What is included in the overhaul. Types of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings

Carrying out a major overhaul is an issue that concerns each management company and any of the residents. In this article, we will look at how general principles organization of overhaul, as well as individual non-obvious subtleties that will help the management company to build the process more efficiently and at lower cost.

How to organize and carry out a major overhaul

structural elements, engineering systems and the equipment of apartment buildings gradually wear out, and therefore require periodic intervention to restore normal condition. These procedures make up the overhaul, which is planned in each MKD. The procedure for its implementation latest changes consider in this article.

General principles for the overhaul of MKD

A list of sanitary and technical requirements. If the current repair does not allow to bring the building in line with regulatory documents, then a major overhaul is carried out. During it, the main elements and structures of the MKD are restored or replaced.

The procedure for carrying out a major overhaul involves the mandatory coordination of events at a general house meeting. Until recently, residents claimed everything related to:

  • list of work performed;
  • cost estimates;
  • deadlines;
  • funding sources;
  • persons accepting work from the owners of apartments.

In the fall of 2017, the rules for major repairs were significantly revised. In accordance with them, for example, the OSS is no longer involved in approving the overhaul estimates. This applies even to those cases where the formation of the capital repair fund takes place on a special account.

The need for major repairs of residential facilities is regulated by law. It must be carried out for buildings with the following wear:

  • wooden - from 65 percent;
  • stone - from 30 to 70 percent.

How is the overhaul carried out

It must be remembered that in the concept of overhaul there is a distinction between its complete and selective implementation. Selectively, it is carried out only for a part of the MKD elements that need urgent updating. Complete overhaul by regulatory documents must be carried out 30 years after the house began to be used, selective - after 20 years. For structural elements of buildings, the specific service life is determined by the material of manufacture. For example, foundations, walls and ceilings can last from 30 to 80 years, and interior decoration- from 3 to 30 years.

During the construction process, each house has technical certificate, which displays, among other things, the state of its elements. The need for overhaul of MKD is determined, among other things, according to information from this document. Whether it is necessary to repair the house is decided by a special commission, consisting of specialists from different departments. They preliminarily inspect the buildings and make a decision on the need for certain activities.

Residents can also influence whether it is necessary to carry out major repairs in an apartment building. Owners have the right to refuse certain jobs if they feel the house can do without them. However, with regard to elevators, critical communications and important elements buildings, work will have to be carried out without the consent of the apartment owners.

Raising funds to finance the overhaul

Capital repairs of apartment buildings residential buildings is carried out at the expense of funds that are collected from residents in the form of mandatory monthly contributions. Apartment owners choose one of the options for forming a capital repair fund:

  • at a regional operator (in a common boiler);
  • on a special account relating only to a particular house.

The main advantage of using a special account is the freedom to dispose of the funds collected on it. In this case, the tenants themselves determine when the overhaul work will be carried out in the apartment building. They do not depend on the decisions regarding the order of work, taken at the regional level. The downside of owning an account is the need to spend time and effort on opening and maintaining it. In all details, work with a special account is described in an expert article in our magazine.

If the apartment owners do not choose independent way raising funds for overhaul, then the funds regularly paid by them are sent by default to the regional operator. The RO accumulates funds and is responsible for the overhaul of the common property in the MKD, but does not carry out the work itself. The Regoperator engages the necessary contractors and ensures that they meet deadlines and quality requirements.

Many believe that the funds sent to the RO are lost for the Criminal Code and the HOA. However, in reality this is not the case. Management organizations themselves may well become contractors, that is, those who carry out major repairs. In this case, they can earn on the performance of work, even if the funds for them are collected on the account of the regional operator. How exactly to do this is described in the article by the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Management of an apartment building”. From the material you will learn:

  • what you need to do to participate in the pre-selection;
  • how electronic auctions are conducted;
  • What are the criteria for choosing a winner?

If funds are collected on a special account of a particular house, then its owner is considered managing organization, HOA or cooperative. In this case, the management company is more free to dispose of its own funds, since the issues of their allocation to repair work the residents themselves decide on the OSS. However, this does not mean that the management company always has enough money for everything.

