Prayer to Michael the Archangel is the strongest under the wing. A short prayer for every day to Archangel Michael is a very strong defense

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Prayers to Archangel Michael

Prayer to the Archangel Michael "very strong protection"

“Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send Your Archangel Michael to help Your servants (names). Protect us, Archangel, from enemies, visible and invisible.

O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Forbid all the enemies that fight me, and make them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them, like dust before the face of the wind.

O Lord Great Archangel Michael! The six-winged first prince and governor of the Heavenly Forces - Cherubim and Seraphim, be our helper in all troubles, in sorrows, in sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet haven!

O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the charms of the devil, when you hear us, sinners, praying to you and calling your name sacred.

Hasten to help us and overcome all who oppose us with the strength of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross Lord, prayers Holy Mother of God, with the prayers of the holy apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, Christ for the Holy Fool, the Holy Prophet Elijah, and all the holy great martyrs: Nikita and Eustathius, and all our venerable fathers, who have pleased God from time immemorial, and all the holy powers of heaven.

O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Help us sinners (names), deliver us from a coward, a flood, fire, a sword and a vain death, and from all evil, from a flattering enemy, from a storm inflicted, from the evil one, deliver us forever, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen"

Prayer to Archangel Michael for every day

Prayer to Archangel Michael from evil forces

“Oh, Saint Michael the Archangel, have mercy on us sinners who demand your intercession, save us, the servants of God (names), from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen us from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil and make us shamelessly present to our Creator in the hour of His terrible and righteous Judgment. O all-holy, great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise us, sinners, who pray to you for help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but make us worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever.

Prayer to Archangel Michael for the dead

“Holy Archangel of God Michael, if my relatives (the names of the deceased ... and relatives in the flesh up to the Adamic tribe) are in the lake of fire, then take them out of the eternal fire with your blessed wing and bring them to the Throne of God and beg our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive them their sins. Amen".

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Prayers to Archangel Michael: 9 comments

Thank you my guardian angel for everything! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God! have mercy on me a sinner.

God bless you for everything! Archangel Michael, I pray you for our entire family, protect us from all evil!

Thanks I'll take a look at everything! Argangel Michael, I pray you for our family, protect us from all evil! Save my son Maxim and husband Alexander!

Archangel Michael! Help us so that happiness never leaves our home, and everyone is healthy, and we will pray to you. Thank you in advance

Archangel Michael! Protect my family. B. - Olga, Fotinya, Daria, neg. Plato from troubles and misfortunes. Thank you, great Archangel Michael.

Thanks to the Archangel for the invaluable help.

Save and save from all evil, me a sinner, the servant of God Demetrius and all my parents and grandparents and all Orthodox Christians - In the kingdom of the Lord our God, for all time of our stomach! To the glory and strength of your Archangel Archangel Michael, and the Lord our God Jesus Christ the Son of God! Amen!

General of All Angels and Archangels. Great and Mighty Archangel of God. First Prince and Governor of the Forces of Heaven. Cherubim and Seraphim. I bow my body and head before You. Be the protection and support of all Christians. I ask you for protection for my loved ones, mothers and folders of the servants of God Antonina and Peter, the wife of the servant of God Lyudmila, the children of my servant of God Elena and Elizabeth, me the sinful servant Alexander. Come to our aid, protect us and save the flood and famine from the sword of fire, in the terrible hour, help me get out of the sinful fire that awaits me. I pray you, Father Michael the Archangel, save and save

Archangel Michael! Thank you for listening to me! I believe that you will not leave me in trouble and help me. I will pray to you, save and save.

Prayer to Archangel Michael is the strongest defense

Having received the glory of the great protector, the Holy Archangel Michael is revered by many religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism. He is known as the most important angel, a fighter against evil and all evil spirits, the protector of all mankind. And the prayer to the Archangel Michael, inscribed on the porch of the Miracle Monastery in the Kremlin, is able to provide very strong protection to anyone who turns his request to the saint. The Church recommends reading this protective prayer in case of any - real and potential - danger.

How to ask Archangel Michael for protection: prayer texts

Daily strongest prayer to Archangel Michael

The following prayer to the Archangel Michael is able to provide powerful protection for both the praying person and all his relatives and friends. This text belongs to the category daily prayers Therefore, it is recommended to pronounce it every day, at any convenient time. The words sound like this:

In the places marked in brackets, the prayer should name all those whom he wishes to cover with the invisible protective wing of the Holy Archangel Michael. In order not to accidentally miss someone, it is recommended to write all the names in advance on a piece of paper.

Prayer-protection from dark forces

A person who calls on Archangel Michael with this prayer below will always be protected from the evil influence of dark forces, from all witchcraft and evil, from devilish machinations and temptation, and will also receive deliverance from the torments of hell.

Sincere request be heard

Sometimes the intercession of the Higher powers is also necessary for those who are not familiar with Orthodox prayer texts. In this case, the Church advises to turn to the Holy Archangel Michael with a request for protection in its own words. Even such a prayer will certainly be heard by the saint - provided that it comes from a pure heart and is sincere. So, for example, you can say:

“Hear my request! Please help (me) (your own name, or give the name of the person in need of help) !”

