals. The sun saw him, warmed everything on earth with its warmth and made way for the beautiful Spring. Since then, spring and the snowdrop have been inseparable.

The first flowers of spring, which in many areas are also called snowdrops, are nothing more than sleep-grass, corydalis or backache. They say that once the leaves of the lumbago were so large and wide that Satan, who was expelled from paradise, could hide behind them. But the Archangel Michael, having discovered his refuge, threw an arrow at him. And the leaves of sleep-grass remained shot through - dissected into thin slices. The lumbago also blooms even when sub-zero temperature. The whole secret of this, it turns out, is in the cup of the flower. She, like a concave mirror, collects the sun's heat. And the temperature inside the cup is +8 degrees.

What other flowers appear first in spring?

A little later, the snowdrop blooms yellow, like the sun, spring adonis, or adonis. In some regions it is also called the old oak.

In Russian villages, spring is the time when domestic birds begin to hatch their chicks. At this time, it was strictly forbidden to bring home both adonis and sleep-grass, it was believed that these flowers could harm future bird offspring.

Spring is here, it's time to bloom. It's time when the air is filled with spring aromas. Each flower looks at us as if it wants to say something. Perhaps, if you listen carefully, you can understand what the flowers are talking about?

Blooming gardens are a bright, fresh and accessible decoration for a photo shoot. Flowers will bloom on the trees very soon, so we have collected information for you about what, when and where it blooms, and club member photographers shared their impressions of such shootings and useful tips.

What: bird cherry

When: usually blooms in the first week of May. Blooms for about a week.


  • museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno" (m. "Tsaritsyno");
  • The main botanical garden named after N. V. Tsitsin of the Russian Academy of Sciences (m. "Vladykino", "VDNH", " Botanical Garden»);
  • reserve "Vorobyovy Gory" (m. "Vorobyovy Gory");
  • garden "Hermitage" (m. "Mayakovskaya");
  • Izmailovsky Park (m. "Partizanskaya");
  • park "Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo" (metro station "Voykovskaya" or "Shchukinskaya").

Maria Putintseva, photographer, club member:

Nature gives us the most beautiful natural scenery for photo walks - family, children's, portrait and wedding. Photographing your love story in a blooming garden is a great photo rehearsal before the wedding and wonderful pictures in the album.
I love to shoot en plein air, because this format is great for shooting with children: all children are fidgety, with a huge supply of energy and a jet engine, and a walk will be a great opportunity to take family photos. You can save on renting a studio, and it’s also a great opportunity to spend time with your family on fresh air and get natural photos!

What: apple trees

When: depending on the variety bloom in different numbers May. They bloom for a couple of weeks.


  • Apple orchard (m. "Slavyansky Boulevard");
  • museum-reserve "Kolomenskoye" (m. "Kolomenskoye");
  • museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno";
  • Garden named after Bauman (m. "Red Gate");
  • Ekaterininsky Park (m. Prospect Mira);
  • Poklonnaya Gora, Peace Alley (m. "Victory Park");
  • Kirov floodplain along the street. Isakovsky (m. "Strogino").

Maria Tilda, photographer, club member:

A little more and the soul will sing, inside everything will bloom simultaneously with the gardens. It remains to wait very long, when the cherries and apple trees will appear before us in all their glory. Every woman, girl, girl seems to wake up from a long winter along with nature. And to capture these beautiful moments, arrange a photo session in the most beautiful gardens Moscow.

What: lilac

  • Lilac garden (m. "Cherkizovskaya");
  • Sokolniki Park (metro station Sokolniki);
  • Main Botanical Garden (metro station "Vladykino", "VDNKh", "Botanical Garden");
  • museum-reserves "Kolomenskoye", "Tsaritsyno";
  • Neskuchny Garden (metro station "Oktyabrskaya");
  • garden "Hermitage" (m. "Mayakovskaya").

A photo:

Ekaterina Rozhkova, photographer, club member:

Very soon, amazing flowering of bird cherry, lilac, apple, cherry will begin. It's time to take beautiful tender frames for yourself! I would like to give some advice to couples and girls who want to participate in such a photo shoot. It is very important to choose the right clothes. For a girl, a light flying dress in pastel shades is best suited. Comfortable shoes are the key to the success of any outdoor photo shoot. If you want to twirl, catch petals and be alive, hairpins are definitely not for you! Makeup shouldn't be flashy. If the hair is long, hairstyles with loose hair look best in the frame.