It often happens that the State Housing Inspectorate issues an order on the need to repair, for example, the roof, and the accumulated Money this is not enough. Naturally, the inspectors do not care about how the Criminal Code will finance the repair work. GZhI is important the result, which is the executed prescription. In its absence, the responsible organization will face fines and other sanctions.

If there is not enough money, then they can be borrowed. This issue is devoted, in which the following points are considered:

  • what are the general rules for capital repairs;
  • how financing is carried out if the work is carried out ahead of schedule;
  • how is a bank loan issued for a major overhaul;
  • how loans are issued to owners.

The issue of capital repairs lending is becoming more and more frequent, because not only the regulatory authorities, but also the residents themselves often want to see the result immediately. Some management companies and homeowners associations are switching to the practice of using exclusively borrowed money. They first carry out the necessary repairs, and only then begin to collect money for them. How exactly to organize this process, in which regular contributions from tenants will be directed to repay a loan for repairs already made, is described in the case of the Kalininets HOA from the Rostov Region.

Many believe that the collection of funds for major repairs from residents and their accumulation in the account is an endless process, carried out from the commissioning of the MKD (adjusted for new buildings) to the demolition of the building. It actually works a little differently. In some cases, the collection of money may even be suspended, but this is only true for houses where funds are accumulated in a special account.

For special accounts, regional authorities determine minimum size KR fund, and when it is reached, the collection can be temporarily suspended. The opinion of the owners, who have the right to increase the amount of contributions in order to carry out some additional work in the house, is also important here. The topic of the termination of overhaul fees is discussed in more detail in a special article. This includes answers to the following questions:

  • 5 cases when funds are not collected;
  • how much you need to accumulate to suspend the collection of contributions;
  • for how long the collection of contributions is suspended;
  • Is it possible to stop fundraising?

As an exception, mention should be made of houses to which the state is obliged to provide financial assistance in carrying out major repairs. From the end of 2017, a special procedure is provided for apartment buildings that needed major repairs even before the first apartment was privatized in them. There are few such houses in the country, but they exist, and their owners can count on state aid. How exactly this process is organized, and how much assistance can be obtained, is described in the article of the magazine "MKD Management" for August 2018.

Overhaul of the house and other residential premises is a matter of improvement of life. An innovation that was added to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation states that the owners of square meters in high-rise buildings committed to invest in repairs. Given such changes, questions have arisen that require answers about what the overhaul means, what types of activities are carried out. The nuances are described in the current legislation, so the legality of actions and amendments should be studied.

Repair of apartment buildings, provided for legal regulations, is carried out by special organizations that are assigned to real estate.

Features of the overhaul procedure

Capital, large-scale repairs are determined by each real estate entity independently, but the fees are held regularly. The state website of housing and communal services contains all the information directly from each region of the country. In the public domain there is also information about the rights and opportunities of each owner, their obligations.

The legislation provides for two points when a person is suspended from monetary obligations:

  • when the property is in disrepair and subject to demolition;
  • land under real estate of municipal importance.

If the land is of regional importance, then the owners of the apartments are exempted from monetary contributions, and they are also returned the amounts handed over. The state also took care of the owners of apartments with low income. Owners with a subsidy can increase it so that the funds are enough to pay for major repairs. The legislation provides that citizens with a minimum income will not feel the cost.

If such a situation arose that the owner bought a home with a debt for public utilities or debts for paying for major repairs, then the owner, along with the property, also acquired debts.

Major repairs of residential premises can be of different scale, which depends on the condition of the property and the needs of residents.

Repair Provisions

What works are included in the overhaul, the residents decide.

You should also have information about what is considered changes, the list of works is distinguished by the following points:

  1. Insulation of walls, facades, plinth, repair and insulation of parts of the house.
  2. Restoration of fire escapes, drains, as well as insulation window openings and soundproofing.
  3. Restoration works of the foundation, cellars.
  4. Roof overhaul apartment building.
  5. Basements, roofs, as well as beautification of doors and platforms on the floors.

What is not included in the overhaul of an apartment building is distinguished by the following points:

In some residential premises, attention is paid to elevators, and this item is necessarily considered by the housing commission. From the definitions, it is noticeable about repair that it consists of different types works, they relate directly to improving the quality of life at a particular facility. It is also important to control the expenditure of funds, because the monthly contributions must pay off all the necessary manipulations related to home improvement. In the regions there is a controlling department that decides the main points regarding the overhaul.

