Album of typical schemes. individual heat point "itp etra

The automated heating point is an important node in the heating system. It is thanks to him that heat from the central networks enters residential buildings. Heating points are individual (ITP), serving MKD and central. From the latter, heat enters entire microdistricts, villages or various groups of objects. In the article, we will dwell in detail on the principle of operation of heat points, tell you how they are mounted, and dwell on the intricacies in the functioning of devices.

How an automated central heating station works

What do heat points do? First of all, they receive electricity from the central network and distribute it to the facilities. As noted above, there is an automated central heating point, the principle of which is to distribute thermal energy in the required ratio. This is necessary so that all objects receive water at the optimum temperature with sufficient pressure. As for individual heating points, they, first of all, rationally distribute heat between apartments in the MKD.

Why are ITPs needed if the district heating units are already provided for by the heat supply system? If we consider the MKD, where there are quite a few users of utilities, low pressure and low temperature water is not uncommon. Individual heat points successfully solve these problems. Heat exchangers, additional pumps and other equipment are installed to ensure the comfort of the residents of MKD.

The central network is a source of water supply. It was from there, through the inlet pipeline with a steel valve, under a certain is heading hot water. The inlet water pressure is much higher than necessary internal system. In this regard, a special device must be installed in the heating point - a pressure regulator. To ensure that the consumer receives pure water optimal temperature and with the required level of pressure, heating points are equipped with all kinds of devices:

  • automation and temperature sensors;
  • manometers and thermometers;
  • actuators and control valves;
  • pumps with frequency regulation;
  • safety valves.

The automated central heating point operates in a similar way. Central heating stations can be equipped with the most powerful equipment, additional regulators and pumps, which is explained by the amount of energy they process. The automated central heating point should also include modern systems automatic control and adjustment for efficient heat supply of objects.

The heat station passes the treated water through itself, after which it again goes into the system, but already along the path of another pipeline. Automated systems of heat points with well-installed equipment supply heat stably, there are no emergencies, and energy consumption becomes more efficient.

Sources of heat for TP are enterprises that generate heat. We are talking about thermal power plants, boiler houses. Thermal points are connected to sources and consumers of heat energy using heating networks. They, in turn, are primary (main), which unite TS and enterprises that generate heat, and secondary (distributing), uniting heat points and end consumers. Thermal input is a section of the heating network that connects heating points and main heating networks.

Heat points include a number of systems through which users receive heat energy.

  • DHW system. It is necessary for subscribers to receive hot tap water. Often, consumers use heat from the hot water supply system to partially heat rooms, for example, bathrooms in MKD.
  • Heating system is needed to heat the premises and maintain the desired temperature in them. Connection schemes for heating systems are dependent and independent.
  • Ventilation system is required to heat the air that enters the ventilation of objects from the outside. The system can also be used to interconnect user dependent heating systems.
  • HVS system. It is not part of systems that consume heat energy. At the same time, the system is available in all heating points that serve MKD. The cold water supply system exists to provide the required level of pressure in the water supply system.

The scheme of an automated heat point depends both on the characteristics of heat energy users served by the heat point and on the characteristics of the source that supplies thermal energy to the heating substation. The most common is an automated heating point, which has a closed DHW system and independent circuit heating system connections.

The heat carrier (for example, water with a temperature graph of 150/70), entering the heating point through the supply pipe of the heat input, gives off heat in the heaters of DHW systems, where the temperature graph is 60/40, and heating with a temperature graph of 95/70, and also enters the ventilation system of users. Further, the heat carrier returns to the return pipeline of the heat input and is sent back through the main networks to the heat generating enterprise, where it is used again. A certain percentage of the heat carrier can be consumed by the consumer. To make up for losses in the primary heating systems at boiler houses and CHPPs, specialists use make-up systems, the sources of heat carrier for which are the water treatment systems of these enterprises.

Tap water entering the heating point bypasses the cold water pumps. After the pumps, consumers receive a certain share of cold water, and the other part is heated by the DHW heater of the first stage. Further, the water is sent to the circulation circuit of the DHW system.

DHW circulation pumps operate in the circulation circuit, which make water move in a circle: from heat points to users and back. Users draw water from the circuit when necessary. In the course of circulation along the circuit, the water gradually cools, and in order for its temperature to always be optimal, it needs to be constantly heated in the heater of the second stage of hot water supply.

The heating system is a closed circuit along which the heat carrier moves from the heating points to the heating system of buildings and in the opposite direction. This movement is facilitated by heating circulation pumps. Over time, leakage of coolant from the heating system circuit is not ruled out. To make up for the losses, specialists use the heating point recharge system, in which primary heating networks are used as sources of heat carrier.

What are the advantages of an automated heating point

  • The length of the pipes of the heating system as a whole is halved.
  • Financial investments in heating networks and the cost of materials for construction and thermal insulation are reduced by 20–25%.
  • Electric energy for pumping the heat carrier requires 20–40% less.
  • Up to 15% savings in thermal energy for heating are observed, since the heat supply to a certain subscriber is automatically regulated.
  • There is a decrease in the loss of thermal energy during the transportation of hot water by 2 times.
  • Network accidents are significantly reduced, especially due to the exclusion of hot water pipes from the heating network.
  • Since the operation of automated heat points does not require continuously located personnel, in attracting a large number qualified professionals are not needed.
  • Maintaining comfortable living conditions due to the control of the parameters of thermal carriers occurs automatically. In particular, the temperature and pressure of network water, water in the heating system, water from the water supply system, as well as air in heated rooms are maintained.
  • Each building pays for the actual heat consumed. Keeping track of used resources is convenient thanks to counters.
  • It is possible to save heat, and thanks to the complete factory execution, installation costs are reduced.

Expert opinion

Benefits of automatic heating control

K. E. Loginova,

Energy Transfer Specialist

Almost any system district heating has the main problem associated with the adjustment and adjustment of the hydraulic regime. If you do not pay attention to these options, the room either does not heat up to the end, or overheats. To solve the problem, you can use an automated individual heat point (AITP), which provides the user with heat energy in the amount that is needed.

An automated individual heating point limits the flow of network water in the heating systems of users who are located next to the central heating point. Thanks to AITP, this network water is redistributed to remote consumers. In addition, due to AITP, energy is consumed in the optimal amount, and the temperature regime in the apartments always remains comfortable, regardless of weather conditions.

