Pantry design ideas in an apartment (70 photos). How to equip a pantry in an apartment: original solutions, interesting ideas and recommendations from designers

Depending on the layout of the apartment, the storage room, arranged according to the project, can be located next to the bedroom, corridor, kitchen. The owners, wanting to optimize the space, often come to the decision of converting the pantry into a dressing room in order to free up the area of ​​​​already small hallways. That is why many people are thinking about how to make a dressing room out of a pantry, which will become not just a place for storing things, but convenient system storage that meets all ergonomic requirements. For these purposes, the old pantry shelves are dismantled and new structures are installed, allowing you to place things as efficiently as possible inside the converted dressing room.

To decide how to make a dressing room out of a pantry on your own, find out if your pantry fits necessary requirements. They are quite simple, so you can organize a storage system for things even in a small Khrushchev:

  • a sufficient minimum is a space of 1x1.5 meters. This space is enough to arrange hanger bars, shelves and drawers;
  • if it is planned to place shelves on only one side of the dressing room, a width of 1.2 meters is assumed. If the shelves will be located on both sides - from 1.5 meters.

The closet was originally a closed space. Need to set up the system forced ventilation to prevent the formation of mustiness. If for these purposes the dressing room is equipped with a fan. At the same time, its noise should not disturb people resting in the bedroom or adjacent rooms.

The dressing room will require lighting. Without it, looking for the right things and putting things in order in a limited space will be very inconvenient. Lamps should not heat up, otherwise they can ruin things. An ideal option for a dressing room would be LED lighting.

Choice of finishing materials

Do-it-yourself wardrobe rooms from a pantry photo will turn into a cozy storage for things, if you choose the right finish. The main requirement for the selection finishing materials– smooth surface to avoid puffs and no marks. You should immediately leave the idea of ​​​​whitewashing the dressing room or cheap, low-quality paint, wallpaper, which, when in contact with the fabric, can leave marks that will be difficult to get rid of.

Among other things, it should be borne in mind that things can be hung up poorly dried. This can affect the coating, moreover, cause a musty smell and mold development inside the dressing room. Wood and MDF are excellent options as they are porous and have the ability to absorb moisture.

The surfaces of the inner space of the former pantry should be easy to clean and wash. Modern paints have all the necessary properties and at the same time are hypoallergenic, do not leave a smell.

Give up the idea of ​​flooring in the dressing room carpet, because if you can not clean it, replacing it will become very problematic.

Stages of creating a dressing room

The process of creating a dressing room from a closet consists of a series of milestones. Before starting work, you should carefully study each of them.


Getting started, prepare in advance all the necessary tools that you may need:

  • drill, drills;
  • hammer (rubberized is better for wood);
  • sandpaper;
  • screwdrivers;
  • plane;
  • roulette;
  • self-tapping screws, dowels;
  • chisel;
  • square, pencil, marker;
  • construction level;
  • electric jigsaw for sawing workpieces.

To paint surfaces inside the dressing room, you will need a paint tray, roller, flat brushes, gloves.


Space preparation

Before the do-it-yourself dressing room is brought to perfection, there is a serious preparatory work. You need to free the pantry from the contents. It is recommended at the same time to immediately get rid of the old trash and what was not useful:

  • comes off the hinges old door storerooms;
  • if the walls have a strong curvature or irregularities, then they need to be leveled, plastered. This is important, since distortions can lead to deformation of the box structure or incorrect removal of parameters;
  • if size allows, then the shape of the future dressing room changes with the help of drywall constructions- it can be a linear version or U-shaped;
  • plaster the ceiling, paint it, bring it into a usable condition;
  • level the floor, lay the intended coating - parquet, laminate, linoleum.

If, according to the plan, you have cabinet furniture installed inside the dressing room, then you should not spend money on expensive finishing, because it will not be visible behind the furniture.


How to make a dressing room from a dressing room pantry really functional and comfortable? First you need to correctly measure in order to calculate the parameters and the amount of required materials. This part of the work is carried out using a tape measure and a marker. Marks must be applied carefully so that after completion of work they are not visible.

Before proceeding, draw a plan for the future design. Parameters to be taken into account for the height of the planned elements:

  • linen - 20-40 cm;
  • blouses, shirts - 100 cm;
  • outerwear - 150 or more.

The depth of the compartment is calculated based on the size of the coat hanger, plus 10 cm. The width is set based on the number of items available.


After making all the measurements and drawing up a drawing, proceed to the preparation of blanks for the manufacture of racks. Saw the material strictly in accordance with the technology and according to the measurements. Drywall is used for space zoning, but it is not recommended for the direct manufacture of shelves, since the plates tend to deform already under their own weight.

Wood, chipboard, chipboard are more resistant to moisture and damage. When sawing blanks, remember that these materials require additional processing of the edge.