The list of works on the overhaul of multi-storey housing is services that directly relate to the quality of life.

Concept designation

The designation of the overhaul is described in the Housing Code Russian Federation, allocate the following notation that a large-scale repair is the restoration of real estate. The procedure for the overhaul is indicated for each housing by the apartment owners, so to find out where the money goes, you just need to contact the head of the commission.

A major overhaul includes the elimination of any property malfunctions. high-rise building. They also replace broken materials and structures. Of course, the nuances and features of the work depend on financial condition, taking into account the possibilities, it is possible to improve the infrastructure of the house and territory.

The overhaul of the building depends on the work performed, therefore, the following activities are distinguished:

All work is carried out as needed, the selected aspect is decided only by the commission, by the residents themselves, who donate money for repair work. Major repairs should be carried out both by employees who provide housing and communal services, and by the owners themselves.

The overhaul of common property in an apartment building is carried out at the expense of the apartment owners, while the types of work are chosen directly by the residents.

Types of repair work

They share both planned overhaul, and unscheduled or emergency. The second type is carried out if there is an emergency, when you need to respond quickly and eliminate all the consequences of an unforeseen event. When it comes to major repairs in a dilapidated house, you will need a special permit for this. All activities may be carried out under threat to occupants, if any, prior to the proposed demolition.

Overhaul and current repair work of premises are different, so you should not confuse them, because the rights and obligations of all parties to the ongoing process depend on the designation.

There are such types of repairs:

  • unscheduled;
  • emergency;
  • current;
  • capital.

In the documentation, the types of repairs have different responsible persons. After all, current repairs are the responsibility of the person who rents the premises, and capital repairs are the responsibility of the person who rents it. This division clearly indicates the obligations, as well as the responsible people for this. It is worth remembering that each type of repair work is paid from separate sources. Each of the types has its own characteristics, different volumes of work.

The current repair is carried out systematically, its purpose is to prevent more serious breakdowns and destruction. All the main subtleties are spelled out in the standards of housing and communal services.

Capital repairs of common property in an apartment building replace current repairs that are carried out in the recorded period. If tenants refuse any type of repair, then there is a good reason for this.

The current repair is carried out as planned with preventive purposes, it does not need to interrupt the usual mode of life. The price is low, but this approach will keep the building working. Of course, there is no exact division between types of repairs, because all activities relate to the same structures and structures.

With the help of periodic repairs, the life of the element is extended, overhaul replaces breakdowns, but for a fee.

It is worth remembering that major repairs are paid from real estate accounts, in turn, current repairs are paid by housing and communal organizations. It is important to separate the concept of reconstruction and overhaul of real estate, because these two concepts have different orientation activities.

What is a major overhaul is determined by the commission or by the residents themselves, the frequency and scope of work are appointed by inspectors.

Contribution amounts

Contributions are made for the repair of housing, which is established by the residents themselves from the need and scale of changes, and other nuances. The legislation stipulates that all tenants and owners of apartments are required to finance the repair of common property.

All contributions are stored in special funds and are reproduced in the following ways:

  1. Each specific house has a bank account where money is kept. Expenses are recorded and controlled by a specially created commission, but at the same time, each tenant has full right view all expenses and invoices.
  2. Collective accounts as a way to collect fees are practiced in certain municipal districts. The collection of money is controlled by the head of the commission, who organizes the repair activities.

The overhaul is subject to fundraising. In each region and municipal district, a minimum is established, which is approved by law and is mandatory. The amount payable is calculated taking into account tariffs for utilities, the presence of other real estate. Therefore, contributions for major repairs for each citizen are individual.

The following factors also affect the amount of the contribution:

Important information in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation: activities that are not included in the stipulated minimum are carried out for additional cash contributions.

Major repairs in new buildings are carried out by the developer, this is a prerequisite for buying a home. The definition of activities, as well as the types of work, are indicated in the sales contract.

You can find out about the overhaul of apartment buildings online on the website of the Housing Fund. You can find out if repairs are included in utilities from the commission, which is directly responsible for this house.

