How to water onions so as not to. How to water onions in the open field and when not to do it

The rules of agricultural technology, developed on the basis of practical experience, contain recommendations on how to water onions in open field. When all the requirements for growing onions are met, it is possible to get the maximum possible yield, which will be well stored until spring. Violation of the rules of watering leads to a decrease in yield by 20%.

Why water onions

Watering onions in open ground at the beginning growing season allows the plant to quickly build up the root system and green mass. Feather accumulates nutrients in the lower part, which constantly thickens. Due to this, the growth of the bulb occurs. The longer the feather grows, and does not lie down on the ground, the larger the underground part will be.

root system onions begin to die with a lack of oxygen, advanced level moisture and temperatures above 18ºС. If it is impossible to influence the average daily temperature at which the bulb falls asleep and feathers lay down, then it is quite easy to provide the plants with enough water and oxygen. Before the onset of heat, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil between the rows and water the beds. cold water as the soil dries up.

Onions need moist soil until mid-June. After June 20, the bed is watered when drought occurs, and the roots die from lack of moisture. Timely watering at this time allows the growth of the bulb to continue until the onset of a hot period.

At the beginning of July, when average daily temperature air temperature exceeds 18ºС, the roots die off, and the bulb goes dormant.

Watering at this time causes more harm than good. If the onion has already fallen to the ground due to the drying of the neck, then the wetting of semi-dry onion tops leads to severe rotting of the leaves.

Bacteria and fungi are responsible for this natural process of turning plant waste into a nutrient medium, which begin to actively multiply. A large number of conditionally pathogenic microflora that appeared on the onion bed causes the development of putrefactive processes in the bulb. A semi-ripe root crop is connected with a green mass by a neck that did not have time to close in order to protect the resulting turnip from rotting the ground part.

Important: The last watering takes place 15 days before harvesting.

How many times do you water the onion

Planting sevka occurs only in moist soil. If the soil on the bed prepared for growing turnips is dry, then the day before planting the seedlings, the earth is abundantly shed with cold water at the rate of a bucket per 1 m².

Important: By planting seed material in moist, loose soil, the gardener stimulates the bulbs to grow together.

If a week after planting, the rains do not wet the bed, then you need to water the plantings so that the growth of the bulbs continues normally.

How many times you have to irrigate depends on weather conditions. If in May - June they go once a week heavy rains, then this moisture will be enough for the growing process to continue.

In late May - early June, a short-term drought may occur. If the soil is dry, then during this period of active feather growth, it is necessary to moisten the beds 1-2 times a week, until the rainy season. 10 liters of water are poured onto 1 m².

If there is no precipitation in summer, you will have to carry water to the onion beds regularly until the end of June. After each watering, the earth is loosened so that the crust formed due to watering does not block the access of oxygen to the roots of plants.

Interesting: Mulching after each watering is much more beneficial than loosening the soil. This prevents the formation of a crust, and the root system does not receive injuries that occur when loosening the soil.

Whether it is necessary to water the onions when the weather is cloudy and the precipitation is scarce, they decide based on the condition of the soil in the beds.

If the earth in the garden crumbles, and it cannot be formed into a ball, then the onion needs to be watered.

Important: Only the condition of the earth on the onion bed helps determine how often to water the onions.

Beds with onions planted on a feather are watered as often as onion varieties. stop water procedures it is necessary 5 days before harvesting so that the cut feather does not accumulate an excess of moisture, due to which it becomes watery and brittle, which leads to the development of putrefactive processes.

Attention: Watering is carried out before sunrise or after sunset. Then the tender leaves will not suffer from sunburn that form on green onions.

How to water the beds

Onions need moist soil, and in what way they will irrigate it, it does not matter for obtaining a healthy bulb crop:

  1. Drip irrigation will be useful if the irrigation system is turned on from evening to morning.
  2. Watering from a hose at medium pressure will provide an opportunity to moisten the soil well and facilitate hard work associated with lifting and carrying heavy loads.
  3. The watering can can be used to care for a garden bed with onions. Young shoots are watered with it from above. When the turnip is formed, water is poured along the aisles so that a direct stream of water does not fall on the bulbs.
  4. Many housewives scoop water from a 1 liter bucket with a bucket or a jar, dividing it into 5 bushes. Water is poured under the bush so that the root system is moistened.

