Rating of coffee machines. Very unusual vending machines - for the armament of entrepreneurs

76% of young professionals dream of starting their own business in Russia. Aspiring entrepreneurs are hampered by a lack of experience, start-up capital and clear ideas about what is in demand in the market for services and products. The vending machine business does not require large investments and is suitable for both a beginner and an experienced entrepreneur.

What is vending

This direction of business activity is aimed at selling in-demand services and goods through vending machines. Vending business allows you to organize trade without sellers. They are being replaced by self-service machines. Chocolates, coffee, chewing gum, cigarettes, medical preparations, contraceptives and even hot meals can be sold through vending machines.

Development of vending in Russia

Snack and coffee vending machines have gained the greatest popularity in the country. They are installed in shopping malls, universities, hospitals and other public places. The development of vending in Russia is relevant: in comparison with other countries, it is in the stage of active growth. If in Japan and America about 70% retail accounts for the vending business, then in the domestic market this figure is only 30%.

vending trade

Varieties of activities associated with the sale of any product are considered more profitable. They are devoid of production problems, do not require thorough follow-up regulatory framework. Vending trade refers to such activities. Sale of any goods through automated systems takes place without the involvement of staff.

The main advantages of this type of trade include:

  • minimum requirements for retail space;
  • no need to maintain a large staff of employees;
  • trading is carried out around the clock;
  • eliminates the need to rent warehouses and industrial premises;
  • short payback periods;
  • You don't have to be disciplined.

The vending business also has some disadvantages:

  1. Vending machines can break down, because of which you will lose a significant share of your profits.
  2. If you install equipment on the street or far from the cameras, then it will suffer from the actions of vandals.
  3. Government Services will arrange official checks to determine if your products meet the standards.
  4. The main disadvantage is the dependence of revenue on the installation location of the machine.

How to start a vending business from scratch

Any entrepreneurial activity requires investment. Thinking about starting a vending business from scratch, determine in advance how much of your money you are ready to invest in the purchase of equipment with consumables. Study the features of vending machines in your city: where you can put them, what products are in demand, what goods are in short supply. Nuances:

Installing vending machines with hot food and medicines is relevant if you live in major city.

  1. In 90% of cases, a child will pay attention to devices that offer chewing gum and toys.
  2. Vending machines with chips, chocolates, carbonated drinks are equally popular in large and medium-sized cities.
  3. In small settlements installations with coffee drinks are popular.
  4. If the business does not work out, then the device can be sold.

vending business business plan

It is better for beginners to start by selling coffee drinks to office workers, students and shopping mall visitors. The demand for these products does not depend on the season and time of year, which makes the installation of such devices profitable. The business plan of a vending business should include an analysis of the market and the work of competitors. Without getting acquainted with the experience of other owners, it will be difficult to organize your own activities. The business plan also needs to consider:

  • places of installation of machines;
  • service staff(technician for inspection and adjustment of the device, operator replenishing ingredients and consumables);
  • features of drawing up a lease agreement with the owners of retail outlets;
  • expenses for the purchase and installation of machines;
  • business registration costs;
  • list of permits.

Vending - taxes

Vending - ideas

To occupy a new profitable niche in business is the dream of every newcomer, but not all devices will be well received by the Russian audience. Any vending ideas should be immediately evaluated in terms of implementation and future prospects. One of the hits in the west are machines that sell heated food. They can be installed in office buildings, on the territory educational institutions, in places where there are no canteens. Automatic machines that replace washing machines will be profitable in hostels and train stations.

vending machines

Modern devices for automated trading are volatile and mechanical. When choosing them, you need to pay attention to the build quality of the mechanisms. Be sure to check the devices for business for anti-vandal protection. Even having installed equipment in a large shopping center, one cannot be sure that no one will try to open it. For such cases, protection is installed on the devices.

Types of vending machines

Studying the catalogs of manufacturers on websites, you can find vending machines that differ not only in size, technical equipment, but also in design. These characteristics serve as their classifiers. Products are divided according to installation methods, operating principles, features of the products offered. In the trading industry, it is customary to distinguish the following types of vending machines:

  • devices for sale food products;
  • selling various services;
  • selling non-food products;
  • entertainment devices.