When cutting, do not try to make the shelves too wide. The arrangement of things in 2 rows is inconvenient for daily use and sooner or later will lead to a mess. Optimal depth- up to 60 cm. In a small space they have proven themselves drawers and shelves with telescopic mechanisms. It is better to give preference to such a solution.


In the dressing rooms from the pantry, the photos of which are collected in a selection, the zoning of space is clearly visible for further distribution and storage of things. From the point of view of ergonomics, there are 2 options for how to equip the space: horizontal and vertical zoning.

The horizontal type is characterized by the allocation of active and passive sections. The distribution is carried out according to the principle of the frequency of demand for things:

  • everything that is rarely used is defined in the passive zone - shelves that are located at a height above 2 meters, or below 0.5 meters. This is a place to store household supplies, seasonal items and suitcases;
  • the active zone is a distance of 50-130 centimeters above the floor surface. Here is a place for linen drawers and baskets.

Clothes rails are fixed at a level of 130 to 190 cm from the floor. If the wardrobe has long clothes on the floor, then it is placed on special bars.

Surface finishing

A dressing room from a pantry means that the converted space will need surface finishing. No whitewashing, otherwise the clothes will constantly get dirty. The easiest option is painting. The obvious advantage of this choice will be the simplicity of the color change and further care. Modern paints are easy to clean, fit well on the surface, they can be tinted in any shade. There is no need to repaint the dressing room in original colors. It is recommended to give preference to shades that differ from color solution the main room by 1-2 tones. Give preference to light colors, so a small pantry space in panel house will be visually larger and brighter. Dark color undesirable, no matter what is said about its practicality. An already small space can easily turn into a gloomy closet. Another advantage of this choice is that in the future the walls can be refreshed without dismantling the shelves. It will be enough just to close them with a film and paint everything again.

Wallpaper also affordable option, which is often used when they want to convert a pantry into a dressing room. Use a detergent option. It should be noted that due to the special microclimate and the abundance of clothing, wallpaper can deteriorate and change its color. Therefore, you need to choose those options that you are sure of, otherwise redecorating will have to be done in the near future.

Photos of dressing rooms with their own hands from the pantry sometimes show very original variants finishes using this type of material. MDF panels are well washed, aesthetic. You just need to remember that their installation requires the manufacture of a frame from metal profile or bars. Such a design will take up a certain amount of space that a small pantry simply will not allow.

Making a dressing room out of the pantry with your own hands, take care of flooring. If possible, then let the floor in the dressing room be of the same material as in the main room. It is preferable that it be parquet, laminate or linoleum. Carpet or other carpeting is not the best the best way in this case, as it may be difficult to clean it.

For the device of the ceiling in the dressing room instead of the pantry, you can get by with the usual painting in bright hues, if we are talking about budget option. You can also install a small stretch ceiling, in which much-needed spot lighting is perfectly located.

Ways of fastening shelves

A do-it-yourself wardrobe room from a closet is unthinkable without reliable shelves that can withstand boxes with things, shoes, and hats.

There are 3 options for fastening shelves:

  • manufacturing wooden frame from a bar;
  • metal corners;
  • fastening with dowels.

You can choose any option, but dowels are considered less preferable. The shelf installed on the protruding part of the dowel can easily turn over. The construction of a bar or corners is a more durable and reliable option for a dressing room.

In the manufacture of the frame, the finished structure is fixed on the wall in places where marks were previously made with a marker. Use special glue or self-tapping screws and a screwdriver. It is necessary to constantly monitor the installation process and the location of the structure using building level. The second step is to install the shelves, not forgetting to process the edges at the cut points in order to prevent damage to clothes in the future.

Having given preference to self-tapping screws, it is required to pre-drill holes in the marked places. If the shelves are attached to a wooden base, then everything is mounted directly to the wall. If not, then dowels are inserted into the holes. To fix the metal corners use short self-tapping screws. If sliding shelves are planned for the dressing room, then guides for the roller mechanism are attached to the corners. So that the fasteners do not stand out, they can be covered with putty or hidden under by gluing decorative overlays.

In stores, you can also choose the so-called mensolo and shelf holders:

  • the corner is the leader in installation speed and maximum load;
  • FIX fasteners - for neat, aesthetic appearance and ease of dismantling if necessary;
  • pelican fasteners - will also provide aesthetic appeal and are suitable if material of different thicknesses was used for the shelves.

Choose the options that best suit your needs and skills.

Rod fixation

A small dressing room is unlikely to allow you to install a large number of rods. However, dressing rooms will not allow you to completely abandon this accessory, because raincoats, coats, floor-length dresses cannot be placed on shelves. The male version of the wardrobe allows you to use less space, due to shortened types of clothing. Here, a dressing room from the pantry will allow the placement of at least two rods in tiers.