What: sakura and cherry

When: end of April - beginning of May


  • Japanese Garden of the Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences(m. "Vladykino", "VDNH", "Botanical Garden");
  • Biryulevsky arboretum(m. "Tsaritsyno", "Kantemirovskaya");
  • Botanical Garden of Moscow State University (m. "Prospect Mira").

A garden that blooms forever is the dream of any gardener. After all, none of the flower growers rejoices when the forsythia, whose first violent flowering takes place in April, fades, and the flowering of such a plant as Bumald's spirea, which will please with its rich bright colors, should be expected only in June. And what will please your eye in the interval between them? We all want our garden to be beautiful and aesthetic at any time.
The first thing on which the creation of the structure and composition of the garden is based is, of course, its location. The main thing - climatic conditions, and only then the relief of the site, the nature of the soil, the selection of plants and, finally, our ideas about what our garden should be and how it should look. In general, no matter how you decide to make your garden, you first need to carefully analyze the micro and macro conditions of the site.
Start by choosing plants, but only on the basis of when, how much and how they bloom. In the evergreen garden, the fundamental plants are shrubs. ornamental crops, as they blend beautifully with woody plants and make the transition from trees to lawns and flower beds seamless. Plus, some shrub crops are the main focus during their flowering, which must be taken into account when planning a future continuously flowering garden.

When and how do certain plants bloom?

To early flowering plants relate the following crops. The very first, back in April, dogwood and forsythia begin to bloom. On the branches of these plants, flowers appear before foliage. Also in early spring begin to complement the overall composition such bulbous plants like crocuses, muscari and blueberries. During this period, your garden can also be decorated with crops such as Japanese quince (henomeles), low almond (boletus), shrub (steppe) cherry, common hazel etc. In May, daffodils and tulips, as well as the lilac, traditional for our region, are the first to bloom violently, without which it is difficult to imagine at least one blooming garden. Alas, lilac does not bloom for a very long time, so peonies of various colors can successfully replace it.
Next, consider mid-flowering crops. Spring flowering spirea will provide smooth transition spring garden in summer. This plant, as well as the delightful irises that abound in flowers during the same period, blooms just in late spring - early summer. Almost all garden plants bloom wildly in June and July. These plants include all varieties and types of spirea: the oak-leaved variety, Van Gutta variety blooms first in spring, the Japanese variety, Billard variety and Bumalda variety bloom in summer. Also during these months, weigels, mock oranges, action, honeysuckle, viburnum, vesicles, rhododendrons and other shrub plants bloom, which will perfectly decorate the garden, both individually and to create a background for all kinds of perennials. AT grassy plantations phloxes and lilies will look good, without which it is difficult to imagine a Russian traditional garden. No less popular have always been daylilies, delphiniums, bluebells, nivyaniks, lupins and letniki, which are most often used for the density and support of such plants.
And finally, late-flowering garden plants. garden beauty, blooming in autumn could be no less wonderful than spring garden in all the abundance of colors. Herbaceous perennials replace shrub crops, but only with their colors, since their main beauty lies in autumn bright colors foliage, whose varied hues contrast beautifully with the warm red and yellow palette of autumn. Flowering autumn garden fill with all sorts of types and varieties of asters, as well as rudbeckia, dahlias, chrysanthemums, gladioli, geleniums, cannes, etc. Also at this time, such ornamental shrubs, like Canadian elderberry, hydrangea paniculata and David's buddleia. A late-flowering garden will also be beautifully decorated with fruits, which are very abundant at this time on such shrubs as snowberry, mountain ash, viburnum, wild rose, etc.
As you can see, the garden can be bright, colorful and fragrant at any time of the year! Therefore, go for it, and your garden will become a landmark that not only neighbors will come to admire! Good luck!

Today we will talk about the plant flowering calendar, what it is and how to use it.

Symptoms of the disease develop when the concentration of pollen in the air reaches certain values.

It is believed that a health hazard occurs when 1 cubic meter air accounts for 10 to 20 pollen grains. Naturally, the higher the concentration, the more pronounced hay fever.

The allergenicity of plant pollen is explained by the special plant protein contained in it, which immune system person is perceived as alien.

Of particular danger is the pollen of wind-pollinated plants, as it is carried through the air and easily gets on the mucous membranes.

Plants pollinated by insects are not considered strong allergens for humans, since their pollen is practically not found in the air. Such flowers can be recognized by their bright color and strong smell, which attract insects.

