Proper and timely planting of cucumbers in open ground is the guarantor of the harvest. Planting seedlings of cucumbers in the ground

Planting cucumber seedlings open ground is the most difficult step in growing cucumbers. Not all novice vegetable growers are familiar with the features of planting this vegetable. Therefore, it is recommended to familiarize yourself in advance with how to properly plant seedlings.

Before transplanting cucumbers into the garden, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of planting seeds for growing young seedlings. It is recommended to do this in early spring, so that you can transplant seedlings of cucumbers into open ground in June or May.

Seed preparation

To grow healthy seedlings, it is necessary to prepare the seed in advance. The preparatory work consists of several successive stages, which should be familiarized with.


Calibration is carried out to select seeds that will germinate better. To select the highest quality seeds, a special saline solution is prepared, consisting of a liter warm water and 100 grams of salt. To get rid of low-quality seeds, it is necessary to pour all the seeds into the prepared solution and soak them in it for about 15 minutes. During this time, seeds will float to the surface, which are better not to plant, since they still will not sprout.


After selecting seeds that can be planted for growing seedlings, it is necessary to deal with their disinfection.

To disinfect cucumbers, you can use a solution prepared from manganese. During disinfection, all grains are placed in a container with a weak 1% manganese solution. They should be soaked in it for at least half an hour, after which they are dried and placed in an ash solution for a day.

Also, heat treatment of seed is often used for disinfection. However, it is worth considering that during the processing of seeds at high temperatures, you can not only destroy all pathogens, but also damage the grains. Therefore, heat treatment must be done very carefully. For heat treatment cucumbers, it is necessary to soak them in water, the temperature of which should be at least 45 degrees. The processing time is about 45 minutes. If the heat treatment is carried out longer, the seeds may deteriorate.

The use of biostimulants

To bring closer the timing of planting seedlings and speed up the germination of seeds, you can use special biostimulants. They include special components, with the help of which the development of the root system is accelerated several times and the immunity of cucumbers improves. Many vegetable growers use drugs such as Sodium Humate or Epin.

Soil preparation

Before planting cucumbers for growing seedlings, it is necessary to prepare the soil. The soil mixture for cucumbers should be prepared from the following components:

  • Peat. It is recommended to plant cucumbers in soil with a sufficient amount of peat. With the help of this component, the soil is made looser, so that it passes moisture better. If there is little peat in the ground, the roots of the plant will receive insufficient moisture.
  • Humus. Cucumbers grow much better in soil with humus, with which almost any soil can be made fertile and nutritious. If humus is not added to the soil mixture before planting, then in the future the seedlings may wither due to a lack of nutrients.
  • Leaf land. Growing seedlings of cucumbers is best done in soil mixed with leafy soil. It is recommended to collect such land in forests with deciduous trees. Land collected near chestnuts and oaks should not be used, as it contains too many tannins.

Capacity selection

Before planting, it is recommended to choose containers for cucumbers that can be used when planting. You can use peat pots for this. The main advantage of such a glass can be considered a guaranteed survival rate of seedlings during transplantation. The fact is that seedlings can be transplanted together with a glass and therefore it is impossible to damage the roots of the bushes during transplantation.

When choosing such a container, you need to carefully study its composition. Some manufacturers add cardboard to them, which negatively affects the growth of seedlings.

Also planted seedlings can be grown in plastic containers. They can grow 5-10 bushes at once. Some vegetable growers refuse to use plastic containers, since it is quite difficult to get grown seedlings out of them.

How to plant seeds

To plant seeds in peat glasses, you must add the previously prepared soil mixture. It should fill the containers by two-thirds of the total height. After that, the soil in the cups is poured with warm water and compacted.

Dimples are made in each pot for planting seeds. Many are interested in whether it is possible to deepen the grains of cucumbers. Seeds with buried holes germinate much more slowly. Therefore, the depth of the holes should not be more than 1-2 cm.

When all the cucumbers are planted in cups, they should be covered plastic wrap and move to rooms with temperatures above 20-25 degrees. Pots are opened only after the appearance of the first shoots.

How to plant cucumbers in open ground seedlings

Transplanting cucumber seedlings into the ground is a rather complicated process, which should be prepared in advance.

When to plant seedlings of cucumbers in open ground

Not everyone knows when to transplant cucumber seedlings into the ground. It is recommended to do this a month after planting the seeds in pots. If cucumbers are grown in greenhouses, then germinated seedlings can be planted in mid-spring. When planting in the garden, it is better to wait for warm weather so that night frosts do not damage the planted seedlings.