Vending machines - novelties

Non-standard things at first attract potential buyers. Before opening your own business, you can study the latest vending products and choose the most profitable ones among them. Companies offer vending machines for martinis, pizza, baked bread. Among the new products, devices selling perfumes, fresh milk, fresh fruits are considered promising for the domestic market.

Which vending machines are the most profitable

Increasing finance is the goal of any business. The best vending machines contribute to this, because. have an upscale technical equipment and demonstrate all the benefits of products. The amount of profit is affected by the location of the equipment, the demand for the products offered. Coffee, chocolate, chips, gum, sodas, hot dogs, hamburgers, and cheeseburgers are the foods that everyone buys. From their implementation you will receive stable income.

Payback of the vending machine

Installation commercial equipment does not require large expenses from the businessman. Each trading machine pays for the full cost in 1 year. After this time, you will be able to purchase another machine, gradually expanding trading network. The payback period is affected by the location of the trading device. According to statistics, the largest profit is brought by equipment installed in cinemas, shopping centers and amusement parks. According to reviews, the smallest profit is brought by equipment installed near shops and shopping centers.

How much does a vending machine cost

Boutique Supervend is one of the leading suppliers of automated trading equipment. The average price of a new coffee machine in his network is 120,000 rubles. Considering how much a vending machine costs, it is best to buy it in an online store with delivery to the installation site. The cost of new snack trading machines is 200,000 rubles.

The price of used equipment is 30-50% cheaper, but the future entrepreneur needs to take into account that the difference in cost will have to be invested differently: there will definitely be repair costs. The sale of vending machines is organized by companies along with ingredients and spare parts for them. In addition to technology, a businessman will need to purchase payment systems for machines. Their average price is 15,000 rubles.

Video: what is a vending business

Traditionally, the Russian vending market is dominated by European-made coffee machines of several brands. The trend has been traced since the beginning of the emergence of Russian vending - after all, it was from European vending machines, from imports, that the market was born.

Russian market players, these brands of automatic machines have been well studied, a good technical base has been created, supplies of spare parts have been established, technical centers, whose employees are familiar with these brands of machines and work directly with them. And what is not unimportant - the presence of these brands (companies of sellers) on the market has been around for decades.

The machines are annually demonstrated at exhibitions, updated versions are released, sellers offer a range of services - the sale of coffee machines, the sale of ingredients and utensils for vending.

Russian vending operators are cautious about the emergence of any new brands of coffee machines on the market, even if these are European machines, preferring old, proven brands. And those brands that have been on the market for many years have proven themselves well. Exit to Russian market with a new brand is quite difficult, not because the market is quite saturated, but because vending operators themselves are wary and often ignore new offers, preferring to work “traditionally”.

Rating of European-made coffee machines

Brand of the Italian concern N&W. Nekta coffee vending machines were among the first to become available individual entrepreneurs(then, in the 90s, coffee machines were mostly available only with the purchase of a franchise). Nekta became one of the very first brands of vending machines in Russia and quickly gained popularity.

And now Nekta coffee machines are one of the most popular, due to a developed network of sellers, a long presence in the market and good quality equipment.

The brand of the Italian company of the same name also stood at the origins of the market. Functional, high quality. Saeko coffee machines belong to the premium segment.

Rheavendors coffee machines is a brand of coffee machines from the Italian Rheavendors Group. There are about 50 for sale. different models vending machines (including snack ones). Riavendors machines were at the origins of the market, and then most of the machines from this manufacturer were distributed under the Nescafe franchise.

Brand of the Spanish company Jofemar. They appeared a little later, where in the early 2000s, and gained their popularity not only due to quality, but also because they cost a little cheaper than other brands, since they were assembled at the dealer's plant in Kaliningrad.

The Italian company Bianchi is also a very famous brand of automatic machines, although now the “ardor” for it has cooled a little, but the brand has a stable presence on the market and continues to sell, although not in such quantities as before. Biachi machines, like Saeko, are classified as premium models.