An automated individual heating point makes it possible to reduce the amount of payment for heat and hot water consumption by about 25%. If the temperature on the street exceeds minus 3 degrees, the owners of apartments in the MKD begin to face overpayment for heating. Only thanks to AITP thermal energy consumed in the house in the amount necessary to maintain a comfortable environment. It is in connection with this that many "cold" houses install automated individual heating points in order to avoid low uncomfortable temperatures.

The figure shows how the two buildings of the dormitories consume heat. Building 1 has an automated individual heat point, building 2 does not.

Consumption of thermal energy by two buildings of hostels with AITP (building 1) and without it (building 2)

AITP is installed at the input of the building's heat supply system, in the basement. Heat generation is not a function of heat points, unlike boiler houses. Thermal points work with a heated carrier of heat, which is supplied by a centralized heating network.

It should be noted that AITP uses frequency regulation of pumps. Thanks to the system, the equipment works more reliably, failures and water hammer do not occur, and the level of consumption electrical energy decreases significantly.

What do automated heat points include? Saving water and heat in AITP is carried out due to the fact that the parameters of the heat carrier in the heat supply system change quickly, taking into account changing weather conditions or the consumption of a certain service, for example, hot water. This is achieved by using compact, economical equipment. In this case, it is about circulation pumps x with low noise level, compact heat exchangers, modern electronic devices for automatic control of the supply and metering of heat energy and other auxiliary elements (photo).

Main and auxiliary elements of AITP:

1 - control panel; 2 - storage tank; 3 - manometer; 4 - bimetallic thermometer; 5 - collector of the supply pipeline of the heating system; 6 - collector of the return pipeline of the heating system; 7 - heat exchanger; 8 - circulation pumps; 9 - pressure sensor; 10 - mechanical filter

Maintenance of automated heat points must be carried out every day, every week, once a month or once a year. It all depends on the regulation.

As part of the daily maintenance, the equipment and components of the heating unit are carefully inspected, identifying problems and promptly eliminating them; control how the heating system and hot water work; check if the readings match control devices regime cards, reflect the parameters of work in the AITP journal.

Maintenance of automated heat points once a week involves certain activities. In particular, specialists inspect measuring and automatic control devices, identifying possible malfunctions; check how the automation works, look at the backup power, bearings, shut-off and control valves of pumping equipment, oil level in thermometer sleeves; clean pumping equipment.

As part of the monthly maintenance, specialists check how pumping equipment works, simulating accidents; check how the pumps are fixed, what condition the electric motors, contactors, magnetic starters, contacts and fuses are in; they blow and check pressure gauges, control the automation of heat supply units for heating and hot water supply, test operation in different modes, control the heating replenishment unit, take readings of heat energy consumption from the meter in order to transfer them to the organization supplying heat.

Maintenance of automated heating points once a year involves their inspection and diagnostics. Experts check the open electrical wiring, fuses, insulation, grounding, circuit breakers; inspect and change the thermal insulation of pipelines and water heaters, lubricate the bearings of electric motors, pumps, gears, control valves, pressure gauge sleeves; check how tight connections and pipelines are; look at the bolted connections, completeness of the heat point with equipment, change broken components, wash the sump, clean or change strainers, clean surfaces DHW heating and heating systems, pressurized; hand over an automated individual heat point prepared for the season, drawing up a statement on the suitability of its use in the winter.

The main equipment can be used for 5–7 years. After this period, it is performed overhaul or change some elements. The main parts of AITP do not need verification. Instrumentation, metering unit, sensors are subject to it. Verification, as a rule, is carried out once every 3 years.

On average, the price of a control valve on the market is from 50 to 75 thousand rubles, a pump - from 30 to 100 thousand rubles, a heat exchanger - from 70 to 250 thousand rubles, thermal automation - from 75 to 200 thousand rubles.

Automated block heating points

Automated block heat points, or BTPs, are manufactured in factories. For installation work, they are supplied in ready-made blocks. To create a heat point of this type one block or several can be used. Block equipment is mounted compactly, usually on one frame. As a rule, it is used to save space if conditions are cramped enough.

Automated block heat points simplify the solution of even complex economic and production tasks. If we are talking about a sector of the economy, the following points should be touched upon here:

  • the equipment begins to work more reliably, respectively, accidents occur less frequently, and less money is required for liquidation;
  • it is possible to regulate the heating network as accurately as possible;
  • reducing the cost of water treatment;
  • repair areas are reduced;
  • a high degree of archiving and dispatching can be achieved.

In the areas of housing and communal services, municipal unitary enterprises, MA (managing organizations):

  • maintenance personnel are required in smaller numbers;
  • payment for the actually used heat energy is carried out without financial costs;
  • system feed losses are reduced;
  • free space is released;
  • it is possible to achieve durability and a high level of maintainability;
  • managing the heat load becomes more comfortable and easier;
  • there is no need for constant operator and plumbing intervention in the operation of the heating point.

As for design organizations, here we can talk about:

  • strict compliance with the terms of reference;
  • a wide choice of circuit solutions;
  • high level of automation;
  • large selection engineering equipment for completing heat stations;
  • high energy efficiency.

For companies operating in the industrial sector, these are:

  • redundancy to a high degree, which is especially important if technological processes conducted continuously;
  • strict adherence to high-tech processes and their accounting;
  • the ability to use condensate, if any, process steam;
  • temperature control by workshop;
  • adjustment of the selection of hot water and steam;
  • decrease in recharge, etc.

Most facilities typically have shell-and-tube heat exchangers and direct pressure hydraulic regulators. Most often, the resources of this equipment have already been exhausted, in addition, it operates in modes that do not recommend the calculated ones. The last point is due to the fact that now the maintenance of thermal loads is carried out at a level much lower than that envisaged by the project. The control equipment has its own functions, which, however, in case of significant deviations from the design mode, it does not perform.

If a automated systems heating points are subject to reconstruction, it is better to use modern compact equipment that allows you to work automatically and save about 30% of energy in comparison with the equipment that was used in the 60–70s. At the moment, heat points are equipped, as a rule, with an independent scheme for connecting heating systems and hot water supply, which are based on collapsible plate heat exchangers.

