Apples similar to Antonovka but sweet. Varieties of apples: varieties and their description

There are different types and varieties of apple trees that require a certain approach to the technology of their cultivation. We will consider the main types of crown formation, in which it is required to observe a certain distance when planting seedlings. You will also be offered the best varieties of modern apple trees, which are accompanied short descriptions and photo.

Apple trees are the most popular of all fruit trees - attractive in bloom and rewarding with a harvest. There are, of course, standard or classic apple trees, and this is discussed below, but they are not for the average site. It is much better to grow bushy trees if there is enough space. Where space is limited, a dwarf bushy, cordon row, or compact columnar is a much better choice. There are other types - trellis, fan, spindle-shaped, low horizontal cordons, etc.

With all of these types of growth, your apple tree variety is very likely to need a pollination partner that blooms around the same time. The standard advice is to plant a pollinator variety in your garden, but in urban areas you will usually find one nearby. You can also grow self-fertile variety, For example: "Queen Cox", "James Grieve" and "Arthur Turner", photos that can be found below.

The final stage is the collection of fruits. Apples are ready for harvest when they are easily removed with the stalk by lifting and turning slightly. Healthy fruits should be stored wrapped in newspaper and laid out in wooden trays in a cool, dry place.

Terms found in catalogs:

  • Varieties with periodic fruiting;
  • Varieties with a good harvest every two years;
  • Varieties with fruiting on fruit twigs;
  • Varieties that bear most of the fruit at the ends of annual shoots;
  • Varieties with fruiting on ringlets;
  • Varieties that bear all or most of the fruit on very short branches.

At what distance when planting to plant apple trees

At what distance to plant apple trees - largely depends on the variety and spreading of the crown of an adult tree. When planting apple trees, the distance is measured from the laying of the stem culture.

Lime the soil if it is very acidic, and provide a windbreak if the area is open. Plant the plant at the same depth at which it grew (according to the old soil mark); the vaccination site should be at a height of 10cm above the ground.

The distance between apple trees when planting semi-stem crops should be 5 m from each other. The interval for other types of growth is shorter: bushy- 4 m, dwarf bushy- 3m, dwarf bushy on rootstock M27- 2 m, cordons- 1 m, and 60 cm between compact columnar. Now you have information about what distance between apple trees should be when laying a garden.

apple fruit type

Depending on what type of apple fruit was chosen for cultivation, a varied harvest can be obtained.

Summer July - early September Not stored. Consume within 7 days
autumn September October Limited period - 2-3 weeks2 years
Winter October November Long - 1-6 months depending on the variety

Types of apple trees and their photos

Bushy types of apple trees - this is the most popular type, having open center and a short trunk: bushy 60-75 cm, dwarf bushy - 45-60 cm. They quickly bear fruit and are easy to care for. The size of an adult plant is 2 m on M27 and up to 5.5 m on MM106.

Look at the standard types of apple trees in the photo and evaluate their attractiveness for your site.

big trees, grown on semi-dwarf or vigorous rootstocks, they are suitable only where there is a lot of space and high yields are required. In the standard stem, the height of the stem is 1.8-2 m, in the half-stem, it is 1.2-1.4 m.

Cordon is a single stem tree planted at a 45° angle and tied to a permanent support system. A dwarf rootstock is usually used, and vigorous ones are generally avoided. Constant hard pruning required.

Compact columnar- it has one main trunk with almost no lateral branches, which means that no pruning is required. The height after 5 years is about 2 m, and the special form of growth makes it suitable for lawns, containers and.

Growing apple rootstock

Growing an apple rootstock in many respects depends on its technology on the type of crop growth. The main principles are described below. Bushy and standard apple trees need to be pruned while dormant - the method shown below is the easiest way to prune mature trees. Tapestry, fan forms and cordons are cut in mid-July (southern regions) or early August (other regions).

Remove dry, diseased and damaged branches. Cut out intersecting branches and shoots growing into the center of the crown.

Then, in the inner part of the crown, one shoot is left to continue the leader. Cut out each side shoot that grows inside the crown and above the shoot of the continuation of the leader branch.

In the outer part of the crown, both leaders and side shoots.

Harvesting lots of small fruits can be a problem. If this happens, thin out some of the fruiting twigs and cut out some of the side growths.

In a variety with fruiting on fruit twigs, remove dry, diseased and damaged branches.

Then cut out some of the leading shoots and leave all the side shoots with flower buds on their tops.

What are the new best varieties of apple trees: photo and description

We bring to your attention new varieties of apple trees for cultivation in personal plots. Below, all varieties of apple trees are accompanied by descriptions and photos, which show individual vegetative parts and the tree as a whole. You can choose for yourself the best varieties of apple trees that you can get high yields. So, let's get down to learning what are the best varieties of apple trees that exist in the arsenal of a modern gardener.


Autumn variety for culinary processing. The fruits are green with an orange blush. Pros include outstanding flower ornamentality, high yields, and reliability in northern areas. Does not require a pollinator variety.


Winter dessert variety. The fruits are greenish-yellow with reddish-brown. Excellent taste is its only advantage - the apples are small and the yields are low. The traditional season of use is December-February.


Autumn variety for culinary processing or dessert. The fruits are orange with a red blush and stripes. Best dual purpose apple. Excellent taste and high yields. Two-year fruiting frequency; a tendency to scab.


Winter dessert variety. The fruits are reddish green. An apple that is in demand in the UK, but has only recently appeared in orchards. Self fertile variety. The fruits are crispy, juicy, stored for 4 months.


Autumn variety for culinary processing. The fruits are green. A very popular apple for processing, but this variety is too vigorous for small orchards. Two-year fruiting frequency; partially bears fruit on fruit twigs.


Autumn dessert variety. The fruits are orange with an orange-red blush with reddish-brown patches. Variety for buying apples in the store, but not for the garden. Capricious, sensitive to frost.


Summer dessert. The fruits are bright red. Better than its parent 'Worcester Pearmain' but moderate yields. A good choice for a small garden. It bears fruit both on kolchatka and on fruit twigs.


Summer dessert. The fruits are dull brown with reddish brown areas. The fruits are rather small, but of good taste - piquant and sweet.


Autumn dessert variety. The fruits are green, turning into pale yellow. This is the one to grow if you are a fan of ‘Golden Delicious’. high yielding variety, but the taste deteriorates with storage. It bears fruit both on kolchatka and on fruit twigs.


Summer variety for culinary processing. The fruits are yellowish green. Common early variety for apple dishes. This is a good garden apple variety - hardy, compact, with excellent taste, but does not keep well.

Winter grade dessert/for culinary processing. The fruits are yellow with a red blush. Outstanding keeping quality during storage - can be stored until April. They can be consumed freshly picked and also used for cooking, but the taste is nothing special.


Summer dessert. The fruits are yellow with orange spots and stripes. A reliable and hardy variety that bears abundantly and regularly. The fruits are juicy with a bright taste, but it is stored rather poorly.

Lord Lambourne

Autumn dessert variety. The fruits are greenish-yellow with a red blush and stripes. You can rely on it, as it regularly brings a bountiful harvest in almost any place. It bears fruit both on kolchatka and on fruit twigs.


Winter grade for culinary processing. The fruits are yellow with a red blush and stripes. Vigorous variety, not suitable for small gardens. Yields are high and the fruit keeps well, but has a two-year fruiting cycle.


Winter dessert variety. The fruits are yellow with a red blush and reddish-brown spots. An 18th century variety that does have problems. Yields are low, and has a two-year fruiting cycle.

When choosing an apple tree seedling, we look at many characteristics: how the variety tolerates frost, its resistance to diseases. But the main thing for us is apples, their taste and appearance. A variety with sour apples is suitable for making salads, winter preparations. But most often sweet varieties are in demand, with juicy tasty fruits. We will tell you about the most popular ones, list the names, and later you can study in more detail.

Sweet varieties of apples are in high demand

What varieties are classified as sweet?

How to determine that you have sweet varieties in front of you? The answer suggests itself: try it. But everything is not so simple. Everyone has different tastes. Therefore, experts refer to them varieties of apple trees, in which the sugar content is from 10 to 14 percent, and the amount of acids is about 0.5%.

Another important point- This is the ratio of sugar and acid contained in apples, which is called the sugar-acid ratio. Sweet apples are those with this ratio between twenty and thirty-four.

Gardeners themselves prefer apples with a variety of tastes, in which there are not only sugar. They attach importance to the aroma of the fruit, the properties of its pulp. Apples are the most commonly consumed food. Children especially like them. But they are also suitable for the preparation of various blanks. Consider the most popular varieties of sweet apples.

summer varieties

The first summer apples should be sweet and tasty so that you want to eat these fruits right away, while they are fresh and full of vitamins. Choose which apple tree you need.

