Republic cat divoir, or ivory coast. Côte d'Ivoire: history, political system, population and economy

Cote d'Ivoire. Ivory Coast. West Africa, Gulf of Guinea, Atlantic Ocean. The territory, which the Ivorians themselves call the Land of Hope.

Once, a thousand years before our era, the first inhabitants settled here - pygmies. Europeans came here in the 15th century. At the end of the 19th century, Côte d'Ivoire became a colony of France, supplying it with cocoa beans, bananas and mahogany. In 1960 the country became independent. In the 2000s, Côte d'Ivoire is riots, coups, civil war and closed borders. Just ten years ago, the country gained stability. And, finally, tourists began to visit it again, for whom the government of Côte d'Ivoire is trying to create the most favorable conditions.

The country deserves a tourist boom, it has everything for this: a good climate, unique nature, exotic animals, an interesting culture of local peoples (and there are more than 60 of them here!), magnificent sandy beaches on the shores of the Gulf of Guinea, interesting sights, a lot of hotels of various levels and three international airport.

But while Côte d'Ivoire is somewhat away from the beaten tourist paths, although there is a plus in this - the local population is not at all aggressive towards a white person, people are simple, friendly, and do not beg, unlike residents of countries popular among tourists. And for collectors of objects of African art - here is just a paradise.

What is interesting to see in Cote d'Ivoire?

Quite new, but already a cult object of Côte d'Ivoire. This Catholic cathedral was built in 1985 in Abidjan, the largest city in the country. It was consecrated by the Pope himself. A huge building, stylized as the figure of St. Paul with a cloak fluttering behind him.

It impresses even people who have no imagination and do not recognize futurism, surrealism and other cubism. Inside there are colored stained-glass windows on the African-Gospel theme. You can take pictures! Be sure to climb up to the platform of the cathedral, from where you can see the whole city and the Ebriye lagoon.

An amazing, very unusual outwardly temple is also located in Abidjan. The building is in the form of a spiral road upwards. Inside there are stained glass windows with scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary. The temple is active, regular services are held here.

National Museum in Abidjan

The museum is a little obtuse in terms of exposition, but very interesting. Musical instruments - flutes and tom-tom drums, figurines, panels. But the most important thing is a huge collection of the famous creepy-mystical masks depicting a human face.

45 km from Abidjan is the city of Grand Bassam, which is declared a cultural heritage of mankind by UNESCO. This is a ghost town. At the end of the 19th century, it was the capital of the French colony until the yellow fever epidemic broke out.

The surviving Europeans left the city, leaving behind houses, monuments and sculptures. Mirage of the past with colonial architecture. Once luxurious buildings now have a very shabby, dilapidated appearance.

But Grand Bassam has another side: it is a resort city, it is located on the coast, there are excellent sandy beaches and many decent hotels with good food.

Notre Dame de la Paix - Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace

Landmark of the capital of Côte d'Ivoire Yamoussoukro, located 240 km from Abidjan: Notre Dame de la Paix. Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace.

The largest cathedral in the world, included in the Guinness Book of Records, has an interesting background. Yamoussoukro, a town with a population of less than 200,000, became the capital only because it was the birthplace of the country's first president, the late Felix Houphouet-Boigny, whom the Ivorians greatly respect and call Papa Houfet. He immortalized his name by erecting the largest basilica in the world, and placing his image on the stained glass window of the church next to the face of Christ.

The huge dome of the cathedral is visible for tens of kilometers, all around is a bare savannah with hot red sand, clouding the sky during the harmatana wind blowing from the Sahara.

The temple is built of Italian marble with French stained glass windows. Hundreds of meters of stained glass! Amazing view, incredible. Bright light pouring through colored glass, against the backdrop of the minimalist decoration of the Cathedral. Impressive.

Kong is an ancient city founded in the 11th century and once the capital of an entire empire. It was through Kong, which was then the center of caravan trade with the Berber and Tuareg tribes, that Islam spread to the northern part of the Ivory Coast. Now Kong is a remote place, but the mosque, built in the 16th century, is perfectly preserved. National Treasure of Côte d'Ivoire.

The Tingrel Mosque is located in the town of the same name, built in 1655. The name of the mason who built it has been preserved - Massa. The mosque has been reconstructed for 10 years and is now open to the public. A very unique architectural structure.

Tai National Park UNESCO included in the category of world heritage. This is a real African exotic. 1300 species of plants and trees that grow only here! Tai is located in the south of the country, between the rivers Sasandra and Cavalha. The largest equatorial forest in West Africa, the last remnant of the Guinean selva, which once occupied the territory of several countries. There are huge, simply gigantic trees, hundreds (!) species of orchids, flocks of chimpanzees, buffaloes, leopards and pygmy hippos.

Neighborhood of the city of Man

The city of Man is located in the center of Côte d'Ivoire. Its surroundings are famous all over the world. Unique nature, 5 km from the city - a bamboo forest, two mountains - the talismans of the city - Mont-Tonkui and La Dent-de-Man ("Human tooth"), La Cascade waterfall. Carnivals, holidays and a festival of those same masks are held in Manet in February.

Korhogo is the central city of the Senufo people, who preserve pagan cults and rituals. The people are famous for their crafts - blacksmithing, pottery, leather, and, of course, woodcarving - Senufo wooden masks belonging to the funeral cult, like nothing else, convey the spirit of Africa.

Some Senufo ritual ceremonies (such as the Dance of the Leopard People) are allowed for tourists to visit.