To control thermal processes, specialized controllers and electronic regulators are usually used. The weight and dimensions of modern plate heat exchangers are much smaller than shell-and-tube heat exchangers with the corresponding power. Plate heat exchangers are compact and lightweight, which means they are easy to install, easy to maintain and repair.


The basis for the calculation of plate-type heat exchangers is a system of criterial controls. Before calculating the heat exchanger, the calculation of the optimal distribution of the DHW load between the stages of the heaters and the temperature regime of all stages separately is carried out, taking into account the method of adjusting the heat supply from the heat source and the schemes for connecting the DHW heaters.

Individual automated heating point

ITP is a whole complex of devices, which is located on the territory of a separate room and consists, among other things, of elements of heating equipment. Thanks to an individual ATP, these installations are connected to the heating network, transformed, heat consumption modes are controlled, operability is carried out, distribution by types of heat carrier consumption is carried out, and its parameters are regulated.

A thermal installation serving an object or its individual parts is an ITP, or an individual heating point. The installation is necessary to supply hot water, ventilation and heat to houses, housing and communal services and industrial complexes. For the operation of the ITP, it is necessary to connect it to the water, heat and power supply system in order to activate the circulation pumping equipment.

A small ITP can be successfully used in a single family home. This option also suitable for small buildings directly connected to the district heating network. Equipment of this type is designed to heat rooms and heat water. Large ITPs with a capacity of 50 kW–2 MW serve large or multi-apartment buildings.

The classic scheme of an automated individual heat point consists of the following units:

  • heating network input;
  • counter;
  • connection of the ventilation system;
  • heating connection;
  • DHW connection;
  • coordination of pressures between heat consumption and heat supply systems;
  • make-up of heating and ventilation systems connected according to an independent scheme.

When a TP project is being developed, it should be remembered that the required nodes are:

  • counter;
  • pressure matching;
  • heating input.

The heating point can be equipped with other units. Their number is determined by the design decision in each individual case.

Admission to operation of ITP

To prepare the ITP for use in the MKD, the following documentation must be submitted to Energonadzor:

  • The technical conditions for connection that are currently in force, and a certificate that they have been met. The certificate is issued by the energy supply company.
  • Project documents, where there are all necessary approvals.
  • An act on the responsibility of the parties for the use and separation of balance sheet property, which was drawn up by the consumer and a representative of the energy supply company.
  • The act that the subscriber branch of the TS is ready for permanent or temporary use.
  • Passport of an individual heat point, which briefly lists the characteristics of heat supply systems.
  • Certificate that the heat energy meter is ready for operation.
  • Certificate that a contract for the supply of thermal energy with an energy supply company has been concluded.
  • Certificate of acceptance of work carried out between the user and the installation company. The document must indicate the license number and the date it was issued.
  • Order of appointment responsible specialist for safe use and normal technical condition heating networks and thermal installations.
  • The list, which reflects operational and operational-repair responsible persons for servicing heating networks and thermal installations.
  • A copy of the welder's certificate.
  • Certificates for pipelines and electrodes used in the work.
  • Acts for carrying out hidden work, an executive diagram of the heating point, where the numbering of the fittings is indicated, as well as diagrams of valves and pipelines.
  • Act for flushing and pressure testing of systems (heating networks, heating, hot water supply).
  • Job Descriptions, as well as safety instructions and rules of conduct in case of fire.
  • Operating Instructions.
  • An act that networks and installations are approved for use.
  • Journal of instrumentation and automation, issuance of work permits, operational accounting of detected defects during the inspection of installations and networks, inspection of buildings and instructions.
  • Outfit from heating networks for connection.

Specialists who service automated heating points must have the appropriate qualifications. In addition, responsible persons are obliged to immediately familiarize themselves with technical documents, where it is indicated how to use the TP.

Types of ITP

Scheme ITP for heating independent. In accordance with it, a plate heat exchanger is installed, designed for one hundred percent load. It is also possible to install a double pump, which compensates for pressure losses. The heating system is fed by the heating return pipeline. TP of this type can be equipped with a DHW unit, a meter and other necessary units and blocks.

Scheme of an automated heat point individual type for domestic hot water also independent. It is parallel and single-stage. Such an IHS contains 2 plate heat exchangers, and each must work with a load of 50%. The complete set of the thermal substation also provides for a group of pumps that are designed to compensate for the decrease in pressure. A heating system block, a meter and other blocks and assemblies are also sometimes installed in the TP.

ITP for heating and hot water. The organization of an automated heat point in this case is organized according to an independent scheme. For the heating system, a plate heat exchanger is provided, designed for one hundred percent load. The DHW circuit is two-stage, independent. It has two plate heat exchangers. To compensate for the decrease in pressure level, the scheme of an automated heat point involves the installation of a group of pumps. To feed the heating system, appropriate pumping equipment is provided from the heating system return pipeline. DHW is fed by the cold water system.

In addition, there is a meter in the ITP (individual heating point).

ITP for heating, hot water supply and ventilation. The thermal installation is connected according to an independent scheme. For the heating and ventilation system, a plate heat exchanger is used that can withstand a load of 100%. The DHW scheme can be described as single-stage, independent and parallel. It has two plate heat exchangers, each designed for a load of 50%.

The decrease in pressure level is compensated by a group of pumps. The heating system is fed by the heating return pipeline. DHW is fed from cold water. ITP in MKD can be additionally equipped with a counter.

Calculation of the thermal loads of the building for the selection of equipment for an automated heating point

The heat load for heating is the amount of heat that all heating devices as a whole, installed in a house or on the territory of another object, give off. Note that before installing all technical means everything must be carefully calculated in order to protect yourself from unforeseen situations and unnecessary cash expenses. If you correctly calculate the heat loads on the heating system, you can achieve efficient and uninterrupted operation of the heating system of a residential building or other building. The calculation contributes to the prompt implementation of absolutely all tasks related to heat supply, and ensuring their work in accordance with the requirements and norms of SNiP.

