What should be the hole for planting cherries. How to grow cherries from the stone at home: a step by step guide for beginners

Cherry is a heat-loving plant, therefore, in order to plant it correctly, you need to know some of the features of the process. Every gardener has his own secrets to get good harvest, but even a beginner in this area should know when to plant cherries - in spring or autumn.

Planting in spring or autumn

Any gardener who is going to grow cherries for the first time in his area is interested in what her proper planting should be. It is important not only to choose a new place for a seedling, but also to determine the period that better fit for this. It is important to remember that seedlings are planted in the northern territories in spring, and in the southern places in autumn.

Proper planting in spring

The most favorable period for planting such a plant is spring.

Apart from proper preparation soil and quality care, you need to pay attention to a number of nuances.

  1. If you decide to plant a winter-hardy variety, it is better to wait until the temperature reaches above 0 ° C.
  2. Even if you decide to plant a tree in the spring, a new place for a seedling must be prepared in advance. Preferably in early autumn. It is important not only to ask immediately correct parameters pits: depth - 70 cm and width - 1 m, but also add organic fertilizers to the soil.
  3. For landing at spring period you need to choose drained land.
  4. It is better to plant a tree before the buds begin to swell on the branches.

Planting in autumn

Despite the fact that planting cherries in the fall is considered a rather risky procedure, experienced gardeners sometimes they do. Please note that in autumn it is strictly forbidden to plant cherries in northern regions countries. This is because they may not survive the winter and will require an additional transplant. In such cases, seedlings are recommended to dig in the garden. To do this, it will be enough to dig a small hole into which, at an angle of 45 °, carefully lay out the cherry seedlings. Make sure that the tops of the trees are directed clearly to the south.

If the planting of any kind of sweet cherry in the fall still takes place, then this should be done no later than 2 weeks before the appearance of even minimal frosts. The most optimal period is from September 20 to October 20.

Proper cultivation and planting

So that the process of growing cherries takes place at the maximum high level, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all milestones planting plants in spring and autumn.

  1. First you need to dig a hole or a foundation pit, the depth of which should be approximately 60-70 cm, and the width - 80-100 cm. Drive a small peg into the ground as a future support for cherries.
  2. At the bottom of the pit, there must be fertilizer, which can be compost or manure. There should be a small layer of ordinary soil on top.
  3. After immersing the seedling in the hole, you need to straighten its roots.
  4. Cover the roots with earth, water the tree and tie it to a peg.

Seedling preparation

So that the plant does not have to be transplanted again, you need to learn how to prepare seedlings.

  1. The stem from the scion should be very distinct on each tree.
  2. At the stage of buying seedlings, pay attention to the condition of the main conductor. If it is not there, in the future the cherry will branch poorly. And if it is broken, then the state of the tree in the process of growth will not be the most favorable.
  3. The roots should be about 15 cm long and branch well.
  4. The most favorable age of the seedling will be 1-2 years, then it can even be transplanted.
  5. The cut should be light cream in color.

Soil preparation

In order for the transplant to go smoothly, you need not only to choose a worthy place, but also to prepare the ground:

  • as a fertilizer, you can use manure or humus, at the rate of 10 kg per 1 m2;
  • add 100 g of potash fertilizers and 180 g of superphosphate to the soil;
  • via dolomite flour or else lime can reduce the acidity of the soil if necessary;
  • the pit should be dug about 2-3 weeks before transplanting the seedling itself;
  • to root system plants have not been damaged, it is forbidden to use nitrogen fertilizers for the soil.


It is equally important to care for cherries after you decide to plant them. Care should include the following:

  • wrap the tree trunk with burlap as a protection against low temperatures;
  • to protect the seedling from rodents, pesticides can be placed around it;
  • watering is carried out once a month, in case of severe drought - weekly;
  • to stimulate growth after planting, it is important to introduce nitrogen fertilizers;
  • as protection from birds, you can stretch a tight net over the tree.


By implementing correct disembarkation, preparing and caring for a cherry seedling, you can increase the yield of a tree several times. Follow the step-by-step guide, and you will definitely succeed in achieving your goal.

Probably, there is no such person who would be indifferent to juicy and sweet cherries. Every self-respecting gardener considers it a matter of honor to plant at least one cherry tree on his site. But when is it better to plant it - in autumn or spring? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Planting cherries in cold regions is done in the spring, when the buds swell.

Sweet cherry is a rather heat-loving horticultural crop. For this reason, experts advise planting a tree in the spring, but only if the cherry will grow in regions with a cold climate.

For the south of Russia and the Central region is perfectly acceptable autumn planting .