Comoe National Park is located 570 km from Abidjan, in the northeast of the country. This is another area inscribed by UNESCO to the World Heritage Fund. It is located between the rivers Buna and Komoe. All kinds of African crocodiles live here, and hippos graze in the floodplains along the rivers. You can see monkeys, hyenas and obscenely sized parrots. And many, many different migratory birds.

The name of this country alone attracts and fascinates. Try to say several times: Côte d'Ivoire ... Côte d'Ivoire ... Côte d'Ivoire ... You wanted to visit her, didn't you? Then it's time for you to go. The Ivory Coast is waiting.

P.S. Do not forget that English is not in use here, the state language is French, and many residents in the outback do not know it either.

Republic of Ivory Coast.

The name of the country comes from the French cote - "shore", ivoirc - "ivory".

Capital of Ivory Coast. Yamoussoukro (official capital), the seat of the president and government - Abidjan.

Ivory Coast Square. 322460 km2.

Population of Ivory Coast. 22.70 million people (

Ivory Coast GDP. $34.25 million (

Location of Ivory Coast. Côte d'Ivoire is a state in Western. In the north it borders with and, in the east - with, in the west - with and. In the south it is washed by the Gulf of Guinea.

Administrative divisions of Côte d'Ivoire. The state is divided into 50 departments.

Form of government of Côte d'Ivoire. Republic

Head of State of Côte d'Ivoire. The president.

Supreme Legislature of Côte d'Ivoire. National People's Assembly (unicameral parliament).

Supreme executive body of Côte d'Ivoire. Cabinet of Ministers.

Major cities of Ivory Coast. Abidjan, Bwake, Daloa.

State language of Côte d'Ivoire. French.

Religion in Ivory Coast. 65% - pagans, 23% - Muslims, 12% - Christians (mostly Catholics).

Ethnic composition of Côte d'Ivoire. 23% - Baule, 18% - Bete, 15% - Senufo, 11% - Malinka.

Currency of Ivory Coast. CFA franc = 100 centimes.

Fauna of Ivory Coast. Jackal, hyena, panther, elephant, chimpanzee, crocodile, bush pigs, several species of lizards and snakes live on the territory of the republic. In the savannas there are antelopes, leopards, cheetahs, servals.

Rivers and lakes of Côte d'Ivoire. The main rivers are Sasandra, Bandama, Komoe.

Attractions Côte d'Ivoire. In Yamoussoukro - the largest cathedral in the world (height 158 ​​m), built on the model of St. Peter's Basilica; in Abidjan - a large market of traditional goods, picturesque parks.

Useful information for tourists

Capital: Abidjan is the seat of the president and government, Yamoussoukro is the official capital.

Geography: A country in West Africa on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea. It borders Mali and Burkina Faso to the north, Ghana to the east, and Liberia and Guinea to the west. The coast of the country is indented by a large number of large and deep lagoons, stretching for 300 km. from the border with Ghana and along the east coast. The coastal zone is covered with the remnants of the once dense tropical forests, stretching inland for 100 km. in the center and at 265 km. in the east and west. Behind the forests in the north and in the center of the country lies a vast savannah. The total area of ​​the country is 322.6 thousand square meters. km.

Big cities: Abidjan, Bouaké, Yamoussoukro, Daloa, Man, Korhogo, Gagnoa.

Main seaports: Abidjan, San Pedro.

Time: Time, relative to Moscow: corresponds to Greenwich Mean Time. Behind Moscow in winter by 3 hours, in summer - by 4 hours.

Climate: The country lies in two climatic zones - subequatorial in the north and equatorial in the south. Average monthly temperatures are everywhere from +25 C to +30 C, but the amount of precipitation and their regime are different. The climate in the southern part of the country, in the equatorial climate zone, is hot and humid with heavy rains. The temperature ranges from 22 C to 32 C, and the heaviest rains come from April to July, as well as in October and November. Oceanic air dominates here all year round and there is not a single month without precipitation, the amount of which reaches 2400 mm per year. In the north, in the subequatorial climate, the temperature difference is sharper (in January it drops to +12 C at night, and in summer it exceeds +40 C), there is much less precipitation (1100–1800 mm) and a pronounced dry winter period. From December to February, harmattan winds blow in the northern regions of the country, bringing hot air and sand from the Sahara, sharply reducing visibility and making breathing difficult.

Nature: The surface is predominantly flat, in the south in the oceanic zone - low, in the north - turning into a plateau with a height of 500-800 m. In the west, in the Dan Mountains - the highest point of the country (1340 m). The shore of the Gulf of Guinea is separated from the sea by a strip of sand drifts forming a chain of lagoons; the largest - Ebriye - is connected to the sea by a shipping channel. The main rivers are Komoe, Bandama, Sasandra and Cavalli. Climate preim. subequatorial with a dry winter season, when the northeast harmatan wind blows from the Sahara. In the south, the climate is equatorial. OK. 1/3 of the territory is covered with forests: in the south - humid equatorial ones, passing through sparsely forested savannahs with sections of gallery forests into tall grass savannahs in the north of the country. The animal world is well preserved. Monkeys, forest antelopes, bush pigs, etc. are numerous in the forests; in the savannas - antelopes, elephants, hippos, leopard, cheetah, serval. A network of reserves and national parks has been created, including the largest ones - Komoe, Tai, Marahue, Banco, etc.