  1. Dream. The fruits are greenish or yellow, covered with a reddish blush. They are large or not very large, weighing from 150 g, sometimes more. They ripen in early August. They do not have a strong aroma, but a pleasant sweetish taste. Stored for a month.
  2. Sweet bliss. She has average fruits weighing 100 ̶ 140 g, but sometimes they are smaller or larger, but not more than 200 g. They are yellow, with a bright scarlet blush on top. Apples are very sweet, honey, they have no sourness, juicy. They have crispy flavored flesh. Stored for only a month.
  3. Arkad yellow or Arkad summer. This is an early summer variety that ripens in the first half of August. The weight of its fruits is average, about 80 g, they have a yellow color without a blush. The pulp is fragrant and soft, without acid, loose in composition. The fruits spoil quickly.
  4. Sugar Myron. This is an old variety. It has small fruits weighing 50 ̶ 90 g with a thick oily skin. They are yellow in color, but covered with stripes and touches of pink. The fruit has a dry pulp, without sourness. Apples ripen in the second half of August. Stored for a month. Recommended for children and adults with high acidity.
  5. Korobovka. The tree bears fruit for a long time, up to 50 years, but it needs pollinators. The first apples are received on the 7th year of his life. In the first years, the tree brings annually, after twenty years - sometimes rests. They ripen at the end of July, do not crumble. They last only 30 days or less if placed in a cool place. They are small, weighing from 30 to 50 g, 4 cm in diameter. They have either a yellow or slightly greenish color with red stripes, and are covered with a smooth, dense skin. A wonderful aroma emanates from them, sweet (more than 10% sugars with an acidity of 0.7%).
  6. Candy. A variety obtained from crossing Korobovka and Papirovka. The fruits ripen in August, do not crumble. The harvest is stored for up to 2 months, apples weigh from 80 to 120 g. If the apple tree grew in the sun, then the apples turn out to be liquid, yellow, decorated with a red blush. They have their own unique aroma and sweet taste.
  7. Cypress. It has small fruits that weigh up to 53 g, covered with a whitish skin with a pink color. The fruits are sweet, with a spicy flavor, they are adored by children. They contain 9.2% sugars and only 0.2% acidity, and the sugar-acid index is 46. Apples ripen by the end of July, they are stored for a month. Looks like Candy.

Apples of the "Cypress" variety

Autumn varieties

In autumn, many housewives make preparations that require sour varieties of apples. But this does not mean that sweets are not in demand.

In autumn, vitamins are needed more than ever to help the immune system stay strong and cope with seasonal colds.

  1. Lungwort. This is an apple tree that will bear fruit in the 4th, 5th or 6th year, but large harvests will not be until 6 ̶ 8 years. Apples ripen in September, do not spoil for about 60 days. They have a special honey taste. Weigh 100 g or a little more. These are ruddy red apples, although their base is yellow.
  2. Delight. This variety is suitable for dietary nutrition, it is advised to give it to children, because it contains a lot of vitamins. The variety is productive. They have a pleasant sour-sweet taste, in which there is a raspberry aroma. Stored for about 3 months. The color is green with yellow, which is interrupted by bright crimson stripes. They weigh 120 g each. They ripen in the first autumn month.
  3. Folk. This is a late summer variety, which is also referred to as early autumn. Apples weigh from 100 to 135 g, sometimes they grow up to 200 g. They are green, with a yellow tint at the time of picking, and when ripe they are golden. They ripen at the end of August or a little later, stored until January and longer. They contain a lot of sugars - 11.4%, and little acid - 0.4-0.5%. The first apples appear already in the second year after planting, but significant crops are harvested after 4 years.
  4. Nectar. This is an early autumn or late summer variety. He has large apples weighing from 100 to 250 g, the size of which also depends on proper care behind a tree. The pulp is juicy, coarse-grained, it has a pleasant honey flavor. The fruits ripen by the beginning of autumn, stored for 30 days. The apple tree is distinguished by frost resistance, withstands colds up to -42 degrees.
  5. The sweetness of scarlet. Ripens in September, stored until the end of November. Apples weigh 70 g, they are bright scarlet. They have a pleasant taste without acid, so children love them.
  6. Baby. It has light yellowish fruits with a slight red blush, weighing from 70 to 120 g, with fresh-sweet pulp, which is low in acid. Ripe by the beginning of autumn. Children love them.
  7. Seman. Harvest variety. It has small (80 g) beautiful pink apples with white flesh. They are not stored for a long time, 1.5 months.
  8. Gift for children. He has medium apples that weigh up to 110 g, they are yellow with red. They ripen by the middle of the first month of autumn, in a cool place they keep up to 2 months.

Seman apples

Winter varieties

In winter, we especially lack vitamins, so fresh juicy berries will decorate any table. There are varieties that are stored all winter.

  1. Orlik. Apples weigh about 100 g, but sometimes grow up to 200 g. They are greenish-yellow, but eventually turn yellow, covered with a thick purple blush and merging stripes on top, there are also just red fruits. They are juicy, with a sweet taste and slight sourness. Ripens in the second half of September. Do not deteriorate until the end of February.
  2. Jonathan. This is a late winter variety. Harvested in September, it is stored until the end of February, and in the refrigerator - until mid-April. Fruits of medium size, sometimes large, weigh from 100 to 150 g. They contain a lot of sugar (11%) and little acid (0.65%). They make delicious jams and preserves.
  3. Belarusian sweet. This is a late winter variety. It has large apples that weigh from 135 to 200 g, some specimens up to 250 g. The fruits have a greenish color, which later turns yellow, covered with a bright red blush. They have a slightly aromatic sweet pulp, which contains 9.4% sugars and an acidity of 0.16%. Apples do not crumble, they are eaten immediately after picking. Stored until the beginning of February. But if you remove the fruits at the wrong time, it is stored, they will not last long.

You can choose one of these varieties or look for others, because there are many of them, it would be difficult to list everything in one article.

We tried to talk about the most popular varieties among gardeners. Children especially like the fruits from these apple trees, so it is worth planting a few seedlings for those who plan to create a large family or hope to have grandchildren.

It is difficult to say whether there is a garden or cottage, wherever this universally loved tree grows. The apple tree pleases the inhabitants of more than half of the world with its fruits. To date, breeders have created hundreds of varieties and varieties of the fruit familiar to us. Dozens of flavors of pulp and skin tones amaze with variety. You can eat them fresh straight off the branch, dry them, or make a fragrant golden jam. Apples will find their fans in any form and in every corner of the globe.


Various varieties of apples are created so that everyone can grow for themselves this fruit that is versatile in use and amazing in its useful qualities. Some species are distinguished by honey shades of fruit aroma, others are well preserved and commercially intended. Varieties have been created that are resistant to frost and various diseases, decorative and dwarf, with a spreading crown and a columnar apple tree. All of them delight the eye with their liquid sides and give pleasure with a juicy taste.

According to their description, both wild and domestic apple trees have common basic features. It is a tree with white or pinkish petals, tall, reaching 6 to 15 meters in height. Under natural conditions, the culture grows in almost the entire territory of Eurasia and North America.

The cultivation of the forest apple tree began many centuries ago. Now its fruits are grown not only in household but also on an industrial scale. Apples are exported by such states as Poland, Germany, China, Moldova, Ukraine, Italy and Canada. Such popularity is due not only to the general availability of cultivation, but also to the beneficial properties of apples. They contain in their composition a whole group of vitamins, minerals, fruit acids and essential oils, as well as essential fiber.

The species differ from each other in terms of fruit ripening and the time the seedling enters the stage of active fruiting. An essential characteristic is winter hardiness and the ability of the variety to resist diseases of fruit trees. According to the sphere of use, apple trees are divided into decorative and fruit trees. There are varieties that have both of these qualities - these are columnar apple trees. Plants are divided according to the height and shape of the crown. The fruits themselves differ in weight and color of apples, as well as in taste characteristics.

Rarely found, but no less interesting are such types of apple trees as undersized or dwarf, as well as creeping species. Among the great variety it is easy to get confused. A detailed classification describing the most important qualities of plants and fruits will help you decide on the choice of variety for planting on your site.

In general, the apple tree is considered an unpretentious crop, but some cultivation conditions should still be observed to obtain a good harvest.

Start by choosing the right variety. To do this, do not forget about climatic zoning and the purpose of growing fruits. Before buying a seedling, you need to decide whether the fruits will be grown for yourself or for commercial purposes. It is also necessary to establish the priority of such characteristics for a tree as immunity, cold resistance, taste, shelf life, possibilities for processing, size and life of the future tree.

The frequency of visits must also be taken into account. suburban area and possible allocation of time for caring for the plant. Yield will largely depend on this. There are also varieties of apples that need to be removed from the tree, preventing falling off (like "White pouring").

Popular varieties

When choosing a plant, you should not think about the fact that there are bad and good varieties. Each of them will be ideal for growing for their own purposes. Some people like juicy sourness, while others prefer sweet granular flesh. For some gardeners, it is important to maximize early ripening, for others - tolerance of cold winter frosts. Many people like the red color of sweet apples, while others prefer the tough, juicy flesh of a green fruit. To date, universal varieties are able to meet many requirements at once, both in terms of taste and agrotechnical properties of this crop.

According to beginners and experienced gardeners, not only well-tested varieties are worthy of attention. You can also trust the developments of modern selection. Among them are such as "Asterisk" and "Pink Pearl". Occupy their rightful place in the top ten varieties and "Aport", as well as a variety of "Golden Delicious" with an excellent candy flavor of Duchess. Good feedback receives "Berry Siberian" for its versatility in the use of fruits and plant resistance to the most adverse conditions.


