The interior of a small kitchen is light. Interesting solutions for the design of a small kitchen

Often a small kitchen becomes a source of discomfort and irritation for the hostess, so the issue must be resolved, and radically. Repair will be the most correct way out. When undertaking such a difficult task, you must first of all choose small kitchen interior so that he visually expands it and provides as much free space as possible.

The first step is to start with the correct redevelopment, which is considered the most milestone process. It has significant differences from the layout of a traditional room, since the main problem of a small kitchen is an acute shortage of space.
So let's get started. In modern styles in a small kitchen, you can use any bold ideas that help to best equip the space. Literate interior of a small cuisine allows rational and comfortable use of the workplace. Here suitable option will be waived standard table. Do not immediately worry that there will be nowhere to eat.

The meaning of this idea is to adapt modern design folding type, which, if necessary, easily unfolds into a full-fledged dining table.

In addition, many people prefer to use such a design solution in the interior as a bar counter. Its installation will make the kitchen more stylish and spacious. It will be very convenient to order a bar counter with built-in cabinets and drawers. This option will help to conveniently place the necessary things, but then the countertop of the structure must be slightly wider so that it acts as a table.

When decorating a small kitchen, try to actively use the space near the window and the windowsill.

Small kitchen interior - color palette and pattern

Design professionals prefer to visually expand the space with the help of illusion. Here is an example of several useful tricks for optical illusion.

  1. The color of the kitchen must be neutral. Thus, the boundaries in the room are visually expanded. For example, deep saturated color well reflects the light flux from the window and from the chandelier. You should also pay attention to kitchen furniture with a glossy surface, which has similar properties. According to the advice of designers, when decorating kitchens, you should not use more than two colors. A simple combination of shades is the key to increasing space. At the same time, it is not recommended to pay attention to a complex pattern, and if you really liked it, try to make it very pale.
  2. Designers recommend in a small room to completely abandon heavy curtains. It is better to purchase light tulle, Roman or roller blinds. Remember, the more light there is, the wider the kitchen will appear!

Learning to select textiles, creating the interior of a small kitchen

When applying drawings and patterns, you must be very delicate. In principle, it is advisable to limit yourself to the so-called "strokes" in the form of decorative pillows, stools and furniture upholstery. So the interior of a small kitchen will not be unnecessarily overloaded.
When positioning the cornice, try to hang it as high as possible above the window in order to visually lift the ceiling line. If your choice fell on a combination of tulle and curtains, hang them so that they do not cover the window, but only frame it. Printed textiles should be abandoned, it is better to choose a textured pattern.

Storage systems and appliances in a small kitchen

When organizing the workspace, it is important to choose and place the storage system correctly. In a small kitchen, such a surface is often combined with a window sill, and the stove and sink are selected with storage space below. If the area allows, you can make a multifunctional “island” in the middle of the room that acts as a table and stores dishes.

One more modern solution- "caboose". With its help, the space expands illusory. The layout implies the location wall cabinets and niches on both walls of the kitchen in parallel.

A smart choice would be built-in appliances, specially designed for small spaces. Usually such devices are smaller in size, they can even be hung on the wall ( ovens and microwaves).

Interior of a small kitchen - photo

The kitchen is the most functional room in a house or apartment. The design of the kitchen involves the presence of several work areas and high requirements for the level of safety of finishing materials. For all its practicality, you need to create a cozy nest for cooking for family dinners.

Modern designers offer many convenient and interesting solutions, both for a spacious room and for a small kitchen.

The main trends of modern cuisine

Fashion for kitchen design does not stand still. Modern style is rapidly evolving, offering homeowners big variety shapes, colors and textures to create the kitchen of your dreams.

But there are general trends in the design of the modern temple of food. Designers recommend:

  • visually expand the space due to light colors in the decoration, mirror surfaces, lighting.
  • zone space;
  • use functional modern built-in appliances that add high-tech notes to the interior of a small kitchen;
  • use concise kitchen sets;
  • add strict lines to the room and geometric shapes as a tribute to modern style;
  • hide accessories;
  • use chrome surfaces, glass in decoration;
  • add "eco-notes" with wooden inserts, live plants;
  • develop a high-tech storage system. Minimalism does not tolerate cluttered room space.

Style selection

The kitchen is the place for family dinners and romantic breakfasts. That is why it should be designed in harmony with the inner world and tastes of the owners. To date, there is applicable to this room. Of course, everyone can find an option to their liking:

Classic style. It is an ageless design style. When decorating, the classic will not be a very good solution, since a feature of this trend is furniture made of dark colors wood or materials disguised as it. The main colors will be beige, gold and brown.

Country style. The type of interior echoes the classics, but is a simpler and more comfortable version of it. Preference is given to natural materials and decor that conveys the flavor of the countryside: a wicker motif, original shapes, natural colors, patchwork fabrics.