In general heat load The modern heating system includes certain load parameters:

  • for a common central heating system;
  • per system floor heating(if it is in the room) - underfloor heating;
  • ventilation system (natural and forced);
  • hot water system;
  • for various technological needs: swimming pools, baths and other similar structures.
  • Type and purpose of buildings. When calculating, it is important to take into account what type of property belongs to - an apartment, an administrative building or a non-residential building. In addition, the type of building affects the load rate, which, in turn, is determined by organizations supplying heat. The amount of payment for heating services also depends on this.
  • architectural component. When calculating, it is important to know the dimensions of various external structures, which include walls, floors, roofs and other fences; the scale of openings - balconies, loggias, windows and doors. They also take into account how many floors the building has, whether it has basements, attics, what features they have.
  • Temperature regime for all objects in the building subject to requirements. Here we are talking about temperature conditions in relation to all rooms in a residential building or areas of an administrative building.
  • The design and features of fences outside, including the type of materials, thickness and the presence of layers for insulation.
  • Purpose of the object. It is usually applied to production facilities, in the workshop or on the site of which the creation of certain temperature conditions is expected.
  • Availability and characteristics of premises special purpose (we are talking about swimming pools, saunas and other facilities).
  • maintenance level(Is there hot water in the room, ventilation systems and air conditioning, what kind of central heating is there).
  • Total number points from which hot water is taken. This is the first parameter to look at. The more points of intake, the more heat load falls on the entire heating system.
  • The number of residents of the house or people staying on the territory of the facility. The indicator affects the requirements for temperature and humidity. These parameters are the factors that the formula for calculating the heat load contains.
  • Other indicators. If we are talking about an industrial object, the number of shifts, workers in one shift and working days per year is important here. With regard to private households, it is important how many residents there are, the number of bathrooms, rooms, etc.

Methods for determining thermal loads

1. Aggregated calculation method for the heating system are used in the absence of information about projects or inconsistency of such information with real indicators. An enlarged calculation of the heat load of the heating system is carried out according to a fairly simple formula:

Qmax from. \u003d α * V * q0 * (tv-tn.r.) * 10 - 6,

where α is a correction factor that takes into account the climate in the region in which the object is located (it is used if the calculated temperature differs from minus 30 degrees); q0 is the specific characteristic of the heating system, which is chosen depending on the temperature of the coldest week of the year; V - the outer volume of the building.

2. Within the framework of the integrated heat engineering method surveys must thermograph all structures - walls, doors, ceilings, windows. It should be noted that thanks to such procedures, it is possible to determine and fix the factors that significantly affect the heat loss at the facility.

The results of thermal imaging diagnostics will provide an idea of ​​the real temperature difference when a certain amount of heat passes through 1 m 2 of the fence structures. In addition, this makes it possible to learn about the consumption of thermal energy in the event of a certain temperature difference.

When calculating Special attention give practical measurements, which are an integral part of the work. Thanks to them, you can find out about the heat load and heat losses that will occur at a particular facility during certain period. Thanks to practical calculation, they receive information about indicators that theory does not cover, or, more precisely, they learn about the “bottlenecks” of each of the structures.

Installation of an automated heat point

Suppose, within general meeting the owners of the premises in the MKD decided that the organization of an automated heating point is still needed. Today, such equipment is presented in a wide range, but not every automated heating point can suit your household.

It is interesting!

99% of users have no idea that the main thing is the initial feasibility study in the MKD. Only after the examination, you need to select an automated individual heating point, consisting either of blocks and modules directly from the factory, or assemble the equipment in the basement of your house, using separate spare parts for this.

AITP, produced at the factory, are easier and faster to install. All that is required is fixing the modular units to the flanges and then connecting the device to the socket. In this regard, most of the installation companies prefer just such automated heat points.

If an automated heating point is assembled at the factory, the price for it is always higher, but this is compensated good quality. Automated heat points are produced by plants of two categories. The first group includes large enterprises, where serial assembly of heating substations is carried out, the second group includes companies of medium and large scale, manufacturing heating points from blocks in accordance with individual projects.

Only a few companies are engaged in serial production of automated heating points in Russia. Such TPs are assembled very high quality, from reliable parts. However, mass production also has a significant drawback - the impossibility of changing the overall dimensions of the blocks. It is not possible to replace one manufacturer of spare parts with another. The technological scheme of an automated heat point is also not amenable to change, and it cannot be adapted to your needs.

These shortcomings do not have automated block heat points, for which individual projects are developed. Such heat points are produced in every metropolis. However, there are risks here. In particular, you may encounter an unscrupulous manufacturer who assembles TP, roughly speaking, “in a garage”, or you may stumble upon design errors.

During the dismantling of doorways and the reconstruction of walls, an increase in installation work by 2–3 times is often observed. At the same time, no one can guarantee that the manufacturers did not accidentally make a mistake when measuring openings and sent the correct dimensions to production.

The organization of an automated prefabricated heating point is always possible in the house, even if there is not enough space in the basement. Such a TP may include blocks of the factory type. An automated heating point, the price of which is much lower, also has disadvantages.

Factories always cooperate with trusted suppliers and purchase spare parts from them. In addition, there is a factory warranty. Automated block heat points undergo a pressure testing procedure, that is, they are immediately checked for leaks even at the factory. High quality paint is used to paint their pipes.

Control over the teams of workers performing the installation is a rather complicated undertaking. Where and how are pressure gauges purchased, Ball Valves? These details are successfully forged in Asian countries, and if these components are inexpensive, it is only due to the fact that low-quality steel was used in their manufacture. In addition, you need to look at the welds, their quality. UK apartment buildings, as a rule, do not have the necessary equipment. You should definitely demand installation guarantees from contractors, and, of course, it is better to cooperate with time-tested companies. Specialized enterprises always have in stock necessary equipment. These organizations have ultrasonic and X-ray flaw detectors.

The installation company must be a member of the SRO. Equally important is the amount of insurance payments. Savings on insurance premiums are not hallmark large enterprises, because it is important for them to advertise their services and be sure that the client is calm. You should definitely look at how much authorized capital the installation company has. The minimum amount is 10 thousand rubles. If you came across an organization with about this capital, most likely you stumbled upon covens.

Key technical solutions used in AITP can be divided into two groups:

  • the connection scheme with the heating network is independent - in this case, the heat carrier of the heating circuit in the house is separated from the heating network by a boiler (heat exchanger) and circulates in a closed cycle directly inside the facility;
  • the connection scheme with the heating network is dependent - the heat carrier of the district heating network is used in heating radiators of several objects.

The figures below show the most common connection schemes for heating networks and heating points.