Political system: The head of state and government is the president. The legislature is the unicameral National Assembly.

Administrative-territorial division: 50 departments.

Population: Côte d'Ivoire is a multinational state that unites representatives of more than 55 linguistic communities. Most of the population belongs to the Niger-Congo group: Bete, Baule, Anyi, Senufo, Lobi and Bobo, Malinke, Dan, etc. Up to 1/3 of the population are foreigners (mainly from Burkina Faso and Mali) coming for agricultural work.In 1997, there were about 220,000 refugees from Liberia.Urban population 44%.Population density 52.6 people/km2.

Language: French, African languages ​​are also widely used - Yakuba, Senufo, Baule, Anyi and Diola.

Religion: Traditional local religions (65%), Islam (23%), Christianity (mainly Protestantism - 12%).

Economy: Ivory Coast is an agrarian country with a developed industry. GNP per capita is $ 660 (1995). The basis of the economy is export-oriented agriculture. The main crops are cocoa (first place in the world), coffee (one of the leading places in the world ), bananas, hevea, oil palm. Main food crops: cassava, bananas, rice, corn, millet and sorghum. Animal husbandry is poorly developed. Valuable timber is harvested, and woodworking is developed.

There are deposits of oil, iron, manganese ores, diamonds, gold, bauxite, etc. Oil is mined on the continental shelf. There are oil refining, textile, sewing, chemical, metalworking enterprises, shipbuilding and ship repair are developed.

Currency: West African CFA franc (CFA), 100 CFA francs is approximately equal to 1 French franc. Currency exchange can be done at banks and exchange offices, the exchange rate can vary significantly, so you should carefully clarify the conditions. Banks are open daily, except Saturday and Sunday, from 8.30 to 17.00. Some exchange points work not only seven days a week, but also around the clock. The use of credit cards is only possible in the capitals and major tourist centers on the Gulf of Guinea coast, Visa and MasterCard are preferred (although commissions will still be deducted, and rather arbitrarily). Checks and credit cards from French banks have the best exchange rates. Tipping (kadu) is up to 10%, although most often, especially in large establishments, the cost of service is already included in the bill.

Main attractions: If you are interested in African history, art or music, Côte d'Ivoire is the place where you can get the most out of these aspects of local culture. The art of Côte d'Ivoire is considered one of the best in West Africa and is very peculiar in each ethnic group .

The Baule and Yaquba peoples are widely known for their original wooden sculpture, usually the traditional wooden mask is a very accurate representation of the human face, slightly exaggerated to more fully convey the features of the character. Another characteristic work of local artisans is a large rice spoon, such spoons are typically human-shaped and serve as a magnificent local souvenir. Traditionally used in various ceremonies, baule face masks are extremely realistic and convey the characteristic features of the appearance or hairstyle of the person who served as their prototype. Senufo masks are highly stylized: the most famous type is "fire" - a helmet-mask, which is a compilation of the appearance of an antelope, a warthog and a hyena - the most respected animals of the local animistic cult.

Numerous holidays and ceremonies of various peoples of this country are also popular with tourists. The most famous festival is the Fete de Masques (Festival of Masks), which takes place in the villages around Man every February. Another famous holiday is the carnival in Bouake, held in March. In April, it is advisable not to miss the Fete du Dipri in the Gaumont area. This festival begins at midnight when women and children come out of their huts and perform nightly rites naked to expel evil spirits from the village. The main Muslim holiday - Ramadan, usually takes place in December-January and ends with a huge feast. On the colorful holiday of Eid al-Fitr, Muslims gather together, visit friends and give gifts to each other.

The city of Yamoussoukro became the capital in 1983, and is still the capital by name. The main attraction of the city is the Church of Notre Dame de la Pax, built in the 60s of the XX century, at the moment it is the highest church in the entire Christian world, modeled after St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. The 36 huge stained-glass windows decorating its main hall are also unique.

Abidjan was also a provincial city until 1951, when the French completed the construction of the Vridi Canal connecting the Abidjan lagoon to the ocean. This immediately gave the city an excellent harbor, and since then the population has grown to almost 3 million people, and the city itself has grown to cover four peninsulas around the lagoon. Known as the "Paris of West Africa", Abidjan has a lot of attractions: in Abidjan there is a traditional large market for handicrafts, many picturesque parks, especially Le Plateau Park. The central, commercial part of the city and Cocody, a chic residential section, is interesting for its architecture - here you will find the Imperial Hotel Ivory, considered the most famous hotel in West Africa and the main attraction of the city. It has everything you can imagine - there is a swimming pool, artificial ice rink, bowling alley, cinema, casino and the city's main art store. Near the hotel is built by the Italians and consecrated by the Pope in 1985, the Cathedral of St. Paul Cathedral, able to compete in beauty and elegance with many temples in the world. Linked to Le Plateau by two major bridges, Treycheville is the largest of the city's four markets and is home to most of the city's nightlife. The northwestern outskirts of the city, Parc du Banquo, is a rainforest that blends seamlessly into the city buildings, which guarantees pleasant walks (it is the coolest place on the south coast of the country) and is very popular with jogging enthusiasts.

The country's rainforests are rapidly shrinking (one of the highest rates in the world), the only remaining virgin forest is in the Tan and Marahuz National Parks, occupying 3600 square meters. km. area in the southwestern part of the country. There are still preserved trees 50 meters high, with massive trunks and huge supporting roots. Walking through the equatorial primary forest is a unique experience: tall trees intertwined with lianas, fast flowing streams and ancestral wildlife come together to create a peaceful and charming landscape that nevertheless requires a lot of effort to travel through. The parks are in a very rainy and humid area, so the best time to visit is during the dry season from December to February. Visiting the parks requires permission from the Ministry of Forests in Abidjan.