But of course, in addition to them, there are other brands of coffee machines that are not as “well-known” as the examples given above, they appeared on wide sale later, somewhere after the 2000s: Westomatic coffee machines, German Sielaff coffee machines, German Spengler coffee machines, American Automatik Products coffee machines (AutomatikProducts brand belongs to Crane Merchandising Systems), Italian FAS coffee machines.

Separately, I would like to note the Spanish coffee machines Azkoyen, the company of the same name. Azcoen coffee machines were also one of the first popular brands on the market, but, unfortunately, their sales in Russia were discontinued for some time, then resumed through a new dealer, but it is quite difficult to make a forecast today about this brand. It is known for sure that the old players are good, they know and remember this brand, it was valued for its special “anti-vandal” properties.

Also previously present and now present, but not to the same extent, is the popular brand of coffee machines from GPE Vendors. She is also known and appreciated by the old players of the vending market.

Rating of coffee machines made in China and Korea

Here, it is probably worth noting only two brands of coffee machines, which, according to rumors, appeared even earlier than European machines. These are the Korean company Samsung Electronics and VISTA coffee machines of the Korean company S M COIN, whose production facilities are located in China.

Venson coffee machines are very popular among entrepreneurs operating in the economy segment. Many of them fundamentally refuse to work with the "Europeans", noting that Wenson is no worse.

Vista coffee machines also belong to the “economy” segment and the company had to go through a difficult path until the equipment was brought to perfection.

But, nevertheless, these brands have been present for a long time and sales are ongoing in Russia, although vendors that work with the "Koreans" stand apart from the "Europeans", a slightly different focus of work. There are more problems with Korean assault rifles, but they also cost an order of magnitude cheaper.

The rest of the Chinese-Korean brands probably cannot be in the rating of coffee machines, since they periodically pop up on the market and also disappear. There are many different ones. Someone from a company of sellers often brings in a batch of Chinese machine guns, so that they will never be brought back later. It often happens that Chinese machines simply change their name. But these are the usual realities of the Korean-Chinese market.

Rating of Russian-made coffee machines

In this niche, precisely in terms of getting into the rating, and we evaluate, first of all, by the time of presence and sales, only one manufacturer has proven itself so far - the Unicum company. Coffee machines of this brand have been on the market for more than 5 years. The Unicum production complex is one of the largest enterprises in Eastern Europe, the plant is located in St. Petersburg and, according to the company, can produce more than 20,000 units of vending equipment per year.

Of course, among Russian companies there are coffee machines of their own production, but so far none of them has declared itself as widely as Unicum. For example, there is a Russian brand of eVend coffee machines, the EPS group of companies, the company has its own developments and production since 2002. These machines have their fans.

Behind last years came to the market and a number of Russian manufacturers coffee machines, however, as noted above, no one has entered the “wide” sales yet. Therefore, it is not possible for us to compare these companies.

The dream of any entrepreneur is to sit in a deck chair on the shores of the azure bay with a glass of cocktail, listen to a report on how efficiently and diligently the employees of his company work. This fairy tale will never come true in the second part of the plot. 100% responsible, tireless and productive staff does not exist in nature.

The realists who thought of this have abandoned numerous manuals on the formation of motivation to work in a team, and now they are thinking about how to organize a vending business. That is, one where the number of employees is reduced to a minimum, or even to zero, and vending machines bring profit.

If you are a creative person, then you don’t even consider the banal sale of coffee for yourself. It's a pity. It is this seemingly oversaturated segment that feeds its participants stably and well. Trade vending, coffee, soft drinks and sandwiches are popular and in demand everywhere, especially in places with high traffic - at stations, in large shopping centers, in busy passages, parks and tourist areas.

Unusual slot machines as a profitable business

Business innovations often have a dizzying financial success. Therefore, it makes sense to take a closer look at the successful experience of other countries and apply it at home. Having studied the state of affairs in America and Asia, where it is very common, they discovered such interesting novelties - automatic machines:

  • selling umbrellas;
  • manicure machine;
  • mechanical seller of soccer balls;
  • selling cars for kids;
  • wedding machine;
  • automatic librarian;
  • for the preparation and sale of pizza;
  • for the sale of chicken eggs;
  • for the preparation and sale of cotton candy.

