Who is involved in solving environmental problems. Environmental problems of Russia and ways to solve them

Environmental problems today occupy the same important place in the world as political, social and economic ones. Many people have already understood that active anthropogenic activity has caused irreparable damage to nature, and before it’s too late, you need to stop or at least change your actions, reduce the negative impact and decide environmental problems of the world.

Global environmental problems are not a myth, fiction or delusion. You can't close your eyes to them. Moreover, every person can start fighting against the destruction of nature, and the more people join this cause, the more benefit it will be for our planet.

The most pressing environmental problems of our time

There are so many environmental problems in the world that they cannot be included in one big list. Some of them are global and some are local. However, let's try to name the most acute environmental problems that we have today:

  • the problem of pollution of the biosphere - air, water, land;
  • destruction of many species of flora and fauna;
  • depletion of non-renewable minerals;
  • global warming;
  • destruction of the ozone layer and the formation of holes in it;
  • desertification;
  • deforestation.

Many environmental problems boil down to the fact that by polluting a small area, a person invades the whole ecosystem, and absolutely destroys it. So cutting down trees, shrubs and grasses will not be able to grow in the forests, which means that birds and animals will not have anything to eat, half of them will die out, and the rest will migrate. Then soil erosion will occur, and water bodies will dry up, which will further lead to desertification of the territory. In the future, environmental refugees will appear - people who, having lost all the resources for existence, will be forced to leave their home and begin to look for new habitats.

Solving environmental problems

Conferences and various meetings, events and competitions dedicated to environmental issues are held annually. Global environmental issues now they are of interest not only to scientists and caring people, but also to representatives of the highest levels of government in many countries. They form various programs that are implemented. So many countries began to apply eco-technologies:

  • fuel is produced from waste;
  • many items are reused;
  • secondary raw materials are made from used materials;
  • the latest developments are introduced at enterprises;
  • the biosphere is cleared of the products of industrial enterprises.

Not the last place is played by educational programs and competitions that attract the attention of the general public.

Today it is very important to convey to people that the health of our planet depends on each of us. Anyone can save water and electricity, sort garbage and hand over waste paper, use less chemicals and disposable products, and find new uses for old things. These simple steps will bring tangible benefits. Let from the height of one human life - this is a trifle, but if you put together such actions of millions and even billions of people, then this will be the solution to the environmental problems of the world.

Continuous technological progress, the continuing enslavement of nature by man, industrialization, which has changed the surface of the Earth beyond recognition, have become the causes of the global ecological crisis. Currently, the population of the planet is particularly acute environmental problems such as atmospheric pollution, ozone depletion, acid rain, greenhouse effect, soil pollution, pollution of the world's oceans and overpopulation.

Global Environmental Issue #1: Air Pollution

Every day, the average person inhales about 20,000 liters of air, which contains, in addition to vital oxygen, a whole list of harmful suspended particles and gases. Air pollutants are conditionally divided into 2 types: natural and anthropogenic. The latter prevail.

The chemical industry is not doing well. Factories emit such harmful substances as dust, oil ash, various chemical compounds, nitrogen oxides and much more. Air measurements showed the catastrophic state of the atmospheric layer, polluted air causes many chronic diseases.

Atmospheric pollution is an environmental problem, familiar to the inhabitants of absolutely all corners of the earth. It is especially acutely felt by representatives of cities where ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, energy, chemical, petrochemical, construction and pulp and paper industries operate. In some cities, the atmosphere is also heavily poisoned by vehicles and boilers. These are all examples of anthropogenic air pollution.

As for the natural sources of chemical elements that pollute the atmosphere, they include forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosion (dispersal of soil and rock particles), the spread of pollen, evaporation of organic compounds and natural radiation.

Consequences of atmospheric pollution

Atmospheric air pollution adversely affects human health, contributing to the development of heart and lung diseases (in particular, bronchitis). In addition, atmospheric pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide destroy natural ecosystems, destroying plants and causing the death of living creatures (particularly river fish).

The global environmental problem of atmospheric pollution, according to scientists and government officials, can be solved in the following ways:

  • limiting population growth;
  • reduction in energy use;
  • improving energy efficiency;
  • waste reduction;
  • transition to environmentally friendly renewable energy sources;
  • air purification in highly polluted areas.

Global Environmental Issue #2: Ozone Depletion

The ozone layer is a thin strip of the stratosphere that protects all life on Earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.

Causes of the environmental problem

Back in the 1970s. environmentalists have discovered that the ozone layer is destroyed by exposure to chlorofluorocarbons. These chemicals are found in coolants in refrigerators and air conditioners, as well as solvents, aerosols/sprays, and fire extinguishers. To a lesser extent, other anthropogenic influences also contribute to the thinning of the ozone layer: the launch of space rockets, the flights of jet aircraft in high layers of the atmosphere, nuclear weapons testing, and the reduction of the planet's forest lands. There is also a theory that global warming contributes to the thinning of the ozone layer.

Consequences of ozone depletion

As a result of the destruction of the ozone layer, ultraviolet radiation passes unhindered through the atmosphere and reaches the earth's surface. Exposure to direct UV rays adversely affects people's health by weakening the immune system and causing diseases such as skin cancer and cataracts.

World Environmental Issue #3: Global Warming

Like the glass walls of a greenhouse, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor allow the sun to heat our planet and at the same time prevent infrared radiation reflected from the earth's surface from escaping into space. All these gases are responsible for maintaining the temperature acceptable for life on earth. However, the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide and water vapor in the atmosphere is another global environmental problem, called global warming (or the greenhouse effect).

Causes of global warming

During the 20th century, the average temperature on earth increased by 0.5 - 1?C. The main cause of global warming is considered to be an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to an increase in the volume of fossil fuels burned by people (coal, oil and their derivatives). However, according to the statement Alexey Kokorin, head of climate programs WWF(WWF) Russia, "the largest amount of greenhouse gases is generated by the operation of power plants and methane emissions during the extraction and delivery of energy resources, while road transport or the burning of associated petroleum gas in flaring cause relatively little harm to the environment".