After irrigation, the earth is loosened, providing oxygen access to the underground part of the plant. This allows you to get a fast growth of greenery.

Important: It is impossible to splash water onto the onion bed with a sharp movement. Onions are planted in the soil, filling it with 2/3 of the earth. Water splashed out of the bucket easily washes the tiny bulb out of the soil. A bare set will take time to root into the ground, which will slow down the growing season.

The temperature of the water suitable for irrigation should be between 14-18C. The higher the average daily temperature, the lower the water temperature will be. This allows you to cool the root system, which rots in moist warm soil.

After watering, the soil should get wet to a depth of at least 8 cm. When mulching and after loosening, the moisture will gradually seep deeper.

When the beds need urgent watering

Irrigation using salt water can be applied 1-2 times per season. At the beginning of the growing season, saline solutions help fight the onion fly. Half an hour after applying salt, you need to shed the beds clean water so that the bulbs continue their development.

At the end of cultivation, salt allows moisture to be retained, which causes the necks of the bulbs to lose their elasticity. The last watering contributes to the rapid death of the roots and causes lodging of the leaves.

Before processing at the end of the onion growing season with a saline solution prepared at the rate of 300 g per bucket of water, it is necessary to remove the soil from the root crops without touching the root system. Salt does not need to be washed off with clean water.

When watering onions is not needed

Soil moisture is not always good for onions. When neither feather nor bulb develops, watering is harmful to the plant. It becomes the cause of putrefactive processes that can destroy the crop.

It is recommended to stop watering the onions no later than 2 weeks before harvesting. Many gardeners are guided by the traditional date of July 12, after which onion watering is no longer carried out. Until this date, they stop watering the onion of the first year of life, which has grown from black chernushka, if the onion tops have begun to dry.

Some vegetable growers believe that continued watering in July will lengthen the growing season, which will increase the yield of turnips. This is possible only when the summer is so cold that in July the average daily temperature will be around 18ºС.

Important: It is impossible to fill the onion with water at high temperature values, because excessive soil moisture in the hot season leads to a rapid increase in conditionally pathogenic microflora.

When to stop watering onions depends on the variety and variety of the plant. Watered in August perennial bows so that the pen is juicy and massive. Some dutch varieties that in the 1st half of the summer they form a set, and after a period of heat they begin to grow a feather and actively grow the bulb, water the whole of August and September, if necessary.

You need to stop watering the beds with late onions before the start of the rainy season, which occurs in September. Late varieties of onions are harvested at the end of October after the first frost.

Onions and garlic - unpretentious, tasty and useful crops grown in almost every garden. One of the main conditions for obtaining a good harvest is their proper watering. Like any other bulbous plants, these cultures absolutely do not tolerate either stagnant water or its lack. About how often to water onions and garlic and in what quantities, our article.

Spring onion care

This crop is planted in open ground in middle lane Russia in mid-May. The day before this procedure, the soil in the garden should be thoroughly shed. After planting, the soil is not moistened in any case: they wait for the moment when the earth dries. In a rainy spring, this usually does not happen, and the plants are not watered at all.

The answer to the question of how often to water the onions depends largely on what kind of weather it is outside. In a dry spring, the condition of the soil will have to be carefully monitored. Drying out the onion in the beds is just as harmful as waterlogging it. In temperate continental climate spring time onions usually have to be watered about once a week. While the heads are small, it is not necessary to moisten the soil under the plants too much: an 8-liter bucket per 1 m 2 will be enough.

Care in June-August

So, we have found out how to properly moisten the soil under plants in spring. Now let's figure out how often to water the onions in the summer and how much water you need to spend. In June, the beds with plants should be moistened a little less often than in spring. Watering during this period is usually done once every one and a half weeks. For each square meter while spending about 10-12 liters of water. Approximately the same irrigation regime is maintained in the first half of July. At this time, bulbs are poured in plants, and therefore they need quite a lot of moisture. The soil in the garden should get wet by at least 15 cm.

