When to plant grape cuttings in pots. Method of planting cuttings without preliminary germination

The success of grape cultivation largely depends on knowledge and compliance with growing technology, as well as on correct selection zoned varieties. Grapes can be effectively propagated by both seeds and vegetative ways. For the selection of new varieties, sowing by seeds is used. In home gardens, grapes are bred only by vegetative methods: layering, grafting and cuttings. At the same time, the most convenient, cheap way of mass cultivation of grapes is growing from cuttings. Usually they use green summer or stiff winter ones.

Propagation of grapes is propagated in two popular ways: by seeds, vegetatively.

Procurement of cuttings

Harvesting grape cuttings should be carried out in the fall (September - October) from healthy bushes. The thickness of the vine for cuttings should be 7-10 mm. Sections 60-55 cm long are cut, containing from 4 to 5 buds, cleaned of leaves and tendrils. The lower cut of the handle is made under the knot, and the upper cut is 2 cm above the eye. Prepared cuttings are soaked in water for a day, then disinfected with a solution of copper sulphate. Sections should be dipped in melted paraffin or wax to prevent moisture loss.

The grape cuttings treated in this way are placed in labeled plastic bags and stored in a cool place with a temperature of 0 to +5 degrees. Some keep the cuttings right on the site in a hole about 80 cm deep, covered with sand and earth from above.

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Preparing cuttings for rooting

Grape cuttings must be planted for acceleration in late January-early March.

The optimal time for planting cuttings for rooting: the end of January - the beginning of March. We take the cuttings from the storage place, evaluate their safety and quality. The cut of the vine should be green, without black spots and mold. On selected cuttings, sections are updated with a sharp knife from below 5 mm from the lower kidney, from above obliquely from the kidney and 1-2 cm above. In the lower part of the cuttings, 3-4 grooves 3 cm long are made with a knife or a needle, cutting through the bark to the bast. Furrowing promotes the growth of additional roots.

After soaking, it is desirable to treat them with a root system growth stimulator. For this, a solution of heteroauxin, sodium humate, fumar, humisol, as well as honey (1 tbsp is needed for 10 liters of water) or aloe juice (2 parts of water for 1 part of juice). The cuttings are placed with the lower part in this solution for a day.

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At this time, it is necessary to prepare a kilchevator - a device that provides pre-planting preparation of cuttings. The principle of its operation: the creation of an increased temperature in the lower part of the cutting in the area of ​​\u200b\u200broot formation, and lower at the top. The goal is to speed up root formation and slow down leaf growth. There are many designs of this device with electrical heating or the use of natural thermoformers (manure, compost).

Growing grapes requires a lot of attention and technology.

The simplest kilchevator at home is obtained from plastic containers, such as bottles. cut off upper part bottles, at the bottom we make drainage holes. We fill the resulting containers by 3-4 cm with disinfected pine sawdust, place the cuttings in them vertically and fill them with sawdust and the upper eye. 5-7 cuttings can be placed in one bottle. For effective kilching, you need to place the bottles so that the temperature below is 22 - 25 degrees, and there is cool air on top, for example, on a radiator by the window.

The cuttings rooted in the kilchevator with the leaves that have appeared are planted in prepared pots with a mixture of fertile soil and sand, or immediately in a school. The term for planting seedlings in the ground, in school or on permanent place June - beginning of July.

One more effective method grow planting material- Rooting seedlings in paper cups. It provides a high survival rate of cuttings. Paper cups (without a bottom) are used, 15–20 cm high, 6–7 cm in diameter. They are filled with soil mixture containing humus and sand. Cooked cuttings are placed in cups up to the top eye. Cups with cuttings in the pallet are placed on the windowsill solar window. Watered with warm (25-30 °) water every other day. After 2 - 3 weeks, leaves begin to appear, after 4 - 6 weeks, roots begin to appear. To obtain full-fledged seedlings of European-Asian varieties in this way, 45-50 days are enough. For planting in place or in a school, seedlings are ready by May 5-10, in areas middle lane disembarkation is made after May 25th.

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Planting cuttings in school

Shkolka is a section of a nursery where grapes are grown from cuttings, with subsequent transplantation to a permanent place. The cuttings in the shkolka are arranged in rows every 10-15 cm. The distance between the rows is at least 30 cm. More often this method is used in industrial viticulture, when it is necessary to grow a large number of seedlings.

The area for the school should be well lit by the sun and ventilated from all sides. For better rooting and development of seedlings, the earth should be light. The soil is dug up in April to a depth of about 40 cm, organic and mineral fertilizers.

If kilchenation was not performed, it is necessary to stratify the cuttings before planting in a shkolka. They are wrapped in a damp cloth and left in a warm, well-lit room (20 - 25ºС). After two weeks, the bulk of the kidneys should bloom. After that, the best ones are chosen and landed in a school.

Kilchevanie allows the cuttings to ripen faster for further planting in the ground.

Planting begins after the soil warms up above 10 ° C. Cuttings suitable for planting are immersed with the lower end in a clay solution with the addition of heteroauxin (0.01 - 0.02%) to stimulate the development of the root system. With sufficient moisture, the shkolka is recommended to carry out a shallow planting for better heating of the roots in the spring.

