Flowers daffodils varieties. Classification of daffodils: how to choose a plant for your flower bed

With the onset of the first spring warmth, primroses bloom in the flower beds. Among them, daffodils attract attention with their elegance, bright color and rich aroma. Although their flowering is short, they enjoy well-deserved love and popularity among flower growers.

Variety of shades

The flower is a member of the Amaryllis family from the genus of monocotyledonous bulbous plants. The narcissus bush has many ribbon-shaped leaves, the width of which may vary slightly in different species. A long, leafless stem (pedicel) may carry one or more inflorescences at its apex.

In addition to wild species, there are many cultivated, bred varieties. First of all, daffodils differ in the color of their inflorescences.

white daffodils

The birthplace of this plant is the Iberian Peninsula, where the flower grows on mountain slopes. Cultural cultivation of this species began at the end of the 16th century. The white daffodil has completely pure white flowers, including the inner crown. The height of the bush can reach 35 cm, and the length of the pedicel is about 25 cm. The plant has thin, numerous leaves of rich green color. The plant propagates, like all daffodils, with spherical bulbs that are small in size (about 4 cm).

Active growth occurs in mid-spring, and flowering occurs at the end of May and does not last long - only 10 days.

yellow daffodil

False narcissus is another name for it. In the wild, it grows in European countries - France, Germany and southern Italy. The culture is quite old: it has been grown in garden floriculture since the beginning of the 16th century. This species is distinguished by its small size - the maximum height is 30 cm. The pedicel has only one inflorescence, the size of which is about 4 cm. The flowers rise about 10 cm above thin dark green leaves. A fully opened inflorescence has a bright yellow corolla (crown ) with uneven wavy edges. Yellow daffodil begins to bloom from mid-May, flowering duration is about 2 weeks. Bulbs of small size (up to 4 cm) have a round shape in the form of a ball.

pink daffodils

This species is widespread in the western regions of Italy, from where it was brought to France in the 16th century. The plant is tall, can grow up to 45 cm or more, which is its characteristic difference from other species. The rich green leaves are also somewhat wider (about half a centimeter) than other daffodils. The color of the inflorescence has a feature uncharacteristic for daffodils: the crown is painted in a delicate pink color and is framed by snow-white perianth petals.

The pedicel carries only one bud, which blooms in early May. The size of the bulbs is quite large - about 5 cm.

Group overview

The inflorescence of the daffodil has the form of a tubular funnel (bell), whole or consisting of separate fragments, the base of which is bordered by a perianth in the form of spread petals. Depending on the shape of the flower and its color, plant species are divided into such groups (classes).

    Tubular. This group is characterized by the presence of only one bud per stem, the length of which can be from 15 to 45 cm. The crown, which looks like a long tube, corresponds to or slightly exceeds the length of the perianth. Inflorescences can be monochromatic in white, yellow, or have a two-color color: the corolla and perianth are colored differently. Daffodils of this group are characterized by early flowering.

    Large crowned. A characteristic feature of this group is that the length of the crown is 3 times less than the size of the perianth petals. The crown may be wavy or smooth. These daffodils are distinguished by a two-tone color of inflorescences, which has a wide variety of color combinations: the lower perianth petals are white, cream, yellow, and the crown is white or cream, yellow, orange or pink with a brighter border along the edge, which can be corrugated and slightly bent.

  • Small crowned. The name of this group reflects a characteristic feature of plants: the size of the corolla is small and does not even reach a third of the length of the perianth. The peduncle has a single bud. The color of the lower petals is white, yellow, cream. The color of the crown is most often peach, yellow or orange, pink, and even with a red tint. Often a border of a more saturated tone runs along the edge. Flowering later, but bloom profusely.

  • Terry. These daffodils are completely different from the classic plant species. The stem can carry not one, but several buds. Terry can be a perianth, and a crown, and even a combination of these two options. Flowers are monochromatic (white, yellow) and bicolor (white with a reddish crown). The pedicel often does not withstand terry hats, especially heavy after rain, and breaks off. This is considered a disadvantage of this species.

    Triandrus. Plants are distinguished by a low peduncle (about 25 cm), bearing 2 or more inflorescences, which are omitted. The lower petals at the base of the crown are slightly bent back. Flowers are painted most often in white, yellow, golden tone.

  • Cyclamenoid. The name itself speaks of its unusual appearance for a narcissus - on a short (15-25 cm) pedicel there is one inflorescence, with a long and narrow crown, lowered down. The perianth petals at its base are strongly bent back. They can have either one or two colors. The main shades are white, yellow, orange.

  • Jonquilliae. The relatively short pedicel has 2 to 6 small flowers. These daffodils are distinguished by the rounded shape of the lower petals, which are slightly bent back. The crown also has a somewhat peculiar appearance - a small and short, but wide bowl. Inflorescences are usually yellow or white.

    Tacetoid. In daffodils of this species, a peduncle 15 to 45 cm long has several buds (from 2 to 8). The outstretched petals with a wavy surface have a rounded shape, while the short crown has the shape of a glass. The leaves of the bush are wide dark green. The flowers themselves are painted in white, cream, yellow tones.

    Poetic. This group is widespread on the Mediterranean coast. Plants are tall, reaching 50 cm. One bush can have up to 5 long leaves of a bright green hue. The pedicel is higher than the leaves. On the peduncle one white flower blooms with an internal corolla in the form of a disk, yellow in color. Its middle can be a greenish tone, turning into a bright yellow tint with a reddish rim along the edge. The heads of the inflorescence are directed downwards. The size of the flower in the full opening phase is about 6 cm. It blooms in May for 12 days.

  • Cut-crown. The peculiarity of this group of daffodils is that the crown is not solid, but is divided into separate fragments with a fringed edge. There is only 1 inflorescence on the pedicel. There are two subspecies: split-corona (coronary lobes are located above the perianth petals and adjacent to them), papillon (the shape of the flower looks like a butterfly). The tube can be of very different colors - white, red and pink, yellow and orange.

    Hybrid (N. Bulbocodium). Plants of this class have a low stem (up to 15 cm in total) with one inflorescence. The narrow tepals are underdeveloped and very small in size. The crown in the inflorescence, on the contrary, is large, wide open and has a peculiar shape of a crinoline skirt.

Of course, there are other, less common species that are not included in the groups listed above. Besides, there are wild types of daffodils and their hybrids obtained naturally in natural conditions. In our country, such flowers are grown extremely rarely because they do not tolerate harsh climatic conditions.

Description of popular varieties

In nature, there are about 60 species of daffodils. Breeding work with this flower has been going on since the 18th century, and as a result, a huge number of varieties have appeared, which number several thousand. There are also a lot of the most popular and beautiful varieties, among them are such.

    "Cool Flame". This variety belongs to the group of large-crowned daffodils. The inflorescence is two-colored: the crown, painted in a rich orange hue, sometimes turning into coral, stands out brightly against the background of snow-white lower petals. The crown has a characteristic strongly wavy edge. The height of the bush reaches 40-45 cm, the size of the flower is 10 cm.

Flowering occurs in April or May. The plant is unpretentious and grows well in both sunny and shady places.