Other prerequisites for global warming are overpopulation of the planet, deforestation, ozone depletion and littering. However, not all ecologists place the responsibility for the increase in average annual temperatures entirely on anthropogenic activities. Some believe that the natural increase in the abundance of oceanic plankton also contributes to global warming, leading to an increase in the concentration of the same carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Consequences of the greenhouse effect

If the temperature during the 21st century increases by another 1 ? C - 3.5 ? C, as scientists predict, the consequences will be very sad:

  • the level of the world ocean will rise (due to the melting of polar ice), the number of droughts will increase and the process of land desertification will intensify,
  • many species of plants and animals adapted to existence in a narrow range of temperatures and humidity will disappear,
  • hurricanes will increase.

Solving an environmental problem

To slow down the process of global warming, according to environmentalists, the following measures will help:

  • rising prices for fossil fuels,
  • replacement of fossil fuels with environmentally friendly ones (solar energy, wind energy and sea currents),
  • development of energy-saving and waste-free technologies,
  • taxation of emissions into the environment,
  • minimization of methane losses during its production, transportation through pipelines, distribution in cities and villages and use at heat supply stations and power plants,
  • introduction of carbon dioxide absorption and binding technologies,
  • tree planting,
  • reduction in family size
  • environmental education,
  • application of phytomelioration in agriculture.

Global Environmental Issue #4: Acid Rain

Acid rain, containing fuel combustion products, also poses a threat to the environment, human health, and even to the integrity of architectural monuments.

The effects of acid rain

Solutions of sulfuric and nitric acids, aluminum and cobalt compounds contained in polluted precipitation and fog pollute the soil and water bodies, adversely affect vegetation, causing dry tops of deciduous trees and oppressing conifers. Due to acid rain, crop yields are falling, people are drinking water enriched with toxic metals (mercury, cadmium, lead), marble architectural monuments are turning into gypsum and eroding.

Solving an environmental problem

In order to save nature and architecture from acid rain, it is necessary to minimize the emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.

Global Environmental Issue #5: Soil Pollution

Every year people pollute the environment with 85 billion tons of waste. Among them are solid and liquid waste from industrial enterprises and transport, agricultural waste (including pesticides), household waste and atmospheric fallout of harmful substances.

The main role in soil pollution is played by such components of industrial waste as heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, thallium, bismuth, tin, vanadium, antimony), pesticides and petroleum products. From the soil, they penetrate into plants and water, even spring water. In a chain, toxic metals enter the human body and are not always quickly and completely removed from it. Some of them tend to accumulate over many years, provoking the development of serious diseases.

Global Environmental Issue #6: Water Pollution

Pollution of the oceans, underground and surface waters of land is a global environmental problem, the responsibility for which lies entirely with man.

Causes of the environmental problem

The main pollutants of the hydrosphere today are oil and oil products. These substances penetrate into the waters of the oceans as a result of the collapse of tankers and regular discharges of wastewater from industrial enterprises.

In addition to anthropogenic oil products, industrial and domestic facilities pollute the hydrosphere with heavy metals and complex organic compounds. Agriculture and the food industry are recognized as the leaders in poisoning the waters of the oceans with minerals and biogenic elements.

The hydrosphere does not bypass such a global environmental problem as radioactive contamination. The prerequisite for its formation was the disposal of radioactive waste in the waters of the oceans. From the 1949s to the 1970s, many powers with a developed nuclear industry and atomic fleet purposefully stockpiled harmful radioactive substances into the seas and oceans. In the places of burial of radioactive containers, the level of cesium often goes off scale even today. But "underwater polygons" are not the only radioactive source of pollution of the hydrosphere. The waters of the seas and oceans are enriched with radiation as a result of underwater and surface nuclear explosions.

Consequences of radioactive contamination of water

Oil pollution of the hydrosphere leads to the destruction of the natural habitat of hundreds of representatives of oceanic flora and fauna, the death of plankton, seabirds and mammals. For human health, the poisoning of the waters of the oceans also poses a serious danger: fish and other seafood “infected” with radiation can easily get on the table.

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Jan 31.05.2018 10:56
To avoid all this, it is necessary to solve everything not for the state budget, but for free!
And besides, you need to add environmental protection laws to your constitution of your country.
namely, strict laws that should make at least 3% of environmental pollution not
only of their homeland but also of all countries of the world!

24werwe 21.09.2017 14:50
The cause of air pollution soil water crypto-Jews. There are degenerates with signs of Jews on the streets. Greenpeace and environmentalists vile kriptoreyskie TV-ri. They are engaged in eternal criticism according to the Catechism of the Jew in the USSR (according to the Talmud). Promote dosed poisoning. They do not name the reason - the deliberate destruction of all living things by the Jews hiding under the labels of "peoples". There is only one way out: the destruction of the Jews with their agriculture and the cessation of production.

Russia is one of the most environmentally polluted countries in the world.

This is facilitated primarily by technogenic factors, such as deforestation, pollution of water bodies, soil and atmosphere with factory production waste.

This is a problem not only for individual countries, but for the entire planet as a whole. Let's look at what environmental problems exist in Russia, global and major.

In Russia, uncontrolled and illegal deforestation is carried out. These are global environmental problems of entire regions of Russia. Most of these are observed in the Far East and north-west of the country. In addition to the fact that poachers cut down valuable species of trees, which are already scarce, there is an acute problem of the rapid deforestation of Siberian regions. Land is also being cleared for agricultural land and for mining.
In addition to economic damage to the state, uncontrolled deforestation causes irreparable harm to many ecosystems that have been created and maintained for thousands of years.

Deforestation has the following consequences:

  • Displacement of animals and birds from their original habitats.
  • Violation of established ecosystems, an increase in the greenhouse effect on the planet. As a result, global warming occurs, which, to one degree or another, leads to a change in almost all ecosystems of the Earth. In particular, the water cycle is disrupted, which leads to a more arid climate on the planet.
  • Accelerated and their weathering. Especially dangerous is the deforestation of areas with mountainous and hilly terrain, as it causes landslides and flooding.