Summer residents who decide to grow good harvest of this culture, you should also know the answer to the question of how often you need to water onions at the end of July. At this time, the beds are moistened at the same frequency as at the beginning of the month. However, the amount of water poured under the plants is halved. At the end of July, no more than 5-6 liters of water should be spent per square meter of planting, otherwise the bulbs will be lost in storage. Stop watering about three weeks before harvesting - immediately after creases appear on the feathers.

Basic rules to follow

How often to water onions in the open field, you now know. In the spring, this is done once a week, in the summer - once every one and a half. Next, consider what the actual technology for performing this procedure is.

Onion is a hardy and unpretentious plant, so you can choose any method of watering: from a hose under the root, drip, sprinkling. In the latter case, the procedure should be carried out as carefully as possible. A watering can with very small holes should be put on the hose. Too strong jets can crush the feathers of the onion, and it will grow worse. It is best to water early in the morning.

What else do you need to know

Too much warm water watering onions is not recommended. High temperature combined with humidity can provoke the development of putrefactive diseases. The optimal degree of water for watering onions is 14-18. With this mode, you can grow juicy, tasty, large and at the same time lying heads.

Sometimes the owners suburban areas added to irrigation water different kind preparations useful for onions. A very good solution would be, for example, the use of such a tool as Energen. This drug stimulates the growth and development of heads and feathers, reduces the content of nitrates in plant tissues and can increase the yield of onions up to 40%. Add "Energen" to the water at the rate of 1 capsule per 10 liters.

The answer to the question of how often to water onions can be, among other things, appearance the plants themselves. If the turnip feather turns pale and becomes too watery, the frequency of soil moisture in the garden should be reduced. Yellowing and drying of the tips of the leaves, on the contrary, is a sign of a lack of moisture in the soil.

How often to water the onion "on the feather"?

In this case, the soil in the beds is moistened in much the same way as when growing plants for heads. The only thing is that such onions are watered a little more often. In a dry spring, the soil is moistened not once, but two or three times a week. At the same time, they consume about 8 liters of water per meter. Before the growth of a long feather, watering is best done using the "under the root" method. Then you can use any method.

How often to water onions in the open field when growing "on a feather" in the middle of summer? Moisten the soil under the plants almost until harvest. Stop watering about five days before cutting. Later, this procedure should not be carried out, otherwise the pen will be too watery and brittle, and its shelf life will decrease several times.

Watering the garlic

So, how often to water the onions and how much water to use, we found out. Now let's figure out how to properly moisten the soil in the beds with garlic. The root system of this plant is rather weak. In addition, garlic heads are smaller than onion ones and nutrients are drawn mainly from upper layers soil. Therefore, this plant needs a little more water. However, it is impossible to pour garlic, just like onions.

The green parts of this culture begin to develop intensively in late April - early May. During this period, at least two waterings should be made. But only if the weather is dry. At the end of spring - in June, garlic heads begin to actively grow. At this time, it is watered at least once every 5 days, and in very hot windy weather - once every 3 days.

The answer to the question of how often to water onions and garlic depends primarily on the weather during the growing season. In rainy summers, the soil on the beds with garlic is watered much less frequently - as it dries up. Sometimes in the beds with this plant you even have to make grooves to prevent stagnant water.

In the event that garlic is supposed to be stored long time, during the period of rapid development of the bulbs, it should be watered less often, then the heads will grow not too large, but at the same time keeping. If the bed is small, and garlic is supposed to be used, for example, only as a seasoning for pickling tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, the frequency of watering should be increased. In this case, the heads will grow very large, but they will not be stored for too long.

Basic watering rules

When growing garlic, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • at temperatures below +15 degrees, the plants are not watered;
  • the water temperature should be no more than +18 degrees;
  • watering is best in the early morning;
  • most The best way watering garlic - drip.

If garlic is only going to be used for canning, stop moistening the beds a week before harvest. If the heads will be stored all winter - 2 weeks before.

Thus, we have found out how often to water onions and garlic. Both of these plants are unpretentious, however, in terms of soil moisture, they are still considered quite capricious. The technology of their irrigation must be observed, otherwise it will be, simply put, impossible to grow a good crop.

One of the most popular vegetables is without a doubt the onion. This is due to the many amazing qualities that this culture possesses. First of all, it must be said about the extremely wide use in cooking - onions are added to many dishes, and both the bulbs themselves and the green part of the plants are used for food. In addition to taste, this vegetable is also valued for its healing properties, since the set of nutrients and trace elements contained in it is really impressive.

