How to paint old furniture with your own hands. How to paint an old interior door How to repaint old furniture with your own hands

Modern interior items go out of fashion very quickly or lose their attractiveness, but acquiring new ones is not always possible. In this connection, the question arises: how to repaint furniture from chipboard with your own hands, so that the product acquires an attractive appearance? It is not always easy to do this, because the result is influenced not only right choice materials and technology, but also the accuracy of the process.

Do-it-yourself painting of old furniture is a difficult and risky procedure. The fact is that for the manufacture of interior items (wardrobes, chests of drawers, kitchen modules), processed materials with a decorative layer are used. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly determine the type of coverage in order to draw up a work plan.

Chipboards used in furniture production, can be of the following types:

There are other types of plates, but they are not so common.

How to paint old furniture

To paint boring or defective interior items, you need to choose a composition suitable for these purposes. The main recommendation when choosing is to abandon cheap options.

Paint for furniture from chipboard should be chosen, taking into account the characteristics of the compositions:

  1. Oil. Preference should be given to well-known brands. A significant disadvantage is unpleasant and toxic fumes, in addition, the drying period of the solution is quite long. It is necessary to lay such a mixture in thin layers, which is why the material is used infrequently.
  2. Acrylic. Modern version water-dispersed paints. The composition has many positive qualities which makes it in demand. But when working with laminated chipboard, it is necessary to purchase a solution with increased adhesion and not dilute it with water.
  3. Alkyd. This option is much preferable to oil. The products are suitable for painting furniture, but work is carried out in well-ventilated areas due to the specific smell of the composition.

Of the three proposed, the best is acrylic paint, oil paint is affordable, and alkyd enamel is considered the golden mean.

On a note! For coloring or decorating small plots used paint in cans. For example, a bedside table will require one or two containers.

Chipboard can be repainted with other types of compositions. The stain is used only for tinting veneered material. Varnish serves to fix the decorative layer, can act as independent composition, but this will require complex preparation of the base. For work, it is better to use a quick-drying variety.

An obligatory element of the coating is a primer, the composition must have good adhesion.

None without soil decorative coating not applied to chipboard

How to paint chipboard

Coloring furniture from chipboard includes two main steps:

  • preparatory stage;
  • painting work.

On a note! When deciding on painting laminated chipboard, it should be borne in mind that the end result, even if all the nuances are observed, does not always meet expectations.

It is convenient to paint chipboard from an aerosol can, especially if you want to make a stencil pattern

Tool selection

Various tools can be used for work:

  • Airbrush. Due to the fact that furniture parts made of wood-shaving material have a flat base, it is this device that is the best option. When sprayed, the paint can be laid more evenly. The main problem with this tool is correct selection distances. In the case of erroneous calculations, streaks and sagging are formed.
  • roller. This device is most often used at home. It is not always easy to paint with a roller, since the applied layer must have a small thickness, otherwise sagging will become noticeable. To paint furniture, tools with a medium-length fur coat are used.
  • Foam sponge. Suitable for tinting and painting well-primed elements, it allows you to get a uniform coating, but subject to the utmost care.

When restoring old furniture, you can get by with an affordable tool

Brushes for such a process are rarely used, their main purpose is decoration. They allow you to create the effect of antiquity, but if a base layer was previously applied that hides the base.

On a note! repainting old table or a chest of drawers, the docking of parts is taken into account: a new layer should not lead to the appearance of distortions and protruding sections.

Foundation preparation

Step by step preparation instructions:

This is how all the details are handled.

If it is not possible to completely disassemble old furniture, then before painting the floor is covered with polyethylene


Coating of fragments with paint is carried out according to the scheme:

  1. The element is primed. It is recommended to perform at least two treatments, each time waiting for the product to dry completely.
  2. The coloring composition is being prepared. It is well stirred and tinted if necessary.
  3. The mixture is poured into a convenient container for the roller. The tool is impregnated with a solution, the excess is squeezed out.
  4. Painting starts from the middle. The mixture rolls well on the base, the movements should be parallel, it is impossible to create a thick layer. The first layer is the base, you must wait until it dries completely.
  5. Then the main coating is applied according to the previous principle.
  6. When using an airbrush, you will need to dilute the composition used. For selection optimal distance training staining is carried out.
Regardless of the type of composition, the surface is painted in 2 - 3 layers

If the part is subject to constant impact, then an additional layer of varnish is applied.