"Golden Delicious"


Such fruits ripen by the beginning of August. They are distinguished by an increased content of sugars and vegetable starch in fruits compared to other varieties. They usually have a sweet taste without acid and a juicy, mealy pulp. Such apples are unsuitable for transportation and sale. They retain their qualities for no more than four days. If the fruits have fallen, then they should be processed or eaten immediately. Such varieties are good for making pies and fillings, jams and marshmallow production (due to the high content of pectin).

"White Rose" came to us from the southern latitudes. This beauty does not have a traditional forest ancestor and does not look like trees that are familiar in appearance. The fruits are suitable for growing in areas with mild, warm climates. They are pear-shaped and have a light pink or white skin color. In apples, crisp, white, sweet, pitted flesh with a slightly watery aftertaste. Children especially like such fruits.

Due to their high water content, chilled in summer, they perfectly quench summer thirst.

The early-growing type apple tree of the "Legend" variety pleases with large fruits already in the second year of the seedling's life. The tree grows low with a compact placement of branches on the crown. The plant has excellent frost-resistant characteristics and good immunity to diseases, resistance to insect pests. Wood small size has a fairly compact, densely pubescent crown. A full harvest will be around the fifth year of the apple tree. It bears fruit every year, even with moderate care. From an adult plant, you can collect about 100 kilograms of excellent-tasting fruits.

From year to year, the yield of the variety may vary, this is a feature of the Legend apple trees. The average fruit weight reaches 180 grams. The apple is round, slightly elongated into a truncated pyramid. Basically, all fruits on the same tree grow the same in weight. A dark red blush spreads over almost the entire area over the yellow-green ribbed skin. Individual stripes of a darker shade can be drawn on it. The distinguishing characteristic of the species is honey aroma and dessert taste of fruits. Pulp without granularity, yellowish tint, saturated with juice.

"Summer striped" is a long-familiar and beloved variety due to its universal characteristics, which allows you to grow apple trees of this type from Siberia and the Urals to the most southern regions. The tree grows tall, with a spreading type of crown, without strong thickening. Fruits appear on the 5-6th year of apple tree growth and ripen every season. The culture is distinguished by frost resistance and drought tolerance, undemanding care. It is also well adapted to various diseases of trees, practically not affected by scab and dew.

The variety is quite productive and versatile in the use of the crop. Apples grow medium in size with a weight of about 100 grams. The fruits have an even shape, a slight ribbing of the green surface with scarlet stripes is possible. The pulp is white, not hard, with a fine-grained structure, has a sweet and sour taste and a delicate aroma.

The disadvantage of the variety is poor transport qualities and the preservation of fruits for only a few weeks.

The popular well-known "White filling" was named for the shape and color of the fruit. The tree grows medium in height with a medium leafy round crown, which practically does not require formation. The tree begins to bear fruit in four years and gives a stable harvest. Tolerates frost tolerantly middle lane and is immune to most diseases. Rounded, slightly flattened fruits with thin skin and juicy sweet pulp grow on the tree. In technical ripeness, apples are yellow with a little greenery. Upon reaching full maturity, the skin is yellow with a whitish sheen.

The fruits of "Early sweet" ripen by the end of July. A low tree up to three meters tall begins to bear fruit by the fourth year of growth. It has a fairly branched oval-shaped crown. Apples are medium in size, slightly correct form. Under the pale yellow skin is a whitish sweet flesh without sour taste. The variety has cold-resistant qualities and is resistant to major diseases, including fruit scab. Will please "Early Sweet" and a stable annual yield.

"White filling"

"Early Sweet"

"Papirovka" is a medium-tall plant with a well-leafed compact crown. Frost resistance of the tree is average, there is good immunity to diseases and most pests. The disadvantage of "Papirovka" is the risk of infection of the tree with scab during a bad rainy summer.

The fruits appear after five years, growing almost every year. Rounded, slightly elongated apples ripen closer to the second decade of August. A characteristic feature of their appearance is the seam along the entire yellow surface of the skin. Ripening in the sun, the side of the sweet and sour fruit may brown slightly.

When harvesting, one should take into account its low transportability. Apples will have to be processed or consumed within two weeks.

Variety "Melba" is valued for good transportability of fruits and their presentable appearance. At an average height, a tree with a dense crown slightly elongated in width ripens light green with red stripes. juicy fruits. They are able to lie in storage for at least a month and have a pleasant sour-sweet taste. The apple tree bears fruit every year, starting from the fifth year of growth on the site. For the middle lane, the variety has sufficient resistance to cold.

Under adverse conditions, the tree can be damaged by scab, so measures to prevent the disease should be taken in advance.

'Stark Earliest' is one of the earliest varieties. An apple tree of medium height with a slightly elongated pyramidal crown will successfully fit on the site. The yield of the crop can be obtained already in the fourth year. It will grow steadily almost every year. Good winter hardiness of the variety makes it possible to cultivate it even in Siberian regions. With the onset of prolonged rains and cold weather, there is a possibility of damage to the plant by powdery mildew. To other diseases, the apple tree has good immunity.

Medium-sized apples are rounded, the legs taper slightly towards the opposite end. The scarlet color fills almost the entire yellow-green surface of the skin. The fruits are very juicy, with a pleasant refreshing taste. They are stored on average for three weeks and do not ripen on the apple tree immediately, which dictates the technique of harvesting in several steps.

"Borovinka" tolerates winter well, but can be significantly affected by scab in poor climatic conditions. Apples appear after six years of tree growth. The yield of the variety is quite high, but ripening apples should be harvested very quickly, as they can crumble and are stored for about two weeks. Fruits ripen at the very beginning of September. They have a very beautiful yellow color in ripeness with red stripes all over the surface. Apples rich in juice have a sweet and sour taste familiar to the Central Russian region.

"Moscow pear" is so named for the aroma of fruits and sweet, pear-like taste. Apple trees can grow tall, usually with spreading branches. The variety has good winter hardiness and disease resistance. By the fourth year, yellow fruits of medium size with firm juicy pulp appear on the apple tree. With a fairly early ripening in early August, apples are notable for poor shipping tolerance. The advantages of culture include a stable return of the crop.

« Golden Chinese» is characterized by tall apple trees with a panicle-shaped crown in the early stages of growth. On an adult plant, a weeping crown is formed. The average winter hardiness is compensated by the good immunity of the plant. The fruits ripen very early, already in mid-July, and begin to crumble immediately. Therefore, one should not wait for the full ripening of apples, but pick them with a slightly sour taste, when they still retain their aroma and juiciness. The fruits grow small, weighing 60-80 grams, with a yellowish skin and a slight pink blush.

Variety "Candy" has significant taste advantages over other similar varieties. It bears fruit in time, depending on the parent stock. If it was a stunted tree, then "Candy" will please the harvest two years later. With a rootstock of classical size, the apple tree begins to bear fruit in the fifth year. The variety has good winter-hardy qualities, so the tree will not be afraid even of severe Siberian frosts.

Quite large fruits ripen in August. They grow round in shape with a yellow skin covered with red stripes, which, when fully ripe, can spill over almost the entire surface of the apple.

"Dream" is one of the universal varieties that grow successfully in different regions of the country. It is winter-hardy and has good immunity, including to wood scab. On a low plant, by the age of 3-4, fairly large apples begin to appear. "Dream" brings a consistently high yield annually. The fruits have a slightly elongated shape with rounded sides. The skin is thin, creamy in color with occasional pink stripes. The pulp is very pleasant in taste, from sweet and sour to sweet.

The apple tree of the Mironchik variety is distinguished by its tall stature and chic crown. The tree can live up to half a century, as it survives winters very well and is generally unpretentious. Apples ripen by mid-August. At this time, they have a yellow color and hard flesh, characterized by juiciness and sweet taste. The average weight of such a fruit is about 110 grams. Apples of the Mironchik variety plucked from a branch can lie for about a month.

The variety "Suyslepskaya" is characterized by a moderately medium-sized tree with a neat round crown or branches growing in the shape of a pyramid. Harvested only from 5-6 years of plant life. The apple tree is winter-hardy and will consistently delight with a good harvest of sweet and sour apples. The fruits ripen by the end of August, as indicated by their whitish-yellow color with a reddish-striped barrel. The weight of one fruit is from 90 to 130 grams. The apple is distinguished by a round, slightly flattened shape, a pleasant smell of ripe fruit and pulp with small grains, pleasant to the taste.

You can please a familiar gardener with the Super Prekos variety. The tree grows medium tall and fairly compact. It bears fruit already in the fourth year of active growth and pampers with an excellent harvest every summer season. A pleasant quality of the variety is the precocity of fruits that ripen earlier than the well-known "White filling".

A good variety for commercial cultivation due to the fact that the fruits have an attractive appearance, pleasant taste and can withstand long transportation, unlike most early fruits.

A tall tree of the "Yandykovsky" variety has a densely branched crown and a powerful root system. Thanks to these features, the apple tree survives the winter without problems, is not afraid of droughts and has a strong immunity to diseases. An annual harvest can be obtained from the fifth year of the tree's growth. The fruits ripen quite early, they can be harvested by the second decade of July. apples at good conditions can be stored in a cool place for about three weeks. The fruits are quite large, rounded, slightly flattened at the poles.


Late species begin to collect from the end of September and later. They are distinguished by a hard peel, which makes them well tolerated transportation and retain their marketable qualities for a long time. They can lie in storage until spring.

Variety "Berkutovskoe" was bred more than forty years ago from "Antonovka" and "Anis" and bears the name of one of its creators. The tree is medium tall, has a spherical sparse crown. The high-yielding species is also fast-growing, starting to yield from the third year of life. Apples are harvested steadily every year. The plant successfully tolerates winters in the middle lane, is resistant to dry seasons. There is a good immunity to disease. But the tree can be affected by powdery mildew during long rainy weeks. The fruits, in relation to the size of the tree, grow very large and are well stored.

Subject to right conditions they can lie almost all spring. Individual fruits can weigh over 230 grams. Apples are almost regular rounded shape with a bumpy surface of the skin. The yellow, shiny skin is often covered with scarlet streaks, which can merge into an extensive blush. The flesh is white, crunchy when biting, very juicy. The taste and smell of apples are evaluated by tasters at the highest score.

The medium-high tree "Imrus" has a slightly thickened crown. The tree is frost-resistant and well resists diseases, including scab of apple trees. An early-growing variety begins to produce a crop from the third year. The fruits ripen by the beginning of October and can be stored all winter. The apple tree has a good yield almost every season. The average fruit weight is about 90 grams. It is slightly flattened towards the ends and has a ribbed surface. The green skin is covered in ripeness with light red spots. The pulp has a creamy shade, juicy sweet with sour taste and medium density.

The disadvantage of the variety is the thin skin of apples, which makes them unsuitable for long-term transportation.

"Imant" is a relatively young variety, characterized by small plants with compact crown dimensions. The fruits grow very quickly, already from the second year, and give a high annual yield. The variety has good winter hardiness. It is also valuable due to its excellent immunity to many diseases. The main advantages of "Imant" are a very decent yield, excellent keeping quality of fruits and the ability to withstand long transportation.

The fruits are very large, round in shape, slightly beveled into a cone at one end. The ribbed green skin is almost entirely bathed in a reddish blush. Pulp with a greenish tinge, medium hardness. The graininess is almost imperceptible in the crispy, juice-soaked pulp with a slightly sour aftertaste.

Apple trees of the "Spartan" variety were bred at the beginning of the last century for the cultivation of fruit trees in production volumes. The plant is of medium height and has an even crown that does not need pruning. After five years, the tree begins to produce abundant fruits, the number of which increases steadily every year. Universal view has average characteristics for frost resistance and good resistance to all major diseases.

The fruits ripen by the last decade of September almost all at the same time, but do not fall off. They also have good preservation until mid-spring. A shade of waxy coating can give the surface a bluish tint. The shape of the fruit is round, sometimes slightly elongated.

Thick skin gives the variety additional advantages: apples perfectly tolerate transportation and are stored for a long time.


Varieties ripening in the first autumn month look great and are stored for a long time. Under proper conditions, the fruits can be preserved until the end of winter. This makes them suitable for commercial cultivation.

"Scarlet Anise" is distinguished by very tall trees with a dense, elongated crown. The variety is very productive: more than 250 kilograms of fruits can be harvested from one adult tree. But it does not bear fruit every season. Due to its powerful root system, the plant is resistant to dry periods and has good frost resistance, but can be affected by black tree cancer. The tree begins to bear fruit six years after planting. Fruits can begin to be harvested in September, and they will lie no more than three months. Apples grow small, rounded, with a slight ribbed surface. The skin is green with a red blush and a shiny coating.

"Striped Anise" differs from its counterpart in slightly improved characteristics. It also tolerates winter and dry months well. In addition, it is not affected by cancer, but scab prevention for this variety should be carried out regularly. From the sixth year, the first fruits appear on the tree.

To please with high yields, unlike its scarlet counterpart, the variety will be annually. The fruits ripen by the end of summer and can be successfully stored all winter, if you periodically monitor them and remove damaged apples in time. The fruits grow small in size, with an average weight of 90 grams. They are slightly flattened at the ends.

Sweet and slightly tart, apples are great for a variety of culinary and commercial uses.

"Sverdlovsk Anis" is suitable for cultivation by residents of most regions due to its good winter-hardy qualities and good health. It is only necessary to ensure that the plant is not affected by scab. The apple tree grows medium in size with a crown that does not require formation. Fruits begin to set from the fourth year of seedling growth.

"Sverdlovsk Anis" bears fruit every year. About 70 kilograms of apples are harvested from one adult plant by the second half of September. Fruit can be stored for several months if picked directly from the branch. The apple grows to a medium size with greenish-creamy skin. On the sunny side, fruits appear with a reddish striped blush. They are juicy and very pleasant in taste, with tender light flesh without flouriness.

For lovers of long-stored large apples, the Auxis variety is suitable. Its characteristics are the good ability of the plant to tolerate frost and relative resistance to fungal diseases. On a low tree with compactly arranged branches, fruits appear in the fifth year. The variety will please with a stable annual harvest from the beginning to the end of the first autumn month.

Apples are somewhat reminiscent of a turnip in shape and have a light yellow with red skin color. Hard, juicy, aromatic pulp, sweet in taste with a slightly noticeable sourness, will appeal to almost everyone. You can store fruits in the refrigerator until spring.

A good purchase seedlings of the Auxis variety will be for those who grow fruits on an industrial scale due to their high consumer characteristics.

An important advantage of apple trees of the Baltika variety is a very high yield (up to 230 kilograms of fruits from an adult tree) and good transportability of apples. A tree of medium height has a group of branches gradually expanding upwards in the form of a panicle. It begins to produce a crop by the fifth year after planting. Picking apples this variety provides annually.

"Baltika" is also distinguished by its resistance to a wide variety of diseases. And good winter tolerance and low care requirements make the culture universal for climatic zoning. The fruits ripen by the beginning of autumn and can lie intact for up to seven weeks. Large apples have the correct shape. Under the firm yellow skin with a scarlet side is a juicy, sweet white inside. Unripe fruits may be slightly sour.

"Bessemyanka Michurina" has excellent taste characteristics. A tall plant with a large crown winters well and resists the main diseases of fruit trees. In the fifth year of growth, the first apples appear. The variety is characterized by a stable annual average yield of apples. The fruits begin to ripen unevenly from the beginning of autumn. Therefore, the collection is usually carried out in several stages to avoid falling apples. They can be stored without a refrigerator until the beginning of winter. Medium-sized apples are yellow with a greenish tint. The peel is colored with crimson strokes and stripes. The flesh is yellow in technical ripeness, quite juicy, sweet with a noticeable sourness.

Good dessert qualities of Zhigulevsky apples have long been loved by gardeners. The apple tree of this species has a crown thinned out in the form of a pyramid on a medium-sized trunk. The disadvantage of the variety is the possibility of infection of the tree with scab in a rainy summer. The tree shows fruits by the sixth year. And in four seasons, up to two hundred kilograms of juicy fruits can be harvested from the apple tree. In September, round, yellow fruits with a rare red or red side ripen. They can be stored for at least two months.

Apples are good for juicing due to their high water content and valuable taste properties.

The excellent quality of Cinnamon New apples is their high taste value. Difficulties in growing are the need for regular pruning of a dense, high-lying crown. In general, the variety is noted for frost resistance and acceptable culture immunity characteristics. Fruits appear on the plant six years after planting. The irregularity of fruit picking is justified by its volume. Harvested in September, fruits can be stored almost all winter. Fruits with an average weight of 140 grams are round, slightly flattened to the tip. The surface is greenish with heterogeneous specks of a scarlet hue. Delicate, powdery tone pulp is distinguished by dessert characteristics, for which it is appreciated by lovers.

The relative "Cinnamon Striped" is valued for the friendly return of the annual harvest of medium-sized fruits. Their first appearance will have to wait until seven years. But then good fees and undemanding plants in the care will pay off the patient wait. The plant grows medium with a spreading, round, regular crown. The variety is cold-resistant and resistant to diseases and pests. The collection is carried out from the second decade of September, preventing the fruit from falling to the ground.

In this case, they can be preserved for nine weeks. Turnip-shaped fruits weighing up to 100 grams are colored golden with a slightly noticeable greenish tint. By the time of maturation, a pink speckled blush forms on the skin. The pulp is sour-sweet, with a sufficient amount of juice.

"Krasa Sverdlovskaya" has an excellent taste value and a very long shelf life until the end of spring. In addition, the variety is popular in cooking due to the high percentage of vitamin C in the fruits. The tree is medium in size with a rounded sparse crown enters the fruitful phase from the fourth year of life. The plant is winter-hardy and well resists various diseases. Fruits are removed as late as possible for mid-season varieties - at the end of September.

A mature tree with proper branch support can yield over 80 kilograms of fresh fruit. Apples are large-fruited: the average weight of one can reach 150 grams. Their shape is round, broadly flattened. The skin is shiny, milky in color with a scarlet side, which can fill up to 3/4 of the surface with color. Apples are very sweet in taste, with juicy firm flesh. With a lack of sun, a slight sourness may be present in the taste.