Energy of Russia and ecology

The dependence of the environmental situation on electricity generation is the most direct, since there are three types of energy sources:

  1. organic, these include gas, oil, charcoal and wood itself.
  2. water, that is, the use of the power of the water flow to convert it into heat and electricity.
  3. nuclear, or the use of energy released during nuclear reactions.

The operation of organic energy sources is directly related to their combustion. It must be said that deforestation is carried out not only in order to use wood as a type of fuel, but also in order to clear a place for the extraction of coal, oil and gas, which in themselves are organic sources of energy.

The environmental problem of the use of oil, gas, coal is associated not only with the finiteness of organic resources on the planet, but also with the problem of atmospheric pollution by substances that result from its combustion.

A large amount of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere, and the lack of vegetation for its full absorption in our days lead to the formation and global warming of the climate.

The damming of rivers for the construction of hydroelectric power plants entails a change in established local ecosystems. Animals and birds are forced to move to other areas, which leads to the extinction of many species.

In addition to carbon dioxide, a lot of harmful substances enter the atmosphere that cause acid rain, thereby polluting the soil and water bodies. As you can see, the problem is already beyond the scope of energy and goes into the next category.

Ecologists regularly draw up various maps, where you can clearly see the environmental problems of Russian cities. So, for example, the most comfortable places to live in terms of ecology are Pskov, Novgorod regions, Chukotka, Altai, Buryatia.


The problem of pollution is one of the most urgent today. Let us consider in more detail the main types of pollution.

Pollution of water and reservoirs

This problem is most acute in the industrial and densely populated areas of the country. Experts say that most diseases in residents of large settlements are associated with the problem of polluted water. In regions with a high level of pollution of water bodies, an increased incidence of various types of oncological diseases, as well as pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, is noted.

Every year, thousands of tons of waste from the chemical and oil refining industries from various enterprises fall into lakes throughout Russia; in reservoirs they destroy many species of flora and fauna. In addition, they make water unsuitable even for technical use.

Human waste products also significantly affect the pollution of water bodies, since the water that is used in cities for the needs of the population from the sewerage system often enters directly into open water bodies, bypassing the system of treatment facilities, the quality of which, by the way, leaves much to be desired: most of them are practically do not cope with their functions due to outdated and worn-out equipment.

Thanks to satellite research, the environmental problems of the seas of Russia were revealed, and the most dangerous of all the water areas of our country turned out to be the section of the Gulf of Finland, where the largest amount of hazardous oil products spilled from oil tankers is located.

At this rate of pollution, drinking water shortages may soon occur, as chemical waste enters the soil, thereby poisoning groundwater. In many springs across Russia, the water has already become undrinkable due to soil contamination with chemical waste.

The decline of heavy industry in the 1990s did a great deal to remedy Russia's air pollution problem, which was already on the rise, with air pollution levels among the highest in the world during Soviet times. The Soviet government did not consider that heavy industrial waste released into the atmosphere and deforestation, which reduces the absorption of carbon dioxide from the air, could pose any problem.

To increase production capacity, no natural resources were spared, and thick smoke over the chimneys of factories was considered evidence of unprecedented technocratic and industrial achievements. And it evoked a sense of pride instead of the logical in this case concern for the environment and one's health.

During the combustion of automotive fuel, in addition to carbon dioxide, fine dust and microscopic soot particles are emitted into the atmosphere. Inhaled by humans, they cause various oncological diseases, since they are quite strong carcinogens.

Even substances that are harmless to humans, such as freon, entering the upper atmosphere, contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer. Consequently, there are more and more ozone holes that allow the hard ultraviolet spectrum of solar radiation to pass through. This affects not only the climate of the Earth, but also all people, since such radiation is one of the main causes of skin cancer, and an increase in temperature leads to an increase in cardiovascular diseases.

Climate change due to air pollution and global warming significantly affects human life and has much more serious consequences than we can imagine. For example, it leads to a reduction in land suitable for cultivation, thereby reducing the area of ​​agricultural land. Which, in turn, threatens to reduce the possible amount of food and the onset of general hunger.

Nuclear pollution

The problem of radioactive contamination began to be discussed closely only after the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Prior to this, the question of the possible threat of such contamination, as well as the problem of disposal of radioactive waste, which lead to radioactive contamination of the environment, was practically not raised.

Many of the nuclear power plants in Russia have already worked out their deadlines and require more advanced equipment. Failure to replace it promptly can lead to serious natural environmental disasters due to accidents at nuclear power plants, as happened in Chernobyl.

The main danger of radioactive radiation lies in the fact that radioactive isotopes cause death or mutation of the cells into which they penetrate. Radioactive substances can enter the human body together with the inhaled air, water and food, as well as settling on unprotected areas of the skin. Many of them are deposited in the thyroid gland and bone tissue, showing their pathogenic properties not immediately, but after some time, depending on the radiation dose received by the person. In this regard, the problem of disposal of radioactive waste is extremely relevant today.

The problem of household waste in Russia

Along with the above, the problem of disposal of household waste and environmental pollution is no less relevant in Russia. At present, it is one of the most serious environmental problems in the country: about 400 kg of household solid waste is generated per year per inhabitant of Russia. And effective methods for the utilization of inorganic matter have not yet been invented.

One of the most effective methods of how to deal with part of household waste (in particular, with paper and glass containers) is the recycling of raw materials. In cities with an established mechanism for collecting waste paper and glass containers, the problem of household waste is less acute than in others.
What measures need to be taken?

In order to solve the environmental problems of Russian forests and reduce their deforestation, it will be necessary to:

  • establish less favorable conditions for the export of timber, especially its valuable species;
  • improve working conditions for foresters;
  • strengthen the control of cutting down trees directly in the forests.

For water purification you need:

  • reorganization of treatment facilities, most of which do not cope with their functions due to outdated and largely faulty equipment;
  • revision of technologies for processing and disposal of production waste;
  • improvement of the processes of utilization of domestic non-organic waste.

To purify the air you need the following:

  • the use of more modern and environmentally friendly types of fuel, which would make it possible to significantly reduce the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere; improvement of filters in heavy industry enterprises.
    To reduce household waste:
  • in addition to improving the ways in which household waste is disposed of, it will also be necessary to address the issue of using more environmentally friendly materials in the manufacture of, for example, food packaging;
  • to reduce the pollution of forest plantations and other places of recreation, it is necessary to organize work with the population on environmental topics, as well as the introduction of severe penalties for the release of inorganic garbage in the wrong place.