The installation of the clothes rail is carried out after the shelves are installed inside the dressing room. Buy fasteners in stores specializing in furniture fittings, it is easy to choose the most suitable option there.

The optimal distance between the shelf and the bar is no more than 5 cm. This is enough to hang clothes and not leave an unused gap. So that, as a result, the bar accommodates right amount hangers (hangers), the width of the installed shelves must be at least 58 cm.

If wardrobe space allows, place several rods on different height. Low bars are suitable for shirts, skirts. High - for dresses, raincoats.

Keep in mind that rod tubes have standard length and it will need to be adjusted to your measurements. To saw off the desired segment, use the angular grinder, or angle grinder.

Fixing brackets sold separately. You need 2 of them for 1 rod. Make a preliminary marking of the places where you will attach them with a tape measure and a marker. You will need a screwdriver and wood screws for installation. After fixing the brackets, a bar is installed in them.


Dressing room from the pantry does not imply natural light. How to arrange a dressing room so that it is easy to find everything you need in it? A lighting system is being made for a small enclosed space.

This means that compact ceiling lamps or lamps that allow a swivel base in the design. Lighting elements in the pantry of the dressing room should be located as conveniently as possible so that they are not touched when choosing or trying on clothes.

It turns out very cool when they equip a linear automatic backlight based on LED lamps. The backlight works exclusively in your presence, and there is no need to reach for the switch every time. In the photo of the wardrobes from the pantry, you can see examples of local lighting for rods with clothes and linen drawers. Ribbons made inside the drawers will facilitate the search process even without overhead lighting.

It is better to refuse the idea of ​​​​using hanging chandeliers and sconces, because they are quite bulky for such a limited space and will constantly be hurt. It may happen that sooner or later either the device or your clothes will suffer.

Door installation

The door to the dressing room from the pantry is selected in accordance with the dimensions of the future premises and the possibilities of the environment. Now offered big choice doors of various configurations. The choice in favor of the door is justified when the dressing room is represented by a separate room. If you need to separate part of the room, then perhaps a partition will be enough.

If you opt for a traditional hinged door, make sure that there is enough free space before entering the dressing room so that it can be opened. In addition, when installing the door, you need to remember that it must swing open outward, otherwise the part will be “eaten”. usable area closet pantry:

  • installation of the door system begins with the markup;
  • if installation of guides is necessary, they are fixed on the ceiling or in the opening. If there is a lower guide, it is not fixed immediately. At first, they simply try on to finally fix it after the canvas has been leveled;
  • the door mechanism is mounted;
  • the canvas is leveled in the opening using the building level;
  • if necessary, a lower guide is installed;
  • the door leaf is installed, adjustment is made;
  • the rest of the fittings are attached - brushes, anthers for the coupe, clamps, etc.

When installing the door, blind leaf options are preferred so that outsiders cannot observe the presence of things inside the former pantry. Some prefer to decorate the door to match the wall to make the dressing room inconspicuous against the general background of the room.

Additional elements

Even if you are making a dressing room from a small pantry in Khrushchev, in addition to the standard configuration of shelves, rods and drawers, it is quite reasonable to use modern devices that will make the use of a very limited space in a small pantry as efficient and ergonomic as possible. The storage system can be added to the dressing room:

  • vertical shoe racks;
  • laundry baskets that can be placed under the bottom shelf;
  • hooks for bags;
  • all kinds of retractable hangers - for trousers, ties.

The modern design of such auxiliary elements takes into account the needs of a small-sized room from the pantry and allows you to equip the space, even when it is very small.

The idea of ​​converting a pantry into a dressing room is a great opportunity to transform the apartment as a whole, freeing up the space that was previously occupied by a closet. Things will be in order, even very small accessories will find a place on the wardrobe shelves or fit neatly in drawers. Wardrobes of all family members will cease to be a problem and will acquire orderliness in their places.

Everyone has thought more than once how to make a pantry with their own hands. But ignorance and fear of difficulties forced me to leave everything as it is. But it's very simple and, most importantly, economical! Let's note the options for stylish and beautiful closets, which are made to order and for a lot of money. Make it simple and convenient pantry even a girl can!

Instructions for the lazy - how to make a pantry with your own hands

Of course, you will need a ready-made room. AT high-rise buildings a small closet is often already provided and is located next to entrance doors. If this private house, you need to think about what part of it will have to be sacrificed for a storage room.

After that, you can proceed directly to the creation of the pantry:

If you want to do everything yourself, and there are extra boards and bars lying around in the garage, you can make guides for the shelves yourself. To do this, bars are attached to pre-marked places on opposite walls of the pantry - these will be the guides.

It is better to provide different heights of shelves - for large and small things. Boards are placed on top of the bars, which will serve as shelves.

If the length of the shelf is more than a meter, it is better to nail another bar to the back wall - so that the board does not sag. The elements are connected with self-tapping screws.

