Federal Institute of Pedagogical. Educational activities of the FGBNU "Fipi"

FIPI, or the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Research, is a scientific organization of national importance. She is engaged in various studies and measurements in the field of assessing the quality indicators of the modern education system. It is one of the divisions of Rosobrnadzor, and, of course, has its own website on the network.

FIPI official website - Main page

FIPI official website is the main complex of information blocks of the institute in question on the Internet.


Initially, the site in question was conceived solely as an information resource for familiarizing users with the regulatory documents for the Unified State Examination, OGE and GVE-11 (9). In the process of creating the site and the activities of the institute, it was decided to significantly expand the functionality of the site and add even more useful information to it. Now it is successfully used by both teachers and students, mainly for consulting purposes, as well as, if necessary, tracking news and changes in the education system of the Russian Federation.

FIPI official website - News in the education system


Some sites prefer a serious division of information into blocks and "packaging" such information into internal sections in full. In this case, a large amount of general up-to-date information about education in Russia is published directly on the main page.

FIPI official website - Find documents

On the one hand, this is very convenient, because users will not need to visit additional pages of the site using its text links, since all the most important and most relevant information is on display for all to see. On the other hand, this information is purely news, while documentation and data on various exams and assessments are contained in internal sections, text links to which seem to be blurred with a large flow of information dispersed between them.

FIPI official website - USE and GVE-11

This is what the reviews of site visitors are talking about. In fact, even, everything looks much neater. Text links are located in one horizontal line above all other information, and when you hover over them, they reveal a fairly extensive context menu with additional links to more specific content, which, in general, is very convenient.

FIPI official website - For graduates

FIPI official website - Sections

And has a similar structure. If you need relevant data - be sure to visit it!

FIPI official website: fipi.ru



projects for discussion:

  1. History Content Elements Codifier for Compiling Control Measuring Materials for the Unified State Exam 2008

  1. Specification of the examination paper for graduates of XI (XII) classes of educational institutions in 2008

  1. Demonstration version of KIM 2008

Moscow, 2007

Since 2003, the Federal State Scientific Institution "Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements" (FIPI) has been working in the field of pedagogical measurements, assessing the quality of education, and providing an experiment on the introduction of a unified state exam (USE) in Russia. The priority direction of the institute's activity is the creation and testing of control measuring materials for the USE. In order to implement this direction, FIPI created Federal subject commissions for developers of control measuring materials in 13 academic subjects and 11 Scientific and methodological councils in subjects.

The collection contains drafts of three documents defining the structure and content of the 2008 Unified State Examination. They were prepared by the Federal Subject Commission on History (Chairman of the FPC V.V. Zverev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of History of Russian Statehood of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation) and agreed with the FIPI Scientific and Methodological Council on History (Chairman of NMS E .I. Pivovar, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Rector of the Russian University for the Humanities).

1. The codifier of the content elements in the academic subject for compiling the control measuring materials of the USE represents the main elements of the educational content submitted for verification. The codifier is compiled on the basis of the mandatory minimum content of secondary (complete) and basic general education (orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 19, 1998 No. 1236 and dated June 30, 99 No. 56), taking into account the Federal component of the state standard of general education (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089).

2. The specification of the examination paper for graduates of the XI (XII) grades of general educational institutions represents all the main characteristics of the control measuring materials for the subject. It describes the purpose and structure of the examination paper, the distribution of the tasks of the examination paper into parts, thematic sections, types of activities and the level of complexity, determines the system for evaluating individual tasks and the work as a whole, indicates the conditions for conducting and checking the results of the exam, etc. Based on the plan of the examination work contained in the specification, control measuring materials are formed.

3. The demonstration version of the KIM represents a possible version (sample) of the 2008 examination paper, contains instructions for performing the work, gives examples of types of tasks, criteria for evaluating the answers of the examinees.
After consideration by the FIPI Academic Council, these projects will be published for wide public discussion on the Internet, including on the FIPI website http://www.fipi.ru. After their approval by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, these materials become documents regulating the development of the KIM USE 2008 and are published on the websites http://ege.edu.ru and http://www.fipi.ru.