Type of activity that is paid from contributions

An article from the Housing Code of the Russian Federation indicates all activities that are aimed at the reconstruction of the building, such legislation has been adopted at the state level. For a new building, other rules apply, that only the developer controls the overhaul of the premises and all the nuances related to changes in the sale of real estate. Whether it is possible to refuse a major overhaul is decided by a specially created commission, which, if one owner refuses, takes into account the interests of the residents of an apartment building.

Repair includes the following items:

  1. Roof repairs, works that improve stability and prolong the life of the roof.
  2. Elevator - service life up to 25 years, this indicator is affected by the intensity of operation, its specifications.
  3. Works inside the house.
  4. Basements and foundations are repaired as needed.
  5. The facade of the house is being repaired at the expense of the residents.

Whether major repairs are included in monthly payments depends on the regional department, as well as on the housing commission. The regional department, in addition to the included services, expands the list and adds additional repair work related to improving the improvement of a residential building. What is included can be found on the website of the organization. The owners of real estate are obliged to monitor the common property and put the attached territory in order, while refusing to overhaul is possible only by decision of the commission.

Capital repairs are changes that are provided for by legal regulations and controlled by legal authorities. If the tenants refuse to repair, it is required to indicate the reason so that the commission gives required permission. You can enter the management community with the help of the voices of the residents of the house.

The list of works and services for the overhaul of an apartment building is constantly being improved and updated with new useful offers.

The legislation provides space for a description of each of the types of repair work that can only be carried out in relation to common areas homeowners, which means that there are differences between repairs and major repairs.

With these legislative acts should be familiar not only to employees of the managing organization, in order to proper organization activities for the maintenance of common property, but also the owners of apartments.

The fact is that sometimes dishonest employees of managing organizations pass off one type of activity for another, thereby trying to cash in on the ignorance of the owners on the difference in prices and volume of actions. Also, work to keep the house in a tidy condition can be carried out with a significant delay or even skipped.

Let's turn to the law. The town planning code of our country in the article in article 1 in paragraph 14.2 talks about what constitutes a major overhaul.

What is a major overhaul? Carrying out such actions involves either replacing or restoring (and in some cases simultaneous) intervention in the structure of the house and engineering and technical general provision multi-apartment building.

Thus, we can conclude that the work carried out as part of the overhaul is global in nature, interfering with the internal structure of the house. This is the main difference between capital and current repair.

The concept of current repair is significantly different from the above. What is average maintenance? You can get acquainted with this concept in the framework Methodological guide on the maintenance and repair of the housing stock in article 3, paragraph 5.

There is also Resolution 279 on major and current repairs, which can be downloaded below. In it you can also find out what belongs to the current repair, and what to the overhaul.

The concept of overhaul and current repairs: overhaul is a repair in order to prevent wear and tear at home and carry out global work. Carrying out current ones are planned actions that are performed in order to maintain the normal state and performance of the house.

It would seem that it is very easy for an ignorant person to get confused about what actions are performed on the house on this moment. In addition, not every owner knows how often this or that repair should be carried out.

Let's try to understand the differences in order to understand the overhaul and maintenance, what is the difference? Is roof repair a major or current repair?

The difference between a current repair and a major overhaul

What is the difference between current repairs and major repairs?

The main difference between current and major repairs is that current repairs require much less costs than capital repairs.

Yes, and funds are taken to carry out these two types of actions from different sources.

As for the overhaul, it is carried out with the help of funds that are collected through systematic deductions from residents to the overhaul fund.

The funds form the appropriate mass that must be spent on the work. Also, sometimes subsidies from the state come to the overhaul fund of a particular house.

With regard to the maintenance of the building, its implementation is paid through regular contributions to the maintenance of the house. The funds are on the account of the management company and are spent depending on the need.

But in addition to finances, there are other differences in the overhaul, which are no less important. Consider these differences between major repairs and current repairs.

Differences in the list of works

Which works are major repairs, and which are current? The list of major repairs (Housing Code) covers the most complex actions in an apartment building. These include the change of communications, the replacement of engineering equipment, the installation of new pipes and connections.

How to determine the overhaul or current? For such actions, professionals from relevant organizations are invited.. These actions should prevent wear and tear on the house.