But if you choose ready-made free-standing racks, then this “designer” will just need to be assembled. And you don't have to look for a hammer drill to drill a lot of holes in extremely strong concrete walls!

Instructions for experienced carpenters - storage room under the stairs

There is no separate pantry, but do you need to store things somewhere? So why not make full use of all the space in the house? After all, the place under the stairs is so provocatively empty! Of course, you will need some carpentry skills (or a good furniture workshop).

First, the lining of the space under the stairs is removed, if there was one. Is being done fine finish, because you don’t want to constantly sweep spiders from cans of conservation. After that, the dimensions of the internal space are measured and applied to the diagram. Here you need to be extremely careful - a small error in the calculations, and some of the elements will not fit. A drawing of the future pantry is necessarily being developed - it will not work to build “by eye”.

If just shelving with hinged doors is planned, the frame is first fixed along the outer edge. After that, mounted vertical racks to which the shelves will be attached. Doors will be hung on the same racks. Shelf guides are nailed to the back wall and racks and the shelves themselves are installed. Doors can be cut independently from a furniture plate or ordered ready-made. In principle, you can order the entire set according to the desired size and simply assemble everything at home.

First, the dimensions of the external decorative panels are marked, and then the boxes are already assembled so that their size is slightly smaller in width. The wheels are attached to the boxes and only then the decorative panel is screwed onto the screws from the inside.

Instructions for experienced builders - a new storage room

To do this, the space is first marked out, the location of the future door to the pantry is marked. The size of the doorway is calculated taking into account the door leaf and the frame. After that, a frame is assembled from a metal profile.

First, guides are attached to the ceiling and floor, and racks are already attached to them. It is important to align all racks in level so that there are no distortions. The distance between the profile racks should be selected so that the drywall sheet is attached to three racks - two at the edges and one in the middle. Yes, the size standard sheet 250x120 cm, so the distance between the racks should be 60 cm.

First, one side of the frame is sheathed, insulation is laid, and then the frame is completely sewn up with drywall. Insulation is needed for soundproofing, but if the closet is used infrequently, you can save on it. It is necessary to carry out lighting in advance and make an additional outlet in the pantry - it will not be superfluous.

Also, do not forget about forced ventilation - constantly closed door into the pantry will make the air stale. It will be enough to make two holes on the street at different heights, spreading them in the corners. They are closed by supply and exhaust anemostats.

But how to make a small pantry in the kitchen with your own hands:

The problem of storing personal belongings occupies an important place in the organization of living space. Traditionally, cabinets are used for this purpose, but much more convenient solution can be the arrangement of the dressing room. And it is not at all necessary to allocate a large room for clothes - any corner with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b2 sq.m. Rational Design dressing room provide effective application each free area, allowing you to forget about bulky wardrobes, chests of drawers and mezzanines.

Dressing room in the bedroom

In houses and apartments where a separate dressing room was not provided initially, it is easiest to arrange it in the bedroom, separating it with sliding compartment doors or any other wall. The role of a barrier can be performed even by a high (up to the ceiling) cabinet or a rack with a passage.

A partition made of darkened matte glass with sandblasted patterns will look very modern. The advantages of this option are the environmental friendliness of the material, its ability to transmit sunlight and the minimum thickness.

Arrangement of a dressing room in the bedroom non-standard shape will balance the geometry of the room. Behind the screen, it is easy to hide the excessive length of the walls, the presence of niches or ledges, using each feature of the architecture to the fullest.

Dressing room in the pantry

Even in very small apartments, where there can be no question of a special room for clothes, at least 1-2 sq.m. sometimes reserved for storage. Often this space is ignored, but if desired, it can be easily turned into a comfortable dressing room.

It is worth supplementing the usual 1x1 m niche with a mezzanine, narrow side shelves, lower drawers and metal rods, and it will be a great alternative to an expensive wardrobe, which would still have nowhere to put it.

The presence of a larger pantry opens up wide planning possibilities, but requires a thoughtful approach to the location of storage systems. It is also very important to take care of sufficient ventilation of the room, protection of things from moisture, insects, animals and odors.

Dressing room layout

Depending on the area, the location of the door and window openings, the number of things and the owners' own preferences, the layout of the dressing room can be done different ways. Each of the presented options is characterized by certain features that make it suitable for a particular type of room.

linear layout

It resembles a familiar closet, with the only difference being that there are either no doors at all, or a floor-to-ceiling partition is installed instead, and inside there is free space to move along the shelves. This arrangement of the dressing room is ideal for installation in rectangular room along a blank wall or around a doorway.

Parallel layout

The optimal solution for elongated corridor-type rooms, with a window or a large mirror opposite the door. In this case, the shelves and hangers are located on opposite walls, so that all things remain in sight, they are easy to get to, and the spaciousness of such a dressing room can only be envied.