Furniture decoration

Decorating such material is not too easy. Many recommendations are found on creating the Provence style, but it will not work to achieve the effect that is obtained on furniture made of wood, plywood or MDF. This is due to the fact that chipboard products rarely have the desired appearance.

Using simple fixtures on furniture made of chipboard, you can create genuine masterpieces

You can diversify the interior in the following ways:

  • Painting countertops or dresser fronts White color, and other front parts - in black. For this, paint with a glossy finish is used. The technology completely repeats the one described above, but the difference lies in applying three layers of varnish to the parts. The first layer is left untreated, and the subsequent ones are ground and polished.

To work in the "Decoupage" technique (artificial aging), special paints are used
  • Aging. To create this effect, after laying the base coat, paint with a darker color is applied with a brush. The movements should be sweeping and slightly uneven, a diluted white composition can be applied on top. Everything is fixed with varnish.

You will need

  • - dye;
  • - brushes;
  • - the cloth;
  • - sandpaper;
  • - foam sponge;
  • - varnish for craquelure.


To test the first method, you will need a white cotton fabric (or any color that does not fade). Pour any color into the paint tray water-based paint thin layer. Crumple the rag in your hand and lightly dip it into the paint. Press the material against the surface to be painted, but do not rub. As a result, you will get an uneven layer of color. Leave it to dry completely, and then rub the entire area with a fine sandpaper, enhancing the effect of peeling paint from time to time. Fix the finished layer with a suitable varnish (it is selected depending on the material that was painted).

The effect of old silvering or crumbling gilding can be obtained on a completely new thing using acrylic paint in two colors. The first layer is applied tightly, covering - a roller is used for this. After the paint is completely dry, golden or silver acrylic is applied to certain areas of the surface: dip a foam sponge into it and press it 5-10 times against the draft sheet. When the trace from the sponge is light and the texture of foam rubber is noticeable in the prints, “powder” the base color with light patting movements.

On wooden ones, half-worn white paint will look good. As a rule, it goes well with a contrasting blue background. Use a stiff, fairly large bristle brush for this purpose. The uneven edge of the bristles will added benefit. Pick up some paint on the brush, rub it over the draft. When the tool becomes semi-dry and sliding is difficult, brush over the wood, and after a couple of minutes polish it with a dry rag. Such strokes will look good on the convex parts of objects from which the paint is most quickly erased with their everyday use.

For a more professional vintage effect, experiment with craquelure polish. With one-step craquelure, a base color is applied to the object, which will later be visible in the cracks. After drying, this layer must be covered with craquelure varnish and wait for such a degree of drying that the fingers will freely come off the surface of the object, but still feel its moisture. This is followed by a layer of contrasting paint, which will crack.

When creating a two-step crackle, the varnish is applied to already ready product and creates a network of small cracks into which pastel or color is rubbed. Regardless of which type of craquelure you prefer, apply varnish in one layer, without touching the already covered area with a brush. Along with the thickness of the layer, the size of the cracks will increase. When all the cracks are dry, cover the aged object with a layer of finishing varnish to fix the effect.


  • How to age furniture

Interior designers and jewelry makers know how attractive aged copper looks. Vintage jewelry and vintage décor items are all the rage right now. In order to get them, it is not at all necessary to wait a long time, you can quickly age copper artificially.

You will need

  • copper product,
  • ammonia,
  • medium-grained nail file or fine-grained sandpaper,
  • cover from glass jar,
  • bottle cap,
  • saucer,
  • plastic or glass container.


To age copper, you need it in a special way. Depending on the size, you may need a medium-grain file or sandpaper. Treat the new copper product with sandpaper or a nail file. If you're working on jewelry making hardware, take a nail file and file the copper all over so that it looks scratched but not rough. If the hardware is rough, it will cling to clothing. If we are talking For larger copper items, do not treat all surfaces equally. Sandpaper most of all protruding, sharp places, as well as recesses and small details. However, try not to leave places completely untreated with sandpaper.

Further, in order to quickly age copper, it is necessary to achieve its oxidation. In order to oxidize copper products, you need ammonia. In its pure form, it is not found, but you can always buy ammonia, which is a solution of ammonia in water. You can buy ammonia at any pharmacy. Next, you need to find a plastic or glass container comparable to the size of the processed copper product. Take this container and put (put) there the copper product that you want to age. Take a bottle cap if you want to age a piece of hardware or other small copper item, and pour some ammonia into it. If you are processing a larger item, take a saucer or lid from a small glass jar and pour ammonia into it. Place a cap or dish with ammonia in the same container where the copper product is or lies. Close the lid tightly and wait. After a while, you will see that the copper has darkened and no longer looks new.