High tech. The complete opposite of country style. The emphasis is on the abundance of chrome, metal, glass, modern technology, which will become the main decor of the room. The use of simple lines in the headset will emphasize its functionality. The use of one bright dominant color and one neutral is encouraged.

Modern style or modern, which will fit perfectly into . Differs in laconicism and aspiration to minimalism. The predominance of white in the interior and a large number natural light will further expand the space of even the smallest kitchen. Art Nouveau is characterized by the use of geometric shapes and the functionality of every detail.

Eclecticism. Mixed style, replete with decor. Loads space with many elements. Combines different textures and colors.

Color solution

Choosing a kitchen design color is an important step. It is from the color scheme that the general mood of the room and the effect it creates will depend.

The beautiful design of the kitchen of a small area implies a visual increase in space. This effect will help to achieve a combination of two colors. The light color should prevail on top, and the dark color should prevail on the bottom.

The monochromatic interior also fits well with the design of a small square kitchen. But when choosing a dominant color, you should use a palette from light beige to brown.

The choice of white as a monochromatic design will make the kitchen too strict, wooden decor help mitigate this effect.

The background largely depends on the initial choice of the style of the room, as well as on the planned coloring of the furniture: you can’t combine a colorful headset with bright color walls.

You should also remember the effect of color on a person. Red color is able to speed up the metabolism, promotes a good appetite. And the use of blue and green shades, on the contrary, is suitable for those who follow the figure and want to eat a little less than usual.

Diversify the familiar environment will help non-standard choice ceiling colors. good choice there will be light warm shades.

Kitchen finishing

Suitable for various kitchen surfaces different variants finishes. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Ceiling finish

There are special requirements for the ceiling in the kitchen. In addition to the aesthetic appearance, it must be practical, moisture and heat resistant. The most common are:

  • wallpapering;
  • finishing plastic panels;
  • coloring;
  • pasting with polystyrene foam boards;
  • stretch ceiling installation;
  • plasterboard ceiling installation.

Naturally, even though pasting the ceiling will be a cheap way to finish it, these methods will definitely not be able to boast of durability.

The most common until recently was the method of plastering and subsequent painting of the ceiling. water-based paint. This is a rather laborious and “dirty” process, but the result justifies itself. When the paint begins to turn yellow over time, it is easy to renew the ceiling with another coat.

The most modern methods are the construction of stretch and false ceilings. These are more expensive options, but such ceilings are durable and functional. Thanks to spot lighting, it is possible to additionally illuminate the work surface, and multilevel ceiling will help to zone the space.

The unusual design of a small kitchen is emphasized by mirrored ceilings. They look original, as well as visually expand the space.

wall decoration

In cases where the kitchen is divided into working and dining areas, it would be appropriate to emphasize this division with different finishing materials. Among the most popular finishes:

Ceramic tiles and mosaics. Kitchen design leader. Its popularity is due to its durability, strength, ease of care, as well as a huge selection of colors for every taste. Rarely found as a finishing material for the entire kitchen, it usually fills the space of an apron or the entire working wall.

Dye. Washable paint is a great option for both work and dining areas. Mixing colors can produce many beautiful shades for a quality finish. Another reason for the popularity of paint is the ability to carry out without resorting to the help of specialists if there is a finished flat surface.

Wallpaper. Given the specifics of the premises, there is no place for ordinary ones. Non-woven, fiberglass, vinyl wallpapers are suitable for finishing this room.

Yellow rectangular kitchen in the interior with wallpaper

Finishing with concrete, brick, putty. The view of the original “bare” wall decorated with usually hidden building materials brings a spectacular touch and a bit of rebellion to the modern laconic seasoned style.

Wall MDF panels. Modern manufacturers offer wide selection aesthetic panels coated with a special protective film. They are easy to install and look good in the interior of the room.

Floor finish

The choice of flooring is quite not an easy task for the common man. There is a wide variety modern materials meeting the requirements kitchen space. The practicality of the finish should come first in comparison with the appearance.

The favorite, as in the case of walls, remains ceramic tiles, especially since there are colors that imitate popular wooden surfaces.

The second most popular material is. It has an inexpensive price, having all the qualities necessary for kitchen flooring.

A beautiful, practical, but expensive option for flooring can be parquet. This material qualitatively ennobles the room, without being afraid of moisture and temperature due to special protection.

Inexpensive alternative wooden floor becomes a laminate. In addition to the advantages of price, appearance, the material boasts ease of installation, which even an inexperienced builder can handle.

An extravagant solution would be a loft-style floor. The pristine concrete floor is a win-win option due to its functionality and cost.


Variety of modern kitchen furniture great disorienting inexperienced buyer. How not to get lost, choose the right headset?

