What can vegetables be planted with? Vegetable crop compatibility

When planting vegetables, we must not forget that among them there are both friends and enemies. So, for example, potatoes will never get along with tomatoes, but they will go well with radishes. What to plant with what? To have a clear plan, you need to familiarize yourself with the plant compatibility table in the garden in advance.

Why is it important to properly combine vegetables in the beds?

Mixed planting of vegetables in the garden makes it possible to fight pests, increase crop yields and replace one plant with another. Will bell pepper and quinoa get along in the same garden? To answer this question, the farmer will need a plant compatibility table in the garden.

For example, when organic farming the use of pesticides and non-natural fertilizers is not allowed, high yields are achieved by a competent combination of vegetables in the garden. If you plant corn next to a pumpkin, then with the help of leaves it will protect it from overheating in the sun. Also, beans can grow on this bed, which will enrich the earth with nitrogenous compounds and fertilize it. It is to select the best neighbors that you need a plant compatibility table in the garden.

mixed landings allow you to use the land wisely, saving space on the beds. This is especially important for small gardens where you need to grow a significant number of plants. Thus, you can get a high yield even on 2-3 acres. If you correctly place and alternate country crops in accordance with the plant compatibility table in the garden, then the soil will not be healthy and fertile.

What plants can be combined with hot peppers in the beds?

What can be planted next to hot peppers? Since in the first months it grows very slowly, then best neighbor for him there will be a variety of greenery. This union will help to effectively use the entire area of ​​​​the greenhouse and get a high yield. For the neighborhood, spinach, dill, perennial onion varieties are most suitable.

Growing this vegetable is not yet very common, so many gardeners are concerned about how hot pepper combines with other crops. It is great for growing next to tomatoes, as they have similar care conditions. Also, a burning vegetable gets along well with zucchini and eggplant. What can be planted next to hot peppers? Not bad neighbors in the garden will become different varieties onions, carrots, kohlrabi cabbage.

And with what is it undesirable to plant hot pepper next to it? First of all, with his sweet variety from Bulgaria, as possible cross pollination bees. Also, beets are not very suitable for neighbors.

What plants can be combined with cabbage in the beds?

Cabbage has several varieties, but they are all compatible with the same plants. Most often in Russia they grow white, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi and Brussels sprouts. Varieties are divided into late, mid-season and early.

What to plant next to cabbage? Any greenery will be the best neighbor. Also, late varieties are often used to compact plantings on potato fields. If celery is adjacent to cabbage, then earthen fleas will not start on the beds. Dill will save her from aphids and caterpillars, and borage grass from snails. Rosemary and mint will scare away cabbage butterflies. Onions will also become a good neighbor, which will save the vegetable from caterpillars. Experienced gardeners recommend planting garlic, beans and peas nearby.

Is it possible to plant cabbage next to tomatoes? Farmers do not recommend doing this, such a neighborhood will be unsuccessful. It is also undesirable to plant crops such as carrots and beans nearby. A bad neighbor will be strawberries, as well as strawberries.

What plants can be combined with tomatoes in the beds?

Tomatoes are individualistic plants, but many summer residents successfully combine them with other crops. What vegetables to plant nearby to benefit tomatoes and increase yields? Basil gets along well with tomatoes, which improves the taste of the fruit. You can plant garlic nearby, tomatoes will protect it from pests, which will favorably affect the crop.

Excellent neighbors for tomatoes will be: beans, all leafy greens, radishes, radishes, corn, onions, carrots and beets. Also, do not remove nettles that have grown near tomatoes, it has a beneficial effect on the taste of fruits and the duration of their storage after harvest.

Can I plant tomatoes next to cabbage? Gardeners believe that such a neighborhood is best avoided. Can I plant tomatoes next to peppers? They have similar care requirements and growing together in the same greenhouse will be beneficial.

But tomato plantings should not be placed next to potatoes, as they have common pests and the same diseases. It is also undesirable to place dill and fennel nearby.

What plants can be combined with cucumbers in the beds?

Cucumbers are grown in almost every garden. Someone plants them in greenhouses, and someone - in open ground. Unpretentious vegetables are tasty both fresh and in salads for the winter. In addition, choosing neighbors for them in the garden is very simple, because cucumbers are friendly with many garden crops.

It's a good idea to plant corn nearby, which will repel ants and protect against bacterial wilt. A radish will also become a wonderful neighbor, which will save the vegetable from cucumber beetles. The radish also protects against pests and has a beneficial effect on the taste of the fruit.