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Avoid contact of ammonia with eyes and mucous membranes. This may cause a burn. If ammonia gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with water or boric acid (5%).

Useful advice

If you want the oxidation reaction to go faster, slightly heat the container in which the copper workpiece is located. Copper will darken even faster as the temperature rises. However, do not dip copper items in ammonia, and do not rub copper with it to speed up the process.


According to legend, silver is able to perceive any emotions of the person who wears it. It darkens from a large number experiences and emotions. According to alchemists, silver is a lunar metal. Blackened silver, that is, aged artificially, was considered a special amulet. Vessels for storing wonderful elixirs were made from aged silver. In ancient times, silver was "aged" by fumigating with sulfur. Modern silver jewelry can be given a sophisticated look by applying this method.

If a cottage or a house in the village is not a permanent home, but only a haven for vacations and rare weekends, then there is no point in sheathing it with siding. The best and, importantly, economical option in this case is to paint old house with their own hands, and the work is not difficult and the money is intact. Of course, you will have to spend money, but not much.

What do you need to paint a house?

To paint an old house, we need:
  • paint (preferably alkyd enamel)
  • brushes (wide and narrow)
  • putty knife
  • sandpaper
  • metal brush
  • adhesive tape (construction)

How to start painting your house

Like everyone else repair work, you need to start with the calculation of the material. It is necessary to measure the area of ​​​​the part of the house that is to be painted. It should correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls minus the area of ​​​​existing windows and doors.

Then calculate the required amount of paint for that. To do this is quite simple. All banks always indicate the figure of the average paint consumption per one square meter, which should be multiplied by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe measured wall of the house. What happened is to multiply by two, since to get coverage good quality At least two coats of paint should be applied.

How to paint an old wooden house outside

What paint to buy and what color to paint the house? To paint the old wooden house oil paint or alkyd enamel is best. It is still preferable to purchase alkyd enamel, although it is more expensive oil paint, but the service life of the paint layer is longer, up to six years, while that of the oil layer is up to three.

Concerning color solution painting your house, then as they say "there are no comrades for the taste and color." paint wooden house can be in any color you like. You can paint the house outside in one color or combine two or more colors.

How to paint a house - get to work!

The first stage is preparatory, perhaps the dirtiest and not very pleasant, but necessary. When preparing the surface of the walls before painting, you need to check and replace, if necessary, fragments old cladding that have fallen into disrepair.

Then carefully remove with a metal brush old paint, clean the walls from husks and dust. window frames and platbands, as well as doorways should be treated with sandpaper. Then construction tape and wrapping paper (or, alternatively, old newspapers) come in handy, with which you can save window panes from getting paint on them.

How to update an old house - let's start painting

Before painting the house, it will not be superfluous to treat the surface with a primer, the paint will lie evenly, and the consumption will be less. After you have thoroughly mixed the paint in the jar, you need to immediately apply it to the surface of the wall, moving from top to bottom, using a wide brush. This is done in order to rub the flowing paint, preventing the formation of streaks.

When applying the first layer, it is desirable to use a paint of a more liquid consistency, which penetrates faster and fills minor damage and cracks. After a couple of days, the surface of the walls can be painted again.

And the final touch is to put in order and update the cornices, door and window trim. You need to paint these parts with a narrow hair brush, having previously cleaned them of dirt and dust. It is better to choose paint in lighter tones than the main color, or even in a contrasting color. At the end of the work, remove paper and tape from the windows.

How to paint an old wooden house video

I continue to furnish my room and in this post I wanted to talk about how I repainted furniture. If you remember, I started by deciding on the overall mood of the room, the color palette, and created the moodboard. I wrote about this stage in detail.

The second step was painting the furniture. The furniture in my room is very old. She's probably about the same age as me (yes, she's also thirty-flirty-and-fabulous). Of course, there was an option to sell it for a penny on Avito, or even just take it to the trash. But I thought that I had a great chance to experiment with painting furniture. In the end, if nothing happens at all, then I will always have time to throw it out.