Plant allergens are divided into three groups.

  1. Trees;
  2. Cereals (meadow);
  3. Weed herbs.

Their flowering is different periods spring, summer and even autumn, and therefore the exacerbation of seasonal rhinitis depends on which plant there is an allergic reaction to.

But some allergy sufferers react to several herbs, trees or flowers at once, and therefore hay fever can bother them for a long time or repeat several times over the summer.

allergenic trees

All trees are divided into two groups - angiosperms and gymnosperms.

Most often, hypersensitivity reactions occur on pine and spruce.

Angiosperms have maximum allergenic activity, most often hay fever develops on pollen:

  1. Hazel;
  2. maple;
  3. Lindens;
  4. Tisza;
  5. apple trees;
  6. Ash;
  7. Oak;
  8. Olives.

cereal crops

Cereals, depending on their type, bloom almost all summer. Timothy is the most allergenic crop, followed by meadow fescue, foxtail, bluegrass, feather grass, chaff, cocksfoot, reed, and bamboo.

From cereal crops allergies are most often caused by:

  1. The wheat is soft.
  2. Sowing rice.
  3. Oats.
  4. Barley.
  5. Sorghum seed.


Of the weeds, a high degree of allergenicity is possessed by:

  1. Hemp;
  2. Sagebrush;
  3. Plantain;
  4. Dandelion;
  5. Sunflower;
  6. Coltsfoot;
  7. Chamomile;
  8. Sorrel;
  9. Nettle.

Similar antigens are found in wormwood pollen and allergens of dandelion, coltsfoot, birch, so it often develops on these plants.

Periods of exacerbation of allergies to flowering plants

Flowering of plants falls on different periods of the warm season, it is customary to distinguish three time periods in which pollinosis is most pronounced.

  • Spring period lasts from April to May. Most of the trees are in bloom during this time.
  • Summer lasts from June to August. Blooms throughout the summer meadow grasses and cereals.
  • Summer-autumn covers August, September and October. Most weeds bloom in early autumn.

Depending on the features weather conditions the flowering of any plants can shift by one to two weeks in one direction or another. AT southern regions pollinosis begins to appear earlier.

plant flowering calendar

A plant flowering calendar is necessary for people suffering from hay fever in order to prevent another relapse of the disease.

Focusing on the calendar, you can choose the safest time for yourself to visit the forest, river.

If possible, then for the period of flowering of the allergenic plant, you can plan a vacation in another geographical area.

The flowering calendar also helps to undergo a course of preventive treatment approximately two to three weeks before pollination, which helps to reduce the manifestations of hay fever.

For Moscow.

Calendar of flowering plants by months in Moscow.


  • Hazel;
  • Alder.

March, April:

  • Pine.

May June:

  • Poplar;

April May:

  • Birch;
  • Ash;
  • Maple.

July August:

  • Sagebrush;
  • Quinoa;
  • Pigweed;
  • Spinach;
  • Beet;
  • Plantain.

June July:

  • Timofeevka;
  • Wheat;
  • Barley;
  • wheatgrass;
  • Foxtail;
  • Bonfire;
  • Bluegrass;
  • Cane;
  • Bamboo;
  • Oats;
  • Nettle.

For St. Petersburg.

For middle lane Russia.

  • Alder
  • Aspen
  • Hazel
  • Poplar.
  • Birch
  • Pine
  • Maple.
  • Pine
  • Dandelion
  • Bonfire
  • Foxtail.
  • Linden;
  • Fescue;
  • wheatgrass;
  • Bluegrass;
  • Timofeevka.
  • Sagebrush;
  • Ambrosia;
  • Quinoa.


  • Sagebrush;
  • Ambrosia.

Northwestern region of Russia.

In the Krasnodar Territory.

February March:

  • Alder.

March, April:

  • Hazel;
  • Pine;

April May:

  • Birch;
  • Ash;
  • Maple;
  • Walnut;
  • Poplar;
  • Sycamore.

May June:

  • Corn;
  • Sorghum;
  • Barley;
  • wheatgrass;
  • Oats;
  • Fescue;
  • Feather grass;
  • Wheat;
  • Rye.

July August:

  • Quinoa;
  • Pigweed;
  • Beet;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Kochia;
  • Spinach;
  • Solyanka.


  • Ambrosia.

For Crimea.