Site selection

Having decided on when you can transplant seedlings of cucumbers, you should choose the most suitable site for growing vegetables. It is recommended to plant seedlings only in those parts of the garden that are well lit throughout the day and protected from strong north winds.

When choosing a place for planting cucumbers, you need to pay attention to the soil. The best choice there will be an area dominated by loamy soil with large quantity humus. Also, a good harvest can be harvested if seedlings are grown in black soil mixed with peat.

In addition, you need to pay attention to which vegetable was grown on the site before planting cucumbers. Planting seedlings of cucumbers is best done on the territory where tomatoes, cabbage or perennial grasses were previously grown.

Site preparation

Before planting seedlings of cucumbers, you need to start preparing the garden. This must be done in the fall, before the onset of cold weather. First, all the remains of plants that were grown here earlier are removed from the entire site. If they are not removed in time, then in the spring they will become the main source of diseases that seedlings can become infected with.

After getting rid of the remnants of plants, it is necessary to start fertilizing the soil. For this, for each square meter about 20 kg of rotted manure is added. Re-fertilization is carried out in the spring 2-3 weeks before planting seedlings. In this case, hot manure is added to the ground in order to warm the soil at least a little after the winter. In just a week, the soil should warm up by 10-20 degrees.

How to plant seedlings of cucumbers

To figure out how to plant cucumber seedlings, it is necessary to study in more detail the features of planting seedlings.

Planting seedlings of cucumbers in open ground begins with the preparation of holes for planting. The distance between transplanted seedlings depends on their variety. When planting undersized cucumbers, there should be no more than five plants per square meter of the site. Tall varieties are planted at a greater distance and therefore about 3-4 bushes should grow on one square meter of the garden.

After preparing the holes, you should start extracting each seedling from the pots. Seedlings should be removed from the containers along with the soil to protect the roots from damage. When growing seedlings in plastic disposable cups, you can simply cut the bottom and pull out the seedling.

Planting seedlings of cucumbers in the ground should be carried out very carefully. They must be planted in such a way as not to accidentally cover the hypocotyl knee with soil. When all the cucumbers are planted, the holes should be covered with dry earth and moistened with heated water.


Immediately after transplanting cucumbers, you should think about proper care followed by. It is proper care that contributes to the formation of good and large fruits on the bushes.


For the full growth of planted seedlings, cucumbers must be regularly watered. Also, soil moisture affects the taste of fruits. If you regularly water the bushes, the cucumbers will not be bitter.

In normal weather, moisten the soil at least once a week. However, in the summer, the amount of watering should be doubled, as on hot days the earth dries out faster. At least 10 liters of water should be spent per square meter of land.

top dressing

The soil should be regularly fed with nutrients. If you completely refuse to fertilize, then the cucumbers will be small and bitter. Three or four feedings are carried out per season. In this case, the first time fertilizers should be added two weeks after transplanting the seedlings. Chicken manure, ash and mullein are added to the ground. If necessary, mineral fertilizers such as potassium sulfate, superphosphate and urea are added to the soil. During the formation of fruits, the amount of top dressing applied is doubled.


Transplanting cucumbers is of interest to many vegetable growers who plan to grow them. In order to properly transplant seedlings, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the features of planting cucumbers in advance.

Cultivation of cucumbers in open ground can be carried out in two ways. The first is planting seeds directly into the ground, and the second is planting seedlings. Both methods require some knowledge in order to get a good one later.

An important point for a successful harvest is the choice of location and preparation of the soil for planting. A suitable place will be where vegetables such as cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini or squash have not previously grown. This will help prevent the accumulation of various pests and diseases. But if this is not possible, then it is necessary to change the place every 4-5 years. It is better to choose a sunny and low-wind area for landing.

Cucumbers need to be fed and fertilized with nutrients. Organic ones have a particularly good effect on them.

Planting beds must be prepared in advance. In autumn, the site must be dug up by 25-27 cm, then a layer of organic matter is added - chicken manure, cow dung, humus and left for the winter. Fertilizers will need 1 bucket per 1 square meter.

In the spring, before planting, the soil must be abundantly moistened.

Growing cucumber seeds

Growing cucumbers from seeds is not difficult. But still, this is painstaking work, so you need to know the basic rules of landing.