Solving environmental problems in Russia

It is in the interests of our country to preserve and improve the environment around us. Currently, state supervision over its use has been significantly weakened. Of course, relevant laws and conceptual documents are being adopted, but we often see that they are not working effectively on the ground, in the regions. But despite this, there are still shifts. Comprehensive measures are being taken to stabilize and mitigate the environmental situation in the industrial regions of Siberia and the Urals, which often use innovative technologies. Energy-saving programs are being introduced throughout the country. Supervision of hydraulic structures is being strengthened. Below is a map of Russia's environmental problems, cities and regions of comfortable living are indicated. Despite the fact that the map was made in 2000, it is still relevant today.

Very good article! I totally agree with you! Why is it sometimes difficult for people to take a few extra steps to throw garbage not on the ground, but in a trash can? If everyone were aware of this, there would be no pollution. Although many understand this, they do not want to save the planet. It is very sad that in today's world everything turns out this way. It's good that there are now societies for the protection of nature! Thank you very much for this information!

The situation in our country has always been difficult. I was not so long ago in France, where, for example, garbage is not thrown into one bin, but is thrown into several bins, then sorted and processed at the factory, we are not close to that yet. The rudiments of this are already there, plants are being created for the disposal of used household appliances, household and chemical waste.

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4. Ways to solve environmental problems.



nature environmental problem


At the turn of the century and millennium, our country is going through a severe transformational crisis. The transformation of the command-administrative and semi-totalitarian system into a market and democratic one is going on hard and slowly. The country faces a huge list of problems. One of them is an environmental problem.

Mankind is too slow to understand the extent of the danger that a frivolous attitude towards the environment creates. Meanwhile, the solution (if it is still possible) of such formidable global problems as environmental ones requires urgent energetic joint efforts of international organizations, states, regions, and the public.

World history shows that humanity has not always used the types of energy at its disposal wisely. It waged devastating wars, wrongly and sometimes criminally treated nature. Not knowing the many laws of nature, violating them, a person often does not imagine the disastrous consequences of his victory over nature.

It is important to emphasize that during the Soviet decades, environmental problems were simply ignored. As a result, dozens and hundreds of cities and towns in the country have been poisoned by dirty industries. Economic crisis of the 1990s in a sense, he corrected the ecological situation in the country - many enterprises were closed, or even liquidated. But as the crisis in the economy is overcome, the problem becomes more acute, especially since the starting level is very unfavorable. Old Soviet problems in the field of ecology remain unresolved and are exacerbated by new ones.

In this regard, it is both relevant and necessary to study the environmental situation in Russia.

1. Nature is the source of life, material and spiritual well-being

Man is part of nature. Outside of nature, without using its resources, he cannot exist. Nature will always be the basis and source of human life.

In relation to a person, it performs a number of functions related to the satisfaction of his needs: ecological, economic, aesthetic, recreational, scientific, cultural.

The content of the ecological function is determined by the fact that, taking into account the interconnection and interdependence of phenomena and processes in nature, ecological balance is ensured, including the ecological optimum for humans. Within its framework, a person interacts with the environment of his natural habitat. Separate elements of nature are direct sources of satisfaction of the natural physiological needs of man - breathing, quenching thirst, nutrition. The following data testify to the importance of this function for a person: a person can live without air for several minutes, without water for several days, without food for about two months. The state of natural resources, primarily forests, waters, lands, determines the state of climate and weather conditions, on which a person and the economy he develops also depend.

The other most essential function of nature is economic. Its essence is predetermined by the fact that the natural resources used by man have economic properties, economic potential. If the ecological function is “eternal” in relation to a person, then the economic one appeared when a person began to create the first tools of labor, build housing for himself, and sew clothes. Natural resources serve as a source of satisfaction of various material needs that are increasing with the development of man.

The aesthetic, recreational, scientific, cultural functions of nature appeared much later than the economic ones, at a fairly high stage in the development of human society. In the process of communication with nature, a person satisfies his spiritual and informational needs.

The nature of the Earth, which has been formed over billions of years, is the richest source of various knowledge: about the processes and laws of the evolution of our planet and its ecological systems, about the mechanism of the functioning of nature, about why man appeared, how he developed and what awaits him if there is no its destructive activity in relation to the rest of nature is sharply limited. In order to build a correct relationship with nature, a person is interested in all this information, but it can only be obtained through the organization and conduct of scientific research, and then used to create mechanisms, including legal ones, to regulate their relationship to nature.

The question of the functions of nature in relation to man is also at the heart of the concept of "favorable environment", the right to which, in accordance with Art. Everyone has 42 of the Constitution of Russia. It is obvious that such an environment is favorable, which is able to satisfy the ecological (physiological), economic, aesthetic and other needs of a person.

A look at the history of the relationship between man and nature allows us to judge his true attitude towards his ancestor. The history of the development of human society is the history of the expansion of the scale and diversity of human impact on nature, the strengthening of its exploitation. According to the results of human activity in relation to nature, one can judge the morality of a person, the level of his civilization, as well as his social responsibility to future generations.

It is easy to see that the impact of people on nature is manifested in the process and as a result of the satisfaction of human needs. The potential and actual extent of such impacts depends on the types of needs being met. Of course, they turn out to be the most significant due to the satisfaction of material needs and the development of industry, agriculture, energy, transport, etc. associated with this.

Accordingly, the preservation of a favorable state of nature, its qualitative and quantitative characteristics can be ensured by regulating the relationship of man to nature in the process of satisfying his needs at the expense of nature's resources. At the same time, as a biological being and part of nature, a person must comply with the laws of its development.

2. General characteristics of environmental problems in Russia

In one of the most thorough analytical works on the current state of the environment in Russia, it is argued that "humanity is already living in a collapsing world in the face of an ever-increasing severe environmental crisis, which is turning into a crisis of the entire civilization." Interestingly, the subtitle of the book is "Russia in an ecological crisis."