The presence of a window opening solves the issue with ventilation and daylight, so it is a parallel layout that can be recommended during the initial design of a dressing room in the drawing of an apartment or house.

U-shaped layout

It is one of the most convenient options for arranging large dressing rooms. To make it convenient to use the side walls, the central part must have a length of at least 1.5 m.

In such a room there is room for an ironing board, a chair (and sometimes even a small sofa) and a mirror, which makes it a comfortable fitting room.

corner layout

Allows efficient use of space in rooms with limited space - bedrooms, hallways, children's rooms, attics. Placing storage systems at an angle of 90° gives you the opportunity to store twice the amount of things compared to a conventional line cabinet.

You can separate the dressing room with sliding sliding doors- both standard and radius (semicircular). For high rooms, plasterboard or plywood partitions with a doorway are suitable, curtains and screens are different.

Arrangement of storage systems

Before furnishing the dressing room with furniture, it must be prepared taking into account all the requirements. First, it must be a completely dry, ventilated area. It is undesirable to store clothes through the wall with a bathroom, kitchen or in the outer corner of the building, especially if it gets wet and is poorly lit by the sun. In the absence of a window, a ventilation opening with a fan will help to organize the correct microclimate, which will turn on automatically at specified intervals.

Second important criterion- isolation from foreign odors. To give things a pleasant aroma, you can put pillows or bags with dry herbs to them: lavender, mint, linden flowers. Essential oils plants will also protect clothes from the appearance of moths and other insects, and in order to protect your favorite wardrobe items from the encroachment of pets, you should tightly close the lower shelves and doors.

As for the actual storage systems, you can either buy already prefabricated structures or purchase accessories and do the installation yourself. Choice of wardrobes furniture stores wide enough: from luxurious cabinets in lacquered solid wood to chipboard and plain plywood. The utilitarian purpose of the room does not set high criteria for the aesthetics of shelving and hangers, but the quality of fittings, moving elements and fasteners should be given the closest attention.

To ensure a convenient arrangement of things, it is necessary to consider the required number and size of certain compartments. For example, in a women's wardrobe, the height of the hangers should accommodate floor-length dresses, which is at least 1.6-1.8 m. The same height is recommended for outerwear. For jackets, shirts, 1.2 m will be enough. The optimal size of the shelves is 30-35 cm. The depth of the cabinets is calculated based on the width of the shoulders, and can vary from 50 to 70 cm.

The upper part of the dressing room is often left for storing seasonal items, suitcases, pillows and blankets. Above eye level, you can arrange shelves for hats, bags, umbrellas, gloves. The middle sections are occupied by hangers and shelves, under them there are chests of drawers with drawers for linen, at the very bottom there are nets and boxes with shoes. The latter is conveniently stored in an inclined form, at an angle of 45-60 °, as well as in rotating radial structures.

The right wardrobe lighting will make it easier to find the right thing. For natural color reproduction, it is desirable to choose a neutral or warm white spectrum of lamps. In addition to the bright overhead light, spot LEDs that can be mounted in shelves will not interfere. Instead of ordinary lamps in the dressing room, small spotlights will be appropriate, the direction of which can be changed at your discretion.

Useful extras

In addition to storage systems in the form of shelving, drawers and hangers in the dressing room, you can not do without other auxiliary items. What exactly do you need to comfortably and quickly put together an image for work, walking or going out?

Ironing board- when folded, no one will notice it, especially if you hide this useful thing in a narrow niche between wardrobe sections. Additionally, you need to install an outlet and find a place for an iron, while strictly observing fire safety rules.

Folding ladder needed to get the right thing from the upper floors. And if in a small dressing room this function can be handled regular chair or a stool, then a light metal staircase will be indispensable for high rooms.

Organizers for jewelry, hairpins, ties, belts and other jewelry will keep small details in sight, and they will always be at hand to add the last zest to the finished ensemble.

Full length mirror- an essential attribute of a full-fledged dressing room. It can be installed in a free recess, make a mirrored door, or attached to a partition from the inside.

Side light sources should be located at a distance of 8-10 cm on both sides of the mirror, slightly below eye level, and another lamp directly above the mirror. Thus, the face and figure of a person will be illuminated without the formation of shadows that distort the appearance.

Finishing the dressing room

Although the dressing room is usually hidden from prying eyes, even it can not do without minimal decoration. Given the purpose of this storage room, you can use the most simple materials. The main thing is that they do not accumulate dust and moisture, and also do not interfere with the free circulation of air.


The floor in the dressing room can be exactly the same as in the living room, bedroom or nursery. fit wooden planks(including unpainted), parquet, laminate, cork. You should refuse carpet and rugs - small villi from woolen clothes, fur collars, pieces of thread, and just dust can clog into them.