Is it possible to plant cucumbers next to zucchini? Yes, such a neighborhood is allowed. Also next to the cucumbers you can plant: beans, beans, beets, celery, onions, garlic, spinach and dill. This culture is also favorably affected by some weeds, such as quinoa or tansy. The amaranth that grew up next to cucumbers is also not removed, as it protects them from pests of the root system.

It is undesirable to grow nearby: tomatoes, potatoes and herbs.

What plants can be combined with pumpkin in the beds?

Pumpkin prefers to be the only plant in the garden. For good growth, it needs fertile land, warm weather and quality fertilizers. She does very well on compost heaps.

As neighbors, she can choose a radish that will fight pests. For the same purpose, nasturtium is planted nearby. Also favorable will be the neighborhood with corn, beans and beans. Of the weeds, a good harvest will contribute: sow thistle and gauze.

Do they plant a pumpkin next to zucchini? Experienced gardeners do not recommend doing this, as cross-pollination can occur. The result will be fruit mutations, the taste of vegetables will suffer. Also, do not plant a pumpkin next to potatoes, which will Negative influence for her growth. For the same reasons, peppers and eggplants are undesirable in neighbors. Cucumbers and tomatoes have a bad effect on the growth of pumpkins and are also not planted nearby.

What plants can be combined with carrots in the beds?

Carrots are plants that do not require painstaking care. You can plant it almost anywhere, it will still give a harvest. This explains the love of gardeners for her. But the harvest will be rich only if you strictly follow the rules for combining neighboring plants in the garden.

A good culture that complements carrot plantings is onions. They drive away pests that are dangerous to each other. The only downside to this plant symbiosis is that these crops have different water requirements. Due to excess moisture, onions grown from sets may begin to rot. If you limit watering, then the carrot crop will not be so rich. The way out can be found in the use for protection perennial onion, thus it will be possible to save the plants and not harm them with an abundance or lack of moisture.

Garlic or radish can be an excellent neighbor. Joint planting with lettuce and spinach will also have a positive effect on the crop.

Very often in gardens you can see that dill grows next to carrots. Experienced farmers recommend abandoning such a neighborhood, because both crops have common pests and are constantly fighting for moisture and nutrients.

Also bad neighbors for carrots are: parsley, celery, anise. And if you plant it next to an apple tree, then the fruits of both the first and second will lose their taste.

What plants can be combined with potatoes in the beds?

Potatoes are grown throughout the country, but are famous for their high yields of this vegetable. middle lane. It rightfully has the title of second bread and is used in many dishes. There are dozens of ways to plant potatoes and grow them. The vegetable is unpretentious and does not require daily care from the gardener, which adds even more popularity to it.

Many gardeners do not plant any other crops in potato fields and in vain, as friend plants can increase yields and scare away pests. For example, beans planted between rows help in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle. For the same purposes are used: nasturtium, tansy and marigolds. Spinach and coriander have proven themselves to be good neighbors of potatoes.

If you plant beans in a potato field, they will enrich the soil with nitrogen. This will result in higher yields. Some gardeners immediately, when planting potatoes, throw a couple of bean seeds into the hole, while others lay them along the edges of the field and in the aisles. To get rid of pests, it is also good to grow horseradish nearby. But you need to keep in mind that it multiplies very quickly and is difficult to remove from the site, so it is better to control its amount in the garden. High and dense thickets of horseradish can negatively affect the potato crop.

Catnip, flax, coriander are also good in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle. There are also plants that can be used as pest bait. These include belladonna and datura. They are very attractive to Colorado potato beetles, which lay their larvae on them and they soon die due to the high toxicity of plants. But belladonna is also dangerous for humans, so this method is most often difficult to perform. In the role of traps, it is easier to use unnecessary eggplant seedlings, which are also extremely attractive to Colorado potato beetles. True, larvae will have to be collected from these plants manually.

To prevent damage to potatoes by phytophthora, garlic can be planted nearby. Corn, lettuce, radish and cabbage will also be good neighbors for vegetables.

Potatoes have a lot of friends, but there are also many hostile crops. Of the weeds, the most dangerous is quinoa, which will slow down the growth of tubers. Sunflower won't work either. good neighbor, as it has a depressing effect on potatoes. It is also undesirable to grow beets nearby. Nearby raspberries, zucchini and tomatoes increase the likelihood of plant diseases with late blight. It is undesirable to plant potatoes next to an apple tree, as it slows down its growth and contributes to a decrease in yield.

What plants can be combined with beets in the beds?

The main enemy of beets is aphids, which can destroy the plant and deprive the gardener of the crop. Also, this vegetable is susceptible to flea damage. You can get rid of both the first and the second pest by choosing suitable beet neighbors in the garden. Mint and catnip can have a beneficial effect, which can be planted nearby, and a decoction can be prepared from them for sprinkling.

Beets feel good next to white cabbage, radishes and carrots. Strawberries or onions are also great as a neighbor.

It is undesirable to plant beets near potato fields, as their growth may be retarded. Also, mustard and curly beans are undesirable as neighbors.

When combining beets with other crops, it should be noted that they need a lot of space, so it is not advisable to plant companion plants close to each other. With sufficient free space, both vegetables will give a good harvest.

What plants can be combined with bell pepper in the beds?

For pepper, the best neighbor will be basil, which has a beneficial effect on its growth. He also feels good on the same bed with okra. Pepper grows well next to onions and catnip, which help him get rid of aphids. Also successful is its combination with beets, beans and fennel.

Incompatible plants for peppers are peas and carrots. The company of beans is also undesirable to him, since they have common diseases.

What plants can be combined with onions in the beds?

Onions are included in the mandatory list of plantings for every summer resident. It is eaten as a snack and in dishes, and it is also often used as an ingredient for preparations for the winter. They plant both white onions, and red, and perennial on a feather. AT last years gardeners also love the milder-tasting shallot, which doesn't require special care leek. But even this unpretentious vegetable needs useful neighbors in the garden.

Carrots are traditionally considered the best companion for onions, almost all gardeners place them side by side. Yes, they fight each other's pests, but different requirements to watering make this union problematic. Onions do not need very much moisture, but carrots do. Therefore, such a neighborhood will be more favorable for perennial varieties used on the pen.

An excellent addition to the onion garden will be gourds, any kind of greens and beets. It is also suitable for the neighborhood with strawberries or tomatoes. Of the weeds, nettle and thistle will be the best addition.

A bad ally of the onion will be grapes, sage and beans. Also, this vegetable does not tolerate the neighborhood of gladioli.

What plants can be combined with garlic in the beds?

Garlic is loved by gardeners for its bright spicy taste and excellent medicinal properties. It is eaten for prevention. colds, a variety of tinctures are made from it to increase immunity. Possesses useful to the gardener properties: it repels caterpillars and slugs, and with a large landing area it helps to get rid of moles in the area.

Garlic feels great in the garden next to celery, carrots, radish salad. They also plant it on the sides of potato fields, as it helps fight late blight. Suitable garlic as neighbors and flowers: roses, daffodils, gladioli.

But the neighborhood with legumes is contraindicated for him. Also, as a companion, he will not fit peanuts and perennial onions.

What plants can be combined with eggplant in the beds?

Eggplants are rarely found in vegetable gardens. This low prevalence is due to the difficulties in care and cooking. If zucchini can be immediately fried or boiled, then eggplant must be soaked before being sent to the pan.

A wonderful alliance with these vegetables develops with beans, which drives away Colorado beetles from them. Favorable and thyme, which repels fleas. Eggplant feels good next to lettuce, onions and beans. Spinach, peppers or peas will also be a great neighbor.

Planting eggplant next to cucumbers is not a good idea, these vegetables negatively affect each other. And best of all, eggplants feel alone in their own individual beds.

What to plant with what? This largely depends on the owner of the garden or vegetable garden, but it is better to first familiarize yourself with the vegetable compatibility table.

Each summer resident on the site has a piece of land given over to a garden and a vegetable garden. Wanting to collect big harvest gardeners make beds at a close distance from each other, without specifying which vegetables can grow together, and which are strictly forbidden to bloom nearby.

Culture Features

Bow plays a big role in human life. Its vitamins are able to destroy the microbes present in the body. This healthy vegetable added to almost all culinary delights. They are even used in alternative medicine recipes.

Knowledgeable gardeners prefer to grow onion-sevok. This type of plant is more resistant to weather conditions, is practically not exposed to diseases, does not require much care, and most importantly, it ripens very quickly. You need to know that the bed for planting onions should be chosen more carefully. His predecessors should leave behind well-groomed soil with a mass of various fertilizers. In general, zucchini, cabbage and pumpkin are ideal ancestors for sevka.

