Dahlias are annuals - growing from seed, when to plant. Dahlias: planting secrets for seedlings

How to get dahlias from seeds: growing and caring for them is a concern for many garden flower lovers. Dahlias are flowers that have a huge number of varieties. Each variety has its own shades. They bloom all summer until mid-autumn. Bushes reproduce in several ways: roots and seeds. Caring for them is not very difficult.

Some varieties of dahlia

This culture, which grows in almost every household, is represented in stores by many varieties. There are over 15,000 registered! Let's consider some of them:

  1. Single row. So called varieties with the arrangement of flower petals in one row. This plant has a flat bud that is always open. The stem grows 25-50 cm high.
  2. Peony. They have more lush inflorescences with petals arranged in several rows. The bud is quite large. It can reach a diameter of 20 cm. The leg is 60 to 120 cm high.
  3. Collared. They look spectacular thanks to two rows of petals of different sizes. Each row can be colored different shades colors.
  4. Pompoms. These dahlias have gorgeous buds spherical shape with a diameter of 3 to 9 cm. Individual flowers grow up to 20 cm.
  5. Cactus. Appearance they resemble a bristling hedgehog. This appearance is created by inflorescences rolled into a tube. They are like needles.
  6. Funny boys. Differs in very magnificent blossoming. Flower diameter 10 cm. Does not form tubers. The plant is an annual.
  7. Dandy. Semi-double variety with original inflorescences of various colors. The plant belongs to undersized varieties.
  8. Piccolo can be grown in pots on the veranda and in the flower bed. The variety is undersized, 40-45 cm high.
  9. Unwins Dwarf up to 60 cm high has branched stems with flowers 6-9 cm in diameter. color shades lots of.

Growing flowers from seeds

How to plant dahlias: growing from seeds or tubers to choose? If you buy seeds in a store, then you will definitely get a bag with a mixture different types but about the same height. Having planted them in the garden, you will soon see many colorful buds. different color, shape and size. But their growth will be about the same. Undersized ones bloom earlier than their tall counterparts. For tall plants, it is good to build props, otherwise the flowers can fly around like a dandelion.

Seeds for seedlings can be grown independently. To do this, you need to carefully look at the faded buds. On many of them, an achene will be found. It is firm and light green in color. When ripe, it becomes dark beige and resembles a cone. small size. When it dries (this can be seen from the peeling scales), it's time to collect the seeds. They are useful for growing dahlias from seeds. Seeds ripen in autumn high humidity during the rains. Boxes need to be covered from precipitation with a waterproof film. When frost occurs, it is better to cut the stems with boxes and bring them into the house. In a container with water in a couple of weeks they will ripen.

Ripened boxes are cut from the stem and carefully opened. Inside are pieces of 10-15 seeds. At favorable conditions they can be stored at home for 3-4 years. How to grow a crop and when to plant seeds?

Growing seedlings begins with soil preparation. In autumn, you need to take an equal amount of sand, turf and humus, mix them and sift. Next, the soil needs to be warmed up and treated with a solution of manganese. This is done to fight disease and different kind pests. The treated soil is poured into dishes (containers, boxes) and moistened. Dahlias should be planted with seeds to a depth of 1-2 cm. The distance between them is 3 cm. Containers with soil and seeds are placed in warm place where the temperature is maintained from 23 to 25 degrees. Boxes with future seedlings require good lighting. They need to be covered with a transparent film on top.

After 10 days or a little earlier, sprouts appear. The film is removed from the boxes. So that the seedlings do not stretch too much, it must continue to be well lit. Seedlings need to be moistened. It is better to do this with a spray gun, without eroding the soil. Stagnation of excess water will lead plants to diseases. For annuals, seeds are planted at the very beginning of April. If you plant them a month earlier, then by autumn the flowers will have a fairly powerful and strong root system.

When 3-4 leaves appear on the stems, the dahlia seedlings need to dive. For this procedure, separate glasses are prepared for each plant. They need to be filled with the same soil in which the seeds grew. A hole is made at the bottom of each cup to drain excess water. Each seedling is carefully dug up and planted in a glass. The sprout is sprayed from the spray gun. By May 10-20, the sprouts should be ready for planting them in the garden. But there is no need to rush to land. It is best to wait for the time when the threat of frost has completely disappeared. In the meantime, you can harden seedlings by taking them out to open air for 5-10 minutes.