In most viticultural areas, the cuttings are buried no more than 30 - 35 cm. In the prepared soil, furrows are made 40 cm deep and a shovel wide. The cuttings are laid along one of the walls of the furrow at a distance of 12-15 cm from each other. The groove is half-filled with soil, compacted tightly, watered abundantly, and after the water has been absorbed into the soil, the groove is finally filled up, leaving 1-2 buds on the surface. From above, an earthen roller is formed 10-12 cm above the upper kidney. The next row is made at a distance of less than 30 cm from the previous one. After planting the cuttings, the ground is loosened again, and after 1 - 2 days it is recommended to carry out additional watering.

Planting cuttings in shkolku must be completed before May 10 - 15. With a later landing, there will be less time for the shoots to ripen, and they may freeze slightly in the fall.

The choice of the place and date of planting, as well as the timing, has a significant impact on the rooting and growth of the vine, can accelerate or delay the entry of the vine into the fruiting stage.

Grape cuttings with roots

Depending on the quality of the material obtained for planting, as well as on external factors choose the most convenient and acceptable way of planting grape seedlings. One-year and two-year plants, cuttings, all have their advantages and disadvantages, and the yield of the future vineyard directly depends on how and when to plant the cuttings for seedlings.

Preparing cuttings for planting

In amateur viticulture, grapes are propagated vegetatively and planted from cuttings because the seeds do not produce the characteristics of the mother variety. The best results are obtained by propagation of grapes by layering, cuttings and grafting of woody stems. Growing seedlings from cuttings, growers save a whole year.

The first harvest of young vines will please you in a year, and not as it is written in books - on the fourth!

Preparing the cutting for rooting

Grapes are a crop that propagates by cuttings. Vegetative propagation is not a problem if you know its biological characteristics and when to prepare cuttings and how to properly prepare them for planting. Preparation for planting seedlings begins in the fall and consists of the following stages.

  • Preparation of cuttings.
  • Preparing for landing.
  • Checking the condition of planting material.
  • Preparation of landing containers.
  • The soil.
  • Waxing.
  • Landing.

Woody cuttings in the nursery

For planting by cuttings, only woody shoots of the vine are suitable. From frost-resistant varieties, cuttings are harvested in winter, in February or March, and from more sensitive ones - at the end of November. Each cutting should have a minimum diameter of 6 mm and at least two eyes, but 3-4 eyes, 2 internodes and a length of 25-30 cm are better for rooting the shoot.

Sorting cuttings before storage

When planting, you need to make sure that you accurately distinguish the top of the handle from the bottom. For this purpose, make an oblique cut in the upper part of the vine, and at the bottom perpendicular to the stem of the cutting.

Make the upper cut at a distance of 1.5 cm above the upper eye, and make the lower cut directly under the node, leaving not a single millimeter of internode. This is very important point! The roots on the shank are formed thanks to the cambium - the educational plant tissue, and on the vine it is enough only on the diaphragm of the node. Therefore, it is necessary to expose the diaphragm with the lower cut.

Correct cut over the kidney

If the internodes are short, then the chibouks are also cut into 4-6 eyes, it is necessary that the length of the handle is within 25-30 cm. The operation contributes to better rooting of the cuttings.

Prepared seedlings must be tied in bunches and sent to cold cellar for the winter.

Storage in the basement in sawdust

But before that, bunches of grape cuttings need to be soaked for 2-3 days in water. After soaking, treat with growth regulator. This is a pretty efficient way. quick receipt roots. The following turned out to be effective: heteroauxin, charkor, root, furmar. Soak in rooters for 12-16 hours. The rooting solution should cover the cuttings by 2-3 cm. Some amateur gardeners use sodium humate and honey for this purpose.

Option - storage in bottles in the refrigerator

It is necessary to root the cuttings in wet sand, covering the lower tip of the plant with it. You can also bury them in the garden, to a depth of 20-30 cm.

Seedlings in winter will require protection from freezing, so it is sprinkled with peat, dry sterile sand or sawdust.

In April, young vines must be planted in beds. The surface of the earth must be cleared of weeds and fertilized with manure or compost in the amount of 4 kg per square meter(2 weeks before landing).

Young cuttings should be planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other and so that only the upper buds are above the ground.

Rooting cuttings in the ground

Grape vines root very easily. Already in autumn next year it will be possible to start transplanting young individuals from a grape school or plastic bottles to a permanent place.

Young shoots are cut off above the second eye and covered with earth to reduce the risk of drying out. If during the growing season small vines do not start producing leaves, cut them back to 1-2 shoots and leave them in the same place throughout the next winter, sheltering from frost.

Wood cuttings at home

In areas where very coldy do not allow seedlings to be left to root in the garden for the winter, carry out the rooting operation at home, in one-liter containers or plastic water bottles.

Rooting cuttings in glasses

At the end of February, the cuttings are taken out of the basement and transplanted into individual containers. The soil for quick rooting is prepared from humus mixed with acidified peat, dry sand and manure. The roots begin to actively develop at a temperature of 24-26 ° C. The pots are placed in a warm, well-lit room.

To avoid drying out, the parts of plants protruding above the ground are protected with paraffin.

As soon as the buds begin to open and the first branches appear, the cuttings, together with the ground, are transplanted into the soil. A bowl-shaped recess is formed in the ground and a young rooted cutting is lowered to the bottom. The lower part is densely sprinkled with earth and gently pressed against the trunk with your fingers so that strong underground stems form at the seedling.

