The design of a small children's room for a rectangular girl. Features of the design of a long, narrow room


Arranging a nursery to please one child can be difficult. And if two children live in it (also of different sexes!), Then the task is doubly complicated.

Fortunately, designers have developed many interesting ideas that parents can adopt. And a selection of photos below will help you choose the option that is suitable for the area and layout.

Basic principles of arrangement

In a narrow children's wall of lesser length, wallpaper with a discreet horizontal pattern and a pronounced perspective will help to visually lengthen.

2. Choose furniture.

It would be reasonable to give preference to multifunctional options:

  • children's corners;
  • transforming beds;
  • loft beds;
  • bunk structures;

Such furniture saves space and solves the problem of zoning. For children of different ages, a bed taken for the growth of a younger child will save money.

Universal will be classic models of neutral color from solid wood, fiberboard or MDF, simple in shape, without a carved pattern.

For teenagers of different sexes, curtains will help highlight their personal space.

Small children of about the same age will be pleased with the bed-house. It will become not only a sleeping place, but also a cozy play area.

A wardrobe bed or a sofa with a pull-out bed in a room for a girl and a boy up to 7-9 years old will solve the problem of lack of square meters.

For children with different hobbies, you can order a loft bed with separate play areas.

A small room requires more space and freedom. "Smart" storage systems will allow you to maintain order even in a huge kingdom of toys. These can be built-in wardrobes, chests of drawers equipped with bed drawers, additional shelving on the side surface of multi-level structures.

Children's 14-15 sq. meters

Such a room gives more freedom in choosing decor and furniture.

1. Color design.

In a medium and large nursery, it is appropriate to combine different colors in the decoration. For example, you can paint opposite walls in traditional pink and blue or peach and gray, thereby visually separating the half of the boy and girl.

The use of neutral colors also remains relevant, especially if the children have a big age difference or they have different temperaments.

2. Choice of furniture.

Rational and ergonomic furniture with "smart" storage systems will always be a priority. In fairly spacious children's 16 or 18 square meters. m you can put two single beds. These can be ordinary single-sleeping options with built-in drawers or shelves, or two two-level structures, then each below can have its own study or play area.

The dimensions of the room allow you to put two separate cabinets or two walls in order to completely separate the toys and thereby avoid quarrels.

From big room from 20 sq. m you can make two full-fledged children. The only limitation in this case is the location of the window. In most cases, a partition can separate sleeping and play areas and leave a common area where wardrobes, storage racks can be located. Such an option is ideal solution for teenagers, therefore, deserves special attention.

For teenagers and children of all ages

During this difficult transitional period, both children have a heightened sense of independence, a possessive attitude.

There may be several ideas on how to share a room for a boy and a girl.

1. If possible, then the best solution would be to install a partition using drywall or shelving with the maximum separation of all zones.

2. A good optionpartial separation with common areas use. In a narrow room, for example, where the window is located in the center of a smaller wall, it is impossible to completely separate each individual half. The window seat can be used to organize the study area by setting. In another part of the room, you can put loft beds, as suggested above, bunk beds with curtains or two separate beds with a small partition.

3. For a small bedroom, a loft bed with a personal space for everyone on the lower tier and the use of curtains in the sleeping area would be a good idea. For young girls, you can also equip a personal dressing room under the upper tier.

Teenagers feel like adults and independent individuals. This should be reflected in the interior:, modern style and decor in the form of modular paintings, photo wallpapers depicting night megacities or on the theme of cinema, fashion.

Decor features

The peculiarity of arranging a children's room for children of different sexes is primarily manifested in accessories, textile design, and decoration design. The decor reflects the hobbies and hobbies of the boy and girl. Create harmonious interior The following tips will help:

  1. The more differences between children in character, temperament, hobbies, the more neutral the walls should be. Give up.
  2. If children have common favorite cartoons, fairy tales, then the characters from them can be used as the theme of the image on the photo wallpaper.
  3. Use different textile designs for boys and girls: bedding, pillowcases on sofa cushions etc. Curtains on the windows should be neutral, universal colors.
  4. To avoid quarrels between children, visually separate furniture using color schemes. For example, the blue half of the closet would be for a boy, while the yellow or pink half would be for a girl.