With the help of this phrase, you can ask for a talisman for yourself and for people dear to your heart. It is best if you begin this short, powerful prayer with an appeal to Michael. Appropriate for the following:

You can also pray in your own words any day and at any time. After this appeal, it is not forbidden to voice any specific request of yours - to name what exactly you need the help of St. Michael the Archangel.

Who can turn to the Archangel Michael with a prayer?

Absolutely everyone can call on the Holy Archangel Michael for protection (even those who consider themselves to be staunch atheists). For Archangel Michael, it does not matter at all what gender the worshiper is, what race, religion, and so on. In moments of need, he comes to everyone's aid, gives his support.

In what cases can you pray to Michael the Archangel?

Life situations in which Archangel Michael can help and protect are different. The most common examples are:

  • confusion, the need to get out of confusing circumstances;
  • protection from tragic events, troubles, war, death;
  • protection from evil people: enemies, deceivers, robbers, murderers, etc.;
  • protection from negative witchcraft influence (damage);
  • asking for help in solving a specific problem;
  • a request to decide on a life purpose;
  • request to give vitality, patience and endurance;
  • please get rid of the anxieties, doubts and fears that torment the soul.

This list can be continued. The Messenger of the Lord will hear everyone who addresses him. The only condition is to ask sincerely, with faith in the positive outcome of prayer.

Who is Saint Michael the Archangel?

Saint Michael is the most important angel (archangel, archangel - from the ancient Greek “commander in chief”), close to the Lord. The meaning of his name is interpreted as "one who is equal to God." This is the head of the Lord's army, an angel who fights against the dark forces, helps the entire human world and protects it. Even on icons, he is always depicted with a long and sharp sword - with his help he defeats evil, saves humanity from fears, anxieties, temptations, eradicates deceit and other vices.

The name of Michael the Archangel was first mentioned Old Testament. In particular, it describes how this supreme angel took over the leadership of the struggle between the light forces and the dark ones and sent the devil to hell. Remembering the intercession of Michael the Archangel, people pray to him for protection from the evil one, from evil people, conspiracies and witchcraft.

Memorable dates

Annually September 19 The Church is celebrating Commemoration of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael- in other words, the day of the memory of the saint. This is the best day for prayers for protection and believers take full advantage of this opportunity.

Besides, michael day note and November 21. On this day pray for the dead, forgive the sins of all their kind, calling each of its representatives by the name given at baptism. The prayer speech ends by adding an ending phrase “and all relatives according to the flesh up to the tribe of Adam” .


The prayer addressed to St. Michael the Archangel is simple, but incredibly miraculous. Her words have the strongest protective abilities. Proof of this are the examples of many deeply religious people whom the Archangel of the Lord helped in the most Hard times their lives.

Thank you for the text of the prayer! Glory to the most powerful angel and protector of the common people!

Holy Archangel Michael, help me get rid of my fears and bad thoughts. Please protect me and my family from bad people, from all troubles and troubles. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Holy Archangel Michael, I ask you to help my son Michael find a decent job. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever.. Amen.

Archangel Michael I ask you for intercession from thieves and intrigues of dependent and evil people. Help me return what they have stolen. Protect me from their intrigues from now on.

Holy Archangel Michael I ask for your protection and intercession from thieves and intrigues of dependent and evil people. Let them return what they have taken.

Holy Archangel Michael, help my son. I ask you to protect him from all misfortunes and fateful lawsuits, send him salvation and strength. Amen

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Prayer to the Holy Archangel Michael is a very strong defense

Orthodox Christians believe that in addition to the visible physical world, there is also a spiritual, invisible world. We find confirmation of this in Holy Scripture. This world is inhabited by angels - incorporeal spiritual beings. Translated from the ancient Greek language, the word "angel" means "messenger". They received such a name because it is through their angels that the Lord often helps us in our earthly life, makes us understand His Will.

We cannot know for sure about the structure of the subtle spiritual world, but we know that its own hierarchy operates there. So, one of the "main" angels is the Archangel Michael.

The prefix "archi" indicates a higher service at the Throne of the Lord compared to other heavenly beings.

In what cases is a prayer to the Archangel Michael read and for what?

How to pray to the holy Archangel

Our church teaches that there are nine angelic orders in total. Relying on dogma, any Orthodox has no reason to deny such angelic hierarchy. Archangel Michael is prayed as the leader of the entire angelic army. No wonder he is depicted on the icon with a sword - according to legend, it was with this sword that Dennitsa, who became Satan, was overthrown from Paradise.

Prayer to the Archangel Michael since ancient times was read by Orthodox warriors, going to battle. Of course, blasphemy will be treated with prayer before going to any dishonorable or criminal deed, lawlessness. You can resort to spiritual help only with a clear conscience and before the struggle for a just cause.

They pray to the leader of the angels in such cases:

  • before battles;
  • in military conflicts;
  • to protect against impact evil forces;
  • to help in the spiritual struggle with passions.

When reading a prayer petition, one should not forget that one should not put malice into one's words and thoughts. Even if there is some kind of struggle with the enemy, you need to pray for help without hatred.

Any malice and negativity is from the evil one, and the words of such an appeal to God will never be heard. In addition, one must always remember that a person always carries the greatest evil in his soul. Prayer to Archangel Michael for every day can become a powerful weapon in the fight against your own sins and passions. One has only to sincerely ask for help, and it will definitely come. Most the strong man one who has managed to conquer himself. And the real victory over oneself lies in the taming of one's passions. Man himself is not able to cope with such a task, so you need to ask God's help.