For painting lacquered furniture I used:

  • the cheapest brushes (a set of three pieces);
  • two liter cans of Dulux Aqua paint (white and coral, I chose the color in the palette store - about 1000 rubles per can);
  • white spirit and countless newspapers.

I had a bedside table, a wardrobe and a cabinet with a trellis. I chose a rather complicated method of painting (for a start, of course, it would be better to choose something simpler - paint everything in one color). In my case, the main color was white, coral inserts on the facades and gold accents. So here's mine step-by-step instruction repainting old laminated furniture.

In every house there is furniture , which is of paramount importance in the interior of the room. Wherever she stands, no matter what she is - a closet, a chair, a table, a soft corner, she stands in front of everyone. In addition to the main purpose of furniture should be a pleasant sight, and it can serve as a decoration of the room.

Metamorphosis in white is a great way to extend the life of old interior items.

Unfortunately, it does not happen that a favorite subject furniture long time remained as if it had been brought from the store. At the end of time, any thing loses former attractiveness, getting old. Needs regular maintenance and refurbishment furniture . A chipboard cabinet has turned into junk, this cannot be an excuse to take it to a landfill. It can be easily updated, you just need to paint it. At good care old furniture will last for many, many years, because it is much stronger than modern.

Yes, and the budget will not suffer, since the expenses will be negligible if you were buying a new cabinet.

The one who decided to paint furniture on my own, probably wondered how to do it right. Interior items made of chipboard absorb moisture to a lesser extent than wooden ones. It takes a long time for them to dry.

Chipboard will require less primer than wood.

So how do you paint your closet? ? What paint to apply? Best Option will use water-based alkyd or acrylic paint. It has many advantages - it has juicy shade, odorless that has great importance, when you work indoors, it is easily diluted with water. It is easy enough to wash off to correct inaccuracies during painting. Working with her is a pleasure. Once the paint dries, it will become stronger. Keep this in mind when you apply layers. Also suitable regular paint on wood or aerosol.

Exists big variety acrylic paints with the effect of "metallic" or mother-of-pearl.

To thoroughly paint, use varnishes. They will give the furniture the effect of antiquity. She will look great. The plane needs to be painted in several layers, first let each layer dry. This is not their only property.

Varnishes help to fix the color and protect against minor defects.

You can paint the wardrobe different colors, for example, a light base and multi-colored details. For desired color add tone to white paint. When decorating a children's room, use all the fiction. Having decided what shade you need, apply paint to a small area furniture , so you will understand what color paint will be needed, what will be its brightness.

Each manufacturer produces an appropriate primer for their paint, and it is better to use this particular primer.

Necessary materials and tools

Before you start painting, you need to stock up necessary materials: adhesive tape construction; napkins or rags or sponges; sandpaper different grits to remove the previous layer of paint; degreaser; primer; putty (automotive is quite suitable); solvent or white spirit - will remove the remnants of the old paint; glue; dye; varnish; gloves, for painting it is better to take rubber.

Materials and tools for work.

Of the tools you will need: stationery and carpentry knives; building hair dryer to dry the painted surface; flat brush - it’s better not to save on brushes, buy high-quality ones so that the villi do not remain on the surface; roller; putty knife; screwdrivers; hammer; nails; drill.

From the furniture you need to remove the fittings, remove the shelves, remove the doors. Then get to work.

Close up the cracks

The appearance of cracks on objects furniture from chipboard, as a rule, moisture ingress contributes, they are also formed due to exposure to heat or frequent opening and closing of doors, without sticking to them, slamming doors. You can remove this defect yourself without resorting to outside help.

To work, you will need a syringe with a needle, clamps, PVA glue.

We fill the syringe with PVA glue, put on the needle. We fill the entire gap of the crack with glue. We attach a clamp to the plane from the side where the crack appeared, and tighten it. Excess glue is removed with a napkin. We leave for a day or two. After the time has passed, we continue the restoration work.

You can get rid of cracks with putty.

We apply the mixture on the plane with a spatula in two layers. The first layer is distributed equally evenly on the surface. We are waiting for it to dry, apply a second layer of putty, also let it dry.

Create a rough surface

Before painting, it is necessary to remove the old layer of paint. We will do it with sandpaper after wiping the surface with a cloth or sponge. Sand in circular motions. First we clean sandpaper coarse grain. We carry out the work carefully, removing the old coating . Be careful not to rub off the veneer layer.