Regardless of the size of the kitchen, there are 5 standard layout options:

  • island accommodation;
  • peninsular accommodation;
  • parallel placement;
  • U-shaped placement;
  • L-shaped placement.

Whatever type of layout is chosen, there are general trends in the design of kitchen furniture. So, today, the boom is the system of efficient storage. Even the most inaccessible places are rationally used.

Given the variety of modern technology, for its organic integration into the overall silhouette of the kitchen, custom-made furniture would be an ideal option.

You should not save on the quality of the finishing materials of the kitchen set: very soon, dishonestly made furniture will lose its appearance due to instability to moisture and temperature, requiring significant funds for its complete replacement.

Decorating the dining area

In most apartments, the place of eating is in the kitchen. Designers recommend highlighting the dining area in the interior, visually separating it from work surfaces.

If there is free space, this will not be difficult. You can use the design zoning technique using different finishes walls and ceiling. Another option would be a small screen in the color of the design, covering the functional part of the room. Mosaics look good or, which will not only focus on the dining area, but also create additional comfort, become part of the picturesque decor.

The design of a small one will require more sophistication. To put here dining area, it is recommended to choose an L-shaped layout. good and right decision in this case, it may be the use of a window sill as a continuation of the work surface or an addition to the table.

It is popular to use instead of the usual combination of a table and chairs, a bar counter and high stools. But this option is hardly suitable for families with children.

Decorative items and lighting will help to make an additional emphasis on the dining area. A well-chosen carpet will help to replace the floor finish.

Room decoration

Despite the desire of modern designers for minimalism, decor remains part of the interior, although it is undergoing some changes. Compared to the fashion of the past years, the number of non-functional elements is significantly reduced. Preference is given to one bright accent, instead of many small details that create the effect of cluttered kitchen.

As a decor for the kitchen is used:

  • stencil drawings and ornaments on a functional wall;
  • themed stickers;
  • self-adhesive paper for refrigerator
  • decorative dishes;
  • unusual lamps;
  • hand-made items;
  • wood;
  • original carpet or panel;
  • glass decor;
  • eco-items: flowers, plants;
  • decorative curtains.

When choosing decor and its location in the kitchen, do not forget about fire safety rules.


The kitchen, as a functional room of any home, needs a well-thought-out high-quality lighting system.

An example of a kitchen design project with lighting

The placement of fixtures should be taken care of immediately after making the final decision on the layout of the kitchen. It is at this stage that it is possible to determine the location of work areas that require additional illumination, the method of scattering light, and to carry out all the missing elements (sockets, outlets, switches, etc.) in advance.

In a modern kitchen, there is no place for a single source of lighting. For example, by combining spot lighting and hanging lamp, you can conveniently illuminate the work surface and the perimeter of the room.

It is best to make the main light neutral and not too bright, but with additional sources light add the desired lighting combinations.

To illuminate the kitchen space are used:

  • LED backlight;
  • Spotlights;
  • Tire lamps;
  • Hanging lamps;
  • Overhead lamps.

Do not forget about the combination of style and color lighting fixtures with the rest of the interior. If recessed lamps are universal, then chandeliers and hanging fixtures can have a different texture and color. Thus, you can make a good kitchen by combining lighting functions with decorating the space.
Don't forget! The use of a lamp with a fabric shade in the kitchen is inappropriate, as a large amount of fat and soot will accumulate on it.

Every hostess dreams of making the kitchen room beautiful, cozy and functional. You can learn how to properly design a modern design for a small kitchen from this article. The correct and professional approach to the design of a small kitchen will help to include a refrigerator, a gas water heater and even a bar counter in a small space. In this article, we have tried to collect best ideas small kitchen designs that are relevant in 2017 - use them for your inspiration! And our selection of photos will visually complement the formed image of the kitchen of your dreams.

Small Kitchen Design Ideas

The design of a small kitchen plays an important role for any housewife who spends quite a lot of time here cooking. In arrangement small apartment it is very important to arrange each of the premises existing in it as comfortably as possible and, at the same time, to preserve free space to the maximum.

Thinking over the design of a small area kitchen, consider the rule of the working triangle: the stove, sink and refrigerator are located in close proximity.

Kitchen set in the design of a small kitchen

To simplify the cooking process and make the working area in a small kitchen the most comfortable, you need to choose the right kitchen set. Furniture should be neat and compact and contain all the necessary elements. It is desirable that appliances can be hidden in the furniture, for example, a microwave oven, a gas water heater, a boiler, etc. This will make it possible to unload the situation.

Before proceeding with the design of the kitchen space, it is necessary to decide on the style on which the interior will be based.

Modern small kitchen design

The modern design of a small kitchen suggests a minimalist and high-tech style. Such styles are characterized by: conciseness, simplicity and restraint in design. The decor can be present at a minimum, and this is just what is beneficial for a miniature room.