Soaking cuttings before planting

You can use the most fast way rooting cuttings. The harvested branch of the vine is cut into short cuttings - 1 cm under the eye and 2 cm above the eye and lowered into warm water for 24 hours, and then planted in a shallow plate filled with sand and placed in a multiplier (temperature 25-30 ° C). Make sure the substrate does not dry out.

Melt water is taken for soaking

As soon as the seedlings begin to grow roots, the seedlings are transferred to a well-lit room with a temperature of 20 ° C.

Kilchevanie is an important process of rooting

An interesting agro-industrial technique that promotes rooting and increasing the productivity of planting material is kilching.

By inhibiting bud development, root development is accelerated. After planting the cutting in the ground, the buds quickly swell and bloom. This is achieved through special temperature conditions(contrast between cut ends).

Kilchevanie cuttings in sawdust

After soaking in water and a growth regulator, put the bunches of cuttings in a cold greenhouse with the bottom up, perfectly align the heel surface of the bunch. The cuttings must be strictly vertical. Strengthen the bundles, press against each other, and fill the gaps between them with black soil, 5 mm thick, compact and moisten it. Cover with a greenhouse frame and plastic wrap.

The kilching of grape material is carried out in April, when the sun is already high and the greenhouse effect under the shelter is high, the temperature in the area of ​​​​the heels of the chibouks is about 24-28 degrees.

Callus and roots on cuttings of grapes

Even though the nights are cold, the shelter preserves the heat. Over the course of 3-4 weeks, an outflow occurs nutrients in chubukah to the heels. Callus is formed on them - wound tissue, from which roots grow later.

And the eyes in the upper part of the shank are at rest, since the temperature in the depths of the greenhouse pit is much lower than at the surface, where the heels are. The kilched cuttings are taken out from under the shelter before planting. After kilching, the cuttings are planted in a grape school, and they already take water and nutrients with their own roots. In the school, vegetative eyes begin to develop, from which an escape grows.

Rooting in water - green cambium visible

Seedlings prepared in this way take root well in the soil, even such capricious varieties as Saperavi, Festival and others. High productivity is achieved mainly due to its own root cuttings. In contrast to the clothespin on the rootstock, the cuttings provide real and independent nutrition for young plants.

Propagation of vine plants by cuttings is most beneficial not only in the household individual economy, but also on an industrial scale.

This method of kilching is acceptable only if there are many cuttings - thousands. What if you only have ten? In this case, a home kilchevator is well suited, arranged as follows.

Kornevin stimulates the formation of roots

Cover the walls of the plywood box with foam. An old wooden parcel box will also work, in which you insert a bunch of petioles with your heels up. Fill the voids around the shank with sealing material - perlite or sawdust coniferous trees. Put a layer of black soil on your heels: it absorbs well thermal energy, and the lower part of the cuttings warms up well. The heat source is an electric light bulb, which is switched on and off by means of a thermal relay, the sensor of which is installed outside. The temperature in the soil layer should be in the range of 18-22 degrees. This, rather, is the most difficult and most expensive stage of the kilchevator. But if we are talking about especially valuable grape varieties, then the game is worth the candle. Such a kilchevator should be installed in the cellar: there is a consistently low temperature, which does not allow eyes to develop in the upper part of the shank.

Home kilchevator - extracting seedlings

Grape cuttings can be rooted without kilchevaniya. Planting is done at the same time as the potatoes, so that the temperature in the soil is about 10 degrees at a depth of 10 cm.

Reproduction in Chinese

by the most in a simple way reproduction of young vines from early spring to late autumn is "Chinese".

  1. From the maternal branches, one of the longest is selected and buried in the ground to a depth of 4-5 cm.
  2. During the growing season, the soil is loosened near it and weeds are removed.
  3. Soon young shoots will appear from the ground.
  4. When all the leaves fall from the vine, young shoots are cut off from mother plant and divided into separate seedlings, which are transplanted to a permanent place.

Chinese method - rooting by layering

Clothespins - why?

In amateur viticulture, it is possible to clip a cutting of a valuable vine onto a less valuable rootstock. Use their green shoots as a substrate. On one bush, you can plant several cuttings of different varieties. Remember that properly pinned vines increase the resistance of noble vines to diseases and pests.

Grafting grapes in an old trunk

The most valuable grape varieties that are best propagated with clothespins:

White grape varieties

  • Bianca - medium - early variety resistant to frost and fungal diseases;
  • Iza - dessert variety with medium-strong growth;
  • Reforma is an early variety, resistant to frost and suitable for wine production;
  • Refrain is a tall dessert variety, fertile;
  • Himrod is one of the seedless varieties, it grows very quickly and is resistant to frost.

Grapes dark

  • Aldent is a late dessert variety, high-yielding, characterized by strong growth and resistance to frost;
  • Alwood is a high yielding late dessert variety. Resistant to pests, diseases and significant temperature changes;
  • Cascade - variety early term maturation, is resistant to fungal diseases. It makes excellent wine;
  • Schuyler - has a strong growth. Grapes of early ripening, susceptible to powdery downy mildew;
  • "Canadice" - Seedless dessert.