After the procedure, remove the dust with a flat brush, the dust will not be completely removed from the rag and may clog into the surface or cracks. This may affect the paintwork.

We are cleaning again, but already sandpaper fine granularity. We remove dust in the same way. Upon completion of this stage of restoration, it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning of the premises.

This is necessary so that in the future dirt does not get on the surface to be painted.

Remove grease and dirt

Chipboard furniture must be cleaned of dirt and grease before painting. For this procedure, fat-dissolving agents are used.

Wash with a sponge or soft cloth, rinse, let dry, wipe with a cloth.

Primer - the main character

The primer is an important part in the process of furniture restoration, with its help you will paint the cabinet with high quality. Also, it will contribute to the rapid drying of the paint, because it does not allow moisture to be absorbed into the surface. A positive point is that after priming, the color saturation of the paint will remain the same as when painting.

If you chose acrylic paint for painting, then you need to take an acrylic-based primer.

Coloring will be of very good quality, because the elements of materials for painting are perfectly combined with each other. Before priming, it is important to read the instruction manual, find out how long the primer should dry, since only a dry surface needs to be painted.

Apply it with a roller in a very thin layer, leave for the time indicated in the memo.

The technology of applying paint and varnish on furniture

After the above preparations, we proceed directly to painting.There must be several layers, so the structure of the plane will not be visible. First, paint a tone lighter than the selected color.

The paint needs to be diluted with water from time to time, otherwise it may thicken.

Then we work with the main color, moving the brush in one direction, so the paint lays down evenly.

The number of layers is determined visually, to achieve the desired effect.

If you're painting in multiple colors, use painter's tape around the edges to keep the colors from mixing. Necessary certain time for the furniture to dry completely - about 2-3 days. After we cover the surface with a transparent varnish, this will protect it from external influences.

When the work is completed, we collect the elements of the cabinet.

Applying paint or varnish is necessary not only for beauty, but also to prevent the release of hazardous substances, in particular, formaldehyde. If there are children at home and it is of great importance to you that Decoration Materials were odorless, apply water-based acrylic varnishes.

After painting, your furniture will not only change its appearance, it will become a highlight of the interior.

Another acceptable option is NC varnish. Dries instantly, dusty coating is not noticeable on it. It is better to apply it in two layers. If the furniture already has a certain coating , it would be ideal to apply oil varnish PF-283.

The lining will become strong and sound, will last a very long time.

Want to cover if it was tinted, use tinted alkyd varnish, especially since the color palette is quite diverse. To add gloss, use yacht varnish, the furniture will look just perfect.

Good for protection as well decorative finishes surfaces made of wood is yacht lacquer.

Of course, the preparation of furniture for painting takes a lot of time. If you ignore them, the proper effect may not be, but coating applied to furniture will quickly fall off. Everything must be done according to the rules. Updating outdated furniture is not difficult, as it may seem.

A little imagination and patience, and a luxurious piece of furniture will appear in the house.

How to artistically paint a closet and make a gradation of colors

Painting is widespread at the present time. People want their apartment or house to be unique, without monotony. And many furniture manufacturers are trying to release products specifically without any embellishment, so that everyone can decorate on their own. Many people approach this process in different ways - they use original style or decorated with copies of famous paintings.

You can give uniqueness to absolutely any furniture, whether it be a chest of drawers, bedside table, wardrobe, table, chair, armchair, change the appearance of the room so that no one recognizes old furniture in the new interior.

Artistic painting is an exciting thing, the furniture will play in a new way. If you love and know how to draw, it will not be difficult to make a real work of art out of an ordinary closet, using all your imagination.For creative work worth applying acrylic paints. The image must be applied to the base. The main thing is that the theme of the drawing is in complete harmony with the interior. Flora and various patterns will look unique. Furniture painted with craquelure looks very unusual.

Cracks will give the piece of furniture a very old look.

If the closet has many drawers, better fit gradation. You are transitioning between shades of the same color, or you can use different colors. For example, you make a phased transition from green to yellow, or from lilac to pink or blue. In order for the transition to be without sharp boundaries, a colored pigment should be added to the paint each time. You can draw a rainbow or whatever you like.

Particularly original gradation will look in the children's room.

Now there are many ways of alternating colors, all of them deserve sufficient attention. You can use any of them you like. Don't be afraid, create! You just have to want, and everything will work out.

VIDEO: We give new life to an old closet.

Options for updating old cabinets - 50 photo ideas:
