Dream Interpretation to close the old door with a key. Why dream of closing the door, dream book

Dream interpretation close the door

Why dream of closing the door? It seems that such a dream has nothing to hide from the sleeper, but, in fact, everything is not so simple. A closed door is a reflection of possible obstacles that arise on the way to the goal. The final result depends only on the dreamer, and he must understand this.

general information

As the dream book thinks, closing the door is a symbol that depends on a large number of related details. In one case, a person will expect problems and disappointment, and in the other, a constant desire for a better life. The main thing is to learn to leave in the past what has been oppressing for a long time and affecting the stability of the emotional state.

What do the experts think?

Before you begin to decipher the image you see, you must understand the potential difficulties that you may encounter. At the initial stage, try to highlight key events.

It makes no sense to dwell on only one option, since a lot depends on the context.

Women's dream book

Lock in a dream with a padlock

As the dream book prescribes, closing the door to the castle means concluding a happy marriage, in which the partner will be able to know you from different sides. It is also important to remember from which side you decided to close:

  • outside - you will be able to get rid of oppressive thoughts that for a long time did not allow you to relax normally;
  • from the inside - you want to protect yourself from external influences.

The female interpreter of dreams advises you to learn to accept and solve problems face to face, and not try to run away from them. Such a tactic of behavior is unlikely to lead to good results. By overcoming your own fears, you can become stronger and more confident. Locking the door one by one is another attempt to hide from problems.

A young representative of the fair sex closes the door - to the future acquaintance with an interesting and wealthy gentleman, who will allow you to gain not only financial, but also emotional dependence.

Symbolic dream book

Lock in a dream with a key

To close the door with a key - to possible difficulties in the personal and professional fields. The main thing - do not try to answer in the same way as the offender did. A dream that has been dreamed can be interpreted more accurately if the dreamer manages to remember the day the dream appeared. As a rule, night images that came on Tuesday or Thursday are considered prophetic, and therefore it is better to listen to them.

Dreams in which you had to close the doors are a certain warning: people who want to rob will soon appear. The dream interpreter advises to prepare for this in advance, so that later no surprises can piss you off.

A closed front door is related to certain professional areas related to advertising and the intellectual sphere. In such dreams, a warning is often hidden that your idea can be stolen, and the one who is most trusted will do it.

Miller's dream book

Deciphering what the closed door is dreaming of, the dreamer must understand that his attempt to hide gossip and intrigue from loved ones is doomed to failure. Enemies will try to do everything possible so that the information reaches the addressee, and therefore it is better to get ahead of them.

The front door is locked and does not give in to your efforts - to meet with a stronger enemy, and therefore it is better to think over a plan of your actions in advance. The lack of proper competencies can be compensated with the help of loved ones.

Close the door from the inside - your struggle with experienced fears continues to this day, but the results are disappointing. If a young girl saw such a dream, then she will be able to meet a person who can win her soul.

Lock yourself in a dream from the inside

Islamic dream book

Locking a new door in a dream - to marry a beautiful girl, if the gentleman is single. For married men, such a dream is a confirmation of a strong relationship that many simply envy.

The passage does not close, despite great efforts - the dreamer will be able to abandon the dubious business, which he cannot afford. The Islamic dream book says that closed doors indicate the wrong conduct of one's own life, and therefore it is time to reconsider one's views.

Where was?

Seeing closed doors in a dream is a sign of unexpected problems at work, so try to remember the place where the events took place.

I dreamed of many doors in the corridor


There are many doors in a spacious corridor - to the beginning of decisive times that require a solution to an unpleasant and difficult situation. Your task is to learn to endure all the hardships without resorting to the help of strangers.

Why dream of knocking on closed doors? For the fair sex, the final result will be of great importance:

  • opened - will be able to defend their point of view;
  • ignored - to possible problems in relations with the gentleman.

For married women, an open door indicates that the other half is ready to compromise. Slam the doors with your foot - to possible quarrels and conflicts.


I dreamed of closet doors - a sleeping person will have to touch a complex secret that will affect his future future. He will have to interpret the information correctly, otherwise she will play a cruel joke on him.

Dreamed of church gates


Why dream of the doors to the church? Such a dream is a reflection of possible changes for the worse. Longing will become an integral attribute of everyday life, and therefore it is better to think in advance about the nature of its appearance. The dream interpreter advises to abandon despondency, since any problems will end sooner or later.

How did everything go?

In your dreams, it is not always possible to remember the key action that allows you to shed light on the subsequent decoding.