An important point is the general attitude to prayer as such. Today you can meet a lot of views when prayer appeal turned into a ritual magical conspiracy. This approach is contrary to the spirit Orthodox faith and apart from spiritual harm, nothing brings a person. It is necessary to turn to God only by trusting in His mercy to us and believing that the Lord will never send anything that can harm a person.

Miracles of the Archangel Michael

Many Christians around the world were able to personally verify the undeniable help that the heavenly intercessor gives to all who, with faith and a pure heart, turn to him for help. But where did his veneration come from?

Tradition testifies that the temple to the chief angel was erected in Phrygia. Near this temple was a source of healing water. The temple was built by a man whose mute daughter spoke after drinking this water.

After the erection of the majestic temple, the most different people from all around, seeking recovery and spiritual help in infirmities and troubles. Even many pagans received healing from the temple source, which led to mass renunciations of idolatry and baptisms into the faith of Christ. Of course, this distribution new faith could not go unnoticed by ardent pagans.

A certain man Archippus, who was distinguished by special piety and God-fearing, served in the new temple. Through his prayers and efforts, many opponents of Christianity were baptized and accepted the true faith. And so the enemies of Christianity, embittered at the saint, decided to kill him, and at the same time destroy the temple they hated. To do this, they decided to connect the waters of two rivers that flowed side by side. The water was supposed to rush towards the temple in a single powerful stream, sweeping away everything in its path.

Upon learning of the impending disaster, Archippus diligently read a prayer to Archangel Michael, very strong protection which did not arouse the slightest doubt in the saint. And a real miracle happened - the leader of the heavenly host Michael himself appeared near the temple. With his sword, he made a deep gap in the nearest rock, and all the water rushed there, bypassing the temple. Having witnessed such an obvious intervention of God, the pagans were afraid and fled. Saint Archippus did not cease to give thanks to the Lord together with his devoted disciples.

The memory of this miracle is celebrated in our church to this day, having received the name of the miracle of the Archangel Michael in Khonakh.

Cathedral of the Archangel Michael

Another revered holiday of our church, associated with the leader of the heavenly host, is the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael. The Holy Church celebrates it annually in the month of November. On the day of this holiday, all the disembodied heavenly forces that protect us daily in earthly life are honored.

Prayer to Archangel Michael from evil forces on this day is of particular importance, since absolutely all the incorporeal entities that inhabit spiritual world. The teachings of the Holy Church distinguish nine angelic ranks, which are all under the leadership of the supreme Archangel.

On this day, it is highly desirable to attend a service in the temple in order to personally turn to the heavenly forces with your requests. In many churches, prayers with water blessing are held - you can drink blessed water from them daily while reading the rule or in difficult life circumstances.

Prayer to the Archangel Michael every day is a great protection for all believing Orthodox Christians from any evil. Do not forget that by the great mercy of God to people, we have been given the protection of an entire army of spiritual forces. You should only remember to ask for help and try to do it with sincere faith and a pure heart.

The holy and great Archangel of God Michael, the inscrutable and all-important Trinity, the first in the Angels to the primate, the kind of human guardian and guardian, crushing from his army the head of the proud Dennitsa in heaven and confounding his malice and deceit on earth! We resort to you with faith and we pray to you with love: wake the shield indestructible and take it firmly Holy Church and our Orthodox Fatherland, protecting them with your lightning sword from all enemies, visible and invisible. Do not leave, O Archangel of God, with your help and intercession, and us, glorifying today holy name yours: behold, if we are many sinners, both of us do not want to perish in our iniquities, but to turn to the Lord and be quickened from Him for good deeds. Illuminate our mind with the light of the face of God, and I will bring it out to shine on your lightning-like forehead, so that we can understand what is the will of God for us, good and perfect, and lead everything that is befitting for us to do and even despise and leave. Strengthen by the grace of the Lord our weak will and our feeble will, yes, having established ourselves in the law of the Lord, we will stop the rest of the earthly thoughts and lusts of the flesh, being carried away in the likeness of senseless children by the soon-perishing beauties of this world, as if for the sake of the perishable and earthly it is insane to forget the eternal and heavenly. Above all of these, ask us from above for the spirit of true repentance, unhypocritical sadness according to Bose and contrition for our sins, but the number of days of our temporary belly remaining for us is dependent not in pleasing our feelings and working with our passion, but in eradicating the evils committed by us, with tears of faith and contrition of the heart, feats of purity and holy deeds of mercy. When the hour of our end approaches, liberation from the bonds of this mortal body, do not leave us. Archangel of God, defenseless against the spirits of malice in the heavenly places, who used to block the soul of mankind from ascending to the mountain, yes, guarding you, we will without fail reach these glorious villages of paradise, where there is sadness, no sighing, but life is endless, and, being able to see the bright face of the All-good Lord and Master ours, falling with tears at His feet, in joy and tenderness we exclaim: glory to Thee, our dear Redeemer, even for Thy great love for us, the unworthy, deigned to send Thy Angels to serve our salvation! Amen.

Prayers to Archangel Michael

“Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send, Lord, Your Archangel Michael to help Your servants (name). Protect us, Archangel, from all enemies, visible and invisible.

Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Demon crusher, forbid all enemies fighting with me, and create them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them, like dust in the face of the wind. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! The six-winged first Prince and Governor of the Heavenly forces of the Cherubim and Seraphim, wake us an assistant in all troubles, sorrows, sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet haven. Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the delusions of the devil, whenever you hear us, sinners, praying to You, and calling on Your Holy Name. Hasten to help us and overcome all who oppose us, by the power of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, by the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, by the prayers of the Holy Apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, for Christ's sake, the holy fool, holy prophet Elijah and all the holy great martyrs: the holy martyrs Nikita and Eustathius , and all our reverend fathers, who have pleased God from time immemorial, and all the holy Heavenly Forces.

Oh Lord Great Archangel Michael! Help us sinners (name) and deliver us from a coward, flood, fire, sword and vain death, from great evil, from a flattering enemy, from a tormented storm, from the evil one, deliver us always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Archangel Michael of God, with Your lightning sword, banish from me the evil spirit that tempts and torments me. Amen."

This is a very rare prayer, which is written on the porch of the Church of the Archangel Michael the Miracle Monastery (Kremlin, 1906.)

Write on a piece of paper the names of all your loved ones (children, parents, husband, wife) and name them all where (name) is written.

But 2 times a year - from September 18 to 19 (the feast of the Archangel Michael) and from November 20 to 21 (Mikhail Day) you need to pray for the dead - calling everyone by name (and at the same time add the phrase "and all relatives according to the flesh up to Adam's tribe". This is done at 12 o'clock at night. Thus, the sins of your kind are forgiven.
rare prayer Archangel Michael.
Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

O Lord God the Great, King Without Beginning, send, Lord, Your Archangel Michael to help your servant (name), remove me from my enemies, visible and invisible! O Lord Archangel Michael, pour out the myrrh of moisture on your servant (name). O Lord Michael the Archangel, destroyer of demons! Forbid all the enemies Fighting with me, make them like sheep and crush them like dust before the face of the wind. Oh Lord great michael Archangel, six-winged first prince and governor of weightless forces, Cherubim and Seraphim! O Lord, pleasing Michael the Archangel! Help me in everything: in insults, in sorrows, in sorrows, in deserts, at crossroads, on rivers and on the seas, a quiet haven! Deliver, Michael the Archangel, from all the charms of the devil, when you hear me, your sinful servant (name), praying to you and calling on your holy name, speed up my help, and hear my prayer, O Great Archangel Michael! Lead all those who oppose me with the power of the honest life-giving cross of the Lord, with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Holy Apostles, and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Andrew the Holy Fool and the Holy Prophet of God Elijah, and the Holy Great Martyr Nikita and Eustace, the Reverend Father of all saints and martyr and all the holy powers of heaven. Amen.

Oh, Great Michael the Archangel, help me your sinful servant (name), deliver me from a coward, a flood, fire, a sword and a flattering enemy, from a storm, from invasion and from the evil one. Deliver me, your servant (name), the great Archangel Michael, always, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

With the help of this powerful prayer, you can turn to the powerful Archangel Michael, who will help get rid of trouble and evil. Read this prayer and you yourself will feel the power and strength that it prevails.

“I appeal to the King of Heaven, to Our Father, to the Great Creator! God, send Your Heavenly Warrior, the demons of the Crusher, the Servant of the blue and the first ray, Archangel Michael to (your name or the names of loved ones), so that He saves us from the unclean power, protects us from visible and invisible enemies, and He sows Your Holy love into everyone's soul .

Oh Lord Great! I know that Your Power is limitless, I know that there is nothing that can resist You and the Host of Heaven. I have always believed in You, Lord, and now I continue to believe, and therefore I dare to pray to You to help me in (describe the situation or name the people who are at enmity with you). Send Your Heavenly Angel, Archangel Michael, to help me resist all evil on Earth and deliver us from everything unclean and evil.

Mighty Archangel Michael, I appeal to you with a request that You help me in life so that no one can harm me, I pray You also help my loved ones in order to avoid troubles, troubles and grief. Deliver us from the temptations of the devil, as well as from demons and all damned evil spirits.

I believe in You Archangel Michael, I believe that You will help me, I believe that You will not leave me in trouble. I beg you, hear my prayer and help me. I really hope for You and Your help. Thank you Lord the Great and Archangel Michael. Amen."

Prayer to Archangel Michael
Oh, Saint Michael the Archangel, light-like and formidable voivode of the Heavenly King! Before the Last Judgment, weaken to repent of my sins, from the net that catches, save my soul and bring me to the God who created it, sitting on the Cherubim, and praying for her diligently, but with your intercession I will go to the place of the deceased. O formidable governor of the Heavenly Forces, the representative of all at the Throne of the Lord Christ, the guardian, firm in all man and wise armourer, strong governor of the Heavenly King! Have mercy on me, a sinner who requires your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen me from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil, and make me shamelessly present to our Creator at the hour of His terrible and righteous Judgment. O all-holy great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise me, a sinner, praying to you for help and your intercession, in this world and in the future, but make me worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever. Amen.

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The path of each person is replete with meetings and events. People in the environment are not always kind, acquaintances are pleasant, and intentions are good. Negative influence capable of destroying, causing disease, interfering with the performance of daily activities.

Since ancient times, humanity has been with the Saints. Sincere requests for help with pure intent are the key to the fact that the appeal will be heard.

Archangel Michael is one of the most powerful possessors of divine power. He protects from small and large adversities.