At 570 km. to the northeast of Abidjan is the largest national park in West Africa, Komoe. Here, next to the river of the same name, one of the most popular "animal trails" passes, where you can follow in the natural environment how large herds of animals during the dry season go in search of water to the river, where you have a great opportunity to observe the habits of a wide variety of representatives local fauna.

The area of ​​the city of Man in the central part of the country is a territory of lush green hills and is known far beyond the borders of the country for its La Cascade waterfall, located in a bamboo forest 5 km away. to the west of the city, as well as the steep, tooth-shaped mountain of Mont Tonqui and the mountain of La Dente-de-Man ("Man's Tooth"), which is considered according to local legends as the "guardian angel" of this region of the country.

Other attractions in the area are the colorful villages of Biankuma, Gaususso, Sipitu and Danane. Korhogo has been the capital of the Senufo people since the 13th century, the "heart" of this city is a bustling market. The Senufo are widely known for their wood carvings and are skilled blacksmiths and potters. Most wood carvers live and work in a small area called the Sculptors' Apartment. The Senufo are separated by secret communities: "Poro" - a cult for boys and "Sakrabundi" - a cult for girls, in which they prepare for adulthood. The communities preserve the folklore of the people, teach tribal customs and instill self-control through rigorous tests. Children's education is divided into three seven-year periods, ending with an initiation ceremony. Each community has a "sacred forest" where teaching takes place (the uninitiated are never allowed to watch the trials). Some ritual ceremonies take place directly in the village and are allowed for tourists to visit. These include the La Danse des Hommes Panteres ("dance of the leopard people"), performed when the boys return from a training session in the forest, and more.

There are beautiful beaches in the area of ​​the port of Sassandra. But what makes this area especially attractive is that there are also numerous ethnic fishing villages of the Fanti people, with an active port and a picturesque river. It is also highly recommended to try the local "bangui" - palm wine, which is produced only here. The city of Sasandra used to be an important trading port, but when a modern terminal was built in nearby San Pedro, its role declined and the whole area is now a great tourist area. Located 3 km. to the east the Plage de Bivac is one of the best surf spots. Large waves are also registered in the adjacent Poly Beach, as well as in the area of ​​the Grand Belebi beaches near the Liberian border.

Historical outline: The first Europeans (Spaniards and Portuguese) appeared on the territory of the country in the 15th century. At first they exported gold, ivory, ostrich feathers and pepper, but soon the slave trade took the main place. From the beginning 18th century French colonialists penetrated here, and by 1893 the French colony of Côte d'Ivoire was formed, which became part of French West Africa (FZA). Since 1960, Côte d'Ivoire became an independent state. The leading political force is the Democratic Party of Côte d'Ivoire. The foreign policy of Côte d'Ivoire is distinguished by a pro-European orientation (in particular, it is focused on close cooperation with France). Until 1985, Côte d'Ivoire was considered one of the most steadily developing countries in Africa, important social and political reforms were carried out. In 1987, an economic recession began, caused by a fall in prices for exported raw materials (in particular cocoa). military coup, another coup attempt was made in 2002. At the present time, political instability persists in the country, French troops are brought in.

National holiday: August 7 (Independence Day).

National domain: .CI

Entry rules: Visa regime, the minimum period of paperwork is 1 day. Visa concessions are made for citizens of Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Great Britain and the USA. Required documents: application form and photographs - 4 pcs. (the questionnaire is issued in Russian or French) and the original invitation. Consular fee - 20-50 US dollars (depending on the type of visa, terms and purposes of the trip). The entry visa is valid for 90 days. When traveling through the country, a transit visa is required. Children under 16 fit into the visa of the parents (mother). When crossing the border, you must present a passport with a visa and a questionnaire filled out in French, which indicates: full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, profession, address of residence in Russia and Côte d'Ivoire, passport number, place of departure Yellow fever vaccination certificate is also required No restrictions on movement within the country Airport tax (about 2 USD) is charged on domestic flights.

Customs regulations: Import and export of currency is not limited. Customs declaration upon entry and exit is not required. Duty-free import of things and other items intended for personal use is allowed. It is forbidden to import weapons and ammunition, narcotic and psychotropic substances. It is forbidden to export weapons, drugs, food in large quantities, exotic plants, animals and birds. Obligatory customs control is subject to antiquities and art, items made of gold and precious metals. It is forbidden to export animal skins, ivory and crocodile skin products without a permit.

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Details Category: West African countries Posted on 18.03.2015 12:15 Views: 2073

Until 1986, in Russian, the name of the state sounded exactly like this: Republic of the Ivory Coast.

The elephant is the country's most valuable animal, the source of ivory. In honor of this, the country was named. Côte d'Ivoire is a former colony of France.

Côte d'Ivoire is a country of great ethnic diversity, with more than 60 ethnic groups.

It borders on Liberia, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso and Ghana, and from the south it is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Guinea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean.