"Oryol garland" is suitable for gardeners in the middle lane. It has fairly low trees with a dense canopy that requires pruning at least once every two years. The versatile species is winter-hardy and copes well with diseases, including scab and powdery mildew. Apples appear after four years of tree growth. It gives a stable high yield every season. The fruits ripen by mid-September and can be stored until the end of winter. Medium-sized apples grow in the shape of a turnip. The skin is painted in a golden tone with a bright blush. The flesh, even when ripe, has a greenish color and a sour taste. The fruits are very juicy with a grainy texture.

The variety "Autumn Striped" has long been known. It is loved by many for its high yield and excellent taste properties of apples. The tall plant has an impressive crown size. Such a giant can adapt to a harsh winter and even after freezing survives well, growing new shoots. The variety has a stable immunity to diseases and pests. Late fruiting from the seventh year is justified by the yield of up to two hundred kilograms from an adult tree.

Preservation of fruits is usually until the beginning of winter. Apples are large, slightly reminiscent of a cone in shape with ribs on the surface. The pale yellowish skin is covered with orange-red speckles. The pulp of the fruit is very tender, pleasant to taste, snow-white.

The fruits of the "Riga Dove" variety are very attractive, but poorly transportable. The classically shaped tree has round, rather dense branches. Winter-hardy qualities are acceptable for the middle lane. At the same time, the "Riga Dove" has good resistance against various kinds of fungal diseases and insect pests. The first fruits will be tied up by the fourth year of the seedling's life. It will be possible to harvest the crop periodically, every other season. This does not mean that every second year there will be no apples at all. But they will be many times less than in the harvest seasons.

A feature of the variety is that the removable ripeness for fruits begins by the first half of September, and apples become most attractive in terms of taste for consumption only after a month. When harvested in October, the fruit will keep for about nine weeks. Large fruits have a slightly elongated shape. You can collect them already light green, whitish. And when fully ripened, the apples will have a milky color with a blush illuminated by the sun. Their flesh is very juicy, light, with a sour-sweet aftertaste.

Fruit of excellent quality will be presented by the apple tree of the September variety. It is quite tall, the branches grow in the shape of a pyramid and are characterized by medium thickening. Acceptable frost-resistant qualities draw attention to seedlings, as well as enviable immunity. Depending on the condition of the seedling, the apple tree will bear fruit in 5-7 years. The yield of "September" is quite high, over 120 kilograms per bush. Large rounded fruits are slightly elongated to the pedicel. The peel is yellow with barely noticeable red patches or stripes. The fruits are unusually juicy, with a delicate sweet aftertaste, barely noticeable sourness.

Powerful trees of the "Tambov" variety have a developed root system and a lush branched crown. The plant well withstands frosts up to 30 degrees, but its resistance to scab is weak. In general, the variety has good immunity to diseases of fruit trees. The fruits appear in the fifth year of the plant's life.

Variety "Tambovsky" is distinguished by high, but not annual yields. Apples ripen in September, they are large and have a rounded, slightly elongated shape. Red specks appear on the pale skin by the beginning of autumn. The pulp is sweet, juicy, with a fine grain structure. Fruits when removed from the tree can be stored for up to three months. The grade for excellent sweet taste of apples and pleasant aroma is appreciated.

The fruits of the Uralets variety will delight the owners of plots in areas with a harsh climate. A tall pyramidal plant with a crown will show all its best performance frost resistance and disease resistance. The culture also enters the fruiting phase quite quickly, already by the third year of growth. The variety has an average yield and size of fruits that ripen in late summer. The fruits are round, noticeably flattened, with a scarlet, distinctly noticeable blush on the skin of a creamy light. The pulp is tender, sour-sweet, with a texture with small grains. Apples can be stored for up to nine weeks. The main advantage of "Uralets" is considered to be the early entry into the fruiting phase and the endurance of the plant.

Frost resistance and good adaptability attract attention to the Ural Bulk variety. Plants of this species grow tall, with a regular round crown of medium density. The tree winters well in the most severe frosts and has sufficient resistance against insect pests and diseases. Early entry into the fruitful age is another of the main advantages of the variety: the fruits appear in the third season after planting.

The fruits ripen by the very beginning of autumn and can lie for about seven weeks in safety. The fruits are small in size, regular spherical in shape. Light yellowish peel on the sunny side may be covered with reddish speckles. Apples are juicy, sour-sweet, have an average granularity of pulp.

"Saratov saffron" will please the gardener with valuable taste characteristics of fruits and excellent commercial properties of the crop. The tree grows to medium height with spreading branches. The high fruitfulness of "Saratov saffron" is one of its main advantages and imposes requirements on the preparation of supports for branches. The culture has a very strong immunity against all types of standard fruit diseases.

An important quality is the good frost resistance of the variety. The apple tree bears fruit after five years of growth in the garden. From one adult plant, more than 130 kilograms of fruits are harvested, ripening in September. You can store them in a cool room until winter. Apples are very large, round-cone-shaped. Red stripes appear on the skin, golden with light greenery. The yellow flesh has a dense texture, is characterized by juiciness and sweetness of taste.

The variety "Kandil Orlovsky" was bred relatively recently, but has already managed to earn the love of connoisseurs. A medium tall tree has a crown with irregular shape branches. They are quite rare and do not need to be formed. But it may be necessary to support the branches during the period of intensive fruiting, since the variety is high-yielding even with normal care. The variety has a powerful root system, due to which its frost-resistant characteristics are above average for similar species.

"Kandil Orlovsky" has excellent immunity, and scab does not get sick at all due to the resistance developed at the gene level. Apples appear from the third year and grow annually, giving stable yields. Apples are large in size, have a very beautiful, neat elongated shape. The surface is ribbed with shiny yellow skin, covered with scarlet blush stains. The fruits have a pleasant pulpy aroma. It is juicy, firm, with a green tinge of color. The taste is sweet with a slight sour aftertaste at the stage of technical maturity.

The variety is especially noted by nutritionists for its high content of vitamins. Apples ripen around the third decade of September and can last until the very end of winter.

Familiar to many, the classic "Antonovka" with tall trees and an oval-shaped arrangement of branches begins to bear fruit for the seventh season. The variety has good frost resistance and tolerance to various diseases. Occasionally there is a threat of scab damage to the plant. Technical ripeness comes by the end of September, and apples can ripen before the onset of frost. The yield of "Antonovka" is very high.

The fruits can lie in the cold until mid-February. Medium-sized fruits have a golden-green matte skin without plaque. The pulp is yellowish, hard, saturated with juices. The taste is distinctly sweet and sour. The return of the crop is good, but not annual, which is a feature of this variety.

Tall trees of the Aport variety have average characteristics in terms of frost resistance and good immunity. Apples appear on the tree five years after planting. You can harvest very large scarlet fruits in the second half of September. Apples are broadly rounded, elongated at one end. Fruit can be stored until mid-winter. They are distinguished by a slightly greenish color, tender flesh with a fine grain structure. Juiciness is average, the taste of the fruit is pleasant, sweet with a sour tinge.

"Aphrodite" is distinguished by tall slender plants with a medium leafy crown. High frost-resistant characteristics and the ability to resist various kinds of diseases make the species suitable for cultivation in different regions. The fruits ripen by the second half of the first autumn month and can be preserved for more than three months. Apples of medium size, flattened shape have a bumpy surface. The color of the skin is yellow with patches or stripes of a dark red-burgundy tone.

Light, very juicy inside with excellent taste gives fruit valuable commercial qualities for commercial sale.

Variety "Bezhin meadow" has tall trees with a spherical dense mop of branches. The apple tree winters well and boasts disease resistance. The apple ripens by mid-September and can remain intact almost until the end of winter. Large fruits have an elongated shape with silvery skin. A golden-greenish apple that browns slightly in the sun. The body of the apple is dense, whitish in color and finely grained. "Bezhin meadow" is one of the most common species in the middle lane and is valued for its high yield of the crop and adaptability to transportation.

"Belarusian Sinap" is suitable for processing fruits into blanks, as it has satisfactory taste and good preservation in winter. The variety forms a powerful apple tree with a pyramid-shaped crown. Frost resistance and excellent plant immunity are its competitive advantages. The fruits can be harvested by the end of September, and they will be stored for almost the entire spring. Quite large fruits have a regular rounded slightly elongated shape. The skin is covered with a light red blush under the sun. The flesh of the apple is firm, greenish, fine-grained.

The fruits of "Berkutovsky" appear after the fourth year of the seedling's life on the site. The tree grows medium tall with a branched crown. The plant is very unpretentious: it withstands severe cold and summer periods drought. In addition, it has good resistance to diseases and pests. The tree bears fruit steadily and every year. Apples grow large, round, with deep red stripes on a greenish-yellow tint of the skin.

The pulp is pale yellow, juicy, high density. Graininess is slightly noticeable with a sweet taste with a slight acidity. An additional advantage of this variety is the good preservation of the fruit.

The name of the variety "Bogatyr" speaks for itself. The tree grows powerful with a wide crown. It enters the fruitful phase late, only by the seventh year, but it produces a crop every year. Fruits have good marketability and excellent preservation throughout the winter and spring. Apples of medium size have a flattened shape with ribs. Fruits with pale green skin have white, juicy flesh. The taste of the fruit is pleasant, refreshing sweet with sourness.