Seedlings should be planted when the earth finally warms up, and the weather ceases to threaten with frost. After planting, the bed can be covered with a film, which will save the plant from accidental morning frost.

Luke is very fond of sunlight if the site allows, you can make beds in a separate bright place. Against this background, taking into account plant care, the onion yield after ripening will be very high.

Best neighbors

Very a good idea plant carrots next to the onion. These vegetables are engaged in mutual assistance and save each other from pests. In addition, carrots good relations with garlic, which can also be wonderfully located on the neighboring ridge.

By this occasion It should be emphasized that garlic - unique plant. After it, you can plant any vegetable in the same place. But in no case should you plant garlic on a former onion bed. In neighboring combinations, onions and garlic can coexist beneficially, but planting them in the same garden is strictly prohibited. They will constantly compete for moisture and nutrient medium entering the soil. After some time, this struggle will lead to soil depletion, which will adversely affect the quality of the crop.

A good neighborhood can be made up of varieties of the cabbage row of kohlrabi and broccoli. Representatives of the cabbage species appreciate abundant watering, and onions will not mind receiving additional moisture. It is undesirable to plant these vegetable crops on the same bed. Cabbage seedlings can partially block the sunlight entering the onion sprouts, which will affect the quality of the crop.

Onions perceive potatoes and beets well in the neighboring garden. Beets, thanks to a good neighborhood, will bear fruit much more often in time and larger in size. Ever since the beginning of planting beet seedlings, onion leaves protect the neighbor's sprouts from bright sunlight. For several days of such care, beet sprouts become stronger and begin to grow rapidly.

It is considered acceptable for an onion to have a tomato in its neighbors. More precisely, to protect tomato plantings from the attack of aphids and earthen fleas.

And on next year, making a rearrangement in the garden, it can be planted on former beds tomatoes. The soil in this place will be loose, fertilized, everything is as the onion needs for maximum growth.

In no case should cucumbers and onions be planted on the same bed, as many gardeners began to do, only in the neighborhood. Cucumbers require a lot of watering, which can drown vegetables growing nearby. But as neighbors they can help each other.

Near the onion, you can safely plant pepper. It has a positive effect on its Bulgarian neighbor, stimulating its growth, nourishing it with useful minerals and repelling harmful insects.

Strawberries growing next to onions feel extremely protected. Its sprouts constantly save strawberry bushes from rot, feed them with useful enzymes and help grow a good crop.

Onions and dill can be made neighbors in the garden. They will be able to help each other with the exchange of useful trace elements that have a beneficial effect on growth. In addition, they can be planted together in the aisle of tomatoes so that they can protect tomatoes from late blight.

What can not be combined with?

In addition to a favorable neighborhood, there are plants that are strictly forbidden to be planted next to onion beds.

For example, classic cabbage. Unfortunately, there is no consensus regarding the combination of these vegetables. Some say that the onion gives the cabbage strength to grow and drives pests away from it. Others argue that there is no point in their neighborhood, cabbage with its size closes the sun's rays on the onion, thereby limiting its growth.

Beans and peas in neighboring beds will not bring any benefit. The same goes for beans, which the onion buds are aggressively targeted at. The proximity of these plant species can adversely affect the yield of onions.

Otherwise, the vegetable and fruit neighborhood for onions is not a problem. The vegetable is unpretentious, although it requires care during growth. With it, you can even combine plantings not only in the neighborhood, but also on the same bed.

The main thing to remember is that it is impossible to plant onions in one place for more than three years in a row, it is necessary to alternate plantings.

Valid Options

Any rule has its own specific exceptions, the same applies to the neighborhood of the onion with some representatives. vegetable crops and greenery.

Zucchini can be considered as one of the valid neighborhood options. According to the characteristics, this vegetable has a tremendous resemblance to onions. For both of them, landing in the cool period of the year is unacceptable only after the arrival of stable heat. The processes of growing zucchini and onions are very similar, they do not take much work and effort for a person. It is required to produce abundant watering of plants, periodically loosen the soil over plantings and remove harmful weeds.

It has long been proven that the combination of vegetables and various herbs in the beds is considered acceptable. They do not interfere with the growth of their neighbors, on the contrary, they enrich them with the necessary trace elements and minerals on mutual terms.

The combination of onion beds with parsley can be regarded as a neighborhood of beauty and health, and joint growth will bring a huge harvest of high-quality vegetables and many bunches of fragrant grass.

main feature parsley is useful properties both during cultivation and during consumption. Parsley feeds the root system of its neighbor, thereby exchanging beneficial trace elements that stimulate plant growth. Onion, in turn, protects its green neighbor from pests.