Who is Archangel Michael?

Michael is the supreme commander, the commander of all the angels serving the Lord. The name itself (the Hebrew meaning - "like God himself") testifies to the high significance in the Orthodox world.

The archangel is considered the winner of the devilish forces, the deliverer of Heaven from fallen spirits. He patronizes warriors who fight lawlessness for the truth. He acted as the protector of Novgorod the Great from the invasion of the destructive forces of Batu Khan at the beginning of the 13th century. Many banners in Russia were decorated with the face of Michael.

Michael is mentioned in the book of Daniel the prophet. There he is called the first prince fighting for the people. The revelations of John tell of Michael's battle in Heaven against a dragon. The holy image is also found in the writings of Jude under the sign of the "opponent of the devil."

The Scripture tells how Cherub Michael came to Joshua with advice during the days of the struggle for the Promised Land. He appeared to Daniel when the government of Babylon collapsed and became Messianic.

The Archangel is recognized by the Church as the guardian of the faith from heresy and other evil. From here he is depicted on with a weapon in his hands. The sword or spear defeats the devil, as a symbol of fears and bad emotions of the soul. In the 4th century, the feast of the “Council” was established in the name of all the angels, with Michael at the head.

How to address a saint?

Appeal to the Archangel is available to all people: any number of years, gender, nationality.

September 19 is the feast of the Archangel Michael. On this date, it is customary to turn to the saint with prayers, to ask for protection in specific cases. Many believers repeat the prayer text regardless of the celebration.

The second day of Michael is November 21st. It is marked by the repentance of the sins of the representatives of the entire family nest, from the dead to the living. Everyone is called by the name from Baptism. They complete the speech by adding the ending "and all relatives according to the flesh to Adam's knee."

If you do not know the words of the main prayer texts, it is enough to say “Please help (whom)!” To be heard. In this case, the beginning can be built in different ways:

  • "The Lord Michael the Archangel"
  • "Wonderful Michael the Archangel, Cherubim and Seraphim"
  • "Great Archangel Michael"

Prayers to the Saint

The strongest prayer for every day

Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send Your Archangel Michael to help Your servants (names). Protect us, Archangel, from enemies, visible and invisible.

O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Forbid all the enemies that fight me, and make them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them, like dust before the face of the wind.

O Lord Great Archangel Michael! The six-winged first prince and governor of the Heavenly Forces - Cherubim and Seraphim, be our helper in all troubles, in sorrows, in sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet haven!

O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the charms of the devil, when you hear us, sinners, praying to you and calling on your holy name.

Hasten to help us and overcome all those who oppose us, by the power of the Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, by the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, by the prayers of the holy apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, the holy prophet Elijah, and all the holy great martyrs: Nikita and Eustathius, and of all our venerable fathers, who have pleased God from time immemorial, and of all the holy powers of heaven.

O Lord Great Archangel Michael! Help us sinners (names), deliver us from a coward, a flood, fire, a sword and a vain death, and from all evil, from a flattering enemy, from a storm inflicted, from the evil one, deliver us forever, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen

Intercession of the Archangel Michael from evil forces

Oh, Saint Michael the Archangel, light-like and formidable voivode of the Heavenly King! Before the Last Judgment, weaken me to repent of my sins, save my soul from the net that catches me and bring me to the God who created it, who settles on the cherubim, and pray for her diligently, but with your intercession she will go to the place of the deceased.

O formidable governor of the heavenly forces, the representative of all at the Throne of the Lord Christ, the guardian, firm in all man and wise armourer, strong governor of the Heavenly King!

Have mercy on me, a sinner who demands your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen me from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil, and make me shamelessly present to our Creator at the hour of His terrible and righteous judgment.

O all-holy Michael the Archangel! Do not despise me a sinner, praying for your help and your intercession in this life and in the future, but make me worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever. Amen

  • rewards those who ask with patience, relieves cowardice
  • directs on the right path to the goal and helps to find it
  • eliminates weakness, anxiety, mental anguish
  • shows a way out of life's difficulties
  • protects from the elements, attacks, tragic surprises
  • protects from enemies, bad eye, theft
  • makes it possible to cope with exams, a long journey and important matters

The Orthodox Church reveres him as a protector from dark forces.

Sincere, heartfelt prayer to Michael the Archangel for healing helps even in the most difficult cases.

What miracles did the archangel perform

In Aramaic, his name means "who is like God." It was he who first rose to protect God from the fallen angel Dennitsa. A fighter against evil and injustice, God's great archangel performed many miracles.

Therefore, Archangel Michael is revered throughout the world.

In the 6th century, Roman citizens died en masse from the plague. According to legend, the Archangel Michael, dressed in armor, appeared to the ruling Pope. He turned to the archangel in a fiery prayer, after which the terrible disease began to recede. Later, the Archangel Michael was given a sculpture on the Castle of the Holy Angel.

Read about the Archangel:

Once the great archangel appeared in a dream to the father of a mute child and suggested where the source of holy water was. The man went in search and soon brought his daughter holy water, which helped her recover from dumbness. Later, the rest of the townspeople learned about the holy spring. On this place, in honor of the great archangel, the Temple of God was built.

Saving sexton Archippus

Many of his miracles are reflected in iconography. In one Phrygian city, for many years, a humble and pious sacristan named Archippus served. The Christians, forced by persecution to secretly visit the Temple, greatly respected Archippus.