  • Periwinkle;
  • Jasmine;
  • Iris;
  • Crocus;
  • Magnolia;
  • Almond;
  • Rosemary;
  • Snowdrop;
  • Dandelion.
  • Spruce blue;
  • Honeysuckle;
  • Dogwood;
  • Peach;
  • Primrose;
  • Hazel;
  • Birch.
  • Wisteria;
  • Honeysuckle;
  • Chestnut;
  • Oleander;
  • Peach;
  • Peony;
  • Rose;
  • Lilac;
  • Birch.
  • Honeysuckle;
  • Spanish gorse;
  • chestnut pink;
  • Oleander;
  • Rose.
  • Geranium parka
  • Wisteria
  • Oleander
  • Judas tree
  • Quinoa
  • Sagebrush
  • Fescue.
  • Cannes;
  • Crocus;
  • Oleander;
  • Rose;
  • Sagebrush.


  • Wisteria Crocus;
  • Cannes;
  • Chrysanthemums.
  • Crocus;
  • Chrysanthemums.

Basic methods of treatment and prevention

The most important thing is the exclusion of contact with the main allergen. If this can be done, then little severe symptoms diseases pass quickly enough.

For the treatment of moderate and severe allergies, medications are prescribed - immunomodulators, enterosorbents.

To alleviate the manifestations, conjunctivitis is prescribed - with an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic mechanism of action.

Prevention of pollinosis is to prevent the action of allergenic plant pollen on the human body.

To achieve this, you must follow a few rules:

  • Close the airways with respirators or special ones during the stay on the street.
  • Use indoor air cleaners and air conditioners with special filters.
  • After visiting the street, thoroughly rinse the nasal passages and gargle with water. Street clothes should be stored separately.
  • Constantly carry out wet cleaning in the apartment.
  • You can not often ventilate the room during the flowering period of plants.

Allergists also prescribe a prophylactic course of taking antihistamines and other drugs for people with hay fever.
This course should be carried out approximately two to three weeks before the flowering of plants, it helps to endure seasonal allergies much easier.

The flowering of apple orchards is one of best jewelry our spring. In addition, it is during flowering that the foundation for the future harvest of apples is laid.

How and when apple trees bloom

Abundantly and regularly, apple trees bloom only in well-lit places. In a deaf shade, flowering may never occur, or there will be the first single flowers closer to 20 years of the tree's life.

Apple trees bloom profusely only in places well lit by the sun.

The usual average dates for the beginning of flowering and fruiting of apple trees in good conditions (table)

Apple trees are quite durable and favorable conditions can bloom and bear fruit for up to 100 years or more.

The apple tree blooms simultaneously with the blooming of the leaves or a little after it. It usually takes about two weeks from the beginning of buds to bloom in hot weather and up to three to four weeks in cool weather.

Timing of bud break and apple blossom in different growing regions (table)

Regionbud breakBloom
Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Crimea, south of Ukraineend of March - beginning of April
Saratov, Volgograd, center of Ukrainesecond - third decade of Aprilend of April - beginning of May
South and west of central Russia (Tula, Orel, Bryansk), Chernozem region, Belarus, northern Ukrainesecond half of Aprilfirst - second decade of May
Center of central Russia (Moscow, Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod), Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Ufa, Orenburgend of April - beginning of Maysecond - third decade of May
North-West of Russia (St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, Karelia), Kirov region, Middle Urals (Perm, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk), Novosibirskfirst half of Mayend of May - beginning of June

The timing of the start of flowering is very dependent on local conditions:

  • apple trees bloom earlier in the city than outside the city limits;
  • on the plains earlier than high in the mountains;
  • on the southern slope earlier than on the northern;
  • outdoor sunny place earlier than in the shade.

The average duration of apple blossom is about 10 days. In hot sunny weather, flowering begins earlier and lasts only 5–6 days. In cool cloudy weather, flowering is delayed and can stretch for 2-3 weeks.

Small-fruited apple trees (ranetki, chinese), genetically related to the Siberian berry apple tree (Sibirka), usually bloom a few days earlier than European large-fruited varieties.

The Siberian apple tree and its descendants (ranetki, Chinese) are easily identified by their characteristic long pedicels

We have the following flowering order in the Middle Volga:

  1. The first decade of May - small-fruited (wild or semi-wild, with long pedicels, obvious descendants of Siberian) apple trees on city streets.
  2. The second decade of May - ordinary domestic apple trees in the city, ranetki and Chinese trees in country gardens, individual trees wild apple trees on the open southern slopes along the high bank of the Volga.
  3. The third decade of May - the bulk of cultivated apple trees in country gardens, wild apple trees on forest edges, random seedlings in the dense shade of city courtyards.