The only requirement for the walls in the dressing room is that they do not crumble, otherwise sand with cement or lime can stain things. Normal painting will do, inexpensive decorative plaster, paper wallpaper. The footage of this room is usually small, so it is advisable to choose a light color - white, yellowish or beige.


The ceiling does not play a big role in the design of the dressing room, so you can leave it completely unfinished (especially if the rest of the design is made in the loft style). In the classic versions, a flat, light surface would be appropriate - painting, wallpaper, hanging panels, stretch fabric etc.

If you are interested in the design of the dressing room, we offer you to look even more interesting options in the photos collected in our gallery. Innovative storage solutions allow you to use every centimeter of space with maximum efficiency and comfort.

Pay attention to the layout, decoration, features of furniture designs - all this will be useful when choosing the design and furnishings of the dressing room. Some of the presented design examples can be implemented with your own hands. Happy viewing!

The current developers, unlike their colleagues of the past generation, do not seek to equip living space storerooms. This increases the living space, but does not allow you to optimize the space and have the storage area that is sometimes necessary.

The presence of a pantry in the apartment becomes a gift for the hostess and sometimes a luxury that is inaccessible to others.

Unfortunately, the storage room is not always equipped shelves and racks for placement and storage of things , so install shelves in the pantry have to do it yourself.

Making shelves in the pantry with your own hands is a simple task.

Before you start creating shelving, necessary decide how it will look shelves in pantry and the design itself, as well as what fasteners shelves connect to the wall.

There are only two options for how to make a rack, namely to make a free-standing shelf, or simply fix the boards directly to the wall.

The first step is to get your idea on paper. This will visualize the desired rack , take measurements and most successfully place it, taking into account the wishes and intended storage items.

In order for the pantry to be equipped with shelving, it must have enough space.

It must be taken into account that shelves should be arranged in width from bottom to top, that is, the bottom a shelf will be the widest, and the top, respectively, the narrowest. This is due to the fact that the lower shelves the most dimensional items that are inconvenient and impractical to lift up will be stored.

It is necessary to carefully consider the distance between the shelves and correlate it with the items that are planned to be stored.

Depending on the wishes of the owners shelving can have any shape that will allow you to realize the place chosen for fastening the structure.

You need to take into account the amount of free space - if the racks take up too much space, then it will be inconvenient for you to walk in the pantry.

More often, U-shaped and L-shaped are chosen, this type of shelves is the most practical. For installation, it is better to prefer metal brackets and fasteners, they are the most durable, they can withstand any weight on the shelves.

Choose any option that suits you.

Necessary materials

Deciding how to make shelves in the pantry, you need to decide on the material from which the structure will be made. There are several options.

Except wooden materials, you can choose others, the main thing is strength and the ability to self-assembly. Apart from shelves you should stock up on fasteners on which they will be installed shelves , consumables necessary for work.

In order to make wooden shelving for the pantry, you will need not a lot of materials and serious tools.

Tools for the job

To understand which instrument needed to work, you need to clarify what exactly needs to be done. If the material for the shelves is not prepared and needs to be cut and sharpened to the desired dimensions, then it is imperative to have a jigsaw or a hacksaw for wood and a planer. They will help make shelves the right size. And you will also need sandpaper to process the edges of the cuts and give the shelves a finished look.

Tools needed for the job.

Requires a puncher to create holes in wall under the dowel-nails to fasten the brackets, a screwdriver to connect the parts to each other, if necessary.

This is enough to have good and reliable shelves in the pantry, on which you can store anything.

Without fail you will need:

Choice of shelf space

Thinking how to make shelves in the pantry, it is important to determine the place. The place where they will be attached shelves, should be chosen based on many factors.

The wall on which it is planned to mount must be load-bearing.

This is a guarantee of strength and durability of the structure. Thin interior partition may not be able to withstand the load shelves , forced by heavy objects, will collapse.

In addition to boards, particle boards, plywood and other suitable materials can be used.

If fastening is not carried out directly to wall, then you can dream up in accordance with the desired form of arrangement.

Consider the dimensions of the items to be stored.

It is important to prepare the storage room itself, align and tidy the walls in advance in order to shelves stood up straight and there was no need to adjust them to the terrain walls.

It is worth taking care of the lighting before the rack is installed.

Manufacturing and assembly process

So, a place under the rack selected, all tools and materials prepared, layout shelves on paper, and all dimensions are verified and calculated? You can proceed to the main process of manufacturing shelves and assembling the structure.

  1. The first thing you need to do - using a tape measure and a building level, mark the wall, which will act as the basis for fastening.

    Using a tape measure, mark the height of the shelves in the center of the room and use laser level horizontal lines are drawn.

    Use a puncher to make holes in wall in the places where the brackets will be attached.