Dahlias from seeds (video)

Planting plants in open ground

summer dahlias: their cultivation should take place in certain places. Planting and cultivation of dahlias are carried out in a well-lit flower bed, fenced off from the wind. If it blows good wind, then the dahlia can turn into a dandelion, which quickly loses its petals. Well, if the flower bed is on some elevation. This will prevent water from stagnating in the ground. The soil is desirable to have a neutral or slightly acidic composition. In autumn, the place is fertilized with humus, manure or compost.

Before landing in open ground each plant is watered abundantly and left for 2 hours. Then it is removed from the glass and planted in the ground. If when picking were used peat cups, plants are planted directly in them. A little humus mixed with ash is poured into the hole. The distance between plants is about 25 cm. Plants usually take root quickly and without problems. By the middle of summer appear bright flowers various shades. Flowering of dahlias continues until early November. Blooming flower beds can be seen in numerous photos and videos that are in specialty stores, magazines and brochures.

Dahlias from seeds: preparation for sowing (video)

Conclusion on the topic

Dahlias are beautiful and beloved by many flowers. There are a huge number of varieties. Photos with their image can often be found on the pages of magazines. The congratulatory videos also have these lush flowers. Many varieties are popular. For example: Merry Fellows (whole big family), Figaro Mix, Piccolo, Harlequin Mix, Dandy, Bishop's Children, Rigoletto Mix, Diablo Mix, Mignon, Monarch, Dandelion and many others.

Dahlia seeds can be grown on your own.

In the spring, you can plant them and grow seedlings. Seedlings are planted in open ground flower beds, where they bloom by mid-summer. beautiful flowers.

Caring for the plant is not particularly difficult. You just have to watch possible appearance diseases. The main ones are: gray rot, fusarium, white rot. With gray rot, brown spots appear on the leaves and pass to all parts of the plant. Leaves and buds dry up and die. The cause of the disease is waterlogging. Fusarium leads to death root system, which rots at the base. White rot affects individual shoots, on which all flowers die. Planting dahlias: seeds can be bought or grown - this is cheap option decorating the area around the house. You can take a photo in the summer and admire it in the house in the winter.

Annual dahlias contribute bright colors in autumn days. And caring for them is so simple that only a lazy gardener does not grow dahlias on the site.

In addition, having once planted annual dahlias, their tubers can be saved for annual planting. How to do it?

Secrets of planting annual dahlias

Not every gardener knows that flowers grown from seeds form tubers that can be stored until spring. But this must be done correctly, since during storage the tubers can dry out or get sick. You can save the tubers before planting in wet sawdust or sand. Plant boxes are placed in the basement or other cold place before the onset of heat.

But what if you don’t want to store tubers or there are no suitable conditions for this? You can cultivate dahlias as annual plant. In a harsh climate, when the cold comes unexpectedly, and there is no time to dig up the tubers, they do just that.

Landing annual dahlias carry out seedlings, which are grown in advance. It is better to start sowing seeds in March or early April.

1. Preparing containers for seedlings. Containers are cleaned of dust and washed in hot water. So that tender shoots do not suffer from excess moisture, be sure to make drainage holes at the bottom of the container.

2. Seed preparation. Dahlia seeds are soaked in a warm growth stimulator solution for 12 hours. This helps speed up the germination process.

3. Soil disinfection. For growing seedlings choose a neutral loose substrate. If garden soil is used, then before planting it must be disinfected in the oven and poured with a solution of potassium permanganate.

4. Sowing seeds. Seedling containers are filled with the prepared substrate, the soil is slightly moistened and the seeds are evenly distributed over it. They are quite large, which will facilitate the process. Sprinkle the seeds with soil.

5. Germination. The container with seeds is covered with glass and removed to the light. Seeds germinate quite quickly, already on the third day you can see the first sprouts.