For this reason, neat beds with planted onions can be seen in almost any garden or summer cottage. This crop is suitable for growing in open ground or in a greenhouse. Many grow onions on the balcony or just on the windowsill. Despite the fact that this culture is unpretentious, and even not the most experienced gardener can grow it, get big harvest tasty onions that will be stored for a long time is quite difficult. To do this, first of all, you need to understand the intricacies and features of watering this crop.

Why is it necessary to moisten the soil?

Usually, when planting any vegetable, the soil is watered. In some cases, this is done before landing, in others - after. Some agronomists advise planting onions immediately in moist soil, others advise watering the soil after the seed has entered it. In any case, the soil must be moist. So still weak roots of the plant will be able to quickly absorb all the nutrients.

Onion belongs to the genus Liliaceae, since the bulb itself is the main organ. Therefore, the plant needs moisture from the beginning of planting it into the soil until the ripening of the crop. This is especially important for the development of culture. If the soil is dry, the growing season will stop. Onion heads will not fully form, and the arrows will not grow. Even at the end of its "life" during drought, onions can slow down in development or even stop growing.

An unwatered crop will turn out very small. So experienced gardeners They know that if you properly water the onion, then its fertility will double. Of course, the intensity of watering must be calculated, given the climate in which you grow the crop. Also, do not forget that different stages onions require different amounts of water for their “life”.

To get a healthy and rich harvest big onion It is not enough to periodically moisten the soil. You need to know how to properly water the onion so that it does not turn yellow. This also applies to how often to water, and whether to water the plants under the root or irrigate the greens directly. Consider the answers to all important questions in more detail.

Fundamental rules

In addition to observing the basic rules of agricultural technology, you need to regularly water the beds with growing onions for eight weeks. The frequency of this procedure is primarily due to the weather, since with a large amount of precipitation it is not at all necessary to water the seedlings. And, accordingly, on the contrary, when the weather is dry, the earth should be moistened often (at least a couple of times a week). Many gardeners are arguing about whether this crop should be watered when planting. There is no single answer to this question, but there are general recommendations which will help to achieve a bountiful harvest.

Planting material for growing this crop is sevok, which is a small annual bulbs. These heads are buried in the soil by about three centimeters. The soil does not need to be watered before this procedure. Moreover, when planting seedlings in dry soil, the likelihood of damage to the root system is significantly reduced. However, in most cases, it is still necessary to irrigate after planting the onion, as this will give planting material essential nutrients and trace elements.

Knowing when the onions will need to be watered again is quite simple - the beds should always be at least slightly damp. They should not remain dry even for a single day.

During the period of gaining green mass and the active development of the bulbs themselves, this crop needs large volumes of liquid. Approximately in the middle of summer, the vast majority of onion varieties stop developing heads and begin to actively accumulate sucrose and other useful material. Thus, at this time, it is necessary to water the beds with onions much less often. If you stick to the usual watering schedule, then the grown bulbs will have bad taste, and it will not work to store them for a long time.

When moistening the earth with onions growing in it, you should be guided by a number of rules from professional farmers. First of all, never water an onion with a hose pointing at a turnip. This method can severely damage tender bulbs or even knock them out of the soil. The hose can only be used with special nozzles. The water pressure must be small.

It is best to water onions early in the morning or in the evening. It is explained simply. Even though onion arrows have a rough texture, water and intense exposure to sunlight can cause burns.

When the bulbs reach about five centimeters in diameter, intensive root watering can begin. During this period, you can already water without a nozzle, but the water pressure in the hose should be reduced. The grown crop is watered by the method of introducing moisture between the rows with planted onions.

To get a truly rich harvest of tasty, large and high-quality onions, it is recommended to install a special container on the site that will be used to accumulate and store water. Most often, a simple metal tank or other similar object acts as a storage tank in summer cottages and land plots. The container is installed in the high point site. Then it is filled with water from a well, well or other source and left to bask in the sun for several days.