Carrying out current repairs is the performance of work that should maintain the condition of the house in a habitable form. The most common action is redecorating. It is also common to carry out manipulations to improve the home.


The date of the current repair is not discussed in advance.

The sequence of these actions is determined by the agreement with management company .

It is this document that establishes the procedure for when repairs should be carried out, how often.

In some cases, residents may themselves express a desire to carry out repairs and specifically discuss the work.

The terms of overhaul are determined by an interval of 3-5 years. If the managing organization does not carry out major repairs at the same time, then the owners have the right to ask the district administration to include their house in the list of priorities for repair manipulations.

And insist that the organization of current repairs or major repairs be carried out. You can find out how the application is made in the city administration.

If the tenants want to force the managing organization to carry out ongoing repairs around the house, they must contact the head of the organization with a complaint.

If a major overhaul is not carried out, the tenants can cooperate and apply to the court.


Another difference between major repairs and current repairs is the timing of their implementation. Current repairs are carried out every six months - a year, depending on what is agreed in the contract between the owners of the premises in the apartment building. Residents may request general meeting both early and late implementation of these actions.

As for the overhaul, it should be carried out in accordance with the Town Planning Code once every three years (), in last resort- five years.


Maintenance works are not discussed with the tenants until they are carried out. Residents can make their amendments and suggestions at one of the meetings and notify the managing organization about this.

The schedule for the overhaul work must be discussed with the tenants without fail. Since such manipulations can bring some inconvenience to residents, it is necessary to warn them about everything in advance.

Schedules for intervention in the system of work of various communications should be announced to citizens in order to enable them to prepare in advance for any inconvenience.

Why is there confusion?

Sometimes citizens confuse what specific work is being carried out in their house and do not understand what a major overhaul is, what a current one is.

This arises due to the fact that the managing organization does not sufficiently inform the people living in the house about what exactly is happening with the common areas.

For example, when engineering equipment is repaired, it can easily be confused with replacement. The fact is that the managing organization does not always notify citizens about what specific manipulations are being carried out and it is easy to confuse one with the other.

In addition, few tenants control the process of repairing their home.. How to distinguish a major overhaul from the current one?

A frequent and common case is the work to improve the territory. This activity can be carried out both within the framework of the overhaul and within the framework of the current one. It is easy to mislead citizens and make them think that more global work is being carried out for them than what was carried out as part of current actions.

Both major and current repairs are mandatory procedures that must be completed on time. They keep the house running and still long time not be in an emergency.

If you want your management company to perform all actions in accordance with the law and perform the necessary manipulations with the house on time, you yourself must be aware of the current legislation and its constant variability, understand that there is a difference between major and current repairs.

Know your rights and then no one can violate them.

The overhaul of apartment buildings today worries residents, the government, and management companies. This is a serious problem, closely related to the state of the housing stock and public interest in it. The Overhaul Act of 2014 ensured the safety and comfort of living in apartment buildings setting deadlines for the restoration work.

Who pays for the overhaul

A few words about who should pay for the overhaul of a residential building. Law on the overhaul of apartment buildings (Article 169 of the LC RF) clearly divided who and how to carry out the work. Local authorities are responsible for organizing and supervising the overhaul, and the owners collect money for it. Before financial matters the Housing and Utilities Reform Fund, which is currently working on resettling residents from dilapidated and dilapidated houses, was in charge. The payment for the program for the overhaul of apartment buildings is included in the monthly EAP and is determined for each locality individually.

Residents are exempted from paying for major repairs:

  • emergency houses;
  • houses standing on land included in state property;
  • apartments owned by municipalities.

The amount of contributions is calculated according to average income indicators and is about 9 rubles per square meter, the amount depends on the category of the house. Residents of municipal apartments are deprived of the right to vote in the HOA (partnership of homeowners) and do not have the right to make any proposals for organizing and carrying out major repairs.

overhaul fund

Major repairs of the house should eliminate the structural shortcomings of the housing stock. Also, during the work, the properties of buildings can be improved. Necessarily periodic holding maintenance that helps repair minor damage and prevent wear and tear on the foundation. These are usually scheduled repairs that do not require large financial costs and disconnecting the house from the hot water supply.