    Variety Rip van Winkle- a representative of the terry group. The bushes of the plant are low, growing on average up to 30 cm, and the wide leaves are somewhat lower than the flower on the peduncle. Both the lower petals and the tube are terry. Strong doubleness is created due to the large number of petals with different directions of growth. Only one flower blooms on the pedicel, which is painted in a thick yellow hue. In open ground it is grown both in lighted areas and in the shade.

  • Narcissus "Bridal Crown". Each perianth petal of this variety is elliptical in shape and has a snow-white or cream color. There can be up to 4 buds on the stem, which, after full disclosure, turn into dense double flowers with soft creamy lower petals and a yellow crown in the center. The edge of the tube is corrugated. Plant height - from 30 to 45 cm, medium-sized inflorescences - up to 4 cm in diameter. Flowering occurs in mid-May.

  • "Dick Wilden"- a large-flowered terry variety, a feature of which is very early flowering - already in March. The height of the bush is about 50 cm, and the inflorescences reach a size of 15 cm. The wide (up to 8 cm) lower petals are oval in shape and are colored yellow with a greenish tint. In the center of the inflorescence is a densely double lush corolla of a dark yellow tone.

  • Variety "Rosie Cloud"- pink daffodil of the terry group. Even among other terry, it stands out for its beauty and atypicality. The lower petals are rose-pearl and frame a luxurious crown. The terry crown of delicate pink color is formed by densely seated petals, which amaze with their lightness and airiness, justifying their name - "Pink Clouds". The size of the inflorescence is 5-7 cm, and its color can change its saturation in accordance with the weather. Blooms profusely for 7-10 days.

  • Artik Bells. The variety belongs to the hybrid group Bulbocodium. Distinguished by early and abundant flowering. The height of the bush is up to 20 cm. The stem, 25 cm high, bears only one flower, which rises above the leaves. Narrow and small greenish perianth petals are bent back. The large rim has a conical (in the form of a crinoline) shape and is much larger than the lower petals. The color of the crown is white or ivory.

The leaves of the bush are very thin, almost filiform, rich green. One bulb can produce several pedicels with buds. Blooms in April and May.

  • Albus plenus odoratus. This variety of daffodils is the latest: its flowering occurs in the last decade of May - early June. In its appearance, it bears little resemblance to the classic daffodil: its light corrugated petals grow in several rows, and there is no clearly defined crown. But even the small and neat middle stands out with its bright yellow color.

  • "Calgary"- This is a variety of white terry daffodils. Terry balls of inflorescences are very similar to small peonies. The peduncle grows up to 40 cm and carries 2 buds. A flower about 10 cm in size has many petals of bright white color with a barely noticeable greenish tint. The yellow stamens, located in the very center of the lush ball, seem to glow with a golden light. The bush has narrow lanceolate leaves of green color with a bluish tint.

Flowering occurs in May for 10 days. It is not capricious in cultivation, but prefers open lighted areas.

  • "Delnasho"- terry two-color variety. The plant has unusually beautiful flowers with delicate airy petals. There is only 1 inflorescence on the peduncle, but it is quite large (up to 15 cm) with large snow-white rounded petals that border the lush pink-peach center. Petals (white perianth and creamy-pink multi-tiered crown), alternating, gently shade each other. Blooms in May for a long time, almost 2 weeks. Saturated color persists until the end of flowering.

  • Variety Sunny Girlfriend- among relatively new varieties, it is already quite popular. Narcissus belongs to the cut-crown group. It differs from other varieties of this class in that its corolla is cut to the very base. A well-opened crown with a yellow center is painted in delicate pink-orange tones. Openwork-wavy edges have a more saturated color. The lower white petals are somewhat longer than the crown. The daffodil "Electrus" belongs to the same group. Its coral-coloured crown is fully open down to the white perianth, and each fragment of the corolla rests on the lower petals.

Which variety to choose?

In the variety of varieties of daffodils, you can get confused.

The selection is in full swing, - said Tatiana Evgenievna. - Flowers have become very different in shape and color. Apricot tones, pink and even almost red appeared in the colors of daffodils. Classical daffodils - they are called poetic - are still the most fragrant of all groups, but now they are also the most modest in appearance and color.

Terry daffodils. Now this group of daffodils is in unprecedented demand among flower growers - it is very elegant! Some flowers have double petals, while others have a core. It looks very impressive.

variety "Manly"

Large crowned daffodils. A very interesting group of daffodils. They sometimes have the size of the crown (core) is almost equal to the size of the flower. New varieties are usually in a contrasting color. For example, a bright orange crown against a background of yellow petals.

Variety "Bantam"

Split crown daffodils. This is a little-known group of daffodils, but what an unusual one! The name literally translates as "split crown".

These daffodils have a dissected core, as if the daffodil does not have it at all, but in two skirts of petals.

Particularly interesting in this group are the varieties: "Palmares" (the core is pale pink against the background of white petals), "Changing Colors" (changes color during the season), and the novelty of this season of the "Waltz" variety has an apricot-colored crown.

Variety "Waltz"

Tubular daffodils. Their flower core is elongated like a tube.

This group of daffodils is very well illustrated by the Mount Hood variety, where the flower looks so amazing, as if made of porcelain.

cultivar "Mount Hood"

Tacety daffodils. This group includes multi-flowered daffodils. Their flowers are not large, but there are many of them.

They can be with terry centers, upright and drooping, as, for example, in the Thalia variety.

variety "Thalia"

Botanical daffodils. They have tiny flowers, which are especially good for landscaping alpine slides, for planting in the foreground of flower beds, between stones.

There is an amazing variety " Rip van Winkley", In which the flowers are double, tiny, yellow, resemble stars and look great. This variety of daffodils is one of the first to bloom and gives the garden a sunny hue in any weather.

variety "Rip van Winkley"

Care: cut the leaves - daffodils will not bloom

In care, daffodils are not at all capricious, if only because they do not need to be dug up annually.

In one place, daffodils grow for 4-5 years, and then they need to be dug up to be planted. Bulbs multiply over time, become larger, then they simply do not have enough space, and they begin to overwhelm each other. In order for flowering to please from year to year, the bulbs must be transplanted.

To the soil, daffodils are unpretentious: they grow quite well both on loam and on sandy and peat soils.

The only caveat: if you have heavy soil, then when planting it is recommended to add a little sand or peat, which, when moisture stagnates (especially during the rainy season), will save the bulbs from rotting. The sand will act as drainage.

As daffodils grow, you need to feed them four times a season. In the first three top dressings, a complete mineral fertilizer is applied: during germination, during the formation of buds and during the flowering period. The last top dressing is done after the end of flowering: phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied.

But not all summer residents know that by cutting the leaves of daffodils after flowering, they will no longer receive abundant flowering next year.

During the death of the leaves, the accumulation of nutrients in the bulb occurs, what is necessary for further flowering, - explained Tatyana Evgenievna. - Therefore, the leaves should not be cut. If you are afraid of the unsightly appearance of faded daffodils, try, before they bloom, plant seedlings of annuals that have arrived nearby or, for example, plant daylilies and peonies nearby. You can remove the foliage only when it completely dries and turns yellow.

And do not forget to remove the flowers immediately after flowering. If they are left, then the plant will spend its strength on the formation of seeds, which will take away the strength of the bulb and prevent it from ripening.