Let's talk about unusual vending machines in more detail

The umbrella vending machine was invented and implemented by practical Japanese (it is strange why not the British, where it's raining daily?) In general, vending machines in the Country rising sun, as in China, come across at every turn and are actively used. It makes no sense to even go into a small store, look for the right product among the endless rows of shelves, if you can drop a coin on the run and take what you need. An umbrella is just one of a series of such things. In the morning the sun shone, in the afternoon it rained. If there was no umbrella in the bag, the machine will save.

The automatic sale of soccer balls was organized by New Yorkers, and so far they are the first in this direction. At a huge stadium in one of the districts of the city, a vending machine successfully sells Nike soccer balls. The service is very popular not only among the fans, but also among the players themselves. Why waste time looking for a ball that has flown off the field - it's easier and faster to buy a new one.

The toy vending machine was installed, of course, in Milan. Italians around the world are known as crazy parents, ready for any exploits for the sake of their child. And to buy him the required toy at any time of the day or night - yes, easily! So this unusual seller pleases the Italian children.

And it is not surprising that the machine, not just for warming up, but specifically for making pizza, was invented by Claudio Torgele, a native Italian. The buyer chooses the sauce, filling, pays, and in just 3 minutes he receives a fragrant ready-made dish.

Concerned about the reduction in the price of chicken eggs due to the uselessness of renting a retail outlet and the salary of a seller, an Irish farmer developed an egg vending machine. Before Easter, a line is definitely lining up around!

By the way, a device for selling red caviar was installed in the Moscow City Hall. The price in it is higher than in stores, but this does not deter wealthy residents of the capital.

BUT cotton candy and popcorn from vending machines are no longer considered something out of the ordinary. In the States, there are many such vending machines installed on the streets. Everything is prepared in front of the client in a little more than a minute. The speed is impressive, as is the number of servings sold per day.

Unusual vending machines

You won’t surprise anyone with automatic photo studios. Even our fathers and mothers in a small booth behind a screen could boldly smile and hug in front of the eye of the device, and in a few minutes receive a couple of cards with small photo squares.

Automatic copiers with the function of accepting money are installed in the halls of many higher educational institutions. Paid - and print cheat sheets for the next exam. It can be from a piece of paper, or from a flash drive - a technique with wide possibilities, even with color printing.

Good commercial prospects have an automatic librarian. Such a device replaces a living employee in one of the Canadian libraries - it gives out and accepts books. Everything is free, you just need to scan your library card. In this way, it is convenient to rent out books and CDs in places of recreation or hotels, but already for a fee.

The first manicure machine was installed not in France, as one might think, but in Taiwan. A bright pink vending machine draws attention from afar. For just $1, you can select an image on the touch screen and the machine will apply it to your nails. The service is very popular not only with local residents, but also with numerous tourists. Such an interesting experience for such little money!

And one American company for the Museum of Technology in Detroit developed a wedding machine. It looks like a hybrid of the wedding cathedral and Presley's pink Cadillac. For $ 1, you can get married with it, but there will be a 10% discount on divorce. The procedure looks spectacular and fun. On the keyboard, the bride and groom type their names and agree to the question of always being together. To the music, now the spouses receive plastic rings and a marriage certificate. The same certificates can be printed as a gift to friends.

In any trade there is an element of the game. It is inherent in vending trade to an even greater extent. A little thing that would hardly have seduced on the shelf of an ordinary store is taken out of the vending machine with a smile.

For all the types of vending machines described above, it is impossible to draw up a business plan and calculate their payback periods, they are so original and rare. But in entrepreneurship, it is unusual, even crazy at first glance, ideas that often bring fantastic success. Take a chance! It's up to you!

Most start-up entrepreneurs strive to create some new, unusual niche. It would seem that the absence of competition should greatly simplify business development, and a unique idea should attract a large number of clients. Is it really? Let's take a look at the most successful examples non-standard vending.

Sale of "medical consumables" (boot covers, jars for analysis, etc.)