    With the help of dowel-nails, guide profiles are attached to the walls.

    Fasten the bases for the brackets and install them.

    Their number depends on the desired number of shelves, and the distance between them determines the height of the shelves.

  2. The next step is the manufacture of shelves. Need a jigsaw or saw to cut out of wood shelves according to the required dimensions.

    It is better to clarify the dimensions again and, for greater accuracy, cut out a template from cardboard.

    After checking them with the installed brackets, you can start trimming. After shelves the desired sizes will be cut out, it is worth processing the cuts with sandpaper to remove the roughness.

    This will give the shelves a decent look.

  3. Fixing the brackets and cutting to the desired size shelves, it is necessary to install the latter in the place of the planned location and secure with fasteners and a screwdriver.

It is better to have shelves with a higher height at the bottom.

Rack with shelves in the pantry ready! You can safely use it for storage of things and optimization of the environment.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly difficult in this, and after installing racks and shelves, you will be able to store items in the pantry in the most rational and convenient way.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself pantry rack.

A pantry for a summer residence, or simply a pantry, can be organized in an already finished room or built anew. It seems to us that it is not worth considering all the stages of building a new building on the site, which will be used to store vegetables and other products, since this process is almost identical to the construction of a barn or garage. Better we consider the requirements for the equipment of the internal space, which, by the way, can be organized in the same shed or garage.

So, the country pantry and everything we know about it.

What are the requirements for a country pantry

In order for our products to be stored for a long time and preserved with high quality, we need to foresee everything to the smallest detail. And, if we do this, then our work will be reflected not only in the duration of storage, but also in the ease of use of the country pantry.

Where to place the closet?

First of all, you need to choose the right place where we will build such a room. It should be as close as possible to the house and kitchen so that you don’t have to run across the entire site for groceries, but it should also be located in such a way that the aromas fresh vegetables less entered the living space. To do this, you can choose the angle summer kitchen, a piece of a veranda in a residential building, take it under storage small room which is not used for its intended purpose.

What size should a country pantry be?

You need to correctly calculate the amount of food that will be stored in the pantry. It is very difficult to do this, because every year there is a completely different harvest in the country, and conservation is closed in different quantities, depending on the budget or even desire. Therefore, try to make calculations as accurately as possible, always taking into account the fact that the number of products may increase. Agree, it’s much more correct to build a pantry a little more than not knowing later where to put another bag of potatoes or a couple of cans of compotes.

Determine the shape of the pantry, paying attention to the shelves and their depth. The inner space, the one in the center, remains for the passage, and the shelves are hung along the walls, U-shaped. If the room is wide, then a rack with shelves can be installed in the center, which is very convenient.

Storage room interior

Everything is more or less simple here, since everything internal arrangement made from wood, even inexpensive species, but always dry. It is desirable to treat wood with non-toxic impregnations, since in some places there will be contact with liquids and moisture, which is almost impossible to prevent (vegetables may rot, “explosion” of cans and brine leakage, etc.).

It will be necessary to think about pallets, which must be on the floor. How to make pallets with your own hands, we have already told you earlier. The production of boxes for vegetables, which must be ventilated and stand on pallets, at a distance of 10-15 cm from the floor, will not interfere either. Do not forget also about hangers, hooks and wire extensions - you can always place knittings of onions and garlic, dried mushrooms and other products on them.

Do I need to insulate the pantry?

We will answer this question in the affirmative, because thermal insulation helps to maintain a more or less stable temperature during interior. Inexpensive insulation, such as Styrofoam, will help keep cold and frost from getting inside in the winter, as well as limit hot air in the summer. Therefore, nothing in such a closet will turn sour in the summer, and will not freeze in the cold.

We recommend foam plastic, as it is inexpensive, and does not have special requirements for surface mounting. Even before strengthening the shelves, it can be installed on the floor, ceiling and walls with simple plastic mushrooms, or with glue.

Ventilation in the pantry in the country

One of the main requirements of a food storage room is coolness and dryness. Also important is Fresh air and therefore ventilation is essential. Moreover, it will help to get rid of unpleasant odors that may arise from the products inside.

How to make ventilation in the pantry, we will tell a little later, when we move on to building a pantry in the country with our own hands!

The decision to build a pantry is very correct, and it is better to make it as early as possible, when you have not yet begun to harvest from the garden! Choose a free day for this and start building and decorating, all the work will take not so much time.

We build a pantry with our own hands

So, having determined the basic requirements and deciding what size the food storage room will be in the country, you can proceed to construction and decoration. In this process, we will assume that we already have a storage room, so as not to start our conversation again with laying the foundation, forcing walls and arranging a roof with a roof. In general, let's take as an example any corner on the veranda, which we will convert into a pantry.