As soon as a lot of sprouts have appeared, the glass is carefully removed. Further care for seedlings of annual dahlias is simple. Young shoots need regular watering. When the senets release a pair of true leaves, they dive into separate containers. If this is not done, then the bush will only grow upwards.

The picking of seedlings is carried out in separate spacious containers. For transplantation use loose nutrient soil. Dahlia seedlings are deepened to cotyledon leaves.

After two weeks, you can carry out the first feeding of seedlings. It is better to choose a complex mineral fertilizer for flower seedling. After feeding, the sprouts develop quite quickly and need to be pinched. If everything is done correctly, then the seedlings will turn out strong and will easily transfer the transplant to permanent place.

How to care for annual dahlias in the open field

Before planting seedlings in a flower bed, it is important to determine the place of cultivation. Dahlias prefer open sunny areas, which allows them to fully bloom. The soil on the site should be neutral and fairly loose. The bed must be dug up with the addition of mature humus and sand.

Landing dates

Dahlias are very fond of warmth. They are planted in open ground at the end of May, when last wave frosts. The area for dahlias is leveled and holes are made. The distance between the holes depends on the dahlia variety, as some bushes grow quite tall and lush. The optimal distance is from 30 to 60 cm between the bushes.

After planting, the seedlings are slightly shaded so that they quickly adapt to a new place, and the scorching sun does not injure the delicate petals. After a few days, the shelter is removed.

Watering and fertilizing

Annual dahlias are unpretentious flowers that can do without additional dressings, but their flowering will not be so bright. To bloom abundantly, dahlias are grown on fertile soil using complex supplements.

1. The first time the plant is fed two weeks after planting the seedlings. Mullein infusion is used, which is prepared at the rate of 2 buckets of manure per 7 buckets of water. Infuse the mixture for one week. Before watering, the solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 3: 7. For each bush spend up to 2 liters of infusion.

2. The second time dahlias are fed during the budding period. At this point, phosphorus and potassium are most important for the plant. Top dressing is done with a complex mineral fertilizer for flowers.

3. The third time they feed the flowers at the end of August so that the tubers ripen. To do this, they are watered with a solution of potassium sulfate. But if there is no need to store the tuber, then the third dressing can be omitted.

Dahlias are watered often, but very little. The main secret successful cultivation this flower - moistening the soil 25-30 cm deep. If a ground water lie too high, it is necessary to ensure their removal or well-drain the hole when planting.

Pest control

Dahlias can be affected by caterpillars, slugs, fungal diseases and rot.

As preventive measures the site for dahlias is well dug up and limed in the fall. This will help to cope not only with the caterpillars, but also protect the plant from Fusarium. Signs of this dangerous disease are the withering of the apical shoots and buds, while the lower shoots turn brown. As soon as the first signs of the disease appear, the bushes are treated with complex preparations against fungal diseases.

In addition, dahlias often suffer from putrefactive diseases if the site for their cultivation is not chosen correctly. The first signs of disease are the wilting of the plant, the appearance of spots on the leaves and shoots. With such symptoms, fungicides are used.

Mistakes gardeners make when growing dahlias

Despite the fact that all growing conditions are met, many gardeners are unhappy with the flowering of dahlias. Flowers bloom poorly, some buds remain underdeveloped. What is the reason?

The thing is that annual dahlias form a lush bush. From each leaf axil, new shoots develop, which bloom over time. This explains the long and abundant flowering of dahlias. But in the conditions of Russia, only the central shoot and the upper side shoots. On them, buds form first of all, and they have time to bloom. But their bloom is not very bright. Why is this happening?

The plant spends all its energy on the formation of lower side shoots, which slows down the flowering of the main ones. To prevent this from happening, at the very beginning of development, the plant is regularly stepsoned. Every week, the lower side shoots break out, giving the plant the shape of a bush: a central shoot and 3-4 lateral ones. If this is not done, then the bush grows disheveled, flowering is delayed, some of the buds remain underdeveloped.

Care for tall annual dahlias is somewhat different. In addition to plucking the side shoots, all lower leaves are removed at a height of up to 45 cm.

Annual dahlias, grown according to all the rules, will surely please you with bright and memorable flowering.

Currently, there are more than 40 natural species of dahlias. On their basis, breeders around the world have bred several thousand very beautiful hybrid varieties with unusual flowers. Of the most common varieties grown in garden plots, the following can be mentioned:

  • Astro-shaped dahlias - inflorescences have several rows of extreme flowers and a middle, which is formed by elongated, large tubular petals. Their diameter can reach 10 centimeters, height up to 1 meter.

    Inflorescences have several rows of extreme flowers and a middle, which is formed by elongated, large tubular petals.

  • Spherical dahlias - inflorescences have a terry flattened shape and reach from 10 to 15 centimeters in diameter and from 80 to 120 centimeters in height.

    Inflorescences have a terry flattened shape

  • Peony dahlias - inflorescences consist of a large number extreme flowers, located in several rows, the core is tubular. The diameter ranges from 12 to 17 centimeters, and the height ranges from 70 to 120 centimeters.

    Inflorescences consist of a large number of extreme flowers

  • Cactus dahlias - a double inflorescence formed by numerous narrow and pointed petals has a diameter of 8 to 10 centimeters and a height of 90 to 150 centimeters.

    Terry inflorescence formed by numerous narrow and pointed petals

Dahlias can be annual or perennial. According to the size of the bush they are divided into:

  • Giant - above 25 centimeters; ;
  • Large - from 20 to 25 centimeters;
  • Medium - from 15 to 20 centimeters;
  • Small - from 10 to 15 centimeters;
  • Dwarf - below 10 centimeters.

For growing dahlias, you should select a flat place, well lit and protected from the winds. Therefore, it is better to plant them near buildings or small shrubs. Neighborhood next to large trees that will draw a large amount of soil from the soil is not recommended. nutrients and moisture.

The soil in the selected area should be loose, well permeable and contain a sufficient amount of nutrients. This is required for abundant flowering and the formation of full-fledged tubers. If the soil is heavy, then when digging it is necessary to add humus, peat and coarse sand to it. If it is, on the contrary, sandy, then its composition is improved with the help of clay and compost.

For growing dahlias, you need to choose tubers with large quantity peepholes and no signs of mold and rot. They must have the average size, since large specimens are old, and small specimens are quite weak. Such tubers may not give a full-fledged bush with abundant flowering.

Although dahlias grown from tubers are considered perennial crops, in most regions they do not tolerate wintering in the soil. Therefore, after the first frosts come, the stems of dahlias are cut off, leaving about 10 centimeters above the surface. Then, in the morning or evening of a sunny day, you need to carefully dig the plant out of the ground, clean off the remnants of the soil from the tubers, rinse, soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, Bordeaux mixture or fungicide for about half an hour and dry thoroughly for one week. Before sending them to the room in which they will be stored, they are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon.

For growing dahlias, you need to choose tubers with a large number of eyes.

To store dahlias in the winter in the cellar or basement, you can use various methods:

  • Dried and processed tubers are placed in one layer in wooden boxes or carton boxes, filled with sand or coniferous sawdust, and completely fall asleep on top;
  • Wrap each tuber in cling film and put in boxes or on racks;
  • Place the tubers in special parchment bags filled with storage compounds;
  • If several varieties of dahlias are stored for storage, then it is recommended to sign the name on the containers;
  • The basement or cellar should be dry with good ventilation, air temperature from 1 to 10 degrees and humidity from 50 to 80 percent.

If the tubers will be stored in the apartment, then you need to make a special shell for them. To do this, melt 400 grams of paraffin and 100 grams of wax in a water bath and cool slightly. After that, dip each tuber in the resulting composition and allow the coating to harden. Prepared planting material should be spread out on plastic bags, sprinkling with sawdust or peat, and store in a cool place, for example, in a refrigerator in a vegetable drawer. In this case, the paraffin-wax shell will prevent the evaporation of moisture from the tubers, and low temperature won't let them long time germinate.

Dahlia tubers are not recommended to be planted as a whole, as the plants grown from them lose their decorative effect. Planting material with a sharp knife is divided into parts, each of which must contain a peephole. Sections are processed with wood ash and leave to dry for several days.