A room for a child is very important not only for a child, but also for caring parents. Here the baby should feel as comfortable as possible. If for the owners of a large room you do not need to be limited in fantasies, then for a long nursery choose suitable design problematic enough.

Accents of cramped interior space

Extraordinary dimensions of the room are always difficult for design decoration. The problem lies in sufficiently long wall surfaces, especially when there are two window openings and end surfaces of walls, narrow doorways.

In order not to resort to redevelopment, there are techniques using which you can eliminate the disadvantages, while creating a room that is comfortable for children.

Exist certain rules, following which the narrow, long room of the child will turn into a comfortable room.


It is important to understand that options style directions The design of a cramped room will be very limited by the use of a specific range of shades.

It is necessary to use exceptionally calm light colors that visually enlarge the space and, of course, fill it with light.

In the process of zoning a room, it is important to ensure that textiles, furniture, partitions do not interfere with the passage of daylight. You also need to make sure that the barrier is secure.


The bed must be placed as far as possible from the entrance to the room, because a high sound background can be traced near it, and the baby may suddenly wake up. Near the window opening is much more comfortable and calmer. If you imagine yourself instead of a sleeping crumb, it will become clear that it is better to sleep behind a screen, a niche.

You should not clutter up a narrow room for a child with objects, as in the photo, since the interior is already cramped. It is better to abandon unnecessary structures in the nursery, it is advisable to lay a soft carpet on the floor surface, throwing a lot of toys over it.

Do not forget that the baby should often change his activity throughout the day. So that he can constantly develop physically, equip the room with sports elements. Place a table for classes, drawing, a chair in the room.

In choosing pieces of furniture, it is preferable to include your imagination, but it is important to remember that designs should be as safe as possible, excluding traumatic corners. In a small narrow space it is important to observe the required precautions.

To properly furnish a room for a child, buy transforming reliable furniture:

  • Bunk, folding sleeping bed;
  • Folding table;
  • A tabletop attached to a cabinet.

Design solutions

If you are wondering how to decorate the interior in a narrow nursery, then it is important to understand that you should level the wall surface and visually expand the short ones. It is good to do this through the correct distribution of the palette.

The short wall surface should have a colorful hue, and the range of the long wall surface should be decorated in soothing shades.

The classic option for boys is blue or green, all shades of neutral colors. For successful design rooms for a girl are perfect cream, pink and, of course, lilac shades.

If the room is equipped for kids of different sexes, you can successfully combine several of these shades. So, the kids will have their own separate space.

If the baby is too mobile, then light calm shades in the interior space will contribute to his perseverance. And, on the contrary, in order to properly support the psyche of an overly calm baby, use a colorful palette in the design and decoration of the room. In addition, it is important to follow some tips:

  • Set to window openings good quality double-glazed windows.
  • Opt for lightweight textiles. No need to choose heavy curtains, they block daylight, and a gloomy atmosphere will reign in the room in a fairly narrow area.
  • Lighting should not be too bright. Arrange the necessary lamps separately in the sleeping area, separately in the place of games.
  • Facing must be carried out using available price category, however, building materials that are safe for children's health.

If several same-sex or heterosexual babies live in the room, then the issue of the necessary design for a long room will become relevant. After all, everyone has completely different hobbies, as well as preferences. It is necessary to allocate a place for all the kids, albeit small, even a square meter, but their own.

Experienced psychologists strongly believe that living together children improves skills proper communication teaches respect and consideration for the opinions of relatives. All of these skills, of course, will be useful to the baby in the future.

Photo of a narrow children's room

The children's room is important both for the child himself and for his parents. The child in it should be comfortable and cozy, and the parents should be calm, that nothing interferes with the development of their baby. If you don’t have to limit yourself in fantasy for owners of a large space, then it’s not always easy to choose a design for a narrow children’s room.