Seed preparation and processing

Seeds for planting must be of high quality. To do this, it is necessary to treat the seeds with a weak solution of manganese and place them in water. room temperature for 20-30 minutes. Unsuitable seeds for sowing will float up, and good seeds will remain below. Then it is desirable to germinate selected seeds.

Place them in a wet cotton napkin for two to three days. Seeds that have hatched can be safely planted in.

Planting seeds in the ground

You can plant cucumbers in open ground if the soil has warmed up to 15⁰ heat. The seeding depth should be 2-3 cm. Cucumbers have the ability to grow strongly, so they need to be planted in holes at a distance of 0.5 m × 0.5 m. If the plants are grown in rows and tied up, then the distance between the bushes should not be less than 30 cm.

You need to sow 2 seeds in each hole, but you can put more (4-5 seeds) for insurance. After germination, the cucumbers need to be thinned out and the 2 strongest seedlings left in the holes.

Growing seedlings of cucumbers

The method of growing cucumbers with ready-made seedlings allows you to get a crop earlier than from. But this process is laborious and requires a special approach.

First you need to prepare the seeds and choose the best ones, as described above.

Preparing the soil and containers for seedlings

Next, you need to prepare the soil and containers in which the seedlings will grow. The soil can be purchased at specialized stores. Most often, such soil consists of peat, with the addition of mineral fertilizers.

You can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, you need to take 2 parts of peat, the same amount of humus and add 1 part of sawdust. You can add some compost. For 10 liters of such a mixture, 3 tbsp. spoons wood ash and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitrophoska. It is better to prepare such soil in the fall. If you plant the seeds immediately in such soil, then there is a possibility that the seedlings will burn.

The easiest way to prepare soil at home is to take the ground from which garlic or grew. The earth must be mixed with mineral fertilizers and pour a weak solution of manganese, in order to disinfect.

Containers for growing seedlings may be different. For this, any plastic jars, containers or cups from under food products. To save space, you can grow seedlings in wooden boxes. But when planting plants in the ground, it will be difficult to get them out of containers without damaging the roots. This can slow down the establishment of seedlings and reduce yields. It should be remembered that holes must be made in the bottoms of such containers to avoid moisture accumulation.

It is best to plant seeds in special peat pots. It is not necessary to transplant seedlings, as they are planted in the ground along with peat pots. The walls of such containers are porous and allow plant roots to grow freely through them. In addition, they do not contain toxins and harmful substances, quite moisture resistant and durable.

Disembarkation at peat pots seedlings in open ground will provide a high percentage of plant survival. Over time, the pot decomposes in the soil and serves as an additional pot. This method guarantees an earlier harvest.

Another way that will be convenient for the gardener and not traumatic for cucumbers is planting in special glasses. They are made of plastic, but denser than those used for foodstuffs, more resistant, dark color, and this contributes to the preservation of heat, and also already have drainage holes in the bottom.

When you transplant plants into open ground, you just need to press a little on the walls of the glass and the earthen lump will easily come out of it. Since it has been in the glass for quite a long time, it retains its shape well for some time, so nothing threatens the roots at all.

Glasses, like any other container in which you will grow cucumbers, should be placed on some kind of platform. This is necessary in order to excess moisture could drain without problems, not lingering at the roots of plants.

Sowing seeds and caring for seedlings

After the containers for seedlings are selected, it is necessary to fill them with prepared soil, while it is not necessary to compact it. Next, you should plant the seeds, 2-3 things in each cup, no more than 2 cm deep.

Planted seeds need to provide an air temperature of 22 to 25 degrees Celsius and a bright room. It is better to place the plants on the windowsill and make sure that there are no cracks and drafts. Watering is necessary every day, but not too plentifully.

After 5-7 days, the first shoots will appear. For accelerated growth and development, you can install additional lighting in the form of energy-saving lamps. The backlight must be turned on during daylight hours, and turned off at night. Watering is done with separated water, at room temperature, once a day.

7 days before planting in open ground, seedlings can be taken out for 2-3 hours outside. So the plants will harden and be able to adapt faster in natural conditions.

Subject to all the rules, ready-made seedlings can be obtained within three weeks from the moment the seeds are planted.

If you germinated the seeds before planting, then you should not put two or three pieces in a glass. In each prepared hole, it is worth putting only one seed with the sprout up. It is better to use plastic tweezers for this, since the sprouts are very fragile and if they are damaged, then nothing will grow. After the seed is laid, it must be very carefully sprinkled with earth and poured with a little warm water. We recommend using a diffuser.