It is necessary to plant daffodils, like all bulbous plants, when the soil temperature drops to +10 degrees. It is at this temperature that the ideal rooting of the bulb occurs. If you plant daffodil bulbs at a later date, then you need to deepen the bulbs a little more and slightly cover the planting site to prevent freezing.


On autumn days, in addition to tulips and daffodils, you can also plant other bulbous flowers. For example, bright hyacinths, botanical irises, decorative bows, muscari, hazel grouse, crocuses.


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Beautiful days of Indian summer - it's time to harvest from your favorite acres. Komsomolskaya Pravda is also interested in what you, dear summer residents, have grown in your gardens! Surely your grandchildren have already taken pictures sitting on a huge pumpkin, tried to launch a rocket in the form of a zucchini into space, or you just laughed together with the whole family at a funny carrot with arms and legs and, of course, did not forget to take this miracle on camera.

Send the most interesting pictures to the photo contest "My Wonderful Harvest" until October 5 to the address: 220005 Minsk, PO Box 192, or by e-mail: [email protected] and we will all admire your achievements together! Share your secrets of growing miracle vegetables in a letter. the entire collection of books of 30 volumes!

- has long been no longer an outlandish overseas flower. It is found in almost all gardens, and it is not difficult to grow it at all, since it has adapted well to our harsh climate. And although there are many varieties that bloom together or much later than most traditional tulip varieties, we still associate the arrival of early spring with delicate and fragrant daffodils. Daffodils belong to the Amaryllis family. In nature, up to 60 of them are known, and in culture there are already several thousand varieties, but every year some interesting new items appear.

The first variety in the gallery of new products is Taurus, which belongs to the group of split crowned daffodils. Its large split crown changes its color from bright yellow with a pink rim to almost completely pink in a few days! It can compete well with the snow-white Trepolo variety with a bright yellow-orange central star or Apple Pie, Apricot Whirl, Valdrome or Walz. The height of the Trepolo narcissus is medium, 30-40 cm, the rest - 40-45 cm. One cannot fail to mention the beautiful new variety Sunny Side Up - its chic corrugated lemon yellow crown will not leave anyone indifferent! The variety blooms quite late, height 35-45 cm.

Among the large-crowned daffodils there is also a novelty - Professor Einstein daffodil with a bright orange crown in the center of the flower. See how solemnly and gracefully he presents his beauty against the background of red imperial tulips, which only emphasize their aristocratic origin! Flowering is quite early, height is 35-40 cm. Or, for example, the Pink Charm variety is pure white with a light creamy pink crown, which over time gains an increasingly bright pink hue. Very good material for various floral arrangements and good weather resistance. The height of the flower is slightly above average, 40-45 cm. Flowering usually occurs in the middle of the season. In its own way, the Sentinel variety is also very beautiful, with a very large pink crown. The height of the peduncles is 35-40 cm, flowering is medium-late.

Or maybe you'd like the tubular variety Peaches and Cream, which also changes color from beige-pink to bright orange-pink in the center? An excellent choice for curbs, rocky slides, and retaining walls. Next to it, or against the background of viols and muscari, the lime-lemon variety Snow Frills with an elegant white center or the white-yellow variety Salome will look quite stylish. Or, for example, a completely new variety, which does not even have a registered trade name yet and is shown at exhibitions under the name KV12. Its crown is salmon-pink against the background of a white central part and pale yellow petals. All varieties are quite stocky, only 25-35 cm high. This makes them good candidates for planting in rockeries, rock gardens or simply in separate groups on a lawn or on gentle slopes. Flowering is medium late.

Standing apart among tubular daffodils is the chic, delicately lemon-lime large-flowered variety Pineapple Prince with a graceful white rim along the edge of a large central tube. Flowering later, it is quite tall, the height of the peduncles is 45-55 cm. Excellent cut! There are other worthy new varieties, for example, Topolino, W.P. Milner, Wisley. They are a little smaller, and their flowers are noticeably smaller, but look how elegant they look in a flower bed or in an arrangement in a floor vase!

Among the terry daffodils, there is simply a huge replenishment - this is the tall yellow variety Clear Day with an orange-pink terry center, and the lemon-yellow Fashion Parade with a darker center, but lighter tips of the petals, and the large-flowered variety Acropolis. It is, so to speak, densely double and almost completely snow-white with a small orange "edge". And how beautiful the peach-beige with an open orange center is the Angelica variety! A little apart is the shorter and, perhaps, not so large, but no less beautiful snow-white daffodil Gay Challenger. Which one is better, you choose, our dear reader. For me, they are all beautiful in their own way and will be very appropriate in various parts of your garden.

A special group is made up of daffodils with a terry center. For example, the Wave variety has a very original flower shape. This is new for the last two years. It has a beautiful and very strongly doubled center, consisting of bright yellow and white densely folded inner petals. The Modern Art variety has the same or almost the same flower shape. It has been on our market for much longer, although it can also be attributed to the novelties of the 21st century. It has a very beautiful combination of lemon yellow petals and a dark orange center. Both varieties look very good in the cut. I highly recommend! Height in open ground - 35-45 cm, in closed ground it can be a little higher. Flowering is medium-late.

Of the novelties among cyclamen-like daffodils, I would note the very elegant and elegant Cotinga variety with small white petals bent back and delicate salmon centers, or, for example, the Sailboat variety with delicate lemon centers. Like all daffodils of this group, these varieties bloom quite early and are low, only 15-25 cm in height. The low height and abundant early flowering makes it possible to combine this variety with very early tulips, such as the Plaisir tulip.

I would like to say a few words about the very beautiful, but rare or simply unknown variety Irene Copeland. It belongs to the terry varieties and has not been a novelty for a long time. But look how amazingly elegant it looks at the usual footpath near the office! And imagine how these daffodils will bloom on your edge or around the entire perimeter of your site!

There are novelties in the camp of poetic daffodils. Recently, a beautiful large-flowered Margaret Mitchell variety has appeared on the market in its own way, with a very beautiful lemon-yellow center and a delicate red border. It will look great both on the site and in the cut! Its height is 40-45 cm, flowering later.

For lovers of multi-flowered daffodils, I can recommend the rich yellow variety Martinette with a bright orange center. The number of flowers on its peduncle can vary from 3 to 5. The height of the peduncle strongly depends on the illumination and the place of planting and can reach 35-60 cm. Flowering in the middle of the season. Even more flowers on one peduncle in the taceto-shaped narcissus Ziva. Its pale white caps on rather high, 40-45 cm, peduncles can have more than ten beautiful flowers! Its flowering is quite late, so it can be combined with many medium and late flowering varieties of tulips.

The use of daffodils is very versatile - from planting in regular park beds to growing on alpine slides, in mixborders and patio containers. And how beautiful they look in the cut! Daffodils will look very stylish in large floor vases near your house or cafe, and in ordinary neat pots or planters near your gazebo. It is perfectly acceptable to simply plant them under a tree or along the foundation of your garden shed, steps or hedge. They will also look appropriate in large flat floor vases on pedestrian alleys and near artificial reservoirs.

Can you imagine a whole blue river of blue Armenian Muscari (Muscari armenicum) with banks of bright yellow or white Peeping Tom daffodils? Moreover, this "river" appears quite unexpectedly and just as suddenly disappears after 2-3 weeks. Compare the two photos below. They were made with an interval of only 8 days. And in a couple of days, bright tulips of the Rob Verlinden variety will bloom there, and this colorful show will last at least 8-10 more days!