Rooting cuttings in sawdust

Clothespins for branches

In autumn, prepare cuttings from the varieties of vines that you want to propagate. Store them in a dry and cool cellar until spring arrives. Then divide the stems into smaller fragments, so that each has at least one eye. After 2-4 hours, after soaking in the preparation Hinosol 0.5%, Fundazol 0.1% and Torsin 0.1%, place them in dry plastic bags, which are stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-4 ° C.

Clothespins are held from May 15 to June 10 - when the thickness of the branches is equal to the diameter of the woody stems.

Vaccination on a branch in summer

Soak slices in soft water for 12 hours before clipping. Then cut them just before the lower buds. The lower parts are formed in the form of an oblong wedge, and the upper sections are 1.5-2 cm above the kidney.

Cut the branch to the first or second knot on the leaf. Then cut the shoot along the middle. Insert the cutting into the gap and wrap the grafting site with a film, lowering only the upper kidney of the noble variety.

Choosing a place for planting seedlings cuttings

For growing grapes, gentle slopes from the south or southwest side, when early ripe varieties grapes, they can be planted in the southeast. Frosts and strong frosty winds from the north and northeast will not be so terrible for seedlings. Most high yields and tasty berries are obtained when the soil is warm and moist, but not waterlogged and clayey. Level ground water should be maintained up to 1.5 m below the soil surface.

Pit preparation for grapes

Grapes also prefer soil with appropriate acidity, neutral pH (pH 6.5-7.5), while hybrids grow well on substrates with slightly acidic (pH 5.5-6.0).

Landing time

Vines, with roots without soil, are recommended to be planted in the spring, in late April or early May. Rooted cuttings can be purchased in pots. If they are still without leaves, then it is better to plant them in the ground along with a clod of earth in March or April.

When choosing a planting date, you need to consider the type of soil in your garden - in lighter soils, seedlings can be planted in the fall, and where the soil is damp and heavy, it is better to plant in the spring.

Buying seedlings

When buying plants in pots, you should choose only those in which the length of the main stem is already completely (or half) stiff and has reached a length of 70 cm. The diameter of the main stem at the base should be at least 5 mm, and half the length - 4 mm. Grape seedlings with such characteristics are very valuable, they take root well.

Grafted seedlings for sale

Site preparation

The place for spring planting prepared in autumn. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the soil from weeds, loosen it, in case of high acidity, add lime (3 kg of CaO per 10 square meters). After two weeks, it is advisable to mix the soil with fertilizers: dry manure (8-10 kg / 10 m2) or compost (10-15 kg / 10 m2). Immediately before planting the cuttings in the spring, the soil must be loosened again.

The placement of the seedling should be deep

Planting depth and width

Young grapevine seedlings are planted at a distance of 1.0-1.5x2.0-3.0 m, at a distance of at least 70 cm from the fence or wall of the building. If several cuttings are planted, arrange them in a row along the north-south axis so that everyone receives uniform lighting. The recommended hole depth is 20-40 cm, depending on the type of seedling and soil compaction. Deep landing contributes to the health of the grapes, it is less affected by drought and frost. Potted cuttings should be planted deeper than bare rooted plants because they only form a root collar.

Shading a seedling will protect it from burns

For grafted specimens, the pinch point should be above the ground.

landing technique

Before planting a cutting in the ground, it must be soaked in a mud bath for ten hours. Dig a hole, pour coarse gravel into it to provide drainage, and put a peg 2 m. Cut the main stem of the seedling to a height of 2-3 eyes. After filling 2/3 of the hole with earth, water each plant with 5-7 liters of water. Then fill in the rest of the earth and form a mound near the trunk to the top cutting of the kidney to protect the shortened growths from direct sunlight. The technique for planting cuttings from pots is similar, although the seedling does not shrink so ruthlessly (up to 2-3 cm above the ground).

Growing grapes from chubuk is quite simple. Therefore, this method has become the most popular among farmers and gardeners. To get a new plant, you need to properly prepare the cuttings, save them in the winter and root in the spring. In the south, grapes are planted even in autumn. In the northern zones, the branches may not withstand frost, so it is advised to plant them in the ground on the site from the beginning of May.

How to prepare chubuk

Before you grow grapes from chibouks, they must be properly harvested. Most experts advise doing this in the fall, during pruning or immediately after the foliage has fallen. Correct workpiece chubukov consists of the following stages:

  • Prepare tools, a sharp knife or pruner, be sure to disinfect them
  • Choose a one-year-old vine with green bark and no blemishes, defects, or signs of disease.
  • The thickness of the shank should be no more than 8 mm (approximately like a pencil)
  • Length ranges from 12 cm to 60 cm
  • Each branch should have 2-4 healthy eyes.
  • Make a cut from the bottom along an oblique line, approximately 0.5 cm below the last kidney
  • From above, create a straight cut, 1 centimeter above the last eye.

Ready chibouks of grapes can be planted immediately in the ground, pre-rooted or stored until the beginning of spring. In the southern regions, breeding is practiced in the first two ways. In the northern ones, for example, in Siberia, the spring landing option is more acceptable.

Storing chibouks in winter

In order to grow grapes with chibouks in the spring, they must not only be harvested correctly, but also preserved throughout the winter. The stage of preparing the vine for storage is very important. Once the cutting is completed, the cuttings are soaked in water. room temperature for a day. They are saturated with moisture and do not dry out during storage. The tops can be waxed so that moisture is not lost.