Closing the door on the hook - your dreams are not destined to come true, but you should not indulge in despondency. Luck loves the brave, and therefore you can not leave your attempts.

Snapping on the key from the inside is a symbol of fictitious security, on which it is better not to place any hopes.

If the sleeping person cannot close the door, then he wants to enjoy loneliness and his own company more often. The dream interpreter advises using this time to good use, sorting out your thoughts. Of course, such complex work on oneself will have to be brought to its logical conclusion.

It is not possible to close the door to the apartment - a symbol that reflects self-doubt and subconscious fears. The plan will be realized only when it is possible to get rid of the shortcomings.

Latching a lot of doors - you will be able to avoid a lot of difficulties, but do not try to constantly avoid them. The more obstacles you can overcome, the easier it will be later.

Passages close by themselves - to future meetings with unpleasant people. The dream interpreter warns that the future may depend on them, so try to show good communication skills. Having passed such a test, you can count on an improvement in your life situation.

To see a lot of locked doors - you fail to learn about any rules or laws that hinder development.

Often such dreams predict betrayal or betrayal in the family, professional problems. What else can portend the appearance of a door in a dream?

Symbolic dream book

A closing door can symbolize your attitude to the profession. Most of all, this applies to intellectual or advertising work. Make sure that no one can steal your work if the door is closed, and even strengthened with something.

If you dreamed that you yourself closed the door, this could be a warning about theft or robbery.

Women's dream book

According to the dream book, a woman closes the door - she will soon get married.

If a girl closes the door, she will have to meet a wealthy man. With him, she will be happy in family life.

Was there something in your life that you don't want to remember? Do these memories cause negative emotions and interfere with your life? You may have a dream in which you close the doors. He will confirm your desire to erase the past from life.

The desire to part with what oppresses and disturbs you will be expressed in which you close the door from the outside. Find the strength to overcome your fears.

Home dream book

This dream book claims that closing the door in a dream is to make some kind of decision.


You intend to close the door, but it comes off and falls right on you, which means that you and close friends should be afraid of something.

You can't get inside because the door is closed - make sure not to commit any rash acts. Cancel unnecessary appointments.

Closing the door in a dream - to future troubles and disappointments.

Dream Interpretation Felomena

The forces of your enemies greatly exceed your capabilities. Danger awaits you. Gather your strength, you will need great courage to adequately get out of a difficult situation. This is warned by a dream in which you close the door.

In general, a dream about a door is a dream of an existing opportunity to analyze your inner world.

An open door - you can safely start your own business. If you dreamed of a closed door, then do not rush into it. You just have to wait for the right moment.

I had a dream that you forgot to close the door? Be extremely careful and careful. You can incur losses, lose money. And it will happen solely through your fault.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

If you had a dream in which you close the doors, then you just need to speak out. Don't hold on to what hurts.

In general, doors in a dream mean obstacles.

If the doors themselves open in front of you in a dream, then this means that everything you have planned can come true and success in business awaits you.

A dream about an open door portends a woman that she will soon have a new lover.

Opening the door yourself in a dream is a sign that you will have no one to blame or thank for what happened.

To see new doors in your house - to add a family or a change in lifestyle associated with new problems.

For those who are expecting the birth of a child, such a dream predicts the birth of a son.

The doors that slammed shut in front of you and those that you could not open are failures.

Searching and not finding the door in your own house is a sign of obstacles in business; such a dream predicts to the sick that his illness will last a very long time and may end in death.

To stop near a closed door in a dream and call it or make a phone call means that at the moment the implementation of your plans depends on other people. Expect disappointment.

To see open doors in a dream - to a gift or an unexpected pleasant incident.

Locks on the doors mean the intrigues of ill-wishers.

Locking the door with a key in a dream is a sign of imminent marriage for women.

If in a dream the door to your apartment or house suddenly flung open, then expect unpleasant news that will cause you a lot of trouble.

Sometimes such a dream predicts grief and the loss of a loved one. For some, a dream predicts that they will soon have to change their place of residence.

The creaking of a door in a dream will warn you of an unpleasant visit.

A door burning with a bright flame means a meeting with friends whom you will accept with open arms.

Burnt out doors in a dream - portend a great misfortune that can happen to one of your family members or to someone who had such a dream.

The dream in which you saw that you forgot to close the door means that through your own fault you will lose money or incur losses.

Entering the door in a dream is a sign that you will be engaged in some business that will cause you a lot of trouble.

If you dream that in a dream you entered the door of your parental home, then your anxieties will subside and your soul will find peace in the circle of loved ones.