This idea can be used with other, later varieties. For example, the yellow daffodils of the Quail variety and the later Muscari variety Bicolor will work well. And finally, can these varieties be evenly mixed? and then your show will last more than a month! In subsequent years, this effect will only increase, since these crops should not be disturbed for several years and they will only grow! Can you imagine if, interspersed with muscari, you add bright crocuses that bloom much earlier? I assure you that an abundance of bright cheerful colors is provided to you for many, many weeks! You just have to take a little care of your “river” or self-assembled carpet - at least occasionally water it in dry weather, occasionally feed and remove already faded flowers.

And how effectively they shade and emphasize the beauty of mixed park or garden borders, neatly trimmed shrubs or even ordinary park benches! Here, for example, is the Modoc variety. It will surely stir up your pleasant nostalgic or vice versa, romantic memories. If you prefer shorter varieties, Jetfire and Itzim are the best. Daffodils look very elegant and stylish against the background of ordinary, but well-trimmed and well-groomed bright green lawns or silvery conifers.

This culture goes well with other small-bulbous: scylla, pushkinia, anemones and chionodox. The Replete variety and the dark blue Magic Blue chionodox look beautiful together! Medium-sized or dwarf daffodils are also an excellent pair for blue, red-brown or burgundy violas, as well as early undersized tulips. They will look very stylish with bright white arabis or white and pink saxifrages.

Daffodils are not too picky about the soil. They are most suited to light to medium loams with good drainage. They do not tolerate fresh manure and prefer soils that are close to neutral in acidity. Therefore, it is possible to introduce rotted manure, compost, and also to carry out liming only ahead of time for the previous crop. The soil for planting is dug up to a depth of 30-35 cm, adding, if necessary, coarse sand, peat and superphosphate. Before planting, it is better to dig the soil again, removing germinated weeds.

The depth of planting bulbs is usually three of their diameters of the bulb, counting from the bottom. It also depends on local climatic conditions (hardiness zones), soil type, and your planting destination. In harsher climates, the bulbs are planted a little deeper. A distance approximately equal to two of its diameters is maintained between the bulbs.

In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, daffodils are fed with nitrogen fertilizers. If in spring or summer there is hot, dry weather for more than two weeks, then they should be watered abundantly. After three weeks, it is desirable to apply phosphate and potash fertilizers, you can add a little ash.

If this is necessary, then the bulbs of daffodils are dug up in July, when the leaves have already dried up. If digging is not planned, the dried leaves are carefully removed and, if possible, loosen the ground around the plantings, preventing wireworms and perennial weeds from developing. Closer to autumn, if the weather is dry, it is necessary to resume watering to help the bulbs take root.

It is believed that the best time for planting daffodils is from mid-August to the end of September, and in the southern regions - until mid-October. But this is in theory, in practice, as a rule, everything happens a little more complicated. That landing site is not ready - dahlias or annual asters are still blooming there, then it suddenly got very cold and it rains heavily. Or there is simply no way to get out on the “right” weekend to the country. And, finally, there is such a magic word "sale", which for some reason always happens only in the second half of October or even in November!

Plant daffodils when you have the opportunity to do so. Although it is clear that this is best done at positive temperatures. You will not only give pleasure to yourself and others, but also corny save from death the bulbs of daffodils, tulips, crocuses and other small-bulbous plants that have already been prepared for decommissioning, from death.

It is for the reasons listed above that my many friends and I repeatedly planted daffodils both in November and December at temperatures close to zero, or even at low negative temperatures, practically over snow or under a 2-3 mm ice crust, but also under snow. Somehow I had to plant a mixture of pink-crowned daffodils bought at a sale even at -3 ° C. He raked the snowdrift, dug a deep enough hole as best he could, covered the bulbs half with snow, half with earth, and again poured a huge snowdrift on top. And what do you think - the next year they bloomed beautifully, however, a week and a half later than the rest of the daffodils. So that's the beauty of it! During flowering, I calmly sorted them into varieties and then safely transplanted them to a permanent place.

Good luck with your experiments and unusual solutions in growing these unusually beautiful and sunny plants!

Photo catalog of daffodils

photo catalog - varietal daffodils

Daffodils - photo catalog of bulbous

I send daffodils ordered from this photo catalog - from mid-summer to autumn. That is - after drying the bulbs, and - as orders are received.

The prices in the catalog of daffodils are indicated - for one bulb, medium size for the variety. If there are none left, I can send two, but smaller ones.

You can also order daffodils as a set, 10 varieties - 800 rubles, 20 varieties - 1400 rubles. The kit will include both those included in the catalog and other varieties of daffodils. Almost all varieties in a set of daffodils will be different.

By clicking on a small photo in the catalog, you will see a large photo of a daffodil. I recommend that large photos are light, and they show the features of the variety better.

401 poetic daffodils The most traditional, most familiar to our look daffodils. VERY fast breed, VERY profuse bloom. Plus, these daffodils smell very nice. Absolutely unpretentious daffodils, grow well in any corner of the garden 60r 402 daffodil rip van winkle Short, charming daffodils are the funniest variety in this catalog. Appointment - purely flower beds, for cutting - it is better not to use. Very original daffodil 90 403 daffodils Yellow Chifirland Another dwarf daffodil, with flowers like no other. Quite small, with funny narrow leaves. Multi-flowered, bouquet type of flowering 80 404 daffodil erliche An interesting terry daffodil, unusually bright color. The flowering bush of these daffodils is impressive 150 405 Bella Vista daffodils Very bright, contrasting daffodil. Light flowers are not afraid of any wind. The beauty. 90 406 daffodils cassata Charming daffodil, split groups - with just a huge crown. A very unusual sight, looks great in the photo 140 407 daffodil Irene Copeland Super terry daffodils, with yellow "fluff" between the leaves. Flowers - large 150 408 daffodil pettit fo Charming narcissus, with a long and wide crown. Doesn't fade for a very long time 120 409 narcissus Orangerie Beautiful split - narcissus, with a yellow-orange, huge crown. Crown color - changes during flowering 140 410 daffodils Dear Love White graceful narcissus, with a pink, terry, corrugated crown. Crown - chameleon, when flowering - changes color 120 411 obdam daffodils Super double daffodil, with a green-yellow crown. Flowers are very large 150 412 daffodils Dolly Millinger And this is just a masterpiece. Such an original crown color. And the outer leaves are also two-tone! 140 413 daffodils Chanterelli Super crowned daffodil - split. The beauty of a flowering bush is beyond words! 120 414 daffodils Rosie Glode And this is just a masterpiece of this catalog! Terry daffodil with such an original shape and color of the crown. 140 415 daffodils Fashion Parade Light yellow, fairly new variety of terry narcissus. Looks impressive 140 416 Daffodils Changing Calors Charming daffodil with a very unusual crown shape. Almost split. Very good combination of color and shape 140 417 daffodils Ice King Narcissus Ice King is also the pride of this catalog. Split, plus terry crown. Rare combination to be honest. 140 418 narcissus Dottiz Dream Narcissus Dottiz Dream is charming and graceful. Harmonious size crown, corrugated, with a reddish, color-changing edging. Interesting variety 120 CONTINUED OF THE CATALOG OF NARCISSOS. In the photo catalog of tulips varietal lily bulbs photo catalog rejuvenated photo catalog dahlia photo catalog of gladiolus When ordering daffodils - specify how many bulbs of each variety to send you. Plantings of several bulbs of daffodils of the same variety, of course, are more beautiful

my daffodils - photo of daffodils, catalog of daffodils, sale of daffodil bulbs for your garden

Jonquillian daffodil bulbs

jonquill daffodil(Narcissus jonquilla) or jonquil is an early flowering bulbous plant with fragrant flowers. Perennial. It belongs to the 7th group of daffodils according to the International classification. Under natural conditions, it grows in the expanses of Southern Europe, the Mediterranean and Asia. Distributed throughout Europe, Asia and grows in parts of Africa. However, the cultivated jonille daffodil that we know of originated in the United States.