Lettuce is considered a cold-resistant crop that yields even at the beginning of frost. This greenery loves sunlight, but you can create an artificial shade so that bright rays do not leave burns on the leaves. Lettuce does not like to sit on the same bed for several years in a row. Every year a change of location is required. But in the neighbors there must be an onion. The greens will share useful enzymes with the vegetable, and the onion will protect its green neighbor from aphids.

Tips for the right combination vegetables on the same bed, see the next video.

Peas belong to the legume family. He came to us in Russia from South-East Asia. Even more specifically: it is believed that the birthplace of peas is Northwest India. Today, peas are grown in more than 60 countries around the world, in the fields and summer cottages. It is not necessary to once again mention the benefits of green peas, this is already obvious. But there is one interesting fact: it is useful to eat at least 3 kg of peas per year. Do you fit into this number?

Useful Neighborhood

We grow peas in both summer cottages, not occupying a separate bed for this, but interspersing it with other crops. There was an unoccupied section of the ridge - we plant peas. Turns out it's super helpful. Peas saturate the soil with nitrogen, which favorably affects neighboring plants. In addition, the roots of peas are able to go far into the depths of the soil, extracting nutrients from its lower layers. Part useful substances spills over to neighboring cultures. Thus, thanks to peas, plants receive additional nutrition. That is why peas are considered an excellent inter-row crop.

The best neighbors for peas in the garden

Since we have touched on the topic of the benefits of peas for vegetables growing in the neighborhood, we list the list the best neighbors for peas in the garden: where is it better to plant peas, next to which crops. Source of information: the book "Preparing the site for spring" (

Next to what you can plant peas:

  • with cucumbers
  • carrots
  • potato,
  • radish,
  • corn,
  • beans
  • spicy herbs.

It is believed that these cultures are well combined with each other.

Bad neighbors for peas:

  • garlic,
  • clover,
  • alfalfa.

It is believed that these cultures are not compatible with each other.

Pea precursors

Peas react sensitively to crops grown in the garden before it. It is not recommended to plant peas in the same place where they grew last summer. It will be possible to re-sow peas in this area after 4 years.

Good predecessors of peas in the garden:

  • cucumbers, tomato, cabbage, potatoes.

Bad predecessors of peas in the garden:

  • legumes (beans and beans).

It is believed that peas can be grown after any vegetable crops, with the exception of "relatives" from the legume family. If the gardener manages to harvest peas in the first half of summer, then this area can be sown with radishes.

Soil for peas

Despite the fact that peas themselves are able to enrich the soil with nutrients, they themselves require certain conditions for growth. We list them (source: the book "Peas, Beans and Beans", author Fatyanov V.I.). As for the soil:

  • Peas love soils that are neutral in acidity. To improve the composition of the soil for peas, ash is added to it (1 glass per 1 square meter).
  • The best for peas are sunny areas with acidity 6-7.
  • Peas succeed on medium sandy and light loamy soils.
  • soil for peas they begin to cook in the fall: they dig it deep and fertilize it, adding half a bucket of humus or compost, 35 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium chloride per 1 m2.
  • In the spring, before planting, re-deep loosening is carried out.
  • In a place where peas have not been grown before, nitragin is applied,
  • Since peas themselves are a good fertilizer, after harvesting the stems and leaves of peas are recommended to be planted in trunk circles under fruit trees or put in compost.

Peas do not like:

  • weeds. It does not grow well in weedy and poor areas, so the soil should be freed from weeds before planting and the bed should be kept clean during the entire growing season.
  • Waterlogged heavy clay soils. From dampness, the leaves of peas turn yellow, and the roots rot. It also increases the risk of fungal infection.

Favorable conditions:

  • Long daylight.
  • Seeds germinate already at temperatures from +2 to +6 degrees, but the regime from +18 to +20 degrees is considered optimal.
  • The culture is cold-resistant, and even young shoots easily tolerate frosts down to -6 degrees.

Peas ripen depending on the variety:

  • late-ripening varieties 100-125 days,
  • mid-season 85-100 days,
  • early/early 65-85 days,
  • super-early varieties 40-65 days.

Experienced farmers know what beans can be planted with on the same bed for a favorable interaction of plants. For example, legumes planted next to potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants will scare away colorado potato beetle, and their close proximity to root crops will help loosen the soil for beans. Proper formation of mixed beds increases crop yields.