You need to water as the soil dries, and not only the top layer. In order to understand whether watering is needed, you need to feel the soil with your hands or lower it into it. wooden stick. If it turns out to be wet, watering is not needed. If you simply moisten the earth at some intervals without checking whether it has dried out, then it is likely that the roots will begin to rot.

Seedlings must be hardened off before planting in open ground, otherwise they may not survive, or at least get sick after transplanting. It is worth starting with a few hours, but in last days before planting, walking seedlings is longer.

We recommend that you prepare in advance props or trellises on which you will grow cucumbers. In the case when they are mounted after planting seedlings, there is a high risk of injury to both the roots and the aerial part of the cucumber. In addition, they need to be tied up almost immediately so that the plant does not weave along the ground.

Transplanting seedlings in open ground

You can determine the readiness of seedlings for planting in the ground according to the following criteria:

  • Plant height should be about 30cm
  • The seedling should have 2-3 leaves
  • Stems are fleshy and strong
  • Leaves dense, dark green
  • Well developed roots

Planting plants in the ground is usually carried out in early May, and in northern regions- at the end of May. Cucumbers are very thermophilic and do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature and frost.

Seedlings should be planted in holes 10-12 cm deep, depending on the size of the root system. After planting, plants should be properly cared for.

Care, watering and fertilizing

Cucumbers, like every vegetable crop, need proper care: weeding, loosening the soil, watering and fertilizing.

Plant feeding is done every 10 days. This requires the following solution: 1 liter of mullein and 30 g of saltpeter or are added to a bucket of water. For each bush, 0.5 liters of the mixture is enough. After the appearance of the first color, the same solution is taken, with the addition of 40 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium salt. For each plant, 250 g of fertilizer is enough.

Feeding is necessary only in evening time. Make sure that fertilizer does not get on the foliage, otherwise burns may appear on the plants in hot weather.

Watering cucumbers is necessary as the soil dries. On dry days, this should be done daily. It is advisable to water them with warm water. You can put a barrel or a tank of water next to the beds. During the day, the water warms up well, and in the evening it will be possible to water. Don't overfill the cucumbers.

Excessive watering promotes increased growth of lashes and reduces fruiting.

If the summer is very hot, the plants may begin to wilt. Then they can make an invigorating shower from a hose with cool water. This procedure is carried out in daytime. A refreshing shower will wash away the dust, lower the temperature, and help the cucumbers survive the heat.

During fruit ripening, it is necessary to maintain high humidity soil. And at the end of summer, watering should be reduced to avoid rotting of the root system and stems.

After each top dressing and watering, soil loosening and hilling is necessary. The soil must be carefully loosened between the rows so as not to damage root system plants. Hilling will help keep nutrients in the soil and retain moisture in it.

Regularly weed the beds. Make sure that weeds do not clog not only the aisles, but also the lashes themselves. Remove the weeded grass away from the beds.

At the beginning of fruiting, the crop is harvested every 3-5 days. During the period of intensive ripening, cucumbers must be plucked every day. The fruits grow very quickly, so care must be taken not to overripe them. Harvesting is best done in the morning, after the dew has disappeared, or in the evening, so that the fruits are not sluggish. To keep cucumbers fresh, you can cover them in the daytime with a tarp or burlap.

After the last harvest of fruits, it is necessary to put the beds in order. To do this, carefully remove all the lashes and remaining weeds and burn. Followed by preparatory work beds for wintering.

While watching the video, you will learn about growing cucumbers in the open field.

Today we find out such questions: when to plant cucumbers for seedlings for open ground, how to do it right and what to consider?

When to plant?

There are two factors to consider when choosing a transfer time: soil and air temperature and plant age.


The optimal time for planting cucumbers in open ground is the end of May.

As a rule, by this time the air in the daytime warms up above 20 degrees, and at night the temperature does not fall below 15-17.

The soil at a depth of 10 cm should warm up up to 12 degrees.

But if it is cooler outside, you should not rush to disembark.

ADVICE! If your seedlings are ready for planting and the air temperature is not high enough, it is possible at first to provide a shelter for cucumbers. Once the air warms up, continue growing the vegetable outdoors.