We separate the room

First of all, if it's not already finished room, but just the space that needs to be separated, we will build a partition and install doors. The partition can be installed from OSB boards, which are great for simple construction and respond well to medium humidity. Moreover, this material is very easy to work with, as it can be easily cut with a hacksaw or jigsaw.

Installing the frame wooden beam by pre-marking the walls and ceiling. We beat off the width and height of the door, make a reinforced frame from a bar for installing a canvas, as well as a lighter crate for installing walls from OSB panels. Now cut the panels to size and sheathe one side using self-tapping screws. We put a heater in the opening of the frame, for example, mineral wool or polystyrene, and we sheathe the frame of our partition on the other side.

We make doors from boards and crossbars, install a simple lock or a latch, a handle, and install the doors in place by cutting the hinges into a reinforced partition box.

It is very important to observe even angles, levels and dimensional part. Then all the work will take a couple of hours on the strength. And if you have already dealt with construction, for example, you made a gazebo or a barn in the country, insulated the house and so on, this work will not cause any problems at all.

Finished interior lining

We will start, perhaps, with the floor on which it is necessary to install pallets or lay a dry board. We warn you again, the floor must be dry and constantly ventilated, and therefore if the floor is now in the pantry of a cement screed or some other material, we advise you to throw logs and lay the board on top, with a distance of about 1 cm from each other. Thus, even if something spills on the floor, it will dry quickly due to air circulation.

Next, you should remember about the insulation of the walls, for which we decided to take the foam. It can be mounted even on unprepared walls, but it is still better to clean them of possible debris. After that, simply attach the foam boards to the wall and fasten them to plastic mushrooms - a special fastening that requires drilling a hole and installing a dowel-nail inside. Everything is very simple here, a drill, a mounting knife and a hammer would be at hand, with which we will drive the fasteners.

The ceiling should also be sheathed, which can be done in a similar way. But to cover the doors with foam plastic, you will need several mounting rails, which will hold the material on door leaf. The wall of the partition can not be sheathed, since we have already laid insulation inside.

Finishing work in the pantry

By these works, we mean the finishing of walls after insulation. Let's say right away that it is not necessary to produce it, spend money and time, because polystyrene foam can already hang on the walls for a good ten years, or even more. But many people are interested in putting everything in order, it is then that they will need to blow the cracks with foam or seal with putty, leveling with a mounting plastic mesh and another layer of putty, painting the walls.

This is a rather time-consuming process, and therefore we are sure that no one will want to mess with the pantry in this context.

Ventilation device

Any vegetable store, granary, cellar or even require ventilation. Its installation is mandatory for proper and long-term storage of products!

It is very easy to make ventilation, and for this we need only two holes in the pantry - for the inflow and outflow of air. Thus, it will be constantly replaced.

In the area of ​​​​the door, somewhere in the very partition of OSB boards, closer to the floor, we make a small hole with a special nozzle - a crown. She is also known as a ballerina. A hole with a diameter of 10-12 cm is enough. The second hole should be on the opposite wall, in last resort, on the side, but always under the ceiling. To do this, you can use a puncher, which will need to knock out a small hole, in the same 10-12 cm, facing the street. But to leave it just like that, without anything, like a hole in the partition, is in no way possible. You will need to purchase a plastic ventilation duct or a special galvanized pipe, which you can insert from the street in the form of a smoker. In addition, it will need to be covered so that rain water does not get inside, and a net should be placed at the entrance from the inside so that birds or rodents do not get into the pantry from the outside.

Installation of shelving and drawers in the pantry

Installation of shelving is the easiest and fastest thing to do, because all that needs to be considered here is the height of the shelving, as well as the depth of the shelves, so that any can can stand on it normally.

Racks are made of a wooden beam, installed between the ceiling and the floor in a spacer, and fixed to the corners. Such beams are installed along the walls, as well as about 40 cm from them. As a result, you get two beams along the wall, and two next to it. Between these two pairs, crossbars are installed, on which boards are subsequently erected, forming the shelves of the rack. In general, here, too, without special details, since even a novice summer resident can make a shelf, we are sure.

Such racks are installed around the entire perimeter of the pantry, and in the middle, on top of each other or just next to each other, boxes for vegetables are placed. You can also provide shelves for bags, hooks and wires, which we talked about above, for hanging bundles of garlic, onions and other products, come up with drawers or already upgrade and equip the pantry at your own discretion.

In conclusion of our story, we would like to remind you that it is imperative to protect the materials for the production of racks, boxes and pallets with paint, varnish or simply impregnation. You should also know that every year the pantry must be cleaned, dried and disinfected. Do not interfere inside the new premises and lighting!

Pantry in a country house (video)

We think that today we did our best, as we created a pantry in the country from the simplest materials. Believe me, such a room will be very useful, and in the near future, because it is not always possible to immediately transport the entire crop home or store it for a long time in a shed on a concrete floor.