A minimalist kitchen must have simple finish and a minimum of textiles. The ceiling can be stretched, the floor is equipped with ceramic tiles without patterns, and the walls are decorated with panels, plain tiles or painted. The color scheme is neutral cold tones.

High-tech style is characterized by a lot of plastic, glass and metal in the interior, as well as modern technology, smooth glossy surfaces and strict geometry. The kitchen set should have clear lines, strict design and smooth facades. In most cases, such furniture is made to order.

Kitchen design of a small area in a classic style

The design of the kitchen of a small area in a classic style can visually enlarge and decorate the space thanks to warm shades with golden accents. The color scheme is bright hues beige caramel, vanilla, Ivory, cream. White, blue and pink colors are much less commonly used.

Vintage enameled furniture and floral ornaments are the main attributes of the Provence style.

welcome here warm colors turquoise, olive, cream, cream and terracotta flowers, natural materials, a large number of textiles and various decorative accessories. A feature of the style of the French village house is the presence of scuffs on the furniture, which should be made of natural materials. Small accessories (candelabra, wicker baskets, fruit bowls, etc.), paintings on the walls and dishes, in the form of painted plates hanging on the walls, porcelain cups and much more, will help to fully complement such an interior.

Small corner kitchen design

With a small kitchen area, a corner kitchen set is often used to make the cooking process more ergonomic. Corner kitchen set is well suited for square and rectangular kitchens.

Most often, in the corner kitchen, a sink is installed in the corner. And along the walls they place a stove, a cutting surface with lower cabinets and a refrigerator.

You can also place part working area kitchen along the window, combining the countertop with the window sill. Most likely then you will place the stove and oven along the adjoining wall.

The design of a corner small kitchen, in addition to the working area, involves arrangement and places for eating. A large dining table here, of course, will not be appropriate, but a high bar counter with chairs, as well as a neat round or oval table are quite suitable. It is quite convenient to use folding structures.

Installation corner sofa gives its advantages - several people can be accommodated here at once, and additional chairs are not required, and the bedside tables built into it will save you from additional cabinets in the kitchen set.

Design of a small kitchen with a narrow layout

For long and narrow kitchens the best option there will be two types of accommodation kitchen set- linear and parallel. The linear option provides for the location of the working area along one of the walls. The design of a small kitchen with a dining area may involve placing a small or folding table in the opposite corner near the window, or design in the form of a bar counter along a parallel wall.

The parallel version of the kitchen set in long kitchens is much less common, as it helps to narrow the space. In such cases, it would be better to install a stove, sink and countertop along one of the walls, and a refrigerator with upper cabinets along the opposite one, which will also house a small dining area.

small kitchen design with breakfast bar

If you can implement a kitchen-living room on your area, or you have a studio apartment, think about the design option for a kitchen with a breakfast bar. A photo various options show how it can be used to successfully zoning space.

small kitchen design with fridge

The best place to install a refrigerator in a small kitchen is a corner. Best Option for a small kitchen, its narrow elongated shape will “fit” into the depth of the kitchen set.

Another option worthy of attention- a refrigerator of small dimensions, located under the working area. If it is made of stainless steel, the design of a small kitchen with a refrigerator should include additional elements of the same material - these can be chandelier shades, an oven, an extractor hood, etc.

You can also use a refrigerator built into the furniture. The refrigerator can be “disguised” as a closet, if you really don’t want to leave it in plain sight, but here it’s worth considering that this option will take up more space.

Design of a small kitchen with a geyser

Modern models of geysers can themselves become a real decoration of the interior. Or it can be made as such by decorating the top panel with a film with an original pattern.

Also, the geyser in the design of the kitchen can be “hidden” in a hanging cabinet of a kitchen set with a closing door. Thanks to this disguise, it will not be able to interfere with the transformation of the interior. kitchen area. Here it is worth paying attention to the bedside table, which must be equipped with a good ventilation system, have heat-reflecting elements and suitable sizes.

Modern design of a small kitchen of a non-standard layout

You can find kitchen rooms equipped with niches, pantries, bay windows, or combined with a living room - these options are non-standard, but quite advantageous, as they provide additional space. Various recesses can be used for built-in custom-made furniture, thereby freeing up the space of a small kitchen.

The color palette in the design of the kitchen of a small area

To decorate a small room, they use light colors - they help at the visual level, maximize the space and make the design of a small kitchen more attractive and free. You should not use the technique of zoning space with the help of decoration - this will bring some confusion into a small room.

Walls can be painted with latex or acrylic paint, paste over washable vinyl wallpaper, issue decorative plaster or plastic panels. Special attention given to the apron - the gap of the wall above the working area. To finish it, you can use ceramic tiles, mosaic, tempered tinted glass or artificial stone.