A very promising option, since these products are always needed in clinics. In addition, due to such a narrow localization of sales, it is much easier to find a place. No need to choose from thousands of objects, compare the profitability of sales, say, a shopping center and a train station. It's very simple - you just need to find a hospital with a more or less constant flow of patients. And given the speed with which all sorts of private clinics are now “multiplied”, as a rule, 4-5 promising points can be found very close to home.


  • low cost machine gun (about 70,000 rubles)
  • high equipment reliability (simple internal system, without refrigerators or other complex elements)
  • cheaper installation of payment systems (a simple coin acceptor is enough, even without a change function)


  • it is difficult to get a place (the administration of the clinic will be very picky, and if the clinic is state-owned, then you will need to win a multi-stage tender)
  • frequent checks and controls
  • you always need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to quickly remove the machine guns if a check comes (if you wish, there is always something to complain about)

Instagram photo printing machine

An original idea that appeals to young people.


  • inexpensive machine (average cost - 100,000 rubles)
  • extremely low cost of production (minimum Supplies and they are very cheap)


  • a small selection of profitable points (due to the fact that the niche is very narrow, it makes sense to install machines only in large shopping centers)

Hot food vending machine

An actual option for office and factory buildings, where there are no canteens and people have nowhere to eat. But on the originality of the idea, all the pluses end.


  • very expensive machines (about 500,000 rubles).
  • difficult to find a point (you need a very high turnover to recoup the costs, and most importantly, so that the food does not have time to deteriorate before it is bought)
  • high rental cost (the machine is very massive)
  • frequent service (need to load new food regularly)
  • high risks (God forbid, sell spoiled food, and the case may go to trial)

In general, in this case it is easier to open your own dining room or cafe. The money will be the same.

Vending washing machine

The kind of ideas where originality becomes more of a hindrance than a plus.


  • low cost of machines (about 50,000 rubles)
  • easy maintenance (no need to refuel often)
  • low cost of work

The problem is that there is no laundry culture in Russia. Almost all people today have their own washing machine. The chance that someone, somewhere, “gets drunk” and decides to urgently wash, say, a shirt, is practically zero.

Sale of cases for phones, tights, lenses, etc.

A good and quite profitable vending option due to the sale of inexpensive, but to many the right goods, which fit perfectly into the "impulse buying" category.


  • wide the target audience
  • high profit
  • the machine is universal, it can be easily converted into a regular snack machine


  • high price of equipment (about 200,000 rubles)

Sale of hygiene and other products

At right choice points, and such an idea can be useful, since it also belongs to impulsive purchases of the category “suddenly needed” and “I’ll take it home to have it.”

  • low price of the machine (30.000 - 50.000 rubles)
  • can be hung on the wall, respectively, there will be a low cost of rent and can be placed even in a small space
  • there is very little revenue from the machine and in order to make a significant profit, you will have to install a whole network of machines

Pizza Machine

Rare people do not like pizza! Hot! Fresh! This is your chance to break into those places where coffee and snack vending faces fierce competition - institutions, train stations, etc.


  • fresh product, with high competitive potential


  • very expensive machine (about 700,000 rubles)
  • high competition with catering
  • high risks (a quickly perishable product and the machine will require careful maintenance, like any equipment for working with hot food)
  • There are few really reliable models on the market. In no case do not buy Russian analogues - they begin to break from the first month.

Pasta vending machine

The pros and cons here are almost the same as with a pizza machine. Just keep in mind that pasta for the Russian population is not a very familiar product. That is, the originality factor can also work (and people decide to try). Or maybe it will turn out the other way around - buyers will choose something more traditional.

In addition, pasta is associated with a dish that still needs to be eaten at the table, with comfort. Therefore, most likely the machine, if it will be popular, is only as an option to “take food with you on the train.”

Big shops

Down with regular shops! Now you can buy anything in the vending machine!


  • machine draws attention
  • you can sell almost any product and in a large assortment
  • encourages impulse buying
  • In Moscow, they plan to launch a broad program to automate the former stalls in the transitions.


  • VERY expensive machine (from 1 million rubles)
  • high risks in the organization of sales (on cheap goods it will be difficult to recoup the cost of the machine, and people are still afraid to pay large amounts to the machine - you never know, they won’t give back the change, won’t count the payment, etc.)