Photo gallery of blooming apple trees

Ornamental apple trees with bright pink flowers are often planted to decorate city parks.

All decorative apple trees (with red flowers, terry, weeping, and so on) have edible fruits, but their apples are most often small, sour and tart, like wild birds, and are suitable only for processing and canning.

The fruits of ornamental apple trees are usually small, sour and tart.

The frequency of flowering apple trees

Some old varieties of apple trees bloom and bear fruit in a year:

  • First year abundant flowering and fruiting;
  • next year the trees rest - no flowers, no fruits;
  • in the third year again abundant flowering and a good harvest.

Majority modern varieties bloom and bear fruit every year.

Many old varieties (for example, Antonovka, Shtreifling, Anisy) have a weakly pronounced periodicity: flowering occurs annually, but the number of flowers is greater or less, depending on the year. You can even out the fruiting of such varieties with the help of good care:

  • timely anti-aging pruning, providing annual strong growths of branches;
  • annual application of a sufficient amount of fertilizer;
  • maintaining optimal soil moisture (the apple tree is moisture-loving, and in arid areas needs watering).

At small trees with periodic fruiting, it is also sometimes advised to cut off some of the flowers and extra ovaries in order to reduce the load and ensure the laying of flower buds for the next year.

Only a few old varieties bear fruit strictly after a year, and nothing can be done about it. For the northern and central regions, this is primarily characteristic of Grushovka; in the southern horticultural zone, Kandil-synap behaves in a similar way.

Moscow Grushovka - an old Russian apple variety with sharply periodic fruiting that cannot be corrected

In my garden there are two huge old Pear trees (conditionally called "yellow" and "red", their fruits are slightly different in color and taste) with a pronounced periodic fruiting. Once upon a time in my childhood, they fruited in turn (year one, year two), and this was very convenient. Then, after several unsuccessful years in a row (either frosts, or weevil, or something else), the schedule went wrong, and both Pears began to bloom and bear fruit at the same time. Nothing could be done about it. So we live: one year from summer apples nowhere to step - the second year not an apple until September, when autumn varieties will begin to ripen.

Protective measures associated with apple blossom

Apple orchards are very vulnerable during flowering. If the weather is cloudy, cold and rainy, and also when strong wind, domestic bees almost do not fly out of their hives, and many flowers remain unpollinated. AT bad weather only bumblebees and wild bees fly, which is why it is so important to protect these wild pollinating insects, and for this, first of all, maintain a healthy ecological situation on the site and not abuse pesticides.

Bumblebees are the most valuable wild pollinating insects that regularly visit flowers even in bad weather.

Frosts are very dangerous during flowering, damaging buds, flowers and young ovaries. The only one for real reliable protection against frost, only the shelter of dwarf trees with protective agrofibre can be considered for the time when the air temperature drops.

The recommendations reprinted from book to book on protecting gardens from frost with the help of smoke piles seem to me personally very doubtful. At least, in the Middle Volga, absolutely all classic frosts (short-term sharp drops in air temperature at night and early morning hours) occur exclusively in clear calm weather, when any smoke rises vertically in a narrow column. And from the long-term cooling caused by Arctic cyclones with a strong gusty wind, all the more no smoke will save.

Apple orchards suffer greatly from the weevil flower beetle, capable of destroying almost all buds on apple trees during the years of its mass appearance.

Apple flower beetle weevil and damage to buds caused by it (photo gallery)

Therefore, from the moment the buds open until the beginning of flowering, the gardener should regularly inspect the trees in his garden in order to detect the pest in a timely manner and take action. AT small garden you can simply shake off the beetles in the early cool morning, when they are inactive, on a tarpaulin spread under the trees and destroy them. Large gardens are sprayed with pyrethroid insecticides no later than 5 days before bud opening. Immediately after the flowering of the trees, repeated spraying with pyrethroid preparations is carried out to protect the crop from the codling moth and fruit sawfly.

Any chemical treatments directly during flowering are strictly prohibited: pesticides kill not only pests, but also beneficial insects including bees and bumblebees.

The flowering period is a very important and crucial stage in life. apple orchard requiring attention from the gardener. Trees will surely thank a caring owner with a plentiful harvest of delicious apples.