The "Bolotovsky" variety has high yields while maintaining excellent quality without sacrificing quantity. A tall tree has a regular round shape branching. Excellent plant survives the winter and shows good immune qualities. The fruits ripen in September and can lie almost all winter. It is important to remove the fruits in time, as they ripen at the same time and can crumble. Apples are large, have a flattened shape with a noticeable ribbing. The peel is medium density, yellow-green. The flesh is greenish, juicy and quite firm. The taste of fruits is classic, sweet with a sour tint.

"Bratchud" - an interesting view dwarf apple tree with a flat crown. Differs in acceptable characteristics of resistance to diseases and cold resistance. For him, infection with scab is dangerous under poor environmental conditions. The fruits appear on the tree by the third year of growth. The culture is able to give high yields every season. The preservation of fruits is good and exceeds four months. Medium-sized fruits are slightly elongated from a rounded shape. Under the yellow-greenish skin is white flesh. Apples of the "Bratchud" variety are juicy, crispy, with a coarse-grained pulp structure.

The classic variety "Bryansk" is ideal for almost any gardener. It has excellent marketability and is suitable for all types of canning and fresh consumption. A tree of medium height grows a not very dense crown. Winter hardiness, good immunity and low shedding of apples make Bryansky a favorite of experienced gardeners. The disadvantage of the variety is the susceptibility to fruit rot.

The fruiting of the tree is early - already from the third year after planting, and stable. Fruit can be stored until the end of winter. The fruits are very large, usually with an average weight of over 200 grams. They have the correct shape with a slight ribbing. Apples are green with bright white flesh, juicy, with a sweet and sour taste.

High-yielding "Venyaminovsky" has tall trees with a crown of medium density. The variety is frost and disease resistant. Apples ripen in mid-September and can be stored until the end of January. Large fruits have a flat-conical shape, slightly oblique, with ribs. Green apple with a red tint with white coarse-grained pulp, quite juicy, sweet in taste with the presence of sourness.

Medium-high "Veteran" has a rounded branching shape, quite compact. Frost resistance and resistance to diseases in the variety are average. Four years pass from the moment of planting to the appearance of the first fruits. The fruits ripen throughout September and are stored until spring. With a small size, the plant has a very high yield with good care. Apples weighing 90-120 grams have a slightly flattened shape. Yellow-green fruits have a delicate, juicy taste, very pleasant, without granularity. A feature of "Veteran" is the tendency to shed leaves with a lack of moisture.

Weeping "Vita" is medium high, with a thinned crown. The variety has an acceptable yield and high frost resistance, the plant is not affected by scab. In the first half of September, apples ripen, which can remain intact until the beginning of spring. Apples of the correct form, slightly flattened, have a mass of about 130 grams. Under the green skin there is a white, hard pulp with a lot of juice.

The high-yielding "Vityaz" is characterized by a weeping type tree. The large size of the plant provides it with good winter hardiness and excellent immunity to most fruit diseases. The fruits fully ripen by October and are stored until the end of spring. Apples about 120 grams in size have an elongated cone shape. The yellow-green strong skin contributes to preservation and makes it possible to transport fruits over considerable distances. The flesh of the fruit is whitish, juicy, traditional sweet and sour in taste.

The dessert taste of the Cherry variety attracts the attention of many gardeners to small-sized apple trees of a familiar shape. Resistance to frost and disease in apple trees is average. The fruits ripening in early autumn are well preserved and can lie in the refrigerator until the end of winter. Greenish-yellow apples with white juicy flesh have a fine grained texture. Their taste and aroma are very expressive, sweet.

A tall tree of the Asterisk variety with a growing crown requires regular pruning, as over time the fruits begin to shrink on old branches. The grade has good frost-resistant qualities and immunity from diseases, resistance against wreckers. The fruits appear at 5-6 years of tree growth. "Asterisk" is valued for the high taste properties of fruits and their long shelf life. Apples taken in September can lie until spring.

Fruits of medium size have a flattened shape and a ribbed surface. The skin is yellow, slightly greenish, with a red blush when exposed to the sun. The pulp is very juicy, with a slight graininess and a pleasant sweet taste with a slight sourness.

How to choose a tree for different regions?

The choice of the optimal variety for a certain region is justified by its regionalization. It is of paramount importance along with the characteristics required by the gardener from the tree. So, for the Urals and Siberia, varieties are chosen that can survive temperature extremes and frosts below -30 degrees. In the southern regions great importance will have the ability of the plant to tolerate short-term drought. When choosing a seedling, it is also important to consider the purpose of the fruit and the expected taste.

Yes, for the Moscow region the best varieties there will be Papirovka, Moscow Grushovka, Mironchik. Good reviews from experienced breeders have also earned "Bryansk", "Autumn striped". These varieties differ in acceptable characteristics for frost resistance.

Important qualities of apple trees will be good immunity (especially to fungal diseases in changeable summer weather) and low fruit shedding. All of them are fast-growing and give high yields.



Stable yields and tolerance to harsh winters are important for trees that will be cultivated beyond the Urals. High frost-resistant characteristics have varieties "Legend", "Candy", "Stark Earliest". They safely survive winters thanks to the powerful root system of well-developed plants. Important for natural conditions region and precocity combined with high yields. Such requirements correspond to the varieties "Bogatyr", "Bryansky", "Tambovsky", "Uralets".

Regardless of the region, all gardeners want to get high yields in the shortest possible time. New varieties of apples meet most of the requirements and provide a stable harvest even with not very careful care.

When choosing a variety, it is important to purchase a quality seedling with the right characteristics. Then Orchard will delight for many decades with ripe, juicy fruits.

For more information on apple varieties, see the following video.

About 400 varieties of apple trees are listed in the State Register. And if you add local, new or outdated, but still living in our gardens, then the list will turn out to be impressive. What varieties are the most common?

Each region has its favorites. We have compiled a kind of top 5 most popular varieties for central Russia different term maturation. We also offer an alternative - less common, but noteworthy varieties.

Number 1.Pouring white- an old local early summer variety, the very first apple of the season, ripens from the beginning of July.

Dessert tender loose sweet-sour pulp is to many tastes, fruits weighing 80-110 g. The variety is distinguished by high winter hardiness. Fruiting is sharply periodic. Years with a plentiful harvest usually bring problems - apples are stored for no more than two weeks, their transportability is poor. Scab infects trees, especially in wet years.

Number 2.Melba- unsurpassed in popularity Canadian variety.

It belongs rather to late summer or even early autumn, the fruits ripen in mid-September. He deserved popular love for his sweet and sour taste, his snow-white juicy flesh has a strong pleasant aroma. The fruits are medium (weight - 80-120 g). Apples are stored for 1-2 months. The tree is winter-hardy, fruitful, with high self-fertility. The disadvantages of the variety include the frequency of fruiting and the susceptibility to scab. The fruits do not ripen at the same time and quickly crumble.

Summer varieties - an alternative

Arkadik- early summer domestic variety (VSTISP, Moscow), capable of competing with southern summer varieties. Juicy, sweet with barely noticeable sourness, the pulp has a strong aroma.

The fruits are medium and large (weight - from 80 to 180 g). The tree is vigorous, fast growing, winter-hardy. It grows reliably in the Moscow region and northern regions of central Russia. The variety is resistant to scab.

Mantet- late summer variety of Canadian origin.

Creamy (under the skin - pink) tender juicy flesh with a sour-sweet taste and strong aroma. Fruits of medium size (about 130 g), do not ripen at the same time, the period of their consumption is about a month. The apple tree is winter-hardy, fruitful, early-growing, resistant to scab. The disadvantages include the susceptibility to powdery mildew, the poor transportability of fruits (they are stored after removal for no more than 15 days) and the frequency of fruiting.

In memory of Tikhomirov- late-summer fruitful variety (Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov), ripens in the second half of August.

The fruits are large (weight - 100-150 g) sweet and sour. The pulp is juicy, creamy, medium density, prickly, fine-grained. The apple tree is medium-sized, begins to bear fruit in the 6th year. The variety is self-fertile, resistant to scab, winter-hardy.

Number 3. autumn striped, also known as Shtreifling, or even Strifel, is a popular autumn Baltic variety of folk selection.

Dense, tender, juicy, slightly yellowish flesh of these apples has a pleasant light wine flavor. The fruits are above average size (weight - 120 g), ripen at the end of August, have good transportability, can be stored until mid-November. The plant is winter-hardy, fruitful, resistant to scab. Gardeners should take into account that the tree of this variety is vigorous, it begins to bear fruit in the 7-9th year.

Autumn varieties - an alternative

Zhigulevskoe- a late autumn variety created at the Kuibyshev Horticulture Experimental Station.

Apples ripen in mid-September, can be stored until February. Large fruits (weight - 150-200 g) with creamy dense juicy sweet-sour pulp with a pleasant aroma. The tree is winter-hardy, medium-sized, fruitful. The variety is self-infertile (the best pollinators are Antonovka ordinary, Cinnamon new), weakly resistant to scab, prone to periodic fruiting.

Oryol striped- autumn variety (All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crops Breeding, Orel), ripening in early September.