Such water is ideal for onions and any other crops. From such moisture, they will grow better, develop faster and become less susceptible to various pathogenic bacteria and fungi. This is due to the fact that the temperature of the water heated under the sun is approximately equal to the temperature of the environment surrounding the bulbs. Therefore, they will not experience negative impact sharp temperature jumps.

Onions do not like severe drought. However, these plants just as poorly tolerate excess moisture. Under these conditions, the bulbs will begin to rot very quickly. In addition, at high humidity various diseases develop more actively, fungal diseases spread faster.

The most common disease that occurs with excessive watering is powdery mildew. This is a rather unpleasant disease, which entails a significant decrease in the yield. In addition, such a bow cannot be stored for a long time - in a few weeks it will simply rot.

If a land plot, where it is planned to plant onion crops, is too damp, then you need to equip the beds of sufficient height. Also, excess moisture can be combated with drainage system, which will divert water from the site.

Process features

The process of watering beds with onions may not seem too complicated, but it has a number of nuances that can only be learned from personal experience or from the councils of farmers. Moreover, depending on the season, the method of cultivation, as well as the variety of the crop, the rules for watering can vary significantly.

For example, in spring, onions planted in open ground are regularly watered with a moderate amount of water. The main thing is to choose the right amount of water for irrigation in the future so that the plants do not suffer from drought or too much humidity.

At this time, it is also watered exclusively between the rows of onions, since the sprinkling method is not suitable for sprouted seedlings. Water that enters the space between the arrows of the plant inevitably leads to the formation of rot.

It is important to choose the right time for watering so that it is not too hot and the sun does not shine very brightly, since under such conditions the moisture evaporates very quickly. In addition, in this case, you can accidentally burn the plants.

Some gardeners often plant onions before winter, that is, in autumn months. In this case, it is not recommended to water the seedlings immediately after planting, as they can germinate too quickly, which is highly undesirable when cold weather approaches. Sprouted arrows due to frost can be severely affected, to the point that the plants simply die. However, even with the threat of frost, making shelter for the beds is not very rational, because the rains at this time are not too intense. Therefore, they are unlikely to be able to sufficiently saturate the earth. For the first time, onions planted before winter are watered in the spring, when the earth is freed from the accumulated winter period moisture.

This vegetable will grow normally and develop correctly only if it receives required amount water at every stage of its development. In this case, one should take into account the dislike of onions for excess moisture. Therefore, before watering the beds again, it is necessary not only to study the characteristics of the soil on the site, but also to look at the weather forecast for the next seven days. Such simple measures can prevent many unpleasant consequences (from turnip decay to the attack of various pests and diseases caused by the fungus).

To prevent plants from attacking onion fly, even before planting, prepared beds can be treated with a special solution based on birch tar. To cook it effective remedy prevention, must be diluted in ten liters clean water one tablespoon of tar. Such treatment is able to protect onion plantings from pest damage for some time. If during the period of culture growth there is a large number of precipitation, then the cultivation of the land with a solution of birch tar is done again.

Consider the features of crop irrigation depending on the stage of plant development. At the beginning of growth, as in other periods, watering onions has its own specifics. After the seedlings sprout, they will need quite large amounts of moisture. The approximate amount of water that the onion needs for normal development during this period is thirty liters per square meter. If the weather is dry, then the beds should be watered at intervals of five days. During the rainy season, watering stops. A good idea would be to install drip irrigation.

When ripe, young onion plants are best watered with a conventional garden watering can or a hose with a nozzle. At this time, it is important to maintain a water balance and bring in enough moisture to moisten the ground to a depth of at least 10 centimeters. In the following weeks, this figure should reach twenty or even thirty centimeters. Determining whether the beds need additional watering is simple - just dig a small hole to a depth of 10 centimeters and get a handful of soil. If it falls apart after that, then most likely it's time to water the garden.

Before harvesting, onions are gradually stopped intensively watered. When the leaves begin to lay down, this means that the bulbs are completely filled and have developed completely. Most often this happens two months after planting seedlings.

It is impossible to water ripe bulbs, as this negatively affects the quality of the vegetable, so the beds with onions are often covered plastic wrap in case of rainfall.

What can be used besides water?