Plastic five-liter bottles are very convenient in this regard. The bottom is cut off from them and the cucumber bush is covered with the resulting cap. During the day, the cap is unscrewed for ventilation, and the bottle is covered at night. It turns out kind of mini greenhouse, which will allow cucumbers to be planted in the ground one to two weeks earlier.

seedling age

Important for planting and seedling age. Cucumber sowing should be calculated in such a way that by the time of disembarkation, he had formed 3-4 true leaves. It was at this time that the plant has a sufficiently developed root system, and it will tolerate a change in the place of cultivation well. The cucumber reaches this phase of development at the age 20-25 days after germination.

Transplant preparation

Seedlings of cucumbers before moving to open ground must be prepared for the procedure. If you take plants unprepared for the sun and temperature changes and immediately place them in the soil, cucumbers will die.

Two weeks before planting, boxes of cucumbers should be taken outside..

First for a short time, gradually increasing it.

Choose a shady place to install the boxes, protected from drafts.

Choose a warm, windless day for your first walk.

To prevent infection of seedlings 5-6 days before planting, treat the plants with a solution of the drug "Epin" or "Immunocytophyte".

Garden preparation

Important to choose right place for planting cucumber on the site. Do not forget that cucumbers are susceptible to diseases, and when choosing a place, you need to consider which plants were located on it in the previous year.

You can not plant cucumbers after pumpkin, zucchini, squash, melon. The best predecessors are, cabbage and onions. These crops have different diseases from cucumber, which means that the risk of infection is minimal.

The place for cucumbers should be lit by the sun as much as possible. during the day and at the same time must be protected from the wind. Do not plant cucumbers in a draft, otherwise you will not wait for the harvest.

A bed for cucumbers needs to be dug up well, add humus and nitrophoska to the soil (a tablespoon per square meter). If the soil is highly acidic, add when digging slaked lime or ash. Cucumber prefers loose, light formulations, so if your site has heavy, dense soil, you need to add peat or sand to it.

The width of the beds should be selected in such a way that it is convenient to take care of the plants (80-90 cm). For cucumbers, it is advisable to make high beds raised by 15-20 cm above the level of the rest of the soil. This height will provide the root system with sufficient heat.

IMPORTANT! Do not make the bed wider than 130 cm. In this case, you will have to plant cucumbers in three rows, and it will be difficult to care for the central specimens.

Warm bed for cucumbers

A warm bed is ideal for growing cucumbers. based on biofuel.

Under such conditions, the roots of the vegetable will receive enough heat and at the same time be provided with food.

It's significant accelerate their growth and bring the harvest closer.

REFERENCE! Most suitable manure for a warm bed - horse. It is able to keep the temperature of 50-60 degrees for 1.5 - 2 months.

  1. For the manufacture of beds digs trench 40-50 cm deep and 1 meter wide. A layer of soil is removed from it and rotted manure mixed with chopped straw is laid on the bottom. The layer is 20-30 cm.
  2. From above, this layer is covered with soil taken out of the trench. The thickness of the earth should be 20-30 cm.
  3. 1-2 days before planting cucumbers, the bed is shed hot water and cover black film. By the time of planting, the soil temperature in such a bed will be optimal, and cucumber roots placed in warm soil will take root more easily.

If a warm bed there is no way to do it, you can put a little manure-straw mixture in each hole to a depth of 40-45 cm, and sprinkle it with earth on top. The effect will be about the same.

REFERENCE! The manure bed contributes to the formation of female flowers in the cucumber, as it actively releases carbon dioxide. The yield on such a bed increases significantly.

Landing technology

The ideal option for growing cucumbers are peat pots or tablets. This method allows you not to injure the delicate roots and plant each plant along with a clod of earth in prepared holes.

For planting, they dig holes, the depth of which should correspond to the height of the pot or earthen coma in which the plant is placed.

  1. The holes are placed at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other, between the rows between plants there should be 40-50 cm. Before planting, the hole is spilled with water.
  2. seedlings in peat pots plant in the hole with them, deepening to the full height. If the cucumber is grown in a glass, turn it over and, holding the stem with your hand, carefully remove it from the clod of earth. Try to act as carefully as possible, without damaging the delicate roots.
  3. ATTENTION! Disembark only in the evening hours, preferably after 17.00. If the procedure is carried out in the morning or afternoon, roast spring sun burn your plants, they will wither and die.

  4. Plants are buried in the soil to the cotyledon leaves. The soil around is slightly crushed and watered. Under each plant, you need to pour about 1 liter of liquid so that the soil is as moist as possible.
  5. After watering, the surface must be mulched with dry grass or small straw so that moisture does not evaporate. You can cover the surface with a special opaque film.