Codifier of content elements on the history of Russia

for compiling control measuring materials

unified state exam 2008
The codifier is compiled on the basis of the mandatory minimum content) of basic general and secondary (complete) education in history (appendices to the Orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 1236 dated 05/19/98 and No. 03/05/2004 "On approval of the federal component of state standards for primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education"".

The second column indicates the code of the content element for which verification tasks are being created. Bold italics indicate large blocks of content, which are broken down into smaller items below.

The code

section, topic

The code

controlled element

Content elements verified by CMM tasks


History of Russia from antiquity to the end of the 16th century. (early 17th century)


Eastern Slavs in the second half of the first millennium


East Slavic tribes and their neighbors


Occupations, social system, beliefs of the Eastern Slavs


Old Russian state (IX - first half of the XII centuries)


The emergence of statehood among the Eastern Slavs. Discussion about the origin of the Old Russian state


Princes and squad. Veche orders


Acceptance of Christianity. The role of the church in the history of ancient Russia


Categories of the population. "Russian Truth"


International Relations of Ancient Russia. Influence of Byzantium and the peoples of the Steppe


Culture of Ancient Russia. Christian culture and pagan traditions


Russian lands and principalities in the 12th - mid-15th centuries.


Causes of the collapse of the Old Russian state. Vladimir-Suzdal principality; Novgorod the Great; Galicia-Volyn principality: political system, economic development, culture


Mongol conquest and its influence on the history of our country. Expansion from the West and its role in the history of the peoples of Russia and the Baltic states


Formation of the Golden Horde. Russia and the Horde


Formation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Russian lands in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania


The struggle for political hegemony in North-Eastern Russia. Moscow as the center of the unification of Russian lands. Moscow princes and their politics


The role of the church in the consolidation of Russian lands


Battle of Kulikovo and its significance. The birth of national identity


The culture of Russia in the XII - XV centuries.


The Russian state in the second half of the 15th - early 17th centuries.


Completion of the unification of Russian lands and the formation of the Russian state. The formation of central authorities


Sudebnik 1497. Forms of land tenure and categories of the population. The beginning of the enslavement of the peasants


Russia under Ivan IV. Reforms of the middle of the XVI century. Formation of the ideology of autocracy


Oprichnina policy.


Expansion of Russian territory in the 16th century: conquests and colonization processes. Livonian War


Culture of Russia in the XVI century.


Troubles of the late XVI - early XVII century. (causes, essence, consequences). The fight against the Commonwealth and Sweden. Beginning of the Romanov dynasty


History of Russia in the 17th – 18th centuries.


Russia in the 17th century


Elimination of the consequences of the Troubles. New phenomena in the economy: the beginning of the formation of the all-Russian market, the formation of manufactories


Socio-political structure (autocracy, class structure of society). Council code of 1649 Serfdom system


Expansion of the territory of the Russian state in the XVII century.


Church split. Old Believers


Social movements in the 17th century


Culture of Russia in the 17th century. Strengthening secular elements in culture


Russia in the first half of the 18th century


Transformations of Peter I (socio-economic, state-administrative, military). The assertion of absolutism


Foreign policy in the first quarter of the XVIII century. North War. Formation of the Russian Empire


Changes in culture and life in the Petrine era


Russia in the period of palace coups.


Russia in the second half of the XVIII century.


Domestic policy of Catherine II. enlightened absolutism. Letters granted to the nobility and cities


Economy of Russia in the second half of the 18th century. Rise of serfdom


Social movements of the second half of the XVIII century.


Russia in the wars of the second half of the XVIII century. Accession of new territories


Domestic and foreign policy of Paul I


The culture of the peoples of Russia and its connection with European and world culture of the 18th century.


Russia in the 19th century


Russia in 18011860s


Domestic and foreign policy of Alexander I


Patriotic War of 1812 Foreign campaign of the Russian army in 1813-1814.




