More gloxinia good and different! Reproduction by seeds and plant parts. How to grow gloxinia from seeds How to plant gloxinia from seeds

Have you decided to update your flower collection and opted for gloxinia? To do this, it is not necessary to buy an adult plant in the store. Gloxinia is very easy to grow from seeds at home. To do this, it is enough to choose the right gloxinia seeds, sow them, and then pick the seedlings. After 6 months, gloxinia from seeds at home will reward its owner with abundant flowering.

Professional cultivation of gloxinia from seeds at home. Photo instruction

How is gloxinia obtained from seeds? How is the cultivation of a flower from seeds at home? How is planting, the choice of soil mixture, the subsequent care of crops carried out? Professionals share their experience with photos.

How to choose gloxinia seeds? Photos of popular brands. The best varieties are imported from Germany, Holland, Great Britain. A good seed is available from a domestic manufacturer.

Beautiful and healthy seedlings gives a hybrid seed material of the first (F1) and second (F2) reproduction. If flowers are pollinated from these seeds, then the next generation may not have the qualitative characteristics of the parents. Gloxinia seeds in the photo are very small, dusty.

To improve germination and convenience during sowing, they are treated with special nutrients (coated). As a result, the seed is covered with a film.

Germination of gloxinia seeds with proper storage does not change for 5 years. However, experts recommend planting in the first year after grain harvesting or packaging.

When to sow gloxinia from seeds? The time of planting the plant is not of fundamental importance. Sowing gloxinia seeds for seedlings can be carried out both in autumn and in winter. However, in this case, the plants provide the desired temperature and daylight hours. Seedlings are illuminated. Otherwise, it stretches and falls.

Pots for growing. Sowing gloxinia seeds is carried out in shallow and wide containers, which are necessarily equipped with drainage holes. Containers should be convenient for organizing greenhouses. You can use food, plastic containers with a lid.

Soil selection. Planting gloxinia seeds is carried out in the following soil mixture: they take one part of coniferous soil and deciduous soil. There should be no humus in the mixture.

Planting directly. How to plant gloxinia seeds? Fine expanded clay is poured into the bottom of a pre-prepared container with drainage holes. Then a soil mixture is laid on top of the expanded clay. Put it in the microwave for 2 minutes first. The soil should be moist, but there should not be an excess of moisture in it. To do this, the ground is sprayed from a spray bottle. If you squeeze the properly prepared earth in your hand, it forms a lump that disintegrates when lightly pressed.

The soil should not reach the edges of the container by 4-5 cm if the container is simply covered with a film. The earth also does not need to be compacted. The soil for gloxinia should be light, nutritious and loose. It is advisable to sprinkle the soil on top with sifted peat.

How to sow gloxinia seeds? For this, you do not need to make grooves. Gloxinia seeds germinate in the light, and therefore they are not sprinkled with soil. They are simply laid on top of the ground and lightly sprayed with warm, settled water. If the seed has been yeasted, the nutrient film must not be allowed to dry out.

How convenient is it to do everything? To do this, the grains are laid out on an A4 sheet folded in half, and then gently moved to the ground with a needle. It is necessary to spray the seeds from the spray gun at a distance of 40 cm. Otherwise, the seed will go deep into the soil and its germination will deteriorate.

After the seeds have been evenly distributed over the soil, the container is covered with a film with small ventilation holes.

How to grow gloxinia from seeds? Basic rules for caring for crops:

  1. Lighting. The container must be placed in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. It should be diffused light. If gloxinia is propagated by seeds in the autumn-winter period, then the container is placed under a fluorescent lamp at a distance of up to 40 cm. The distance will depend on the power of the lamp. The more powerful it is, the further the container is placed. It is necessary to highlight seedlings for 12-14 hours. Otherwise, the seeds will not germinate.
  2. Temperature. The container must be kept at a temperature of +22 ... +26 degrees. This has a positive effect on the germination rate of the seed. As soon as the first shoots appear, the temperature is reduced to +18 ... +20 degrees.
  3. Watering. The soil must not be allowed to dry out. Watering is carried out as needed from a spray bottle or through a pallet. Although watering is often not needed. After all, the container with seeds is covered with a film. It prevents excessive evaporation of moisture.
  4. Airing. It is necessary to ventilate the container with seeds 2 times a day for 10-15 minutes. This will prevent condensation from forming on the film.

Terms of germination of gloxinia from seeds. If the correct conditions for growing gloxinia from seeds were observed, the first shoots of ordinary, non-hybrid plant varieties appear on the 10-14th day. At low temperatures and insufficient lighting, germination is delayed up to 1 month. Germination of seeds of chintz, tiger, terry varieties occurs 14-20 days after sowing.