The fruits are stored until the beginning of December. The pulp is white with a cream shade, fine-grained, tender, very juicy and aromatic. The taste is sweet and sour. The fruits are large or above average size (weight - 130 g). The trees are fruitful, fast-growing, with regular fruiting. The variety is relatively resistant to scab, winter hardiness is average (for the conditions of the Oryol region - above average).

Number 4.Antonovka ordinary- an old local Central Russian variety of late autumn or early winter consumption (listed as early winter in the State Register).

The fruits ripen in mid-September and are stored for up to 2-3 months. The pulp is juicy, coarse-grained, white, with some excess of acid (and a high content of vitamin C) and a unique aroma. The fruits are large (weight - 125-170 g). The tree is winter-hardy, vigorous, productive. The disadvantages include sharply periodic fruiting, poor transportability of fruits, susceptibility to scab and codling moth.

Number 5. Bogatyr- a winter variety created in Michurinsk.

The fruits ripen in late September - early October, can be stored until May, have good transportability. The pulp is dense, slightly juicy, crispy, white, with a sweet and sour taste and a pleasant aroma. The fruits are large (average weight - 175 g, maximum - up to 350 g). The tree is productive, tall, characterized by medium winter hardiness and resistance to scab.

Winter varieties - an alternative

Orlik- winter variety (All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crops Breeding, Orel).

The fruits are harvested in the first half of September, at which point they are ready for consumption and can be stored until March. Dense fine-grained very juicy pulp has a strong aroma and harmonious sweet and sour taste. Medium-sized fruits (90-100 g). The trees are quite winter-hardy, medium-sized. The variety is early-growing, fruitful, moderately resistant to scab, differs in the frequency of fruiting.

Sinap orlovsky- late winter variety (All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crops Breeding, Orel).

The fruits are harvested at the end of September, but consumer ripeness begins in November and continues until the end of April. The flesh is greenish-creamy, very juicy, prickly, has a good taste, harmonious combination acids and sugars, weak aroma. Fruits of medium and large size (weight - 120-150 g). The trees are quite winter-hardy, vigorous, fruiting is regular, moderate. The variety is relatively resistant to scab.

The subtleties of cleaning and storage

It is not easy to grow an apple crop, but it can be more difficult to maintain it. Fruits for long-term storage are harvested in dry weather, only by hand and with great care. It is unacceptable to shake off apples from trees; broken fruits are not stored. They are harvested along with the stem. Do not remove apples by pulling them down, unscrewing or pulling. This leads to breakage or tearing of the stalks and breakage of fruit twigs.

Most varieties of apples are best stored at temperatures close to zero and humidity of 90-95%. At lower humidity, the fruits begin to fade (the skin becomes wrinkled). Sharp fluctuations in temperature during high humidity air leads to the appearance of moisture on the surface of the fruit, which leads to their mass decay.

enemy forces

Not only gardeners love to eat apples. One of the main enemies of the summer resident - apple codling moth. The main protection measures are cleaning, collection and destruction of dead bark in autumn or early spring, the use of trapping belts, constant collection and processing of carrion during the summer. Amateur gardeners often use roaming Apple juice, which, in addition to the codling moth, also attracts moths, scoops and other insects.

apple flower beetle deprives many summer residents not only of the harvest, but even of the joy of admiring the spring flowering of trees. It is necessary to start protecting the garden from the apple flower beetle in early spring - trapping glue belts are applied to the trunk. Beetles are shaken off the branches during the swelling of the buds before the inflorescences come forward. The procedure should be carried out early in the morning at air temperature

Not higher than 8-10°C, then the beetles are inactive. It successfully replaces the chemical treatment against apple beetle.

The most harmful disease of the apple tree is considered scab, which reduces the yield and generally weakens the tree. When laying a garden, it is worth choosing modern, disease-resistant varieties. The main preventive measure is cleaning the affected leaves after they have fallen from the garden; they can be burned, buried, composted. Soil surface treatment after leaf fall and tree crowns with concentrated solutions mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content (7% urea solution or 10% ammonium nitrate solution) significantly accelerates leaf mineralization, and the dormant stage of the pathogen does not have time to form. But in years favorable for the development of scab, and on varieties susceptible to the disease, it is impossible to cope with the disease without the use of fungicides.

For the middle band, an apple is the most common fruit. Different varieties of apple trees can be seen in every garden. Fruits have a pleasant sweet or sweet-sour taste, contain a wide range of health benefits and, most importantly, are accessible to the general population. For beekeepers, various types of apple trees are of particular value - they are one of the very first honey plants, and the abundance of their flowering is a decisive factor in the first harvest.

All varieties of apples are divided into 3 main categories according to the ripening time: summer, autumn and winter. Each group of plants has its own distinctive characteristics, and their fruits - various terms storage and quality assurance. This allows professional gardeners and amateurs to obtain marketable products with a variety of properties in one garden, and to do this throughout the summer-autumn season.

Summer varieties of apples: description and photo

Apples from this category ripen first - in July-August, they are a valuable source of vitamins and microelements, very juicy and contain a lot of sugars. The main disadvantage is poor keeping quality. That is why these apples are meant to be eaten fresh or juiced.

It is the most common and favorite among the early varieties in the post-Soviet space. It is often confused with Papirovka, which was obtained from the White Filling by Baltic breeders.

An adult apple tree has an average height (4-5 m) and a pyramidal crown. Over the years, it tends to expand in breadth. Differs in high winter hardiness, good fructification shows for the 5th year. A characteristic feature is large white or pinkish flowers.

The fruits are characterized by low keeping quality - 2-3 weeks, so they are poorly transported. The pulp is loose, tender, coarse-grained; when overripe, apples quickly become unusable. The ripening period is the beginning of August, apples are among the first to appear on the market.

It belongs to varieties of early breeding, it has good indicators of winter hardiness, as well as resistance to diseases and pests. Color buds are also resistant to cold. The height of an adult tree does not exceed 4-5 m, and the crown is round-oval and lush.

The first fruits can be eaten in early August, although they remain marketable for only 2-3 weeks. The taste of apples is sweet and sour, and the fruits themselves are conical in shape with characteristic wide ribs. The color is greenish-yellow, without blush. Due to the loose juicy pulp, they have increased trauma and are poorly transported.

The main advantages of Papirovka are early fruiting and ripening, and the disadvantages are poor transportability, frequency of fruiting, and the absence of integumentary color in apples.

The homeland of apple trees of this variety is Canada, however, due to the similarity of climatic conditions, it has taken root perfectly in the middle lane. It has average winter hardiness and begins to actively bear fruit in the 5th-6th season. The tree has a rounded crown and medium height.

The fruits of Melba are medium and large in size, wider towards the base. They have a cover color - a red striped blush. The taste of apples is sweet and sour, with a candy aftertaste and very juicy pulp. They ripen by the end of summer, they are stored for only a month, but the transportability indicators are not bad.

The main advantages of Melba - high performance yield and precocity, disadvantages - susceptibility to scab disease and periodic fruiting.

The apple tree is different tall and flat-round crown. The terms of active fruiting begin from the 3-4th season, and the main advantage is that Early sweet does not take breaks. The maturation period is earlier than that of Papirovka, by about 10 days.

Apples are round or flat-round, with a slightly yellowish color. The flesh is white, mostly sweet in taste. It transports well, although the resistance to injury is low.

The main advantages of Early sweet are good disease resistance, adaptation to temperature changes, the absence of periodicity in active fruiting, and excellent yields.

A variety widely distributed in the Central, Northern, Ural and a number of other regions. Apple trees are characterized by high growth, wide pyramidal (in young) or spherical (in adult trees) crown.

Grushovka Moscow bears fruit every year by the beginning of August, however, the fruits have poor transportability. Apples are small, light white in color, with juicy and sweet-sour pulp. the consumer period lasts 2-3 weeks. Due to uneven ripening, the fruits may crumble.

The advantages of the variety are the early period of fruit ripening, excellent yield characteristics, resistance to low temperatures. The main disadvantages are non-simultaneous ripening of fruits, their small size and not marketable condition.

This cultivar is also of Canadian origin and is distinguished by the average size of mature trees. The crown is quite sparse, oval in shape, with strong skeletal branches that are directed upwards.

Mantet begins to actively bear fruit in season 4-5 and brings the harvest by the beginning of August. The fruits are medium in size, have a round-oblong shape with a basic yellowish and red integumentary color. The taste of apples is sweet, with a slight sourness, the variety belongs to dessert. The pulp is juicy, white.

The main advantages of Mantet are the dessert taste of apples and early (end of July) ripening. With an average winter hardiness, the variety is susceptible to scab disease, and the yield decreases with age. If a good harvest, then the fruits become small and lose their presentation.

The homeland of the variety is the Baltic countries, but today Malinovka grows throughout the entire central strip of Russia. Mature trees are distinguished by medium height, a spherical dense crown, and dark-colored branches raised upwards.

Seedlings begin to bear fruit in the 6-8th season, at a young age they bring a crop annually, as they grow older, periodicity is observed. The fruits are large and medium, most often conical and flattened, with clearly visible ribbing. The main color is straw-yellow or greenish-yellow, the integument is a pink blush with bright red stripes. The pulp is sweet and sour, white or with pinkish streaks.

The advantages of the variety include excellent presentation and dessert taste. Disadvantages - poor winter hardiness, low yield, poor transportability.