Conditions for growing beans

Beans - thermophilic culture, increasing productivity in windproof areas of the southern, southwestern slopes. It is possible to grow legumes in warm, lit areas with light, medium loamy soil saturated with humus. Suitable moderately moist soil. For getting early harvest in conditions of insufficient heating, it is necessary to make cold mini-greenhouses in the form of small boxes with a transparent roof, placed low above the ground. Alternative option will be mobile greenhouses installed 10 days before sowing. Remove greenhouse frames at the end of late frosts.

The optimal environment for growing beans is neutral, slightly alkaline soil with easy drainage. Before sowing, the garden is enriched with humus, compost. Bush beans are sown on beds in 3 rows, adhering to a checkerboard pattern. Seeds of climbing varieties are sown in holes, 5-7 seeds each, soaked before planting in hot water. The pits are dug at a depth of 5-8 cm, keeping a distance in rows of 25-30 cm, row spacing - 30-40 cm. wooden poles. To metal surface the bean tendrils will not attach.

The first shoots that appear on the fifth day should be protected from frost with covering materials such as spunbond. Frost tolerance in bean seedlings is minimized - if the seedlings are opened during the frost period, they will die. Optimum temperature– 20-25°С.

Culture Compatibility

The property of some plants to allocate chemical compounds, suppressing the development of others, is studied by the science of allelopathy. The knowledge gained by scientists allows owners to observe crop rotation small plots in a limited area, where the return of culture to its original place is 3-4 years.

Combined planting, alternating beds different plants, facilitate gardeners tasks, thanks to a number of advantages:

  • Reducing the number of pests. Insects search for food by smell. Cruciferous crops attract with the aroma of mustard oil, onion crops with volatile sulfur compounds. In mixed plantings, for example, potatoes and beans, odors are interrupted by other plants, confusing pests;
  • The soil does not tire. Deciding to land different cultures on a joint bed, unilateral depletion of the soil is excluded, thanks to different nutrient regimes;
  • Predatory insects appear, destroying plant pests. Insect pollinators are also attracted;
  • The area is effectively used. Mixed beds allow you to plant vegetables from spring to late autumn.

A nice addition is the improvement palatability vegetables, the ability to create picturesque corners with plants of various shapes and colors.

When selecting plants on the same bed experienced gardeners We recommend following a number of criteria:

  1. The use of diverse families will reduce the likelihood of progression of common diseases, pests;
  2. Plants pick up different heights. For example, planting bean seeds in the soil with potatoes will eliminate the struggle of crops for light during the growth process;
  3. crops herbs, flowers between vegetable rows repel pests;
  4. Flowers, cover crops are attractive to insect predators. Adult individuals feeding on nectar and pollen fly to marigolds, asters, daisies, sunflowers, clover.

The best bean neighbors in the garden

The following crops are ideal for close proximity to beans.


Regarding neighbors, potatoes show more tolerance than mutually beneficial consolidation. Best Compatibility observed only with bush crops of legumes. Planting potatoes and beans together will help deter pests. Additional protection will be created by mulching planting with a thick layer of straw, close planting of savory, basil, parsley, coriander.



There are a number of reasons that determine the beneficial planting of peas near other legumes:

  • rich content of unique vegetable protein;
  • no tendency to accumulate nitrates, toxins, other harmful elements in the green mass and fruits;
  • high resistance to diseases, minimal risk of pest damage, eliminating the need to use insecticides, fungicides;
  • during the growing season root system pea poses favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms that saturate the earth with nitrogen;
  • the use of green mass of legumes is recommended for soil nutrition nutrient organics, a complex of essential easily digestible phosphorus, potassium compounds.

Note! Experienced gardeners do not recommend planting bush beans next to peas.


Relationships of mutual assistance are noted in cabbage and beans, compatibility is also observed in them with celery. There is a favorable interaction between plants, and celery scares earthen fleas from cabbage.


Tomatoes are considered by many to be "selfish" plants that grow apart from other crops. However, German and Swiss gardeners have empirically determined that tomatoes tolerate the neighborhood well with bush beans, parsley, used to border tomato rows.


If you are looking for something to plant an asparagus bean variety on one bed, feel free to enclose the cucumber beds with a hedge of legumes, increase the level of nitrogen in the soil.


Beets in the process of growth enrich the soil with antibacterial substances, helping to improve the health of most vegetable crops. As a companion, beets will have a positive effect on bush beans. It is grown along the perimeter of legumes, providing access for regular loosening and thinning. When choosing a pair of beans and beets, compatibility is possible when using bush legumes, a weaving variety is contraindicated.