The modern ecological crisis can be defined as an imbalance in ecological systems and in the relationship of human society with nature. It is a consequence of the discrepancy between the development of productive forces and production relations in human society and the ecological possibilities of the environment. The crisis in nature is characterized by such basic features as the violation of the ecological balance in the process of anthropogenic activity and the inability of human society to reverse the trend of environmental degradation. The ecological crisis is a natural result of the yet unresolved contradiction between the practice of society's consumer attitude to the environment, established in the history of civilization, and the ability of the biosphere to support the system of natural biogeochemical processes of self-recovery.

The components of the crisis are varied. The environment and its ecological systems are depleted. Thus, a short-sighted policy leads to the degradation of the agricultural resource base of Russia, which is manifested in soil erosion, acidification, deforestation and desertification in Asia, and almost universal water pollution and its losses. At the same time, there was a steady trend towards a reduction in the areas of productive agricultural land in our country. Annually the area of ​​ravines increases by 8-9 thousand hectares. As part of agricultural land, erosion-prone and subject to water and wind erosion, agricultural land occupies more than 117 million hectares. 42.8% of arable land is characterized by a low content of humus, including 15.1% of the surveyed soils have a critical level.

Environmental practice in Russia and abroad has shown that its failures are associated with incomplete consideration of negative impacts, inability to select and assess the main factors and consequences, low efficiency of using the results of field and theoretical environmental studies in decision-making, insufficient development of methods for quantifying the consequences of pollution of the surface atmosphere and other life-supporting natural environments.

All developed countries have laws on the protection of atmospheric air. They are periodically revised to take into account new air quality requirements and new data on the toxicity and behavior of pollutants in the air basin. In the United States, the fourth version of the Clean Air Act is now being discussed. The fight is between environmentalists and companies with no economic interest in improving air quality. The Government of the Russian Federation has developed a draft law on the protection of atmospheric air, which is currently being discussed. Improving air quality in Russia is of great social and economic importance.

This is due to many reasons, and above all, the unfavorable state of the air basin of megacities, large cities and industrial centers, in which the bulk of the skilled and able-bodied population lives.

Emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere from stationary sources located on the territory of the Russian Federation make up about 60% of the total emissions of the former USSR, or 25 million tons. harmful substances, including in million tons: Emissions of pollutants from vehicles in Russian cities amount to about 21 million tons.

The radiation situation in Russia is currently determined by the global radioactive background, the presence of contaminated territories due to the Chernobyl (1986) and Kyshtym (1957) accidents, the exploitation of uranium deposits, the nuclear fuel cycle, ship nuclear power plants, regional radioactive waste storage facilities, as well as anomalous zones of ionizing radiation associated with terrestrial (natural) sources of radionuclides.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the problem of pollution of surface and groundwater with nitrogen compounds is becoming more and more urgent. Ecological and geochemical mapping of the central regions of European Russia has shown that the surface and ground waters of this territory are in many cases characterized by high concentrations of nitrates and nitrites. Regime observations indicate an increase in these concentrations over time.

A similar situation develops with the contamination of groundwater with organic substances. This is due to the fact that the underground hydrosphere is not capable of oxidizing a large mass of organic matter entering it. The consequence of this is that the pollution of hydrogeochemical systems gradually becomes irreversible.

In agricultural areas with a high agricultural load, a noticeable increase in phosphorus compounds in surface waters was revealed, which is a favorable factor for eutrophication of endorheic water bodies. There is also an increase in persistent pesticides in surface and ground waters.

In Russia, many water bodies are assessed as ecologically unfavorable. Their chronic pollution has led to a serious deterioration in the conditions for the reproduction of valuable fish species, a reduction in their stocks and catches.

The area of ​​forest fund lands in Russia is about 1180 million hectares. The total stock of timber in forests is 80 billion cubic meters. m. Approximately 90% of the total clear-cutting area is made up of the most environmentally hazardous clear-cutting areas. Forest fires cause great damage to forestry. The area of ​​burned forests annually exceeds 1 million hectares.

One of the significant manifestations of the ecological crisis is associated with excessive consumption of natural resources. Already, humanity is consuming nature's resources by an order of magnitude more than what can be withdrawn from the biosphere without damaging its biochemical cycles and its ability to self-repair. Mankind now consumes 40% of all products produced by photosynthesis on land. In other words, the entire 20th century mankind lived at the expense of their descendants. As a result, it has brought the biosphere, and consequently, itself as an integral part of the biosphere, to the brink of complete degradation.

Nature is degrading, and with it the population of our country is degrading. “The health of the population is certainly deteriorating as a result of pollution, although man, apparently, is well adapted to the combustion products of wood and fossil fuels, since he always inhaled them in caves, dugouts, chicken huts, having mastered the culture of using fire in the earliest stages of existence. . A much more significant effect on human health is the fact that he has destroyed his ecological niche on a large land area, and since there is no evidence that biological laws do not apply to humans, it is obvious that the human genome is disintegrating as a result of the termination of the mechanisms that hold decay of a species at a certain level in a natural ecological niche.

Unfortunately, judgments in the world also coincide with the assessments of domestic scientists. "The survival rate of Russians has reached a critical point" - this is how authoritative foreign experts of UNESCO and the World Health Organization think. They periodically conduct research on the dynamics of living standards and the so-called vitality of peoples, depending on the socio-economic policy of the government and the environmental situation in a particular country. The vitality coefficient is measured on a five-point scale - it characterizes the possibility of preserving the gene pool, the physiological and intellectual development of the nation in the context of continuing the socio-economic policy of the government, carried out at the time of the survey of a particular country. At the same time, the real environmental situation, as it were, "accompanying" such a policy, is also taken into account.

Russia's viability factor in 1998-1999 was rated 1.4 points.

A score from 1 to 1.4 is considered by experts, in essence, as the death sentence of the nation. This range means that the population is doomed either to gradual extinction or degradation - "reproducible" generations will be distinguished by physiological and intellectual inferiority, existing only by satisfying natural instincts. These generations will not be able to think analytically, because they will not have the ability to think independently.