IMPORTANT! Do not water cucumbers cold water liquid should be slightly warm.

Care in the first days after disembarkation

After planting a cucumber in the garden, it is desirable shade for 1-2 days so that the bright rays of the sun do not burn the leaves. Do not rush the plant until the roots take root - excess moisture at this time can cause them to rot. The first watering after planting can be done in 2-3 days.

14 days after planting in the ground, cucumbers can be organic fertilizer.

IMPORTANT! Do not loosen the soil around the cucumber. The roots of this plant are close to the surface, and you will definitely damage them. If a crust has formed on the soil, gently break it with the blunt end of a chopper.

How to plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds?

If you have not grown cucumbers in cups, you can sow them directly into the ground. Recommendations for preparing the beds are the same as for planting seedlings.

When are cucumbers planted in open ground with seeds? Optimal time for sowing - May 15-20. By this time, the soil temperature warms up to 16-18 degrees and seedlings will appear in 5-7 days.

Sowing is carried out into the wells, 2-3 seeds each, to a depth of 2-3 cm. The number of seeds is increased in case some of them do not germinate. If all specimens have risen, choose the strongest one, and remove the rest. When removing, do not pull the unwanted sprout out of the soil, as you may touch the remaining one.

Gently break off the crown, leaving the root in the ground. Thinning is carried out no earlier than at least 3 leaves have formed. By this time, it is already possible to identify the most strong plant, as well as to exclude the death of the remaining in the hole.

ATTENTION! Place the seed in the hole flat or nose up. If the seed nose is at the bottom, the plant may not appear.

When planting expensive varietal seeds can apply pre-germination . To do this, place them in a damp cloth and place them in warm place. Before soaking, you can treat the seeds with Epin or Zircon preparations.

This will prevent their infection with pathogenic microbes and speed up germination. In addition to these drugs, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate or aloe leaf juice for treatment.

Among other vegetable crops, this green vegetable is far from uncommon. It is grown and eaten in many countries around the world. All year round, he does not leave the shelves of shops and markets.

You can grow cucumbers continuously: in summer period in open ground conditions, and in winter in heated greenhouses. This vegetable is most often consumed fresh. Also from cucumbers they cook Magnificent palatability have pickled and pickled cucumbers. The green vegetable is very popular among the population. As part of the ingredients of many salads, you can find fresh or pickled cucumbers.

When to plant cucumbers outdoors

Since this vegetable crop is quite thermophilic, the time of its cultivation in open ground falls on the summer period. in middle lane you can start in late spring, when the soil warms up well. Usually it is the second half of May.

Preparatory work before planting

Cucumbers are a vegetable crop that is demanding on lighting, moisture and soil fertility. For their successful cultivation, the site intended for planting is prepared in the fall. It is dug up and fertilized. To prevent diseases in future plantings vegetable crop till the soil blue vitriol, make superphosphate and ash. In the spring, having harrowed such a site, you can safely sow the prepared seeds.

What cucumber seeds are suitable for sowing

Do not sow fresh seeds that were harvested last year. The best seeds cucumbers - collected several years ago. Such seed will certainly give excellent strong seedlings that will delight you with a bountiful harvest.

How to prepare seeds for sowing

Selected seeds can be simply sown without pre-treatment in the ground. But in order to get friendly shoots, it is better to prepare them. For this purpose, heating the seeds and soaking is suitable. Before processing, the seeds are sorted out, small and damaged ones are thrown away - they are unsuitable for sowing. The seeds are heated in water at a temperature of forty degrees for two hours. Then they are soaked for several days. During this time they hatch. Small shoots appear. In this form, the seeds are sown in moist soil.

When to plant cucumbers in a greenhouse

In the stationary, this heat-loving plant is grown all year round. When growing, you will need good lighting and watering. After the emergence of seedlings of plants, the soil is constantly loosened and the necessary top dressing is applied. Overgrown lashes are tied up vertically. Plant care consists in constant watering, fertilizing and treatments from pests and diseases.

Growing seedlings of cucumbers

In order to speed up the harvest, you can grow seedlings in advance. It is grown in heated greenhouses or at home. Two seeds are sown in small pots. Plants easily tolerate transplantation and take root well.

How to plant seedlings

Plants are planted under film shelters at the end of April. Spring greenhouses are also great for this purpose. Seedlings grown in pots are planted without damaging the root system in moist soil. Properly planted plants do not get sick and quickly take root. When to plant cucumbers under film shelters, they will tell you weather. If at the end of April the temperature is above zero, but there is a threat of frost on the soil, it is necessary to wait a little with planting seedlings. But you should not linger with planting, as overgrown plants do not take root well. Experienced vegetable growers can always determine exactly when to plant cucumbers.