Narcissus Baby Moon

Narcissus Little Oliver

Narcissus Sun Disc

Jonquil daffodils (bulbs): care features

This flower is a gift of spring for those born in March. Bright yellow or white is beautiful on its own. And it is especially valued for signaling the arrival of spring. Also known as the dwarf daffodil and slightly smaller than its brothers. You can use the flowers to decorate your home by placing them in a vase or even as a potted bulb plant.

The meaning of this flower is twofold. One meaning is desire, and the other is inner bliss. Also, this daffodil symbolizes friendship. Narcissism seems to be rooted in the beauty of this flower. When you want someone to be happy, a large bouquet of jonquil daffodils will definitely do it.

Botanical description

The term "Jonquil" refers to the type of daffodil known to us as Narcissus jonquilla. Although this name is often used as a more general term for daffodils in some foreign catalogs. Another name for this plant is yellow daffodil.

The species grows to a height of 20-30 cm. It is most easily identified by its dark green, tubular leaves (compared to other types of flat-leaved daffodils). The flower consists of six petals - perianth segments. Unlike other species, the petals are not bent back. A crown is a central cup-shaped formation in the center of a flower. Inside the crown you will find small black, hard seeds. On one flowering stem, 3-6 flowers are formed (and not just one). Therefore, you will immediately receive a whole bouquet. Usually this is one large flower - "dad", one medium - "mother" and several small flowers - their "children". Flowers are up to 6 cm in diameter.

This species has a long flowering period: it will delight up to three weeks. And the strong smell will turn your head.

We offer buy jonquil daffodil bulbs for landing at home. You can order exactly those varieties that seem worthy of attention to you.

Jonquil daffodils: popular varieties

  • babymoon:
  • hillstar:
  • Kidron;
  • Little Oliver;
  • sun disk.

Jonquil daffodils for bouquets and arrangements

The stems of these flowers contain sap that is often destructive to other plants. If you want to mix them with other flowers in a vase, first soak them in water for a day to remove the juice.

Planting daffodils after purchase

Jonquilla daffodil grows from bulbs. They should be planted in spring or fall. After that, they grow without assistance. The only important point you need to take into account is deciding where to plant the bulbs for the best growth. You need to learn about how much light and water a daffodil needs and what temperatures it can withstand. This can mean the difference between planting them in the front of the house and back.

Daffodils need higher temperatures than other bulbs. Faster rooting will help them warm the ground before frost sets in. Late plantings should be mulched with grass, leaves or bark. Planting dates for daffodils: from late August to late October.

Planting a plant only takes a few steps

  • To lighten clay soil, add a mixture of river sand or compost to it.
  • Also pour a layer of drainage into the planting holes.
  • Planting depth should be 2-3 bulbs.
  • Plant in groups. The interval between plantings depends on the visual effect you want to achieve.
  • When planting in a row, place large bulbs at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other and small ones - from 5 to 7 cm.
  • Plantings need to be watered immediately. Moisture stimulates them to produce roots. The sooner the plants take root, the sooner they can tolerate cold and frost.

When planting in containers, choose a container large enough and with obligatory drainage holes. Place a few shards or expanded clay or pebbles on the bottom. Thus, excess moisture can be avoided.

Narcissus bulbs are transplanted every 4-5 years. Plants grown in pots on the balcony are treated differently. Onions removed after the leaves have dried can be potted again in autumn, but the flowers will be smaller. It is better to plant it in the garden and grow it for several years in loose soil.

How to order daffodils by mail

In any, even the most remote corner of the country, where there is a post office, jonquil daffodil bulbs are delivered as soon as possible. Upon shipment, the planting material is packed in the most careful way. The roots do not dry out, growth shoots are not deformed, the bulb does not suffer during transportation. Payment for delivery services is minimal, in some cases, for example, when purchasing in bulk, it is completely absent.

How we are working:

  • We suggest you buy bulbs inexpensively
  • Without prepayment
  • We deliver cash on delivery orders
  • We deliver by mail (Nova Poshta, Ukrposhta)

If the item is sold out

All Dutch planting material can be purchased subject to availability in our warehouse at the time of ordering. As the season progresses, some daffodil bulbs may be sold out. To check the availability of a particular variety in the current season, you need to call the manager. If you are unable to place an order, please also contact us.

Special offers from FLORIUM.UA

From time to time we will make special offers that are only available during a certain period and subject to stock availability.

We can decorate your garden

You can order jonquil daffodil bulbs in Kyiv at an affordable price for everyone from the catalog of species and varieties of the FLORIUM.UA online store. All planting material from trusted suppliers. The plant sent to you has an excellent survival rate (provided that you follow all the recommendations and instructions that are published on the FLORIUM.UA website).

Your feedback is very important to us, after analyzing which we will try to eliminate shortcomings and improve work efficiency.
To decorate your garden with unusual flowers of daffodils, you just need to call our manager.

indoor daffodils

In winter, indoor daffodils tempt us with colorful flowers in tiny pots. Already in February-early March, we first meet the symbol of spring. They are also very popular for decorating Easter events. They create flower arrangements and use them for distillation throughout the year. Indoor daffodils have yellow or white flowers. One of the most popular species is the Paperwhite daffodil. It reaches up to 40 cm in height. The peduncle has several flowers from 8 to 10 pieces. These are fragrant white flowers. They do not tolerate severe frosts, so they can be grown in a pot culture. All our plants are grown in Holland.


Narcissus tazceta Avalanche

Narcissus tazceta Erlicheer

Narcissus tazceta Grand Soleil d'Or

Narcissus tazceta Chinese Sacred Lily

Narcissus tazceta Ziva

Narcissus tazceta Falconet

Narcissus tazceta Winter Sun

Narcissus tazceta Inbal

Indoor daffodils: the best varieties. Delivery of indoor daffodils by mail

One of the favorite plants of many flower growers is narcissus. It is grown in open ground or in pots, the latter option is attractive because indoor daffodils are not picky about light and feel great even in rooms with poor lighting.

Daffodils belong to amaryllis, represent bulbous plants. However, compared to, for example, tulips, their bulb has a more complex structure, so daffodils do not require an annual transplant. The classification of this flower is quite branched, one of the varieties are tacetta daffodils, they are also called bouquet. Representatives of this family are multi-flowered, having 3-15 flowers in the "inflorescence".

Planted in a suitable size pot tacetto daffodils are a very picturesque sight. The life cycle of a plant is conditionally divided into two cycles: flowering and dormancy. Blossom daffodils can from one to three times a year, the latter is typical for strong specimens that are not depleted by forcing, fed and well-groomed.