After moistening, the vine must be disinfected so that in winter the branches do not become moldy and die from diseases. For processing, solutions of copper sulfate or potassium permanganate are used. Soak the chibouks in them for 15-30 minutes.

After all procedures, the planting material must be dried well. The branches are laid out on a newspaper, filter paper, paper napkins. Storage of chibouks is recommended to be carried out at low temperatures, from 0 to 5 degrees. Suitable for this fridge or basement. You can store a small amount of sprigs in the refrigerator. They are tied into a bundle, rewound with plastic wrap and stacked on the bottom shelf.

If there is a lot of planting vine, it is best to place it in a dry basement. Take wooden box, pour a layer of sand on the bottom. Then lay the grapes next to each other. Sprinkle the branches on top with another layer of sand, 3-5 cm thick. You can make several such layers in a box, this does not affect the safety of the cuttings.

During the winter, at least once every 3-4 weeks, the vines should be checked. If they become dry, you need to re-soak the cuttings in water for a day. When the branches have bloomed or become stained, be sure to disinfect them. Sick chibouks are then stored separately from healthy ones.

Rooting chubukov

Growing grapes from chubuk at home provides for their rooting in February or in the first days of spring. First, it is recommended to do kilchevanie. The lower half of the branches are placed in heat, and the upper half in the cold. Then the roots will develop faster than the leaves from the eyes. All the power of the chubuk will go to rooting, and not to the development of green mass.

You can start growing grapes from chubuk by several methods:

  • Root branches in water
  • Root on a locker (Puzanov method)
  • Root chubuki in peat tablets
  • Grow material in soil mixture or substrate.

Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. We will talk about them below. The main thing for germination is to choose good healthy material, then it will be successful.

Rooting in water

Propagation of grapes by chibouks with rooting in water is a very simple and popular technique. You need to do it like this:

  • Remove the chubuks from the place where they were stored, inspect for mold and other signs of disease, and select healthy material.
  • Soak the material in water, it’s good to add the stimulant Kornevin, Epin, aloe juice or honey (a tablespoon for 10 liters of water) there.
  • Disinfect the branches, as before storage, and dry. Soaking should not last more than 30 minutes.
  • Take a clean container and pour settled water into it so that the layer is 3-4 cm.
  • Put the chubuks in the water, upper layer liquid should reach the lower eye.

To make the water evaporate more slowly, put cotton wool or gauze on the bottom. It is advisable to throw a couple of crystals of potassium permanganate, charcoal into it. This will protect the young roots from rotting. Transplantation into the ground is carried out when the length of the roots is about 2 cm. Rooting lasts 4-6 weeks, sometimes longer.

Rooting on the locker and in peat tablets

When the number of seedlings is large and there is little space at home, they can be rooted on a locker. The process looks like this:

  • Prepare the material, it must be done as described above
  • Wrap the ends of the stems in a wet cloth
  • Lay the vine on the cabinet, turning the top of the branches towards the light
  • Check from time to time that the cloths are not dry, irrigate them with water as necessary.

When growing grapes from chibouks in peat tablets, there are even fewer problems. To do this, the tablet is soaked in water until it swells. Stick the tip of the chubuk into it, wrap everything with plastic wrap. Spread the branches on the locker and transplant into the ground on the site after 4-6 weeks. Times may vary depending on the variety. Planting is carried out directly in peat tablets, it is not necessary to pull out the cuttings. A successful rooting process can be judged by how well the leaves and twigs develop.

Germination in the substrate and soil

As a substrate for propagation, you can use a special hydrophilic filler, sphagnum moss or ordinary sawdust. Lately a lot positive feedback about the substrate of coconut flakes. A layer of filler is poured into a small container, 5-6 cm thick. Sawdust can be pre-filled with boiling water to disinfect. Also, the substrate can be watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The seedling is immersed in pots with filler to a depth of 3 cm, watered regularly and covered with a film after about 5 days. Soil germination looks the same. Prepare a mixture of equal parts of turf or garden soil, peat and sand. Immerse the cutting to the first kidney, and cover it with a film on top. Young shoots are removed, leaving only one of them. Intensive crown growth can interfere with root formation.

Planting grape chubuk

How long should the vine be kept indoors? How and when to plant grape chibouks in the soil on the street? To do this, the night temperature should rise above 15 degrees, and the ground should warm up to 10 degrees. In the north and in the temperate zone, such temperatures are reached by mid-May.

Before transferring the germinated grape chubuk to the garden, it can be planted in a pot of earth. At the bottom of the tank, a layer of drainage is poured from pebbles, expanded clay or river sand. Then fill it with universal soil for flowers or a mixture of soddy soil, humus, peat and sand. Rooted chubuki are planted there (the length of the roots should be at least 2 cm).

If you grow grapes with chibouks in the first days of March or at the end of February, it often becomes necessary to transplant them into pots. After all, the roots have already appeared, but it is still cold outside. In the ground, cuttings can grow for several weeks. It is advisable to take them out periodically to the veranda or balcony to harden. At a suitable temperature, the vine is planted in the garden. For this, a place protected from the wind is chosen, from the south or south-west side of the building, fence, hill.


Chubuk is planted in a hole at an angle of 40-45 degrees. Cover with earth so that 1-2 buds remain on the surface. Near a young trunk, it is desirable to lay out a small mound. The seedling is poured with 3-4 buckets of water, the ground around is mulched with straw or peat. If frosts are expected, you can cover the stalk with a plastic, glass bottle, plastic bag.