The main accents of the "narrow" interior

Non-standard forms of rooms always present a certain difficulty for design. The problem is two long walls, especially if they have windows, and the end walls, which are excluded from arrangement variations, are narrow doorways. In order not to carry out redevelopment, there are several tricks that not only level the shortcomings, but also make the room comfortable - this is a nursery.

Key highlights to be highlighted:

  • choice of wall decor;
  • selection color solution;
  • door frame;
  • ceiling design;
  • zoning;
  • lighting;
  • flooring;
  • furniture.

Light help!

You should immediately come to terms with the fact that a narrow nursery will be limited to the use of a certain color scheme.

From a specialist! Saturated and dark colors the same throughout the room is strictly prohibited. They are used only as decoration.

Only light, neutral colors should be used:

  • light green;
  • milky beige;
  • baked milk;
  • pearl;
  • light pink;
  • sky blue.

Such colors expand the space, fill it with light.

Correctly decorate the walls, ceiling, floor

Visually reduce the length of the room will help accents on short walls. They are painted or pasted over with wallpaper of a darker tone than the main one, drawings are applied and decorated with bright details. Ideally, it is necessary to select decors that contrast in color. A well-chosen long children's photo wallpaper or 3D wallpaper will also divert attention from long walls.

Wallpaper with vertical stripes will help visually shorten long walls. It is appropriate to use such wallpapers only in one area or zone, for example, near a bed or a working part.

The ceiling is best painted in light tone or paste over with wallpaper that is simple in texture. Stretch ceiling and suspended drywall structures will only make the space heavier.

On a note! The color for the ceiling is chosen a tone lighter than the main one near the walls. Such a trick will visually make the room wider and more spacious.

The exception is rooms with very high walls, or the design to match the general will become the main detail of the interior.

The flooring also plays an important role in the design of a narrow long children's room: it must be warm, environmentally friendly and at the same time hide the imperfections of the room. The most acceptable options are carpet,.

When laying a laminate, it is necessary to adhere to the main principle: the laminates themselves are located in a narrow part parallel to the wide walls.

Parquet is selected with a rectangular pattern and the narrow side is laid perpendicular to the end walls.

Designer advice!
It is more correct to choose a rectangular-shaped carpet and place it so that the narrow part rests against a wide wall.

Pay attention to the shape and size of the doors. If possible, they should be expanded. Great for increasing space swing doors. The color of the doors should be matched to the tone of the flooring.

Space zoning

But everything repair work are carried out only after determining the main areas in the nursery. First you need to carefully measure the space, and not only the area, but also the possibility of locating the second tier and, if any, all niches and recesses.

This will help to make a sketch on which the following zones will be distributed:

  • bedroom;
  • working;
  • recreation;
  • storage;
  • wardrobe.

Such a number of zones is difficult to strictly delineate in a narrow space. Designers offer to combine the bedroom with a place to relax, and design the workroom so that it can easily be transformed into a place of rest and communication.

Zoning can be organized in the following ways:

  • distribution of furniture;
  • lighting design;
  • various wall colors;
  • separation using screens, shelving.

For narrow room often use a rack for dividing into. They turn out small size, but you can decorate them in completely different ways. As a rack, a high stand with fresh flowers looks interesting.

Expert advice! If a partition is used, it is very firmly attached. Pots with flowers are also properly strengthened to the shelves of the bookcase.

Attention: lighting!

It is important to know!

If all the lighting devices are placed along a long wall, they will not give an effect, but will narrow the space even more. It is necessary for the installation of lighting to use narrow walls as much as possible.

For a rectangular room, the traditional location of the chandelier in the center will be inconvenient. It is more correct to organize autonomous lighting of each zone and several lamps on the ceiling.

Luminaires are selected with such power that for one square meter accounted for at least 12 MW of light energy.

For creating unusual design children's room. Patterns, unusual paintings, original landscapes are created from it on the walls.

How to arrange furniture

An important part of any interior is furniture. The choice of furniture for decorating the design of a rectangular children's room must be approached very thoughtfully. For narrow rooms, multifunctional or transforming furniture is suitable. In such options, beds and tables are often made folding. This saves space.

Important! In a narrow room, try not to place all the furniture along one wall continuously. It is better if there are gaps between the individual parts in which decorative elements are located, a mirror.