If the onion in your garden is already mulched, then, of course, it will grow much better. But this is not enough for a good harvest. In addition to water, nutrient mixtures can be used to water onions. It can be both special preparations and organic. It all depends on the desired result and the capabilities of the gardener.

saline solution

More and more summer residents today water onions with salt water. Such watering will save the plants from pests, thereby protecting the arrows from yellowing. It must be remembered that no matter what myths go about watering with saline, it will not affect in any way taste qualities and on the rate of maturation.

Water the onion with saline three times. The first watering is carried out when the onion arrows grow in length by five centimeters. The second and third watering - 10 days after the previous one. For such irrigation, you need to use only a watering can or a drip technique. In no case should you just pour salt on the ground and pour water on top of it.

To prepare saline solution, for each watering you need to take a different amount of salt. For the first time, thirty grams of salt should be dissolved in one liter of water. For the second watering for the same amount of water, you need to take forty grams. And for the third, sixty grams of salt will already be needed.

After watering with saline, you need to additionally moisten the bed with warm water.

soap solution

You can water the onions with soapy water only once or twice per season. Such watering is an excellent prevention of pest invasion. To prepare such a mixture, you need to take fifty grams laundry soap. It should be crushed and dissolved in ten liters of warm water.


Of course, in most cases pure ammonia is not used. It is diluted with water. Ammonia has several names, so in order to avoid confusion, they should be remembered:

  • ammonia water;
  • caustic ammonium;
  • ammonium hydroxide;
  • ammonia hydrate.

Ammonium hydroxide is dissolved with water in such a way as to obtain a twenty-five percent solution. It can be used to water onions. The same solution, but ten percent is known as ammonia. It should not be confused with ammonia, as they are different substances.

Onion is perhaps the most popular garden crop among Russian summer residents. Grow it on almost every suburban area. Of course, in order to get a good harvest of this crop, all the required technologies should be observed when cultivating it. This also applies, of course, to procedures such as

General rules

According to the basic technology, onions should be watered after planting for about two months. Actually, the very frequency of moisturizingnsoil change in beds with this crop is determined depending on weather conditions. If the spring turned out to be rainy, you can not water the onions at all. During the dry season, the bed with onions is moistened at least twice a week.

Also, some summer residents are interested inIt is known that sevok is used as seed material for growing this crop. These small annual heads are buried 2-3 cm into the ground. Before you start planting them, it is not necessary to moisten the ground in the garden. You can also bury the heads in dry soil. In this case, it will be more difficult to damage their roots. But after planting, it is necessary, of course, to fill the bed with onions with water.

Finding out whether the onion needs watering or not is very simple. Dry land under this plant should not be. During the growth of the green mass, you need to ensure that the soil in the garden always remains moist.

When to stop watering onions

Water the onions when planting,thus, it should be mandatory. For some time (with a set of green mass and with the development of bulbs), this culture requires a lot of water. But gsomewhere around mid-July in most varieties of this garden plantheads are almost finished forming. During this period, they begin to accumulate all sorts of nutrients and sucrose. So in the middle of JulywateringsLukeetcrare. If this condition is not met, the heads will grow tasteless and will be stored very poorly.

Three weeks before harvesting, watering the onions should be stopped even if the weather outside is dry. Otherwise, the heads may not even reach the New Year.

How to water properly

Moisturizing beds with onions, of course, you should adhere to a certain technology. Watering this crop simply from a hose is not recommended. Otherwise, you can damage the heads or even pour them out of the ground. Be sure to put a watering can on the hose. In this case, the water pressure should not be too strong.

Produce polive onionbest in the morning or evening. Feather tissues in this culture are rather coarse. However, getting water on them on a hot day can still cause burns. The fact is that after watering on the green parts of the onion, like any other plant, droplets of water remain. The sun's rays pass through them, like through small lenses, focusing. As a result, the tissues of the plant are very overheated and subsequently dead zones form on them.

How to water large onions

As soon as the heads reach a size of 4-5 cm in diameter, the method of moistening the onions by sprinkling can be changed to watering "under the root". The watering can from the hose during this period must be removed, and the water pressure should be tried to be a little less. Large onions are watered not over the heads, but trying to get into the aisles.