Description of autumn varieties of apples

Autumn varieties are characterized by later maturation (September) and better performance during storage and transportation. They can already retain their quality characteristics until the middle of winter (depending on the characteristics of the variety).

This variety is also known as Shtrifel or Shtreifling. The trees have a slightly drooping flat-spherical powerful crown. They differ in increased requirements for humidity, they can freeze slightly if the summer was dry. However, they have good recovery abilities.

During the period of active fruiting, the trees enter the 7-8 season, and the highest yields are shown after another 4 years. Large blunt-conical fruits have a small funnel and a striped blush on a light yellow background. The pulp is coarse-grained, slightly pinkish, with a good taste.

Advantages of a grade: a good trade dress and average transportability, high productivity. Disadvantages: late fruiting, demanding on moisture.

Variety of folk selection, one of the oldest types of autumn apples. Tall trees have a broom-shaped or wide-pyramidal crown, which in adult trees turns into hanging branches. The variety is distinguished by average yields and a late period of the onset of fruiting.

The fruits are small or medium, have a flattened turnip shape, with small lobes or no ribs at all. The yellow or greenish base color is covered with dark red stripes and speckles. The pulp is sour-sweet with a slight cinnamon flavor, has a dense and delicate texture, sometimes with pink streaks.

The advantages of the variety include high rates of fruit marketability and excellent winter hardiness. Disadvantages: late start of the fruiting period, average yield, possible damage to the trunk at high yields (rupture due to the presence of branches at an acute angle).

The variety is also known under the names Anise red, Anise velvet, Anise morocco. The homeland of the variety is the Volga region, where even today it is one of the most common. Tall vigorous trees have a broad pyramidal crown at a young age. Later, it acquires a spherical shape and thins out. The first period of active fruiting falls on the 4-5th season, the trees bear fruit annually. however, periodicity appears with age.

The fruits are of medium or slightly smaller size, turnip or flattened shape, a blush of dark red color is uniform almost over the entire surface. The taste of apples is sweet and sour, with a strong aroma, the pulp is juicy, fine-grained, white.

The advantages of the variety include high productivity and ecological adaptability, good taste and transportability, excellent presentation. Disadvantages: frequency of fruiting in mature trees, susceptibility to powdery mildew, the average size fruits.

Also applies to varieties of folk selection. Got wide use in the southern and central regions of the country. Even an adult tree has an average height and the size of a rounded crown with rare main branches. The fruiting period begins in the 5-6th season, and every year the yield increases: at 10 years - 60-80 kg, at 25-30 - 150-200 kg.

The fruits are medium and large, regular almost chiseled shape. Against the background of the main yellowish or light green color, they are covered with a striped blush almost everywhere. The taste is sweet and sour, with pronounced sourness. The pulp is dense, juicy, slightly rough.

The main advantages of the variety: high yield and winter hardiness, good adaptability to environmental conditions, excellent presentation, early fruiting period. Disadvantages: exactingness to moisture, mediocre taste of apples, frequency of fruiting that occurs with age.

It belongs to the late autumn varieties, distributed in the central regions of Russia. Seedlings are fast-growing and form an unthickened wide-pyramidal or highly rounded crown. The fruiting period begins in the 5th-6th season, even in adulthood the trees rarely rest, the periodicity does not always occur.

The fruits are large, flat-round or regular rounded, rarely have wide ribs, sometimes there are tubercles. The main color is yellowish, with an integumentary bright striped blush, sometimes covering the entire surface. The taste is sweet and sour, the pulp is tender coarse-grained.

The main advantages include: high yield and marketability of apples, precocity, the possibility of using for intensive cultivation. Disadvantages: average resistance to frost.

It is a hybrid obtained as a result of selection (cultivars Welsey and Cinnamon Striped). Widely distributed in the central regions of the middle lane. Mature trees grow tall and have a rounded dense crown. The period of main fruiting begins already in the 4-5th season and continues annually. The variety has a high yield: a 20-year-old tree produces up to 150 kg of beautiful apples.

The fruits are slightly conical of medium size, have a golden-green base color, covered with a solid bright red blush. Sweet and sour pulp with a spicy aroma and medium density is distinguished by juiciness and a delicate taste.

Advantages: high productivity and winter hardiness, lack of periodicity in fruiting, resistance to scab, excellent marketability of apples. Disadvantages: skeletal branches grow at an acute angle to the trunk, which can lead to injury, weak branching of seedlings.

Winter types of apples

In the garden, a professional gardener must have winter varieties apple trees. After all, these varieties, despite the late ripening (October), are distinguished by excellent winter hardiness, excellent keeping quality of fruits (almost until spring) and good yields. However, such indicators are not easy to achieve - winter varieties require careful soil care, timely fertilization, minimal pruning and other "energy-saving" agricultural practices.

The variety is the result of the selection of an outstanding Ukrainian gardener and is widely distributed throughout southern regions Russia and Ukraine. The tree is of medium height and has a spreading, wide-rounded crown with dense branches. Fruiting in full occurs at 5-6 years and occurs annually in young trees.

The fruits are medium and large, have a flat-round or round-conical shape, slightly asymmetric. The surface is smooth and even, light or bright green. The presence of warty formations (up to 2-3 pieces) about 7 mm in size is the main feature of the variety. The taste is wine-sweet, with a spicy aftertaste, juicy pulp has a delicate structure.

The main advantages of Renet Simirenko: long shelf life of apples, high yields, good resistance to drought and winds, excellent commodity indicators of apples. Disadvantages: poor resistance to cold, susceptibility to diseases, periodicity in fruiting.

It belongs to the early winter varieties of folk selection. A tall tree with an oval or spherical (with age) crown. It is distinguished by a late fruiting period - in the 7-8th season, with a subsequent periodicity. It has high productivity: 200 kg/ha. In some trees, the yield reached 0.5 and even 1 ton.

The fruits are large or medium, of different shapes: from round and flattened-round to conical. Color - greenish-yellow, during storage becomes yellow with a slight uneven blush. The taste is sweet and sour (closer to sour), the flesh is juicy and dense with a yellowish tinge.

The main advantages of Antonovka vulgaris: good adaptation to low t, rich yields, excellent marketability of apples, the ability to use in any form. Disadvantages: frequency of fruiting, deterioration of taste during long-term storage.

It is the result of selection when crossing varieties Antonovka and Welsey. Distributed in the territory of central Russia. The tall tree has a wide spreading dense crown. Seedlings bring full-fledged plentiful harvests already for the 6-7th season. In subsequent years, the yield increases rapidly.

The fruits are large, regular flattened-round shape. The main greenish-yellow color has a blurred dark red cover. The taste is sweet and sour with a spicy aftertaste. The pulp is juicy, has an average density and a light green color.

Advantages: excellent indicators of winter hardiness and productivity, disease resistance, high commercial qualities of apples, good keeping quality (until April).

The result of selection based on Antonovka vulgaris and Renet Landsberg. A vigorous tree has a spreading rare crown. Full-fledged harvests can be obtained from the 6th-7th season almost without interruption.

The fruits are medium and large, have a round-oval shape, well-marked ribs. The main color is yellow (in unripe apples it is greenish), a bright red blush is spilled on top. The taste is pleasant (sweet-sour), the flesh is dense and white.

Advantages: excellent yield, disease resistance, good adaptation to low temperatures, excellent keeping quality (257 days). Disadvantages: average external marketability of apples.

The variety was obtained by sowing the seeds of the King variety with free pollination in 1961. The trees are not very high in height, and the crown is formed in the form of a ball with an average thickening of the branches. Active fruiting is observed from the 4th-5th season, the average yield is up to 80 kg, with a constant increase (reaches 220 kg / ha).

The fruits are medium, slightly flattened, with a smooth, shiny skin. The main color is from yellowish green to golden orange with a coating in the form of specks and stripes of orange-pink. Apples have a delicate sweet and sour taste, and the pulp is dense and juicy.

Advantages: high yields, early maturity, excellent commercial qualities of apples, immunity to diseases, the possibility of growing in an intensive way. Disadvantages: the condition of good moisture supply (if there is a lack, premature shedding of foliage is possible).

All species diversity of different varieties can be classified according to several other features:

  • Depending on growth: vigorous (Gift to the Count, Arkadik, Cinnamon striped), medium-sized (Jonathan, Renet Simirenko, Melrose), undersized or dwarf (Wonderful, Grounded, Sokolovskoye);
  • Crown shape: sprawling (Chosen one, Zelenka juicy, Amber), columnar (Gin, Barguzin, Arbat), weeping (Royal Beauty, Weeping);
  • At the beginning of the fruiting period: early-fruited (Beforest, Papirovka, Stark Erliest), medium-fruited (Aport Alexander, Tambovskoye, Kutuzovets), late-fruited (Babushkino, Shtreifling);
  • Fruit size: small-fruited (Long, Kitaika Saninskaya, Ranetka purple), medium-fruited (Aboriginal, Loiko, Pavlusha), large-fruited (Zaryanka, Persianka, Oryol woodland), very large-fruited (Apple Spas, Wax, Borovinka, Kandil synap).

To get stable yields of tasty and beautiful apples, as well as provide bees with a good harvest, choose zoned varieties that have already adapted to your area and show good yields in a short time.