For planting daffodils at home, it is best to choose undersized varieties, daffodil quite suitable for this. Now on the market Ukraine a large number of offers of a wide variety of bulbs.

Online store Florium has proven itself as a reliable supplier producing mail delivery to all cities Ukraine and, of course, in Kyiv, high-quality planting material from Holland wholesale. Prices more than affordable, even with the fierce competition in the market. But Florium is confident in the quality of its product and sells it with a two year warranty

Caring for indoor daffodils is not particularly difficult. At the end of flowering tacet daffodils it is recommended to place in a cool place in order for the plant to gain strength, however, it is necessary to ensure that the ground does not freeze, otherwise the bulb will die. Well-groomed and happy tacetta daffodils will delight you with beautiful and elegant flowers.

Daffodils: variety selection and care rules

Narcissus, or Narcissus, belongs to the genus of monocot plants and is a member of the Amaryllis family. Features are the presence of bulbs and ribbon-like leaves of different widths. The flowers are located on top of leafless stems, which are covered with a membranous streak.

Features of daffodils

Flowers can be single or arranged in several pieces at once. The perianth is petal-shaped and looks like a tubular funnel, which passes into a straightened limb. It consists of six identical parts. The appearance of the flower is a solid or lobed bell with six stamens and a trihedral lower ovary.

The presence of a strong, intoxicatingly sweet smell, made it possible to use narcissus oil in perfumery in ancient times. Narcissus is very common in Europe. Especially often it is grown in the Mediterranean countries. There are varieties and species that grow in Asia, Japan and China.

The Royal Horticultural Society identifies several main classes of daffodils:

  • Trumpet
  • small-cupped
  • Triandrus
  • Jonquilla and Apodanthus
  • Poeticus
  • Split Corona: Collar
  • Miscellaneous
  • Large-cupped
  • Double
  • Cyclamineus
  • Tazetta
  • Bulbocodium
  • Split Corona: Papillon
  • Species

Photo gallery

Varieties of daffodils

In nature, there are about 60 species of these flowers. In addition, it was possible to bring out a huge number of different varieties and hybrids of this magnificent flower. The narcissus selection has been replenished with 35,000 new varieties.

The following types of daffodils have the greatest popularity and demand among flower growers:

  • Tubular, or trumpet. It is distinguished by the presence of large, single flowers, which have a crown in the form of a bell with a very long tube. The color scheme is represented by white, yellow, less often two-color flowers.
  • Large-crowned, or large-cupped. The special sizes of a single flower and bract are characteristic. A short crown occupies a third of the perianth. The color scheme is very diverse.
  • Small-crowned, or small-cupped. This group of daffodils closely resembles natural and wild varieties. The flowers are quite small in size. Most often they can be seen in the photo of wildlife.
  • Terry, or double. This group of daffodils contains several subgroups at once. They come with additional perianth segments; with a terry tube or crown; with terry perianth; have several flowers on one peduncle. A photo of terry daffodils most often adorns calendars.
  • Triandrus, or Triandrus. This species belongs to the multi-flowered daffodils, in the breeding of which the three-stamen daffodil was involved. The color scheme is white or yellow.
  • Cyclamenoid, or Cyclamineus. It is distinguished by the presence of characteristic drooping, solitary flowers, which, with their length, have a narrow tube and bent perianth lobes.
  • Jonquilla, or Jonquilla. Low stems are equipped with a significant number of small, strongly smelling flowers. A very decorative daffodil.
  • Multi-flowered, or Bunch-flowered. The name of this type of daffodils speaks for itself. The peduncle may have more than eight flowers. Photos of such daffodils can often be found in magazines.

Interesting combinations of daffodils with other plants

Daffodils are flowers that look great in combination with other plants. An interesting and bright floral ensemble allows you to get a combination of daffodils and tulips. Suitable neighbors for daffodils, with which you can decorate a modern flower garden, are hyacinths, crocuses and pushkinias.

Daffodils can be planted together with low perennials that can complement each other. A harmonious combination is the neighborhood of daffodils with violas. We advise you to read the article about creating a perennial flower bed in the garden.

Rules for planting daffodils

Daffodils are perennial flowers. They are shade-tolerant, but at the same time they are light-loving plants. Daffodils are unpretentious, planting does not take much time and effort. These hardy flowers prefer regular garden soil and moderate moisture. The best places for planting are loamy soils with medium shade. A month before planting, fertilizer should be applied to the soil, as well as sand and peat.

Landing takes place at the end of September. This period allows the bulbs to take root even before frost. You can grow daffodils in a pot. Healthy daffodil bulbs should be treated with a disinfectant solution. The pot is filled with a light and nutritious soil mixture. The optimum temperature for growth is 20°C.

Transplantation of these flowers is not required for several years. It is recommended to grow them in one place for no longer than six seasons.

Care for daffodils

Daffodils and their planting require careful attention. Basic care and feeding must be carried out three times per season. The first feeding is carried out immediately after the emergence of shoots. The second - during the budding period, and the third corresponds to the flowering stage. Daffodils do not need top dressing after flowering. You can learn about the types of organic fertilizers used for plants by reading an article posted in one of our previous publications.

For bouquets, flowers should not be cut, but broken out. This method is less traumatic for a flowering plant.

For reproduction and wintering, only healthy and high-quality planting material should be left. Bulbs of daffodils should be elastic and large. The covering scales should have a healthy white or yellowish color. Peeling scales can be a sign of various fungal diseases.

The flowering period of daffodils is relatively long and stretches to April-June. In the northern regions, which are characterized by severe winters, daffodils must be covered just before the onset of stable frosts.

Diseases and pests

Like other plants and flowers, daffodils are prone to various diseases, and also often become an object of nutrition for some pests.

  • Fusarium okusporum f. narcissi causes the severe Fusarium disease in daffodils;
  • Sclerotinia narcissicola infects daffodils with sclerocial rot.

Daffodils are susceptible to viral diseases and attack by the following pests:

  • root, bulbous and stem nematodes;
  • narcissus and bulbous flies;
  • thrips.

Variety daffodils (video)


how to buy daffodils in the online store

To buy daffodils in the online store, you must enter the store. The name of the daffodil leads to a page with photos, a description and a button to buy. If a you can't buy a daffodil instead of the cart button, the reason will be indicated. Putting the desired varieties of daffodils in the basket, do not forget make a purchase.

The name of the analysis leads to a photograph of the planting material of daffodils and the background color: order forecast

If you made the right purchase, a copy of the order will be sent to you by e.mail and the order will appear in the "My Data" section. Before buying, read the rules for selling daffodils in Moscow and buying by mail.