Popcorn machines

It is difficult to find any special advantages for this idea. The machine is quite expensive (about 200,000 rubles), and sells only one product. Yes, it is cheap, but it means that the profit will be interesting only with high traffic. And the high demand for popcorn still exists only in cinemas.

Milk vending machine


  • a product that everyone needs and always

The Russian market of vending machines continues the positive trends of the past years, despite the stagnation in the economy and the fall in household incomes. According to the forecast of large sellers, this year the nationwide deliveries, including "snack" equipment, are estimated at 17-20 thousand units, of which approximately 60-65% are coffee machines.

Therefore, it can be assumed that by the end of the year about 11-13 thousand coffee machines will be sold. Of these, half will fall on equipment selling instant coffee, the rest - coffee beans. In addition, approximately 25-30% of the coffee machines sold are equipped with a mobile connection, which allows you to monitor their operation and control them remotely.

Thus, at the beginning of 2018, about 180 thousand vending machines will operate in Russia, including 110-120 thousand coffee machines. At the same time, Moscow occupies the first place in the rating of regional demand for this equipment, including in connection with the replacement of physically and morally obsolete equipment. Next come the million-plus cities.

European brands historically dominate in our country, primarily Italian coffee machines: Nekta, Saeko, Riavendors (the latter was distributed quite successfully under the Nescafe franchise). At one time, the first "troika" was replaced by the Spanish brand Jofemar assembled in Kaliningrad, but then the South Korean coffee machines Venson and VISTA gained popularity. Of the vending equipment, the Unicum St. Petersburg plant, the EPS group of companies and Igrotekhnika should be noted.

A review of non-systemic information, primarily forums, showed that this year, as in the past, small batches of up to 50 units of cheap Chinese coffee machines, with unknown brands, visually reminiscent of European brands, “emerge” on the Russian market. They are distinguished by "unaccustomed cheapness, excessive brightness of design and very quick failure." Meanwhile, it is reliability that is the key parameter when choosing vending equipment.

According to Andrian Abovyan, Head of Service at SuperVending, vending machines powered by instant coffee:

Samsung Venson 6111 (with a resource of up to 500 thousand sales of coffee cups in "uninterrupted mode");

Rheavendors Sagoma H5-H7 (with a resource of up to 300 thousand sales of coffee cups in "uninterrupted mode");

Necta Kikko ES6 (with a resource of up to 150 thousand sales of coffee cups in "uninterrupted mode").

Such devices cost from 89 thousand to 190 thousand rubles, while the cheapest vending machine can be bought in Russia for 39 thousand rubles. Meanwhile, the total post-warranty costs for maintenance and repair of budget models of the “economy” category more than cover the benefits of a low start, while expensive equipment, on the contrary, requires only “penny” preventive maintenance.

In any case, experts advise choosing the right strategy so that the coffee machine business brings high and, most importantly, stable profit. Specialists from large retailers recommend installing instant coffee equipment in buildings with high human traffic, such as shopping centers, entertainment venues, railway stations and bus stations. As for "bean coffee", here the best place an office “anthill” can become a coffee machine.

In 2017, the average income from one coffee machine in Russia is approximately 20 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, some players earn up to 100 thousand rubles for one point, while others go bankrupt.

The average profitability of instant coffee can exceed 200 - 300%, that is, a portion with a cost of 8 rubles has a price tag of 30 rubles. With automatic sales of grain coffee, the markup reaches 20 rubles per cup. In other words, the coffee machine business certainly has good potential, although it is considered risky.

A review of publications shows that there are no universal solutions in this business, so some entrepreneurs rent coffee machines “for trial” - for 3-7 thousand rubles a month. At the same time, there is an opinion that it is necessary to assess the level of human traffic and potential sales, that out of 400-500 people passing by a vending machine, only one will purchase a cup of coffee. Although until 2014 they focused on 300-400 people. True, in the provinces these ratios do not justify themselves.

Thus, the Russian market of coffee machines has a fairly stable character of development in the capital and in regional centers, despite the fall in incomes of the population recorded by the fiscal authorities.