State symbols

Flag- is a rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 2:3 with vertical stripes of orange, white and green.
The orange stripe symbolizes the savannah and the fertility of the land in the north of the country, the white one symbolizes peace and unity, the green one symbolizes hope and the forests of the south of the country.
The flag of Niger has similar colors and the same interpretation, on which the orange, white and green stripes are located horizontally. Flag adopted 4 December 1959

Coat of arms- in the center of the emblem - the head of an elephant. This is the most common animal in Ivory Coast, the source of ivory, after which the country and people are named. The rising sun is a traditional symbol of a new beginning. The name of the state is written on the ribbon below in French. The coat of arms was adopted in 2001.

State structure

Form of government- presidential republic.
head of state The president is directly elected for a term of 5 years with the possibility of re-election once. He appoints and dismisses the prime minister.

Incumbent since 2011 Alassane Ouattara
Head of the government- Prime Minister.
Capital- Yamoussoukro.
The largest city- Abidjan.
Official language- French. There are about 60 African languages, of which the most widely spoken gyula(language of inter-tribal communication).
Territory- 322,460 km².
Administrative division– 19 regions, which are divided into 81 departments and 2 districts.
Population– 22 400 835 people Average life expectancy: 55 years for men, 57 years for women. The urban population is about 50%.
Religion- Muslims 39%, Christians 33% (represented by Catholics, Pentecostals from the Assemblies of God, Methodists, Adventists), Aboriginal cults 11%, atheists 17%.

Currency- CFA franc.
Economy– well-developed agriculture; an important producer of cocoa (first place in the world) and coffee (third place in the world).

Relatively good infrastructure. Growing oil and gas industry, significant foreign investment. The country is Africa's largest exporter of palm oil and natural rubber. The main export crops, in addition to cocoa and coffee, include bananas, cotton, sugar cane, and tobacco. The cultivation of coconut palms and peanuts is also developed.

Wood harvesting
In the forests, valuable species of wood (including black (ebony) wood) are harvested, and hevea sap is collected (for the production of rubber). For agricultural needs, sheep and goats are bred; fisheries are being fished.
Oil and gas are produced mainly on the continental shelf. Deposits of nickel, manganese and iron ore, bauxite, diamonds and gold are also being developed. Export: cocoa, coffee, timber, oil, cotton, bananas, pineapples, palm oil, fish. Import Keywords: oil products, industrial goods, food.
Education– literacy: 60% men, 38% women. Compulsory primary 6-year education from the age of 6. Secondary 7-year education from the age of 12, takes place in two cycles. A network of educational institutions providing vocational education has been established. The system of higher education includes 3 universities and 8 colleges.
Sport The most popular sport is football.

National football team at the 2010 World Cup
Armed forces- the national army was formed in 1961. The armed forces consist of ground forces, air forces, navy, a paramilitary presidential guard and a 10,000th contingent of reservists. Gendarmerie and police units. people In December 2001, compulsory military service was introduced.


A tropical forest

This is a predominantly flat country, the coastal zone is covered with dense tropical forests. In the north and in the center of the country there is a vast savannah. The climate is equatorial in the south and subequatorial in the north.

Main rivers: Sasandra, Bandama and Komoe. None of them is navigable for more than 65 km from the mouth due to numerous rapids and a sharp drop in water levels during the dry period.
There are many national parks, in this respect the country occupies one of the first places in West Africa.

african leopard
Fauna: jackals, hyenas, leopards, elephants, chimpanzees, crocodiles, antelopes, hippos, buffaloes, cheetahs, wild boars, lions, monkeys, panthers, etc. Several species of lizards and poisonous snakes. A lot of fish.


Traditional folk dwelling

Wooden sculpture is popular, including ritual masks. In addition to traditional figurines depicting ancestors, animals and patron spirits, Baule craftsmen make small figurines-toys for children.

House painting
Artistic folk crafts are developed: weaving baskets and mats from ropes, straw and reeds, pottery, painting the outer sides of houses, making jewelry from bronze, gold and copper, weaving.

The production of batik is developed - original paintings on fabrics depicting animals or floral ornaments.
Professional fine arts began to develop after independence. Famous artist Kajo Jaimes Hura.

Painter Ben Heine was born in 1983 in Abidjan (Republic of Côte d'Ivoire), and now lives and works in Brussels. He is not only a talented illustrator, but also a polyglot: he is fluent in English, French and Dutch, and also speaks a little Polish , Spanish and Russian.Exhibitions of his work are held in many countries around the world.
He recently presented a series of huge 3D pencil drawings. The highlight of them is that the master himself penetrates "inside" virtual reality, at least, looking at the pictures, this is the impression that is created.
Modern literature is based on the traditions of oral folk art and develops mainly in French. The largest of the writers is considered a poet, prose writer and playwright. Bernard Dadier.
Musical and dance art is an important part of the culture of the peoples of Côte d'Ivoire. Of the musical instruments, balafons, tom-tom drums, guitars, bark (xylophone), rattles, horns, harps and lutes, rattles, pipes and flutes are common.
In 1938, the Indigenous Theater was created in the city of Abidjan.
The first film "On the Dunes of Solitude" was directed by T. Basori in 1963.


The conditions for the development of the tourism industry are good: a favorable climate, a variety of rich flora and fauna, sandy beaches on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea and the original culture of local peoples. Attractions in Abidjan: National Museum (traditional arts and crafts, including a rich collection of masks), Chardy art gallery.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Ivory Coast

Mon Nimba

A conservation area in the Nimba Mountains in the territories of Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire.
There are three main types of vegetation in the reserve: mountain meadows, forests and savanna. Meadows grow on the top of the mountain. Below the slope there are myrtle. The forests are mainly located in the valleys and at the foot of the mountains. Endemics also live on the territory of the reserve. The viviparous toad is found here, as well as the western subspecies of the chimpanzee.