Deciding to plant a fruit tree in the fall, it is very important to meet the deadlines for this procedure. So, this must be done before the top layer of soil has time to freeze.

The optimal time for planting cherries is the period mid-September to end of October.

This period of time is the most suitable, since the trees in the dormant stage will direct all their vitality to adapting to a new place, and not to laying buds.

If the seedling was purchased too late and did not have time to plant it on permanent place until the end of October, then for the winter it is dug in the ground, and planted already with the advent of spring.

Seedlings are dug in a hole 40-50 cm deep.

Landing in Siberia

Gardeners should remember that for Siberia and other regions Russian Federation with a harsh climate only fit spring planting cherries which is held in late April - early May.

Otherwise, garden culture will not survive cold winter and, without having time to gain strength, freeze.

Advantages and disadvantages of autumn planting

Autumn planting of cherries can be done until frost.

Planting in the fall is good for many reasons. Let's consider some of them:

  • Gardeners who doubt the choice have the opportunity to examine mature trees and taste the popular varieties of sweet cherries.
  • In autumn, seedlings are much cheaper than in spring.
  • As is known, rainy weather sets in in autumn, and gardeners do not need to constantly moisten the soil near the tree.
  • During autumn and winter, seedlings have time to strengthen and grow new roots, so that they will begin to grow and develop faster than trees planted in spring.
  • Autumn planting is especially important in southern regions, because the risk of sudden hot weather is completely eliminated.

The disadvantages of autumn planting include the risk of frostbite of seedlings. Young trees that have not yet had time to adapt to a new place may not survive severe winter frosts, snowfalls or gusty winds.

Sometimes, after winter, young cherries have frozen or broken branches. Rodents, which feed on the tender near-stem bark of seedlings, are also of great danger.

Selecting a landing site

Cherries love the sun.

In order for the cherry to take root safely on garden plot, it is very important to choose the right place for her.

The best option would be a small hill, well-lit by the sun's rays, without the slightest hint of shading.

Grafted seedlings are especially in dire need of substances that are formed in the leaves during photosynthesis, which requires the sun. Ideally, the rays should illuminate the tree all day, in last resort- the entire first half of the day.

If the soil on the site is infertile, compost or humus should be prepared.

Cherry does not present overestimated requirements for the composition of the soil, but the priority is fertile, and at the same time light earth . The selected site for planting a seedling should not be located above groundwater or be in a swampy area. Excessively wet soils can cause root rot. For this reason, it is not recommended to plant sweet cherries in ravines and lowlands.

Winds and drafts are unacceptable

But also the cherry must be securely covered from strong winds and drafts. This will protect the garden culture from freezing in winter time, as well as from drying and weathering of pollen during the flowering period.

A high deaf fence will protect the cherry from the cold north wind.

Strong gusts of wind can cause great damage to cherries. Young and not yet fully grown trees can be severely deformed, especially if the wind blows relentlessly from one side. In addition, due to the wind, snow does not accumulate near the trunk circle, as a result of which the plant is left without natural protection from frost.

If it is not possible to plant a young tree in a place protected from the wind, you should create barriers on your own. Of course, they will let the wind through, but it will no longer be of such strength and direction.

How to prevent freezing

Early flowering in spring is a great danger, since there is a high risk of freezing of blooming flowers due to sudden frosts.

To avoid this, the trunk circle must be covered with a thick layer of snow, and sprinkled with straw or sawdust on top. Thanks to this measure, flowering can be postponed for a week and thereby secure the plant.

Selection of planting material

It is best to purchase seedlings from local nurseries with a proven track record.

Half the key to success in autumn planting is a well-chosen planting material. It is recommended to purchase cherries only from reliable suppliers. It can be a nursery with a good reputation, or an amateur gardener who has been selling quality, proven products for several years.

When choosing a seedling, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

Gardeners of the Moscow region, who decided to plant cherries in the fall, on the one hand, risk a tree if frosts suddenly hit, on the other, they get a chance to harden young plant and adapt it to difficult weather conditions.

Autumn planting rules

As the cherry grows pretty tall tree, it should be provided with free space within a radius of at least 4–5 m.

Autumn planting of horticultural crops is carried out in stages:

After carrying out all the manipulations, young cherries are abundantly watered and mulched using sawdust, peat or humus. This will provide long-term moisture to the plant.

Pruning after planting

Cherry pruning should be postponed until spring, so as not to weaken an already weak tree.

When planting in autumn, the first pruning is done in the following spring.

In order for the autumn planting to be successful, care must be taken to protect the seedling from frost and strong winds.