With independent connection schemes, plate or shell-and-tube heat exchange units are used. They are different types, with its pros and cons. With dependent schemes for connecting to the heating network, mixing units or elevators with a controlled nozzle are used. If we talk about the most optimal option, these are automated heating points, the connection scheme of which is dependent. Such an automated heat point, the price of which is significantly lower, is more reliable. Maintenance of automated heating points of this type can also be called high-quality.

Alas, if it is necessary to organize heat supply at facilities with many floors, they use an exclusively independent connection scheme to comply with the relevant technological rules.

There are many ways to assemble an automated heat point for a specific facility using high-quality spare parts produced by global or domestic manufacturers. The management of the UK is forced to rely on designers, but they are usually affiliated with a specific TP manufacturer or installation company.

Expert opinion

Russia lacks energy service companies - consumer advocates

A. I. Markelov,

CEO of Energy Transfer

There is currently no balance in the market of heat-saving technologies. There is no mechanism by which the consumer can competently and competently choose specialists in design, installation, as well as companies producing AITP. All this leads to the fact that the organization of an automated heat point does not bring the desired results.

As a rule, during the installation of AITP, adjustment (hydraulic balancing) of the heating system of the facility is not performed. However, it is needed, since the quality of heating in the entrances is different. In one entrance of the house it can be very cold, in another hot.

When installing an automated heat point, you can use front-facing regulation, when the adjustment of one side of the MKD does not depend on the other. Thanks to all these procedures, the installation of AITP becomes more efficient.

The developed countries of Europe quite successfully use energy services. Energy service companies exist to protect the interests of consumers. Thanks to them, users never have to deal directly with sellers. In the absence of savings sufficient to pay back the costs, the energy service company may face bankruptcy, as its profit depends on the savings of the user.

It remains to be hoped that adequate legal mechanisms will appear in Russia, through which it will be possible to achieve savings in the payment of CG.

The heat point is called a structure that serves to connect local heat consumption systems to heat networks. Thermal points are divided into central (CTP) and individual (ITP). Central heating stations are used to supply heat to two or more buildings, ITPs are used to supply heat to one building. If there is a CHP in each individual building, an ITP is required, which performs only those functions that are not provided for in the CHP and are necessary for the heat consumption system of this building. In the presence of its own source of heat (boiler room), the heating point is usually located in the boiler room.

Thermal points house equipment, pipelines, fittings, control, management and automation devices, through which the following are carried out:

Conversion of coolant parameters, for example, to reduce the temperature of network water in the design mode from 150 to 95 0 С;

Control of coolant parameters (temperature and pressure);

Regulation of coolant flow and its distribution among heat consumption systems;

Shutdown of heat consumption systems;

Protection of local systems from an emergency increase in coolant parameters (pressure and temperature);

Filling and make-up of heat consumption systems;

Accounting for heat flows and coolant flow rates, etc.

On fig. 8 is given one of the possible circuit diagrams individual heating point with an elevator for heating the building. The heating system is connected through the elevator if it is necessary to reduce the water temperature for the heating system, for example, from 150 to 95 0 С (in the design mode). At the same time, the available pressure in front of the elevator, sufficient for its operation, must be at least 12-20 m of water. Art., and the pressure loss does not exceed 1.5 m of water. Art. As a rule, one system or several small systems with similar hydraulic characteristics and with a total load of no more than 0.3 Gcal/h are connected to one elevator. For large required pressures and heat consumption, mixing pumps are used, which are also used for automatic control of the heat consumption system.

ITP connection to the heating network is made by a valve 1. Water is purified from suspended particles in the sump 2 and enters the elevator. From the elevator, water with a design temperature of 95 0 С is sent to the heating system 5. The water cooled in the heating devices returns to the ITP with a design temperature of 70 0 С. .

Constant flow hot network water provides automatic regulator RR consumption. The PP regulator receives an impulse for regulation from pressure sensors installed on the supply and return pipelines of the ITP, i.e. it reacts to the pressure difference (pressure) of water in the specified pipelines. The water pressure can change due to an increase or decrease in water pressure in the heating network, which is usually associated in open networks with a change in water consumption for the needs of hot water supply.

for example If the water pressure increases, then the water flow in the system increases. In order to avoid overheating of the air in the premises, the regulator will reduce its flow area, thereby restoring the previous water flow.

The constancy of water pressure in the return pipeline of the heating system is automatically provided by the pressure regulator RD. A drop in pressure may be due to water leaks in the system. In this case, the regulator will reduce the flow area, the water flow will decrease by the amount of leakage and the pressure will be restored.

Water (heat) consumption is measured by a water meter (heat meter) 7. Water pressure and temperature are controlled, respectively, by manometers and thermometers. Gate valves 1, 4, 6 and 8 are used to turn on or off the substation and the heating system.

Depending on the hydraulic features of the heating network and local system heating in a heat point can also be installed:

A booster pump on the return pipeline of the ITP, if the available pressure in the heating network is insufficient to overcome the hydraulic resistance of the pipelines, ITP equipment and heating systems. If at the same time the pressure in the return pipeline is lower than the static pressure in these systems, then the booster pump is installed on the ITP supply pipeline;

A booster pump on the ITP supply pipeline, if the network water pressure is not enough to prevent water from boiling at the top points of heat consumption systems;

A shut-off valve on the supply pipeline at the inlet and a booster pump with a safety valve on the return pipeline at the outlet, if the pressure in the ITP return pipeline may exceed the allowable pressure for the heat consumption system;

The shut-off valve on the supply pipeline at the inlet to the ITP, as well as the safety and check valve s on the return pipeline at the outlet of the IHS, if the static pressure in the heating network exceeds the allowable pressure for the heat consumption system, etc.

Fig 8. Scheme of an individual heating point with an elevator for heating a building:

1, 4, 6, 8 - valves; T - thermometers; M - pressure gauges; 2 - sump; 3 - elevator; 5 - radiators of the heating system; 7 - water meter (heat meter); RR - flow regulator; RD - pressure regulator

As shown in fig. 5 and 6 DHW systems are connected in the ITP to the supply and return pipelines through water heaters or directly, through a mixing temperature controller of the TRZH type.