The dream in which you saw the door close behind someone means a quick separation from this person.

For spouses, such a dream means a divorce (if you saw or know that the door closed behind your spouse).

Hearing a knock on the door in a dream is a bad omen. Wait for bad news - this is trouble knocking on your house.

If you dream that you are trying to close the door, and at the same time it falls, then beware of an accident.

If in a dream the door falls on someone, then this person is in danger in reality.

See interpretation: house, fire, key.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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You can foresee the most significant events of your life. So - to contribute to the accomplishment of good and pleasant things and prevent troubles. Or at least weaken their impact on your life. In order to understand what the door is dreaming of and to be able to decipher your dream, you must remember that it primarily indicates the path, the direction of movement, new opportunities and access to both the material joys of life and spiritual perfection. At the same time, the door marks a certain boundary - between oneself and outsiders, between the inner and outer worlds, etc.

locked doors

Not the most favorable symbol, which should make the dreamer think a lot. For any details and circumstances accompanying the dream, this means at least obstacles in achieving something important. Even worse is the answer to the question of why a closed door is dreaming of in bad weather outside. That is, if in a dream you are standing in the rain, hail or snow, in the wind, but you cannot enter the house, this means that in reality you will do something ridiculous, rude or stupid, as a result of which you will undermine your reputation, you be ashamed and have to apologize to friends.

It is much more pleasant to decipher why a girl dreams of a closed door, and even if she herself locks it with a key. Such events promise the young lady a quick marriage, and Mendelssohn's waltz will be played for her in tandem with her beloved and not poor chosen one.

If, on which the castle hangs, the vision portends a meeting with people who are personally unpleasant to you. The size of the castle hints at how soon this will happen: the larger it is, the sooner the painful visit is expected.

Dream about entering the house

Interpretations of what dreams of opening the door from the outside and from the inside are different. It's one thing if you do this while on the street, and the house is someone else's or yours (but not your parent's, this is important!). Such a vision warns the sleeper of the imminent slander that will befall him. And no matter how hard he tries in reality to avoid attacks, he will not succeed.

The door that you opened, leading to the house of your childhood, has a completely different meaning, especially if there were no others in the area besides it. Such a dream promises the constant support of loved ones - both relatives and friends - who will never betray you.

The explanation of why you dream of opening the door from the inside (like a host welcoming guests) depends on how you feel about those who come. If they are unpleasant for you - get ready for some kind of life's grief; if you are glad to come, then in reality a positive surprise awaits you.

If you are interested in what the door opens from the inside in a dream, but for your exit, then the answer also depends on the purpose for which you are leaving. The scandal that precedes this interprets your departure as an escape, that is, you want to postpone solving serious and difficult issues. Fees for work - your busyness "resolving" problems. Going for a walk - a close trip (most likely on vacation) or an exciting date. A door unlocked with a key is considered a positive sign: such a dream means that there is an easy and quick way out of a situation that you considered a dead end and insoluble.

open doors

Now consider what the door is dreaming of, open either by you or for you. In any variations, this is a very happy dream. First of all, an open door means mutual and happy love. No less often she dreams of an unexpected rather large gift. If the door opened on its own, without your participation and the efforts of other dream characters, things will get better for you in the near future, and success will await in all working areas.

Dream interpretation: the door does not close

According to experts, there are warning visions. They dream in order to warn a person against rash acts or dashing people. To prepare for possible troubles, it is worth remembering what the dream of a door that cannot be closed is for. This dream is just such a category. If, despite all efforts, the canvas does not pretend to be tight, it means that some powerful person presses the dreamer in reality, trying to gain influence over him. Surely it will be used to the detriment of the one who sees such a dream.

Looking for an entrance

Difficulties and obstacles await the dreamer, who is looking for a door in the wall, but cannot find it, although he knows for sure that it should be. Most often, such a dream warns of problems at work. But there is a possibility that you have lost a common language with loved ones - with your wife (husband) or children, and if you do not try to improve relations, then circumstances will lead to conflicts and a break.

Actions with doors

The manipulations performed with it help to understand what the door is dreaming of. The most transparent explanations of the following dreams:

Door damage

A dreaming of a decrepit, chipped, old door warns that the solution to the problem that you constantly pushed back is no longer delayed. The longer you delay, the more complex the unresolved issue will become. The front door broken by an unknown person draws your attention to the fact that due to the intervention of outsiders, and quite arrogant and unceremonious, you are in danger of trouble in personal relationships. If your soulmate soon after that dream begins to start a conversation with you on a strange topic (treason, inattention, squandering, or, on the contrary, hiding stash), you should carefully find out who “sings in the ears” of a person close to you, and try to isolate them from each other. friend.