Video detailing the process of planting cherries at the end of August

If you decide to grow cherries with your own hands, then you need to take into account a number of factors in order to harvest an enviable crop. One of these factors is the correct choice of variety. There are now a significant number of varieties of both red and yellow cherries that can catch your eye, but not all of them may be suitable for growing in your area.

When choosing a cherry variety, ask if it can produce regular high yields exactly in your climate.

The requirements for agrotechnical work with cherries are similar to the cultivation of plums, cherries, apricots, cherry plums, since they all belong to stone fruit crops.
Both annual and biennial seedlings can be planted in the ground. By this time, the container in which the seedling is grown should be filled with fibrous cherry root system, and the seedling itself should be healthy, without damage, with live buds. A two-year-old seedling already has confident branching, which is due to the precocity of stone fruit buds in comparison with pome crops.

Much attention should be paid to the choice of a place for planting cherries. It should be warm, protected from cold northern winds. A prerequisite for ground water were located at a depth below 2 - 2.5 m from the surface, in order to avoid possible flooding. Cherry prefers light soils, for example, sandy and loamy. But in heavy peaty and clay soils it is better not to plant cherry seedlings, as the result will not please you. For acidic soils the use of chalk or dolomite is recommended to ensure a neutral reaction of the soil environment.

If you have already purchased a seedling suitable variety cherries and decided on a comfortable place to land, then we will proceed directly to the process itself. It is necessary to dig a hole 60 cm deep and 80 cm in diameter. fertile layer discard separately. We need it to dig a hole. The lower, infertile part of the soil will later be taken out of the site, since it will no longer be needed. Drainage landing pit can be provided with ordinary limestone rubble mixed with soil at the bottom of the pit. Crushed stone will also play the role of an additional regulator of soil acidity. All stone fruit crops, and cherries are no exception, are very fond of calcium, so we will need about 3-5 kg ​​of chalk or dolomite flour for one planting hole. After thoroughly mixing the dolomite with the soil, you can add earth and one of those organic substances that nursery workers jokingly call "yummy", that is, peat, compost or humus, into the pit in equal parts. Don't forget to mix the ingredients well. There is an opinion about the need to add phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to the planting pit, however, if you do not know chemical composition your soil, it is better to refrain from this. Be sure that the organic matter that we have already placed in the pit will be enough for the development of the seedling for at least three years.

If the soil in the container is dry, it will be better if 30 minutes before planting the seedling, you place it in a container of water. Remove the seedling from the container carefully so that the soil ball with the root system is not damaged. Plant it in the center of the pit and cover it with earth, gradually trampling the soil with your foot along the radius to the seedling. Be sure to install the planting peg and tie the seedling.

Next in line is the manufacture of an irrigation hole. It is done around the circumference of the pit, with a width and depth of about the bayonet of a shovel. Fill the hole with water almost to the brim. This will require 2-3 buckets of water. The final stage of work is the mulching of the hole after water has been absorbed into the soil. To do this, you can use rotted sawdust, dry peat or compost. The mulch will keep the moisture from evaporating quickly, allowing you to re-water only after a couple of weeks. The need for watering is easy to determine by checking the soil moisture under a layer of mulch with your hand. Do not overdo it with the amount of watering, because water displaces air from the soil, which tree roots need no less than water.

Cherry, like all stone fruits, endures winter worse than other fruit species. To protect the tree from frost, sunburn and other winter damage, which often take the form of longitudinal cracks on the trunk, it is necessary to use a simple and affordable method of protection: whitewash the trunk and skeletal branches throughout the reach. Processing is carried out in the fall, as in winter and especially in early spring, the tree is especially susceptible to damage. Cambium, "revived" under the first warm rays of the sun, simply does not withstand temperature extremes, which sometimes reach 40 degrees. Autumn whitewash will serve as a good shield in this case.

Your hard work will surely be rewarded with a bountiful harvest of sweet cherries. And here I would like to give you one more piece of advice on how to protect it from feathered "pests". The fact is that birds are able to destroy crops within one day, and hanging various scaring objects often turns out to be ineffective. Most effective way in this case, it is considered to cover the tree with the help of a net, either wrapping the whole tree with it, or pulling it on a specially prepared frame. This method of protection has been successfully used in Europe and is quite accessible to our amateur gardeners.

How to plant cherries Video

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Do you know that Chekhov's famous play is known abroad as "The Cherry Orchard"? And all because the words "cherry" and "cherry" are identical in many European languages. For example, in English they are translated as cherry, in French - cerise. And there is no contradiction here, because they are very closely related: both of these cultures belong to the Rosaceae family.