With direct water withdrawal, water is supplied to the TRZH from the supply or from the return or from both pipelines together, depending on the temperature of the return water (Fig. 9). for example, in summer, when the network water is 70 0 С, and the heating is turned off, only water from the supply pipeline enters the DHW system. The non-return valve is used to prevent the flow of water from the supply pipeline to the return pipeline in the absence of water intake.

Rice. nine. Scheme of the connection point of the DHW system with direct water intake:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - valves; 7 - check valve; 8 - mixing temperature controller; 9 - water mixture temperature sensor; 15 - water taps; 18 - mud collector; 19 - water meter; 20 - air vent; Sh - fitting; T - thermometer; RD - pressure regulator (pressure)

Rice. ten. Two-stage scheme for serial connection of DHW water heaters:

1,2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 - valves; 8 - check valve; 16 - circulation pump; 17 - device for selecting a pressure pulse; 18 - mud collector; 19 - water meter; 20 - air vent; T - thermometer; M - pressure gauge; RT - temperature controller with sensor

For residential and public buildings the scheme of two-stage serial connection of DHW water heaters is also widely used (Fig. 10). In this scheme tap water is first heated in the 1st stage heater, and then in the 2nd stage heater. In this case, tap water passes through the tubes of the heaters. In the heater of the 1st stage, tap water is heated by return network water, which, after cooling, goes to the return pipeline. In the second stage heater, tap water is heated by hot network water from the supply pipeline. The cooled network water enters the heating system. In summer, this water is supplied to the return pipeline through a jumper (to the bypass of the heating system).

The flow rate of hot network water to the 2nd stage heater is regulated by the temperature controller (thermal relay valve) depending on the temperature of the water downstream of the 2nd stage heater.

An individual heating point is designed to save heat, regulate supply parameters. This is a complex located in a separate room. It can be used in a private or multi-apartment building. ITP (individual heating point), what it is, how it is arranged and functions, we will consider in more detail.

ITP: tasks, functions, purpose

By definition, ITP is a heat point that heats buildings in whole or in part. The complex receives energy from the network (central heating substation, central heating unit or boiler house) and distributes it to consumers:

  • GVS (hot water supply);
  • heating;
  • ventilation.

At the same time, there is the possibility of regulation, since the heating mode in the living room, basement, warehouse is different. The ITP has the following main tasks.

  • Accounting for heat consumption.
  • Protection from accidents, monitoring of parameters for safety.
  • Shutdown of the consumption system.
  • Uniform distribution of heat.
  • Adjustment of characteristics, management of temperature and other parameters.
  • Coolant conversion.

Buildings are retrofitted to install ITPs, which is costly but rewarding. The point is located in a separate technical or basement room, an extension to the house or a separately located nearby building.

Benefits of having an ITP

Significant costs for the establishment of an ITP are allowed due to the advantages that follow from the presence of an item in the building.

  • Profitability (in terms of consumption - by 30%).
  • Reducing operating costs by up to 60%.
  • Heat consumption is monitored and accounted for.
  • Mode optimization reduces losses by up to 15%. It takes into account the time of day, weekends, weather.
  • Heat is distributed according to consumption conditions.
  • Consumption can be adjusted.
  • The type of coolant is subject to change if necessary.
  • Low accident rate, high operational safety.
  • Full process automation.
  • Noiselessness.
  • Compactness, dependence of dimensions on loading. Item can be placed in the basement.
  • Maintenance of heating points does not require numerous personnel.
  • Provides comfort.
  • The equipment is completed under the order.

Controlled heat consumption, the ability to influence performance attracts in terms of savings, rational resource consumption. Therefore, it is considered that the costs are recouped within an acceptable period.

Types of TP

The difference between TP is in the number and types of consumption systems. Features of the type of consumer predetermine the scheme and characteristics of the required equipment. The method of installation and arrangement of the complex in the room differs. There are the following types.

  • ITP for a single building or part of it, located in the basement, technical room or adjacent building.
  • TsTP - the central TP serves a group of buildings or objects. It is located in one of the basements or a separate building.
  • BTP - block heat point. Includes one or more blocks manufactured and delivered in production. Features compact installation, used to save space. Can perform the function of ITP or TsTP.

Principle of operation

The design scheme depends on the energy source and the specifics of consumption. The most popular is independent, for a closed DHW system. The principle of operation of the ITP is as follows.

  1. The heat carrier comes to the point through the pipeline, giving the temperature to the heaters for heating, hot water and ventilation.
  2. The heat carrier goes to the return pipeline to the heat generating enterprise. Reused, but some may be used up by the consumer.
  3. Heat losses are compensated by make-up available in CHP and boiler houses (water treatment).
  4. AT thermal plant tap water enters through the cold water pump. Part of it goes to the consumer, the rest is heated by the 1st stage heater, going to the DHW circuit.
  5. The DHW pump moves water in a circle, passing through the TP, the consumer, returns with a partial flow.
  6. The 2nd stage heater operates regularly when the fluid loses heat.

The coolant (in this case, water) moves along the circuit, which is facilitated by 2 circulation pumps. Its leakages are possible, which are replenished by make-up from the primary heating network.

circuit diagram

One or the other ITP scheme has features that depend on the consumer. A central heat supplier is important. The most common option is a closed DHW system with independent accession heating. A heat carrier enters the TP through the pipeline, is realized when heating water for the systems and returns. For return, there is a return pipeline going to the main to the central point - the heat generation enterprise.

Heating and hot water are arranged in the form of circuits along which the heat carrier moves with the help of pumps. The first one is usually designed as a closed cycle with possible leaks replenished from the primary network. And the second circuit is circular, equipped with pumps for hot water supply, which supplies water to the consumer for consumption. In case of heat loss, heating is carried out by the second heating stage.

ITP for different consumption purposes

Being equipped for heating, the IHS has an independent circuit in which a plate heat exchanger is installed with 100% load. Pressure loss is prevented by installing a double pump. Make-up is carried out from the return pipeline in thermal networks. Additionally, the TP is completed with metering devices, a hot water supply unit in the presence of other necessary units.

The ITP designed for DHW is an independent circuit. In addition, it is parallel and single-stage, equipped with two plate heat exchangers loaded at 50%. There are pumps that compensate for the decrease in pressure, metering devices. Other nodes are expected. Such heat points operate according to an independent scheme.