Below Russia is the Republic of Burkina Faso, up to 80% of whose population is a carrier of AIDS. This country, as well as Chad, Ethiopia, South Sudan have a score of 1.1-1.3. According to the criteria and clarifications of UNESCO-WHO, a score below 1.4 indicates that “the physiological and intellectual agony of the population can continue forever... A nation with such a coefficient of vitality no longer has internal sources of progressive development and immunity. Its destiny is slow degradation ... ".

109 million Russians out of 148 million live in unfavorable environmental conditions. 40-50 million people are affected by a 10-fold excess of the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of various harmful substances in the environment, 55-60 million - 5-fold excess of the MPC.

Scientists predict the death of mankind in the foreseeable future. This will happen if we fail in the near future - the last years of the 20th century. and in the coming XXI century. - change the dominant trends in world development and our attitude to nature. It is obvious that the global catastrophe will fall first of all on the developed countries of the “North”. Unfortunately, Russia is still perhaps the first in this sad "queue".

3. Causes of the crisis state of the environment in Russia

Knowledge of the causes of the ecological crisis is important both from the point of view of scientific and practical considerations. With the help of scientific knowledge, it is possible to evaluate processes and develop the necessary recommendations; practical knowledge helps to positively change the attitude towards the nature of the state, society, individual social groups and citizens.

Experts say that the first wave of the ecological crisis is now underway. It covered mainly industrialized and former socialist countries, including Russia. In our country, it manifested itself most acutely, because. economically developed states were able at this stage to find means, if not for solving crisis problems, then for mitigating them.

If we evaluate the most common causes of the Russian, as well as the global environmental crisis, then the main one is the nature-consuming and nature-conquering ideology of mankind.

Some authors see the causes of the ecological crisis “in an overgrown population. However, it is hardly possible to consider the quantitative growth of the population as the cause of the ecological crisis. For example, only 142 million people live in the vast territory of Russia. Meanwhile, the state of the environment is assessed here as catastrophic.

The reasons for the crisis, in our opinion, are different. They have subjective roots, manifested in the attitude of man, society and the state to nature. Based on the analysis of the policy pursued by the state, the state of environmental law, the following can be indicated as the main reasons for the current environmental situation in Russia.

a) The most important reason is the system of mobilization economy that operated throughout the Soviet decades, for which environmental problems simply did not exist.

Throughout almost the entire 20th century, our country had to fight fiercely for its survival, its development took place within the framework of the "Iron Curtain". Naturally, under these conditions, environmental problems were not considered at all. Add to this the totalitarian political regime, the lack of rights of citizens, the omnipotence of the nomenklatura bureaucracy. The result was dozens and hundreds of cities with a poisoned ecology, destroyed agriculture, dozens, hundreds and thousands of ecological disaster zones, ranging from the Chernobyl disaster zone to endless landfills surrounding Russian cities.

b) Lack of political will of the state for consistent, effective implementation of activities to protect the environment and ensure rational nature management. The lack of will in relation to the necessary solution of environmental problems is typical not only for the socialist stage of the development of the state and society in Russia, but also in the post-socialist period.

In the field of law, this reason manifested itself, in particular, in the absence of laws and adequate legal regulation in a number of environmentally significant areas (management of production and consumption waste, hazardous substances, etc.). At the same time, although laws and other normative acts in the sphere of the natural environment were adopted in the country, no efforts were made by the state to ensure their implementation.

One of the most striking examples is the adoption at the national level of more than ten government decrees and programs aimed at protecting the unique natural complex of Lake Baikal, none of which has been fully implemented.

The most serious manifestation of the lack or deficit of political will was the fact that in a country in which there is a powerful anthropogenic impact on nature, a purposeful scientifically based state environmental policy has not been developed. The processes of interaction between society and nature have developed and are still developing largely spontaneously, without taking into account the laws of the development of nature and the environmental needs of man and society.

Finally, the real attitude of the Russian state towards solving environmental problems in the country is evidenced by the fact that the environmental situation, according to experts, is practically uncontrollable.

c) Poorly developed legislation and law in the field of the environment. The system of Russian legislation and law in the field of the environment still lacks many legislative acts and legal norms adopted in foreign economically developed countries 20-25 years ago. The adopted laws suffer from serious defects: an abundance of declarative provisions; weak regulation of procedures (environmental regulation, licensing, environmental impact assessment, organization and conduct of environmental expertise, etc.); lack of effective mechanisms for the implementation of regulatory requirements.

d) Defects in the organization of state management of environmental protection and ensuring rational nature management. We are talking, first of all, about the system of specially authorized state bodies designed to organize and ensure the implementation of the requirements of the legislation in this area. The system of state environmental management in the USSR was organized in relation to the regulation of the use and protection of individual natural resources (land, subsoil, water, forests, etc.) in violation of the principle of separation of economic and operational and control and supervisory functions.

e) In the social development of Russia, as before, preference is given to the development of the economy and the satisfaction of economic interests without the necessary linkage with the ecological needs of man and the ecological possibilities of nature. Although economic development is the main factor in the negative impact on the state of the environment, when developing state plans for economic development, public interests in preserving and restoring a favorable state of the environment, ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources were either not taken into account at all, or were taken to a minimum extent.

f) Departmental interests, satisfied mainly by ignoring the environmental interests of society, are one of the most serious reasons for the critical state of the environment. Departmental egoism manifested itself in the recent past in attempts to implement such environmentally unsound projects as the project of transferring part of the flow of northern and Siberian rivers, the implementation of a land reclamation program, etc.

As a rule, “strong” and wealthy ministries, and now also entrepreneurial structures, have powerful lobbies in the legislature and government. They "push through" decisions that contradict the requirements of the Russian Constitution and environmental legislation. The phenomenon associated with the satisfaction of departmental interests contrary to the requirements of the law is quite typical.

g) Lack of funding for environmental protection programs and activities. Traditionally, financing in this area is carried out according to the residual principle. The situation is aggravated by the extremely low efficiency of investments in nature protection. In particular, this is manifested in the fact that when considerable funds are allocated for the construction of treatment facilities (sometimes up to 40% of the cost of the enterprise itself), they are either operated with a low efficiency or do not work at all.

h) Shortage of environmental specialists: lawyers, economists, sociologists, engineers, etc.

i) Extremely low level of legal awareness, ecological knowledge and ecological culture. The low level of general and ecological culture, the unprecedented moral decline of society, impunity - the general background against which the degradation of nature takes place.