How to choose the right plant varieties

When choosing varieties of cucumbers, you should carefully study the description attached to the seeds. In heated greenhouses, only self-pollinated varieties can be grown, and for open ground conditions, it is better to choose bee-pollinated varieties. You should also pay attention to the purpose of the selected vegetable crop. So, there are salad and pickling varieties of cucumbers.

Cucumbers are planted by almost every summer resident. However, not everyone knows when and how to plant them correctly in order to get best harvest. A cucumber is a whimsical vegetable that puts forward a number of requirements for sowing and care. At optimal timing planting and due attention, the plant can grow and bear fruit well both in greenhouses and under open sky. You will find tips on when it is better to plant cucumbers in open ground in this material.

Features of planting cucumbers in open ground, choosing a place for planting

There are a few things to keep in mind when planting cucumbers. First, you need to choose a place based on the preferences of the plant. Secondly, you should follow the recommendations on the timing of sowing. Thirdly, the soil and seeds must be properly prepared before sowing.

Cucumbers can be planted in two ways: seeds and seedlings. In this article, we will focus on the first.

Did you know? The seedling method allows you to get fruits two weeks earlier than the seed method. Sowing for seedlings is carried out in May. June 7-10 is the time when it is necessary to plant seedlings of cucumbers in open ground.

Before planting, it is necessary to decide on the method of planting cucumbers. There are two of them: horizontal and vertical.

Since cucumbers are very heat-loving plants, a site for them must be chosen well-lit, warm, protected from cold winds, especially from the north. It is better if the bed is located from north to south - so it will be under the sun throughout the day.

When sowing cucumbers in open ground, follow the rules of crop rotation. They can be planted in a place where cabbage, lettuce, peas, potatoes, tomatoes were previously cultivated. Cannot be placed after cucumbers, beans, zucchini, carrots, gourds, since all these crops have common diseases and pests.

A green vegetable is demanding on the composition of the soil. The plant thanks good harvests if it is placed in fertile loose earth with neutral acidity.

The soil for planting is prepared in advance - first in the fall, then in the spring, just before the cucumbers are sown in open ground. AT autumn period they dig a trench 20-25 cm deep and 70 cm wide. A ditch 30-35 cm deep is made in its center. A 15-centimeter layer of leaves, peat, sawdust, straw, grass should be placed on the bottom.

Right before sowing, the land will need to be fertilized with rotted manure, mullein or bird droppings. You can apply, for example, this method: a 25-cm layer of manure is poured into a trench dug in the fall in early May. Then the soil is disinfected with boiling water with manganese. For the next layer in fertile soil contribute 5-6 kg of humus per 1 running meter, one liter jar ash, 20 g superphosphate, 10 g potassium salt. This layer is poured onto manure 20 cm high. Everything is mixed, poured with a hot solution of manganese and covered with a film. In this state, the earth must warm up to the required temperature for planting.

Seeds also require preparation - for swelling they are placed in water (20-25 ° C) for 10-12 hours. In this case, the water is changed several times. It is also recommended to start the procedure of warming them up at temperatures above 20 degrees two months before sowing. Also, the seeds can be disinfected by dipping into a solution of potassium permanganate, and treated with a growth enhancer.

Before sowing cucumbers in open ground, the furrow must be well watered. Even repeated watering is allowed. Then we spread the seeds in this furrow, leaving 25-30 cm between each of them. The aisles should be 50 cm wide. Cucumbers grow very well on high beds at 25-30 cm, they are a little warmer than normal ones. Sprinkle the seeds on top with soil, lightly tamp it with the palm of your hand and water again.

Important! Sowing is best done during the day, in sunny weather. Planting seedlings - in the evening or on a cloudy day.

To save for landings required humidity and temperature, they must be covered with foil. You can directly cover the soil, but it is better to stretch the film on the arcs. No more watering is needed until sprouts appear.

When seedlings break through, the film will need to be opened periodically to allow access to oxygen and not provoke thermal burns. The shelter is completely removed when the first flowers appear.