Tai National Park

Located in the west of the country, on the border with Liberia. Created to protect one of the last tracts of humid equatorial forest in West Africa.
It is located at an altitude of 80 to 396 m, the highest point is Mount Nyonokue. The park is located on a plateau crossed by several deep valleys. The entire drainage from the park goes to the basin of the Cavalli River. There are swamps in the southwest of the park.

The park is the last large remnant of the Upper Guinean selva, which once occupied the territories of modern Ghana, Togo, Côte d'Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau. About 90% of the tropical forests of Côte d'Ivoire were destroyed in the last 50 years. 1,300 species of higher plants grow in the park, of which about 50 are endemic.
Of the mammals, there are 11 species of monkeys, including chimpanzees and several species of monkeys, pygmy hippopotamus, bongos, African buffalo, and several species of duikers.

The number of elephants is about 750 individuals.

Komoe National Park

Established in 1977, the park was originally listed as a World Heritage Site due to the diversity of vegetation along the banks of the Komoe River, including intact areas of tropical rainforest.

The floodplains along the Comoe River create seasonal grasslands that are pastures for the hippopotamus population. Three extant species of African crocodiles (Nile, African narrow-nosed and blunt-nosed) live in various areas of the park, and migratory birds use its seasonal wetlands. Rare species of animals live on the territory of the park: golden-helmeted kalao, hyena dog, blunt-nosed crocodile.

Gold-helmed kalao

hyena dog

Historic city of Grand Bassam

French colonial capital from 1893 to 1896, when administration was transferred to Bingerville after a yellow fever outbreak. Grand Bassam remained the main port of the colony until the 1930s, when this function was taken over by Abidjan.

Other sights of the country


The largest city of Côte d'Ivoire and the second most populous French-speaking city in the world after Paris. Its population is 3,802,000 people. Located on 4 peninsulas on the banks of the Ebrier lagoon. Founded in 1896.


Presidential palace
The administrative capital of Côte d'Ivoire. Yamoussoukro is home to the world's largest church, the Basilica of Notre Dame de la Paix, whose architecture reinterprets the motifs of St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome.

The 158 m high building accommodates 7,000 for seated parishioners and another 11,000 for those standing. For the construction of the basilica, marble was imported from Italy and colored glass from France.


On the territory of modern Côte d "Ivoire in the 1st century BC lived pygmies(a group of undersized Negroid peoples). It was the time of the Stone Age, the pygmies were engaged in hunting and gathering. Gradually, other African peoples began to move here, the first of them were the Senufo.
In the XV-XVI centuries. the Mande tribes came from the north, pushing back the Senufo. At the beginning of the XVIII century. The Mande created the state of Kong, which became an important trading and Islamic center in West Africa.

colonial period

The first Europeans began to land on the shores of modern Ivory Coast in the 15th century. First of all, they were the Portuguese, as well as the Dutch, Danes. Europeans bought ivory, gold, and slaves from the natives.
But the first settlers were French missionaries who landed there in 1637. Their first settlement was destroyed by the natives. In 1687 a new French mission was created.
Since 1842, a new wave of French interest in the Ivory Coast began. They restored the fort of Grand Bassam and their protectorate over almost all coastal tribes.
From 1887, within two years, the French concluded treaties with most of the tribes from the coast to the modern northern border of the country. In 1892, borders were established with Liberia, in 1893 with the British colony of the Gold Coast (modern Ghana).
In 1895 the Ivory Coast was incorporated into French West Africa. The French began to develop the production of export crops (coffee, cocoa, bananas, etc.), extract diamonds, gold, manganese ore, and develop forest resources. They also developed infrastructure: they built railways and highways, seaports.
In 1946, the Ivory Coast was granted the status of an overseas territory of France. In March 1958, the autonomous Republic of the Ivory Coast was proclaimed.


The country's independence was proclaimed on August 7, 1960. Leader of the Democratic Party Houphouet-Boigny became its president.

The principle of the inviolability of private property was proclaimed, but the country continued to be an agricultural and raw material appendage of France, although with a good economy: in 1979, the Ivory Coast became the world leader in the production of cocoa beans.
But in the 1980s prices for coffee and cocoa on world markets fell, moreover, in 1982-1983. there was a severe drought in the country. The economic downturn has begun. In 1993, Houphouet-Boigny died, and the country was headed Henri Conan Bedier.

In the late 1990s increased political instability. On December 25, 1999, a military coup took place in the country, organized by Robert Gay, a former army officer. He held presidential elections in 2000, but did not win them, the leader of the opposition was declared the winner of the elections Laurent Gbagbo.

On September 19, 2002, in Abidjan, a military mutiny was committed against him, organized by Robert Gey. During the rebellion, Gaea was killed. The rebellion was suppressed, but served as the beginning of a civil war between political factions representing the north and south of the country.

Since the end of 2002, Liberia has intervened in the conflict. France took the side of Gbagbo and helped the president with its armed forces.
In 2003, an agreement was reached between the official authorities and the rebels to end the clashes, but the situation continued to be unstable.
A lasting peace agreement was signed only in the spring of 2007.
At the end of 2010, presidential elections were held in Côte d'Ivoire, which turned into an acute political crisis, and then into a civil war. During a joint operation by the UN and French troops, Laurent Gbagbo was removed from power, and became the new president Alassane Ouattara.