Seedling Care. On the 2-3 day after the emergence of seedlings, the film is gradually removed from the container. At the same time, the temperature from the room where the gloxinia shoots are located is lowered to +18 ... +20 degrees. Otherwise, the seedlings are pulled out.

The 1st pick is carried out 1 month after germination. At this time, one rosette of full-fledged leaves should appear on the plants. The first pick is carried out if the gloxinia seedlings are thickened. If the seeds were planted at a sufficient distance from each other, the first pick is skipped. Gloxinia dive into the soil of the same composition as the land for sowing seeds. The distance between seedlings is 2 cm.

2nd pick. It is carried out 2 months after the emergence of shoots. By that time, young gloxinia should have two pairs of leaves. The pick is carried out in the soil of the same composition as before at a distance of 4-5 cm. This stimulates the growth of seedlings.

3rd pick. It is performed when the plant has three pairs of leaves. Picking is carried out at a distance of 10 cm or in separate containers for each gloxinia.

For the successful cultivation of young gloxinia, the correct conditions must be observed:

  • temperature + 20 degrees;
  • a large amount of scattered, sunlight;
  • in the hot season, spraying at night;
  • watering as the topsoil dries up.

If the young gloxinia has received the right care at home, it will bloom 5-6 months after germination. Young gloxinia in winter at home does not need rest, and therefore it continues to grow all winter.

Growing gloxinia from seeds is rarely used by flower growers and requires more effort than vegetative propagation. The seed method has some advantages: it allows you to create hybrids with your own hands and grow rare plant varieties. If you choose high-quality seed material and properly sow and care for seedlings, you can achieve flowering of new gloxinia in six months.

How to get gloxinia seeds?

Seed material can be purchased at a flower shop, or you can collect it yourself. In this case, you must first pollinate with a piece of cotton wool. They are touched in turn to the pistils of all gloxinia flowers that are in the house. Shortly after the petals fall, a seed pod forms in the central part of the flower.

When signs of ripening and opening appear, the boxes are cut and placed in a separate container. This will simplify the process of collecting small brown gloxinia seeds. Before sowing, such material does not need additional processing. Store-bought seed is often coated with a special nutrient composition. This makes the seeds slightly larger and makes the sowing process easier.

The most suitable time for sowing gloxinia seeds is the end of winter. You can do this in the fall, but then you will need to illuminate the seedlings artificially.

Sowing for seedlings

Before sowing seeds, you need to prepare everything you need. The easiest way to grow seedlings in peat tablets. This eliminates the need to prepare the soil. In addition to peat tablets, you will need a plastic container with which you can create the microclimate necessary for successful germination. For this purpose, you can use food containers for cakes, in the lid of which several holes are made for ventilation.

Step-by-step cultivation of gloxinia from seeds looks like this:

  1. 1. Peat tablets are placed in a container with the hole up and carefully poured with warm water. After a quarter of an hour, the tablets will absorb water and grow in height. Excess moisture, if any, is drained.
  2. 2. 2-3 seeds are placed in the center of each peat column with a toothpick.
  3. 3. After sowing, close the lid of the container and place it in a warm, well-lit place. If the container is without a lid, then it is closed with a film or glass.
  4. 4. Periodically, the shelter is removed and the seedlings are carefully watered with a spray gun. Seedlings should appear in 2 weeks.

If it is not possible to purchase peat tablets, then you can sow the seeds directly into the ground. To do this, a drainage layer of expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the plastic container and filled with soil mixture containing peat. The soil is poured in a layer 3 cm thick and lightly tamped. After moistening the earth from the spray gun, seeds are laid out on its surface over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe container. Then the crops are again sprayed with water and the container is covered with a film.

Pick features

A month after germination, gloxinia seedlings will grow up enough to dive. Before this procedure, it needs to be tempered a little. To do this, on cloudy days, the film is removed from the container for a while or the lid is lifted. At first, it is enough to do this for one hour. Then the time is gradually increased. If after hardening the plant feels normal and its leaves have not drooped, then you can make a pick.

As the seedlings grow, up to four picks will be required.

While the seedlings are small, they do not need spacious containers. Yogurt cups are quite suitable for this purpose. Each cup is filled with universal soil and watered with warm water. Then, using a fork, each seedling is hooked and planted in a separate container. If necessary, add soil, then carefully water the plant and place the container in a lighted place.