After that, they are sent for germination in boxes filled with special moist, sterilized soil, this can be:

  • Sand with peat;
  • coconut substrate;
  • Sand with sawdust.

The laying of tubers for germination is carried out from the end of February to the beginning of May, depending on climatic conditions region.

Preparing a place for dahlias

It is advisable to prepare beds for dahlias in the fall. To saturate the soil beneficial substances, you need to enrich it with minerals and organic fertilizers, for example, add 30 grams of superphosphate and 2 buckets of manure for each square meter. It is also necessary to ensure that the reaction of the soil is neutral or slightly acidic. To reduce acidity, 300 grams of slaked lime is applied per square meter of soil. After that, the site is dug up to a depth of at least 30 centimeters and carefully leveled.

It is advisable to prepare beds for dahlias in the fall

In the spring, before planting in the ground, you need to apply 30 grams of potash fertilizer per square meter of soil and loosen it deeply. Germinated dahlia tubers are planted in the soil after they run out. spring frosts and the soil warms up to 10 degrees. With early forcing, the first inflorescences bloom in June, and with good care flowering can continue until mid-autumn.

In order to spend proper fit germinated material, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. On the prepared site, holes are dug with a depth of 10 to 15 centimeters, depending on the size of the seedling, then they are shed with warm water;
  2. The distance between single landings should be from 60 to 100 centimeters;
  3. Tubers with sprouts are carefully removed from the box, placed in a hole, covered with soil;
  4. After planting, the beds are well watered.

Flowers from seedlings

In order to grow seedlings of dahlias from seeds, you should:

  1. Fill seedling boxes with peat-sand mixture and slightly moisten it;
  2. Spread the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil and lightly cover with the substrate;
  3. Landings should be covered with polyethylene film or glass and placed in a warm room with good lighting;
  4. Boxes with seedlings should be regularly released for several hours from shelter;
  5. At good quality seeds, the first sprouts should appear a week after sowing;
  6. After the appearance of the third leaf, the seedlings are picked into individual containers filled with a soil mixture of equal parts of soddy soil, sand and peat. It is best if they are peaty. In this case, there will be no need to remove the seedlings from them, you just need to place them in the holes along with the pot, which will dissolve in the soil.

Boxes with seedlings should be regularly released for several hours from shelter

Planting seedlings of dahlias in the soil is carried out as follows:

  1. Two weeks before planting in open ground, dahlia seedlings begin to harden. To do this, it is taken out into the street and left for 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time to several hours;
  2. 2-3 hours before planting dahlias, seedlings are watered abundantly;
  3. On the site, holes are prepared with a depth of 7 to 10 centimeters at a distance of at least 50 centimeters from each other;
  4. The seedlings are distributed over the holes, covered with soil, compacted and moistened.

And from cuttings

Dahlia cuttings allow you to get a large number of seedlings from one tuber. To do this, it is planted in a box with sand and peat and moistened regularly. After the sprouts that have appeared reach a height of about 15 centimeters, they must be carefully cut with a sharp knife above the first internode. After that, new eyes will appear on the tuber, and new shoots will begin to grow from the sinuses of the remaining parts of the shoots, which will be ready for cutting in a few weeks. In this way, up to 30 cuttings can be obtained from one tuber. There are other cutting methods.

Dahlia cuttings allow you to get a large number of seedlings from one tuber

Cut cuttings are rooted in the usual way in seedling boxes with a nutritious soil mixture. Also, for the formation of roots, you can put the cuttings in a container of water, in which a growth stimulator is added. With the onset of suitable weather, rooted cuttings are planted in open ground.

How to grow dahlias from seeds the seedless way

In a seedless way, annual varieties of dahlias are planted. To do this, the seeds are sown directly into the ground after warm weather is established. Usually landing is carried out from mid-May to early June. To do this, a flower bed is formed on the prepared site, shallow grooves are made on it, the seeds are evenly distributed over them at a distance of about 20 centimeters from each other, fall asleep thin layer substrate and carefully watered. The flowering of annual dahlias grown in a seedless way occurs in early August.