To carry out the work, a capital repair fund must be organized, consisting of contributions and interest on them, which is used to pay for several works. Thus, the program for the overhaul of common residential property is carried out with money from this fund. There are also possible payments on loans that were taken to provide the necessary services, and to pay developers project documentation. In the event of an emergency condition of housing, finances are directed to restoration work or to pay for demolition. The decision on this must be made by the owners of the apartments at the meeting. When conducting additional work for the arrangement of the building, the HOA may establish an increased contribution rate.

List of works on overhaul

The money contributed to the overhaul fund by the owners of MKD can be spent on many needs for the repair and restoration of housing. What is included in the renovation of an apartment building? Repair of walls and facades- This is the main work during the overhaul. They allow:

  • repair and insulate facades and plinths;
  • to produce glazing of balconies and loggias;
  • change windows and balcony blocks for greater isolation from noise;
  • replace or repair the drainage system;
  • repair house fire escapes;
  • repair or replace roofing;
  • repair house canopies;
  • repair the blind area;
  • repair the outer walls of the elevators.

Also applies to the overhaul of an apartment building work on basement and foundation restoration. To do this, money is taken from the overhaul fund to:

  • repair the foundation of the house;
  • treat the structural elements of the building with an antiseptic;
  • repair basement entrances;
  • carry out hermetic work on interpanel seams, etc.

The next step in every overhaul is restoration and restoration of the roof and attics. For this you need:

  • repair the attic and roof, carry out their fire-fighting treatment;
  • handle antiseptics all wooden beams;
  • repair or replace pallets;
  • normalize the temperature regime;
  • carry out hermetic and repair work of ventilation systems;
  • repair or replace parapet gratings;
  • replace or repair drainpipes, etc.

The overhaul will not take place without restoration of stairs with the change of steps and railings. It is also necessary restoration of common areas in the entrance and entrance doors , these works are part of the overhaul. For this you need:

  • repair lighting in the entrance;
  • repair or replace door structures;
  • repair hatches of garbage chutes, etc.

The renovation of an apartment building includes restoration work engineering communications . The management company must:

  • repair the ventilation system;
  • repair and replace the hot and cold water supply system;
  • repair sewer and drainage equipment;
  • to repair the general house gas supply, electrical equipment, fire-fighting system.

The work also includes: repair of garbage chutes, elevator equipment, wall and ceiling decoration in the entrances in case of damage. All of the above answers the question of what works are included in the overhaul.

Who can't pay

Having learned what is included in the list of overhaul works, it is necessary to find out who may not pay the fee. These are, first of all, tenants who do not have rights to the apartment or room in which they live. These include citizens who have entered into a lease agreement or a social contract of employment. This also includes persons sharing housing with the owner. People who own non-residential premises in the house are not exempted from paying contributions.

Payment of dues

Many doubt whether it is necessary to pay for the overhaul of residential buildings? Yes, you will have to pay anyway. If this is not done, then the accrual of penalties cannot be avoided, which can be claimed in court by the management company. The court always satisfies such claims and obliges the debtor to pay the debt.

If there are unpaid financial obligations, the defaulter may be deprived of the right to travel abroad, he is prohibited from concluding real estate transactions, and even a seizure of property may be carried out. With debts for housing and communal services, any citizen is deprived of benefits for utilities.

Funding may come from other sources as well. At the same time, funds can be used not only to pay off existing debts, but also to pay for additional work. Other sources include funds paid for rent non-residential premises and advertising placed in the building. In this case, discounts on payments for pensioners and veterans may be given.

Repair quality

The company conducting the repair work will monitor the quality in accordance with all requirements. Contractual obligations determine the overhaul standards and safe indicators corresponding to the work carried out to improve housing. The progress is monitored either by the regional operator or by the HOA. The control over the overhaul includes and government bodies. Performing work, they are obliged to draw up lists of notifications and special accounts, to inform residents about all the activities carried out.


Having found out what is included in the list of overhaul, we can draw some conclusions. For example, a major renovation program is funded by a special fund, partly made up of contributions from the owners. The timing of the implementation depends on the time of operation of the materials included in the housing stock. So, slate roof will become unusable after 30 years, and a pipeline made of cast iron - after 40 years. The payment of contributions is mandatory for all tenants, in case of debt on them, proceedings in court and the accrual of penalties will follow.