It is interesting! The principle of implementation of district heating for the heating system can be based on a plate heat exchanger with 100% load. And the DHW has a two-stage scheme with two similar devices loaded by 1/2 each. Pumps for various purposes compensate for the decreasing pressure and feed the system from the pipeline.

For ventilation, a plate heat exchanger with 100% load is used. DHW is provided by two such devices, loaded by 50%. Through the operation of several pumps, the pressure level is compensated and make-up is made. Addition - accounting device.

Installation steps

The TP of a building or object undergoes a step-by-step procedure during installation. The mere desire of the tenants in apartment building not enough.

  • Obtaining the consent of the owners of the premises of a residential building.
  • Application to heat supply companies for designing in a particular house, development of technical specifications.
  • Issuance of specifications.
  • Inspection of a residential or other object for the project, determining the availability and condition of equipment.
  • Automatic TP will be designed, developed and approved.
  • The contract is concluded.
  • The ITP project for a residential building or other object is being implemented, tests are being carried out.

Attention! All stages can be completed in a couple of months. The care is assigned to the responsible specialized organization. To be successful, a company must be well established.

Operational safety

The automatic heat point is serviced by properly qualified employees. The staff is familiar with the rules. There are also prohibitions: automation does not start if there is no water in the system, pumps do not turn on if the input is blocked shut-off valves.
Need to control:

  • pressure parameters;
  • noises;
  • vibration level;
  • engine heating.

The control valve must not be subjected to excessive force. If the system is under pressure, the regulators are not disassembled. Pipelines are flushed before start-up.

Approval for operation

The operation of AITP complexes (automated ITP) requires a permit, for which documentation is provided to Energonadzor. These are the technical conditions for connection and a certificate of their execution. Need:

  • agreed project documentation;
  • act of responsibility for operation, balance of ownership from the parties;
  • act of readiness;
  • heat points must have a passport with heat supply parameters;
  • readiness of the heat energy metering device - document;
  • certificate of the existence of an agreement with the energy company to ensure heat supply;
  • act of acceptance of work from the company producing the installation;
  • Order appointing a person responsible for the maintenance, serviceability, repair and safety of the ATP (automated heating point);
  • a list of persons responsible for the maintenance of AITP units and their repair;
  • a copy of the document on the qualification of the welder, certificates for electrodes and pipes;
  • acts on other actions, the executive scheme of the automated heating unit, including pipelines, fittings;
  • an act on pressure testing, flushing of heating, hot water supply, which includes an automated point;
  • briefing.

An admission certificate is drawn up, magazines are started: operational, on briefing, issuing orders, detecting defects.

ITP of an apartment building

An automated individual heating point in a multi-storey residential building transports heat from the central heating station, boiler houses or CHP (combined heat and power plant) to heating, hot water supply and ventilation. Such innovations (automatic heat point) save up to 40% or more of heat energy.

Attention! The system uses a source - heat networks to which it is connected. The need for coordination with these organizations.

A lot of data is required to calculate the modes, load and savings results for payment in housing and communal services. Without this information, the project will not be completed. Without approval, ITP will not issue a permit for operation. Residents receive the following benefits.

  • Greater accuracy in the operation of devices to maintain temperature.
  • Heating is carried out with a calculation that includes the state of the outside air.
  • Amounts for services on utility bills are reduced.
  • Automation simplifies facility maintenance.
  • Reduced repair costs and staffing levels.
  • Finances are saved for the consumption of thermal energy from a centralized supplier (boiler houses, thermal power plants, central heating stations).

Conclusion: how the savings work

The heating point of the heating system is equipped with a metering unit during commissioning, which is a guarantee of savings. Heat consumption readings are taken from the instruments. Accounting itself does not reduce costs. The source of savings is the possibility of changing modes and the absence of overestimation of indicators by energy supply companies, their exact determination. It will be impossible to write off additional costs, leaks, expenses on such a consumer. Payback occurs within 5 months, as an average value with savings of up to 30%.

Automated supply of coolant from a centralized supplier - heating mains. Installation of a modern heating and ventilation unit makes it possible to take into account seasonal and daily temperature changes during operation. Correction mode - automatic. Heat consumption is reduced by 30% with a payback of 2 to 5 years.

When it comes to the rational use of thermal energy, everyone immediately recalls the crisis and the incredible bills for "fat" provoked by it. In new houses, where engineering solutions are provided to regulate the consumption of thermal energy in each individual apartment, you can find the best option for heating or hot water supply (DHW) that suits the tenant. For old buildings, the situation is much more complicated. Individual heating points become the only reasonable solution to the problem of saving heat for their inhabitants.

Definition of ITP - individual heating point

According to the textbook definition, an ITP is nothing more than a heating point designed to serve the whole building or its individual parts. This dry formulation needs some explanation.

The functions of an individual heating point are to redistribute the energy coming from the network (central heating point or boiler room) between ventilation, hot water and heating systems, in accordance with the needs of the building. This takes into account the specifics of the premises served. Residential, warehouse, basement and other types of them, of course, should also differ in temperature regime and ventilation settings.

Installation of ITP implies the presence of a separate room. Most often, the equipment is installed in the basement or technical rooms of high-rise buildings, extensions to apartment buildings or in separate buildings located in close proximity.

Modernization of the building by installing ITP requires significant financial costs. Despite this, the relevance of its implementation is dictated by the advantages that promise undoubted benefits, namely:

  • coolant consumption and its parameters are subject to accounting and operational control;
  • distribution of the coolant throughout the system depending on the conditions of heat consumption;
  • regulation of the coolant flow, in accordance with the requirements that have arisen;
  • the possibility of changing the type of coolant;
  • increased level of safety in case of accidents and others.

The ability to influence the process of coolant consumption and its energy performance is attractive in itself, not to mention the savings from rational use thermal resources. The one-time costs of ITP equipment will more than pay off in a very modest period of time.

The structure of an ITP depends on which consumption systems it serves. In general, it can be equipped with systems for providing heating, hot water supply, heating and hot water supply, as well as heating, hot water supply and ventilation. Therefore, the ITP must include the following devices:

  1. heat exchangers for the transfer of thermal energy;
  2. valves of locking and regulating action;
  3. instruments for monitoring and measuring parameters;
  4. pump equipment;
  5. control panels and controllers.