Watering is important point for growing healthy and well developed dahlia bushes. Both perennial and annual species of these flowers need to be watered abundantly, but only after the soil dries out. Excessive moisture can develop various rots root system, which, without timely treatment, often leads to the death of the entire plant.

For tall varieties, you need to install supports and fix growing stems on them. Otherwise, they will break, and the plant will become unsightly. As a support for dahlias, both ordinary wooden or metal stakes, and decorative elements for the garden area.

Watering is essential for growing healthy and well developed dahlia bushes.

For good growth and abundant flowering, dahlias need to be regularly fed once every fortnight. It is recommended to alternate mineral fertilizers and organics. To do this, you can use a solution of superphosphate at the rate of 50 grams per 20 liters of water. For organic feeding, 1 kilogram of mullein is bred in 10 liters of water, or 1 kilogram of bird droppings is dissolved in 20 liters of water. Under each plant, 1 liter of the indicated nutrient compositions is poured. It is recommended to water the plants a few hours before fertilizing.

In rainy weather or with dense planting, dahlias may begin to rot the root system. Outwardly, this can be seen from the withering stems with traces of rot. In this case, the affected leaves and other parts must be removed from the plant. After that, you need to spray the bushes with a fungicide solution and spill the soil on them. Also, dahlias are often damaged by aphids, thrips and Colorado potato beetles, which suck out a large amount of nutrients from them. If insects are found, it is necessary to immediately treat the plants with an infusion of garlic or onions. In especially severe cases, an insecticide solution is used.

In order for dahlia bushes to have an attractive compact appearance, they are stepchildren

In order for the dahlia bushes to have an attractive compact appearance, they are stepchildren, leaving three shoots and two buds on each peduncle on the plants. In tall varieties, side shoots are removed. This contributes to the formation of larger and brighter inflorescences.

Of course, dahlias cannot be called completely undemanding plants. But, having studied the rules for their maintenance, you can continue to spend a minimum amount of time and effort on caring for them. At the same time, many modern hybrid varieties of these plants make it possible to create garden plot the most diverse and original compositions.

Dahlias (lat. Dahlia) from the aster family. This is one of the most beautiful and long-blooming garden flowers, represented by the widest palette of colors and variety of forms. They bloom from July until frost. In addition to the variety of forms, dahlias are also distinguished by a variety of colors, and there is even a black dahlia, or rather, a red-black one, which appeared due to the accumulation of a large amount of anthocyanin pigments in the plant.

The shapes, colors and varieties of dahlias are so diverse that they can be used to decorate not only flower beds, but also border lines, as well as solo, even potted plants. Dahlias are dazzlingly beautiful, but at the same time completely unpretentious. The main thing that is required for their successful growth and lush flowering- choose the right planting site, ensure the necessary soil composition, timely watering and top dressing. You need to buy seedlings no earlier than mid-spring, and the tubers should be fleshy and strong, with already noticeable, but not tall sprouts. Soft or dry tuber is better not to take.

Dahlias growing from seeds

Growing dahlias involves labor-intensive digging and responsible storage of tubers, but if these chores scare you, you can grow annual dahlias from seed. Annual dahlias are just as beautiful and unpretentious in culture as perennial ones, and their choice is quite wide: Coltness Hybrids up to 50 cm high with abundant non-double flowers of various colors; bronze leaf redskin ; terry small Rigoletto ; early Figaro ... It is possible, having bought seeds, to sow them in open ground in mid-May, but then they will bloom only by mid-August. If you want to achieve earlier flowering, you will have to germinate the seeds.

To do this, in early April, you will need to sow dahlia seeds in greenhouses or plastic containers, using calcined sand as soil: seeds are poured onto a layer of sand, which are again sprinkled with sand on top, moistened well and covered with transparent polyethylene. It takes about ten days to germinate the seeds at a temperature of 25-27 ° C, then the sprouts need to dive into separate pots. The soil mixture should be moisture-intensive and loose, you can buy it, or you can cook it: one part of peat and sand and two parts of leafy soil. Three days before picking, the soil must be treated with a hot solution of potassium permanganate (70 °) of a dark pink color. After picking, the seedlings are watered as the soil dries. In mid-May, it can be planted in the ground.