The sale of daffodils is carried out on order - we do not have a warehouse where you can drive up and buy daffodils on the spot


1 when buying daffodils in Moscow, indicate: Surname I.O. + Moscow city + mobile number2 for Muscovites there is no minimum order amount3 prepayment is not required if the variety at the end of the description does not indicate "payment for N weeks" *4 2 weeks before delivery, we will contact you by email + SMS with a request to confirm the order5 The delivery dates for daffodils are indicated at the beginning of the 2018 catalog and on the variety description pages.6 we will inform you about the delivery of the order by e.mail + sms7 distribution of orders near Belyaevo metro station (900m)
Monday to Thursday from 11 am to 8 pm*For those who come to Moscow and orders picked up by friends in Moscow:
50% prepayment is required within a month.SUCCESSFUL SHOPPING and FLOWERING



Since 2018, it will be possible to pay for daffodils with Yandex Money


Here will be Photos and videos of our planting material with a description of the guarantees of varietal characteristics and the replacement of planting material in case of re-sorting

daffodils - photo gallery

Photos of the best varieties of daffodils are collected in a photo gallery. Pictures of flowers are divided into groups of 50 images in flash format and Adobe Flash Player is required to view. Loading the gallery may take from 1 to 4 minutes and depends on your internet speed

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Growing daffodils, planting and care.

On a separate page it says agricultural technology of daffodils which will also be available in the AGRICULTURAL TECHNIQUE tab for all varieties.

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Floral SE MA FOR

45+ years of experience in growing flowers has shown that flower growers love not only a large selection of varieties, but also 100% selection of their orders. Our Flower DataBase5.0 program predicts the selection of orders for flowers, and the online store of daffodils keeps a record of planting material. Last year, the selection of orders amounted to 96.9 % and 98.3 % for Moscow and mail. The presence of daffodil bulbs is shown color for radio buttons:

Bulbs of terry daffodils

Terry daffodils are the most beautiful varieties with double flowers. Flowers come in a wide variety of colors: red, orange, yellow, green, white and pink. They are single or collected in several pieces on a peduncle. The flowers have an interesting shape and a variety of colors. The flower is a perianth petal collected in curly ruffles. Its shape resembles the flowers of roses or gardenias. The fragrance of the flowers is excellent. All our plants are grown in Holland.


Narcissus Terry Mix

Narcissus Mix 20

Narcissus Full House

Narcissus Irene Copeland

Narcissus Rip Van Winkle

Narcissus Atholl Palace

Narcissus Sweet Pomponette

Narcissus Candy Princess

Narcissus White Marvel

Showbox Daffodils Terry

Narcissus Dick Wilden

Narcissus Double Fashion

Narcissus Ice King

Narcissus Petit Four

Terry daffodils: care features. Delivery of terry daffodils by mail

Bright expressive daffodils with double flowers in recent years have gained great popularity. They are loved for unusual inflorescences and are used not only for planting in open ground, but also for planting in containers, floor vases, for decorating balconies, and also for forcing. However, Terry daffodils require wind protection.

Daffodils Double (Double Daffodils) is a large group of daffodils, which united all varieties with double flowers - group 4. This group includes daffodils from other groups: daffodils with different shapes, sizes and colors of flowers, with one or more flowers on the stem. For example, these daffodils can have stunningly shaped flowers ranging from small flowers adapted to grow in rock gardens to large flowers. Their flowers may resemble gardenia inflorescences, carnations, etc. Their color is also varied. Perianth segments can be white, as well as all shades of yellow, cream and orange. In addition, many of the double daffodils have a lovely sweet scent. The size of the flowers is 3.5 - 8 cm or more in diameter. Plant height - 30 - 50 cm.

Terry daffodils are commercially available today. Every self-respecting grower should have at least some of the varieties in their garden! It is not difficult to buy bulbs of Terry daffodils. A large selection of varieties in the Florium online store allows you to purchase beautiful and fashionable daffodils in exactly the colors that are especially popular this season. We will quickly deliver bulbs of terry daffodils to Kyiv, as well as to another city at the address of your place of residence.

Daffodils are perennial bulbous plants from the Amaryllis family. This is one of the most common spring flowers, it has about thirty thousand varieties, and is represented by thirteen species.

Daffodils are endowed with a wonderful aroma and a bright, memorable appearance, they grow quickly, are not afraid of the cold, are unpretentious, so not a single “spring” flower bed is complete without these beautiful flowers.

In ancient Rome, daffodils were considered the flowers of winners, in Chinese culture the flower represents the coming new year, in oriental medicine it is used as a treatment for mastitis and rheumatism.

The content of the article:

Planting daffodils: when and how to plant

Daffodils are non-capricious flowers and even a novice grower can handle their cultivation. The flower is not demanding on the soil, however, some features of the plant should be considered when choosing a place for planting. There is a definite answer to the questions of when and how to plant daffodils, plant in the fall, in a quiet area, well lit by the sun. Daffodils flowers are unique, they will adapt to any type of soil. Nevertheless, there are some conditions that must be observed when planting some of their species.

So, the landing time is determined purely individually, and depends on the climatic latitude. Planting daffodils in autumn in open ground can stretch from August to October, the main thing is that the soil does not cool down and keeps the temperature at + 9-12 degrees. Before the first frost, the narcissus bulb should have time to take root and begin to grow.

How to properly cultivate the soil for planting daffodils

Daffodils develop well on loamy soils, this does not mean that the flower will not grow on fertile soil rich in humus.

Daffodils, like all garden flowers, prefer fertile, humus-enriched soil with a neutral level of acidity. But excessive aeration and light sandy soils are not suitable for planting daffodils, since the bulb can freeze in winter and dry out in summer without proper care.

It is not difficult to correct the soil soil on your own: add black soil (1 bucket per 2 sq.m.), lime and nitrophoska (150-200 grams per 1 sq.m.) to poor loams; mix light sandy soil with black soil and clay in equal proportions, apply nitrogen fertilizers and potassium, heavy and clogged soils are artificially lightened with river sand (15 kg per sq.m.) and peat. Organic fertilizers are applied to the soil, a year before the proposed planting of the plant on the site, in order to avoid burning the narcissus bulb.

Optimal planting depth for daffodils

The depth of planting a flower, first of all, depends on the variety and size of the narcissus bulb. Experienced gardeners say that the optimal deepening can be considered planting the bulb at a depth of three times its size. Thus, for large bulbs, about 22 cm will be considered the optimal depth, and small bulbs can be planted at a depth of 11 to 16 cm. Larger planting material will give early flowering, and for forcing the bulb ahead of time, plant it 5-8 cm higher than the one obtained when calculating the depth.

Planting daffodils in autumn or the main rules for planting bulbs

With the preparation of the soil and the choice of the site before planting, you have decided, now you need to form holes for planting.

Multiply the height of the bulb by three and get the depth of embedding, take into account the fact that the soil freezes in winter, it is better to deepen an additional 5 cm than to lose the bulb during wintering.

Before planting, the bulbs are carefully inspected for the presence of affected areas, soaked for a minute in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dried with a paper towel.

At the bottom of the hole (for drainage), pour 1 cm of river sand, lay the bulb with the root down and lightly press down so that the bulb takes root better.

From above, the bulb is showered with ash and half filled with soil, the next part of the soil is mixed with phosphorus and potassium and poured into the hole, the surface is slightly pressed down and watered abundantly.

Care for daffodils

Care for daffodils in the fall in the open field should be aimed at creating conditions for the rooting of the bulb and protection from upcoming frosts. Fertilization during the hibernation stage of the plant is not required, unless of course you followed the rules for planting daffodils and fertilized in the proper amount before planting.

Watering in the fall is also not required, but if the autumn turned out to be dry and warm, weekly waterings are welcome. For the winter, the area with daffodils is covered with mulch or spruce branches, and cleared in early spring.