Please note! You can not make onion, garlic, fennel neighbors of beans.

Useful neighborhood of other vegetables

The best companions of legumes are:

  • Eggplants are exactly what you can plant next to bean bushes to scare away the Colorado potato beetle. The fertile trio portends green beans With bell pepper and eggplant;
  • Strawberry. Beans occupy a leading position in the list of useful for garden strawberries neighbors. Due to the peculiarities of the root system, it “looses” the soil, supplies it with nitrogen, which is useful for berries. Beds with beans are arranged so that the strawberries do not receive direct, but diffused light;
  • Corn. Bush beans significantly reduce the number of the Colorado potato beetle that threatens corn, and also fills the soil with useful elements. It is profitable to plant corn with leguminous plants and pumpkin. The secret of co-cultivation was discovered by the American Indians. Corn provides support for beans, which saturate the soil with nitrogen, and pumpkin kills weeds;
  • Radish. Bush beans are often planted with root crops for particularly tender fruits. Legumes also protect radishes from harmful insects;
  • Carrot. Carrots will create a beautiful border, have a beneficial effect on the growth of beans;
  • Zucchini. Everyone's favorite vegetables bear fruit in the soil after beans and cabbage early varieties, do not spoil the structure of the soil and greenery.

Onions on a feather, dill, parsley, celery, lettuce, cilantro - greens will successfully complement the list of options with which you can plant bean bushes next to. Lettuce does not like overheating and needs partial shading. Thyme will help to avoid the annoyance of black aphids. If growing beans is no longer of interest, you should not remove the plants with the roots. Leguminous crops enrich the soil with nitrogen through nodule microorganisms that increase the fertility of the land. The following crops grow much more vigorously and healthier.

Increasing the fertility of beans

There are five environmental ways, providing the collection of rich bean crops:

Making an annual planting plan will help keep correct alternation crops by year, according to the rotation rules described above, plan the sowing of some crops to others at the beginning of the year.

In the spring, when the location of the ridges in the garden is just being planned, it is necessary to choose the right compatible crops in order to plant them nearby. After all, almost every gardener was faced with insufficient harvesting for unknown reasons. And the reason for this behavior of vegetables is the incompatibility of plants planted together. So with what to plant peas in one garden?

Conditions for growing peas

Peas are the most common vegetable in the legume family. Its feature is a fairly high protein content, according to this indicator it is equivalent to meat products. Truth, human body absorbs vegetable protein much faster and better. In addition, each pea contains a huge amount beneficial minerals and vitamins.

To cultivate a crop, you need to choose a well-lit place in your garden away from drafts. For growing a plant, plots of land near a fence or wall of a building are perfect. The legume tolerates penumbra well, but to get more high yields its stems and leaves should be lit from all sides.

To achieve good harvest peas, you must follow a few rules for its cultivation:

  • plant seed material in well-moistened soil;
  • water in a timely and plentiful manner;
  • choose slightly alkaline soil for planting;
  • consider the compatibility of peas with other crops.

Pea cultivation

Cultural compatibility: what is it?

According to experienced gardeners and agronomists, some crops cannot be planted side by side, as the neighborhood can lead to their death. For example, a tomato is able to suppress a cucumber, beans have a detrimental effect on onions. At the same time, favorable conditions for some plants must also be taken into account, for example, peas will be friends with potatoes or carrots. Growing vegetables this way has a number of advantages:

  • Rational use of the land area.
  • Obtaining sufficiently high yields due to the compaction of plantings of vegetables, different ripening times.
  • Thanks to a rational approach, vegetable crops can be obtained from early spring to late autumn.
  • Agrotechnics of plants similar in care and need for nutrients ah will help reduce soil depletion in any one element.
  • Growing compatible plants together will increase their yield.

Are peas compatible with other crops

Most gardeners cultivate peas without allocating a separate place for them under the ridge. As usual, it is planted on the same ridge along with other vegetable crops.

Important! It turns out that peas are able to saturate the soil with nitrogen, which is extremely useful for growing crops nearby.

What to plant next to peas

Since the root system of the legume has a rather impressive length, it is able to get various nutrients from the depths of the earth, some of it is given to plants growing in the neighborhood. So with what can you plant peas in one garden?

Bean neighbors in the garden can safely be: cucumbers, carrots, potatoes, radishes, corn, beans and herbs.