Since gloxinia has a tuber, it rarely gets sick after transplantation. In the future, seedlings provide favorable conditions, maintaining the temperature, humidity of the soil and air at the usual level. Gloxinia should be planted in separate flower pots only after the seedlings are strong enough for this. To do this, take small pots with a diameter of 12 cm and the soil that was used for sowing seeds.

Care rules

Gloxinia growing at home must be properly cared for. First of all, it is necessary to organize the correct watering of plants and their regular feeding. During the period of rapid growth, plants are irrigated often enough to prevent the soil from drying out. At the same time, moisture should not be allowed to stagnate at the roots so that they do not begin to rot. Water used for irrigation must be filtered and have a temperature above room temperature by 2 degrees. Gloxinia tubers absorb warm water more easily.

When watering, it is important to prevent moisture from getting on the flowers and leaves, so you can do it through the pan. After irrigating the soil, the remaining moisture in the pan must be drained to prevent stagnation of water and rotting of the root system. During the flowering period, irrigation is made more intense.

With active flowering, the number of buds on one gloxinia bush reaches 20 pieces. To achieve this, it is necessary to feed the flower with fertilizers. To do this, during the growing season, top dressing is done every 10 days, using compositions for indoor plants. From mid-August, gloxinia will gradually begin to move into the dormant stage. During this period, they need top dressing with a content of potassium and phosphorus. But nitrogen fertilizers must be excluded. From the moment active growth is completed, gloxinia fertilizer is stopped.

Adequate lighting is required for the good development of gloxinia. At the same time, it should be such that direct sunlight does not fall on the flowers and leaves, which can cause burns and even death of plants. Therefore, it is best to put gloxinia pots on the western or eastern window sills in the apartment. If the windows face south, then on such a window sill the plant must be shaded. Light day for the normal development of the flower must last at least 12 hours. Therefore, if necessary, the plant must be illuminated with special fitolamps.

If at least one of the conditions of detention is not observed, gloxinia begins to grow more slowly and loses its attractiveness. A normally developing plant has dark green leaves and a small stem. The lack of lighting causes excessive stretching of the stems and loss of foliage color intensity. If the light is too bright, the leaves begin to turn yellow and the stem becomes short. To maintain the optimal level of air humidity, it is necessary to place bowls of water next to the gloxinia. Moisture should not get on the leaves or flowers, so spraying with water is excluded.

During the growing season, it is necessary to keep gloxinia at a temperature of +18 degrees, preventing it from overheating. And in the dormant phase, the plant will feel good at a temperature of +10 degrees.

Gloxinia or Sinningia speciosa are very popular with flower growers. Most often, this plant is propagated vegetatively, but there is another way - to grow gloxinia from seeds at home.

Although this will require a little more effort, the result will meet expectations. This is the only way a florist can:

  • become the owner of his own created hybrids;
  • to see on your windowsill the flowering of rare varietal specimens that local lovers of indoor plants do not have.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the patience and perseverance to get adult flowering plants from gloxinia seeds. Sometimes annoying mistakes in germination and care prevent success. How to avoid them and where to start if you want to propagate this indoor crop using seeds? First you need to take care of the seed.

How to get gloxinia seeds at home?

If the seeds of varietal or hybrid plants are purchased in a store, they do not need special preparation, and they are completely ready for incorporation into the ground. But when the goal of the grower is to get their own author's hybrids, you will have to go all the way: from pollination to the collection of mature gloxinia seeds.

After the pollen from one flower is transferred to the pistil of another, after a few days the corolla fades, and the future seed box remains on the peduncle. The development and maturation of seeds, depending on the variety and conditions of detention, takes from 6 to 9 weeks.

The seeds are very small. Therefore, before planting gloxinia with seeds, you need to try to collect them. As soon as there are signs of opening the box, it is cut off and carefully transferred to a separate dry container. So it will be easier to collect the brown seeds of a pointed oval shape necessary for planting.

How to plant gloxinia seeds?

Sowing is carried out on the surface of a wet loose substrate without embedding into the soil. At this stage, there is no need to make a special mixture, it is enough to add a little vermiculite and crushed charcoal to the ready-made peat-based universal soil. Gloxinia seedlings feel good in small

The soil for gloxinia grown from seed at home must be sterilized using a microwave, oven or freezer. In the latter case, it takes at least 1-2 days to get rid of pathogens and pests.

Obtaining seedlings of gloxinia from seeds at home can be carried out in shallow containers. During the growth, the senets dive several times, so a layer of soil no more than 3 cm is enough for sowing.