But if you dream of an old door, but broken and broken - this is to enrichment, quite rapid, most often - to an inheritance.

One of the worst dreams is the one in which a burning door is seen. It portends someone's death or a serious and prolonged illness. If you dream of a house without doors at all, even leaning on the side, it means that health problems threaten the dreamer personally, and in order to avoid long treatment, it is better for him to immediately undergo an examination.

What is the canvas made of?

In order to correctly understand what the door is dreaming of, you need to pay attention to the smallest details, in particular, to the material from which it is made. Iron suggests that you have to move to a new level of life. But up or down - will show the plot of the dream and other details. If the doors are armored, powerful support accompanies you in life. And if you don’t suspect whose side, think about it: such a person can help you a lot in a situation where you can’t do it on your own. The glass door is a call to vigilance. In general terms, it denotes the approach of a negative, most often a financial one, associated with a tempting but unscrupulous offer, the adoption of which will result in significant monetary losses. Wooden doors show that the dreamer's family is not sufficiently protected from gossip, rumors and psychological pressure, which may cause peace between its members.

Color Meaning

Most often, the door in a dream does not have any pronounced shade. However, there are exceptions. Either black or white doors are remembered. In the first case, the dream suggests that you need friendly help, and if it is offered, you should not refuse - you will deal with problems for a long time, tediously and with losses. If you recognize the house in which there is a black door, this makes the task easier: it is the person who lives in it who is easier and more comfortable to help you. The dreamed white doors have a double interpretation. One by one, behind them lives the one to whom you should lend a helping hand. And it’s not worth the sign: maybe you really will save a good person. Another interpretation suggests that an abstract white door was dreamed of, not tied to a plot or personality. In this case, the dream promises the onset of good and full times soon.


Often a dream is seen, the front door of which is broken down with the help of improvised tools. His assessment depends on the perception of events by the beholder. Fear, panic, attempts to support the door with something or search for a weapon (the same rolling pin) for subsequent resistance indicate that your subconscious mind has identified a person among those around you who is preparing a blow to you. Moreover, you treat the ill-wisher quite well and do not expect nasty things from him. However, if it was not possible to break down the door, you should not expect trouble from the enemy - nothing will come of it. Otherwise, that is, when the dreamer rejoices at what is happening, or even helps those who are rushing towards him, the dream portends the opening of new horizons, either professionally or personally.

And why dream of a door knocked out with almost one blow, sometimes along with a jamb? Such a dream draws your attention to the fact that you are too dependent on the opinions of colleagues and fell under their influence. You need to learn to have your own point of view so that you are respected, and defend it in a way that does not offend those who work with you.

many doors

An interesting option is when or a hall with a large number of entrances and exits from it. This dream denotes the fatefulness of your upcoming choice. Moreover, it is provided with a wide range of offers. Your task in a dream is to open the right door. If you didn't, you may have missed the best chance of your life. However, how correctly you made your choice will have to be determined by the type of doors, the ease of opening them, the emotions that accompany the process, and small related details. In any case, upon waking up, a person should realize that the time has come for the implementation of long-thought-out plans.

Whatever you dream about, in whatever subject the meaning of the prediction or warning is encrypted, always try to notice and remember the maximum number of details: this way it will be much easier to “translate” the message, and the interpretation will be much more accurate.

Why does a woman dream of Closing doors (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

I dreamed of closing the doors - to marriage, if you lock the doors. To close the doors from the outside is to leave behind everything oppressive and disappointing you. If in a dream you close the doors from the inside - the desire to protect yourself from trouble. Learn to meet problem situations face to face. Only overcoming your own fear will help you cope with any problems with dignity. You want to hide from yourself if you close doors one after another in a dream. Why dream of closing doors in a dream - to fear, disappointment and trouble in your personal life.

To dream that you are closing the doors - perhaps you want to protect yourself from the outside world. Why dream of Closing doors in a dream is a desire to get rid of a traumatic past. This dream suggests that in the past you experienced something that you do not want to remember, afraid to feel the same emotions in the present. A young girl closes the door in a dream - to soon meet a wealthy man with whom you will gain complete independence and be happy in marriage.