The ceiling of a small kitchen is best painted in White color, or use a tensioner. You can also use a stepped drywall construction. All these techniques will help add height to the room.

The floor should be as durable as possible, resistant to external irritants and not slippery. Here you can use ceramic tiles, linoleum or self-leveling floor based on polymer resins.

When choosing curtains for a window, you should give preference to blinds, Roman or roller blinds, which will not “take away” the space with their splendor.

The design of a small kitchen can be no less beautiful, practical and comfortable than its counterparts with large area. Using the recommendations of this article and applying maximum patience and imagination, you can decorate the interior so that your stay in the kitchen is pleasant and evokes positive emotions, as in the cooking process. various dishes, and during the rest after the meal.

Design of a small kitchen: design ideas for 45 photos updated: November 23, 2017 by: Kyiv Irina

We can say that a small kitchen of 6 square meters. m is not best field for creativity. But there is another side to the coin: after all, a small room is your opportunity to show your ingenuity, to make the room so functional that the owners of spacious kitchens will only be amazed.

Light colors will become your assistant in the design of a small kitchen, because such a color scheme will help to visually enlarge the space.

Let's talk about the features of creating a layout and design in kitchens with an area of ​​​​6 square meters. m. Having studied the main aspects, we will show photographs of existing interiors, whose project can be implemented exactly or roughly, thus making a very functional and comfortable kitchen.

In order to save precious meters in your kitchen, it is best to install kitchen furniture along one of the walls, having previously decided on the location of the work area and refrigerator

small kitchen layout

The first thing to start with the repair of a small kitchen is to create a furniture layout plan. The layout can be linear, angular, two-row and U-shaped, the choice depends on your ideas and wishes.

linear layout

The method of linear placement of furniture is when all the drawers, cabinets and stove are located against one wall, which saves space, makes cooking more convenient.

Do not think that a small kitchen cannot embody any style, if you wish, you can decorate even the smallest room in style and taste, in one style or another.

Ideal if the kitchen is planned only for cooking, and the dining area is located in another room. However, with such a layout there will be enough space to create a dining area directly in the kitchen.

U-shaped layout

The U-shaped layout option can also be effectively applied. All furniture will be located against three walls, but there will not be too much space inside the kitchen. The layout is suitable those who want to maximize the productive use of a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The kitchen will accommodate a lot of dishes and household appliances, but the dining table will not fit.

corner layout

In the kitchen 6 sq. m, you can also use the option with the corner placement of the headset: the furniture is installed against the walls at a right angle, and opposite you can put a dining table. The corner kitchen allows you to install enough drawers and cabinets and at the same time make the room spacious enough.

Double row layout

You can apply a two-sided arrangement when the furniture is installed against opposite walls: one will be convenient to cook, the other will act as a dining area.

A small kitchen decorated in cream tones, cocoa shades or universal white color will look stylish, good and cozy.

Features of the design and furnishing of the kitchen 6 sq. m.

Furniture is the main component of the kitchen, but for small room standard furnishings will not fit. For example, headsets are usually made for kitchens from 8 sq. m., so kitchens are often bought to order for small spaces. But its design will match your preferences as much as possible.

  • Use two main principles: functionality and lack of detail. There should not be too much cabinet furniture, it is advisable to choose cabinets that are narrow enough (no more than 80 cm) and high. Folding countertops, pull-out systems for dishes and other cutlery, deep drawers - all this is also relevant for a small kitchen.

  • In kitchens where there is a small niche, a set can be installed in this space. Although, a large kitchen in a niche is usually not located, so this option is suitable, if you only need a sink, kitchen table and stove, and do not need a lot of drawers.

  • In a small kitchen, instead of a regular table, you can install a compact bar counter, which will be an excellent decorative element.

Kitchen design style 6 sq. m.


A great option for a small room, but you need to use it correctly: the kitchen should not be overloaded with heavy window decoration, large chandeliers. Decor elements and furnishings should be small and compact, without much glamor (which only adds volume).

Important: Traditionally classic style- This is a pompous design, which is more relevant for spacious rooms. Therefore, to fully embody the concept of style in the kitchen of 6 square meters. m. will not work.

You can create the appropriate atmosphere with the help of decorative elements: stucco, paintings, wooden furniture, mirrors in classic design. The color background should be light colors.

Excellent design decision there will be a bright accent in the lighting made on the chandelier, it is important to choose an original design model that is in perfect harmony with the overall style of the kitchen


This is one of best styles for decorating small kitchens. It is characterized by minimalism, lack of optional elements, modular furniture - everything you need to decorate a small room.