Of course, close kinship and linguistic subtleties cannot magically turn sour cherries into sweet cherries. But now it has become possible to grow heat-loving cherry trees in the gardens of the central strip of Russia. Russian breeders did a good job and brought out several winter-hardy varieties sweet cherries, which bear fruit well in harsh climates. So choose the one that suits you from the list below and - forward to landing!

Cherry planting

Cherry trees love and are well fertile, they do not tolerate clay soil, deep sandstones and really do not like windy places. Sweet cherry is a cross-pollinated plant, so plant two or three different varieties of it (at least) with the same flowering time in the country. She will benefit from the neighborhood with cherries, because cherry pollen perfectly pollinates cherry flowers.

In the northern regions, cherry seedlings are planted in the spring, in the southern regions - in the fall. When preparing the soil, it should be borne in mind that the horizontal rhizomes of an adult plant lie at a level of 30-80 cm from the soil surface, and the vertical ones are buried by more than 2 m. Therefore, it is advisable not only to dig planting holes, but to do plantation plowing where you plan to plant cherry garden.

The size of the landing pit should be at least 80 cm deep and about 1 m wide. Seedlings should be planted at a distance of 3-5 m from each other. It is better not to be stingy with the place and provide space for the trees, otherwise the spreading crown of an adult tree will obscure and suppress other plants.

Proper planting of cherry seedlings

- conductor; 2 - skeletal branches; 3 - stem; 4 - earth taken out from above; 5 - earth taken out from below and mixed with soil mixture; 6 - skeletal roots; 7 - fibrous roots; 8 - root collar

The pits are covered by a third with a soil mixture: earth - 2 buckets, ammonium sulfate - 2 kg, - 3 kg, - 1 liter, - 1 kg, undiluted - 35 kg (manure can be replaced with humus). If the soil in your dacha is clayey, then pour a couple of buckets of sand into the bottom of the pit, if sandy - a couple of buckets of clay. And only then pour into the hole soil mix.

Before planting, fix a support post for the seedling at the bottom of the pit. In the center of the pit, make a mound and place a seedling on it, carefully straightening its roots. Then attach the seedling to the support and gradually add the earth, lightly tamping it down. The root collar of the seedling should rise above the soil by about 3-5 cm. At the end of planting, the cherry seedlings can only be watered and carried out abundantly (you can use humus, fallen leaves or peat).

Cherry care

Cherry does not tolerate, so always carefully clear the ground around its trunk from them. In the second year after planting, the diameter of the near-stem circle, freed from weeds, must be at least 1 m. next three years, it is expanded by 30-50 cm, while not forgetting to mulch the soil annually.

Cherries are enough three irrigations for the season. Before watering, the trunk circle is loosened, fertilized, and only then watered abundantly. And if during the flowering period the sweet cherry is regularly sprayed with a honey solution, then an unusually effective pollination can be achieved, because honey will attract bees. And the better the pollination, the higher the yield. Here's a little trick!

Cherries are watered rarely, but plentifully - three times per season. In the meantime, young trees are growing up, temporary beds can be arranged between them. Next to the cherry tree, it is advisable to plant mustard with phacelia - excellent honey plants that are very attractive to bees.

Sowing various plants in the aisles is not only useful for young trees, but also protects them from the winter cold. For feeding cherry trees, slurry (1: 8), diluted complex fertilizer for fruit and berry trees(100 g per bucket of water) and water infusion of ash (1:10). Moreover, the near-stem circle, cleared of weeds, is watered with a nutrient solution. But fertilizers are not applied under the very trunk, since the near-stem roots of the sweet cherry are practically unable to absorb useful material.

In early spring, 60-80 g of carbamide (urea) must be added under each tree. Every spring, before the buds swell, the cherries should be cut and dried and broken branches removed, covering the cuts (with a special remedy for treating tree wounds). Trunks of cherry trees are necessary in early spring and late autumn to avoid cracking the bark.

Cherry varieties

AT favorable conditions tall varieties of cherry trees reach 20 m in height and are capable of producing up to 50 kg per season. delicious berries. Sweet cherries begin to please us with a harvest in the 4–7th year after planting (depending on the variety), but only in the 10th year does it enter the phase of full fruiting.

Worldwide, there are more than three thousand varieties of sweet cherries, which are divided into two main types: bigarro and gini. Bigarro cherries have a rather dense texture, while guinis have softer fruits.

Before buying seedlings, check with the seller whether the cherry varieties you have chosen are suitable for growing in your area. It is better to buy 2-3-year-old seedlings - they adapt faster in a new place.

cherry tree able to live in one place for up to a hundred years (with good care, of course). So - plant boldly. Delicious and unusually healing berry will delight both your children and grandchildren))

An important point in planting any tree is the choice of location. For cherries it is better to choose sunny plot where it doesn't happen strong wind. It would be optimal to plant it with south side buildings or on the gentle southern slope. It is not worth planting a tree on a lowland, in beams. If there is no other option, artificial hills can be created in lowland areas where warm air will circulate.