Here are only the devices that are present on all ITPs, although each specific option may have additional nodes. The source of cold water supply is usually located in the same room, for example.

The scheme of the heating substation is built using a plate heat exchanger and is completely independent. To maintain the pressure at the required level, a dual pump is installed. There is a simple way to "re-equip" the circuit with a hot water supply system and other nodes and units, including metering devices.

The operation of the ITP for hot water supply implies the inclusion in the scheme of plate heat exchangers that operate only on the load on the hot water supply. Pressure drops in this case are compensated by a group of pumps.

In the case of organizing systems for heating and hot water supply, the above schemes are combined. Plate heat exchangers for heating work together with a two-stage DHW circuit, and the heating system is replenished from the return pipeline of the heating network by means of appropriate pumps. The cold water supply network is the feeding source for the DHW system.

If it is necessary to connect a ventilation system to the ITP, then it is equipped with another plate heat exchanger connected to it. Heating and hot water continue to work according to the previously described principle, and the ventilation circuit is connected in the same way as a heating circuit with the addition of the necessary instrumentation.

Individual heating point. Principle of operation

The central heating point, which is a source of heat carrier, supplies hot water to the entrance of an individual heating point through the pipeline. Moreover, this liquid in no way enters any of the building systems. Both for heating and for heating water in the DHW system, as well as for ventilation, only the temperature of the supplied coolant is used. Energy is transferred to the systems in plate-type heat exchangers.

The temperature is transferred by the main coolant to the water taken from the cold water supply system. So, the cycle of movement of the coolant begins in the heat exchanger, passes through the path of the corresponding system, giving off heat, and returns through the return main water supply for further use to the enterprise providing heat supply (boiler room). The part of the cycle that provides for the release of heat heats the dwellings and makes the water in the taps hot.

Cold water enters the heaters from the cold water supply system. For this, a system of pumps is used to maintain the required level of pressure in the systems. Pumps and accessories are needed to reduce or increase the water pressure from the supply line to acceptable level, as well as its stabilization in building systems.

Benefits of using ITP

The four-pipe heat supply system from the central heating point, which was previously used quite often, has a lot of disadvantages that are absent from the ITP. In addition, the latter has a number of very significant advantages over its competitor, namely:

  • efficiency due to a significant (up to 30%) reduction in heat consumption;
  • the availability of devices simplifies the control of both the flow of the coolant and the quantitative indicators of thermal energy;
  • the possibility of flexible and prompt influence on heat consumption by optimizing the mode of its consumption, depending on the weather, for example;
  • ease of installation and rather modest overall dimensions of the device, allowing it to be placed in small rooms;
  • reliability and stability of the ITP, as well as a beneficial effect on the same characteristics of the serviced systems.

This list can be continued indefinitely. It reflects only the main, lying on the surface, the benefits obtained by using ITP. It can be added, for example, the ability to automate the management of ITP. In this case, its economic and operational performance becomes even more attractive to the consumer.

The most significant disadvantage of ITP, apart from transportation and handling costs, is the need to settle all sorts of formalities. Obtaining appropriate permits and approvals can be attributed to very serious tasks.

In fact, only a specialized organization can solve such problems.

Stages of installation of a heat point

It is clear that one decision, albeit a collective one, based on the opinion of all the residents of the house, is not enough. Briefly, the procedure for equipping the object, apartment building, for example, can be described as follows:

  1. in fact, a positive decision of the residents;
  2. application to the heat supply organization for the development of technical specifications;
  3. obtaining technical conditions;
  4. pre-project survey of the object, to determine the condition and composition of the existing equipment;
  5. development of the project with its subsequent approval;
  6. conclusion of an agreement;
  7. project implementation and commissioning tests.

The algorithm may seem, at first glance, rather complicated. In fact, all the work from decision to commissioning can be done in less than two months. All worries should be placed on the shoulders of a responsible company that specializes in providing this kind of service and has a positive reputation. Thankfully, there are plenty of them now. It remains only to wait for the result.

BTP - Block heating point - 1var. - this is a compact thermomechanical unit of complete factory readiness, located (placed) in a block container, which is an all-metal load-bearing frame with sandwich panel fences.

ITP in a block container is used to connect heating, ventilation, hot water supply systems and technological heat-using installations of the whole building or part of it.

BTP - Block heating point - 2 var. It is manufactured in the factory and supplied for installation in the form of ready-made blocks. It may consist of one or more blocks. The equipment of the blocks is mounted very compactly, as a rule, on one frame. Usually used when you need to save space, in cramped conditions. By the nature and number of connected consumers, the BTP can refer to both ITP and CHP. Supply of ITP equipment according to the specification - heat exchangers, pumps, automation, shut-off and control valves, pipelines, etc. - Supplied in separate items.

BTP is a product of full factory readiness, which makes it possible to connect objects being reconstructed or newly built to heating networks in the shortest possible time. The compactness of the BTP helps to minimize the equipment placement area. Individual approach to the design and installation of block individual heat points allow us to take into account all the wishes of the client and translate them into a finished product. warranty for the BTP and all equipment from one manufacturer, one service partner for the entire BTP. ease of installation of the BTP at the installation site. Production and testing of BTP in the factory - quality. It is also worth noting that in case of mass, quarterly construction or volumetric reconstruction of heating points, the use of BTP is preferable compared to ITP. Since in this case it is necessary to mount a significant number of heating points in a short period of time. Such large-scale projects can be implemented in the shortest possible time using only standard factory-ready BTPs.

ITP (assembly) - the possibility of installing a heat point in cramped conditions, there is no need to transport the heat point as an assembly. Transportation of individual components only. The equipment delivery time is much shorter than BTP. Cost is lower. - BTP - the need to transport the BTP to the place of installation (transportation costs), the dimensions of the openings for carrying the BTP impose restrictions on the overall dimensions of the BTP. Delivery time from 4 weeks. Price.

ITP - a guarantee for various components of a heating point from different manufacturers; several different service partners for various equipment included in the heating substation; higher cost of installation work, terms installation work, T. e. when installing the ITP are taken into account individual characteristics specific premises and "creative" solutions of a specific contractor, which, on the one hand, simplifies the organization of the process, and on the other hand, can reduce the quality. After all, a weld, a bend in a pipeline, etc., is much more difficult to perform qualitatively in a “place” than in a factory setting.