Practicality is the main idea of ​​​​style: in modernity, it is necessary to correctly plan the arrangement of furniture in order to use it as conveniently as possible. And this is also true for the kitchen of 6 square meters. meters. Other character traits style that would be appropriate for a small kitchen: built-in appliances and bright, glossy furniture.

Inherent in style and competent arrangement of light (with emphasis on functional areas). To increase the amount of natural light in the kitchen, you can widen the window opening, and use light materials on the windows to create a sense of space.

High tech

No matter how well this style fits into small spaces, it should be in the review due to its popularity. In addition, technology (the main distinguishing feature of the style) is constantly being improved. The kitchen usually has a large number of modern household appliances, mostly built-in.

High-tech kitchens are a combination modern style, always up-to-date quality and comfort

Other features of high-tech design: glossy coatings, an abundance of glass, metal, straight lines, a minimum of decor. Considering that rooms in this style usually look quite compact, it is great for use in a 6 sq. m.

The colors used are contrasting, bright red is not uncommon. It is typical for the style to leave pipes, ventilation in sight and create decorative elements from them. Windows - metal, without design and additional paraphernalia. Monochromatic roller blinds are suitable as decoration.

Country style

This option is suitable for connoisseurs of naturalness and comfort. The design uses textiles, wooden or wickerwork, ordinary household appliances.

The Provence style is decorated in much the same way, although traditionally French details may be present: forged elements, stylized curtains, elegant furniture.

Color design

In a small-sized room, it is necessary to choose the color design especially competently, because the appearance of the kitchen, including its spatial representation, largely depends on it.

  • For the kitchen 6 sq. m. The best choice would be light colors, and cold ones will make it visually more spacious, warm ones will give comfort.
  • Ideal Solution for finishing the walls, floor and ceiling of the kitchen - pastel light motifs - blue, beige, yellow, white;

  • The kitchen, decorated in white with the addition of red details, will look very fashionable;
  • For greater lightness and spaciousness, you can use glass light cabinets.

Tip: The design of a small kitchen is usually not combined with the use of dark motifs, although in small quantities, in the form of small accents, they may be present. And it is desirable to place them at the bottom (for example, blue bottom boxes and white top ones).

To create additional space, use the following techniques:

  1. Instead of a standard dining table, use a folding design; it can also act as an additional surface when cooking;
  2. Place the refrigerator in the hallway or install a compact model. This is the best way to design a kitchen for those who cook infrequently;
  3. Install the door to the kitchen so that it opens outwards. A non-obvious option, although very logical and practical;
  4. To visually enlarge the kitchen in the finishing of the floor and countertops, you can use the material of the same color and texture;
  5. Create a table from the windowsill: it can act as a full-fledged table or be a continuation of the present one (then the tabletop will turn out to be wide, it looks very stylish);
  6. The apron can be made of small mosaics: it will look compact and aesthetically pleasing;
  7. The size of the countertop should not be small even in a kitchen of 6 square meters. m.;
  8. It is better to choose the built-in technique, and that's all Appliances place in drawers;
  9. Plumbing - it should be complete, for example, a small kitchen - is not a reason to refuse a chimney above the stove.

Transparent or glass objects and furniture will look modern and stylish in your kitchen.

When arranging furniture, household appliances and other things, use the maximum usable space. The easiest way to do this is to leave no gaps.

Place the microwave in the cabinet, install rails for dishes, choose a set with upper drawers, the doors of which do not open to the sides, but upwards (instead of two doors, one wide door). Optimize space with various sliding systems - shelves and drawers. You can also use folding chairs.

It is very important that the furniture in your kitchen is roomy, but the main thing is not to overdo it with furnishings - there should be as few of them as possible.

Lighting a small kitchen 6 sq. m

The modern design of a small kitchen involves lighting planning, taking into account the correct functional division - the dining area should be different from the cooking area.

An abundance of cabinets, bedside tables, shelves can create a messy effect, and the kitchen will seem even smaller.

  • In a small kitchen, small lamps installed pointwise will be relevant in places that need to be emphasized. At the same time, there should be a lot of light, that is, it is necessary to think over high-quality basic lighting.
  • Halogen lamps can be used to decorate the room, glossy coatings and mirrors can be used in the design of surfaces. Decorative lighting of furniture items will also be relevant.
  • Natural light should be present in a small kitchen more than in any other room, so heavy fabrics are not suitable for window decoration.

Design of a small kitchen 6 sq. m: design examples

Here are the ideas of small kitchens, on the basis of which it is quite possible to implement a unique project. The kitchen at the same time will be as functional, comfortable and practical as possible.

Kitchen design with a window sill-table in lime color

No need to fill a small kitchen with bulky patterns or a lot of paintings, just a couple of decorative accents will be enough.