Organization bed very important for a child. If possible, better bed placed across the room at the end wall. It is very convenient to purchase a loft bed, and place under it workplace. Well, the option with a reclining bed should not be discarded.

For the workplace, experts traditionally advise choosing the part of the nursery next to the window. If this does not work, you can get acquainted with the design of the girl's room.

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The arrangement of a small nursery is quite standard and not so difficult task. But if, in addition, it is also narrow or has an elongated rectangular shape, then parents need to break their heads. How to arrange play area? Which layout to choose? What if the room needs to be equipped for two children? ? Our tips and a selection of 50 photos will help you deal with these and other questions about the repair and design of a narrow children's room.

Tip 1. The best finish for a narrow room is light-colored walls and floors.

Light finish in a narrow and even more so long room is almost the only possible variant but very efficient. Children's room, decorated in white, light gray, light beige, pastel colors will appear more spacious, lighter and neater.

  • If you want to decorate the walls with wallpaper, then let it be wallpaper with an unobtrusive pattern. Bright coatings in a narrow nursery can only be finished on one wall.

Tip 2. Functional bed - 50% success

The bed is the most important and ... the most bulky part of the children's bedroom. Therefore, her choice for a narrow room must be approached doubly meticulously. It should be not only beautiful, but also as functional as possible, that is:

  • Have places to store things - pillows, bed linen, toys, etc.
  • Transform, for example, from a narrow couch or sofa into a full bed. For example, it can be a sofa bed from the "adult" Hamnes series as in the photo below, which is suitable for the bedroom of both a boy and a girl.

  • There is another effective idea - which will allow you to allocate additional space for games or study. Such a bed can be ordered according to an individual project, or you can find it in stores.

  • If the room needs to be equipped for two, then it is better to choose a bunk bed.

Tip 3. It is better to plan the layout of the furniture so that the table and / or bed stand by the window

Most good option layouts of a narrow children's room (and any other), when two zones in need of good lighting- study and bedroom, located by the window or as close as possible to it. Below are photo examples of such an arrangement of furniture in the interiors of the bedrooms of girls and boys (scroll to the right).

In general, in the matter of planning, long and narrow children's rooms provide little choice - most often it is only an L-shaped or even single-row scheme (for a very narrow room).

An example of a single-row layout in the interior of a girl's narrow children's room:

An example of a two-row furniture layout

  • In a narrow or long nursery, it is not recommended to put furniture in one continuous row; it is better to separate it, for example, with a mirror or a play area.
  • If two children live in a room, and even more so a boy and a girl, then it is better to zone “their territories” with something (a rack, a partition, a curtain, a bedside table, etc.).

However, if the width of the room allows, then you can choose a U-shaped or two-row layout.

  • In this case, the distance between two rows of furniture should be at least 1 meter.

Double row layout

U-shaped layout

Tip 4. About the tricks of choosing a closet and additional storage places

  • Use the walls of the room for extra shelves and wall cabinets which can be installed over front door, table, bed or window. Here are some examples of how this can be done.

Placement examples extra beds storage

  • Corner wardrobes and bookcases, as well as open shelves, will help save space.

  • Also keep in mind that wardrobes appear smaller if they aren't intricately decorated, match the color of the wall, or are painted white or any neutral hue.

Tip 5. Soft and even lighting is the key to comfort

When planning the design of a narrow nursery, you should not be limited to only one central ceiling chandelier- it will create sharp shadows and thereby reduce the space. To visually expand it, you need to arrange the light sources as evenly as possible. For example, it can be inconspicuous around the entire perimeter of the ceiling and / or local lamps in different places- on a chest of drawers, above a wardrobe, on a table, above a bed, etc. Then the lighting will turn out to be soft, diffused and cozy.

  • The lamps themselves should not be bulky and too elegant.

Tip 6. Cross stripes - the secret to "expanding" a narrow room

Wallpaper, curtains, floors laid with "boards" across, and not along the room, will create optical illusion expansion of space. Don't underestimate this old design technique, because it really affects the overall perception of the interior.

Striped carpets in the interior