When the seeds are evenly distributed over the surface of the substrate, it is additionally sprayed with a spray gun, trying not to wash out the fine seed. Then the container is tightly covered with a film to prevent evaporation of moisture, and placed in a warm, bright place for germination.

To facilitate the cultivation from seeds and the care of gloxinia in autumn and winter, when the lack of light interferes with development, you need to take care of the room greenhouse in advance.

Daylight hours, regardless of the time of year, should be at least 12–14 hours, and the temperature should be 20–24 ° C.

After 7-10 days, tiny green sprouts appear on the surface of the substrate, and further gloxinia from seeds at home need watering and several picks.

How to grow gloxinia from seeds?

Getting tiny gloxinia seedlings is not as difficult as then growing independent plants capable of flowering from them. Having received enough light, heat and moisture in a greenhouse, the sprouts continue to develop until about a month later real leaves appear on them, and individual gloxinia begin to crowd each other.

At this time, young specimens should dive. This procedure, which is important for growing and caring for gloxinia, activates growth that has slowed down due to planting density, as a result, the plants will get stronger faster.

From sowing to planting young rosettes in separate pots, 3 to 4 picks may be required. Their number depends on the varietal characteristics of the plant, the conditions created and the density of sowing.

Gloxinia seeds obtained from seeds are carefully removed from the old container, being careful not to damage the roots and crown of neighboring outlets. The first transplant is carried out in a fresh substrate of 10-15 pieces. And after that, the plants are again placed in a greenhouse under the lamps.

At the stage of the second and third picking of gloxinia, it is already possible to transplant individual pots with a volume of no more than 50-100 ml. Such sockets are already strong enough to harden them, gradually accustoming them to the air in the room.

Additional feeding of young gloxinia from seeds is not required, since when picking they are transferred to a nutrient substrate that meets the needs of small seedlings.

By the age of ten weeks, young bushes are transplanted into their own pots. It is better to take small containers with a diameter of 9 - 10 cm, in which the width is equal to the height. For constant soil moisture, you can use a simple wick passed through a drainage hole, or a room drip irrigation system.

With good care, growing gloxinia from seeds gives consistently high performance. And already at the age of three months, the strongest seedlings are gaining the first buds.

Growing amazing gloxinia from seeds - video

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Victoria Solup 14.03.2016 | 14099

This amazingly beautiful plant with numerous bluebell flowers can be easily grown on your own. We offer a step-by-step master class on growing gloxinia from seeds and tubers.

The people call this flower gloxinia, and its scientific name is synningia. This plant belongs to the Gesneriev family and has about 60 species, of which only one has received the most popularity today - the beautiful Sinningia (Sinningia speciosa). It served as the basis for the development of numerous hybrids with a variety of flower colors. How to grow this attractive gloxinia at home?

Growing gloxinia from a tuber

Before planting a tuber in the soil, it must be thoroughly cleaned, washed and inspected. All dead roots should be removed, and rotten areas should be cut out.

In order for the wound not to start to rot, treat it with brilliant green or sprinkle it with an activated charcoal tablet crushed into powder.

After drying the tuber, you can immediately plant it in the soil, but in this case it will germinate for a long time. In addition, there is a risk of flooding it, since gloxinia does not tolerate waterlogging at the beginning of growth. To avoid this, it is better to "wake up" the tuber first and plant it in the ground after the appearance of small sprouts.

How to "wake up" a gloxinia tuber?

To wake up the tuber, after cleaning and washing, place it in a plastic bag with a small amount of light (peat) and slightly moist soil.

Tie up the bag and put it in a warm (with an air temperature of about 25 ° C) and well-lit place. Can be placed under a lamp.

It is not necessary to ventilate the bag and moisten the soil. Your task is to simply wait for small green sprouts to appear from the tuber. After that, you can plant it in a pot.

We prepare the substrate and a suitable container

The most suitable land for gloxinia is a mixture of peat and humus in a 1: 1 ratio. In addition, perlite must be added to the container, and expanded clay drainage should be made at the bottom.

If you do not have perlite on hand, you can use ordinary river sand (about 1/3 of the total mass of the substrate), it also improves soil permeability well.

Do not plant gloxinia in heavy soil, as the tuber may rot in it.

Choose a container for a flower, taking into account the size of the tuber. There should be a distance of 3-5 cm between it and the pot so that the plant can easily build up mass. At the same time, it is better not to take too large a container "for growth": in it the soil will remain moist longer, so the roots will slowly develop, flowering will be delayed, and the tuber may even rot. So, for large adult tubers, a pot with a diameter of 12-14 cm is best suited.