To design a small kitchen 6 sq. m., her visual expansion using a variety of lighting. In addition to a massive window with bright roller blinds the room has lamps on the ceiling and lighting above the table. Paintings complement the interior, and decorative details are located on the shelves.

Kitchen design with integrated refrigerator

The interior of a small kitchen is decorated using three primary colors with bright accents - beige color goes well with white and gray motifs. The decoration contains natural (ceramics, wood), artificial (plastic) and modern (metal) materials. Coatings are mostly glossy, without decorative drawings.

The ceiling is made in two levels, white colors visually expand the space. Ceramic floor with small beige patterns. The walls are pastel in color, against their background other shades of the interior look good. The apron is designed in the form brick wall light color, why a small kitchen of 6 square meters. m with a refrigerator goes well with furniture.

Closed facades - for the installation of built-in appliances; they also have a chimney. A white table with chairs that have contrasting orange accents. There is a lot of light in the interior - compact lamps are installed everywhere. Plus - a large window with an orange curtain. There is not much decor in the kitchen: several coasters, a vase of flowers.

Soft, light furniture is what you need for a small kitchen, it will not look bulky, especially when it almost merges with the background color of the walls.

Many of us cannot boast of a spacious kitchen, but this is not a reason to despair - this is a great opportunity to show all your resourcefulness and excellent imagination to equip a few square meters kitchens in such a way that it is convenient, functional, practical, beautiful, and even so that the space becomes visually much wider. Design tricks accumulated over the years and an attentive approach to every square centimeter can transform even the smallest kitchen.

The main ways to visually increase the space of a small kitchen are collected in our article.

Colors in the interior of a small kitchen

  1. Eternal friend of small kitchens - light color walls, due to which the boundaries of space are slightly moved apart, since it reflects light very well. Therefore, white, beige and all pastel, light shades, along with small bright accents can be used for small kitchen.
  2. You don’t need to combine more than two colors in a small kitchen in order not to make the space visually heavier.
  3. You can combine not only neutral shades- looks good and fresh when one wall is highlighted in some contrasting color. This creates a certain mood, but the kitchen space does not become smaller from this.
    A selection of photos of color solutions for interior design of a small kitchen

  4. Bright drawings, ornament and other decorations not particularly relevant- they will visually hide the space and make it even more miniature. Therefore, it is better to abandon them in favor of plain surfaces, but if the use of such ornaments is necessary, then let them be as light as possible and stand out quite a bit against the general background, and even better - if the pattern is convex, embossed.

Combining the kitchen with adjacent rooms

Materials for finishing walls and floors for a small kitchen

  1. can be anything: the main thing, and it was not too dark. If the apartment is not only a small kitchen, then it is recommended to use the same material everywhere: linoleum, etc.
  2. In order to stretch a little space in the kitchen laminate or diagonally.
  3. It is better do not combine in a small space different and floors: you need to give preference to simplicity, which will give the feeling of a more spacious kitchen.
  4. We give preference flooring with glossy surface for the ability to reflect light and expand the space, so it fits perfectly.

Selection of furniture for a small kitchen

  1. Under the light color of the walls better choose and not too dark furniture, which will be able to merge with the space of the kitchen and dissolve in it. Dark ones, despite their beauty and sophistication, look more massive.
  2. For a small kitchen, it is better to use built-in furniture, which can be made to order, taking into account individual wishes in terms of size, functionality and color.
  3. In any kitchen, and especially in a small one, you need to strive for maximum ergonomics, so try to keep the key elements in this order: refrigerator-sink-worktop or stove. In this case, the natural process of handling the product is observed: get it, wash it, process it, and the kitchen becomes functional.
  4. Usage glass furniture - a great move for a small kitchen: for example, it will not visually clutter up the space, but it will do its job perfectly.
  5. Moving away from stereotypes that square table more compact - on the contrary, round takes up less space and will perfectly complement even a small e. In addition, the lack of corners has a positive effect on the perception of space, and the kitchen no longer seems tiny, but rather cute and small.
  6. Folding tables- an indispensable option for a small kitchen: they save space while a couple of people are having lunch in the kitchen, but in a matter of seconds they change and can already accommodate a company or become a spacious place to work.
    A selection of photo tables for a small kitchen

  7. Common misconception that for a small kitchen it is better to choose miniature furniture. Of course, there is some truth in this rule, but if you fill the kitchen with a huge number of small items, then it will look cluttered, and therefore even smaller. Therefore, it is better to let the furniture be larger, but the number of its items is the minimum necessary.
  8. Visually possible make the kitchen and higher: for this, let one or a couple of pieces of furniture stretch in height. It is good if it is, for example, a refrigerator or a pencil case, and it will be placed at the far end of the kitchen from the entrance.
  9. Separate objects close to each other and also use corner cabinets and shelves.
  10. pay attention on glossy surfaces: if some elements of kitchen furniture are able to reflect light a little, then this is a huge plus. But the main thing in the pursuit of the most glossy, glassy and reflective surfaces is not to go too far, so keep a balance between them and the most common materials.
  11. Drawers not only slightly expand the space and make it more modern, but also more convenient in terms of storage than swing doors: in this case, everything lies in full view, and in traditional lockers necessary thing it can be far away, and it takes a lot of time, effort and nerves to extract it. Facilitates access to products and household items and lifting, folding doors.
    A selection of photos of drawers for a small kitchen