The Ivory Coast, once considered a model of African well-being, is now going through hard times. State corruption and external debts, in which the country found itself after the fall in world prices for cocoa, led to political instability and numerous interethnic clashes that continue in the country to this day.

However, if you are really interested in African history, music, art and nature, Cote d'Ivoire is exactly the country you should go to - friendly people, the picturesque mountains of Maine, Comoe National Park, the beaches and fishing villages of Sassandra make those who once visited here, to return to the Ivory Coast again and again ...

Republic of Ivory Coast
Area: 322.5 thousand km2.
Population: 15 million people (1998).
Official language: French.
Capital: Yamoussoukro (120 thousand inhabitants, 1998).
Public holiday: Independence Day (August 7, since 1960).
Monetary unit: African franc.
Member of the UN 1960, OAU, etc.

The state is located in the west of the African continent. It borders in the north with Mali and Burkina Faso, in the east with Ghana, in the west with Liberia and Guinea. In the south it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Each people inhabiting Côte d'Ivoire is famous for its musical and dance art, oral folklore, and traditional crafts. The Senufo people, for example, have developed woodcarving and the manufacture of masks that foreigners are willing to buy. handicraft, home weaving, weaving of straw products.The dances associated with any events or professional activities are very colorful and original (wedding, on the occasion of the harvest, dances of hunters, fishermen, etc.).

In Côte d'Ivoire, there are actually two capitals: the official one - Yamoussoukro since 1983 (it arose on the site of a small village where the country's first president Felix Houphouet-Boigny was born) and Abidjan - the country's largest administrative, economic and cultural center (with suburbs there are 2 , 2 million inhabitants). It concentrates state, administrative institutions, offices of local and foreign companies, banks, many industrial enterprises. There is a large seaport on the outskirts. There is a railway from Abidjan, it is crossed by all major roads. There are many educational institutions in Abidjan. about 20 thousand students (not only local, but also from other African countries) study at the national university.The national museum has a rich collection of masks, folk musical instruments, colorful panels on fabric (batik) and other handicrafts. cities: Bouake (about 500 thousand inhabitants), Daloa (210 thousand), Man (185 thousand), Korhogo (180 thousand), Gagnoa (160 thousand).

The main part of the territory is a slightly hilly plain. The western and northwestern regions are crossed by mountain ranges. The highest peak is Nimba (1752 m). The country is located in the equatorial zone. Extensive forests are famous for valuable mahogany species, but as a result of deforestation, their area has decreased and does not exceed 3 million hectares. In the central and northern regions, forests are replaced by forest savannas and savannas. Many species of predators (lions, cheetahs, hyenas, jackals) and other animals (antelopes, buffaloes, monkeys, wild boars) have survived, which feel at ease in national parks. There are also herds of elephants, although their numbers have declined sharply. There are many species of birds, reptiles (lizards, turtles), including snakes (vipers, asps). There are crocodiles in the waters.
Tours in Cote d Ivoire
Côte d'Ivoire is the most wonderful country in West Africa. It has everything for relaxation ... the sun, palm trees, the ocean, fishing, people smoothly leading their usual way of life. National parks amaze with their scope, people with hospitality, and cuisine with a variety of exotic dishes.


Yamoussoukro has been the capital of Côte d'Ivoire since 1983. The main attraction of the city, the pride of all the inhabitants of the country, is the Church of Notre Dame de la Paix. Built in the 60s of the XX century as a symbol of peace and prosperity. At the moment it is the tallest church in the Christian world, modeled on St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.The park ensemble of the cathedral and its 36 huge stained-glass windows decorating its main hall are unique.Special admiration is caused by several, as if living, wood-carved figures created by the masters of the country.From the observation deck The temple, which you will definitely be offered to climb by a guide, offers a breathtaking panorama of the entire city.


"Paris of West Africa", as Abidjan is called - the cultural and economic capital, the largest city in the country with a population of almost 3 million inhabitants. Abidjan is located on four peninsulas of a lagoon connected to the ocean by the Vridi channel built by the French in the 50s. The central, commercial part of the city and the Cocody district are interesting for their architecture. The Ivory hotel complex, one of the most famous hotels in Africa, attracts tourists from all over the world. The complex has everything you can imagine: a swimming pool, an artificial ice rink, a bowling alley, a cinema, a casino and an art gallery. Next to Ivory is the Saint-Paul Cathedral, built by the Italians and consecrated by the Pope in 1985, which is not inferior in elegance to many temples in the world. The northwestern outskirts of the city, the Parc du Banquo, is a rainforest that blends seamlessly with the city buildings, which guarantees pleasant walks (this is the coolest place on the south coast of the country) and the park is very popular with jogging enthusiasts. Be sure to visit the traditional large craft market, where you can buy a python skin, whimsical ebony figurines, crocodile skin bags and drums that make the most incendiary sounds in the world.