Care of young seedlings

To grow grapes from a chubuk, it must not only be planted correctly. Care of seedlings in the first weeks and months is very important. It provides:

  • Watering
  • top dressing
  • Protection from wind, frost, diseases and pests

In the first two weeks after the planting, the grapes do not need to be watered, the water that you poured when transferring the chubuk to open ground. When the earth dries out by 3-4 cm, you can pour 2-3 buckets of water under the bush. IN further watering depends on the weather. If the yard is dry, you need to water the vine 3-4 times a week. When it rains, watering is reduced to a minimum.

Organic and mineral fertilizers are used to feed seedlings. From organic matter, you can use manure (diluted 1:100, chicken manure (diluted 1:50, compost or humus. Mineral top dressing you can make your own by mixing:

  • Superphosphate - 40 g
  • Potash fertilizer - 30 g
  • Nitrogenous fertilizer - 40 g.

You can buy ready-made mixtures in the store, if you do not allow them to be given at home. You need to feed a young seedling a month after planting, the second feeding is carried out in September.

To protect young seedlings from diseases, they are treated blue vitriol or Bordeaux liquid. When plaque appears on leaves or young branches, they are removed. Pests are destroyed by dichlorvos, slaked lime, other insecticides.

Proper care and watering can protect against many diseases, especially fungal ones. If you follow all the instructions on how to grow grapes from chubuk correctly at home, after 1-2 goals you can get the first fruits from the vine. In more detail, all stages are conveniently viewed in the photo and video.

Growing grapes is a complex and multi-stage procedure. There are several ways to grow this berry on your own. personal plot. One of them is with the help of cuttings, or chibouks. Consider how you can grow this crop at home with the help of small and properly prepared seedlings.

The word "chubuk" is of Turkic origin, and was borrowed into the Russian language during the reign of the Golden Horde in our open spaces. The literal translation of this word is "a thin twig or stick."

It is interesting that the word has several more meanings: a bighorn sheep with hollow horns, a hollow wooden rod on which a smoking pipe is planted, and a grape seedling or stalk.

In this article, we will focus specifically on grape chibouks and the method of increasing the number of grape bushes on the site using their help.

Chubuk in gardeningis a segment of a vine with several buds on it.

This method of growing grapes is the easiest, most reliable and even beginners can do it.

Procurement of shank

If you properly prepare planting material, it will speed up the first harvest on a new vine.

Future seedlings are cut in autumn from a one-year-old vine, after the first frost, when the grapes are pruned. This is done from about the end of October to the beginning of December.

It is during this period that the vine contains the optimal amount of sugars, starch and other nutrients.

Also by this time the vine has already been hardened. temperature conditions from +5 to -5 degrees.

How to choose the right shank for sprouting

The most suitable vine for harvesting is fruit. It is desirable that it be a whip that brought large clusters, well developed and about the thickness of a pencil (6-8 mm).

Important! To avoid infection, cut blanks from the vine with a clean and sharp knife.

Cuttings are cut from 50 to 70 centimeters long with an oblique cut, about 2-3 centimeters above the knot. Material is harvested from a healthy plant.

To do this, you need to conduct a preliminary study so that there are no traces of dangerous fungal disease grapes - as well as traces of hail damage and other defects.

In color, healthy branches should be golden straw or light brown. Feels firm to the touch and should crackle when bent.

Video: how to properly prepare and select chubuks

After harvesting the shank, it is important to remember that they must not be left on outdoors for a long time. They can lose up to 2% of moisture per day. And if the losses amount to 35%, then the survival rate of each cutting will drop to half. In order to achieve the preservation of moisture, it is necessary even during the harvesting of the material to ensure that antennae or bunch legs remain at each end of the cut - these internodes have a protective membrane that prevents moisture loss.

The next step after cutting the chibouks is to soak them.. To do this, the blanks are placed in a bucket of water for several hours (from 6 to 8). They can be soaked as they are cut from the bush, after placing a bucket of water in the vineyard.
After soaking, the planting material should be slightly ventilated, then it is desirable to treat it with a biological product with high fungicidal and bactericidal activity.

Important! Cuttings left in the sun lose almost all their moisture in a few hours, so their survival rate is out of the question.

After all the above stages of harvesting chibouks, you need to decide what method you want to save them during hibernation. Here are some of them:

  • in a refrigerator;
  • in the ground;
  • in the cellar of a private house.

Now let's look at each method separately.

It is acceptable to store grape cuttings in the refrigerator if you have few of them, and at the same time there is no basement or the ability to store them in the ground. For this:

  1. Finished chibouks need to be wrapped with a natural clean cloth, after wetting it in water.
  2. Then put in plastic bags, not tying them tightly together, but leaving a small hole for air exchange, and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  3. It is important not to forget to periodically check the moisture content of the fabric with which you wrapped the planting material, and, if necessary, moisten it with water. As soon as a characteristic musty smell appears, the fabric must be replaced with a new one.

Video: how to store planting material in the refrigerator

When harvesting a large number cuttings can store them in the ground. To do this, you need to choose the right storage location.