The sexton was respected and loved even among the pagans. Many of them converted to Christianity. This could not please the pagan rulers. Particularly zealous zealots of paganism decided to destroy the sexton and destroy God's Temple. A cunning plan was conceived. Given the respect that Archippus enjoyed, the pagans decided to get creative.

The sexton's death was to come not at the hands of villains, but by the will of nature. Pagan engineers managed to connect the course of two rivers. A powerful, uncontrollable flow of water was directed towards the Temple.

Seeing this, the sexton began to appeal to the archangel, begging him to save the Temple and himself from death. Archippus' petition was heard. The archangel himself came to the call and, striking the mountain with a rod, opened a cleft. The water rushed there, without harming either the walls of the Temple or the sacristan himself. This ancient event is called a miracle in Khoneh.

Saving Novgorod

Archangel Michael is especially revered in Russia. Church annals keep legends about how he defended Russia more than once from the invasion of foreigners.

One day, Batu Khan, having decided to move his troops to Veliky Novgorod, changed his mind for some unknown reason. According to church legend, in a dream the commander saw the Archangel Michael, who strictly forbade him to attack the city. So Novgorod was saved from ruin and death.

Help the Maid of Orleans

The Catholic Church also venerates the miracle worker. One day he appeared to Joan of Arc and gave her some good advice. Taking them Maid of Orleans decided on the coronation of Charles VII. It was God's archangel who blessed Jeanne for the liberation war against the soldiers of England.

Prayers to the Holy Archangel

Prayer to Archangel Michael will always be heard. The Great Archangel patronizes Orthodox Christians and protects them from visible and invisible enemies.

The Church teaches that the sources of disease are the sins of a person, which he commits at the instigation of demons.

Prayer to Archangel Michael is read for any illness. It is especially helpful for:

  • hypertension;
  • migraines;
  • neuroses;
  • heart disease;
  • Vascular diseases.

About other prayers to Archangel Michael:

The holy archangel is honored by the church twice a year. On November 21, the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other incorporeal heavenly forces is celebrated. On September 19, his miracles in Khonekh are remembered.

But you can turn to him for help on any other day.

How to pray to the sick

When a person is very sick, a prayer is read to Michael the Archangel for healing by himself and his relatives.

Prayer for Healing

Oh, the Great Archangel of God, Michael, the conqueror of demons. Conquer and crush all my demons, visible and invisible. Begged the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and save me from all sorrows and illnesses, from a deadly ulcer and from a vain death, O Great Archangel Michael, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

It is advisable to pray before the image of the archangel. A bedridden patient who does not have the opportunity to visit the Temple of God can turn to the Archangel Michael, holding the icon in his hands.

A person asking for healing must observe Fasting and fasting days on Wednesdays and Fridays. It is especially important to observe the Great and Christmas Lent. The effect will be stronger if the patient's relatives order a magpie for health or a prayer service.

The strength of the common church prayer capable of doing miracles.

Prayer for health

Oh, Saint Michael the Archangel, light-like and formidable voivode of the Heavenly King! Before the Last Judgment, weaken to repent of my sins, from the net that catches, save my soul and bring me to the God who created it, who settles on the cherubim, and pray for her diligently, but with your intercession she will go to the place of the deceased. O formidable governor of the heavenly forces, the representative of all at the Throne of the Lord Christ, the guardian, firm in all man and wise armourer, strong governor of the Heavenly King! Have mercy on me, a sinner who requires your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen me from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil, and make me shamelessly present to our Creator at the hour of His terrible and righteous judgment. O all-holy great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise me a sinner, praying for your help and your intercession in this life and in the future, but make me worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever. Amen.

Praying like this is possible not only in the presence of bodily ailments.

The Church allows people suffering from alcohol and drug addiction to contact the Archangel. The miracle worker hears people suffering from neurosis, psychosis, depressive states.

It is allowed to turn to him even with insomnia.

There is a prayer to Michael the Archangel from the disease, which is read when there is a threat of an epidemic.

Prayer for sickness

O Saint Michael the Archangel, have mercy on us sinners who demand your intercession, save us, the servant of God (names), from all visible and invisible enemies, moreover, strengthen us from the horror of death and from the embarrassment of the devil and make us shamelessly present to our Creator in the hour of fear and His righteous judgment. O all-holy, great Michael the Archangel! Do not despise us, sinners, who pray to you for help and your intercession in this world and in the future, but make us worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever.

Also prayer words uttered by mothers who wish to protect their children from disease.

What are the icons

The iconography depicts the archangel trampling the devil underfoot. In one hand he holds a spear with a white banner.

A person who has entered the Temple of God can see it on the northern doors of the iconostasis.

There are the following images of the miracle worker:

  1. front door.
  2. Blissful.
  3. Cathedral of the incorporeal host.
  4. Blessed warlord.
  5. Miracle in Khonekh.
  6. Miracle about Flora and Lavra.
The icon "Cathedral of the Disembodied Host" is considered miraculous. Communication with the miracle worker depicted on it consoles a person, contributes to the enlightenment of his mind, to alleviate the general condition. Acquire icons for the home iconostasis should be in the church shop.

More prayers for healing:

There is no special prayer to Archangel Michael for instant healing. You should not believe the mummers who offer to purchase one or another “holy” unit for a certain amount.