When to plant cucumbers in open ground: weather conditions, planting dates, preparation of cucumbers

The timing of planting cucumbers will depend on the climate you live in, the weather conditions this spring and summer, and the variety you choose.

early sowing

Cucumbers should not be sown too early. The earth should warm up well to at least 15 degrees at night. most optimum temperature for the development of this vegetable crop is +18 ... +26 ° С. If you are interested in what date to plant cucumbers in open ground, then it is recommended to do this no earlier than June 5th. Although this date will depend on the climate of the region where you live. If the soil has time to warm up earlier, and at the end of May - in June there are no night frosts, then the earliest sowing is possible from May 15 to May 25.

Important! If cucumbers are planted at more low temperatures(10-15 °C), they can stop growing and even die.

Another factor that confirms that the most best time for planting cucumbers will be exactly the first days of summer, is that a cucumber is a plant short day. For normal development, he needs only 10-12 hours of light. Thus, if you plant cucumbers, for example, at the end of June, then long daylight hours and high temperatures will not have the best effect on the growth, development and yield of the plant.

If you want cucumbers to yield early, then there is nothing left for you to do but plant cucumbers in open ground using seedlings or give preference to growing in a greenhouse. Seedlings, as with seed planting, will need to be moved to the garden before June 10, but the harvest will be ready 2-4 weeks earlier - until mid-July.

Choosing early varieties, stop at "Competitor", "Cascade", "Universal", etc. For planting during this period, you should not choose pickling species.

Average seeding

The second sowing of cucumbers, medium, is carried out in June. Almost all varieties are suitable for medium sowing. May 25 - June 10 - this is the second period when you can plant cucumbers in open ground. When planted in June, the crop can be harvested from the beginning of August. Although these terms will differ depending on which variety you plant: early, medium or late ripening.

late sowing

For late sowing, choose varieties specially designed for this, best of all pickling. Early maturing varieties are also good for him, the growing season of which lasts 45-50 days. Their harvest will coincide in time with the fruiting of tomatoes. The advantage of this planting is that fresh cucumbers will fall on your table until the first frost.

When to plant cucumbers in open ground during summer sowing? Deadlines will depend on climatic conditions and from the weather that is observed in this particular season. However, definitely, it should be July.

In cold climates, you can use seedling method. If the conditions are hot, the seeds are directly placed in open ground, however, the plants will need to be shaded with taller crops or covered with agrofibre.

Popular varieties for planting in open ground

One of the keys to the success of the high fruiting of cucumbers in the open field is the choice of the most suitable varieties for such planting. Among them there are undemanding and unpretentious, capable of enduring adverse weather conditions. These are, for example, "F1 Adam", "F1 Carolina", "F1 Christina", "F1 Darling", "F1 Cappuccino", "F1 True Friends".

Small bushes, lack of long lashes and thickets, tying a large number fruits are different varieties "Baby", "Bush", "F1 Puccini".

"F1 Athos", "F1 Porthos", "F1 Murashka", "F1 Shchedryk", "F1 Southern Emerald" will please with juicy and odorous fruits.

If you like canned cucumbers, then we advise you to pay attention to F1 Zodiac, F1 Perseus, F1 Nord. For salting, "F1 Dasha", "F1 Rodnichok", "F1 Crane", "Salting", "F1 Zanachka" are perfect.

Did you know? The "F" in the name indicates the seeds of the hybrids.

Fundamentals of outdoor cucumber care

After planting in open ground, cucumbers will require care in the form of regular watering, weeding, loosening the soil, mulching, hilling and fertilizing.

Cucumbers are demanding on the presence of moisture. If they are not constantly moistened and allowed to dry out, then such plants may darken and become brittle leaves. With too much watering, the leaves brighten, the lashes stop growing, fruiting worsens. If long time there will be sharp changes in moisture and temperatures, this can add bitterness to the fruit. The optimal humidity is considered to be 80%. A level of 30% or less will cause the crop to wilt.

  • before flowering - 3-6 liters per 1 sq. m in 5-7 days;
  • when fruiting - 6-12 liters per 1 sq. m in 2-3 days.
Humidification of cucumbers should be carried out only with warm water (not lower than 18 ° C), otherwise problems with their development may also arise. This procedure is best done with a watering can in the evening or early in the morning, before the heat arrives. When watering, make sure that water does not fall on the leaves.

If during landing were not made organic fertilizers, then cucumbers should be fed throughout the entire period. The first feeding is carried out when the first 2-3 true leaves appear. Further fertilize throughout the entire fruiting phase at intervals of 10-15 days. Provide nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is best to alternate organic with mineral fertilizers.