At the same time, a low-lying place is not suitable, as well as a recess where moisture can collect from snow melted in spring. suitable place the site may become elevated. So, your actions with this storage method:

  1. Dig a trench 80-100 cm deep.
  2. Pour slightly damp sand into the bottom of the trench with a layer of 5 cm.
  3. Lay the shank tightly at the bottom of the trench.
  4. Pour wet sand on top with a layer of 10 cm.
  5. Pour the earth on a layer of sand with a layer of 30 cm.
  6. Cover the storage from above with slate or other suitable material.
  7. Make a groove to drain the water.

Video on how to store grapes in the ground

If your courtyard has a cellar or basement, then it is better to store prepared chibouks in it.

Here is the storage process:

  • be sure to treat the planting material with a 3% solution of iron or(200 ml water plus 1 teaspoon solution) for the prevention of mold and fungal infections. Then the vine must be allowed to dry;
  • tie the processed cuttings into bundles and place them in polyethylene bags with wet coniferous sawdust by leaving the bags ajar for ventilation or by making a few holes in them. This method of preservation contributes to the accumulation of carbon dioxide, which serves as a preservative against harmful microflora and helps to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates for respiration of the vine. Be sure to check the moisture content of sawdust during storage of the vine and, if necessary, periodically moisten them.

Did you know? Jesus Christ in the Bible symbolically called himself the true vine.

The optimal indicators for winter hibernation of the vine is the temperature from 0 to +5 degrees. If you maintain such a working temperature, then the cuttings will have enough carbohydrates for more than six months. But if the basement is warmer, then the nutrient reserves will last only 3-4 months.

Video: storage of grape stems in the basement

How to germinate chubuk

After hibernation, the cuttings need to be prepared for germination.

When to get branches for sprouting

In February, the chibouks must be removed from the storage place and carefully examined. High-quality segments of grape branches should be elastic and moist, and the cuts themselves should be bright green.

As already mentioned, after wintering, you need to carefully examine the branches and carry out necessary processing. If they are too dry or mold has formed on them, then the necessary measures must be taken: the mold from the grape cuts is removed by wiping them with a cloth or brush with a soft bristle.

If the bark is wrinkled and crumbles, then you need to soak the vine in the stimulator for 2 days.

After soaking, you need to remove the shank from the solution and cut off the excess part from them on both sides: above the upper kidney - with an oblique cut at a distance of 3 cm above it, and in the lower - with an even cut just below the internode. The middle kidney is usually removed.

Video: how to germinate grapes from chubuk

After the pruning procedure, place each segment in a separate container or jar of water for further germination. The water in the vessels should be at a constant level - under the lowest kidney and in no case close it (up to 3 cm).

To do this, you need to monitor this regularly and add water as needed to the desired level.

To wake up root system from hibernation, you need to add to the water. It will also be useful to add activated charcoal so that the water in the containers does not stagnate. Then the dishes with the material should be placed on the windowsill on the south side, where there is a lot of sunlight.

Did you know? On our planet, about 80 thousand square kilometers are occupied by orchards with vineyards.

You can additionally create greenhouse conditions for seedlings if you put a plastic bag on each of them: the humidity in such a bag will be higher than in the room.

To speed up the rooting of chibouks, containers with them can be placed on a warm base, for example, on a sheet of metal, which is placed on top of a radiator battery. At the same time, the temperature in containers with blanks should not exceed 25 degrees.

After 5-8 days (depending on the variety), the cuttings will begin to bud, and after another week, roots will appear. It is impossible to allow the roots to grow more than 1 centimeter, since when planting longer roots can break off.

Planting chubuk and caring for seedlings

Now it's time for the intermediate germination of the chibouks before planting them in open ground.

by the most suitable time temporary planting of chibouks is the beginning of April. Until the moment when it will be possible to plant them in open ground, enough time will pass. During this period, the planting material will take root well and harden off.

Plant material is planted in any suitable containers with an optimal volume of 0.5-1 liter. Suitable for this:

  • peat pots;
  • plastic bottles cut in half;
  • plastic containers;
  • beer plastic glasses;
  • bags of kefir or milk.

Now about the composition of the land mixture for filling containers (all in 1 part):

  • part of the humus;
  • part of sod land;
  • part of the universal soil mixture purchased at the store;
  • part of the sand or .

Landing pattern

Cuttings are planted like this:

  1. At 1/4 of the container, gently deepen the heel of the cutting, making sure not to break off the delicate roots. Such a planting depth is needed in order to leave more space in the container with the substrate for the development of the root system. Then sprinkle the chubuk with a substrate, and pour a layer of it on top. Sawdust will not allow moisture to evaporate excessively.
  2. After planting the chibouks, they need to be well watered.
  3. Place seedlings on pallets in a warm, draft-free room.

How to care for grapes

Further care for grape seedlings is as follows.

To collect good harvest delicious ripe berries grapes, you must follow all the rules for the preparation and planting of seedlings. How to plant grapes cuttings? How to properly root cuttings of grapes? How to care for a planted plant afterwards? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Harvesting cuttings of grapes - milestone, which must necessarily precede the subsequent planting of grapes in the ground. Seedlings are harvested from autumn. It is better to form them from shoots with a diameter of 7 to 10 mm. Pay attention to their color: it should be uniform, without signs of rot.

Branches are harvested, leaving 4 buds on each. This amount is sufficient for normal germination in spring. Cut branches at an angle. Be sure to make several vertical cuts at the base of each cut branch. This is required to ensure a better metabolism.