The meaning of the dream about closing the doors (Symbolic dream book)

Closing doors - to trouble in the professional field or in the family, to possible betrayal or betrayal. In many ways, the meaning of sleep depends on what day you saw it. Dreams were dreamed on Tuesday or Thursday - they are more likely to be considered prophetic, therefore, treat them with particular caution. You close the doors is a warning.

Be careful in the coming days to your property - perhaps they want to rob or rob you. The symbol of a closing door is also related to professional activities, especially if you work in the field of advertising or the intellectual field. Your ideas can be appropriated by someone you trusted, if in a dream you are trying not only to close the doors, but also to strengthen them with something. Close doors - you want to protect yourself and loved ones from the troubles, gossip and intrigue that your enemies spread.

To close doors that are difficult for your efforts is to face a stronger opponent. Closing the doors to the castle - to an early meeting with a young man who will win your heart in the future. Closing doors from the inside in a dream is a struggle with fears from the past that you want to, but cannot get rid of.

The meaning of the dream about Locking (Islamic dream book)

To see how you close the doors - a dream often indicates that in life you are doing things wrong, not acting in accordance with the established order. A single dreamer who saw himself closing new doors - closing new doors in a dream - will be blessed by Allah, because he will marry a modest and well-behaved girl. If someone dreams of closing doors that do not close, and it turns out to be impossible to lock them, it means that you have to give up some business that you are powerless to do. You will probably be able to avoid something bad in this life, so sleep can certainly be considered a very positive omen.

We analyze the vision in which the Shelter was dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist A. Meneghetti)

Close - An image denoting a huge number of feelings, emotions that a person has. If a person closes someone in a room, this is an image of limiting the activity of this negative subject, a feeling of jealousy towards him, even fear of him, a desire to keep him away from the whole world or take revenge on him for something.

If a person sees that he himself is closing in a room, then this is a reflection of the desire to retire, erect a kind of barrier between himself and others, limit the possibility of penetration into his emotional, sexual sphere, the desire to close his emotions, and this is also a feeling of an existing threat from others people or the expectation of possible punishment for real or imagined blunders.

If someone closes the subject indoors, this is a reflection of the person’s feeling that his life has been going on with many restrictions lately, as well as the feeling that the one who closes him is jealous, afraid, wants to own the whole world while he is locked up. If a person finds himself in front of a locked door, this is a feeling of discrimination in relation to his personality, a barrier between him and other people, as well as emotional rejection from a sexually desirable partner for him.

They closed the doors in a dream (from the book of Olga Smurova)

To dream that you have closed someone and do not let them out means that you will soon create obstacles in the affairs of your enemies, which will help you achieve what you want. If you were closed in a dream and you cannot get out, then this is a negative sign and predicts that you will have many obstacles in business. Often a dream predicts a long and painful illness for you. To dream that you managed to get out of a locked room - then you will have great success. For a patient, a dream predicts a quick and happy recovery.

I dreamed of Close - It is a dream that you are closing something (a door, a lid, a book, etc.) - your business is nearing completion; problems are coming to an end. Close for Quarantine - You dream that some institution is closed for quarantine - even your most distant plans will come true, but this will take more time than you expected. You yourself seem to be in quarantine - the enemies will somehow be able to harm you; you will not immediately find a way out of a difficult situation. Close for Quarantine - the need for purification or renewal of the soul; conflicting feelings about the moral side of your life.

The meaning of the dream about the Doors (Modern dream book)

The meaning of the dream in which you dream of closing the doors depends on what exactly happened in it. It is a dream that you close the doors, lock them, fence yourself off from someone - this is a positive sign saying that you will be able to create big problems for your enemies, you will successfully prevent them from moving forward. If, on the contrary, someone locked you in the room, closed the doors, and now you just can’t get out of there, the dream is clearly negative.

It predicts that you will have numerous problems and troubles. Or a long and painful illness awaits you. If you still managed to get out of the locked room - that's good. The dream promises that after a certain struggle you will be able to succeed and shame your ill-wishers. If you get sick, then a happy recovery awaits you.

When a woman dreams that she closes the doors, it means that in her soul she has already made some kind of final decision. Closing the doors behind you in a dream - you are ready to take a step into a new life and say goodbye to your past. Usually a dream predicts the onset of peace of mind for you after a long period of worries, hesitation and indecision. Only better times are ahead of you.

What does the dream mean Close the doors (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why dream about closing the doors in the house means that you always try to be alone.

If in the summer you had a dream about how you close all the windows in the house - to leave or sell the house.

In the fall, why did you dream of closing the doors - the completion of the case.

In winter, why dream of closing the doors - to illness.