Dahlias planting in open ground

You need to start preparing by choosing a landing site. The dahlia flower hates drafts, but requires a well-ventilated and lit place, so you need to plant dahlias on sunny area protected from the wind. The soil on the site should be well-drained, permeable and nutritious. Dahlias can grow in soil with a lack or excess of acidity, but a slightly acidic or neutral environment will be optimal for them. If the soil in the area is too acidic (pH 5-4), add slaked lime, if the pH is more than 8.5, you can "acidify" the soil with peat.

The variety of varieties of dahlias allows you to admire their beauty not only for experienced gardeners who know how to store and awaken tubers. It is possible to grow dahlias from seeds, even beginners will be able to do it. The results of simple manipulations will be no less impressive and decorate your flower beds with lush bright flowering.

How to collect seeds?

Suitable for growing from seeds annual varieties dahlias. They differ from perennial counterparts in a great variety in height and flowering time, not inferior in decorative effect. This allows you to create different-level mixborders on the site that bloom throughout the warm season.

Collection planting material occurs after flowering. Often this time coincides with the beginning of the rainy season and cooling. In this case, the pollinated flowers are covered from above with a transparent film or a bag from getting wet, so that the seeds have time to ripen in warmth and dryness.

Pollinated dahlia inflorescences are found by a light green or light beige scaly "bump" in the middle of the flower. On the bush, the seeds ripen up to one and a half months. If the weather finally turned bad, flower stalks can be cut and put in water for ripening. At room temperature The process will be completed in 2 weeks.

As the seed pod matures, it acquires a dark beige color, the scales begin to peel off easily. This is the signal to start collecting seeds. Each cone contains 10 to 15 dark gray, black seeds. They are packed in paper bags with an indication of the variety and stored for up to 3 years.

Sowing dates

The best time for sowing seeds of annual dahlias for seedlings is from early March to early April. If in the future it is planned to use your own seed, then an additional period must be provided for its maturation. As a rule, the collected material begins to be prepared for sowing two weeks earlier.

IMPORTANT! When planning the breeding of dahlias, consider the start of flowering. The shortest, dwarf varieties bloom earlier than medium and tall. The latter have to spend more time developing stems and leaves.

Seed preparation

When breeding dahlias from seeds, complex seed preparation is not required. If you bought your favorite variety in the store, these seeds are completely ready for planting. If you collected fruit boxes of flowers from your site, sort out the seeds obtained, leaving whole, well-formed ones.

To cull empty seeds experienced gardeners perform calibration. The process is divided into two stages:

  1. Sorting material by size;
  2. Seed sorting by density.

At the first stage, small, dry and unripe seeds are removed. In the second, using a 3% saline solution, dahlia seeds are divided into two categories:

  • Less dense - those that float on the surface are not suitable for sowing.
  • More dense - those that sink to the bottom, are able to give the strongest seedlings when grown.

ATTENTION! To activate vitality overnight, soak the seeds in any growth stimulator or 50% aloe juice solution.

Seedling growing methods

There are several ways to grow annual dahlias, including direct seeding outdoors. In this case, it is necessary to wait for the start of work in some regions until the end of May. Otherwise, the last spring frosts on the soil can kill young plants. In order not to risk and not waste time, these flowers are pre-sown for seedlings using one of three options:

  1. in diapers;
  2. in the snail;
  3. in soil containers.

How to grow seedlings in diapers?

The method of sowing dahlia seeds "in diapers" does not require soil mixtures, significantly saves the number of containers for planting and space on the windowsills.

Any dense film is suitable for use. Strips 10 cm wide are cut from it. A strip of toilet paper is placed on each tape (you can use napkins or disposable kitchen towels) wetted with water. Dahlia seeds are carefully laid out on paper at intervals of 2.5-3 cm and covered with the same wet piece. Then the whole structure is twisted into a roll and placed in a container of water.