The list of reasons for the critical state of the environment in Russia can be continued, and their order can be changed. It is characteristic that all of them, in our opinion, are basic and interconnected.

4. Ways to solve environmental problems

Consider the question of the main ways of solving environmental problems with the help of and within the framework of environmental law.

a) Formation of a new ecological outlook. To overcome the ecological crisis and consistently solve environmental problems, Russia needs a completely new and valuable worldview. Its scientific and philosophical basis can be the doctrine of the noosphere, to the development of which the Russian natural scientist Academician V.I. Vernadsky. It is permeated with the idea of ​​humanism, aimed at transforming relations with the environment in the interests of free-thinking humanity as a whole.

The doctrine of the noosphere is consonant with the ideas of Albert Schweitzer about the revival of law on the basis of a new worldview.

The basis for the formation of a new environmental and legal worldview can be a rethinking on the basis of modern natural science and public knowledge of the theory of natural law and natural justice. At the same time, the problem of restoring the long-lost healthy connection between man and nature and the correlation of legal norms by which a person lives or should live with natural imperatives arising from the laws of nature development needs to be solved. When educating, shaping an ecological worldview, these truths should be taken as a basis. Recognizing his life as the highest value, a person must learn to appreciate all life on Earth in order to resolutely rebuild the conditions for the joint existence of mankind and nature.

b) Development and consistent, most effective implementation of the state environmental policy. This task should be solved within the framework of the permanent ecological function of the state.

The most important elements of environmental policy are the goals of restoring a favorable state of the environment, the strategy and tactics for achieving them. At the same time, the goals should be realistic, i.e. based on real possibilities. Taking into account these goals, society and the state determine the strategy for environmental protection, i.e. a set of actions necessary and sufficient to solve the set tasks, means of achieving the intended goals.

c) Formation of modern environmental legislation. Environmental legislation is both a product and the main form of securing state environmental policy. At the present stage, it is important to ensure the targeted formation of environmental legislation, and not its development and improvement, for two reasons. The first and main one is related to the fact that this legislation is being created and will be implemented in political, economic and legal conditions that are fundamentally new for Russia and require new legislation. Practice confirms that, in essence, an active process of its creation is now underway. The second reason is the extremely poorly developed environmental legislation of socialist Russia.

d) Creation of an optimal system of state management bodies for nature management and environmental protection, taking into account the principles:

* an integrated approach to solving the problems of ensuring rational nature management and environmental protection;

* management organization based not only on the administrative-territorial, but also on the natural-geographical zoning of the country;

* separation of economic and operational and control and supervisory powers of specially authorized bodies.

e) Ensuring optimal financing of measures to ensure rational nature management and environmental protection and high efficiency of capital investments.

f) Involvement of the general population in environmental protection activities. As a political organization of society, the state, within the framework of performing an environmental function, is interested in this in order to achieve the goals of environmental policy. One of the recent trends is related to the democratization of environmental law. This is manifested in the creation of organizational and legal conditions for the participation of interested public formations and citizens in the preparation and adoption of environmentally significant economic, managerial and other decisions.

g) Environmental education and training of environmental specialists. “Only a revolution in the minds of the people will bring the desired change. If we want to save ourselves and the biosphere on which our existence depends, everyone ... - both old and young - must become real, active and even aggressive fighters for the protection of the environment ”- with these words, William O. Douglas, Dr. law, former member of the US Supreme Court.

The revolution in people's minds, which is so necessary to overcome the ecological crisis, will not happen by itself. It is possible with purposeful efforts within the framework of state environmental policy and an independent function of public administration in the field of the environment. These efforts should be aimed at the ecological education of all generations, especially the young, the education of a sense of respect for nature. It is necessary to form ecological consciousness, individual and social, based on the idea of ​​harmonious relationships between man and nature, man's dependence on nature and responsibility for its preservation for future generations.

At the same time, the most important prerequisite for solving environmental problems in the country is the targeted training of ecologists - specialists in the field of economics, engineering, technology, law, sociology, biology, hydrology, etc. Without highly qualified specialists with modern knowledge on the entire spectrum of issues of interaction between society and nature, especially in in the process of making environmentally significant economic, managerial and other decisions, the planet Earth may not have a worthy future.

However, even having organizational, human, material and other resources to address environmental issues, people must acquire the necessary will and wisdom to adequately use these resources.


The ecological situation in modern Russia, without exaggeration, can be called critical. It is already having an extremely adverse impact on economic development and public health. And, ultimately, the environmental problem is put forward among the main problems of modern Russia.

At the same time, in no case can we say that there is no way out of the situation. It seems that Russia is one of the few highly developed countries in the world that are able to cope with the environmental problem not only on its own territory, but also on a global scale. It seems to me that our country has a complex of factors and conditions that sharply distinguishes it in this sense from the countries of the West. This is the extraordinary richness and diversity of nature, a large territory, a relatively high level of understanding by society and the state of the degree of importance of the environmental problem. But, perhaps, the most important thing is the special properties of the mentality of Russians, which can make it easier than in other countries to form a new ecological worldview and, in general, a new image of a new person - the Man of the Post-industrial era. In Russia, far from being as strong as in the West, the cult of the Man-Conqueror-Nature is strong, much more modest than the needs of people (at least in comparison). Economic efficiency and profit are not elevated to the rank of deities, and accordingly, it seems that in a certain sense it will be easier for our country to make economic sacrifices in the name of nature.

Of course, these are assumptions. First of all, coordinated efforts of society and the state are needed to solve specific environmental problems in specific regions of Russia. However, the ultimate goal should be a fundamental change in attitude towards nature. Without this, ecological catastrophes and disasters will inevitably repeat again and again.