Peas and strawberries - crop compatibility in the open field

Strawberries are harmless crops. After all, its root system is so small that it does not interfere with the development of the roots of neighboring plants. Therefore, by planting peas next to this berry, you can achieve high yields of both crops.

Peas and strawberries

Zucchini compatibility

Peas will get along well on the same bed with zucchini. As you know, zucchini needs a huge amount of nutrients. And who, if not peas, will help in obtaining them and get them to the very depths of the soil.

with cabbage

Cabbage is a great neighbor for many garden plants. That is why for its landing you can find a piece of land on any personal plot. And by planting peas and cabbage on the same ridge, you can achieve amazingly high yields of both crops. And also plants of the cabbage family protect the roots of legumes from putrefactive diseases.

with potatoes

According to agronomists, it is necessary to throw a pea into the hole along with potatoes. After all, peas contribute to the yield of potatoes, so from planting one bucket you can get up to eight buckets of crops.

Important! In addition to increasing yields, peas protect potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle. This will eliminate the use of chemicals.

with carrots

One of the most beloved neighbors of peas is carrots. With the help of tops, it is able to repel various insect pests.

With beets

Peas and beets are excellent "friends". And of course, they can and should be planted on the same ridge. Such a neighborhood will eliminate the need to tie up a legume. It will be perfectly supported by a fairly high beet tops.

Planting peas with beets

with garlic

But from garlic, legumes are best planted as far as possible. After all, under his influence, peas will grow very slowly, and the amount of the crop will become very small.

With tomatoes

Tomatoes get along very poorly with plants of the legume family. Such a neighborhood will adversely affect the development and productivity of both plants.

with corn

Anything can be planted with corn climbing plants, as it will be an excellent support for them. For example, peas can be sown along the perimeter of a ridge with corn.

But in addition to plants that are useful and compatible with peas, there are many that cannot be planted next to it. These plants include onions, garlic and tomatoes.

Corn next to peas

Peas with cucumbers in a greenhouse

After planting cucumbers in a greenhouse, it often turns out that there is free space. Cultivating a lot of cucumbers is not always convenient and correct, and most gardeners simply do not need so many. That is why it is necessary for them to choose the most convenient neighbor who will not interfere with the growth and development of the vegetable.

It's no secret that cucumbers are voluminous plants that take up a lot of space. After all, their vines can reach three meters in length. In greenhouse conditions, they must be tied to trellises, as the humidity in greenhouses is too high and they will begin to rot. Due to the garter of cucumbers in the greenhouse, a lot of free space is freed up.

Important! Before choosing a neighbor for a cucumber, you need to carefully study what kind of moisture and feeding the future neighbor needs. Needs must match exactly.

One of the most suitable for cucumbers crops is peas and other legumes. Their needs are absolutely identical, it is thanks to this that you can get a huge crop of greens.

Compatibility of beans with other plants

The ideal compatibility of plants is the ability of each of the companions to suppress each other's diseases, drive away insect pests, and also attract the insects they need with their data.

Important! When laying a vegetable garden, it is necessary to arrange vegetable crops so that plants of the same family are as far apart as possible. Otherwise, they will simply destroy each other.

The best companions for beans will be: sunflower, cucumbers, corn, cabbage of all kinds, strawberries, tomatoes and zucchini.

But next to fennel, garlic, onions and peas, beans should not be planted. Since these plants inhibit bean bushes during growth, preventing it from developing properly.

Growing vegetables together is sometimes necessary to designate planting sites for seeds that germinate long enough. For example, in a bed of carrots, rows of carrots can be identified with lettuce seeds planted along the edges of each row.

The best neighbor for all garden crops is cilantro or coriander. They prevent the growth and formation of only fennel.

On a note! Cilantro is the only plant that can fight fennel.

Carrots just need to be planted next to onions. It turns out that carrots can repel pests that destroy onions. Conversely, onions repel carrot pests. For carrots to develop well, they must be sown between rows of radishes. After all, the radish ripens before it begins to form the root of the carrot. This condition is great for growing root parsley.

Blackcurrant planted in the garden will get rid of the invasion of mice and other rodents.

In no case should you use seeds for sowing collected from mixed beds.

Cucumbers will not give a good harvest if they are planted in the same bed with basil.

Near the peas you can plant quite a lot of different cultivated plants. And which of them contributes better growth plants are up to the gardener to decide. The article shows that peas are well compatible with other crops.