What water to use

It is possible to grow a good crop of onions with large heads and laying onions only in the area where there is a special outdoor storage capacity. It can be, for example, an ordinary tank welded from sheet metal in the form of a box. This design should be installed in the garden at the highest place. Water is poured here from or kopanka and left to warm up in the sun for several days. After that, it can be used for gentle watering of any garden crops, including onions.

The use of such water to moisten the beds provides best growth heads and reduces the risk of infection with all kinds of fungi and bacteria. This is explained very simply. When watering with warm water, the tissues of the bulbs do not experience any stress due to the rapidly changing ambient temperature.

Overflow hazard

Of course, you need to water the onion dquite often.Overdry this garden cropin no case can. otherwise good harvestPit will be simply impossible to get. But at the same time, it is impossible to allow overflows of this plant in any case. If there is a swamp in the garden with onions, it will quickly begin to rot. In addition, excess moisture will create in the soil favorable conditions for the development of various pathogenic microorganisms. For example, with excessive watering, onions can easily get sick. powdery mildew. In this case, even if it is possible to harvest some kind of crop, it is unlikely that it will be possible to save the heads in winter. Onions will begin to rot from the side of the roots in a couple of months.

On the damp areas This garden crop is best planted in slightly raised beds. It would also be a good solution to arrange drainage in the garden by digging ditches to drain water into a receiving well and laying them in. In this case, not only onions, but also other garden crops will produce much larger yields.

How much water should be used

Watering onionsproduceusually quite a lot. Specific QuantityThe water used depends on the age of the plants. In any case, after watering, the bed should be soaked just enough so that everything, even the longest roots of the heads, “earned”. The grown onion is usually watered at the rate of 10 liters per 1 m 2 of the bed.The soil under the plants should get wet by about 15-20 cm.For freshly planted onions, you can use less water.

What else is worth knowing

A couple of weeks afteraIt is advisable to mulch a bed with onions with manure or well-rotted compost. This should be done after watering. The earth is preliminarily loosened, all weeds are removed from the garden, and then it is covered with the selected type of mulch with a layer of up to 3-5 cm.

How to water onions with nutrient mixture

On a bed mulched with manure or compost, onions will, of course, grow much faster. However, such feeding is still not enough for this plant. In order to get a good harvest of onions, during the growing season it should be additionally watered several times with a nutrient mixture. You can prepare such top dressing using, for example, mullein infusion. The latter is diluted with water in a proportion of approximately 1x10.

WateringLukesuch a mixture should be done as carefully as possible. Get the nutrient solution on the featherstohighly undesirable.

Watering green onions in a greenhouse

The feathers of this garden crop grow very quickly. In addition, it contains just a huge amount of various kinds of vitamins. Therefore, many summer residents plant this crop in early spring in greenhouses. Of course, such onions should be watered correctly.

Experienced gardeners advise moistening this crop in a greenhouse with a frequency of about twice a week. When in closed ground be sure to monitor the degree of soil moisture.In this case, the soilunder plantsalsoshould not dry out.Waterlogging of this crop in the greenhouse should not be allowed.

Watering the onion with water xCold is not allowed not only in but also in the closed. In the greenhouse, this culture can catch the infection even faster than in the garden.

How to water seed onions

Of course, in a garden with such an onion, the soil should also be periodically moistened. The basic rule in this case is the same as when watering a crop grown on heads. Do not allow the soil under the plants to dry out or become waterlogged. Plentifully water onions planted on seeds should be during flowering. This will allow you to get a large quality set. It is not necessary to mulch the garden bed with such onions. But it is worth loosening the ground under it after each watering.

Use of sprinkler irrigation systems

With the use of such equipmentand throughout the season.Exactlysystems of this typeconsideredfor this culturethe most suitable. The main structural elementsuch equipmentis an irrigation head mounted in a special installation. These sprinklers are laid underground. During irrigation, when pressure is applied to the pipeline, rods with nozzles at the end extend outward. Sprinkler height can reach 5-30 cm.

On sale today there are two types of such equipment - fan and rotary. For onions, the first type of sprinklers is better suited. Rotary models are more often used for

Difficulty finding a vegetable garden country cottage area, on which they would not organize watering onions, because all vegetables require moisture when they grow and ripen. AT different periods Vegetables need different amounts of water to grow. Therefore, how to water the onions, and even the first time after planting, is not an idle question at all.