1. Bobylev S.N. Environmental economics. M, 1999.

2. Brinchuk M.M. Environmental law. M., 2002.

3. Ivanko P.I. Environmental Safety. M., 1995.

4. K. S. Losev, V. G. Gorshkov, and K. Ya. etc. Problems of the ecology of Russia. Moscow, 1993.

5. Meshanova O.G., Evstafiev V.V. Evolution. Fundamentals of ecology. M., 1996.

6. Reimers N.F. Ecology (theories, laws, rules, principles and hypotheses). M., 1994.

7. Rogozhina N. In search of answers to the environmental challenge. / / World economy and international relations, 1999 No. 9.

8. Chernova M.N. Fundamentals of ecology; M., 2001.

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The global problems of civilization cannot be resolved by the forces of a single state. There is no doubt that a unified regulatory mechanism is needed at the global level, which is not based on narrow national interests, but determines the rights and obligations of all countries and peoples, and forms a new world order.

In order to solve global problems, it is necessary to intensify the activities of various international organizations and, first of all, the UN. The major programs of the UN and UNESCO should be aimed at creating the most acceptable living conditions on planet Earth.

Ways to solve environmental problems are different at different levels of the world economy.

At the national level:

1. Controlling population growth.

2. Improvement of environmental legislation.

3. Improvement of technologies.

4. Limitation of environmentally "dirty" industries.

5. Support for scientific developments of an ecological nature.

6. Environmental education.

8. Increasing investment in the environment.

9. Restriction of export of raw materials to other countries.

10. Development of an economic and legal mechanism for nature management and environmental protection.

11. Creation of specialized institutions for solving environmental problems.

12. Encouraging civil environmental action.

At the global level:

1. Creation of international organizations for the protection of the environment.

2. Implementation of joint economic projects and scientific developments to protect the environment.

3. Introduction of global economic standards and restrictions.

4. Use of alternative energy sources.

5. Assistance to developing countries (financial, technological) in the field of environmental education.

6. Adaptation of nature management relations to the market economy system.

Economy and ecology interact. However, it should be noted that there are two fundamentally different approaches to the problem of their interaction.

From the point of view of economists, an enterprise (firm) is an element of the market economy system. The desire for profit is realized through the satisfaction of people's needs. The optimal use of natural resources and environmental protection is determined by the criterion of economic effect from the costs for these purposes.

Ecologists believe that an enterprise (firm) is an element of an ecosystem. Ecosystem - a complex of components of the hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and technosphere, connected by the exchange of energy, matter, information. It cannot be considered as an integral part of the noosphere - the human habitat in the global sense. The enterprise should, according to environmentalists, "fit" into the criteria for the optimal functioning of the entire ecosystem.

The natural environment is a condition, element and object of social reproduction. Natural factors require constant restoration in quantitative and qualitative aspects. This gives rise to the need to create a fundamentally new economic mechanism for managing natural resources and protecting the environment. There is a process of greening social production (see Fig. 78).

Fig.78. Scheme of the process of greening social production.

The key problem for the survival of civilization is the energy problem. Currently, developed countries are pursuing a policy of limiting energy consumption. Here, the level of energy consumption per capita is 80 times higher than in developing countries. Technically, a similar level of production and consumption of energy can be provided for all countries of the world. But we must not forget that the planet's ecosystem will not withstand a multiple increase in energy consumption due to the development of traditional types of energy. From this it is clear that mankind, along with traditional ones, is obliged to use new sources of energy (see Fig. 79).

Of course, the energy saving regime must be observed. To this end, the following measures are recommended: improvement of thermal insulation; introduction of energy-saving equipment; full use of the radiant energy of the sun; introduction of modern technologies.

To ensure the reproductive mode of existence and development of civilization, the possibility of wide use of the wealth of the world's oceans and outer space opens up.

Rice. 79. Types of energy sources.

The World Ocean - the Earth's hydrosphere - occupies 71% of its surface. The use of natural resources and water areas of the World Ocean includes: fishing, sea animal harvesting, invertebrate fishing, algae collection, marine mining, waste disposal.

New prospects are also opened up by space exploration for the development of civilization. The results of research and experiments in near space can be used in medicine, biology, geology, communications, industrial production, energy, weather forecasting, materials science, agriculture, climate studies, environmental monitoring, and development of the World Ocean.

The solution of global problems determines the urgent need to unite the efforts of all mankind for cooperation in the following areas:

· disarmament and military conversion, prevention of military threat;

development of information technologies and the formation of a single information space;

· Establishment of unified rules and norms of global environmental management;

· cooperation in elimination of ecological disaster zones;

· Assistance by developed countries to developing countries in overcoming poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy.

The main areas of cooperation in solving global problems predetermine the very forms of cooperation:

1. Implementation of joint projects and programs.

2. Technology transfer.

3. Allocation of loans.

4. Participation in the development, extraction and distribution of natural resources.

5. Reform of the pricing system for natural resources in the world.

6. Providing developing countries with access to the world market.

7. Promoting the industrialization of underdeveloped countries.

8. General planetary and regional agreements under the auspices of the UN and other international organizations.

In recent decades, scientists - globalists have approached the comprehension of the relevance of common world problems and the need for their joint solution.

The Club of Rome, an informal organization that brings together scientists from different countries, has conducted a study of the main factors and trends in the development of environmental systems on the planet. The results of the study are presented in the book "The Limits to Growth", which contains recommendations from many scientific developments.

The concept of the transition of the world and regions to sustainable development was adopted at the World Congress on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992 with the participation of the heads of state and government of 180 countries. The transition to sustainable development involves the gradual restoration of natural ecosystems to a level that guarantees the stability of the environment.

Basic concepts and terms:

Global problems

Problems related to the environmental crisis

Social and economic problems

Cultural and moral problems

Ecological problems

Types of environmental problems

Local and global problems

Water systems

Aral crisis

Air pollution

acid rain

"Ozone holes"

Demographic situation

food problem

The problem of war and peace

Military industry conversion

Space exploration

Ways to solve environmental problems at the national level

Ways to solve environmental problems at the global level

Economy and ecology

Ecologization of social production

energy problem

Energy sources

Traditional energy sources

Alternative non-traditional energy sources

Using the resources of the oceans and space

Areas of cooperation in solving global problems

Forms of cooperation