It is not holy water or an icon that heals a person, but God. Miracles happen. But instant healing is possible when it pleases God. Refers to church sacraments as to rituals, but to prayers - as to spells, it is impossible.

Prayer to Archangel Michael

We all want the impossible in this life: guarantees for the future. Sometimes protection and loyalty are about the same. higher powers. But after all, you always want everything to go as desired, as it is very necessary, at some point. And then we resort to the help of higher powers through various prayers.

This is a very ancient practice., which at all times people have resorted to in the most critical moments of their lives: the pronunciation of various words that refer to various forces: to light, or even to dark ones - here who will choose which side.

Archangel Michael - the first among angels

Archangel Michael is one of the seven Archangels of God, which the sacred Tradition tells us about (after all, as you know, Christians keep not only the Holy Scripture - what was written down by the apostles, but also the Tradition - that which was just as accurately passed from mouth to mouth mouth). But Michael is not just and not only one of the Archangels. After he was able to convince the rest of his angel brothers, who did not agree that Satan can be like God, rise up against the liar with the cry “Who is like God ?!”, and defeat him, he took the place of his impudent former brother.

After all, Satan was the head of the angels and, until his fall, bore a name that corresponded to his then, primordial essence: Lucifer, where “luci” is the morning star, and “spheres” is the star. He, the Morning Star, was beautiful among the angels. But he became proud, deciding that since he was so beautiful and powerful, he could do without God, and become a god himself, convinced many other angels of this, then confused and deceived Eve, who ate from the forbidden tree and pushed Adam to the same, after which he degenerated into a sadist and the most vile and base creature in the entire universe.

After Michael cast him into hell, God blessed his faithful creature and placed him in charge of all the remaining angels. We do not know what the name of the future Angelic governor was called before their feat, but it was after that war that they began to call him in all ages with the same cry “Who is like God” or - Michael. His title is now Archangel, that is, almost like a generalissimo.

From this story we see that Archangel Michael- the main one in the fight against the spirits of darkness and has a special grace from God to “step on” these “serpents”. In order to call for help the most formidable, just and holy warrior in the universe, there are many prayers.

Prayer or spell?

Of course, prayer to the Archangel Michael is very strong, protection will certainly be provided to the one who prays. However, there are some "buts" in this case.

It's about about one subtlety that can make you an ally to Michael, or maybe put you on the other side, knowing or ignorant. And the thing is that many treat prayer as ... a spell. That is, all the faith (more precisely, pseudo-faith) of a person goes to finding such a special, special prayer, which I read a certain number of times - and it's in the bag.

We all want a magic button on which it would be written: money, health, love, happiness, fulfillment of all desires, protection, and so on. Or suddenly we decided that we need a button "the most strong prayer». Moreover, it is important that the text itself be strong.. Here's one to read - and immediately everything fell from the sky. Maximum effect with minimum action.

A mystical attitude towards interaction with God and His servants is one of the main mistakes that lead people to disappointment and unfair words towards God. But this is not the saddest thing - it disorients a person, confuses. As Jesus Christ, the second hypostasis of God, said, "according to your faith it will be for you for a long time." That is, it is not enough just to read the text - faith is needed. Well, at least the most overwhelming, the size of a mustard seed, the size of a speck of dust, but - faith, trust is precisely the one whose help is needed. The real attitude towards the heavenly protector, who is exactly asked. And not a “button” (a super-strong prayer that will do everything for you), which is “pressed”.

Strong protective prayer to the Archangel Michael

Protective Prayer Archangel Michael exists. And not alone. you can find and download a prayer to the Archangel Michael from Orthodox sites. This will guarantee that you have before you genuine prayers composed by holy people. There are many prayers, because people have known for a long time and for good reason how formidable and strong Michael can be to offenders when they ask for his help. After all, most often really offended and humiliated people turn to him. It is unlikely that any of the offenders would think of asking Mikhail to take his side. However, a simple appeal to the Archangel, in your own words, but from the heart, will already be enough for the Archangel to hear and take control of the matter.

People who are not internally ready or unwilling to accept that this is not mysticism, not spells, and so on, they are looking for a specific prayer that was written on the walls of one of the ancient temples. The temple was destroyed, but the prayer survived. There was a postscript to this battle, stating that whoever reads it every day will receive full protection from all their enemies, and on the day of death, the spirits of malice will not be able to come close to the soul of the deceased and prevent them from entering paradise.

That's how simple it is: just read a prayer every day, and that's it. And it turns out that it doesn’t matter what you do at the same time: you lie, you condemn, you steal, you get angry, you cheat, you guess at Christmas. hold the needle above the threshold evil person... The patient did not visit. Didn't feed anyone. He did not support the prisoner and did not instruct him on the path of God. But! But he did read a prayer.

That is, to the place of personal labor and effort to lead a lifestyle pleasing to God, to believe Him and worship Him, to imitate Him, believe Him and His servants, which, in fact, fulfill His will, is given to just one action - to read a prayer, which, without all the above personal efforts, automatically turns into a spell, into a specially composed text to get what you want, into a “button”. Moreover, this text is unknown by whom, when and why it was compiled and written down. But, as you know, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Prayer then prayer when a person gives all his hope to the one with whom he communicates: with God, His Mother, His angels, His saints - people who are enlightened by His Holy Spirit. Communicates - it means that he does something in common with him, it means that at the moment of prayer, the prayer and the one to whom they are addressing are unanimous. This means that a person takes - consciously - the side of the world, chooses God.