Caring for daffodils consists of watering, weeding, hilling and fertilizing the plant. Fertilizers are applied during the formation of the peduncle. Watering in early spring is not required, as the soil has been saturated with moisture since winter; during flowering, daffodils are watered once a week.

Weeding is carried out as they appear. Hilling should be done as needed, carefully so as not to damage the bulb and the newborn plant. In harsh winters, daffodils need extra shelter: a layer of peat, straw, or dry foliage is great.

Planting daffodils is done every 5-6 years, the bulbs are dug up, divided, dried and transplanted to a new place. Difficult-to-separate and small children are left with the mother's bulb. Transplantation is carried out when the plant has completely faded, in August, September.

Bulbs for storage do not need to be dug up annually, but they are perfectly stored in a dark, cool and dry place until next year. Before planting, the bulbs are sorted and soaked in a solution of manganese.

Species of daffodils, their varieties and features

Narcissus has about a dozen species and more than 20 thousand varieties. They are common in most countries with a temperate climate. In the wild, it is found in Europe, Russia, the Alps, Asia.

The history of the origin of the name of the flower rests on the legends of Ancient Greece, in one of which, the Ancient Greek goddess Nemesis punished a young man, at the request of the nymphs he had rejected, and he, seeing his reflection in the water, froze from love for himself and turned into a flower.

The color of daffodils varies depending on the variety and type, classic shades of white and yellow. The foliage is basal, the width and length also depends on the variety. Bulbs are scaly, brown, oval-elongated. The narcissus flower is bright, decorative and unpretentious, therefore it is gaining more and more popularity.

Terry daffodils

The "terry" hat of the narcissus justifies the name with its appearance and adorns the tall peduncle. The perianth is white and yellow, the crown is red, milky or rich orange. The terry look grows beautifully, is unpretentious and looks spectacular on any of the flower beds. The most common varieties: Modern, Indiana, Golden Duket, Beauty Exotic, Texas, Replit, Manly.

Cyclamenoid daffodils

It reaches a height of 22 cm, and is similar to the cyclamen flower. The narcissus flower itself, looks down, the petals puff up. The middle is lighter than the main shade, long and thin. Blooms early and gets along well with neighbors in the flower bed. The leaves are long and thin, prone to lodging. Common varieties: Jenny, Tete-a-Tete, Baby Doll, Jack Sneel, Andalusia.

Split-crowned daffodils

It will not be possible to pass by cut-crowned daffodils. Their brightness and unusual appearance attracts the attention of others.

The middle of the flower has a dissected crown, creating the effect of volume. The color palette of the species is varied. Narcissus of this species grows up to 20-25 cm. The peduncle adorns a single flower with a diameter of 11.5 cm. Common varieties: Lemon Beauty, Split Crown, Size King, Chantarel, Modesta, Cassata.

jonquill daffodils

Another representative of daffodils has more than five small flowers on the peduncle, with a shortened, rounded, convex center and long, thin leaves. The species is distributed in the temperate latitudes of our country. The colors of jonquill-like narcissus are varied, there are yellow, milky and pale orange shades.

Common varieties include: Star Hill, Sweetness, Golden, Susie Cherry, Belle Zong and the most beautiful copy of Baby Moon.

tubular daffodils

One of the largest and most common groups of daffodils. The middle of the flower is tubular. Flowering early, variety of varieties is extensive.

The flower is large, on a long stem, the leaves reach a height of 21 cm.

The tube and the main shade of the flower are found in different shades. The view is unpretentious, decorative and stable. Common varieties are:
Golden Harvis, Celebrity, Christian Andersen, Bonnet, Golden Stark, Mount Hood, Musical Hall, Little James, Lunar C.

Large crowned daffodils

Justify their name with a large convex crown. The flower is large, bright yellow or white. Crowns come in a variety of colors. The peduncle grows up to 35 cm, surrounded by narrow and long leaves. Large-crowned daffodils are very popular among flower growers and are represented by varieties: Smagard, Lagerlef, Cardinal, Velakses,
Progress, Sound Semiramis, Flower Shi, Royal Orange, Scarlet, Lady Bird, Kentucky.

Small crowned daffodils

You can recognize the variety by a small, short crown, expanding towards the top. Shades of the type are milky, pearl, yellow, pale pink, orange. The peduncle is short, strong and resistant to lodging.

Daffodils of this species are unpretentious and resistant. They grow quickly, without additional requirements. They please with long-lasting freshness of the bouquet and organically fit into any decor.
Varieties: Jewel, Barrett, Verger, Limerick

Triandrus, triandrus daffodils

Selective view of daffodils, tender, with a crown expanding upwards. A small flower, yellow in color, is located on a narrow and high stem, proudly crowned with a bright cylinder and bent petals. Recommended varieties: Ice, Thalia, Liberty Bells, Havera, Stoke.

The elegance and sophisticated look of the narcissus has at first sight. It blooms in white, neat inflorescences with a short skirt-shaped crown framed in bright red.

The flower is crowned with a tall and thin stem up to 38 cm. Delicate spring aroma and pearly whiteness of the petals will impress any grower. The most successful garden varieties are: Actea, Rome, Margaret Mitchell, Milan and Beauty.

wild daffodils

The species includes about 50 subspecies, grow in families and cover vast areas. The flowers are small and fragrant, on a short stem, white and yellow. The wild species is found in the Alps, Greece, Romania, Europe, Italy and the forests of Russia.

Multicolored daffodils

One peduncle of this species fits about 8 flowers. The appearance of the multi-flowered daffodil is unusual and chic, due to the accuracy and splendor of the inflorescences. Colors in their variety, there are both pale peach, white, and yellow. Despite its appearance, the species is not capricious and stable. Common varieties: Medusa, Minnow, Laurent Coster, Scarlet Jam, Elvira, Geranium, Chefulness.

Bulbocodium or bell-shaped hybrids

A beautiful hybrid developed by breeders not so long ago.

The inflorescences are small with a large and wide crown, delicate aroma and undersized peduncle. Such a daffodil is an ideal potted option.

Growing daffodils at home

Narcissus is one of the few flowers that grows well both outdoors and indoors. Planting and caring for daffodils is easy. To begin with, you should choose the variety that suits you best, these can be undersized and lush types of daffodils, such as many-flowered or double.

A pot for planting daffodils is better to choose a ceramic or glass one, at least 15 cm in diameter, with the obligatory presence of drainage holes. The soil can be purchased at a flower shop or prepared by mixing garden soil with mineral fertilizers and a small amount of peat.

If you decide to buy bulbs in a store, carefully inspect them, allow only healthy and large material to plant.

Preference can be given to varieties: Inbal, Ziva, Magnet, Avalanche and Paper.

Bulbs before planting are soaked in a solution of manganese, in a solution of hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate, and then dried.

If you want to get flowering by a certain time, plant daffodil bulbs 3 weeks before your date. And be sure to add nitrophoska or liquid top dressing for bulbous flowers to the pot.

A small flat pebble is laid at the bottom of the pot, for drainage, soil is poured up to half the pot, a bed is formed in it, which must be covered with a thin layer of river sand. Then, the bulb is laid upside down and covered with soil, the pot is placed in a sunny place and watered abundantly with water at room temperature, and in three weeks you will rejoice at the first flowering of the indoor daffodil.