Buy seedlings themselves in specialized markets, or contact special gardens.

When is it better to plant cherries, and, accordingly, plan to purchase seedlings? Right choice landing time guarantees healthy tree and rich harvests. Early spring is ideal, when the soil has not yet evaporated moisture. upper layers. For those who prefer autumn planting, you should know - there is a high probability of freezing of young, not hardened pagons.

Given that the sweet cherry belongs to the genus of cross-pollinated, it is necessary to plant two trees at once. For the tree to give generous harvests, you can plant cherries as a neighbor. Keep your distance - the distance between them should be at least three meters.

Soil preparation for planting

Before engaging directly in landing in open ground, it is important to find out what type of soil is in your area. Preparation of a future landing site begins in the fall. The soil is pre-fertilized with lime (for acidic soils), rotted manure is introduced. The latter can be scattered in advance, before digging the soil.

If there is a possibility of a dry summer, decaying leaves can be added to the prepared hole - this is an excellent drainage that can retain moisture. For fruit trees, nitrogenous fertilizers should not be used. This can leave burns on the root system and affect overall growth. It is better to sprinkle the seedling with peat mixtures or humus, you can also use old foliage.

If the soil is clay, the procedure for preparing it will be slightly different. In this case, a couple of buckets of sand must be poured into the bottom of the pit. For sandy soil, everything is done the other way around - 2 buckets of clay are poured under the roots. The soil mixture is poured with the top ball. It is sold in stores and has PH level marks.

To prevent the young seedling from being damaged by the wind, use a column for support. Hammer it in the center of the recess, attaching it to the tree.

The seedling will rather take root and strengthen properly if you carefully spread the roots around the perimeter of the recess when you plant the cherry. They should lie at a depth of 30-80 meters from the surface, no more. root collar leave on the surface, do not drop it or bury it. If you pre-plant plantation plowing, landing will be much more convenient.

If the cherry seedlings are not quite fresh, first dip them in water for at least six hours. This procedure will allow them to gain the right amount moisture and strength for rooting after planting.

In questions about proper fit cherries an important factor distance remains. Given the growth rate of the fruit tree and the branching of the crown, leave at least 4 meters between them.

When to transplant cherries?

How to transplant cherries, if it is two-, three years of age and older? In fact, the tree is so unpretentious that any summer resident can do it. The main rule is to carry out everything according to technology.

There are two types of adult cherry transplant:

  • when the root system is open;
  • roots are hidden in the ground.

In the latter case, the sweet cherry is planted with a clod of soil. The depth of digging depends on age:

  • For 5-6 year old trees - 0.5 meters, since the root will be about 1-2 meters deep.
  • If the tree is older or you don't know its exact age, a depth of 0.8 meters will be sufficient.

Digging with a lump is better - the rhizome of the sweet cherry remains in its usual environment, the roots themselves are not disturbed, they are firmly connected to each other by a piece of soil.

If the trunk is damaged, it is better to refuse to transplant adult sweet cherries.

When to prune cherries and how to care for them?

How to plant cherries figured out. Now let's decide on the time and features of trimming. The first pruning is needed immediately after planting. Only a couple of large branches should be left, the rest should be removed. So the seedling will not spend energy on the development of the upper part, giving the main forces to the development of the rhizome.

On the next year thinning of young shoots is carried out - the growth of new branches is cut in half. This allows the tree to quickly grow additional branches. They will give the main crop. Branches located below the main ones should be cut off no earlier than after 2-3 years - they strengthen the cherry trunk well. Their pruning is carried out in the fifth year of the tree's life.

Care for such fruit tree like a cherry - the procedure is not troublesome. The tree is not too demanding, not picky, and can grow on poor soils. Regular top dressing mineral fertilizers, timely watering, correct pruning for the formation of the crown - these are the main points in the care.

To feed a well-rooted tree, a bucket of humus in the fall and nitrogen fertilizers in the spring are enough. Before fertilizing, loosen the near-stem circle, pour plenty of water (preferably not cold). For the whole season there should be at least three waterings.

It is important to remove the weeds around the sweet cherry in time - she is not one of those who will put up with their neighborhood. It is also an extra favorable environment for the reproduction of pests. Additionally, as a preventive measure, whiten the bottom of the trunk with lime in early spring. To eliminate caterpillars, the crown is processed twice by special means. This is the period before flowering and at the time of the first ovary.