If what is being read is just like a spell - they say, I’ll read it quickly and prosperity will immediately come, and all enemies will fall at my feet, the evil eye will return to its author and the damage will curl up into a tube and crawl away on one paw, then it’s better not waste time for nothing. This can not only not help, but also harm. What exactly? - soul.

Yes, maybe this will help normalize the situation. Yes, maybe the caster will get what he wanted. But here it will already be possible to ask a fair question: who will eventually turn out to be an assistant - the Archangel or the opposite side? After all, the devil often catches a person on his desires: make a wish, I will fulfill it for you .... - you will have to. What exactly? Yes, of course, himself. If you die, you will be mine, you will live in hell forever. And then who are we going to mock with the lads?

If for you the question of where the help came from is unprincipled, and most importantly - to get your own, then here you are at the wrong address. This is for you to any evil spirits:

  • to the fortune tellers
  • grandmothers (this, as you know, is not always an indicator of age, rather an occupation),
  • magicians,
  • clairvoyant,
  • sorcerers,
  • mediums and other "supernatural" people.

But Orthodox Christians prioritize the salvation of their own souls and the souls of those with whom God brings them together during their lives. Therefore, they will wait for help only from the good hands of God or His good servants who do His will. And nothing else. There is no compromise, even the slightest, between the side of God and the side of Satan, there has not been and cannot be. Be sure to take this into account.

The Orthodox Church deeply reveres the Holy Heavenly Archangel. Although, mind you, not much is said about him in Holy Scripture, just a couple of lines. We know everything basic from Holy Tradition, which is equivalent to Scripture. One of the days of the week, Monday, is dedicated to Michael and his Angels. That is, weekly prayers have been offered to the Archangel for many centuries. Children are named after him and temples are built. Twice a year, in Orthodox churches, separate, specially composed services are sung to him, composed in honor of his victory over Satan and his miracles.

The Archangel never refused to help those who, just like Him, love God (at least to one degree or another), confess His name and strive for Him - Christians. He did not refuse to help the Jewish people, as long as they did not crucify the Lord. After the arrival of the Savior and His death, the Archangel ardently loves Christians and always helps. However, if you are a pagan in essence (believe in corruption, the evil eye, prayer-spells, turn to fortune-telling, fortune-tellers, clairvoyants, mediums), then ... Archangel will help you. But only if you repent (confess this to the priest as sins and a crime against faith and the will of the Heavenly Father).

In any case, only after your repentance will it be possible to be calm that help came from where it was needed and that no “payment of the soul” will be required. After all, as you know, Satan encroaches on the most precious thing - on the human soul. Or, if a person has not yet realized the value of his soul, on their loved ones or loved ones.

Protective prayer to the Archangel Michael

We have seriously considered the issue of a prayer that provides strong protection - the one that is written on the walls of the Chudov Monastery. Orthodox Christians have nothing to say against prayer itself. It is compiled according to all the canons of faiths s and expresses the correct mood of the prayer. You can find and download its text on the World Wide Web. You can read it at least every day.

Night prayer to Archangel Michael

There is no special prayer to be read at night (and only at night!) However, Christians pray at night and this is the preferred time for prayer. However, there is no mysticism in this. Night time is most convenient for concentration. It is free from sudden phone calls, road noise, households are already asleep at this time. The human body in daytime focused on work, at night - on the processing of information, contemplation, prayer. If the prayer knows how to listen to himself and understands what he wants, then the prayer will be more formalized.

Akathist to Michael the Archangel

one of the most common prayers, more precisely, one of their forms of prayers. This is in the truest sense of the word - a hymn, joyful and prayerful at the same time. He praises the Archangel, expresses love for the servant of God, serves at the same time as thanksgiving, and as a request and wish. Akathist is divided into 25 parts.

  • 12 kontakia (short),
  • 12 ikos - beginning with the exclamation "rejoice",
  • 1 or 2 prayers.

Akathists can be read or sung. Moreover, the chant of the akathists is very beautiful, listening to them is a pleasure. They are sung in monasteries, in temples. A certain tradition and chants exist in the summer Christian countries. In Greece - very beautiful chants. If you don’t have time to read, or you don’t know how or don’t know how to do it, then you can download and listen to them in the car or at home.

Why read a prayer to Michael the Archangel

Michael is prayed for different occasions . He is very responsive and helps quickly:

  • in need of protection of the innocent or those repenting of sins,
  • if necessary, help in the victory over sin or passion,
  • traveling (lost)
  • in situations where mental strength is needed,
  • when mad,
  • if you need help finding yourself or life path and so on.

Short Prayer to Michael the Archangel

In fact, even any atheist knows the shortest prayer. it sounds like this: "Lord, have mercy." To all the saints, incorporeal forces (angels), the prayer is the same, only the appeal to Michael will be: “Holy Archangel Michael of God, pray to God for us (or for me).” This prayer can be mentally said even in the most acute cases. . Michael will hear and intervene.

Saint Archangel Michael - the first fighter with evil spirit. And it needs to be treated accordingly. Prayer to him should really be a prayer, not a spell. This is the main condition that must be met. Then the servant of God will not leave you and will always help you.