Komoe National Park

Komoe National Park, the largest in West Africa, is located 570 km northeast of Abidjan. Here, next to the river of the same name, one of the most popular "animal trails" passes, where you can see in the natural environment how large herds of animals come out in search of water to the river during the drought. This is a great opportunity to observe the habits of a wide variety of representatives of the local fauna. There are yellow-backed duiker and bongos, and thousands of species of monkeys, including baboons, the so-called green monkeys and many others. Lions and panthers, leopards and antelopes, sitatungs, elephants and buffaloes walk right in front of tourists. up

Thai National Park

The second largest park after Komoe - Tai, is located in the southwest of the country near the Sassandra region. In Thailand, nature is represented not only by the Ivory Coast (47 species of animals out of 55 throughout the country), but also by nearby Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Namely, hundreds of species of monkeys, leopards and elephants, pygmy hippos and duikers. Endemic plant species, of which there are about 11,300 names, amaze the imagination. In the north of the park - palm trees of various types, in the southern part - "ebony" or "ebony" and mangroves.

traditional village

The sights of the central region are the colorful villages of Biankuma, Goususso, Sipitu and Danane. The city of Korhogo is the capital of the Senufo people. Since the 13th century, the "heart" of this city has been a bustling market. The Senufo are widely known for their wood carvings and are skilled blacksmiths and potters. Most of the woodcarvers live and work in a small area called the Sculptors' Apartment. The Senufo are divided by secret communities. "Poro" is a cult for boys and "Sakrabundi" is a cult for girls in which they prepare for adulthood. The communities preserve the folklore of the people, teach tribal customs and instill self-control through rigorous tests. Children's education is divided into three seven-year periods, ending with an initiation ceremony. Each community has a "sacred forest" where teaching takes place (the uninitiated are never allowed to watch the trials). Some ritual ceremonies take place directly in the villages and are allowed for tourists to visit. These include the La Danse des Hommes Panteres ("dance of the leopard people") performed by boys returning from a training session in the forest and much more.

Traditional wooden mask

Usually a traditional wooden mask is a very accurate representation of a human face, slightly exaggerated to more fully convey the features of character. The main masters of masks are the Baule and Yaquba peoples who use masks in various ceremonies. Baule face masks are extremely realistic and convey the characteristic features of the appearance or hairstyle of the person who served as the prototype. But the Senufo masks, on the contrary, are stylized. The most common type of Senufo is "fire" - a mask-helmet, which is a compilation of the appearance of an antelope, a warthog and a hyena - the most respected animals of the local animistic cult.

Festivals and holidays

Côte d'Ivoire is famous for its festivals. The Mask Festival takes place in the villages of Maine in February, the colorful March carnival in Bouake and the April Fet du Dipri in Gaumont, during which you can watch how the villagers, as it were, expel evil spirits from their homes At the end of the year, there are two major events of the Muslim religious calendar: the holy month of Ramadan and the final festival of Eid al-Fitr. These days, colorful demonstrations, chants and dances can be observed on the streets of the city. The population dresses up in the most expensive clothes, women treat passers-by the national coconut biscuits, and the men beat the fire drums.

Water is the source of life and the most precious treasure on the entire African continent. A tribute to water is always an occasion for an event of national scale. On November 29, in the village of Nigui Saf, the Water Festival begins, where you can easily talk to ministers, take part in pirogue competitions and ride double-decker boats on the lagoon. Here you can taste the real African food, drink coconut milk and enjoy unique cocoa.

On December 7, the whole country celebrates the most important official holiday of Côte d'Ivoire - National Day. This celebration will amaze you with its splendor and luxurious African hospitality.


The main thing is enthusiasm, even if you have no idea what a fishing rod is, feel free to agree to this excursion. Delight from a self-caught trophy is guaranteed. Or just take a look at how the emerald water of the ocean connects with the dark river. For professionals, more…

mangrove forest

Walking through a real mangrove forest, even a few meters, is a very difficult task. Fortunately there is a river and a boat, take a guide and go…

On a sustainable motorboat, you can ride along the Dagba River, which connects the Sassandra area and San Pedro. Hippos, manatees, crocodiles are found in the river, and a huge number of ever-screaming monkeys will accompany you throughout the walk.


The area of ​​the city of Man, in the central part of the country, is a territory of lush green hills and is known far beyond the borders of the country for its La Cascade waterfall. The waterfall is located in a bamboo forest 5 km west of the city.

Nava Falls deserves special attention. This spectacle is truly mesmerizing. The splash of water, the giant white foam will grab your attention for a long time.

Surfing and local color

In the area of ​​​​the port of Sassandra, which is not far from Abidjan (250 km), there are beautiful beaches. But what makes this area especially attractive is that there are numerous ethnic fishing villages of the Fanti people, with an active port and a picturesque river. It is highly recommended to try the local "bangui" - palm wine, which is produced only here.

The city of Sassandra used to be an important trading port, but when a modern terminal was built in the nearby city of San Pedro, its role declined and the whole area is now a great tourist area. Located 3 km to the east, Plage de Bivac is one of the best places for surfing. Large waves are also registered in the adjacent Poly Beach, as well as in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beach "" and Grand Belebi near the Liberian border. The waves on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea are very large and strong, so this area is considered an ideal place for surfers.

Pie walk

Our favorite area of ​​Sassandra is rich in various tourist attractions. Here you can ride a pirogue rich in a variety of entertainment for tourists. Here you can ride a pirogue, which is used by local fishermen to catch fish. At first, it seemed to us that the boat was shaky, later it became almost a ship, when you see how skillfully a professional fisherman manages a pirogue, you feel confident.

Port of San Pedro

Port of San Pedro is located 350 km west of Abidjan near Sassandra in a convenient bay protected from the Gulf of Guinea by a natural breakwater. The port was put into operation in 1971. A daily stream of timber, coffee, cocoa, rubber, palm oil and cotton passes through the port of this city.