Planting gloxinia tubers

At the bottom of the pot, pour drainage with a layer of 1-2 cm, on top - a little substrate. Then carefully place the tuber and fill it with soil so that the upper part, where the sprouts are, remains open. Gently pour the soil around the tuber with warm water, avoiding dripping on the sprouts.

Place the pot in a warm place under the phytolamp. Illuminate the plant 12-14 hours a day.

When the gloxinia sprouts grow to about 2 cm, completely cover the tuber with soil and water.

After a couple of leaves appear on the plant, transfer it to a light windowsill located on the southeast side. Please note that at this time, moderate temperatures, regular but scarce watering, and plenty of natural light are needed to form a strong gloxinia bush.

About 3 months after the germination of the tuber, gloxinia blooms.

At the same time, simple flowers bloom earlier, and double flowers usually have to wait a little longer.

We grow gloxinia from seeds

You will need:

  • a container for growing seedlings with a plastic transparent lid;
  • light soil;
  • quality seeds;
  • drainage (expanded clay);
  • spray bottle with water.

Gloxinia seeds must be sown, like tubers, in a light peat-based substrate. So young thin roots of the plant will develop better.

Sowing gloxinia seeds

1. Pour drainage into the container with a layer of 1 cm.

2. Sprinkle soil on top, lightly tamp and level well. You don’t need to pour a lot of earth, the substrate layer should be only 2-3 cm.

3. Using a spray bottle, thoroughly moisten the soil.

4. Spread the seeds on the surface without deepening into the ground.

Gloxinia seeds are very small. To distribute them evenly, take a white sheet of paper, carefully pour the seeds onto it, bend it and, lightly tapping, scatter the small seeds throughout the container.

If you are using granulated seeds, then simply spread them evenly over the surface.

5. Lightly sprinkle the soil so that the seeds go a little deeper into the ground. But do not overdo it, as for successful germination they must be exposed to light.

6. Cover the container tightly with a lid or plastic wrap and place it in a warm place under the phytolamp so that there is a distance of 2 to 5 cm from it to the seed container. Please note: gloxinia seeds germinate in conditions of high humidity, so even after germination the container does not must be ventilated (so that moisture does not evaporate).

Every 3-4 days, use a spray bottle to moisten the soil with sown gloxinia seeds. Seedlings should appear about 8-10 days after sowing.

Picking gloxinia seedlings

When the seedlings grow up and begin to interfere with each other (after about a month), pick them up in the same container with a light substrate, but place fewer seedlings there - about 15 pieces.

To do this, carefully pry off the sprout with a teaspoon, place it in a new place, lightly pour from the syringe and cover with a lid. It is better not to use a spray gun, as a strong pressure of water can damage delicate plants.

In total, when growing gloxinia from seeds, it is necessary to carry out 3-4 picks.

2 months after sowing the seeds, start gradually accustoming the seedlings to grow without a greenhouse: open the lid for several hours a day. If the plants react normally to airing and do not fade, then you can leave them in such conditions for a day. If the leaves begin to dry out, return the greenhouse.

When the seedlings grow up, and their leaves reach a diameter of 2 cm, transplant the plants into separate plastic cups with a volume of 150-200 ml or special bowls. At this stage of development, gloxinia should be grown without a greenhouse. But the cups must be located in a well-lit place.

After the young plants grow noticeably, they can be transplanted into a flower pot (also with peat soil) with a diameter of 9-12 cm or into separate cups.

1. Gloxinia are very fond of bright but diffused light and cannot stand crowding, so each plant should have its own pot and tray.

2. Watering should be regular, but without waterlogging.

3. During the flowering period, you need to periodically inspect the plants and remove wilted flowers and yellowed leaves.

4. During the growing season, once a week, the plant must be fed with mineral fertilizer (during the formation of buds, this can be done twice). After the end of flowering (usually in mid-September), feeding and watering should be stopped.

5. With improper care, gloxinia can get sick. From too generous watering, tuber rot can develop. To prevent this disease, before planting, it is recommended to shed the soil with a solution of Fitosporin, you can water the plant several times after transplantation with the same preparation. In addition, in order to avoid rotting of tubers, planting material must be purchased from trusted sellers, and not from hands.

6. Young plants with very tender leaves are susceptible to spider mite attack. At the same time, the edges of the sheet are twisted, cobwebs and small dots appear on them, which develop into yellow-brown spots. As a result, the leaf gradually dies off. To get rid of the pest, you need to treat the plants at least three times with an insecticide solution (Fitoverm, etc.) with an interval of 3-4 days.