Usually, all vegetables are watered after planting, some more, others less. Some farmers also suggest planting onions in very moist soil or watering well as soon as they are planted. They explain this by the fact that small roots must find nutrients, and without water this is impossible. Others say that the onion does not need much moisture, as it comes from the arid climate of Central Asia.

In the homeland of wild onions, it receives moisture in the spring, manages to grow a few leaves, and then a dry hot summer comes - the onion falls into a dormant state until the winter rains. So our varietal onion grows intensively, receiving moisture, and with its lack, it slows down growth and can fall asleep, that is, stop growing a turnip and form leaves. So watering, of course, is necessary. The intensity of irrigation and the amount of water depend on the climate, the amount of rain, the time and method of planting. There are different approaches to this issue in the case of sowing seeds and planting sevka, when planting in spring and before winter. Each case requires its own amount of water and method of watering after planting.

How many times to water

Onions definitely need moisture to grow and ripen. Otherwise, where will the turnip get its mass and juiciness from? But everything should be within reasonable limits. If the site is located in an area of ​​high humidity, it is better to do high bed with good drainage so that water does not stagnate. Otherwise, the owner risks getting rotten onions with the whole set of fungal diseases. If the rains a rarity, and the onion does not threaten to be in the middle of a puddle, the bed can be on a flat area, not higher than other vegetables.

At early landing before winter, when they plan to get several fresh green leaves before frost, after placing the seedlings in the soil, the bed is watered abundantly. Since the onion has to grow, it can be moistened a few more times if necessary. It is easy to check by simply touching the ground with your hand to the depth of your palm, the main thing is simply to prevent drying out. When sevok is planted in the ground just before the frost, it should not grow until spring, on the contrary, it should be at rest. This means that they plant it in specially unmoistened soil, after which they do not water it. It doesn't matter if it rains - that's why it's autumn, but special watering is not needed.

At spring planting or sowing, you must immediately allow the plant to take root and begin to grow, so watering is needed. But here it is important not to overdo it. In the spring, not only onions grow - bacteria are activated that can cause various diseases, pests that carry them. It is enough to water 1 or 2 times a week (if there is no rain), it will take approximately 10 liters of water per 1 m2. This is the first time after planting, then the amount of water is slightly reduced. Such a watering calendar is quite suitable even for summer residents of the “weekend”, moderate watering on Fridays and Sundays is quite enough.

Features of proper watering

It is believed that for the first 2 months the onion is actively growing, releasing feathers, increasing the mass of the turnip - accordingly, it needs watering. And stop watering when the turnip has gained the desired mass (in accordance with the capabilities of the variety). After that, the onion prepares for a dormant period - it stops growing, the leaves begin to fall, the neck stretches, dries up. Here, watering can only do harm.

Watering onions is recommended only with warm water - cold water can do more harm than good. Useful if you use water that has been previously collected in metal barrel and during the day it not only settled, but also warmed up well in the sun. Onions should be watered carefully so that water does not get inside the leaves (in the neck), as well as on the turnip itself - this can pose a threat of decay. But if the kuschevka or any other onion is grown for the sake of feathers, the roots sit deep in the ground, then you can pour it from above from a watering can, moisture will not damage the leaves either.

It is usually said that onions are watered as needed. How can this need be determined? It is necessary to check the earth (just with your hand) and not let it dry out, but do not turn it into a swamp. The lack of water will immediately affect the leaves - they will become flatter, turn white, the tips will begin to dry. An excess will make the leaves light green, watery.

Video "All about watering onions"

In this video you can hear all the details and a lot of tips about watering onions.

What to water?

Irrigation with a hose causes fear - a strong jet can expose the bulbs, which means making them vulnerable. Soil erosion should not be allowed. A strong jet from a hose, even with a sprinkler, can damage crops: wash the seeds, which is also unacceptable. Onions grown on a feather, especially in small quantities, can be watered from an ordinary garden watering can. But if we are interested in a turnip, it is better to water it in the aisle. When a little onion grows in the country, the owner waters it manually, you can water it with a hose with very little pressure, first you need to make a groove between the rows and carefully pour water into it. On the large beds, with large volumes of onions, this will be difficult to do - it will take a very long time.