When propagating by cuttings, sorting is of great importance. Form several bundles. Each must be of the same kind. If in one bundle there are different varieties, they will draw from each other the substances necessary for growth.

Branches of grapes in the fall before wintering must be properly processed so that they are preserved. For this, processing with copper sulphate is done. Use a 5% solution. Harvesting grape cuttings in autumn correct execution will allow in the future to get a healthy and, most importantly, fruit-bearing plant.

Grape cuttings for germination are required to provide optimal conditions. There are several methods for properly storing cuttings in winter. The most popular is to pack the prepared bundles into bags. Use regular polyethylene bags. Pour sawdust soaked in water inside each. It is not necessary to tie the package tightly. Place each package in the cellar.

Another method begins with cutting grapes, as described above. On an elevated site in a sunlit area, trenches are dug. It is important to choose a sheltered location, such as near a barn or other outbuilding. The trench should be quite deep (about 50 cm). Lay wet sand on the bottom, place bunches tightly on top and cover again with a layer of sand (10 cm). Cover everything with earth.

There is a simple and effective way that is suitable for storing a small number of branches. Wrap them in cloth and place them in bags. Make a small hole in each. Place in refrigerator. Remove the bags periodically and dampen the cloth.

Regardless of the method chosen, cuttings can be taken out as early as the end of February. The vine must be wiped to remove the mold. Suitable are those branches that have not overdried and not exfoliating bark.

Germination of grape cuttings at home is a long process, but such germinated planting material does not require many different actions, as when growing from a seed, preparing for seedlings. It is important to ensure proper storage cuttings of grapes in winter, so that the bush grows quickly and bears fruit well.

When to plant in the ground

When to plant cuttings? Answer: in the spring. You can do this from the moment when the temperature is stable above 0 ° C.

In what phase of the moon to land? The further growth of the vine largely depends on the position of the Moon. Astrologers advise doing this on the 3rd, 12th, 17th and 24th lunar days. For good growth and the development of the root system, choose the waning phase of the moon, but only if the night luminary is in auspicious signs zodiac.

The optimal time is considered to be the Moon in the sign of Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio. You can also land when the Moon is in Pisces and Capricorn.

Preparing the site and cuttings

Grape seedlings before planting need additional preparation and processing. The process itself consists of several steps, each of which must be completed:

  1. With a needle or nail, make a few scratches at the bottom of the branch.
  2. For a day, place the cuttings in water.
  3. Use a root stimulator by pouring it into a container and placing the bottom of the branch there. Leave for another day.
  4. Place the seedlings in a container with plain water so that they are only 3-4 cm in the water. Place the container in a sunny place.

After 10 days, you will see that the kidneys are swollen. Soon a young shoot should appear, and after 20 days the branches start up the first roots.

Planting grapes in spring with cuttings also requires proper preparation places on the site. First you need to dig a hole 1x1 m. Fill the bottom layer with a bucket of sand, top with 1-2 buckets of humus, then 4 more buckets of earth. The hole must be filled to the top. Add about 200 g of single superphosphate and the same amount of potassium salt. Pour big amount water.

Planting grapes in autumn with cuttings is also possible. In this case, the pit should be prepared in the middle of summer, and the sprouted harvested grape cuttings should be planted for planting before the onset of frost. spring time considered more suitable for most varieties.

Planting and rooting methods

Grape cuttings for planting must be rooted. The easiest method by which grape cuttings are rooted is to use plastic cups. Before rooting, viticulture masters advise to soak the branches in a honey solution for 24 hours. It is prepared simply: for 10 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l. natural quality honey.

Only the lower part should be placed in a container with a solution. A day later, the branches are planted in glasses. They must first be filled with a mixture of humus, peat, earth and sand. For rooting grapes, you can prepare containers yourself. Some prefer to make them from ordinary plastic bottles. It is enough just to cut off the top and fill the bottle with the indicated mixture.

How to plant grape cuttings in spring? There are two methods: vertical and oblique. More often, a vertical technique is used for planting a cutting of grapes, since it allows you to increase fruiting. It is not worth planting too close to each other, otherwise it will complicate the subsequent care after planting from the cutting.


It is not enough to know how to plant correctly, when and how to prepare, and how to sprout vine. It is also required to learn in advance about the basic rules for further care. Everyone can make sure own experience in that the vine grows normally only if all the basic rules are observed.

When planting material is already planted in the ground, abundant watering is required. Pour water under the root, trying not to touch the trunk. Do not water 14 days before flowering. How to grow seedlings quickly? To stimulate growth, it is enough to follow all the above rules for preparing cuttings.

It is also important to properly tie up the grown sprouted shoots. Pinching will speed up the formation of a full-fledged bush. Two days before flowering, the top must be removed.

If you have properly prepared the fertilizer mixture, they will provide normal growth for three years. Growing grapes from cuttings at home subsequently requires fertilization. Feed the plant with organic matter and minerals. Use superphosphates, potassium salt, bird droppings. Growing a plant, you can add compost and manure to the soil.

When breeding with cuttings at home, remember that the plant needs to be covered for the winter. He also needs periodic pruning, pest control.

Now you know how to properly grow grapes from cuttings and provide the plant with proper care.

Video "A proven way to plant grapes"

From this video you will learn how to plant grapes.