  12. Thanks to modern artful furniture there are a lot of storage places in the kitchen: retractable carousels, vertical drawers, grid-containers, in the area, etc. If you are using a seating area for your kitchen, then remember that this is not only a great way to make the most of the space in terms of seating, but also storage space, as most models have spacious drawers under the seat.
  13. Storage locations can hide in the most unexpected places, for example, under the table. So, under the round table, a small cabinet for all sorts of little things will feel good. If the table is covered with a tablecloth on top, then it will not be visible at all, and when sitting at the table it will not interfere either.
    Photo - Storage places for kitchen utensils in a small kitchen

  14. If the dining table often plays the role of a worker, where you read the press, solve crossword puzzles, etc., then all the necessary things can be put in a basket, box or small vase - it will be neat, and the papers will not be scattered all over the kitchen.
  15. If the kitchen and living rooms are connected, then it is already easier to achieve a feeling of spaciousness, especially if use or move the dining table away from the kitchen area.

Appliances for a small kitchen

Lighting in a small kitchen

  1. Proper natural and artificial- a guarantee that the kitchen will be perceived more spacious. If artificial lighting is completely in our hands, then things are already worse with natural lighting. Therefore, it must be used to the maximum, which is why it is better to hang light translucent light curtains on the windows.
  2. To do the window is visually larger, a – higher, maybe a little higher than the top edge of the window.
  3. The more artificial light in the kitchen, the better.. Ideally, you need to provide lighting for each area of ​​\u200b\u200ba small space: one central lamp, a sconce near the dining table, spot lighting working area.
  4. If the kitchen area is very small, then you can choose a multi-lamp lamp that will evenly illuminate both the working and dining areas. Pay attention to those models in which the angle of inclination of the lamps and their direction is adjustable.
    A selection of photos - lighting a small kitchen

Curtains and textiles in the interior of a small kitchen

  1. Instead, you can use or for the kitchen: they allow you to let the right level of light in, and at the same time they are not able to take up much space. But it is better to refuse curtains and heavy fabrics immediately.
    A selection of photos - Curtains for a small kitchen

  2. In order for the kitchen, trying to become as visually as possible, not to lose the proper comfort for upholstery, pillows, potholders, you can use fresh colorful drawings: cage, stripe, pea, etc.
  3. All elements textiles should also be as light as possible in order to merge a little with furniture, walls, and eventually blur the boundaries of a small kitchen.


  1. Whatever the kitchen, everyone has a lot of dishes and other utensils, so their storage is always problematic. The way out is to organize storage locations wherever possible. So, a variety of hanging cabinets, open shelves that make the most of the wall space, as well as long handles are great - they will become a place for towels, potholders.
  2. It will not be superfluous to conduct an audit and analyze, what utensils are really constantly used, and which one has been idle for several years. Therefore, in the kitchen we leave everything we need, and what is required on holidays or once every five years we take it out to, a barn, etc.

Accessories for the interior of a small kitchen

  1. Even in the kitchen area of ​​6 square meters. m. there will be place for cute accessories, which will make the space more comfortable. So, designers recommend hanging pictures and photos that you like not at a standard height, but a little higher or lower - such a seemingly simple technique will help to divert attention a little and make the kitchen a little larger.
  2. If you would like to hang a few photographs or paintings, place them one above one, and not side by side - this way you can slightly stretch the room in height.
  3. Although the design of a small kitchen cannot do without accessories, overdoing them also cannot resist, otherwise their abundance will distract attention and litter the room.
  4. In a small kitchen not a place large plants - they need to be changed to small flowerpots with small fresh or artificial flowers.
  5. Any small space expands with a mirror: It can be placed on one of the walls using an interesting frame. Another option is mirrored cabinet doors, glossy furniture, etc.
  6. Generally all transparent and shiny objects that reflect light well, is the perfect accessory for a small kitchen. For example: it combines both light and transparent elements, but this solution is only suitable for rooms with an ideal ceiling

    As you can see, options to equip small kitchen mass: there are many ideas that will help you create a unique kitchen design with a minimum area, so that it remains fully functional, cozy, and, most importantly, that walls and furniture do not put pressure on those present. A few tricks, skillfully combined in one kitchen - and it already looks much more spacious than before.