The seedlings obtained in this way can be dived into diapers using soil. They take pieces of any dense film about 20x25 cm in size. 2 tablespoons of soil mixture are poured into the corner of the rectangles, grown seedlings are placed in it, the opposite side is tucked, forming a bottom, and rolled into a not too dense roll. The top is fixed with an elastic band, the resulting soft containers are placed in one common container and placed in a warm, bright place.

Watering in both cases is carried out with a solution of any complex fertilizer for indoor flowers with a dosage reduction of 2 times, while it is better to use a sprayer.

Sowing in snails

For growing seedlings of dahlias "in snails", an inexpensive substrate for laying laminate or parquet from a building supermarket is best suited. Many summer residents additionally use toilet paper supposedly for better moisture retention. But experience shows that the effect of it is minimal, you can not complicate the process, get by with one substrate.

  • From the roll cut a strip 10 cm wide, 60-80 cm long.
  • Spread a neutral loose soil mixture evenly over the entire surface with a thickness of 7 mm, remove lumps and slightly moisten from a spray bottle.
  • Place dahlia seeds 1 cm from the edge of the tape in 2-2.5 cm increments.
  • When all the seeds are laid, the strip is rolled up into a roll that resembles a snail.
  • To fix it in height, put two thin elastic bands on it. Put the prepared snails in a container and cover with a lid until the first shoots appear.
  • Water the seedlings by adding water to the bottom of the container.

Sowing in containers with nutrient soil

The most traditional method of growing annual dahlias at home is to sow the seeds in a pot of nutrient-rich potting soil. So get seedlings vegetable crops many gardeners.

If the containers have already been in use, they are prepared by washing hot water with soap, disinfected with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

IMPORTANT! Seedling containers must have drainage holes.

The soil mixture is prepared from equal parts of peat, sand and perlite, but you can take any neutral soil mix. Even the earth from your flower bed will do if it is first calcined in the oven.

Seeds of dahlias are placed on the surface of the soil with an interval of 2-2.5 cm, then lightly sprinkled. It is better to moisten the earth from a spray bottle. Cover the container with glass, a transparent lid or film and leave in a bright room at a temperature of 20-23 degrees.

seedling care

Seedlings are expected for 6-7 days. After they appear, the lids or film are removed from the containers, the seedlings are determined in a well-lit place to prevent excessive stretching.

IMPORTANT! When growing dahlias from seeds, follow one simple rule - instead of watering, moisten the soil with a spray bottle. These flowers do not respond well to excess moisture.

After the formation of two leaves, young plants dive into personal small containers; disposable cups can be used. For transplanting, take a mixture of equal parts of peat, sand, sod land. Bury seedlings to the first pair of leaves. Two weeks after rooting, feed small dahlias complex fertilizer. Further top dressing is carried out once a week.

As soon as the second pair of leaves appears on the plants, pinching the tops is carried out. This is done so that by the time of transplantation into open ground, dahlia seedlings have a good root system, are strong, and quickly take root in a permanent place.

Terms of planting seedlings in the ground

The time for transferring prepared seedlings of annual dahlias to open ground depends on your climatic region. You need to focus on the timing of the end of spring nightly return frosts.

  • For southern latitudes - the end of April will do;
  • For moderates - mid-May;
  • For the northern regions - mid-June.

Daytime temperature should be at least 12-15 degrees. If you have already planted plants in flower beds, and there is a threat of adverse weather, cover plantings for the night.

Important: Remember, even zero temperature is detrimental to the delicate greenery of these flowers.

For better acclimatization, containers with seedlings can be taken out into the open air in warm sunny weather two weeks before transplantation. Make sure that the initial hardening temperature is not lower than 12 degrees, increase the time gradually, starting from 5 minutes a day.

Immediately after planting, it is better to shade young plants, for example, by carefully covering them with boxes. After they straighten up, acquire a healthy appearance, the shelter can be removed.

Once propagating dahlias with seeds, you can expand the possibilities of their cultivation in the future. If desired, at the end of the flowering season, you can collect the seeds again, or you can dig up and store the plant tubers that have formed over the summer. Read about how to grow dahlias from tubers here.