Domestic policy of Nicholas I


Socio-economic development of pre-reform Russia. The beginning of the industrial revolution. The agrarian question in the middle of the XIX century.


Social thought in the 1830s - 1850s; "protective" direction, Slavophiles and Westernizers, supporters of communal socialism


The peoples of Russia in the first half of the XIX century. National policy of autocracy. Caucasian war


Foreign policy in the second quarter of the XIX century. Crimean War


The development of culture in the first half of the XIX century.


Russia in the 1860s - 1890s


Domestic policy of Alexander II. Reforms of 1860 - 1870s


Domestic policy of Alexander III.


Socio-economic development in the post-reform period. Completion of the industrial revolution. Emergence of commercial and industrial monopolies


Ideological currents, political parties and social movement in the 1860s - 1890s. Conservatives, liberals. The evolution of populism. Beginning of the labor movement. Russian social democracy


The main directions and events of Russia's foreign policy in the 1860s - 1890s. expansion of the empire. Participation in military alliances


The peoples of the Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX century. National policy of autocracy


Culture and life of the peoples of Russia in the second half of the XIX century. The contribution of Russian culture of the XIX century. into world culture


Russia in the XX - early XXI centuries.


Russia in 1900 - 1916


Russia at the beginning of the 20th century: autocracy and society; class system; economic and political development; modernization problems. Reforms S.Yu. Witte. Russo-Japanese War


Ideological currents, political parties and social movements in Russia at the turn of the century. Revolution 1905 - 1907 Duma monarchy


Reforms P.A. Stolypin


Culture at the beginning of the 20th century


Russia in the First World War. The impact of the war on Russian society


Russia in 1917 - 1920


Revolution of 1917. From February to October. Dual Power: The Provisional Government and the Soviets.


Proclamation and approval of Soviet power. Constituent Assembly. Domestic and foreign policy of the Soviet government in 1917-1920. Formation of a one-party system.


Civil war: participants, stages, main fronts. Intervention. "War Communism". Results and consequences of the Civil War


Soviet Russia, USSR in the 1920s - 1930s


The crisis of the early 1920s Transition to the New Economic Policy


Education of the USSR. Choice of merging paths. National Policy in the 1920s - 1930s


Political life in the 1920s - 1930s Intraparty struggle. The cult of personality I.V. Stalin. Mass repression. Constitution of 1936


Curtailment of the new economic policy. Accelerated modernization: industrialization, collectivization


"Cultural Revolution" (assertion of a new ideology, elimination of illiteracy, development of education, science, artistic culture)


The foreign policy of the Soviet state in the 1920s - 1930s. USSR at the beginning of World War II


Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945


The main stages and battles of the Great Patriotic War


The heroism of the Soviet people during the war. Rear during the war years. Ideology and culture during the war


Fascist "new order" in the occupied territories. Partisan movement


Anti-Hitler coalition


The end of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War. The results of the war


USSR in 19451991


USSR in the first post-war decade: economic recovery, creation of nuclear missile weapons, ideological campaigns of the late 1940s. The Cold War and its impact on domestic and foreign policy.


USSR in the mid-1950s - mid-1960s. Political life of the country in the mid-1950s. XX Congress of the CPSU and its significance. Reforms in the socio-economic sphere. Policy of peaceful coexistence


USSR in the mid-1960s - mid-1980s. Constitution of 1977 Growing crisis in Soviet society. Foreign policy: the establishment of military-strategic parity between the USSR and the USA, the policy of detente of international tension


USSR in the second half of the 1980s. The policy of perestroika and glasnost. Attempts to reform the economy and political system. Foreign policy: "new political thinking". Events in 1991. The collapse of the USSR. CIS education.


The development of Soviet science and culture in the 1950s - 1980s.


Russia in 19922007


Formation of a new Russian statehood. Events in 1993 Adoption of the Constitution in 1993


Transition to a market economy


Political, economic, national, cultural development of modern Russia


Russia in the system of modern international relations